HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-01-16, Page 18Qatf,RI f SIGNAL -STAR, THURSD ' ';'MANUAR.Y,16, 1-669 By Brenda East ,ti The Christmas Assembly was held an Friday, December 20, the last day of school before the holidays.- At- this -. Assembly .the Drama Club presented its first -production of the - year, a comedy • — entitled the "Advantages of being Shy". Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the play and the students hope to see other examples of this club's talent before the ylear's • end. CHRISTMAS DANCE The annual Christmas dance was held the same evening in the auditorium. Amid festive decorations, topped by: a gigantic Christmas tree which actually touched the ceiling, a good crowd of h students celebrated .the py night of holidays. Music was supplied by the popular Kanay marnival. Even jolly old St. Nick arrived unexpectedly to present gifts 'of mistletoe 'and. candy canes. One could not deny that this was one of the best dances of the year thus far. " DANCE AND BASKETBALL The `social commitWe is busily planning a _specie night just for ,you! This Friday evening at $:30 the Goderich men's team will challenge the student's team--- to"'a basketball garrre. fi40 This:. activity has been ° planned with adults and parents in mind. The admhsion is only 50c. for adults and we hope many parents and •interested town members will dropftby, just for the fun ofit! - Following the game, �a dance will be held from 9:3Q to 12 for students. "the Every One of Us" from London will provide the music. Ping pong and chess ,will be up in the corridors for diose who don't wish to dance. There's something for everyone and the dress -'is -casual. • Are you coming? - L^ . IT'S FORMAL TIME The Students' Council is working on the 17th 'annual •formal again. 'it will be -herd 'in' the new auditorium on. February 7 from 9 p.m. — 1 a.m. Gordon Cooper and his Orchestra from London:will provide the .music. If you have not r 'ceived an invitation, come anyway. You arecertainly welcome. \\ YY A REMINDER TQ THE BOYS OF G.D.C.I. If coq re -planning on asking someone — you'd better hurry up. It takes quite a lot of time to Lmake a gown, etc. ' AND THAT WINTER CARNIVAL? Well, its coming - in mid-February.` Since it is still in the planning stage, a suggestion box has . been placed ,.in' the ,corridor and any helpful hints will be welcome. But remember that eager participants will be needed for these sports. So get those .toboggans, or snowshoes polished. The Winter carnival l be Only what._ouu make it! SCHOOL,IACKETS After several months of hard work, the jacket committee' came up with r school jacket pattern that was supposedly what the students Wanted. However, up to, this time, only, a few • hav been- ordered. These are jackets espeoially for you — the students of and just as distinctively D.C.I. as they can be. If you want a' jacket PLEASE place that order soon thrugh yourstudent council" representative. ouncil- representative. ST.:M4RY'S SCOOP ACTIVITY TEAM REPORT The Activity Team had its first meeting of 1969 on January '7. There was a, discussion Qn making, a rink in the schoolyard- but nothing definite -has been decided. Volunteer pupils are bringing in shovels in hopes of beginning the rink. - by Maureen 'McCauley and the winner of the „junior divisi6;n,— Ann McCauley; was given her prize by Tanya Palmer. Congratulations Anne and Ann. The Activity Tearp gave each=of the other students a• small gift. The Activity 'Pearn hopes the staff and students had a happy holiday. .Before the holidays the Tanya Palmer. Activity Team. had a "Christmas tree decorating, contest". The ROOM 3 winner of the senior 'divisibn,l This cvveek Room 3 i'i Anne Melick, was given- her prize the Grade 6s are making puppets" out of papier . mache. First a potato is, covered with strips of paper-, soaked in paste. IC is covered with several coatings and the .features are painted on. Then theead. i Sainte. and w en it `\\' \\\�� VLPS- e er co ng i' RRILy \1V MI CITELL- , h . , potato is tY en out and The girls a d boys basketball then the head is pasted together. starts as soon- as they finish A costume is ,made and the volleyball. In boys 'grade 7 puppet is finished. volleyball, Sowerby's team won. ' c The pupils are also writing The- school •- was closed last plays to be- acted- out- -by- the Friday afternoon on account of puppets.° the storm. We --have Student Teachers. In .. 'Mr. Moore's room is Mr. Yeats and - Mf. Martin. In Mrs. Shaddick's, robin is- Mr, Medd and Miss Ann McRae. The Glee Club sang at the Harbourlite Inn last week and received a dinner: . - In our reading class e usually have around 15 minutes Teacher, Mrs. Johnston, decided, on having reading projects in __.that xtra..-time:,..o-n..any eXereise"._ we he taken. ,DianneOsborne • o Hold Municipal Housing Workshop Builders..uf conventional -type houses and factory -built units will debate the virtues of their products• at the Ontario Housing. Corporation .Municipal Housing- Workshop in Stratford next Wednesday. H. K. Macintosh,president.of Space -Pak Internati position to ,do.,.sdmething about local housing problems. People, dollars and trends halve been the general themes of the • housing workshop programme which Mr- Randall launched lash May in an attempt to • achieve a better i understanding of Ontario's housing problems and how they may be solved. Members 6f municipal' councils and planning boards, • (Inland Homes), will state the case for factory -built housing as a means of meeting today's housing shortage. 'Wnclss�r.indicter ..Wi11l'iam-..(�.. Docherty, president of Riverside Construction, will' describe how he is able to build single-family houses in a high construction cost area under OHC's price I' 't of $1 ,VVV". ,Drawing delegates principally` from Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington counties, the Stratford Municipal ,Housing Workshop is expected to be the largest of the series to date. Hon. Stanley J. Randall-, Minister of Trade and Development,. said - the workshops are designed to. generate a frank exchange of views between.OHC and persons in th, community who are in' a muntctpal_ "of'rcralsz _ rep`resenf tives` off real estate building. industry, - labour , and community organizations throughout the Midwestern.' _ Ontario Economic Region have been invited to attend .,the* ,» Stratford Workshop which will` beheld at the Victoriai'i' Inn. Registration, however, is not confined to -these groups and - any member of the public is ',welcome to . attend the .,oworkshops which are held in -co-operation. ' with the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves. A panel of expert speakers has been assembled for the Stratford Workshop and there YOUTHBOWLING BY PRESS SECRETARY SENIOR BOYS DI.ANNE MERIAM High single — Kevin Rumig with a score of 232. High double — Kevin Rumig with a total of 42a. BANTAM GIRLS . �k High single — Dale Oke with a score of • 183. High double - Dale Qke with a total of 318. BANTAM BOYS High single — Scot' Little with a score of 221, High double — Soot Little with a total of 330. JUNIOR GIRLS -- High single — Debbie Smith with •a good ;Are of 230. High double — Debbie Smith with 'a total of 368. JUNIOR BOYS High single Garry • Fisher with a good score of 240. High double ' — Garry Fisher with a total of 398. SENIOR GIRLS . High single — Dianne Meriam with a score of 193. High double Dianne Merlotti with a total of 381. Experienced Decorator INTERIOR,_ • RE -DECORATING ". PAINTING "-- and WALLPAPER R ,asonable Prices Fro Estimates _ UA)(,Frich W. Pedersen P Ione 524-7040. ENDS JAN. 25th ,.7 HOLJ.SE O.F HOBBERLIN a will be ample opportunity for delegates to eartieipate in the discussions. OHC staff me iters ,will also be on hand to discuss local housing matters with workshop delegates. The workshop will conclude with a dinner meeting( which will be addressed by Montreal business executive A. G. Lester. Mr. Lester, who is executive vice-president of planning and research, Bell -Telephone. CompanY -o-f -Gan -ada-,' will-diseuss- today-'s challenges .and • society's response to those challenges. During the afternoon session, J-ulie• Hanson, president, Meridian. Property Management,. one of 'the nation's. biggest landlords whose developments include the massive St. James Town apartment complex in Toronto, will provide workshop delegates with 'are insight into some of the problems faced by the modern landlord. ° G. H. Miller of London, ~v • a , regional co-ordinator . of the Departmenl, of Educ'ation's community programmes section, will discuss the necessity of recreation and corntnunity programrpes in today's society. Mrs. J: - J McHale, Jr., director . of the. Forest laity K,iwanis' Senior Community Centre and a member of the OHC °Board of Directors, will talk about the modern senior .• citizen and how OHC is meeting his special housing needs. • An- illustrated -talk --on- GHQ's--- - H'ome Ownership Made Easy plan will be given by Eric Shackleton, " the ' Corpdration's assistant chief architect. A'. GORERICH .MILL END STORE Opening Soon Blyth Snowmobile RangeT 300` Acres Rolling" Fields REASQNABLE ADMISSION Heated Lunch Booth on Range / V RAN'CL' ,f T B11.: 'S I;SSO, 41.)"TIJ 1-5 Get a fully guaranteed interest of seven and a half per cent on the in )ifey you ,put to grow for you in a dour or liN'e year uaranteed i-»vetihnent Certificate )f Victoria and rey Trust--- positively guaranteed as to principal and interest. You get seven and a quarterly'.cent on a two or three year certificate ,,an even per cent on a one year certificate. VG V!CTORI4 and GREY TRUST COM•PAN° Y SINCE 1889 W. R. Curry, Manager. 524-73.81 'Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich - t. •, Money = saving everyday .Sow prices ! • Deep cut weekly advertised 'specials!' • Plus • . {. FREE GOLD "BOND STAMPS' la Canada Grade "A" Predressed, FRESH - FRYING CHICKENS 21/24% s... Freshly Cut ' X Westinghouse (60 or 1-0Q Watt) (Powdered) ABC _ DETEUGENrt2::IG�fie$39ft Heinz (in Tomato Sauce) "Heinz Tomato Beans with, Pork 14"""•:1 'KETCHUPTin Bottle15-oz. or Spaghetti 2� LIGHT BULBS Bulbs New Zealand Lamb Shoulder ROAST C Ib. Fresh- 5h�ouide? Brand - VEAL(Blade -bone removed) • BLADE —ROAST �. _. ROAST - ',\\\\\\\\ \\\ • F,i{FRf MK FOR FINEST QUALITY AND TRU SAYINGS SHOP *6006•••• 3179.. 0 TU oo • Top Valu Frozen aM1ORANGE "JUICE Mary Lou (Parchment)' Thisis our armuai made to measure suit sale. Now is the time to buy. All weights of cloth. Hurgn• ltd.' 524Q$$t - ■■er �r a ■i a ® THE SQUARE Style . Shop Top Valu Cheddar CHEESE 16.oz. i SPREAD " " Jar Weston's Jelly 16-6z.. —4pofflt4mri. �Ilop Valu Fancy RCOCKTAIL ; FRUIT COCKTAIL Vegetable or Tomato TOP. VALU. SOUP Cot • or•Dog,Top • Valu ` PET EUS Tin ��r 1¢" �w Tin 150r)605. V . F ... Tin -o` Top • Valu Instant . ' NOCOLATE , PT:. 390 Tap .yalu Fresh Roasted COFFEE 1.1b. Bag. _ �: ,,#0.1#1 Top •Valu � •TOMATO 4e.o:. 330 JUICE• ... ti ir.,ip •'�'ofu � - LQUIDu BLEACH . Plastic Jug_ ;9 ." J rRpsp ierrryy or(/,Strowber iLvV� J•� 34•6:F •' oar .�� 4 �` _. •