The Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-8, Page 1Subscribe ter
Only O from no W till;faunary
iet PAM Give it B 6l'ith1.
The AD11001i'1$ 01110E
-who ii
asea oft --
e Dillei Hand Bills, Letter
clads and 21V( l� peteseill Abet
all Isinds of prietirig.
...n.mnrwalammannssracsimcrom. .ur
SE.PTEMBER 8, 1892.
The olsons rank.
' (Chartered by Purliameet, 1.835.)
Paid up, Ca pit el . , . , . . $2,000,000.
Rest Fund. .. .... 1,100,000,
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmer's'on their
own notes with one or more endorsors at 7
per cent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open or ery 'aide' day -from 10 .a. m, to 3 p.
m.', Saturdays .10 a. m. to 1 p. m
A generalbanking business transacted
ouR,RENT BATES ‘illo wed for mon-
ey on Deposit Reeeipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager
Ozeetia. gOrtlaraU,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Otliee,
One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance.
61.50 if not so paid..
ii.c1.-irextille.g Mateo
No paper discontinued until all arrearagee
are paid.. Advertisements Without specifie
directions will be published tilt forbid. and
charged. accordingly. Liberal discount niade
for transeient advertisements Inserted for
long periods. Everyl, description of JOB
PRINTING terned outin the finest style,
and at moderate rates. ChequeS,money ord-
ers. &c. for advertising, subseriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
SariderS 8.s 'street
Fatt. Rector. Sunday .Services, 11 a. in
and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 0.30 11.. in. Holy
Communion. ist Sunday of each month at
MOTI/thg Service. and in months of live Sun-
days, after Evening Service of ard Senclay of
the month. Holy Baptism on 21141 Sunday
of eaeli month at mornieg service.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. m.
and6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
Marx sreEET-Rov. W. MeDonagli, Pas-
tor. SUR lay Services, 11.00, m. and. 7.00 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 p. in.
PRESBYTERIAN 01iTJR.C11.-Re1'. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services., 11 a. m. aud 6.30 p.
rn. Sabbath School, 9.0
rtisessionat . card S.
Fanson's Block
two doors ilorth. of Carliag Store,
MAIN STBEWD,EXET ER, extraots teeth
without pain. Away at liensall on let
Friday; .A.ilsa Craig on 21141 and eth. Tuesday;
and Zurich on last Thursday of each month.
ei H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
C College Dental Surgeons, successor to
II. L. Billings. Office over Post Offiee
Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraetion of teeth. bine Gold
igs Its
. and Surgeon. Office and residence-
Coruer Victoria, and. Elgin streets, Goderich,
I-, Residence -Corner And.rew and North
Streets, Exeter, Qatari°.
-1-/ the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physiehin, Surgeon and A.cuoueli-
eur. Office, Lashwoocl,
DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D,, C. M, Memlker of
College of Physiehins ancl Surgeons,
Ontario; lieentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Vaeulty of Physiehins and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Follow of 'Trinity Medical
College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old
.131,• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, F,xeter, Ontario,
M.oney to Loan.
• of Supreme Court, Notary Public., Con-
veyanzer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
12-4 itors, Conveyancers, &c.
BROWN, \Vinci-it:lees,. Licensed Auct-
11-. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Ueborne
Sales promptly attended to and term s re a s on
able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
AJ. nougats, late of IlIanitoba, Licens-
eped Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
B0SSENI3ERRY,Itensall Ontario. Lic-
.12.4. ensed A.UetiOneer for the County% of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satiefactitn guaranteed.
T HARDY, Licensed Auttioneer for the
.1.1• County of Huron. Sales Conducted on
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a
s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made
at this office.
Engineer. °Lana
Over Post Office, Main street, hater', Ont."'
DAIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (SuccesSor to Win. Sweet,
V.S ) Over 10 years practice. Office and
residence one block eaet of ItiehardPiektirds
store. OppOsite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
EAnattsg ELLIOT.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Torohto.
The Plicenix Fire Insurance Co';y.,
of London, England
The Alliance Fire Assur. Co'y.,
of Louden, England.
and The Confederation Life Association,
of Toronto.
Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
,An upright Mad (Mason Se Rich) --4 ..t.
eve--altnoAt now, 4pp1y ab this office,
To see how your stock of FALL and WINTER SUITINGS is for
the wining ecasons,
Of Course You Haven't'
And when the cool Days and Nights come you will be
HI a BIG HURRY to get one of the NUBBY TWEED SUITS that GRIEVE is
selling. for
$1 0.00 arld.
Or perhaps you want a fine OVERCOAT, if so, we have a
Large and Compete Stock to Pick from.
And in Black suits we do them all for quality and cheapuess, ,
If so, see what we are making for
$2.75 12itOATE-1
we made all these goods up IN GOOD STYLE with the best Trimmings
See our 75o. Tweeds, and we out our own goods free
of charge.
Remember the Place.
Girl wanted to go to London to do general
house,work Inc family where nurse girl is
kept. Apply to GEORGE SANDERS, Exeter
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 15, Con, 311, Stephen, a thoroughbred
Berkshire Boar.
TERMS: -Sl, payable at time of service,
with privelege of returning if necessary.
Sept. 15th, to 24th, 1392
Canada's Favorite Life Stock Exhibition.
02,000 add ed to the Prize List.
Over $1,500 going to the Horses, Cattle
Sheep, Pigs and Poultry classes.
Visitors and exhibitors are promised m ore
for their money this year than ever before.
Stribling and space allotecl on receipt of
Special attractions will be of an attractive
and elaborate kind.
Special .1Mxcursions OH all Railways.
For Prize List and alit information
apply to
Capt A W .Portel nos A Browne,
President. Secretary.
Are the main stay of our republic. In
them are being cultivated the minds
which are to be our future .lawmakers
and leaders in every path of life. How
essential it is that these minds should
be united to strong, healthy bodies.
So many children suffer from impuri
ties and poisons in the blood that it is
a wonder that they ever grow up to
be men and " women. Many parents
cannot find words strong enough t
express their gratitude to Hood's Sar
saparilla for its good effect upon their
children. Scrofula, salt rheum. and
other diseases of the blood are effect-
ually and permanently cured by this
excellent medicine, and the whole be-
ing is given strength to resist • attacks
Of disease..
a...011.1=11010.111M• MITU4113=
Appron tiees to learn dressmaking.
Apply to Miss Ettie Essery, Carling
Bros.' store.
In Haste.
If remarks a caustic exchange, you
wish to send a letter away in a hurry
be sure, to write "in haste" on the en-
velope, The pastmaster and his clerk
will fall over encli other in their baste
to get it into the first ms ; then the
postal clerk will yell at the engineer: -
"Pull her wide open; here's a letter
that's in a rush," and the train will
just fly it. It is expensive for the rail-
roads, as accidents are liable to happen
and the officials will not thank us for
giving it away, but that is the way to
get your letter through real quick,
The Apple Crop.
The report of Mr. C. C. James, Secre
tary of the Bureau of Industries,shows
that in all Ontario over one-half of its
best apple raising counties have suffer-
ed te an extraordinary extent, first in
quantity and now in quality. Along
the lakes, from Sarnia to Toronto,
through Essex, Rent, Welland, Lin-
coln, and Wentworth the apple crop
may be set down as also a complete
failure. As we go east through Ont
:trio, Durham, Northumberland, Hest
ings, Lennox and Prince Edward, the
prospects are greatly improved. In
the St. Lawrence and Ottawa districts
the prospects are fair; in the Parry
Sound districts some correspondents
state that the trees are loaded, but the
trees are few, The Georgian Bay
counties and the adjacent counties to
the south are, all things cenSidered
the most fortunate, as the reports from
Huron, Bruce a nd Grey, Simeoe, Perth,
Wellington and Waterloo are the most
favorable of any received.
Toronto's (vent Fair.
The Toronto Industrial Exhibition
opened on Tuesday last, the Gth Sept.,
and closes on the 17th. With the en-
larged grounds, new half mile track,
new grand stand 700 feet long, many
other improvements, and the large
number of egcellent special attractions
provided, the coming fair will un
doubsedly be away armed of all that
have preceded it. The entry list in all
departmeets is larger than ever, and
the space in all the buildings has been
taken. The annual cheap faresand
excursions will be given on the rail-
ways. 'The attendance of visitors from
all parts 01 the country will undoubt-
edly be great.
Excitement 111 p11Ves.
The apple shippers are making
things lively through the length and
breadth of the country, says the Mont-
real Gazette, every section where app.
les are grown 1,11fg in vaded,by scores
of buyers who have forced apples ii.p ti.
$1.75 per barrel for fruit on the trees.
Some of the Montregl shippers are con•
tracted for what they want in the vi-
cinity of $1 25. One western man who
represents a London house is so id to
have secured 100,000 barrels Some
body will, in doubt, be Sony for what
they are lloW doillg before Um tauter
sets ill, as l'IWPO is every reason to be-
lieve that the English market is not
high enough at any rate to males 111011
ey on fruit wean g• $1.75 in the omits
ards. The following. cable was receiv-
ed from London by the agent of a
large Enseksh house:—"Be careful; no
speculation; results be disAstrous; con
Unman,' crop much larger than report-
"he Devil".
Sonie Scotch parsons have a habit of
interjecting the persona( pronoun he
when not required. Instead of saying
the king has come, they would say the
king he has come. It is reported of
one that he commenced a sermon in the
following style: ''My dear friends, we
shall take for onr consideration this
evening the first epistle general of the
apostle Peter (chapter v., verse 8):
'And the devil goeth about like a roar
ing lion,seeking whom he may devour'.
Now, my dear friends, with your kind,
permission, 1 shall divide the subject
of our text into four heads. In the
firsgwe shall endeavor to ascertain
who the devil he was; secondly, , We
shall inquire into his geoirraphieal po-
sition, namelY: where, thedevil he was,
and where the devil he was going;
thirdly and this is of a personal char
aeser, who the devil he was seeking;
and, fourthly and lastly- we shalt en-.
cleaver to solve a problem that has
never yet been solVed, what the deyil
he was. rearing at.'
J ust so.
When a child is born into this world
the physician is present .and gets About
$10 for officiating at the important.
•event, says an. 44•X change. The editor
heralds the event and..gets a cussing
for making a mistake as to the sex or
day of arrival, After a While I he:sesne
child becoiree st than miuister is called
to perform, tb..,; marriage ceremony and
the minister wa,lks, oft* with a ten dollar
bill in his pecket ftie big trentele, The
'editor is again upon and chrons
ides the tyent' by fdrawing , upon his
imagination tti, Make' the ,Lride .and
groom the .best ,•eigi? most tespeeted
pole itt the,,countrig His: only pay 18
to be asked-fot a fens Seiriple eopiet of
his pipet to be sent, .te Seine absent
friends, In time the onto heppy baby,
the once happy grown, but tidies Std.
VanCed.lit hfe, le brOtight down tO
death, !1 ho. phySidan wine, pitatinte
big bill, the Undertaker is present and
want8 ip.00 for performing. the leet sad
rite. whilo 010 editor is expected to
complete the drama by holding up the
deceased as a modern gemtleman. a
christian.'and one who is at present
singing the songs of the redeemed
around, Jerusalem. The probability at
the same time is that the baby, , groom
and the dead man has been soinfernal-
ly mean and stingy that he has stinted
his wife and children and has never
contrtboted one ceut to the support of
his newspaper,
'Phe Western Fair.
The Secretary and Directors of Can
ada's fageeite exhioition are busy ar-
rangingsall the preliminaris for the
corning 'fair. The exhibit, promises to
be large; and better and more instruct
iye thane'er before. The prizes in
the speeding Contests have been doub
led, and the Directors have added
2,000 to the prize list. This step, they
felt was necessary to encourage the
farmers and,1areeders, who go to great
expense every year to secure their
stock and products, as nothing but the
finest seed and breeding stock satisfy
the present demands. This action on
the part of the Directors, has had its
good effecte' the entries in the live
stock department being far and a Way
ahead of last year ia numbers. Space
is all taken up in the main building
and other buildings. .Tne programme
of the special attractions has been is
sued, and if everything is carried out
as stated thl.terein, the patrons of the
fair will 'have rare entertainment.
Aniong the special attractions we not
ice Madame Marantette and her horses.
Lyon's Triek Oxen, Cat" Orchestra,
Tubular Chime'Bells, Bondo Company
of Gymnasts, etc., Balloon Ascensious.
Fire Works,, Cross Cut Sawing. Con.
tests, Fire Engine Contests, Palace of
Illusions and a lot of others. The Sec
retary informs us that 30,000 daily
programmes are new being sent out
from the offices of the association and
can be had on application. The dates
oil which this great exhibition will be
held are from Sept. 15th to 24th.
Personal Mention,
Mr. Joseph Peart is attending the
Toronto Industrial Exhibition this
week.—Mr. David Mill was in Clinton
on Tuesday en business in connection
with the :Alt well company—Mr. Jos-
eph Senior, wife and child left on Tues-
dayemOrning for Torouto, where Mr. S.
will attend the photographers ponven-
tion, which th being held there this
week.—Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. of ' St.
Thomas returned home on Tuesday,
having been the guests of Mr. and Mrs
H. BuCkingliam while here.—Mrs Geo.
Weekes, of Chicago, has been in the
village during the past week on a vis-
it, leaving on !onda to visit friends
in Mitchell. --Charles Snell was in Sar•
nia this Iveek.—Rev. F. H. Fatt was in
Blyth oniTuesday attending', a harvest
home thanksgiving service. --David
John, Samuel Martin and J. P. Clarke
and clang hte'r-left, on Tuesday for Tor
outo.—Mr. and MrJt.ipes Stewart, of
Kinburn, were. the truesiwf Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Bisset on S"unday.24irt B. S.
O'Neil returned heee 00 Saturda.'egs egs
ening after visitin a` a number of east-
ern cities.—Miss liseTavish, after being
absent from the. village for some time
on a vacation, returned on Monday.—
Mrs. R. N. Rowe, after an absence of a
Month from the Tillage' visiting parents
in Clinton has returned to her home.—
Mr. John Delbridge and Mrs. P. Fisher
left the Exeter Station on Tuesday
morning, for Douglas, Manitoba, where
they will remain on a short visit with
relatives and friends.—Mr, and Mrs.
Piper, of Lambeth, and Mr. and Mrs.
Edmunds, of Fingal, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. David Mills. Mrs. (Rev.)
S. F. Robinson and son, Fritz, of Walk-
erton, were eisitors sit Mr. Mills' Mon
day evening!, leaving on Tuesday
morning for London, where Mrs. R
will yisit her mother and sister, who
have just returned from England. Her
health has greatly improved since her
removal from amongst us, and states
that Mr. Robinson and the family are
enjoying the best of health—Miss L.
Smith, Popular*Milliner of Spackman
and Co's Store, has arrived home after
spending a well earned vacation, She
attended Montreal last week arid will
be ready te greet her many customers
with 'head gear in all the latest styles
for the .fall trade.—Master 'Bert Spicer
is op tlie eick list . -e -Miss Down still con
tinuet very i11.—Mr. George Hoskin
left on Monday for St. Thomas, where
be be Outraged at his trade,—Mes
srs, Fred and Earnest Farncombe, of
London, are her on a Visit.—Mr R. B.
Samuel, of Ridgetown, arrived here on
Friday evening' last and is now fulfil-
ling the position vacated by Mr. Pope
in the Molsoe't Bank —Miss Johnson,
Milliner at Mr. A. J.. MeTagish's, . who
has!been holidaying for sometime, re-
turned here on Tuesdag togesume her
position,—Mies Beatrice °doper, of IA7
cell, is visiting her aunt., Mrs. Wreg
Dayidson.Mrs Seigle, of Brown City,
Mich, is visiting Mi R N.. Rowe..—.Mr,
John Spackman and wife, Whe 'haye
been camping at Grand Bend during
the SUMiner have '" returned lierne to
reuiatia—Mie A1eX, Dow, who • we tes
ported atabeing very loes last, week, :is,
recOvering end getting along nicely.'
—Miss Effie Besery, who has been
spending; her holidays at horns and. at
Parkhill, hasagain teennied her posi1.
litin as ditOStiaker here.-40eye
din arriyed home from Ptrope on
Tuesday lastlie looks as though the
trip bad agreed With Min. -I -Min Ada
has been spending her holidays, has
retned ----
home.31r. David flowelire,
of Usboine, gave us a eall en ',Vendee
while on hi$ way to Zulich, where he
has engaged to work in the Flour Mill
of that place, --Mr. R. IL Collins, Chas.
Sanders, Jos. Davis, G. A. 1( McLeod,
W. H. Levl°, J. A. Stewart and John
Kmight drove to Hensel( on Thursday
night to attend a meeta
ing of the M.
sonic lodge.—John E, Tom, L P. S., was
ill town Tuesda,y on his way home,
—Mr. David Johns and wife left on
Tuesday evening for Toronto, wh,ere
they will ottend the exhibi ion.— J. A
Gregory leaves on Friday next for
Aylmer where he will attend school.
A.rou.nd About (is.
Lucan's assessment for the • present
year is $170,000, and the estimated
amount for all purposes, viz: municip-
al Or local rate, county rate and for ed-
ucational demands is 24 mills on the
George Macbeth, while umpiring the
London Ildertou cricket mateh Satur
day, was struck hi the ear by a batted
ball and knocked senseless. .EIe came
around all right but his ear was badly
cut and swollen.
Wm. Pollard, of Grey, has a crop of
Egyptian oats that is a maryel as far
as growth and promise are concerned.
Out of a sample five heads were count.
ed 107, 109, 118, 129, 144 grains re-
spechvely. The heads average nearly
ten inches in length.
The Groat Northern Caledonian ,ga-
thering at Lueknow will be held this
year onlept. 14th, and for the first
time tfilMr the auspices of the Sons c+f
Scotland of the counties of Huron and
Bruce. The games will take place on
the park of the Caledonian' Society of
Lucknow, where a complete program
of athletic sports, piping and dancing
will be presented. The camps have
secured the presence of Louis Cyr, the
strongest of all the human raee, to
give an athletic exhibition.
Thomas Fitzgerald, who lived near
Zion Methodist church, Hibbert, died
at his home on Monday afternoon, last
week. He had been ailing for many
months, but bore his pains with great
fortitude and christian resignation. He
was ait old resident of the township,
and bycareful and industrious habits
accumulated considerable wealth. Few
men were better read, church history his fa.vorite-workiegeaRe leaves a
wife, soa and daughter to mourn his
loss. His remains were interred in
Irishtown cemetery On Wednesday
morning, the funeial being an unites
ally large one, thus testitying to the
respect in which he was held by the
By direction of Postmaster -General
Wanamaker, Supt. Brooks of tho For-
eign Mail Office, has notified postmast
ers at Detroit, Port Huron, Sault Ste.
lIarie, Mich.), Suspension Bridge, Mor-
ristown, Ogdensburg, Rouse's Point,
Newport and St. Alban's Vt., and
Neche, N. D,, that their Offices have
been designated as points at which
ars reaching the United States from
Canada-nhall be fumigated to protect
against clUalera. Railway postoffices
haye been itargested to turn over to
those postoffices matisereceived by them
from Canada and to thcirestsghly fumi-
gate the contents by sulphur.' They
are to use every effort not to unneces -
sully delay any article.
From Huron Diocese, the following
is the roll of clerical and lay deleg,ates
to the fiftieth session of the Synod of
the Church of England in Canada
which opens in Montreal on Sept. 14th:
Clerical—Rev. Principal Miller, M.A.;
Very Rev. Dean Innes, M.A.; Rev. Ca
non Davis, M.A., London; Rey. Canon
Hill, M.A., St. Thomas; Rev. Canon
Smith, R. D., Ven. Archdeacon. Marsh,
M.A., Rev. Canon Richardson, M.A.,
London; Rev. J. H. Moorehouse, Inger-
soll; Rev. R. M. McCosh. Chatham; Rev.
R. Hicks, S.D., Simcoe; Rev. G. R.
Sage, B.A., B.D., Rey. D. Williams, M,
A., London.
Lay—Matthew 'Wilson, Q.C., Chat.
ham; Richard Bayley, QC., London;
Hon. Judge Ermatinger, St. Thomas •
I. F. ,Hellinuth, LL.B., V. Cronyn,
B., chanceaor, London; Chas, Jenkins,
Petrolea ; A. C, Clark, Sarnia; A, H.
Dymond, Brantford; Wm. Grey, W. H
Eatkins, Woodstock; Jas. Woods, Galt;
Robt. Fox, Lucan.
Mrs, Ginter, who lives south of this
place, had the misfortune to fall down
a number of steps and dislocate her
shoulder. Medical aid was procured
and the bones replaced.
Farmers are busy preparing the soil
for fall wheat,—The other night some
light-fingered individuate Stole a quan-
tity of plums from Mr. Martin. Would
it not be as well for these persons to
come and ask for a portion if they think
they have a right to them, rather than
be found guilty of committing such a
low. ungentlemanly act. A few hours
behind the bare would not be amiss.
On Wednesday Amanda, daughter of
lir. James Snell was married to Mr.
Cornelius lLore, of Clinton. She was
highly respected by all in this Section
and all join in wishing her many years
a prosperity in her new home in Olin.
Torn, saleelady at Carling trim, who inn) **herb they intend residing.
I Be',. Mr. Taylor and wife,of Hespler,
are at present tho guests of Ms broth-
er, Mr, floury Yager,—Mr. 'ger
purposes sterting a briek and tile yard
here,. Mr, 'Yager is a man of enterprise
and we wish him success In his under
k -
taing.—Miss Mary Vine was visithig
friends in the vicinity of Parkhill last
we. —Mr. and M,.1 Wm, McDonald,
of East Williams, are at present visits
ing friends in this vicinity. --The Miss
M -
es cDongles, of Sarnia, are at present
vieiting friends in those parts.
Grand Bend,
Cranberries are reported plentiful
in the vicinity 9f Lake Smith.—The
fishermen have been busy during the
past week lifting their pound nets, the
fishing' season being at an ends—The
work of shifting the earth in the slut
still continues to progress.—The camp.
ing season is now about at an end and
the woods which echoed with the ring
of merry voines are, lulled. ----Numbers
of sports were here 1st of September
looking for wild ducks, but the major-
ity returned with only a small amount
of game.
A large number of sorts were he
this vicinity on the 1st instin search
of duck.—The children of Sodom
school, together with their parents, in-
tend picnicing a,t"Grand Bend to day
(Thursday). Mr. Samuel Prouty has
finished harvesting this week.—Sever-
al of oar citizens are talking of going
to Toronto exhibition this week.--Ber-
rypickin,es has now become a thing of
the past.—Mr. John Carrick's bees
have rnade a large quantity of honey
this season and he is now offering it
for sale.—The saw.mill has been und-
ergoining repairs during the, past
week, and is now in working order.
St. Marys
Suit has been commenced by Robert
Faulkner, of St. Marys, against the
grand camp of the Sons of Scotland,
William Banks and Donald McCrae,for
a declaration by the court that .he is
insured in that order for $1,000.—The
other afternoon Messrs. Wolfe Bros,, St:
Maryssturned out their horses in a
pasture field adjoining ttie Agricultur-
al grounds. Owing to a defective
fence both horses got on' the railway
track and a train passing killed one of
them.—The ceremony of the laying -
of the corner stone in the
new Catholic church being, erected
here will take place on Sunday, Sept
Ilth. The work is being pushed for
ward as rapidly as possible.
A photographer from Mitchell has
been in town for the last few days
taking photos of the principal stores
and residences.—Dr. Irving has sold.
his residence and practice to Dr.
Thompson. We wish the new doctor
every success.—Mr. J. Meqinqic—olr
genial postmaster, and R. Creery,
Sr., returned last wee from Ireland.
Both the gent1eegs6n haye expressed
themselves ealasno get back on Can-
ada's soil —i(1 Grahame, an Irish gen-
tlemalv-iiho intends spending a few
weeks in Canada to recruit his health,
is visiting with Mr. McCurdy —The
Church of England people intend giv-
ing a harvest home supper in the town
hall here on Monday. Sept. 26th.—Mr.
Archie McCurdy, who was badly hurt
last week, is recovering.
Mrs. Elie,. Lippert after visiting
friends and relatives in Michigan for
several weeks returned home fast Sat-
urday.—Mr John rilazel and wife, of
Michigan, are visiting in this neigh-
borhood.—Mr. Chas. Greb and wife at-
tended the funeral of Jacob Smith, of
Milverton last week. Mr. Smith was
formerly a resident of the village and
his sudden death was a surprise to
many.—Bills are out annouvicing the
Grand Concert to be held here in the
Town Hall the night of the Zurich
fair. Mr. Sim Fax, Canada's comic
singer, will be one of the professionals
to take part. This Concert should not
be missed as it will be a great treat.—
"Macormick" and 'Tin" made a trip to
Dashwood last Saturday on their bic-
ycles , 85 minutes.--Evegyleody
preparing for the World's Fair to be
held here the 12 and 18 inst.
Clinton, on the lst inst.,
the wife of Mr. T. M. Carling, of :s,
JEwant,L.—rn Exeter, on the 1st inst,
the wife of Mr, James Jewell, of a
HODGINS.—In McGillivray fp., cOn.14
on Sept. 2nd, the wife of James Hed-
gins, ot a daughter.
BARRIE! ar,s.
Houb--SrIELL—In Stephen, on the fith
inst., by the Rev% A. L. Russell. litlr.
COrneilus Here, a cliatonstq
Amanda; ds,ughter of Mr. lama
Snell, of Stephtm Township.