The Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-8, Page 81101.1011 111:4011;10EITIEJITi
4 wont to Nit Cutomers.
If we were to change our adye,rtipe.-
inept as Osseo as we receive new posse
a fresh face wouu.l be foiled tole week-
Iy, Seasolutble goods are constantly
ineoming and we would be glad to
have our customers mid general rend-
ers call and realize the fact for them
Selves. We would again direct attent
ion to our Small Ware Counters which
are kept almost invariably full, An
tido constantly required iu every
home are there. and we would strong.
ly urge a call, if at no other time 011
when they will be found at their best
and. we at ours to serve faithfully and
well.- For next Saturday afternoon
and evening we specially invite a call
and will fin our CUM tors for that
time with Special values and as usual
at our Special Prices,
THE MART. Exeter.
Lopk out for the
/ Opening of
our new
J. .. Stewart.
Servant Girl 'Wanted.
Servant girl wanted to go to Lon
don. Apply at 'Siete. Broderiek's Store,
Farms for Sale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms
J. SpeonetenseEktete
Error in Prize List. '"J•'!'"-*.'
In the prize list fertile.'
Usborne fall shows
awarded forseetette'`
All speetieo*:
Pitial stealing is the order of the On '; I st Mr, James Digneen I, Weestece, Spirit who can heal, Victori e
night, felt tiewit flioett of steps led, lag t•ese. Ob Salem. heels ell other wounds Oats
titeste or bermes
The fall assizes open, in Coderieh ou ly eseeped brealting arta •
September the 19th, Mr. 01adstene eusetined no plivsical Ie. e'zie-Weea Werstel, the man who Was a
Mr:, A.. Q. Nobler commences evapor-
ating ripples next wool:. .
Mr. Wen Horton has taken poesessiou
of the reeidenee reeently purehased
from Mr, Ed. Dyer.
eVe undarstend Me Geo. Hyndman
will epee out a general grocery store
in his old steed shortly,
The pleetion trial of J. Pridham, M.
1'., for South Perth, take plate: Oh
the Sth inst., at Stratford,
Pure Cod' Liver 011 combined with Wild
Cherry and elypophosphites renders Mil-
horn't; Emulsion best ou the =rect.
A harvest home Sunday school serv-
ice will be held Caven Presbyterian
church on the morniose of September
Any person having lost an umbrella
ou the day of the 5..0. E. picnic can
have elle same by calling on Mr, Ed,
Hood's Sarsaparilla is an honest me-
dicine, honestly advertised for those
diseases whieh houestly and abso•
lately cures.
J. H. Grieve disposed of his St.
Bernard a Few days ago. to Mr.
Jest Stewart, of Kinburn, receiving- a.
gocidfigure for the animal.
The Ontario Minister of Education
has ordeeted the discovery of America
by Columbus, to be observed in the
public schools on Oct. 12th next
You will miss a reat bargain if
you do not call and reave• your order
with J. H. Grieve for one • of his $16
black Worsted suits. They are away
A. large quantity of fall wheat has
been sown in this vicinity during this
week, and all we want now is refresh-
ing showers to moisten the earth so as
to start vegetation.
It is expected that the Massey Harris
works at Brantford will be opened up
again shortly. There will he 7,000
binders turned out at the factory there
next season, the biggest on record.
An "ad." appears in another column
of this issue pertaining to the • Custom
Tailor shop of J. W. Creeeh. Look for
the announcement and then give him
a call, as he guarantees satisfaction in
alt branches of the trade.
So far as we have been informed the
potato crop in this • and surrounding
Neighborhood is iu no companision with
the potato crop of last year. The tub-
ers thus far are small and it is therefore
probable that they will command a
higher price than was paid last season.
The medical papers support the agi-
tation for the compulsory cremation of
cholera victims. The Deutsche Medi-
zinal maintains that there may be a
recurrence of the epidemic a year after
it hs seeminely died out, due to the
SurvIving in the buried corpses.
The laziest man existing within the
borders of Ontario lives along the
Sydenhatn and spends his time in fish
ing. He reclines on the bank in the
shade, ties the pole to the dog's tail,and
when he sees the bobber disappear he
kicks the dog, and the, animal lands
the fish.
Owing to the absence of the Rev. A.
L. Russell, who was preaching Harvest
Rome Festival sermons at Mt. Bridges,
on Sunday, the pulpit of the James St
Methodist church was occupied in the
morning by Mr. Thomas Hartnoll, and
in the evening by the Rey. Mr. Alen,
of Centralia.
A Windsor despatch says the new
Ontario Government game law that A few moneessesseeeereteeeen:
ss ago weentu 1:10t dream of imposes a license of $26 on every tug he the salaries peld in the respect -
.American sportsman shooting in Can- redWes the world's trotting. record. ive departments for the ensuing year:
ada will ha.yeselnenffect of keeping ..easijr:the reetans of pnematic sulky tires; PrInciestees roern, $600; Dept. No. 2,
numbeted.enetteeleten One of theeietele no v they talk o.
f sulky wheels being
' Mies C. Veleper, $320 ; Dept. No. 3, Miss
I1)0 leieetio eit.e' '
,e shall constructed. with large clock'like A. Gregory, 8300; Dept. No. 4, Miss
one season Gil 6.100e; Dept. Ne. 5, Miss H. E. selngs, which neon being wound tip;
nee Wal -
would force the horse to make better' reed, 8270; Dept. No. 6, Miss H. Fring-
e:nitrite; will receive a well time than its usual gait, in fact the le,827.0.—also that the general agree.
e Keck. new arrangement -can be so adjusted /emit he seem -lifted and signed not bit -
',Captain George Kemp succeeded in as to set the time at any point, thu.s .a or dean Sept. 1.5th, 1898—per W. ifosk •
selling seven tiekets to Manitoba on four minute horse. can be made to gen ire adjeurnment J. GrItIGG, See'y.
Monday. The purchasers were: Rich. mile in two minutes and so on, by
and Hunter, Richard Delbeidge„Tohn simply adjusting the machine to teat
Delbridge, G. Andrews, Eli Coultice, gait and it will push the horse along,
John Allison, all of Usborne township; ;Why could not the tirne be still farther
and Mrs. P. Fisher, of Exeter. They reduced. by constructing a moving
live all gone on a pleasure trip and track, say one working upen a pivot.
iNitend visiting relatives and friends which could be woulecup. We slteuM;
fu and around Douglass, Man. think that with an arrangement such:
The Exeter Lacrosse team drove to as this, time and space according to
Mitchell on Tuesday last and crossed the principle explained above weight,
sticks with the team of that place, be altogether annihlated. Next. i
which resulted in a victory for the lat- On Sunday the anniversary sermons
ter of four straight goals. The game in connection with the Trivitt Memel: -
was concluded with an exhibition, and ial church were preached by the Rev.
was won by the Exeter team. The George Ridley, of Galt, who, efficiatedc
boys speak very highly of'the manner at both services. In the morning the!
in which they we:e treated at the speaker having announced his text!
hands of the Mitchell team. and spoken for some length of time
ent which Messrs. Tuc upon the subject, referred to the donor,.
The experiment
and the beautiful building they were
'sett & Son entered upon when they
now occupying, stating- that they'
commenced to make their "Myrtle
Navy" tobacco was this: to give the should feel thankful to God for the:
public a tobacco of the very finest Vir• gifts bestowed upon them, and espee.
ginia leaf at the smallest possible mar ially after such commodious balding's;
as the rectory and school house s.eeree
gin beyond its actual cost, in the hope
that it would be so extensively bought completed. At the evening servicel
as to remunerate them. By the end of the seats in the building were filled.
three years the demand for it had with a large concourse of eager lietess-
grown se niuch as to give assurance ers, who were anxious to catch. the
that the success of the experiment was words which fell from the lips of the,
within reach. The densatid for it to Reverend gentleman. His diecourses;
day is more than ten times greater were of a very touchitig and itneresse
than it was, then and it is still increas ive nature, and from the beginning to
ing. Success has been reached, the close the large multitude was held.
in rapt atteetion. His voice., having
The latest astronomical exhibition such a clear. ringing sound, could be
of the year watt booked for ; Suhday distinctly heard in every part of the
morning at 1.2L mean time, when the building. The musical selectione glee
planet Mars, now so conspieuous in the en by Mr Fred Knight, organist, upon
southern sky, dieappeared behind the the large pipe organ, pealed forth in
dark limb of the, moon. The platlet rich tones, showing that he.had be -
reappeared on the Moon's bright linib come a master of the art and a well;
at 8.02 am.. e'heee dates were for the skilled muse:Aare The numerous
center of the planet. Mars and,the ditiOns by the 'choir filled the emcee'
earth are now operating from each with Sens of praise, making both or;
other at the rate Of about 805,000 miles Vices instructive and pleasing. The
per clay, Th a satellites are Still visible church wag appropriately decorated
in large telescopeti, but will cease to for the occasion by the ladieei eoneiSt,
be toward, the end of the month, after ing of the various productions a the
which, date they' will not be again Seen earth, Collections at both Sertices:
until the next opposition in 1894. , amounted to about WO.,
j ties whatever from his recent eneounter eoutele str sealable' ago before Aldo
with the heifer ID the grounde of tlawarden Tense en a charge of committing biga-
Alhttet English, an modlove of Mr. I. n'''S '1°34'7 g"tv'r'1, "(1 Whf)' had since
flandforeet blacksmiths' ehcau, left tW 1}CtYli re4ii". i''' the nel:tit"1"" of
One one eight recently fer parts tee Mwigesesses teecidentees shot himself
tienerlehi3Hdeepleacttuareof,ow. ,fil, town to wh'ilo deanEttg. a. revolver, the ball
paseittg. theme:it his bowels His re
A western editor met a well edueat„ mottos wee vett to McGillivray for
Qd farmer reeently sled see' to him bultal'
that lie would like to have 'something: Ceit(I"tl'"
from his pen. The farmer sent heel st Eleetee ewe& Clinton cricketers a re"
mg end charged him $9.75 for it. tans cmtc11-1emed•
The recent rains have gratetied the .4e1121-1"2 Dre;14.1"".
farmors' wish to some degree and they AM ordere fin the above Dye Works
are now busily enu'aged in prepteriug.'"' be t44t wi'il I&. IL Fish.
the teal for fall wl7cet. The .ground
has been so very hard that it wag im• Never ten tate to mend.. 5000 pairs of
possible to work it. 'beets and RUCS that need repairing to
be /eft at, the feadirm. boot and shoe
30 CENTS As'an i". ,,
1 ---eeeeree„t ' store meet door to the post office. G.
to new subscribers, we offer the .s. -A.1) -V-0-. '12.1::,„tab" "eves.
CATE and the "Medical Adviser and ''
Farm Help" till tee 1st of January , ouTt latzst,:ett essuenceorttlietecrontninpglaint throu gh -
the young
1893, for 80 cents. Send in the names:
thieves who make- a practice of despoil -
The Mortgage Sale of the Caetwrige
at : elle, ompia,
aiK., and robbing those to
Estate, which was advertised in caer wreeee tee free eeemgs and who hey,
last and former issues, ;ante which
to have taketi plates yesterday, (Wed. )
was ,spesat meek time and care over it. The
e . tiaisattee,isgrowing to such proportions
was not put up by Auction, se tisfaet-
ory arrangemente 1141'141g beea mule 'itrkiTtr.o,n erample will be (sleekly made
pacties are recognized or
by the proprietor. ,causgen
W. J. Rollins, son of Mr. Ed. Rollins,' eseraciaztratait,Enrni„,...s.
of Centralia, while walking on the G srateeareies GE the 0. P. Railway
T. R. track near Bette itiVOT, Ont., •01
train and instantly k 1 1 lot Sat sssirni ‘7rittlett,'.6.'er strwarnee's Gexrposelsceasr,11$1115s14.1612;
Monday last, was struck by a
mains were taken to his father's rete net oseite„ 8e817943.. In July,1891.the
dence, Contra.lia, from where the fan- net pmfes were $662,421. For the
eral will take place this (Thureday) ReirCia mantes ending July 31. 1392,the
morniug to the Nursery Cemetery. fiestatee nee as follows- Gross earnings,
The increase of business at the Dig esi.zleti.Xteet; working expenses, $7,614,
Bankrupt Store necessitated more com profits% $1.004,427. For the
seven enlaces ending July 81, 1891,the
mod ious premises, and a new millinery nee profile, weira ,S3,6 meee,
establishment, very conveniently are
ranged and perfectly adapted to tete
business has been erected. Mr. Stew-
art has secured the services of es very
competent Minium-, -in the person Of'
Miss Anderson, of British Columbia,.
who comes with the shighest :mom
mendations from her former employers'
and who will, we would judge., fill the
position with utmost ability, sit* hay
ing served six veers.le leading estab-
lishmentsen Paris.
At a meeting of the eleehanifee'
stitute held Tuesday the Meeting ,
pors was made by the Secretary:—A'
grant of $25 had been alseived the In-'
stitute hy the Council. The govern-
ment grant this year amounts ts-e$21.S.
Eighteen new hooks had been added
since, last year. That the Council had
granted the use of Band room eseadies":
reading room every Saturday night.;
The Librarian reported Inroseress tt.s
steady in membership. Altegethee the
report was a good one; but Moro TO•0111
Peculiar Iteasou For Divorce.
Elizeeetts Nixon, of 'eoronto, is the
defeatists& its a. suit for divorce in the
Chicago (entre Her husband, Frank
E. 1?. elexare, related his reasons for
•seeefutg tegaiseparatiou from her be-
cause of her positive refusal to come
0'0M's...sages aan inborn national hat
nee, site freing of English origin. She
ease item reared in au 'atmosphere fill-
ed with antipathy towards the United
Seat-es:awe alt things American, and
wetted muster no tercumstances consent
to take up her abate beneath the Stars
•and Stripes.
What Na .Fellous Chu Find Oat.
Foxe men may eat green fruit with
intesnatiese bat a. fifth may try the ex.
perimeter and in an hottr or so later be
tied ap. knots with cramps and dys-
entery. Who the fifth man may be is
ezie of those things no fellow can find
outran/I consetettently all should take
time by the forelock, and prepare for
site& iw. attack by keeping on hand a
is sadlv needed for the •convenience '
and wants ef this necessatry 'Ewen/Wen.' bottle et Perry Davis' Pain Killer
Meet& ism safe quick and infallible
The crystal palace belonging to the coo for dearrb.7:ea, cuolera, cramps, or,
Agricultural Society has been !peened'. indeed., any- disorder of the stomach.
off the lot on the -cornesnand is now set • This ereAtterst medicine can be bought
tinted in a suitable part.of the Society'e at any reitatabledrug store. 25c. will
grounds. Other preparations are be- pustchase the. Big Bottle, New size.
ing made in the different .de,peetenenits reeefetees eiteor. Board Minutes.
for the accommodation sof ,exhibitors, Sept Sth:—Board met in thaeeT
and this together with the new speed-' Hall at 8 pin. Absent Ts...Feteessi:
big ring will add gre.ably to the eserst•. tense. ce previous plj400414''''
fort of all visitors to the fall fair. Ex ; condensed. 7.rit.6, Awtootte,,, eitektierts;
stet has been noted for its .extribielons, were tee el lietslente
during; past years, but this, one, with , i's Very favor,
its ma oy other attrectione, is expeneesde' See
r. Lutz and
to eclipse all previous Ilk:0004o
her the dates, 'ilondeee es • s' V seh'e.-following accounts:
teteeitedrawing tile, $1.50; R. Den
September 26th ;00
sits, resselote fere escapes, $220; A.
We hear of men, ;
Wen Kuhn, Crediton, tile, $L35 ----per Dr.
that may happen iese 404 nenturee Lute:and Tre-ble, that the follow
'settee, colts.
• .41.6'66 world,
tessestesne ess
te' ewe Grip.
tiled for a preparation
Aeteis my head clear of
;'but always failed to receive
saterial benefit until a friend re
mended Anti Dandruff which I.
used with perfect success. It not only
removed the Dandruff with three appi:
cations, but stopped the annoying itel
ing of the, sealp and rendered the ha'
soft and pliable without leaving
appearance of a dressing being us
It now occupies a permanent positi n
'in my grip. It is pleasant to use at
with pleasure recommend it. D. 0.
Roerie, representing- H. Corby, whole-
sale liquors., Belleville, Ont.
A. Cheap Dithnfectant
JIISt now when the possibility of a
plague visitation is being considered
by publie health authorities every
where, people can do well by using a
disinfectant and cleaning up their
premises generally. The following
simple preparation is recOmtnended as
both cheap and effective—one of the
best, if not the very best, disinfectant
known to scienee, and which can be
made by any one and at a cost so trifl,
lug (less than ten cents) that certainly
places it within the reach of all. More-
over this disinfectant is so very unlike
many disinfectants, it leaves no offens
. •-esveodonafter. its use: -1•4 oz. filtrate
of lead, 1-2 ozrock salt (commen salt
will do), dieeolve the nitrate of lead
with two gallons of rain water, dis
Solve the salt in a quart of rain water
and taix both together—the disinfect.
ant is then ready' for use. Pour half a
,galion down stnks and elosets, sprinkle
*quart round the eorners of cellars
and a lit,' le, say a teacupful, round
bed rooms and tinder the beds; stables
and outheitses according to size. A
sponge wtli Saturated and httng up in
a room will disinfect it in a few mhi.
's Suits
S' Clothillg
E. J. Spackniaii & Co's.
• .'.... . ,
For Yourself ?
For Your Wife, or Children?
There is no place in town
that offers better opportuni-
ties for
in the STAPLE WARES of any spec-
ial line of goods than can
be found at
k. •
All Kinds of FENCE WIRES.
ALABASTINE in all Shades.
Full line o Aware, Cheap,
sh at
RTHIc! Amidst all BlowR& Bluster
Still takes the lead in the Furn-
iture business. I am too busy to call on people in need of
furniture, but please drop in my warerooms and see my stock
and I will try and suit you in this line.
Ordered work neatly done on shortest notice.
Remember I have also a
handsome line of
Undertaking Goods always on hand.
Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis-
faction guaranteed every time,
Stand next Molson's Bank.
Exeter, COFFEES.
Of. SoRitafg IR Mk
It is better than all others.
1.—It will not get out of order.
2.—It is cheaper than any other Can.
3.—It will last five times as long as any ordinary lamp filler.
4.—Because it is non corrosive, as it is zinc and tin. which form a meg-
netie action and keep it from corroding.
5.—It will do the work in one-fonteh of the time.
6.—It will not soil the floor and shelf.
7„—It never sweats oil,
8.—It gives you perfect control of the oil.
9.—It is always neat and safe.
10—It will strengthen the lungs.
This Can has been examined by expert a and pronounced to be the best
they ever saw.
aand.7. Ilealthy, Reliable and. °homy.
They are wanted in every house where coal oil is used. The fastest selling
article in the market,
0011,1,!1.EDICK81 FOLLAND.
ewe sees