HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-01-09, Page 3ti- ' The importantthing hence_ is. this: ,,,what do, we Christians mean by reconciliation? It iS.tlie fact thatfxod's action in Jesus Christ is .the centre .and core of the whole proposition of urchase - reconciliation! In the New . In a special, executive tneeting4 • Testament .we read that in Chris today the Ontario Federation of "God was reconciling the worlta Agriculture decided to widen its . unto Himself:" This. can be- 'avenue of farm `ri iachinery termed the nub of the New imports ; from °, Britain. 'Testament truths in hrist God"' 'catign! forms will be made availablent• r'o F rmers° to 0 a Q t t. . � • � � � �/" he k athe taki�►%� � � ® � r was n a■lw � � Need OA actionto�....- .y free man Min his sins. The which they may order. he. "If Christ were here "now there is. one thing he would not be — a Christian," These words come to us courtesy l.of Mark Twain, American,"humourist and commentator- on the `fr"ailties of • his fellow -humans. IS, it ture? ' - Could it be" true? Surely, not! But if there.'is a taste of truth in it should we not be examining ourselves more closely than we usually do? Should we not be sayings "Man • always has needs! Is my basic need tO be true to myself?" We ry�•--can look out over the nations of the world and we can see that . many of the poverty -lands need food " and clothing. We say, "These are basic to their existence and they must have them!" In many nations we ,many - N discern a lack of freedom and -we can declaim, "Mn,airequires a voice in his affairs. It is unfair and undemocratic to withhold this privilege from -num:C'-But- . do we also see that man has a duel -nature? '' Has he not a spiritual side as well as a materialistic physical side? In 1969 ' all the categories mentioned above — food, - clothing, freedom, spiritual impact and. physical wellbeing — will' continue as they are unless unless — there is a.change in the,deep down -depths of a man's believing chamber. C. T. Snow, the British -statesman and author, telis us, that 196S to him was one of the yr first years in his entire life. "Why? Because of an entity in it which he calls. the "antihope". At fir's, it takes a little puzzling - to analyse what he might. Mean ` by the word, antihope. Literally, it means "against hope." So, =a world filled with antihope is one 4 .0 that is against' hope; or, to be specific, has no hope. • If Lord Snow is correct — and it ' is a ' rj tightj' - hard i jo.b to disprove him. - then, something more than, our materialistic " Outlook is needed to bring harmony into the concourse of mankind. `What ' would - you suggest? Well, what do you -think of the word ° "reconciliation"? After all., the Holy Bible has a great deal to say about it! The politicians of Canada, Britain and the U,S,A., as well as many other Western -type nations, are calling for a "get-together" of " the world's peoples. Believe it, -or not, they are talking about 'reconciliation! The giants of the J(remlin; the strong men of the Warsaw Pact, even China .(strange?), North Vietnam, and other like-minded countries, are speaking in terms of a "detante". You see, even "the other side" can talk in terms 'of reconciliation! ` Let us not cloud the issue Not all believe ` the same about- reconciliation.- What Mao tse Tung believes about it is not necessarily what Richard Nixon . or Pierre Elliott Trudeau believe. It is not likely that, Kosigin,and Bresnev believe the same about reconciliation as do . L.B.J. or Harold Wilson or Charles" de Gaulle. So, what reconciliation may be to one can _beexactly the reverse,to..auather,,To one.it, - means the equality of nations; to another it means the subjugation of oneto the philosophy of another which is thought to be better; to • yet another it means utter ruin fc r• air 'as long asthe• bully is able to Aucceed. Thus; no matter hoyou'approach"'the..' question there is npt unanimity. writer's favourite verse itj,all machil ery they Wish to pyrchase Scriptures is St. John 3:x:6 -through the Federation: L "For God so Ipved the world, - moths agothe-PFA that he gave his only begotten "' imported seven tractors 'from Son, that whbsoever believeth in Britain 'fp illustrate the inflated' him _s'hould, not perish, but have input costs confronting farmers `everlasting life:" rn this capsule and . their costs of production..; of the entire New Testament we. The seventractors saved the hear -• 'God's glad " Song of buying - farrners about $20,000, • Reconciliation. He is seeking to The executive decision will bring us together, again. Not allow the farmer to order any just man with man - but lean piece of machinery he wishes if with God, the Father, Maker, it is available according to his Authorpf Faith. There has been "a great gulf fixed" betwixt man and his God and the abyss has ,been-,,- kept, wide open by those sins awe enact day by day. The Anglican . Prayer ' Book speaks about"the fact of sin "and there, own personal specifications. Each farmer must contact the Federation by special application form stating `the machinery he Wishes -to purchase ,and its specificatioes, . This must be accompanied by is no health in us." Thus, Christ a non -returnable $10 service Jesus; our Saviour, is the fee, This will entitle theiarmer, redemptive need for 1969! One ....t2.a.-'Federation. quote pricei on of Britain's greatest Poet the machinery desired if it is Laureates was Alfred., Lord available and a special , order Tennyson '"and, in, "In . form. The r form must then Memoriam", he wrote;- -- - be . returned ith' -a;- certified cheque for the rtrefiige:'"* • I -t is known that a number of "Ring• in the valiant man and farm+rs-•`<;,wish to purchase The larger heart, nth free, kindlier. combines, for their operations. The Federation ,, may save as hand; - ..• mCi h--or-'-more- Chan 50 percent ''Ring out the darkne of the per.. piece of machinery far the land, farmer through the importation Ring in the Christ thatis to be." e as ..rn. Tie is �the Congfferor' of , darkness; -the., Prince of Peace, Deliverer, true Head of ' Government and 'V`anqui 1fert or's w' sins! Let 1969 be the Year of Grace in which we come --again to the Christ of God'seeking that reconciliation He alone offers Let us be reconciled with " our God and vial our ellow,humans! Let us , ,truly ° "get-to-gether!" • • operation. -- HE BIBLE 1rQDAY - A ' Reinan:-;Catholic prie$l recently recounted an incident' ,w'hieh illustrated the ' effectiveness ,of the Spanish;. Popular Version of, the New Testament, entitled "God Comes ,to Man,''' which was published 2' years ago by ` the Bible Societies i n Latin America. "One day I decided to test how our simple people reacted to the divine word which: was reaching ,them• In their everyday langua.ge,• using popular expressions. r. "In, a certain place, along the 'beautiful • seashore . of Ecuador there Was a small fishing boat resting on the sand. A bunch of .half a dozen lads ranging from 10' to 1f years of age, -had gathered' around .to playa They had no religious Instruction at ally but they found the rading of the New Testament entled `God Comes to Man' fascina ing,_ At the -.end of each_ passage, hey always. shouted 'Read ome more, please.' Then, through -questions,' I tried tp-; find out how mach they had -understood:' Tor- my surprise, their u n deist an ding was almost perfect,band their comments on the, illustrations were vivid. • - "To do - justice to mei- Wonderful ueiwonderful results I think it is my duty -to thank and encourage our. evangelical brethren: to continue their laudable work..." Imagination and a spirit of adventure are needed in planning production of the .Scriptures — imagination in the choice of text or illustration: adventure in embarking on a new project with no idea as toits outcome. 4Q -DE .XCH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, aAI1i`Ua1 ,...This is •the opinion .of Dr, Alfonso-1.ed, 13. ocieties' ReglortQnaal SecreUnited.tary for r; Latin. America, based on the success of the special Scripture Selection produced by the Bible Society of Mekico during the weeks of the Ulympie Games in Mexico City. The hole 200,000 copy edition of "More than Conquerors" was completely exhaust d in just over a ,week .at the Games. Even four boxes of the Selections; which had been held back 1• in , Bible House because they had been damaged by rain in, -transit from the printers, were demanded by. the members of Ghuirches and youth groups who distributed them at the main centre of the Gaines = '' stadium; k. swimming pool, basketball and .football . pitches, boating arid gymnastic arenas. , a Suggested Daily Bible Readings: Sunday, January 5: Genesis 13: 12118; Monday, January` 6: Genesis: .14; 1.16; Tuesday, January: Genesis 14: 17-24; Wednesdays January 8: Genesis 15: 1-6; Thursday, January' 9: Genesis 15: 7-21; Friday, January 10: Genesis 16: 1-14; . Saturday, January 11: Genesis 16.: 15; 17: 8. •M Opening Soon UNITED . H11SS 62 CAMBRIA STREET NORTH SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 9:50 0,4%SUNDAY 'SCHOOL. .... w 31:00 a.m., WORSHIP SERVICE. • 7;00 p•m:.7-..EVANGELISTIC;, SERVICE Prayer Meetingf! WEDNESDAY .EVENING, 7:40 O'CLOCK. "A WE.LCb.ME AWAITS -you • • Pastor; REV. Ar JOHNSQN, B.'A. PHONE •526887 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH ' BAYFIEL.D ROAD AT BLAKE STREBT Record, The Redeemer, The Rebrrth,Ihe.Return , BIBLE SCHOOL CLASSES FC1,R EACH AGE GROUP, 10 a.n•1. NEED A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS,TO STOP •7 PHONE: 524-6445 or 524-9229 ' • 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship "THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST" (Pastor's .Messa=ge) EVENING SERVICE - FAMILY :..HQU R — 7:30 p.m. PASTOR .REV,, KENNETH J. KNIGHT, "COME WHERE -YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER TWICE'" WESLEYMEMORIAL CHURCH TH.E FREE METHODIST CHURCH • ParI4 Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday- Schoaf. — 10:00 a.m. Worship — 11:00 a.m. .and 7:00 .p.m. Midweek Service -- Tues., .8;00 par. FIRST • BAPTISTCHURtH "(BAPTIST CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) MONTREAL STREET NEAR THE SQUARE, 11':0'0 a-rn. — MORNING WORSHIP Minister: REV: ARTHUR. MAYBURY,,B.A., B.D.. — A WELCOME—TO ALL n introduces the 1969 New Year with an elegant a o ed to Measure suit ata Sale price .of x017,1..,.,,,,; GEORGE'S CHURCH. .'First Sunday after Epiphany SUNDAY, JANUARY 12th e 8:30-o:rn. — HOLY COMMUNION 1'*1:00 ana. — MORNING PRAYER , AND SERMbN Church School and.7Nursery at 10:QO.:e'ti'rand 11.:00 a.m. Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, E.A., B:,D: • Organist ' Choirmaster — Miss Marion Ai-dous, N. A.Mus., Mus. Bac. THE REV: G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister 'WILLIAM CAMERON; Director o -f Praise • , "ALLONT is: a groUp Of 135 independent -\\ \\\\,\\*\-s\\\‘' \\OSyt iyirt3,, El:1\v We ayy---:\ Panelling..',Tools...Fixtures.....Just about everything imaginable: This "TEAM" we're part of MAKES US COMPETITIVE and sometimes,. big ALLONT SALE. This is our WINTER SAL -E and we will be featuring many seasonable rtems. OUR 1131G ALLONT exactly like yo Enjoy .the lux- ury of perfect fit in quality all wool suiti, ings styled to your individual to,ste in and color. , oft y SUNDAY, JANUARY 12th 10:00_ a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. — DIVINE WORSHIP. Sermon: "A FAITH' WITH. ONE, GOD" - (Nursery and Junior .Congregation) 7:30 p..m. — Young People's Society. ENTER TO .WORSHIP DEPART- TO SERVE 0 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United 'Church SUNDAY, JANUARY. 12th MI\ORAO\co bpty . HOLY COMMUNION Supervised Nursery Maines, Assistant mini.st'ar 40 H FOR 'IT EE STARTS Nuot-w RI 1 Choir Leader Bethel. Pentecostal Tabernacle CORNER ELGIN AND WATEI3L00 STS. • REV.• ROBERT CLARK, 'Pastor JANUARY 12th,pp 7:30 — EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Thesday, WOO- p.m. — pRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY. ALL weLcoME -VidOtitt Street United .Churth The House of Friendship • Rev. Leonard Warr 10:00 a.m:— BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL GRADES' 11:00 a.m. — WDRSFilP SERVICE-. Sermon: "PROMISESI-PROMISESI PROMISES! 1:80 p.m. — BENMILLER WORSHIP SERVICE AND BIBLE SERVICE. Mrs. J.. Snider Victoria, St. Organist & Choir Leader