HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-03-13, Page 18• p isvis),( ,7km7,-%:14t;—,trritutg, , ARE FOUR -THE MUSKETEER Well, Irn back to normal Last week I wrote a coitnn. which must havii made faithful Naders., belie.ve I was Other taken with drink, or breaking down mentally. It was full of joy and good spirits, lookfng on the' bright side; and reveal.' ing silver linings. It's a great relief to me,. and 'it must be to you, to go back to normal. Last week- was a brief mental abberration. This week, UM back. to my old .sane, snar- ly, misanthi•opic •self: the man my wife calls "Old Stonefacei." What I propose to do- today is act as 'your alter -ego, the brooding, dark self that is hid- den behind your bright, sunny exterior. Em going to let...you take out your aggressions, vi- cariously, through mine. 111 list what I despise and detestin our society. 'SenW in your own special b6cfs, we'll keep the column going for months. Everybody hates something. There is no particular. order to these items. My venom' ex- tends with equal.. virulence to each. First. Non • returnable, bot- tles. I know. The 01C1 DUOS v ere bad enougoh, cluttering up shelves and basement floors until you -had a car load. It was a.haliday's work to take thein back to the store and hale over them, because the storo said the Y didn't sell this brand or tictot., But you could 'get rid of them. Andfor kids, they \\ere, in. many instances, their sole source of income. Many a Sat- urday I spent as a boy, search- ing -ditches for miles, and com- ing home with 32 cents for a day's .work. The non -returnable bottle is about as easy to get rid of as chronic arthritis. I demand that their manufacturers give every customer, free'', a plastic bucket, filled with a solution which will 'Instantly dissolve the cursed things when -they're dropped into it. - .The, same goes for cans that .hold drinks, whether beer or pop. In ten years, you won't be able to step on a piece of nature south. of the Arctic,Cir- cle withont.twisting your anile On an empty beer -can:, Next. Long-distance dial tele- phone calls. A few years ago,. you gave your nuMber' to good old operator, and within a rea- sonable time, you got your par- ty, or didn't. On the do-it-yourself plan, ith a string of digits as long as your leg, anything can hap- pen. A friend of mine called his son in Montreal the other night. He didn't have his glasses on, and wound up tails- ing to the secretary. of the - Sheep Breeders' Association in Auckland, New Zealand. How about zippers? Great invention, but it -should have been strangled at birth. What ever happened to the good old button? Every time I- tangle with a zipper, whether it's on my galoshes or my fly, there is a moment of sheer, cold appre- hensiOn. Often it's justified "and there 1 am with my galosh- es flopping around like a pair of drunken crows. Politicians. Not all of them. Only those who promise to hold the line on expenses. while providing better serv- ices. And then do the opposite. Taxes. The rich are hit hard, hut have enough left to avoid star.\ ation. The poor pay none, or very little. It's the middle- income bird who gets it where it hurts. One of these days, I'm off to Bermuda, where "taxes" is a dirty word.. Social slavery. We know that as individuals, we have free will. But wee are strangled with so many regulations and tradi- tions and pressure's that our free will becomes a broken - winged bird in a cage tasteful- ly decorated with red:tape and ridiculosity. Love. If there's anything that turns my stomach, it is people whopreachlove„ in. *eluding hippies, and spend most of their time.telling you about all the people and things they hate. Hate. -How can people hate other people? Yet they. do. I hate but I can't remember ever hating a person in my life. Lots of people are despicable, contemptible, malicious .or just. plain • boring. But you don't hate them. You pity, them. I 1-lte'hate, and there's lots of it around. O.K., chaps. It's your turn. Let's hear from you. This is :hate week. Shrimp puff casserole „INGREDIENTS: 4 cups soft enriched bread crumbs 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/8 teaspoon paprika 3 eggs, beaten 2 cups milk 11/2 cups chopped, cooked shrimp 4 whole cooked shrimp for garnish '2 tablespoons chopped green pepper METHOD: Combine soft enriched bread crumbs, salt, pepper, paprika, beaten eggs, milk and chopped shrimp mixture into each greased individual casserole. Place a whole shrimp and The Stratford National Theatre production of The Three Musketeers, transferred from the stage of The Stratford Festival to the CBC -TV network's'Festival series, is a two-hour color special to be seen on Wednesday, March 19. A dramatization of the famous Alexandre Dumas novel, this swashbuckling'romantic tale tells of the adventures of four, not three, musketeers ---(left to right) D'Artagnan as played by Kenneth Welsh; Athos portrayed by Powys Ttl'omas; Porthos, James Blendick; and Aramis, Colin Fox. D'Artagnan, the hero of the story, becomes a musketeer, joining the original three during the course of action. Saramae Endich shows great • artistry in community concert By Lorne Dotterer, ,‘ The Goderich Community Concert Association presented Saramae Endich, soprano, at the GDCI ' auditorium, Tuesday, evening, March 4. In the first' part of her program, .Miss Endich showed great artistry. Her voice had an • excellent quality on the highs and in the mezzo -forte range of dynamics. When she came to the minor section of Bach's "If Thou Be Neal," there was a darkening of the tone which showed superior technique. This technique' was also shown in Mozart's "Alleluja" from the "ExcultateJubilate." Here could be heard a range in dynamics frpm pianissimo assai to fortissimo. The huge .jumps — one of them a twelfth —:and the Nurses' refresher course planned A nurses' refresher course ig to be held in London and area from March 25 to May 2. The colIM is co-sponsored by the Ontario Hospital Association, the Ontario chopped green pepper over; top_ ,Hospital Services Commission of each casserole. Set casseroles and the Registered Nurses' in a pan of Warm water. Oven—As&c-iatiorr of Ontario. poach in a hot oven -(400 F) for Ftirther information may be thirty minutes. . otitained by writing to the R. N. YIELD: •, A.�, 33 Prince Street, Toronto 4 Shrimp Puff Casseroles, : 5. ATTENTION FARMERS. \ \\\,\ \k\\ \\ \\\ \\\\ \\ 0 rtle r Eaily Anci Make 4. Ilig Savings Now! ON: SEED OATS - SEED BARLEY —MIXED- GRAIN- -,C-Ki-V-ER--SEED---- & GRASS SEED ALSO: -FOR EVERY 10 BU. OF SEED CORN •ITZESI2417173157VRIEF \\\\\ \ fintThrinrwmfir. Etrann,lommemon SC) ,HURRY- - WE STULL HAVE •SEED OATS - SEED BARLEY, CORN & BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE ER SUPPIAIED WITHCONTRACTS (HECK OUR FERTILIZER. PRICES ON: 8 - 32 - 16 6 - 24 - 24 18 - 46 - 0 13 - 52 -0 5 - 20 - 10 Potash & Aero Prills BEFORE YOU BUY . GIVE US A TRY „Gjbamson_ ,s8,Sons Ltd. telephone' 2624527 HENSA11.1. trills, were very well executed by Miss Endich. Richard Foster, her accompanist, did an excellent job. He could have used more volume in the support of Miss. Endich's highs and, was rhythmically strict. However, it was extremely pleasant - to be able to hear the singer. Mr. Foster really knows his job and performed it well. • \‘1/4\\ We feel that Miss Endich really flowered in the Puccini. "Un Bel Di," from "Madame Butf6rfly," received . a very thoughtful interpretation. The recitative style sections, which are usually rather flat and uninteresting, were made vital by this performer. "Musetta's Waltz,VaAthe final encore, from Pticcini's'98 Boheme" was the highlight of the evening. Food outlook for March Econbmics Branch Canada Department of Agriculture BEEF — With plentiful supplieS and strong. , demand, little change' in prices Is expected. PORK — Prices are expected to hold steady. CHICKEN Prices wilf likely remain firm due to strong red meat prices; suppliers of broilers and roasters will be relatively .large. TURKEY — Turkeys of all weights will also be in good supply. EGGS — Prices are likely to advance slightly in late March. ,Large and extra large will remain the best buys. APPLES AND PEARS — Prices -Will continue steady with moderate supplies. POTATOES — Ample supplies will keep prices low. CARROTS AND ONIONS — Due to heavy supplies prices are likely to remain unchanged. RUTABAGAS — Plentiful, supplies at low prices: HOTHOUSE RHUBARB — Good supplies with prices higher tin last year. HOTHOUSE CUCUMBERS — Moderate supplies of cucumbers will be available but prices 'wilt be higher than last year. • WINO 524-9181 SOUTH : ,EN P ..BODY t,. I -13 ORGANIZATION MEETINGS, Lucknow 4-H Calf Club; Dungannon ffl Beef Calf Club; Dungannon 4-H Dairy Calf Club; Lucknow 4-H Grain Corn Club; at Ashfield Central School, Monday, March 17th, 1969, 2:15 p.m. Blyth-Belgrave 4-H Beef Calf Club; Blyth 4-H Dairy Calf • Club; Blyth 441 Grain Corn Club; at Blyth Memorial Hall, Tuesday, March 18th, 2:15 p.m. _ Huron 'County Hog Producer's' 4-11 Swine Club — Gilt . and Market Hog; at 0.D.A. F Board Rdbm, Clinton, Wednesday,. March 19th, 8:30 p.m. Enrolment for special 4-H clubs such as Engineering, Electric, Tractor, Forage, White Bean, can be made at any' Of the above meetings. ,You may also enroll by sending your application form to , the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, Box 159, Clinton. All boys and girls who have reached their 12th birthday by January 1st, 1969, and have not reached their 21st birthday by December 31st, 1969; are invited to join one " of these clubs. HURON COUNTY 4-H AGRICULTURAL CLUB LEADERS' ASSOCIATION • the Isoonzkroom' that makes light work of heavy cleaning! SPECIAL MARCH VALUE 88 • Compare,at $32.95 Lightweight and powerful. -No hose to connect, no dust bag Mess or bother; Empties like an ashtray. Swivel nozzle captures all the dirt — as simple as sweeping up., BUY NOW AND SAVE ... INSIDE FROSTED Valu. Bulbs Regular 2 for 46' Made by'Gencral LI&Itrie for Canadian Tir. Ftatea 1000. s Your\ h2:•ictas pf 40, • r 1\00\Iktw „ .. Special Purchase! - QUICK CLEAN -,UP SHETLAND -LEMIYT \\\\ usT, M9P •car% 1petAwpef ut4,1a! Pickar\h1siust• Malr\ rid fibre roller\rush s o e - Bo Str turb,\\4etocr shakes clean.long48ard: whirl-aay dirt in a jiffyAl ' deals with deep -down dirt. 11- , Vood handle. Bushy head de- around' bumper pad, swing steel housing, vinyl luimper. taches for cleaning. over handle. 121/2r With vinyl hose, Choice of r,ed, blue Or 8 green )19finish , • . cleaning tools ' wide; turquoise 99 . • 2 -wands and 4- 3888 VACUUM ose \Kit\ durab\s\Piral \ Mastic hos , \aciap- \\ \ ters and tube of adhesive. 4 44 most 4.98 Fits - GET SET FOR SPRING...W1TH HOME HELPERS! • Sleepy- ma rousers in two at.. tractive.designs to grace your bedside. Easy - to - read dials and touch -top button 'Alarm. 1 -year guarantee. 11 . : , . • .01W Save! Power -up tired Flashlights, Radios plc. EVEREADY BATTERIES Your Choice of 'C' or 'D' Cell PENLIGHT BATTERIES - 2 fOr Z17 4 for Rog.2 for .62 49r .Reg.•4 ....... . 4 a wirerTiliairsilt7RgiliT their ast 00 QM:MUM 'LAUNDRY BA-SKET The big one! Popular oval design, 24 x 18 x 101/2" deep Mesh type sides with lift grips. Rugged wash- able Polyethylene. Yolk. choice of harvest -gold or avocado. Washday Special .97 RURIkl. MAIL.iii-OX .7:- ont-Heater---.---,Easy—lron . . "Bonderize " steel construction — , Warm up cold spots. Features finger • ti - complies th government spetifica- 1200 watt thermos- conversion, - easy - tions. Baked enamel finish in alu- , tatically controlled to - read settings. minum. rclosing door, , whisper. fan - forced. Large soleplate and 60 , i ' red flag. 231/2 x '101/2 9 88 14" cycles 120 - volteasy to 16:49rase oir 9.88 Ro tY 'DON'T SKIP THESE SAVINGS! Junior Jumpers SKIPPING ROPE SINGLE all vinvl SKIP -IT Apply for a handy rope and handles ell i" ankle hoop with skip -over DOUBLE ' ,.. rope, cord and plastic bell Get one for • CAN;;CHARGE ':;%.. ..::::•i:2,..2,,:,,,,,m,::::::::::::w,,,,,,,,r,.00,,,i,,,,,,,,,,,N,:,,,,,, Tp Latest Fur -Fad! _ • Ideal for Home or Cottage! -Tir Alienatt- $4,00 SAVE 34.95 Regular 438.95 • Pumps sewage. seepage, flood water etc, 1/3 h.p motor starts and stops, automatically at water level changes. Self-cleaning strainer. Puhiping cap- acity up to 2(,500 Imp. gallons per hour. CAM:1011111 TIRE 49 each Compare at 69' George Knudson signa- ture balls with cut - proof casing; 'up -to -par' for distance and accur- acy. Buy now! EXTRA! Cash and Carry 'j BONUS DOMINIC FOX LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO COUPONS