HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-8-25, Page 8ROLIORY f11111011110EITIEjlT. Yora to Our Customers. If we Were to change our advertise- ment as often as we receive new goods fresh face Would be found to it week- SeaSetiable goods are constantly haeeming and We woald be glad to have our customers and general read- ers call and realize the fact for them. selves. We Would again direct :Went ionto our Small Ware Counters whieh are kept almost invariably fall. Ar - 'tides eonstiintly required in every lacene are there, and we worild strong- atto a: cell, if at no other time ou SATURDAY EVENINGS when they will be found at their best and we at ours to serve faithfully and well. For next Saturday afternoon and evening we specially- invite a call and will fill our Coueters for that time with Special values and as usual at our Special Prices, J. GRIGG., THE 1ART. Exeter. MCI BARGAINS 'rho !lig 11:nlinqt DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SATEENS, CHALLISS, SILKS U2 0 U2 all at the closest cut prices during , our great alteration sale. We begin enlarging the shop in two or three weeks. Stock ausT be reduced before the workmen take pOsSession. .Do you want a nice ordered suit? If you do we would like to see you. We can save you money sure. Great values in Men's and Boys' ready-made suit. Sae them while our great sale is on. Tes! We are still in the Grocery racket. Choice, fresh groceries - Less than Actual Cost We blush to acknowledge the fast that we are selling choicest fresh groceries for less than regular cost. But not 'belt)* What they cost. NO!!! We buy at claser prices than regular house do. , SEE OUR PRICES , 44' and you will admit that we ,I4 .:a are the Cheapest House in Western Ontario. Xi . . 3. .A,. Stewart. 2 pounds best Soda for 6c. LOCAL JOTTINGS. ieretty stile Law. Section seventy three of the Liquor Lieense Act says: 'If auy person licen sed. under this act permits any drunk- en person to consume any intoxicating lituer in his premises he shall be liable Ma penalty not exceeding $50.1 Sec tion one hundred and twenty four of the same act declares that when it shall be made to appear in open court that any person summoned before such court, by excessive drinking of liquor, wastes his estate, greatly injures his health, or endangers the peace and happiness of his family, the justice holding said court shall, by writing forbid any licensed person to sell to Mai any liquor for the space of one year. And section one hundred and twenty- five adds that the husband, wife,parent child, brother, sister, master guardiau or employer of any person who has the habit of drinking intoxicating liquor to excess may give notice in writing to any person licensed to sell not to de liver intoxicating liquor to the person having such habit. It is not,therefore, so much new laws on the supplying' of liquor to habitual drunkards as the rigorous enforcement of those already apon the statute book that is required. Take Proper Precautions. ^ Farmers who use steam engines for threshing tshould examine their insur- ance policae8 and see the necessary per mitor licence is attached to or written thereon. Nearly all insurance cotnoan- les now giant a threshing privelege under certain restrictions and condi tions, and it woulki be well to observe stieh conditions beforehand so that in the event of loss the companies can find no ground for complaint or room for litigation with claiments Sommer neat. This is the seas m for Bowel Com plaints. Green epples aid cucumbers produce them, and Perry Da vi.' Fail) tenter euros them. To the trouteed stomach it comes like a helm, and the trouble eeese,s. Every druggist in the land keeps the Pain leilleeeed no fath er should be without it hi nis .fetnily New Big Bottles 25e. Mr. B. Aubry chipped seven fine roadster horses to Montreal on Moriday --Mesere. Verity &Sons shipped a car - k ad of plows to the Northwest to day, - A", r, Henry Willert, Datil worm, shipped , earload of sheep on Tuesday. 1 .Bran and Short wholesale and retail at Richardsones. . Essex count) peech crop will only average a thirst of last years's yield, The town and village schools will commence operatioes me the eeth. inst. A sure and pleaserttonie and invig:9rAt- ing'appetizer—MiLhura's Aromatic Quin- irie Wine. Edward Sanders is on 4.several days visit to Exvter and neighborhood.— Noes Record, The Stemmer race meeting' will be held on the new half mile track Brus- sels on Friday, Aug'. 26th. Berrv-picking is almost over in this vicinity, although there a few stragg- lers still on the war path. Harvesting will be general this week in Manitoba', itnd one of the hest crops in many eare past will be ta ke,n off. Mrs, Chris. Luker, Exeter Nortiewho underwent an operation some tines ago is slowly recovering and able to be out of bed again. People who give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fiiir trial realize its great merit and are glad to say a good word for it. Have you tried it? You will mies a great bargain if you do not caleend leave your , order with J. H. Grieve for one of his $16 black Worsted snits. They are away down, . , The watering' cart has made its ap- pearance again after an absence of two weeks, owing to the fire having burnt the dam so as to allow all the water to escape. While Mr. Irvine A.rmstrong was ex- ercising his entire horse on Tuesday the animal reared up and, struck him with his fore feet. Luckily he escaped with a few slight bruises. The new addition ,to the Bankrupt Store which, is to be usedas the Millin ery Department is about completed and makes a very neat and commodi ous room for the occasion. A friendly game cf lacrosse will take place here to -morrow (Friday) be- tween Mitchell and Exeter teams. No doubt it will be a very interesting and exciting game and worthy of witness- ing. This section of country has been flooded with app'e buyers during the past couple of weeks. They report the crop rather inferior. The prices offer- ed are 50c. for fall apples and $1. per barrel for winter fruit. The record of that famous mare, Maud S., has at last been beaten. The fastest time made by her for 1. mile was 2.08.1. Nancy Hanks, a mare -six years old, beats this record by one sec- ond, making a record of 2.071. At a meeting of the Exeter Gun Club on Friday evening County Con- stable Gill and town constable Creech were appointed game law inspectors. Those parties who have been shooting ducks out of season had better beware. Oa Monday last Mr. John Evans met with a very painful ac.cideut at Mitch- ell. It appears he jumped from a, ve- randah and lit on a stone. breaking a small bone in his ankle. It is not like- ly he will be able to work for some weeks. The Postenestea General has author ized the posting up in a conspicuous place in every postotlice in Ontario of a. card containing an abstraet of the Ontario game and fishery laws for isn as issued by the Ontario fish endgame commission. The bills announcing the Fall Show to be held here under the auspices of the Stephen and lesborne Agricultural Society on the 261h and 27th of Sept- ember, have been printedand posted. Prizes to the amount of $2,000 will be awarded this year. We have on our exchange list a journal entitled the St. Marys Leader, which male its appearance last week, thus making three publications in the "stone town." It will be conducted in the conservative cause, but we believe the publisher, Mr. E K. Evans, will have a hard and rocky road to hoe The Toronto World announces that plenty of shinplasters of 25 cents value can now be had at the banks, and if not kept there can be obtained from the Receiver -General at Ottawa or the Assist int Receiver Genera! at Toronto. Merchants and others who have agita. ted for a larger issue can govern themselues accordingly. Messrs. F. H. Neil, of Maple Avenue. Stoek Farm. Lucan, and .Jaines H. Patrickof Ilderton, have recently re- ceived an importation of choice Lincoln sheep, from the flock of the largest breeder of Lincoln sheep in England. These gentlemen are the, right kind of material to build up the stock interests in this country and should b.; encour- aged. There was offered by public auction, at the Central Hotel, on Saturday last, under mortgage sale, the valuable vil lage property owned and occupied by Mr, Wesley Bissett, The highest bid made was $750, which wets insufficient to eover the first mortgage, therefore it wee not disposed of. This is a very desirable property and io a good locat ion, "Mr, W. Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, has bought out Mr. Shaefer, of theCommer- eial. Clinton, and will take possession shortly. Mr. Hawkshaw will make a mood citizen, Mr. Shafer thinks of op- erating a pork curing house in Clin- ton, Stich an industry should pay well here and we trest his plans mey be carried to a successful iestie."-- eres Record. A bend of not socceesful hunters I( ft this village oti Monday to hunt for a bear that eves reported to have been seen near the swamp. After search. ing until eVening for brute they turned Weary and languid not even haeitig seen a track or had a glimpse ' of their prey. The,v should remember in future that it is the old story "a bear in the berry patch." The smoker, who has not yet tried the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco has a new pleasure before Mtn in the use of "tee weed." An investment of twenty.fie'e cents will furnish him with the means of giving it a fair Wet. Let us advise him to make the experiment, he will fled the tobacco to be all that its thou sands of friends claim for it, and they are far from stingy in their praise. Word was received here e few days ago that Mr. Themes Tyndall, Jr,, whose father was formerly enfeageil as cutter for Mr. James Pickard here, was milted to a youu„cr lady a short time ago. They intend taking up their abode in Ottawa,where Mr. Tyndall, Sr., has secured ernploy• iner.t. We join with many friends here in wishieg them a happy future. The next sittings of the Ontario Court of Appeal will begirt ou Sept. 13. 'The regular day for the commence- ment of the sittings being September 6th, the last day for setting eases down will be Saturday, August 27th. Thurs- day, September ist will be the let day after vacation The autumn circuits begin early this year; the earliest as size is Hamilton, begining on Septem- ber 5th, On Tuesday afternoon while Mr Luther Braund was driving a team with a large load of fax along Huron street one of the wheels went into the ditch and caused the load to upset The spirited WEIN ran along the street with the wagon, leaving the driver to work his way out from underneath the flax. After a short time the team was cap- tured and' brought back and were found tio be none the worse for the run and the men set to work again to gath er up the flax, which occupied several hours. No damage resulted from the accident. The Rev. Mr, Steele, Incumbent of Kirkton, conducted divine service in the Triyitt Memorial church on Sun- day evening last, and preached accept- ably before a large. congregation on the Parable of Dives and, Lazarus, in which three contrasts are shown to be, instituted, viz: 1.• Bet ween the rich and the poor; 2, between the living and the dead; and 3, between the hap py and the miserable in another world, concluding with an earnest appeal to all who would escape,the fate of Dives to give themselves in covenant to Christ, and to engage in some breach of mission work at home or abroad.: In my endorsement of Anti knd- rulf I can say something that I iever. could before, which is that this Tpar ation is a perfect remover of D d.ruff, not only in the first stages, b cyan where the plague .ha a become.. chronic and has merged itself into a' disease. Years of experience as a hai -dresser, during which time I have ex rhnent ed with every recommended reparat- ion, not one has (noi 1 mightay,even all put together) given the sa sfaction Anti Dandruff has. It posite moves Dandruff. It stops fel Ico of the hair. It cools the hair, It ekes an elegant hair -dressing without v - mg a trace of its use. I use it dat„ in my hair dressing, place at Balmoral Hotel, and .have,yet to place, the first (=tomer who was not pleased with it. J. T. FONTAINE, proprietor of barber shop, Balmoral Hotel, Montreal, P.Q. • On the shores of Lake Huron, fifteen miles west from Exeter and thirteen miles from Pat khill lies the summer resort known as Grand Bend Park. For a score of years this has been ,an attractive place for family picnics and holiday gatherings. Now, underthe management of Mr. John Spackman,of Exeter, it has assumed new shape as a park, with all time attractions , of the more distant and more costly resorts. Cottages and tents with slimmer' resi- dents to the number of nearly 300— people from east, west, north and south —among the rest a contingent of Lon - (loners are there. 'It seems to be a .the vorite camping ground for clergymen, Most of whom are comfortably 'quart- ered in cosy cottages. Rev. Messrs. Holmes, of Loadon, Holmes, of Park- hill, Alibi, of Centralia, nussell, of Ex- eter, and Williams, of Lucan, are a,moeg, those present.—Advertiser. Farms tor Sale. The Undersigned, has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. Seackesex, Exeter. Wanted. Never too late to xnend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leiidince boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. First and Last. First puff, sick enough, First beer, very queer, First whisky, feels frisky, First rum, very glum, Brandy Smash, mental crash, All combined, shattered mind, All done, hearse for one. seafortit Dye 'Works. The agent of the Seaforth dye works has been in town this week making a large delivery of goods which had been ciearied and dyed. From what we learn the work turned out by the above firm gives complete satisfattion in every respeet. Orders left at E. H. Fish's barber ehop will rec`Jive prompt attention. Important to Teachers. Last year the five training institutes we,ve contralized in the Ontario School of Pedagory. A ghee time ago a change was made in this institution that will be of interest to teachers and students, Instead of reeeiving firet and high school assistant's ceetifieates, ne heretofore, in passing the final ex. - amination, teachers in training are in future to be awarded interim certift. cates, giving euthority to teach eix months in a7high school or collegiate institute. At the end of eneh peried they will be awarded permanent certi- fieatee by the Education Depatimene, on the reeommendation of the prince pel of the high eellool eir collegiate in stitute. Try Riehardson's for good flour, Several fire escapes are being placed In Cite `.1.E'ilcieestdea,r vpIllabslticwsheillie°°lViir. and 'Mrs. Pineombe were driving along the road in a wagou their team Weenie fright ened and ran away, throwing the oe- cupants out, Mrs. Pineoinbe receiving very severe injuries, weile John escap- ed with a few slight bruises. Personal Igen-ton. Mrs, C. Billings and daughter, who have been visiting Mr. S. Sanders, left on Friday' for St. Marys, where they will visit friends. -7 -Mrs, John Parsons left ou Tuesday for Detroit, where she will yisit her brother for some tima--- Miss Annie Jeckell left on Monday ev- ening for London, Eng. She sails from New York by the 'Majestic,—Mr. Wm. ,WeStaway left on Friday morriin,e; for Lendon where he has secured a situat- ion in a mill.—Mrs. Win, Atkinson re- turned from Michigan , on Thursday eveniw last week after a,n absence of several weeks.—Mr. VVni. Gould, Jr., of Oshawa, is visiting his parents here .— Mrs. George Edworthy and daughter left on Tuesday for the North West Territorieseintending to remain there for some months.—Mrs. Young and daughter, 'of Petrolia, were the guests of Miss,Fannie Davis for a few days last week-, leaving for Wingham on Saturday morning to visit relatives and friends.—Miss Matte Hawkshaw has returned from Detroit after an ab. sence of several weeks.—Miss Carrie Wilkins returned to Sarnia on Tuesday, morning.—Miss Sarah Sweet is risiting in the neighborhood of Ilensall this week.—Mr Charles Beek, ef Hensel', was in the village on Sunday.—Miss Minide Sweet is at present visiting relatives and friends in Biddulph.— Mrs. Thomas Snell, who has been very ill for some time, is convalescent.—Mr. William Senior, of •Torouto; Mr. Chas. Senior, wife and daughter of Blenheim arrived. here on Saturday evening and attended the funeral of Mr. Win. Webb of Usleorne, on Sunday.—Mrs. McNally, end Mrs. (Dr.) Charlton, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. David Spi cer.—George the Hatter is here look• ince after the interest of his business,— The Misses McCallum, who have :been 'visiting friends in' Waterloo Co. and Brantford, have returned —Mr. John Finwick, of Hay Ip, left this morning far Oxbow, Man.—Mr. Henry Penhare left on Tuesday for Toronto where he will be eugaeged at his trade.—Mr. Will Gregg and son, of SteThomas, for tnerly of this place, aie here visiting friends and relatives —Mr. T. D. Stan- ley, ex mayor of St. Marys, and wife. spent Monday night in town. They were on their way to Grand Bend summer resort.—Messrs. Fred W. Long and Dr. Purdy, of St. Marys, paid the town a flying visit on Tuesday evg. They were on their return home from Bruceeeld, where, we understand, they IM.ve been spending a few days with their best girls.—Misses Maria and My- ra. Pickard, of London, are visiting friends and relatives in town.—Miss Lottie Lattimer, of Seaforth, was the guest •orMr :James Grieve ,on -Sunday. - —Mr. -Chris Balsden, of 'Melbourne, is -visiting his mother at present. -.Miss Clara Hersey has .been engaged by the •firm of Appel & Zeliar, of Zurich, to take charge of the millinery depirt• ment for the coming season. She, in company with Mr. ZeIlar, left yesterday for Loudon, where they will select the fa[Esuppiies.—Mr. Hugh Brown,Erie - ter North, left for Hope, Dakota, on Monday last —Mrs. S. Wisler, who has been visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dearing, leaves for her home in Manseeloma, Mich., to day (Thursday).—Mr. Prank Ruse left on Monday for Bowmanville:—Miss Hniu na Parsons who has been visiting here returned to London on Monday.—Mrs. Dr) Rollins is spending a few days at Grand Bend.—Miss May Hill, of Brant- ford, am(' 'MrseHill, of London, who have been enjoying a recreation at Bayfieldewere.the guests of Mrs. D. Spicer on Tuesday, the latter leaving for her home on Wednesday morning, while the former will remain for a few days. -TEA TRY Soclanti&Co 25c. 'Pi Best 111 10111 E. J. Spackman 8t Co's. SAMWELT.e'S BLOCK, EXETER. UYI For Yourself? or Your Wife or Children. There is no place in town that offers better opportuni- ties for BARGAINS in the STAPLE WARES of any spec- ial line. of goods than can be found at CARLING BROS. GARDEN AND FIELD All Kinds of FENCE WIRES. LAWN MOWERS. ALABASTINE in all Shades. DAISY CHURNS. Full line of Tinware, Cheap, for Cash at BISSETT BROS. Eitli 1111Se Still takes the lead in the Furn- iture business. I am too busy to call on people in need of furniture, but please drop in my warerooms and see my stock and I will try and suit you in this line. Ordered work neatly done on shorte,st notice. Remember I have also a handsome line of Amidst all Blow & Bluster ROBT. N. ROWE Undertaking Goods always on hand. Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed every time, Stand next Molson's Bank. ROBT. N. ROWE. •GEO. A.Tyr TEAS 11111D111AN FOR Tilt EST AND Exeter, COFFEESI, EVERY PE1,911 SHOULD J3USgRitary Log fillers It is better than all others. TEN 'REASONS WI-IY: 1.—It will not get out of order. 2.—It is cheaper than any °evil. 3.—It will last five times as long aS any ordinary lamp filler, 4. --Because it is non cOrrosive, as it is zinc aform 'i maga- nd tin. which for netic action and keep it from corroding. do the work in one-fourth of the time. 6.-elt will not soil the floor andshelf. 7.-1.1 never sweats oil, 8.—It giveou perfect pontrol of the oil. 0.—It is always neat and safe. 10—I1 will strengthen the lunge, This Can line been exonined by eXperts and pronounced to be the best they ever saw. Handy, Healthy, eliable and Cheap, They ere wanted in every house Where coal oil is used. The fastest kiting article in the Market, COOLED= & RUM 4