HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-01-16, Page 14r-+,( 1) 11.1C1`l SK NAL=s'I'AR, `I' lURSDAY, tlANUARY 16, 1969 • O !Committee Proposes legativeIncome- Tax TOrrontci, January 6_ — • The Special Committee on Farm income today called on the Federal. :government to establish an income maintenance programme for :low-income D families. ,.Thi proposed% programme would involve the introduction of a negative income tax with a guaranteed minimum,income. In advocating the scheme, the Committee, in its report on a two-year study of ifarm income in Ontario, comments that Canadian society has,. only partially recognized that individual freedom and dignity 'requires more than the existing civil liberties. Individuals, to deacelop their .full.. potential, require a' certain minimum of security f which includes 'economic security, , and this minimum of economic security should be accepted as a human right. "The Committee disagrees strongly withthe traditional Welfare approach 'to individuals And families with' low incomes. 1t has' frequently' -been punitive .and degrading to the people receiving public, assistance. This is not a liberating but . an enslaving method of dealing with huniad problems." In the Committee proposal the negative _income' tax is integrated into the present income tax ,--structure. •' Its purpose is to pro%ide the fam'ily :with a minimum income of .$1,.500 and at the same time' preserve' the incentive to engage in productive employment. A .taxpayer., with three children ';has exemptions up to cg3,000 under the present tax system.. The modification proposed by the Committee would mean that any family earning less than ithe ''amount of the exemption would receive -a payment from. the government equal to 50 percent • of the difference between its earnings and its tax exemptions. • in other words, a low income family Would make a net gain of' only $1 for each additional $2 •earned under this scheme, since. the government payment falls as eThincome-rise is could besregarded as a • very high tax rate which would " • discourage work. • We .find it difficult•• • to attach much importance to' this• .argument since- any person capable of ' working, is unlikely' to be Satisfied' with the minimum ipcom 4pxQ_vxdedl The, negative income tax p is, of benefit mainly -to low• income working. -families." The Committee said its programme r eed\ not \\great1,, Nen' 6t` b der bn th "Mhe of do it : \ could be financed with the money now laid out in family allowances, which is .• a wasteful forth of - transfer payment. The negative income tax would concentrate these-- funds in the area of greatest need." • • The Committee's" research . :`Indicated that potential -savings _fir'iom . a number . of income -transfer programmes -Would 'adequatel f{,Mance this first move toward ,economic security, as a basic right. 'these savings 'could accrue from the elimination of family allowances and the .reduction of old age ,pension schemes t;o an• amount equivalent ' to the, difference 11et ween the ' guaranteed minimum income and the present level of old "age security allowances. Maple Leaf I.O.D.E. Meet Mrs. E. Weaver opened her home for the January meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E. The regent' Mrs. B, Ainslie presided: • A letter from'the- provincial executive committee ` informed the members that the provincial annual meeting would be held in Hamilton, April le; 17 and 18. The convenor of the nominating committee, Mrs. C. Edward, brought in a new slate of officers for 1969. Mrs. J. Coates thanked the hostess for her hospitality. KINSMEN PLAY SANTA C LAUS, The Octogenarian Committee of the:Goderich Kinsmen Club played Santa Claus to senior ' citizens' On Sunday, De cember /2. Santa and the committee gave a gift to every resident of the two Goderich Nursing Homes - and also . to all -of the'°chronic patients at •Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. w1 ts Farm CommitteeT Proposes Farmland Rental Legislation Toruntii, Jan Special. Committee on „ Farm 'lt'r'come recommends new legislation, to be incorporated in a Farmland Rental Act, to improve present leasing practices.. "IL-, The " pro posed Farmland- R.entat Act would, among other things, require that: * All rental agreements be in Writing. ' •, * Leases ,be signed for aall specified number of years. *"A minimum notice period be required- to terminate a lease. " Disputes between tenant and landlord be sent to arbitration, .especially~inTr'espect to such nratters as rent charges for long-term leases, compensation to tenants for un -exhausted- improvements to land . and buildings, and compensation to owners where tenants wish to stop farming before the lease expires. The Committee recommends that appropriate legislation be introduced as soon. as possible but staged over a five-year period to enable 'landlords and tenants to adjust to the new requirements. Toincrease the amount of good ,agrictilturalitand available for renting, th Comthittee `recommends that the Farm Enlargement and Consolidation Programme of A.R.D.A. be expanded immediately and that the present restriction on purchase of land priced at over $100 per acre be removed. 'If the A.R.D.A.. programme is not extended to meet present requirements, the Conimittee proposes that the provincial_ government should establish an Ontario Land Corporation. The necessary capital would be provided by the provincial and fed`e'ral governments with: the balance raised' through sale of bonds and shares. : .The Corporation . could undertake the present A.R.D.A. programme and, extend it to, all areas of the -province, regardless of land values. Land purchased would be rented to qualified farmers on long-term 'leases. The Committee recommends that these and other supporting steps are necessary to establish a desirable renting pattern in .Ontario. "Desirable renting pattern" is defined as a situation where farmers own a basic farm unit and;°'rent the extra land • needed to expand the farm into the Buil size desired. There; has been an encouraging trend toward this system, but tile Committee feels that it should be hastened in order td .relieve the pressure on farmers' ""to sacrifice-., present income and decent living standards to Obtain the land necessary . to support a viable farm unit. • — � As supporting measures to the above approaches, the Committee also. recommends: .._•t Educational programmes to stresshhe benefits of security of 'land tenure, model of contracts and other information on leasing and renting. * Promotional programmes to encourage in'vestmenut institutions to hold farm land as part of their portfolios and to show marketing 'and,.. _>eredit^ agencies the benefits of dealing with those farmers who hold long-term leases. • • °^ * Effective Land use planninC. and regulation immediately. GODERICH'S,QWN .. . • • WESTINGHOUSE FROSTESTINGHOUSE- FROST FREE REFRIGERTOR Model 1:W30=1(06'11 never get h. better buy on fa Frost • Fr'ee ' • Rvefrigerator. Hurry -this 13,1- cu. ft. won't be here tong — not. at this price.. FREEZER CLEAROUT • FROST -FREE REFRIGERATOR SALE PRICED ' 95 1 Model FDJ23—Deluxe 23 cu. ft., three baskets — ' two' dividers — De Frost drain — !United quantitiy:• °WELCOME S E RV I'CE w• ould like to call' on you with "housewarming „ gifts" and in- formation about your new loca- tion. The Hostess will be glad to arrange"your subscription -to the • SIGNAL -STAR. s!r Call her at 524-9525 - MASSEY - FERGUSON CURL -O -RA 4 Janarv. CLUB\\\\\\\? \ ,\\, \\,o Model LAJ450-Heavy' duty right through -, Only a few at this price — Hurry,,,Hurry. Model DEJ250,—Auto- • matic dryer — heavy duty — big capacity — low, lo'w clearout price. D COUNTRY \\•\\\\.':\''W nterested•' .Teams Please Contact. ,George Wraith 524-6511 CpR '524-7002 • ^ ' DEtOafi�B �\ -ALL — SMALL's95 -APPLIANCE \— \ PRIS \'"‘‘\\ A\\ rv\\N\\*\ Cf\\ lkB R ICO,' g. 3 ELECTRIC BLANKET only' 19,95 IRON' 4 VA\\\ GODERICH SALT NT1NUES CASH IN GERR4,.RD' - DOLLAR SAYING !/ALOES DURING T EIR i' 4 OYS' WEAR