The Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-8, Page 54
The Bead Surgeon,
1 Of the Lubon llfedieal. Cempatty is now at
Toronto, Canada, and may bo eoneeltoel
'either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to mean. Mon, .young, old,
or middle•agediwho find themselves nervous
weals and exhausted, who are broken down
from excess or overwork, reenitiug in many
of the following. symptoms: Mortal dopros-
Sion, pm
orature old age, loss of vitality, loss
of meneory,bad droams,dimnoss of sight,pal-
pitation of the heart, emissions, leek of en-
ergy. pain in the kidneys, headache, pimplos
on the face or body, itching or peculiar sen-
sation about the scrotnth wasting of the
organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes,
twitching of the muscles, eye lids, ana else-
where, bashfulness deposits in the urine,loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to
sleep; failure to bo rested by sleep, constipa-
tion, dullness ofhoaring, loss of voice, desire
for solitude, exeitibility of temper, sunken
eyes surrounded with LEADEN cr'itoLl'i, oily
looking skin, etc., are all symptoms ofnerv-
oyts debility that lead to insanity and death
unless ottrect. The spring or vital force hav-
ing loot its tension every function wanes in
consequence. Those who through abuse
committed in ignorance may be permanent-
ly red. Send your address for book on all
diseases peculiar to man. Books sent fee°
sealed. Heart disease, the sym ptoms of
' which aro faint spells, purple lips, numbness
palpitation skip beats, hot flushes, rush of
blood totho.boad, dull pain in the heart
with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the
second beat quicker than the first, pain
about the breast bone. etc., can positively be
cured. No cure no pay. Send for book. Ad-
dress M, 1'. T.UBON, .•IMood onald Ave., Tor-
onto, Canada, J'an 1-1 year
An international aunt -slavery beau \vitt
shortly be established in Zanzibar. England
France, Germany, Eau and Portugal, wiltt,
be represented.
For Over. Fifty
MRS. 1'VINSLOW'S 500'FlslNG Srntur has been
used by millions of mothers for their child-
ren while teething. If disturbed at night
and broken of your rest by a sick child suf-
fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth
send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs 1S'iu-
slow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil'lren Teeth-
ing. It will relieve the poor list le, sufferer
immediately. Depend upon it,motaers.there
710 mistake about it. 1t cure's Diarrhoea.
reguletes the. Stem ach and Bowels cures
Wind Ool le, softens the Gums, reduces .1n-
flamntaHon, and givestone and energy to
the whole system, "]Sirs. ylin low s Sooth-
ingSyrnp for children teething is pleasant
to .the taste and is the prescription of one of
the eldeetand best female i,hyskcians and
nurses in the United States Price twee
five centsa bottle Sold by all eking'
Ciro -00011t the. world. Bo oure•zun
4'MnS. T>11IaiLow'S S00sli,r*1c
Lteuf,; Gov^�
an ofiiC at ti
and '
Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful PeIllarlob xlmlibt1 (,b°1
known. 'The Only knife, aur*, and reliable pill formate. if att I eta,
ask druggists for I.aRoe's Tatar and Crescent Brand. Take
: ;t�•1x
other kind.. Beware of akteap imitations. !as tthisy;as'e s I1Ier.•
ORS. . 8o1d by all reliable druggists. I'ostgleid,onressi art lirrztttl
AlIIIERIVAN PILL 400., De reit, St3a;'
itt'ox' sale in Arc ter by 4. W. Browning.
This term should be ap plied•to the choice
every uei,ligent person lias.between Burd-
uck Blood Bitters, the natural and certain
remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness constipa-
tion, headache, rind bad blood, and, the var-
itis imitation- off4red by unscrupulous part-
ies as being "just as good." There is noth-
ing else as good as •13, 13, 13. It is an hon-
est medicine and has made remarkable cur
es right in our uWu town.
The president of the United States has
issued a circular which practically prohib-
its the shipping of immigrants to the States
from Europe or Asia, until cholera has abat-
No one knows better than those who have
used Carter's Little Live' Pills what relief
they have given when taken for dyspepsia,
dizziness, pa'n in the si. e, constipation,and
d.sordered stomach.
At Denver, Col,, henry 13, Om; a taro
dealer, shot and kiLltsdl his mistress, Dolly
Read, and th'.n shot hirnser.f and will prob-
ably die. '1 he woman had threatened to
Leave hill.
DEAR Slrs,-I have used your Burdock
Blood Bitters for biliousness and sick head-
ache and never neglect to praise it. It
brings the flush of health to •, one's cheeks,
and 1 recommend it hi_hly.
ANNIE BEACH, Stev:nsville, Ont,
A stateniert prepared at the United States
Treasury Deportment yesterday shows that
the total receipts from customs at the purl
of New York during the month of August
were 013,175,485.
Igor Invalids aud weak delicate women
use Mit burn' s 1 it. ..t, . t no-
er, it is the best.
The schooner Nettie Woodward was tot-
ally wrecked near Southampton y'i edues•
day night. Joseph Grew head, first trate,
and 1 Ce khand named Mahon, both of
;-outhau pt In, were drowned. Three Others
w e res, ued al'tLr great suklering
ACU.NS1,ti'Ra.l1QN e
G1•'.NiLE1ILN DI)'1.' 11'e•tll'f '
nlf(} dltTt°zaP"d,v'IxS t11ttnei)� .salt,
1.;; rul7�.1"�.�it `liu\t"Wit1,1A. t i''1tecr;
1n advised td tt 0131•. Ii ow errs
Hilt( cu"r..WItetry, and efore he
1 ,n erne bor.;le he w.,a cured. `,ie
consi'Ier it saved his life.
:larss ADELAIDE Cltl1•'r kNDEN,
For the ;'r;l time since the great strike
eve:•', departmeet in t ale :, tomcstead mils,
Pittsburg, were running yes. e.d.t.
Ilan). pe• sons were killed by lightning in
Henderson County, Del., Wednesday.
Cr'n,s were almost ruined by the stcrnt.
Th it geut•t.e action and good ell'.et on the
ti} Stem t'l'a! 1' make then, a Perfect Ikt1LC
•They please those. who USe than
Carter's Little Liver Pills may well be
termed perfection.
Tit ee men were irstentLy called by an
accident at New 11 a . burgh, N.Y., dzaw-
bridg on e he i i udsun River Railway.
'I JUNK u' Ii 1 O It
r`en't .c u thick 0 me blue which cures
others will cu e you? Don't you think you
need Flintlock to col !sheers to he p you to
h alth and happiness. We know 13.B.B.
cu es dvs: epsia, bi icor ne,s, constipation,
:31•1 bad Iniad. Don't you think ll is time
you tried it?
Margaret Campbell was;Ik'•t"11ed, "eu Ne"`)
York W ednesday night .drtrvg to tgtaaxettt
with her husband in their tsy:ii•.itiira¢'LA,.
Fall Exhibitions.
Midland Central, l ing»stou,..St st. 1'9,
Great Etiastern,Sherbrool ,Qua-" f.54
Industrial, Toronto.....,,. -_ " 53i7
Exposition, Montreal....,,_ __, "x `z.
Western, London.... _.,-,-_- °w V?944
Lincoln Union, St. Catharines. 4'19-4
Ontario & Durham, Vi'hitby . . "" 22;
Clinton..... `;2.k 23
Centre Bruce, Paisley__
Horticultural, i,4itclittl ...-_.. u X17-26
Stephen & Usborne, Exeter__ ''` Lt `i7
South Perth, 5t. Marys ,
North Waterloo, I3clilo...,.__ "
Goderieb ... - e1'
South Oxford, Tils0labi'___.. '~1$
South Grey, Durham,.__ ._,.. - ` i 98
Peel, Br'alnpton.. OAS
Southern, Brantford.._ _ "'W,,?J
Northern; So 90'
North Oxford, Woodstock.... 29'
�I Sale ofor die ce l
Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter.
-OF -
i o
E3Bed�aRoomSein,t� �' �a Iej Cherry, Ash &��Oak;-- Sideboards ards orR
t ether:wlth
rfe herr and Oak: og
¢ ry for a tc� J i a 1
g usuallyfound in a first-class furniture sto
and e�eeverything re.
.I>uE+ 1�El,
the prices are from
E centBELOW the u.a1 price
dal! Early while the Stock lasts,
Rerner berthe Stand -Factory and Warerooms two doors
North Perth, Stratford.._. 1) 8 rt �, � � � I, Exeter.
Central Canada, Ottaw.a__Snlst Ex:.t:t.Yet 1
Haldimaitd, Cayugx1 ...., , _>_Glx's 4.5.
West Durham & Drirl.n i3ow 4-5
North Brant, Paris. G:' 4-5
Centre 'Wellington, Elora_-_. L` 1-7
Milton. .. Li 2
South SVaterloo,Galt_.-._-.. •t`t 7
Prov, fat stock show, G-ne13.511 Dee.ld-la
z , teeXeze 1)5111
eenee They are 0
Pleuro Yea reeeen,
foal eiretetea, r?.;
st'ea, swore th4y
supply 'Ku w cval.4l.ieseet
feria flee ak.staa aces:
pi,c'tualey 'a c.1111 0ta•ou-
i ek rhoYScs,,t , etdcing
nail el:wee:1 examen;
ilmeia P000 amd TtS-
1t3 S n kNo, v.. trams
Vr a.ea) {Pn.. res in
f"Ps*`.i7iYir>;a't�tek held
detilr t allgds` yesterday,
a1Lt tletil yy chstributed Dominion
e A .ti'iattoh pnze$.
Consumption Cured.
An old phy ici nn, retired from practice
having 1nu1 pldcocl10 his hands by. an East
lzidiamisitionary the formol . of a simple
vegetable rens erly for the speedy a n d lu rio a-
nent cure of Consunt prion, Bronchitis, Ca-
tarrh, Asthma. and all throat and Lung
Afleetions, also a positive and •adieal cure
for Nervous Debility and ill D. ry 0uCom-
plaints, after having tested its wonderful
curative powers inthousands of ease., lois
'felt it his fluty to make it known to his suff-
ering, fellows. Actuated by this motive aud
a desire to relieve lutman suffering, I will
gond free ofrhurge. to all who desire it. this
recipe. in Garman, French or Enplish, with
full directions for preparing and using. Sent
by n,+til b,v addressing with stamp. ntambig
flus paper. W. A. N o%EES, 810 Powers IBlock,
A vpantsh gunboat has been despatched
to rescue the eleven members of the crew of
the Spanish ship Yoar 1 that fell into the
hands of Moorish pirates.
Paso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Rost. Easiest to Ilse. and Cheapest.
Soldby druggists or. sent by mail,
sae. E. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa.
The C. P. R. Lend Department sold a.}-
400 acres of land last month. During the
past eight months the company has sold
farms 10 the extent of t"i,c33 000.
Oh, What a Cough!
Will you heed the warning. The
signal perhaps of the sure approach of
that more terrible disease Consunl pt
ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford
for the sake of saying' 50c., to run the
risk and do nothing' for it. We know
from experience thataShiloll's Cure will
cure your cough. It never fails.
The schooner City cf ToLedo hos been
wrecked nn Laka Michigan, near Manistee.
Capt. MCMil ecr, his daughter, aud six sail-
ors were drowned.
GENTLFMEN,-\Ve 1•ave six children, and
have relied on Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry for the pa .1 twelve pen's in all
4.41' cases of tri u -rho a and summer complaints,
and it never fairs to cure
IlTas. ANNA ALLFN, IIaraey, Ont,
Judge Wm, 11. Blaine of G1"nn. Cot.nty,
Ga., and one of the most prominent teen in
that State, was cau'rht stealing money from
the sate of a grocer' and is now in gaol,
1)o not despair 'of curing your sick head-
ache when you C.nn so easily obtain Cartel's
Little Fiver Pills. They will effect a prompt
00 1 permanent core. Their action is mild
and natu.ttl.
The scarlet fever epidemic in Otd Lon -
'don shows no srgn of abatement. 'There
there 3,560 cases of the dise Ise in the Met-
ropoLit<u, and London fever hnspitaLs.
Siris, -Fur s veal seasons we have seri-
ed on 1)r. Fowler's Extract of 'eGiLd Straw-
berry fvf all summer 000iplaints. A few dos-
es alwa s gives relict and it never fails to
cure, We think it a very valuable medi-
cine, as nations aS gold.
Mas, F. C. WINGER, Frout Hill, Ont.
Twenty•six persons were drowned by the
Creaking in two of the loleamer Western
Reserve, near Dear Park, Mich. The vess-
el was bound for Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr E. T. Batley, Elkhorn, Man., writes.
--My dauaitter war. sick for eleven months;
she was as white as it Was pos.-ib.e for any
living person could be; was short of breath
and, lad terrible pal".o and ringing noises in
the head on the slightest exer:i ,n, Two
bores of Dr. Williams Pink Pit,Ls thorough-
ly cured her. 'UnLqualled for all diseases
peculiar to femals. All dealers or by mail
on receipt c'f Soo, tr box or six boxes for
912 50. Ur, Williams Med, Co., Brookville,
Ont.,. or Mon islown, New York.
04 K, 1 r.tsi'r of 13rockviLLe was elected
grand president of the 0,M. .A. Grand
Council, at T•lamltc,n yesterday, The meet
ing next year will be held ht St. Sohn, N.I3
That ll tct•', Persistent,' Distressing
Cough, cart bequickly clued by using Dr.
Wood's Norway Pint Syrup.
TT) T7A4a?ea Tip 43
r! .
' Ar1NG
1 1�
LL2e'.'•'e �'•u:9h.•; w:aa1. s �>,u;vrnvd s,c:..Ra rrre:rsM
heed i! e 't. 0 l f t ., to it -el 11 ,,!!,A
e3r i 4 •&air
s (
of Ladies Specialties.
The Parisian Medical Appliance Co.,
19 Queen -A. E., Toronto, Out.
ifet,tion this iq per.
rt ly,➢
i 4111 1 'sr.;
'Regulates the Stomach,
Liver• and Bowels, unlocks
the Secretioris,P• u iiia sthe
Wood and removes all Irrr-
puriti±s from a 1P••irrtrhlo to
the worst $lcrofu loos Sore.
• CS1
Di1�INE SS. bI C)1' s
roa;-Faven, gra a,iso
tnv rr ' •M;p ,L azs,n
1Jd' the• 3i ?YS$i . eiri$
Syseetttee 111bsee. trieteehlis
duwnn lr} 'ser v.ork;
rnentteb Vel tn•C itiwrssa..
0110e:8J$s rte va .F:cire--
tt0 7s. 'lives s 11L' 0 a
Srat;tr'tc 2,8018(12t ca.
both al LecanIt etetaen,.
rrestorJia '11le+: •rN•OIt.,
ince x n nocti at?
rienttormarenetrEn ate.
Wh,eatper bushel.. , , ... $0.70 to0.75
Barley 35 to, 40
Oats -,,.,............ 28 t0 30
Peas- ..., .. , 58 to 60
Butter .................13 to 13
Potattoes per bits 15 to 15
Hay per told . 5 00 to 3.00
Wool.- .... . ..... ................ 16 to 17
q WTeo tln<ds `beam, t .:�
at; Ft 1�11?I ti.'7 1�1i
his physical powers tta .iug,shpuld z ti es'o
Pira,s. They will restore his: 10:gteusictrs.,tio&it•
physical and mental.
?i q' 9 t F rbostlt� kids ±free' e
H ,7 Irr��J �lg'Xtl Ptdl lilt] 0058 S tri �,-.
proscions anti in rgule_attea. 'wbis11 un s d:11;
entail sickness when nogleoted.
�* 811ou111 ba e Iarsa'Pulvs
9 ,V 3111 iL r51oyr311 oleo. lw rs-
sults of youthful bad liabito, and titren48tbsr:a4J_o.
make tihe�ieg® 4Uun ti�3lculi4 t 41os %hSets(n1:
' rte; .
For sale by all druggistsorwtifl lharerit t.pon
receipt of I,rice (Otic. per Nix),by:st bineair: