HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-02-13, Page 18egifit" t ODERICRtSIONAIrSTAR, TIWR:SOAY, Fl BltUA,RX 13, 1969 .11 ,�'io� a�'�Chi�f�1� ems`'; Safety, VICTORIA VIEWPOINT 'i Taik To Honie And School Associution Ever wondered "How .Lo...."? Here are several stories from third, fourth, and ftfth grade pupils who have attempted to show you how to do something. If your `interests lie somewhere• between baking and map re tdin,, there is sure to be one for you. (The newspaper club will not be liable for any tragic results. Erroneous procedures can be charged directly to the writers themselves!) HOW TO WATER SKI By Nicky White To waterski you need: water ' skis, life jacket, tow rope and .a motorboat. Well, first of ,all• you would get the skis adjusted to the size of your feet. After that you put them on and get into the water.' You put the rope in between your skis and at the same time the boat is moving forward very slowly. When the rope is just about stiff, you -say, "Hit it!" Now, when you • want to go in, the boat is movie fast so you gopast the -dock and let go. To trick ski, you need little skis about five fe t long. I saw a person turnaround on the water. D • • HOW TO MAKE A CHOCOLATE CAKE By Kathy Fielder, - Steps: _ 1. 2 cups of brown sugar 2. 1/2 cup of lard 3. 2 eggs 0, 4. 1/2' cup of sour milk with soda 5. 2 cup of chocolate with hot water 6. 1 tblspn. vanilla . 7. 3 cups of flour 8. 2 tblspn. baking powder I make ,this cake at home. My family like it very much. I am ten years' of d, ° HOW TO HUNT By Donald MacDonald The first thing y°ou do is to get a gun and a ,license. You get some shells ,and you are all ready. You go out into the country and ¢find, a place _by yourself. It's very helpful to have a.bird or'animal call, If you do not have one, you look for animal tracks. They usually lead you to an animal or an animal's • home. If he is in his home, the best way to get him- is to set a snare. - To make the snare, you get a , piece of wire and you tie a hole on one end- of the.wire and put the other end through the hole in the wire. Put it in front of the home and tie it to a stick ger something. If you see the animal, shoot. ' If- you kill it, take it home and cook it. IF YOU MISS,,THROW • YOUR GUN AWAY and take up making mud pies. • , HOW TO MAKE POPCORN By Jim Cutt - Pour some cooking -oil into- a r ski d-- pot:- Heat -until -the i steam rises. Pour popcorn into a pot. Place on a medium -hot burner. Shake *up to 300 tiles and take off the lid. ' Take one-quarter pouund of butter and put it into the smallest pot you have. Let the butter melt. your the melted butter into a bowl containing the `-=popcorn • and "Voila!" Yum! Yum! • HOW TO MAKE A GO-CART ' By Dayid McKee There are many ty-p.es,sizes, and kiirds of' go:°carts. Before you start building one, your must decide what youkare,going to use it for, such as,: open roadster — locai soapbox races closed soapbox national races — motorized go-cart — midget races — "Fueler" type — local races — orange crate racer — sidewalk races — "Elimination" type racer — local soapbox and sidewalk races. The type I -am going to explain is the elimination racer because I have one. The materials you need are: a cotter key, four whels, a steering wheel, a clothesline wire, two cold stacking chair seats, saw,'paint , ails, hammer, and the follow „W sizes of wood — five 'feet I ' g, three inches' wide and three-quarter inches thick (two); four inches by four inches piece of mahogany (one); one foot long and one and one-half inches wide and thick pieces of pine (four). If you want' the soapboX racer your way, you can specify it your own way and likely you Will turn out a good job. (Good luck on this one!) HOW TO MAKE A MAP-. By Barbara Pamminger (age 8) There are four important rules you have to obey when you make a map. The first rule is directions. 4f you do , not have directions,- you will not know which is North, South, East or West. You should always have a directional arrow on your map. The' second important rule . is the key (legend). You need to have a key so the 'people who look at your map can/ -tell what the different things are. The third important rule is the border. The border, makes the map look neater. If you made a map of Goderich and the map had no border, other people- might eople-might think it 'ended in' the middle of nowhere. You make a border by tracing , around the edge°of your paper. ,And the fourth important rule isthe, title. The title tells people what your map is about. To make your map neater, underline the title with red. *** We have only one question; and that is for Jure Cutt: What did we do with the cooking Oil? I followed your recipe and had it left over. There was no problem, however, Kathy's cake was'a wee bit dry, so I used the cooking oil tQ wash the crumbs down. C The regular meeting of the Goderich Home and Scho 1 Association was held at Victor school on Wednesday, January 29, and was' conducted by Mrs. R. Cornish. Mrs.. Cornish announced that the February meeting would be a discussion on-. the "Pro's and Con's of Home and School." Police Chief Minshall gave an interesting talk on safety. asked parents, when they carne (in, cars) to pick up their -children, that they should not encourage them to jay walk, by parking across the street in the middle of a°block: • He. had great praise for/the School Patro , who assist the children in Bossing roads safely to and from school. The School Patrol are on their posts, on all kinds of ..weather, as la result_.of efforts, we have had none of o children needlessly hurt. t this time of yearre would all like to get away from it all. We were fortunate in being able to take a world cruise. This was done most 'delightfully by the Victoria School Glee Club. About 45 girls and boys, under the direction of Miss,l-j. Videan. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jean Shelton and Mrs. Helen Williams. YOUTH BOWLING Dianne Meriam • February 1 Bantam Girls Junior Boys High Single, Gary Algin with a - High 'Single, Dale Oke with ag,X4 good game of 232 Hi , double, game of 199. High Double, Dale Gary :Alin with a `- g g �:d otal of Oke with a total of 336. 156. . Bantam Boys High Single, Scot Little with a game of 156.. High Double, Scot Little with a total of 279. Junior Giris High Single, Cathie Jones with a �'od game' of 237. High Double, -Cathie Jones with a total of 367. D•C.110 Senior Giris •High Single, Janice Glen with a good game o.f 241: Iligh Double, Janice Glen with a good total c,f -171, Senior Boys High Single,- Kevin Rumig with a .good game of 248. Iligh Double, Lee• Ryan with a good 4otal of 469. e Newsfron by Brenda East The halls - at G.D.CeI.. have been slightly thinned for• the•, past .two weeks. The reason — the formal, Approximately 60 students have been working deligently after both school and supper, to make Chis Friday • evening' one of the most memorable evenings of - the school year. Gordon Cooper and his Orchestra will provide the music' from 9:00 - 1:00. At midnight, G.D.C.I. will officially crown -its school queen, who will be, - • picked from these candidates, Patti Ladd, Shirley Homuth, ' Brenda East and Linda Barlow. I can only tell you -that the theme will be "Evenin°g in Paris". The rest is - still a secret. But, 'I can - assure you that the magic of that beautiful city is being captured in a` most delightful way. I've even heard that the Eiffel 'Power, may be rented for the, evening! , Assembly . On• ,- Tuesday, afternoon, a most informative assembly was presented_ by the Huron County' _.Health Unit` as part, of the The Underdeveloped World Examined By `Telescope' Poverty, both present and future, a prime concern of the civilized world, . will - be the subject of a Telescope programme- eititled The Underdeveloped :World, to be telecast on the C13CTV network Thursday, February 13, at 8 p.m. - This is the fifth programme of a special 1O -part colour series about 'the world and its foreseeable future. Footnotes on the Future, over-all title of the speciOt -series-within-a-series, is directed by Colin Smith, with Fletcher . Markle as tst-producer, Markle points out that two-thirds of the population' in today's world is hungry. Will the poor, the international ,poor, always be with us? "The underdeveloped nations are most unlikely to catch up in our lifetime,.. says Makkle. "Indeed, the discrepancies are more likely to get worse." A Major contributor to this Anti -Smirking, a campaign, recently 'launched • by - the ' government. - I)r.' `Evans spoke about this 'campaign and presented the students with the facts - eoncerning all types of smoking. Afterwards, -a film was shown exemplifying the result's of this habit. l").C'.I. appreciates this drive to stop smoking. We hope that Dr. Evans finds his results most; favourable. STUD O Specializing in . • -. • Weddings • Children Single or Group I'ortrattaw and Passports - -SZ4-8787 118 at. David God•rich Ontario Tourists Canadians travelling the Alaska Highway will find many travellers from their own province in Yukon. 'Time , and distance -seem to be. no • obstacles as Ontarioplaced third among Yukon visitors in 1968..It's :3,127 miles fr=om '1'orontc to the Yukon capital of Whitehorse. ' According to Yukon's 1)epar,tm.ent. of 'Travel 'and Publicity, every province and territory in Canada, was represented in its tabulaticin of visitors: Every state in the. I'.5., as 'Ave!! as Washington, D.C. were also - rep resent,ed. Foreign 'visitors, came from 3.1' ou n t ri es, w Australia, England, Germany, France and Switr.erland topping tikt. list. •amon g the North ,American \isit(,t . California was first, followii-d by, ah a, Michigan, Ii.('., ' Washington, Alberta, Ontario, Illinois. Oregon and Minnesota. �; b.... ,W.1. Denomme F LOWE Phon• 1132 DAY s OR NIGHT 1 t 524- P Ac•nt foi 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING programme will be economist John Kenneth Galbraith. Galbraith's examination of the perils and promises of the underdeveloped world will be enlarged, by comment aha'' opinion from a number of experts on the subject. Among hem will be the Rt. Hon., Le'tr B. Pearson, chairman o . e Commission on Irite rnatio al Development; econom' ; alt Rostow; Maurice Strong of the Canadian International Development Agency; and ' Dr. Lotta Hitschman.ova of the . Unitarian Service Committee. save$20 onthe lq ieaFirm now reduce It uar� to 95 -.Full or twin,slzt, o.ch plod TV sales have acccauted ,for_.. almost half of the estimated five billion domestic and imported electronic retail sales in 1968 — with the sales of U.S.—manu- factured colour • TV topping those of black and white sets for the first time. From Hollywood comes a list of the worstton TV during 1968.- 11 -ere area few: The worst single performance by a male went to Pierre Salinger, former White, house press secretary, who appeared as Lucky Pierre, an attorney for Catwoman and The.. Joker in•a Batmanepisode. The worst situation comedy series went to Rlondie. ItAwas an unbelievably -crude dd mestic • comedy, supposedly inspired by' the 'comic strip, of the same title. • The worst \Vestrn series went to lancer, because it was taken right, from the same stable,' as, The' Virginian, 'Bonanza and Iligh Chaparral. Expene11ce.d Decorator 1NTE'RIOR, • RE -DECORATING PAINTING -.__4. and WALLPAPER Reasonable Prices ,. Fre Estimates Radius of 15 Miles of Goiierich W. Pedersen.• Phone . 524-7040 4 LLf , -0•- Formerly nationally advertised and sold at, . $79.95!- Same exclusive reinforced center sup- port. Rich damask ,cover deeply quilted to - __Sealy's Dura -Lux* cushioning for surface lux- ury. Now's the time to save! - • 'bt.nd of cotton and monism, foam -Be choosy about your comfort! CHOOSE SEALY POSTUREPEDIC® EXTRA -FIRM -OR GENTLY F1°RM , N Either -_co m-f.oxt give- _you .the deep- 'east, gee t down' support that only, Posture- pedic has- designed in cooperation - $R- q 95 with orthopedic .surgeons. N•o morning backache from sleeping on a too -soft mattress. full or twin B -LAC KS.T.ON E FURNITUR.E WEST ST. ft. CLAMATI er, dS��OF.m6'SII.'67.'RUCT�T e e ects of disease al''e responsible for widespread suffering and create serious economic hardship in our community; r AND WHEREAS,the Ontario Heart Foundation is taking positive • action t( reduce ,heart casualties through a planned, priority research program; ANO WHEREAS the Canadian Heart 'Fund Campaign to support heart .research is being conducted from February ist through February 28th 1, THEREFORE, proclaimthat the month of February be observed as Heart Month. ir1 Goderich. I further urge all citizens to co-operate in the Heart Fund drive, -' and all -civic, social and fraternal ofganizat'tons and business establishments to give this campaign the greatest possible support. DR. G. F. MILLS, Mayor \\\\\\\\ \\\ \‘‘ • \\ ‘\\ %\* \\\V G'IA7E - 1 NS GO�T/�-vT� • 1841 GODERICH GODERICH DISTRFCT COLLEG1ATE INSTITUTE PEN HOUSE-- AN ()I'I'ORTI'NITY FOR I'ARENTS "to EXPERIENCE -AN ABIRREV1- " ATEI) SC11EDI' I,F, OF TIIEIlk STi1I)ENT'S DAII,Y TIME TABLE, • d \\\ \\ \\,\ Tuesday, February 18th, AT 8 P.M. • PLEASE ENTER FROM THE -WEST PARKING LOT v\\, �\ nu 4