HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-03-13, Page 3v 4., LOCALSH The WMS of Ashfield Presbyterian Church, met on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. ,Emile MacLennan,. and with other women around the world conducted the World's Day of Prayer Service. The . Explorers, of Ashfield Presbyterian Church met Monday after school for their regular monthly meeting in the •church. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bradley were Messers John BradleY and Harley Nicholson students at the University of Guelph, Miss... Phyllis Bradley and David Todd of Toronto, Visiting Mr. -and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson are Gordon and Jimmie Rogerson of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Macintosh spent the weekend in the Windsor area where ' they visited friends. Recent visitors in Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elphiah and family. Many from the area were in. London during the past week where they attended the Western Ontario Farm show. Among those attending were Messers David, Harold, • and Kenneth E l.phiah, Jim and Niel MacKenzie and JakVerhulst. Miss Florence MacLennon left for Calgary, Alberta from Malton on Monday. Florence will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Pangburn formerly of this area.., Mr,, and Mrs, George. Clark and family who • have been residing in the former Barkwell place • have moved to the Burlington" area where they will make their home. • Mrd. Douglasartyn has.been_ a patiM ent in Kincardine General Hospital for the past week. GODERICH Figure Skating Club DOOR TO DOOR Chocolate Bar Sale 1 SATURDAY, MARCHI5_ ' All junior 1 skaters to seniors not going to Clinton are asked to participate. Meeting at Mrs. Ev M's home at, 133 Nelson St. E., at 9:30 a.m., Saturday. a 'OUTH. OWLING 00MRICH §i0sPar • .A , ThU .SPAT . MARC 131 1,00,$ a , . By Dianne Meriam BANTAM GIRLS High single -- Dale Oke with a good- game of 11. High double --•- Dianne Oke, with a good total of 367.,. BANTAM BOYS High single - John Fisher with a game of 185. High double - John Fisher with a total , of 293. JUNIOR GIRLS High single - Cathy. Hamilton with a game of 206. High double . Cathy Hamilton with a total of390. JUNIOR BOYS High single - Tom Willis with a game of. 203. High double Tom Willis with a total of 356. SENIOR GIRLS High single ; Janet Westbrook with a game of 232. High double - Janet Westbrook with a total of 392. SENIOR BOYS High single - John Willis with.. an excellent game of 285. High double - John Willis with an excellent total of 499. GDCI open house The bell rang, and °the quiet corridors of Goderich .District Collegiate Institute came alive with "students" changing classes. The "students" were parents attending the recent GDCI open • r• $ TRACK' PR-ECQ.RDEE n CARTRIDGE TAPES VARIOUS ARTISTS A $7.05 VALUE FOR ONLY house. Parents were guided from class to class by students, following an abbreviated day's schedule. Coffee and donuts were served in the cafeteria to complete the evening. g. -Staff Photo mumnuuuuouununuuuunuununnuunninnunuunuuumquuunuutrmnunntuunuununununnllnuununuyunnnnnnnnuunnuuuuumuuunuauuu Goderich WI holds March meeting The March meeting of the Goderich Branch of the Women's Institute was held in MacKay Hall, Thursday, March 6 at 2 p.m. with 39 ladies present, including two Visitors. Mrs. Robt. Wilson presided and opened the meeting with singing the Institute Ode. and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect in unison with Mrs. Frank.Hawkins at the piano. The Roll Call was answered by 'payments of fees. M. K. F. Wilkinson read the secretary's report in the absence of Mrs. Jack Cook who is away on holidays. Thank You notes • were received from Mrs. David McMillan and Mrs. Oliver Cook: Mrs. Wilfred' Colclough of Clinton president of West Huron' District of the Women's Institute -will install the officers at the April meeting. A ' letter from Miss Susan Heard re Courses available was discussed and -tabled till the April meeting. Penny Bags will be requested for the Canadian Mental Health Appeal. • Four members .had March Birthdays. Plans were completed •for the Birthdayyarty at Huronview on March 19. There are 17., ladies . and seven men patients having birthdays in March... It was decided to serve tea biscuits, muffins, lam and cheese and birthday cake. ° Lunch committee Mrs. C. Crozier, Mrs. L. Bannister, Mrs. Bert Crawf , '1 trs. G. Inglis, Mrs. A. Straughan, Mrs. K. F. "Wilkinson:'- Nominating Committee are Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. N. Clairmont and Mrs. W. H. Talmay. The Dessert Card Palrty will be held March 26 in' the Legion Hall at 1:30. Bake sale will be at .4 'o'clock. Bake Table Committee will be Mrs: Wm. Sorter, Mrs. N. Clairmont, Mrs. W. H. Talmay and Mrs. Bert Crawford. Card' committee Mrs. Chas. Moore and Mrs. Jack Ryan, Kitchen Committee will' be the branch directors and the special conymittee. Mrs. Jas Thompson, program committee, introduced Mrs. Leonard Warr who sang two solos. Miss Mabel Dixon of the County Health Unit gave a very instructive and interesting talk• on nutrition. " Mrs. Wm. __ Snazel thanked . Miss Dixon • for her very informative address after which a social hour was enjoyed. and tea served by _Mrs. Wm. Suazel and her committee. Mrs. Snazel and Mrs. Wm. Porter conducted the Penny Sale with Mrs. Robt. Wilson making the draws. REGENT T11 �APPLIANCESMUSIC and Your Discount Horne Entertainment Centre 92 South St. Prop. Wm. 0.`Voung 524-7718 THE. 1 OLD,.MILL • .4• LYTH, ONtARIO PHONE 523-9373.. ..: r r - ✓ r Tot FACTORY OUTLET For "GLEN LAINE" Present "HOT. SPOT" Specials Values Available ' Till April 7th MEN'S INDUSTRIAL LEATHER \\ when it comes to announcing a rate increase (the last one was over 15 years ago BLANKETS NEW MONTHLY NET RATES TO_RESIDENTIlAL CUSTOMERS We 'share your feeling about the constant spiralling of costs that for years has been affecting just about, every commodity you can think of. That's why we have constantly been'striving to maintain -a high level of service withoutgiving an inch to inflationary pressures. Effective April •1st, 1969 Kilowattho.ur (KWH) Consumption While it may sound somewhat boa°'stful, our record iri protecting your interests has been highly successful. We've more than held the line for over fifteen year's. In fact, since The last irjcrease in .,a , . at m AIMCLAILIZUMMitansr..,�r :la.e1_n . tho=Le . e..cost per kilowatthourk ire Goderich well below the average for the province. We cannot, however, perform the impossible. Good management cannot absorb all the increases in costs of new power lines, transform& stations, equipment of all kinds, wages, and the power we purchase for you. Some of these costs have to be passed on to our )mers. Despite the inevitable increase, effective April 1st, the average cost of 1.24 cents per kilowatthour will still compare most favourably with the 1.51 cents of 1953. It will still be below thep rovincial average and ampng the lowest 'electrical rates in the world. In short, the biggest bargain iii your family budget is electricity,._ .._ •.� . First 50 KWH Next 200 KWH Cost per KWH. 3.3c 1•.6c f Uirv. UI II, .r IIM1 A p I 1! tr.rmexS�olocsuomers wi • Hydro approved, _ ' - metered electric water. heater) 0.7c All additional KWH 1.0c • Minimum Bill ° WATER RATES The water rates to the .residential customers in Goderich will be increased .50c per month on all bills payable on and after April 1, 1969. Commercial and Industrial water rates will,be° increased 10% on all water bills payable on and after Aprirl, 1969. TYPICAL NET CHARGES BASED ON NEW RATES Monthly. Consumption Monthly Charge 300 KWH • $5.35 450 KWH* $6.25 553 KWH* (Average consumption based on previous year) 750 KWH* $8.35 * With metered water heater. IN ORANGE, BONE, HONEY 39.95 and up OUTLET 95- _.PRI 0., . n ., . ..r w Less "Hot Spot" Special �% Discount - " Of an Extra 10% ..,.,�, q► n• 44. •a • ,