HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-02-13, Page 153.7 THE BLIJ E TH•UMN BY .. ctEOQ HpSS. Last week we were in the throes of nostalgia for the North 'West Frontier of . Pakistan—It is only right and fair 'that, this week, we should survey the vastly bigger Tui more complex ,canvas of India. This has, been facilitated by a long letter from an old friend, of 50 years standing, who has remained there, helping to make the transfer to an ,all Indian Army. Here are some of his more general remarks: It is easy to be pessimistic about India at the moment. The meaner streets of Calcutta, drought in Rajasthan, 'the prevalence of corruption, tantrums in Parliament and other obvibus failures seem to indicate that nothing less than a bloody revolution .can cure her ills. But a closer look at what is happening is more reassuring. Vi ages, even in the Contemporary Themes Picked For Sermons. During Renewal '69 '. "Change in the World and Change in •the Church", "The Knowledge Explosion and Its r' Influence", "Can the Church Today be Relevant", ' "The God of --Promises-- and the Future", „ "Modern Christian ,Families", are some of the contemporary then"es that will be subject matter for sermons A during renewal '69's Preaching Phase, beginning February 23 in. the Sarnia and Lambton county churches, it was an not] need- by the Renewal Centre in Londono. Twenty . renewal ' preac ,.ers are coming from th rotes out Canada and he l S. to carry on week-lu.ug.. ' I;te.newal Programs in 90. Roman Catholic Churches in Western Ontario. 'r'wenty Protestant Churches are ' participating also. Renewal Week Will l e held March 16-21 in Goderich. "We must" speak to modern man," Father J. Claude Primeau, Director '9f Renewal '69. said. "Unless our renewal speakers are relevant . and contemporary,' our people will .' turn them, ,off. The Gospel message must be applied to the present situation otherwise it, will get no -hearing., Renewal of the mind - and .heart -is- basic. ,That iS why the Church has such an' K important role to play in helping people adjust to change in the world-, in_. government, in education', in science, in everything of life: A believer, should be, the first one t� understand what is happening, what change is all 9, about, because he is aware that . the Church is a community of people on- . the go, moving and adapting' according- tiny- age: --The Church is ever new." The ',Renewal preaching 4 Phase is the third and final part of the diocesanwide project in Western Ontario. The effort is a year -and -a -half P -i g -r a rrt -- -o-f �__.--u plot rng _...- Rom Cat folic *itch corrtmrtm nts who\ ave to rticipate' -`7? unenterprising United Provinces are Obviously increasing in prosperity. 'Tractors are in the black, market; bricks are at .a premium; a transistor is a `must' for every village bride and the banks are moving into the country to mop up the surplus money. . Small scale industries are springing- ,up near most towns, Many of them flourishing and housewives now confess they can get along ,quite well with - goods .manufactured in India. Cities and towns are expanding rapidly, Bornbay will •have a c�'population of nirte million and Delhi five million, early in the next decade. The Prime Minlister and her colleagues are busy laying foundation stones and' declaring, in a flood of oratory, that factories', bridges; hospitals, schools, laboratories etc, are duly open. THE STATE •practised by the officers of the Army does not mean- that the tigers are having a quiet time. An officer alldtt�ed .a block near Ramnagar found it ruined by the visit of a commercial shikar firm a•.month before: 11„ilephants. 3Q0 beaters and, itupees 15.()0() per tiger. '1i . Press recently reported that a ‘V ild Life Preservation unit- had released a tiger caught in a trap in the, Dehra Dun forests. after hooting it with a predicated dart. - - Roorkee ''University -goer on expanding in spite of the glut of engineers, At the Convocation most of the proceedings were. in °” Hindi. Four young ladies sang the National Anthers into• a battery' of. microphones while the audience stood awkwardly to attention., (Memories Of Mr. Barnett, once the headmaster, calling on the hundred• or so students of his -day to sing `God. save the King', whether they felt like it or not.) The Drive to Delhi The " drive to Delhi - brings back many . memories. The avenues of trees, the dpst from the berms,,. the filds of sugarcane and wheat, the survey tower at Ghazipura, the brick -kiln chimney at Meerut; pirgritns on the way to Ha>;dwar and marriage parties. These are still familiar sights. But Pu rquazi, Muzzafarnagar', Katauli, Meerut. and Modinagar have grown enormously. The tarred road is three lanes most of the way and traffic is far denser and more varied than of old. Buses " crammed to capacity; lorries- -full of merchandise, bullock carts mostly rubber Above all. a social revolution is taking place. The break-up of the Hindu 'undivided family, (whereby the head of the family has to support all his sisters and his cousins and his aunts ad inf.). woman's participation in almost every profession and the way of life; the fact that it is necessary to provide separated family' accommodations for soldiers' wives who are no longer cpntent to go back to their in-laws, and similar developments, give some idea of the changes taking place. For politicians and people alike, the struggle is between the traditionalists • and the progressives, with the„ latter making a distinct impression ,on the scene. ' The fact that polo and shikar (hunting 'big game) are no longer £,IeadIitefar- taxsavings on registered retirement savings plan Depostfs made ty February -28, 1969 are tax free for 1968 returns Victoria and Grey Trust offer; -you thi-ec tai savings retirement plans. • air "equity fund plan" desiggned'lor grcatcst -capital appreciation — a high cumulative income plan ---a Guaranteed•In�estment Certificat.c plan fully guaranteed as to principal and„interest. Start Retiring today at"Victoria and'/31rev OF y ,J wbr o tvred, Coen un- bicycles, ' boys cycling to school. Bustle, noise, activity; • all signs that the 'carman is on the mu\ 'l'he Militar\ Engineering Serle ices have grown co.nsiderahl\ and are ha'. in.g a bust time. 1 he road from 'ltikhekesht,to lladrinatil has been metalled and tarred and the journey that used to take 12.to 15 days can. nlm he done in as few hours. the 1,e1r-1lanali road has ,also been opened, • 'connecting 1,adnkh ith Kuhl, a distance of -lkf) kilometres. It is at an average height of 11.00.0 feet, the highest pass, bi^ing 17,582' feet. Some enginee,ering feat! ('1'hi:rse roads are on the Kashmir Tibet frontier.) ‘b'hen 1 was' in 'Calcutta in 'November I k kited the Fort. The. Anglican Church building is now used as a Library. The memorial tablets are still of the w As and the officer in charge asked me what he should do Io preserve the rather handsome reredos.- A_ notice , at the entrance called att(Sntion to the fact, that the building was -,sacred and directed headgear to he removed and smoking to cease. It used to he the.,.Englishman and his dinner jacket in the jungle. Now,�it's the, Englishman E INDIA . GOR, IO1 , SIONAL: TMM, 4T U ,SDAY, ,I V+PIkV , t' • in his hin,py blouse in the streets of Delhi. In''identaliy the dinner jacket is no longer ret ognized dress in the Atntity and is rapidly disappearing from • the Indians' wardrobe. An Achkhan or Jodhpur' jacket buttoned up at the throat has taken its place. a (This account conws from 1,1. (en..,Sir Ilarold Williams. KBE, CB, FILE. who was Engineer -in -Chief in India from 1948 to 1955, in. which year he was made an honorary Lt. Caen. in the Indian Army. Heowas the Director of the Central Building Research Institute of India, 1951 to 1954. Lest you forget, India became independent in 1947.) James - Richardson &Sons Ltd 'Se'rving, The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario RHONE' 524-8388, GODIERICH- R W RRY'S TAXI UNDER ew Management Phone 7305 FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 0..uStness �iaJd. it. McDoua Id CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT w. 3.9 $t Ilayid St., 5244253 OadprIch, Ontario disoloweiCaus 145 _ESSEX ST.. GODERICNs ONTARIO Available For PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PARTIES • - BINGOS • CONCERTS • DANCES, , CONVENTIONS • Catering to Luncheons • - COCKTAIL PARTIES • BANQUETS, ETC. 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A&P Brand, All Pure Coffee �' � /. 10 -oz Lar .. • PREPRICED All Prices -Shown In This. Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday,. February 15, 1969. AQP Has the Meat Buys! SUPER—RIGHT ,BRAND, CANADA GRADE "'A" EVISCERATED d VACUUM PACK \\% Pot cards -were first used in Canada in 1871. nozzarszateorzysmante f1 TRUST COMPANY SINCE`.1889 W. R. Curry,,Manager 524 -7381 - Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich • ,CANADA'S FINEST _QUALITY RED 6 TO 10 POUNDS BRAND STEER_ _BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK PORTE:RH�USEt o r OR WINGSTEAK or R.OAST NO FAT ADDED TO BEEF ROASTS NztAz........:.43744=xtuc=caumozasonozammarnozsrtammueisaaalmnsmammizszuz==riamonaoza f• In,f, 1R FLSK93'atti'4' The Whole Town's Talking About--- -• • Qur MID-WINTER SPECIAL CLEAN RS BLOCK 49 TWO WEEKS ONLY -- FEBRUARY 13 -TO FEBRUARY 22 38 WEST, ST. !EL(JEA)1f 524-6231 AS S.X. Brand WIENER S__ *)1ACUUIuL PACK Schneiders, Pure, Count-r--� `$tyle -PORK SAUSAGE Ats.LGOOD RINDLESS BACON 4 -2-1b pk-g- 8-E Ib 6 9 c ° Ib: 7.5` 1 1 25°%o Minded Pork, 50% Ground.Chuck,.25% Minced Veal --MEAT LOAF CQ.MB1NAT1ON lb 79c PORTERHOUSE ROAST 3 Way at Ib $1.29 Super Right Brand, Smoked, Picnic Style (Whple Ib. 53t) PORK -SHOULDERSSLICED lb 57c Burns Brand, 'Olive Loaf — Macaroni & Cheese Loaf or , MOCK CHICKEN Loaf Your Choice 6 -oz pkg 2. Florida, Marsh, Seedless, Excellent FRUIT 1. 0 "15 Flavour,” No. 1 Grade, Size 48 Florida, Temples, Sweet, Full of June; Easy to Peel, No. 1 Grade, ORANGES Size 120 dozen ' )ane Parker Jane Parker Buys 5c Reg. Price - 55c SAVE 6c 5„, PUMPKIN FULL 8 -INCH PIE49? Jane Parker, Daisy DatIsm sed; Sliced pIE- t� SAVE 9c 16 -OZ _ ° BREAD2s49? Jane Parker, Delicious f PKG OF 12 65d PKG Ka�u.W.rua>«y