HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-02-27, Page 2QCO►ESICR $ZONAL -STAR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1969 SOR , Varied Events Held An The District: A bouquet of red roses, red heart$ and cupids dt Borated the Auburn Connnunity Memorial Hall when the members of the Women's_ Institute hdld their February meeting. The preside»t, Mrs. Frank Raithby, wag iii charge and welcomed' all. ,Mrs. George Mian -was the pianist. The minutes were accepted • as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig. She also gave the financial statement. MVIrs. Donald Haines reported on the sale of the cook books. The Members voted to -have the short course on weight `control, with' the second choice being window treatment. • It was announced that the new dishes for the hall arrived and the members voted to cater to a'.wedding in the spring. Mrs: Bert Craig was named delegate to the Officers' Conference in Guelph . and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell reported for the card committee and read the thank -you notes. Mrs. Bradnock reported that 18 girls are in the spring 4-H project, Meat„in the Menu. , A piano solo of old' favourite songs was played by Mrs. Jaynes Jackson. The convenor of historical research and current events, Mrs. Fordyce Clark, introduced her guests of the afternoon. She had traced back to her ancestors and found they had come from Scotland, .Germany, Wales and Switzerland. Mrs., William J. Craig read an interesting account of Scotland prepared by Miss Frances Houston. She described the day and evening dress and • !also explained the .tartans and the country., and its customs, Mrs. Gordon Charnney sang a Scottish solo. Mrs. M. R. Roberts was the. next speaker and told about her • native land, Wales. She told aboti't the country which is 136 miles by 96 miles and has two and a quarter million people. 48he spoke of the minerals and the industry found there as well as the historical background. The next 'speaker was Mrs. Walter Schlichting and she described her native country of north .Germany. She told about the country and hardships she endured before coming's to Canada. She' showed pictures of the old and newGermany. S=witzerland was the next _-gauntry _- -and-, _Mrs. _ Clark described the beauty and colour of the mountains, rivers, flowers, tregs, along ' with the old buildings. ,She told• about the crafts and arts which the Swiss people a noted. - She. had a hand -carved music bo' which she played as..a fitting conclusion to°her interesting programme. The collection w as taken by Mrs. Thomas Rrgtntt and Mrs. Gordon Chaiuney-. Thy. rott call- was all.was answered by earth member telling an important eNent that happened the ,year they were born, The Tweedsmuir book report was read by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and :qrs. W. Bradnock as prepared by the curators, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. William Strau-ghanlrs. Oliver Anderson and ' Mrs. Robert • Phillips. A display .of book ande historical data was _ enjoyed by the members. After the Queen and grace, lunch was served by Mrs. Williarn J. Craig, Mrs. -M. R. Roberts and Mrs. J. Jackson. 4-.H a •• The third meeting of the Auburn Kool. Kuts 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Haines. The meeting was led by the president, Sheron Collins. The roll call was answered by the girls telling how they could improve last week's score for meals. The leader, Mrs. W. Bradnock, reviewed dishwashing procedure. A discussion-• took place • on meat' cookery and the best way • to cook the various cuts of beef, pork and mutton or lamb. A. demonstration on how to cook steak was led by Mrs. Maines, assisted by various members. A sample of the- delicious Swiss steak was tasted, by ..the members. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson -of Brampton spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Bert Marsh, and Mr. Marsh and attended the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. Herbert Mogridge. Masters Johnny, Paul and Michael Haggitt of Zurich spent the • weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, and "Stephen. M'rs. Harry Arthur visited last • Friday _with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller, at Dublin. Miss Nancy Anderson practise teaching this• week•• aim the Holmesville school. Mrs. ` Ralph Munro returned last weekend 'from Vancouver and Toronto where she . iva� visiting with. her sons, Glen •Youngblut and family at Vancouver. and Robert- YenIngblitt and fancily tor tin last three weeks in 'I'oronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblut anc ftmrmmily visited in the ' illage t'ot the weekend. Mrs; Gordon Miller and het sister. Mit Carol Beadle, v-isttec recently in 'Toronto with th€ former's daughter, Miss Gaii Miller, and . Miss Barbart Sanderson. Rev. W. J. Craven, rector at St. Mark's Anglican Church, last Sunday baptized • hintbertey Anne Clark, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Clark 61 Kitchener. The godparents were Miss ,Carolyn Clark, Goderich. Miss Judy McOosh, TQront'o and David Watson of Toronto. ,Also Present for this service was Miss Martha Nesbit ofIngersoll and Miss Joan Fisher of Stratford. The flowers in the sanctuary were placed in memory of the late Mr. Amos Stoll, great grandfather of -Kimberley Anne, and also in memory of, the late Mrs. Herbert Mog_ridge._ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller visited . last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Miller in London. Mr. and Mrs. .John Dae visited over the weekend in. Mit'ehell with their” daughter, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, and family. .The librarian of the Auburn Library_, requests all County books be,in on March 1. , Deaths. MRS, HERBERT MOGRIDGE Funeral services were held last Thursday at the William. Stiles -Funeral Home 'Thr Mrs. Herbert Mogridge who passed away in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Feb•18 after a. lengthy illness: She , was ' formerly Martha Alice Manning, the daughter of the late • John Manning and Martha Cottle, and was born in Hullett Township. She was in her 92nd year. She was .married . On December- -1-, -189'i; -to: "the' late Herbert Mogridge and took up residence on the Base Lirle in. 1900 where they resided _until they retired to live in Auburn.4 a She was a member 6f Kr'ox United Church, a life member of the. United Church Women, 'a charter tnember of the Auburn Women's. Institute, a member of the--lvlort i.•:,-cirlturat Society and president of the Red Cross 'during the last War. She is survived • by two daughters, Mrs. Bert (Dora) Marsh, Auburn, 'and Mrs. Gormley (Edith) Thompson eat Brampton; four :grandchildren and live great grandchildren. :Also u brother, Thomas Manning of London. • The Rev. M. R. Roberts was in charge of- the funeral with ,temporary entombment in Blyth Mausoleum and spring burial in Ball's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Mel Bell, Goderich; Joseph Shaddick, Londesboro; Stanley Lyon, Blyth; Bruce Toll, London; 'John Durnin, RR 3, Auburn and Charles Scott, Auburn. MRS: ROBERT GIBBS Mrs. Robert Gibbs, the former Edith McGrath of Kingston, passed away in Henderson General Hospit,,l on February 18 in her 88th year. A resident of Hamilton for many years, she married the - late Robert Gibbs of Londesboro 28 years ago. He died six years ago. Mrs. Gibbs is survived only by; nieces and nephews. • The• funeral was` held at the Wentworth Chapel, Hamilton; _ under the direction ` of the SwactChamer and Hilts Funeral Home with temporary entombment in Blyth Mausoleum.and spring burial in Ball's Ce'ipetery. The pallbearers were Wilfred Plunkett, . Gordon,, Plunkett, Donald Plunkett and William Stiles. Mrs. Gibbs was well-known in this community as she visited every summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett. BRIDGE SCORES Goderich Duplicate Bridge Club held "their annual meeting Tuesday night at the Maitland Country Club. Officers elected :for the coming year are as fotlo'ws. president", Bruce F.rs:k(ne:'` vice-president; . Dr. Morgan Smith; secretary, :Mrs. Bill Duncan; treasurer, Mrs. Bud Worthy; director, Dr. «'alter Oakes: partnership convenor, Mrs. Ivan Papernick.. • in the game which followed, a three -wad• tie for first resulted: 1)r. and Mrs. .Morgan Smith. Bili Duncan_ . -and R-av !lister. 11x : Frank Reid and—Mrs. Mrs. < Druce • Erskine =earned. 28 points'• Mrs. John Stringer. and Mrs. Milton Rayner were fourth with 27 'points. an 4 r, ° • d • r • When the custd°mer. says: :' 1 he coat look lg.00d!" -- s he's interested. When he says: "I look' good!" — he's sold: Earl Rawson's suppliers- build-- that •-"I Kook good!" f eling–into every -item the make. And it. is why�zmore and more people• are ,selling themselves at Ravv-Non's. With the new cool browns, bronzes, golds, true blues and grays. With ego -building, new break-out patterns.— glens and stripes to vibrant multi -tones and textured solids. Why don't you come in and sell yourself at Earl, Rawson _Style Shop. • EARL RAWSON yle-Shop . THE SQUARE GODERICH INTER C 2` PIECE BRAEMORE SUITE Wrapped Cushions For Added Comfort Pillow Back and Good Wearing Cover Suggested List $429.50 \\, --\\\\,\ \\\\\\ DAVENPORT SUITE 2 -Piece Black. Vinyl by Lanar K. Easy to Clean, Comfortable, - Suggested List $289.50 $ 95 SPACESAVERS. VINYL, GREEN, BROWN, GOLD OR CORAL dieY'd.u.'id'8FdL61'•iYiLiSie3Sf@d.^.E�Y' . CLEARANCE Feb. 28 & March 1 Only ;59 95 BEDROOM__-SUtT.E By Knechtel, French Provincial:-- Fruitwood Finish, Includes Triple Dresser, 5 Drawer Chest, Panel Bed \f:\ ggessted ist $ 4:85 • \� • A • ...._ .......... BABY CARRIAGE. CLEARANCE� 00 39 •95_ CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2 -Piece Diamond Back, 4 -Seater Reversible Foam Seats _ Suggested List $249.95 CLEARANCE 194.,' CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2 -Piece Kroehler High Back 4 -Seater Suggested. List pp$�.422.00 r - A Sia7A9Wi�Ah7eYJMIlir A' Llgrul F9Aid 7A(agor amk�'fi S�FdLI1R25�4'SRl(If4 CLEARANCE $259 s° BEDROOM SUITE Kroehler, 3 -Piece Modern, Walnut„ Includes Triple Dresser, Chest,. Panel Bed. Suggested List $362.00 CLEARANCE $299.50 See Our SeIe.-cti9n Of Odd Chests, Dressers' And Beds At CLEARANCE PRICES, '\k y MATTRESS. SALE Sealy Firm Guard formerly sold at $79.95. Exclusive Sealy Bracer .. Guard give reinforced centre support 'Where greatest body weight is 'concentrated. High fashion - - print cover is richly quilted to Dura -Lux cushioning — Sealy's unique bleed of cotton and Sealy foam — for surface comfort Only $59.95 Sealy -Golden Guard — The firmest Sealy mattress ever nationally advertised ,at this price. Only $49,95 Sealy Golden Sleeper — ;-Pq Seatyl nest evde alKi mattress. Only $39.95 Get that new mattress you have been thinking about during this great Sealy sale% and save. - GE NDRON BABY STROLLERS ONLY 12 95 BLACK5T0l�fE PURN1TLJRE -- mxxia WEST ST. kfl 4 M • •9 PIECE BEDROOM GROUP Includes Double Dresser, • Chest, Panel Bed,' Box Spring and Mattress, Pair _of f=b illo.s \\ CLEARANCE ‘\, \\\%, '194. _9 PIECE . w LIVING* ROOM GROUP Includes 2 piece' Chester field suite 2 st ep, 1p I 1 coffee table 2 table Ia�nps 2 decorative cushions CLEARANCE 999•95�. \\X E 9 PIECE B eta R O O M G R O -U Includes Triple. Dresser, .. Chest, Panel Bed, Sealy Firm Guard Box °Spring and Mattress, Pair of ampssir..�f_ \\\\,.\oc. *s\q\\\,, CLEARANCE 299\?� k..\\V\\\\ CHROME -SUITE 5 -PIECE . 48. 88 CLEARANCE BABY CARRIAGE Cendron; Metal Body, Use As Q Car Bed; Bee or ."hP.'OLN61Xb.`DQY43! Sai!11 ValAWPIPi 2 9�" ASIM541 3?.1.7.1rurJ:3� " .. , .. .li.'HY:LP4FF�4 Astro Blue $ 9 5 CLEARANCE 4 • SUNK BED SET Maple Finish, Spring filled Mattress CLEARANCE Other Bunk Beds at $o�#s50 1 92995. .and $159 95 DINETTE. SUITE 5-FcieceBr'!':ne -Oval "Table 4 x 48 • L€AR.ANG • KROEHLER r •• RECLINING CHAIRS . r CLEARANCE 89:5 KROEHLER • ROCKER RECLINERS 51 09.9 ft h• 4