HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-1, Page 1Subscribe tor The EXETER ADVOCATE, Only $0 from new till Armory let 1393, Give it a trial, VOL IN reeeee...e;ireeefeeeee...eeee•eeeeeem 3.111leeeeeeeeeeereeee EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 1892. Leamens$04$,...T meeeraegi The ADYOCATE OFFICE ....when in Becia OfP-- 'tale Dills, Band TAUS, ,Lette En and velopes-14 fact ail Mania of prixiting• The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parlkament,1855.) Paid up Capital.. , ....... $2,000,000. Rest Fund.— „ .... 1 100) 000 , Heod offiee Montreal. P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq,, GENERAL MANAGER. Meney ad:mimed to good Parmer's on their own notes With 0310 ox more endorsers at 7 per clout per annum. Exeter Branch. Opea every lawful day from 10 a, m.to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m A general banking business transaeted CURRENT RATES allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 2S, '88. Sub Manage THE Oxeter ;Or otate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, By the SANDERS' PUBLISH/ITU' COMPANY. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in A.dvance. $1.50 if not so paid. ,a,tesQr.2s.pple.ca,- tioee. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid arid charged aecordingly, Liberal disco ant made for transcient advertisements insert-4cl for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING trailed out in the finest style, and. at Moderato rates. Cheques,mon.ey ord- ers. en. for advertising, subseriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet pitori,s.wrom 'Church. Directory. TRIvITT I/MORTAL Ont ca. --)e F. raft, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. ni and 7 p. in. Sabbath School, 0.60 a. m. Holy Communion, 1st Smiday of each month at Morning Service. and in months of five Sun - .days, atter Evening Service of Ord Sunday of the month. Holy Baptism on 2n0l Sunday of each month ;tt 'morning service. METHODISTCUTIEQI-Jaanes-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,10.30 a. in. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. 11 STREET-11ov. W. eDonagh Pas- tor. Sunday Services, 1i,00 a. ne. axe 7,00 p.m, Sabbath School 2,30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Onu11.cie.-11,ev. W. Martin, Paetor. Sunday Services).il a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Sabbath P.reilleSSional Cardig. H.E.INSMAN,L.D•S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carliag Store, o•• • MAIN STREET,exierefA,.extracts teeth Without pain. Away at ld.en8all on fst, Friday; Ansa Craig on 2n1.i. and 1th Tuesday and Zurich on last Thursday of each. month. ei IL ING-RAJI, DENTIST, 'Member Royal V • College Dental Surgeons, successor to if. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic given for the painless extrattion of teeth. Eine G -old 111Ledica1. "I 13 VVIII'PELY, M. C. AI., PHYSICIAN el • and Surgeon. Office and residence - Corner 'Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderieh, Ontario. J.J 1-ele. A., ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residenee-Oerner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. MeLATJGHLIN, MENIBEB, -11-, the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acconeh- eur. Office, Lashwood, Unt. -- DR. T. A. AMOS, M. Do C. 14I, A/en-114er of College of l'hysicatins and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians andSurgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faeulty- of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glitgow; Yellow of Trinity Alt:dicta College, Toronto, Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand. Unamsai.r.MOrmamosaxtemousroarvonesaneattatraux-M.10_10.Ler.... HAVE YOU LOOKED To see how l\sseur stock of FALL and WINTER SUITINGS is for the coming seadens. Of CourA) You Haven't And when the cool Day e and Nights come you will be in a BIG HURRY to get one of the NOBBY TWEED SUITS that GRIEVE is ----- selling for 7.7M:=21.1e=t..S. Ox perhaps you want a fine OVERCOAT, if so, we hays a L,arge and CompeteStock to Pick from. And in Black suits we do.ifiein all for quality and e,heapness. namet.714.1r7Pl.raftre,InipetnmrwranooliipMdrirAtanorrionMS1711.ndrranpr 1) 11. DAR111STER, bOLECT2- .11,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Office -Over 0' ITeil's Bank, _Exeter, Ontario, Mon eY to Loan, DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .LJ• , of Supronie Court, Notary Public,, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan 0ffice--Pali501.1'$ B1oek,1611eter. tilneete'rir FeteseetieBARRIS.TERS,S'OLIC- ...0 itors, Conveyancers, etc. 13. V, ELLIOT. j. ELLIOT .4keeet io neerS. TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Lieeused Aunt - .1.1 ioneer tor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of T.Jsborne Sales promptl-y attended to and ternis reason bl e. Sales arranaed at Post office, Winehels S. Aa. uostnizes, late of Manitelitt, Lieens- ,eed AllOti01108r, for the counties of Hur- on and. Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile smith of Exeter; Ont. Sale Orders by manor other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie - .4 • ensed. A.uctioneer for the Countys of Xuron and. Perth. Charges moderate and satiefactien guaranteed. 0.1*.v...T.0*••••• T HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the • 0o 1.1.11 ty Of H 1.1.T011. 5611:6 C011a ucted o reasonable terme. Parin all Farm Stock a s pechaty. Full arrangements Call be made at this offiee. -- PA13.1iCOMS, Provincial Land .1.2 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, uver Post °facie, Main street, Exeter. Ont. re Al VD MILLER, 'Veterinary Surgeon, Grad:Mare Of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, (Successor tb Win, Sweet, V. 5 ) Over LS yeites pritet,160. 0±1100 and residence ono block east of Bich ardPiekeras store, Opposite Slca, tin g Rink, Exeter, On t. ARNEST ELLIOT. AOENT POE TOMO.AIGLA• DO YOU WEAR PANTS? If so,,see what we are making for 2.75 WOFTH 0S3.75 and.we made all these deeds up IN GOOD qTyLE with the best Trimmings. See our 7So. TWeeds, and we out our own goad' 'free of ollarge. .Remember the Place., JAS. H. GRIEVE. In19/.401Arit.C[rallIVI.C...112111 SAL ESMAN 1Yente0--Sa1ary and expenses BR 03‘ V BROS. Co., Nurserymen, Toron o, Out: *ne....e....z1MifeTal,,t1Engsaomr.V1......21.4=4•210 Tho 'Western Fire A.seuranne CoMpany of Toronto The Phoenix Fire tneurance Co'y., of London, ne edema Tim Alliance Fire ssnr, CO'y., f London, En glom and 'rho Cfonfederat,ion Life A.Seoelation, of Toronto. geei-etaln.street, teeter, 013{1-6 nvWfl,flnenoun4StstAibIlikeks&artifnmatuebakvematalmocamittreutiaironmimetas FOR SALE. Alt uprigh 1 Piano (Maser) e saiset oat. ave -almost ne)1-, Apply at, thiS office. GIRL WANTED. Girl wanted to go to London to do general house 'work in a family where mirsegirl- is kept, Apply to GEORGE SANDERS, Exeter. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersffined wili keep for service on Lot 15, Con, Ord, Stephen, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. TERMS: -SI, payable at time of service, with privelege of 'returning if necessary. .1 AS. WILLIS. Prop. 1-TOTER'S LIST, 1802, MUNICIPALITY OP V the Township of Stephen, County of Huron. -No tic° is -hereby given that I have transmitted.or delivered to the persons in en - Coned in the Ord and 1111 sections of the Vot- er& List Ant, the copies required by said sec- tion to be so transmitted or delivered of the Listoreaile pursuant to said Act of all persons app aring IT the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality to be eatitled te vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and. at the Municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my offiee, Stephen, on the 1th day of August,i892,and remains there for in epeetion. Eleetors are called upon to exatnine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein to takeim- edia te proceeding to have the said errors correeteci according to law, CHESTER PROUTY, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated. this 3rd dav of August, 1892. ESTER N FAIR I70-1KIDC5N, Sept.th to 24th, 1892 Canada's Favorite Life Stock Exhibition. $2,000 added to the Prize Ms.it. Over $1,500 going to the Hoises, Cattle Sheep, 1?igs and Potiltry classes, 'visitors and exhibitors.are prom ieed 01 01-0 for tiluir 313 Oilev this year than ever before. steeling and sem.* alioted on receipt of entries. Special attractions will he of an attractive and elaborate kind. Special :Excursions on all Illailways. For Prize List and ell information apply to Oct'.pt A W Porte, Thos A .Browne, President. Secretary. Cieursee Notes. -Mr.Thornas Eartnel will occupy the imehe James Street Methodist church on Sunday morning next and the Rev, Mr. Allen will occupy it in the eyeninse-The Rev. W ilicDonagh exchanged pulpits with the Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hensall, on Sunday last. THREE THINGS TO REMEMBER. Hood's Sarsaparilla has the most' Merit. Hood's Sateeparilla has won uneq- ualled Success, Hood's Saesaparille accomplishes the greatest Cures. Is it not the medicine for you? Constipation is caused by- loss of the peristaltic action of the bowele. Hood's Pills restore this action and invigorate the liver: .neuuivorm A.PADIlleist'em appeared in last week's is sue copied front a paper in the nothern part of the county stating that the price for fall apples was 50 cts a bar- rel and winter apples $1 a barrel. This mud not be taken as a gunge of prices ruling la this section whieh average, eve are informed, 75 cults for fall ap- ples knd $1,50 fOr winter, and the opin ion is expressed by some that select winter fruit will reach $2 a barrel. Whether they are right time alone can determinate, Phere e al Cal T Mee. Wm. Lawrence, of London Weet is the possessor of a phenomenal calf. The animal is only 1 yealeold peele, and without compieting the gestatIve. period, has been givitig 12 lbs of mills a day tor about three months. The calf is a belt bred jersey, Red 11 18 diffitselt to accortut for this phenomenal pre. coeity in milk production, Prof, Rob erteom when in the city with a number of dairy experts, celled upon Me, Lew- rence and offered her $75 for thee calf, hitt ehe refeeed. prefasor took sample of the milk to Ottewa. for ate lys Sis, Personal :Rpm/Awn. Messrs. B. S. O'Neil and E. J. Speck - man left on Monday last for Montreal. -Mr. George Samwell and Mr, 'Wm. Geigg left on Friday last week . for Montreal. -Mr. Chas. Case and wife re- turned. to St. Catharines on Saturday morning after visiting' be this eeigh- borhood for a number of days: -Mr, and Mrs. William Carling, of St, Paul, Minn , are viaiting ' relatives in the Vilfage.a-Sneezer, Bee -Hunter, - Tin k ,Corkey m our and Le ft -hand -Cha lie with others le,ft yesterday, (Wed ), on a hunting tour in the vicinity of Lake Smith. -Mrs. S. Boswell, of God erich, has been visiting relatives in and around the village duringthe past week, returning to her home yes- terday.-Messra Theodor) Sweet end A. L. Handfeed left yesterday for Mitch ell, having perchased the interests of a Mr. Pratt some, time ago; May sue cess be their themein future. -Rev. F. Fat, wife and family have return-. ed home from Walkerton, where they have been on a yeeetion.-Mr. E. J Spackman is in Montreal this week on. business. -Miss Susie Weekes left last week for Toreeto, where, i'he will re• Main for a few dayseeMr. D. Davis shipped a cerlond ef cattle to Toronto on Monday.- Mr William Gould, whe eas been visite; g 116 payc.:nts here dur jug the past week, reeureed to Oshawa 0)1 TtleSday. rrt., inteeds remaining there, for a week befereo ie,aei me for Belleville., where he has gemmed a per manent positiou in a dry geode. house. -Mr. James Belleetyne, of Seaforth, License inspector, was ie the, village, on Saturday evenbies.-Mrs. Plewes, of Brucefield, hae been visiting' her thee and brothea., Messrs. A. wild Jes Welters, returued home on Tuesday evenin Fann,y Bissett was vis- iting try. Misses Betts, Kippsn, during the beginning pert of the week. ----Mas ter Luther Bissett is visitinsr his aunt in Hensel] at present.-Miss:satillie Bak er leaves to day (Thursday) for St Catherines.-Mr. J. A, Popo, Whohas been in the services of the Molsons Beni: here for nearly two ;veers past takes his departure for 'Weymouth Dorset, Eng., on :Friday next wheee his parents reside. Mr. Pope hap not en joyed the beet of health since being stationed here and it Illes:been recom- mended by his physician that hetake a trip over the, ocean, . The best wishes of the, peopleef Exete.r go With him and lee, hope when he reeling he may be fully eecoecred.' A Mr. Samuel of Ridgetownfulfils his position . the hank here. -Mr. J A Stewart is doilies, business in Toronto, -Mr, Henry Wil-, lert of Dashwood AvIto.*,e'nt .ne Buffalo with a load of lambs • has eeturned 110610,-MiS8 DoWn dTeSSnikleer, 18 We pie sorry to lexiere very 111 tied ne- able tO ettend to her.. cletieseeMiss .13; Heim leattending, the Milliner °peeing. nt Toronto. ----Mr, A., Sheere and A Beweee Who are erigagod 111 Sea.forth. spec t Stied ay at 11 owl e,. .--Mis Lizzie' WilCoN, 11110 has been visiting' at S1. tphoinas llaS returned, -.-Me aeW,Brod, of LOne1011iS 111 10)1-11 .-Mr J. MataYiSit iS 10 Termite en leneineese-se, Mr. W. T. ITawkshaW end !nide, .after spelt Oleg their honoymoon tip the' lakes, returned home on Sattirtley last. e --Me, Aloe, Dow, wo aro sorry to learit,'Is very daegerettely 111 and little hopes of his recoyery are enterteleed 11,-11. O'Neil, Of Tatman, le in eharge of 0!Neire bank, in the absenee 'OE 13. S. O'NeileesMies Eva Piper who hee from the effects ef epileptic tits, was Ca- en to the Ltiodon A ey lum on Saturday by constable Creech. -- We aro informed that Miss McCallum the popular mid efficient teacher of No Hullett,is about to give up school and return to her home in Exeter on ac conet of the illness of her mather, Should Miss McCallum leave, the peo ple of No 2 will lose a first class teacher and one that wilt be missed throughout the eection.-Clinton New Bea. A disgraceful scene was witnessed on our Main street by many of our citi zens on Tuesday last, which was teo shocking for, the. eye to behold and more especially the fair sex. We al luee to a certain married woman of the town, whose name we will withholdas nd who might have been seen riding in a public conveyance about 10 o'clock Tuesday moreing so overcome by the influence of liquor that she could not sit up in the rig, Brumfield, Aevery pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs: Rattenberry, grandmother Of the bride., yesterday (Wednesday); whee Mr. J. 13. Jamieson was united holy bonds of Mateimeny tO'Miss Annie Campbell. The cere- mony Was performed by the'Rey. J. H. Simpson in the presume- of e large number of the contraeting parties umet.intimate friende and eelatives, The presente were numerous and cost- ly. We extend our best wishes to the hapey. couple. -see- hiva Harvesting in. this neighborhood is alldone.-Mr. Valentine Ritter and John Kreen inte,nd taking' &trip to Da- kota for thnharvest reason. We wish them ,succeee:-Mr. John Smith has a seriotis loss on Saturday last, While a little boy was fetching the horses in thsmorning, they .were set on by en angry bille which cha.rteed one of the horses and buried his Cori is its breast severing the jugular vein. The ,horse died itt a few minutes. -Berry picking is in full blast noweesA number ;if far mere in this vielnity, have thrashed, the eye.rage yield beteg from twenty -7 five,to thirty. long. haired tram il'has been ruing round this vi• ciaiey lately Zurich. )settreeee- Aze lists for tfie'best show of the season, or, Zurich fair, are to be seen all over, and as in former years pre sents a good appearance with a well gotten up prize list, and a number of specialprizes given by different busi ness inea of the village. The fair is to be held on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 12th and 13thaand promises to be one of the best ever held. A tug of war between Stanley and Stephen will take place on the grounds in the afternoon. brass band wilt be in attendance. EyerybodyiS welcome to come to Zurieh fair. Mr. F. Kibler is buildieg a new ad- detion to his she shop -Mr. Ed. Hardy, hernessmaker, has sold his shop to Dan McCormick, who iiitencis starting a grocery and liquor store. arand Bend. NO 277' PrOP1Iii,nmes,jompirTr,"-"ral..- The work at the school ie drawing. tee' to a close, a couple of weeks will be eee The fiSherrnen of this place have been engaged in lifting their nets and pulling out the stakes of their pond. nets during the past few weeks --The work on the Grand Bend canal ie be ing rapidly pushed forward. The managers have put on a number of those wheeled ecrapers, which is a much faster process, -Our great camp ing atoned, here, owned by Mr, John Spackman, of Exeter, was mrde a place • e of worship on Sunday moraines last. The Rey. Mr, Williams, of Luca.n, preached the sermon, after whieh a col. lection was taken tip in tehalf of Mr. Van and family, John being in an al- most helpless state with consumption -One of our latest Grand Bend citi- zens, in the person of Mr. 13aikle, has lately started a lerees boot and shoe business across the 5111011 bridge. Call and see him, -Mr. Andrew .Robinson has returned home from the west look. ing ha.le and hearty -Miss Mary Love left on Monday for Parkhill where she intends goieg to school to study for a teacher. Success Mary. Gr cenway. mr.Thos. Duo: preached an excellent sermon in Boston Methodist church last Sabbath in tbe eftei noon and. Rev J. E. Holmes in the eveni n ge-Mr Robt. Eng bh idsbuildist 0" a iiew forge in his black_ smith shop.2Mr.'Jes. MeWilsons ser- vices as a thrasher was in such demand that he was obliged to put on more men and another steatn rasher. -Mes. Ed. McPherson is spending this week- with her parents Mr. Jas. Mollard Grand Bee d. -Mr. Jas. I. McPherson who has heen working' for the past few weeks for Mr. Wm. Baird wee obliged to °dye up work on accotint of an attack of'spleursy He returned home last Tuesday. The Parkhill Braee Baud and Brinsley String' Band have been engaged to play at the annual Harvest Hoene Dinner of Boston Methodtst church Wednesday Sept. 14th. Come one Come all. A good time is expeeted by all.-. Mr. J,Bro we bought a J. Fleury igs Son's sulky plow from Mr J. Wilson and is greatlypleaeed with it as it dive good work ip herd ground. Seaforth. The bylaw for the purpose of enab- , line; the council to raise by way of loan tlie sum of $14,000 for the pur poee of erecting a marl:et belittlers mid fire hall nod pnrchasing a see was voted on on Tuesday aed carried by a majority of 13, The main street 8ite wag, also, carried by a majority of 11. There was about as lam) a vote iS usually polled for by raws,-The many ftiencle of Mr. Julius Duncan will be pleased to learn. that he is again to take up hie abode in Seaforth and will join its businesS yanks. He hes leased the large steed in Cerdno's block and is now busily cepettged °pee- ing tit) a new steels therein. --The cen- tred for the woodwork 011 Stet/ties new block on Main street has been awarded to Mr, John I -I. Broadfoot, for $3,8.10, Me. Cautterbeidge having got the brick teed reason"woels fee $3,040 The work will be psoceeded with as semi sie the okt isttildings are removed, arid it is hoped to Ilan the work cotn. Around. About Us. A daring attempt at burglary was made, between three. and. four o'clock the other 111011.11110' on the premises oc- eupied by JamesmRoes, agent of Han- na's creamery, near Kirkton. It is sunposed the party or parties un- known, followed Mr. Hanna from Sea forte the evening before with funds drawn from the balik to pay the pit- eous of the creamery. Three shots were exchansred between the parties who atteleptel the burglary, aed a young man named Kirk who gave the alarm, but fortauately no damage, was done. Pnorerm Buus,-Mr. D. Shoff of Clandeooye, this seasou had thirty swarms of bess from tee hives, and from five of the hives of the new swarms, he has already. obtained 300 pounds of No. 1 extracted honey. Thepall bearers at the funeral . of the late Alex. Sinclair, Reeve of Lobo, who committed suicide on Friday,were ex.Warden of the county, Robert Bos ton; ex re.eve D. McArthur; Deputy Reeve D. Steele, and Councillors, F. Johnston, P. Graham, and J. Hillis-. Threshing operations are active in the Port Elgin district and very good ;N•ields of Wheat ale reported in that eectioe. One fa.rmer secured soo, bus hels Of fall Wheat Off 25 acres. The pea crop is e partial failure, owing' to the extreme heat in the early part of the season. The Lake Erie counties' yield will be far below the average, the greatest deficiency being in Essex; Kent is con side,rably better. Elgin and Norfolk fair and Welland very poor. In the Lake Heron counties Huron stands first with a large crop, then Bruce with a good crop, Lambton practically none. Grey promises a very good Mop in eize. Mr. Jonathan Walton, has rented Itis farm on the Sth line. to Mr. James Sholdice, of Grey for a term of five years, at an annual rental of $180.00. Mr. Moore has secured. a good tenant as James is an industrious young' man and every success is ivielied him in his farming operations: The present oe cupent, Mr. R. J. Moore, has decided to give up farming, but whet his future intuitions are is met known. quire(' yet before the last part of thee centract will have been eompleted.— Some gay shooting was done by 07,1717 sports it week, Our town has a fever creole shots, al compared with a. duffer - who came front one.of the neighboring" towns, and in his attempt to hit a snag - in the river hit a couple of geese .Dashwood. A very painful accident happened' about ft Mlle and a quarter from hem on Thursday last, when. Miss 'Miller daug,liter of Christopher Miller, was pereipitated from a baggy and brokes her leg in two places. It appears arid her her brother were driving; horne• with a blind horse and by some means' the horse ran into the ditch resulting: as above. Stanley. The courieu met at Varna, Allr1.1517 22nd, at one o'clock p.m. Members' all present. Minutes of previous meet- ing' read and passed. The following; aee counts' were ordered. to be paid: Mr... JasWanless, Sr., $70, keeping' D. Mc- Kay; Jas. Mcrrow, P.05, goods for De McKay; Wm. Duncan, $10, coffin for D. McKay; Thos. Johnston, $1.50, dig- ging grave for D. 'aleKay; Wm. Purdy;.. $4.80, filling old well; Alex. Mustard', $51.66, timber for township. Thomas.. Wiley was appointed collector for the - present year. The clerk was author ixed to draft by laws to raise a rate of - 2 mills on the dollar for county purpose ' es, 1 3110 mills for local purposes and-. 7 1/10 mills for general school fund. And also a bylaw to levy and raise' the amounts required by the seyerale school section corporations. The. eters,- laws were read and. passed. Thee comicil then adjourned to meet agaire, on Oct. 10th next at one o'eleele, p.m. G. J. STEWART, Clerk... Some time ago the attention of H. Branton, V. S„ Leamington, was called to the disease known as horse chohnet, by one of the eminent veteri nary surgeous in the eastern part of the Produce, and since that time has attended to a score of cases, and. has been remarkably successful. The di signals of the case brought to his not ice, is that the disease is caused purely and simply by the common pest along the lake shore known as "June bugs.' His eea.sons are, that the stomach of the diseased and dead animals contain large quantities of the insects; that horses 'kept in the stable are not sub ject to the disease, and also that no herpes have died except those within the belt visited by the butes, that is, within two or three miles of the shore. If his view is correct, it is a valuable discovery for horsemen living along the lake, shore, es a number of horses have cited from the disease. Biaduipb.. It is with deep iegret that we are. to record the untimely death of. ?Jr. Wm. Durham, late of the 3ed cones of Bieldulph, who departed this life. one Sunday evening about 8 o'clecies at the early age of 136 years -leaving al widow aid two little boys, about 6 an&.. 8 years old respectively. Mr. Durham.. was ill but a few days, having only. - last week contracted inflaramatime- and chelersi morbies, as it is thought. from the excessive heat and oyerworka Drs. Clarke, of Leman, and Lang, of. Granton, were unremitting in then -- endeavors to save his life, but without avail. Rev. Mr. Steele, of Kirkton, at- tended deceaeed shortly- before his death and ministered to his spirituat consolation. We extend to the widow - and alter near relatives our heartfelt sympathy. .Deceased was interred ire St. James church cemetery on Tues- day forenoon.The ordinance of Holy' Baptism will tD.V,) be administered ire St. Patrick's church on Sunday afters, - nous,. Sept. 4th, at four o'clock (Too late for last week.). Last week the bares of Mr. LOU: O'Neil, farmer 11 mites west of Clande- boye, were struck by lighteing and one barn and contents destroy ed. Tbes barn contained 300 bushels of laSt year's wheat, besides this season's. en- tire crop of grain and hay, Partly in- sureele-Mr Clark, section boss on the le II. & 13., also lost bis residence be - fire and has lately purchased the resi- dence of Thos. Simpson, Biddalpia, and, ten acres of farm property. -Mr. John. Kentedy obje,cts to, having his name" in the press, as one of the principals of the Donnaly trial. John is conceded. by all who know him to be a straight honest man, whose, greatest fault con- eists in telling a man just what he. thinks of him, and if a man is innocent till proven guilty no greater c,rime than this can be laid. John Kennedyr. as is shown by the plaintiff, paying an, charges and withdrawing the case. Bayfield. Mn, Herb Coliday spertt Sunday in town. -Mr, Cherles Roth of Brampton, is visiting a member of his old friends here. -Re v. Turabull and wife, of To totem leave this week, after a pleas - alit holiday by the lake. -The English church choir at Varna put in a mesa cal day at the lake,--Chuech of Eng- land people intend to hold it Sunday school picuie in the near fatuee.--On Saturday a farmer's pienic visited Bay field and Spent, most enjoyable thee. saflthgrowinee'ete.-Durieg the past week 5'0111001h WAS On the, 800110 Of ion with her merry ceravans of pic tickers --Bayheld is yet charming al though she has lost tne most of her surnmer visttors.-Mr, J. Feegneen at 8. sale last!week bought the "tnterpriso" a small boat of Port Albert, Bayileld will have a fleet after a, white.—Our reeve had the inisfoetneie to breale Some of bis ribs cause4,by fall frbin aned 11111011111tilllad an) n at her a lead of grain. We aro pleased to C "me' plated befOre the cloSe Of the year, hear that he is speedily recovering. -- MCAT FiS. Devrs,--In Exeter, on the 30th ultt.„ Lewis Russell, infasit son of Sidney'. Davis, aged months and 4 daya Ott. -In Exeter North, on the 3Iste ult., Isabella Orr'eldest daughter of George aaid Christina Orr, aged 27' years. Funeral takes place ort Fite day at 2 pin. 111.AlitetilAG ES. a*AmtiesoN--CAMP BEL L --Al the reale donee of Mrs, John Rattenberrve Brecefield, on the 3.1st Auguste by the Rev. J. H. Simpson, Mr. J. Es. Jamieson, Miss Annie Campbell, PLIGST,BY eetiN -At the Presieee, (1.11 tit church, t eeter, on Ang. 2615es by the Rev. W. M. Martie: Mr. Wm, Puersley, of Exeter, to Miss Emrese Wadlim of Usboree. GrfLITTON.---In tib(11110,01.1 the 29th uIt the wife of Win Witten, of a son. DDARING -in Marlette, Mtth 011th* 17th ult., the wife of Mr. John Dear- ing, of a daughter, , nourtrov.--In Usborno, con, 7, on 3(1111 Aug , the wife of George Routley, 8.500. LATTA...—In Zurich, on tog xutn the wife of Mr, S. J., Latta, of $11.. son.