HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-8-25, Page 5it The Head Surgeon. Of the _Emboli Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, ant may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseaeso peouliar to man, Men, young, old, or midille-aged,who find themselves a erveue 'weak awl eXilausted Who aro broken do wn f'rern'excess or overwork, iesulting in many of the following,' eymptorns: Mental depres- sion, perna tura olcl age, loss of vitality, loss of memory,bad drearaS"diparieSS Or Sigh t,Pal- pitetiOn of the heert, emissions, lack of en- ergy. pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on tbe face or body, itching or peculiar sen- sation about the scrotum, wafting of the organs,' dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, arid else- where, bashfulness depositin the urine,loss will power, tenderness of the scalp and spincoveak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa- tiorif dallnese of hearing, loss of vole°, desire for solitude, excitibility of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LnAnnri (=ems, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nerv- ous debility that lead to insanity and death -unless cured. The spring or vital force hay- ing 10St its tension every funetion wanes in consemence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanent- ly cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed, Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness palpitation, skip imitate, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart wall beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, ate., ORE positively be cured. No cure uo pay. Send for book. Ad- dress M, IT. LC330N, 24 Macdonald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada. Jan 1-1 year The United States Government is com- ple• etintwo vessels at Barcelona, Spam, likethose in which Cotumbus saiLed, to ac- company the Santa Maria [built by the Spanish Government] to the Chicago Ex- position. 44•6111,2MIII•MICIIMINNO For over Fifty Years, MIS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING Sven', has been wed by millions ofm others for their child- ren while teething. If disturbed at night and 'broken ofyour rest by a %hilt child suf- fering arid crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send, at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, m others,th ere is nornistake about it. It cures Diarrhera, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, reduces In - lamination, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "DIrs,Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" Tor ehildren teething is Pleasant to the taste ancl is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty - Eve cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throrag)ient the world. Be surerand ask for "Mns. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," The proposal has again been taken up in Francethat lightships connected by a tele- graphic cable be stationed at intervals ot 2oo miles across the Atlantic. Consmnption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having bad placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forreola of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- men t ore of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and -adical mire for Nervous Debility and ell 2 rvous Com- plaints, after having tested. it wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suff- erine fellows. A,ctuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of eharge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming thispaper. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, it Y deillOMMENIMONINSMIYMISIMP The lour -masted ship Ashbank,from Cape of,Good Hope to Newcastle, AustraLia. is supposed to have been lost, with her entire crew of 32 men, Piso's Remady for Catarrh is the Best, Fastest to Ilse, and Cheapest. A 1 • Sold by druggists or sent by mall, Sem E. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. Another effort has been made by the Chi cap:, Musical Union to have the members of the I3th Battalion band arrested on their way borne. Detectives are watching to see whether the St. Bernard Commandery K.T. is paying the band. "BABY WAS SICK. - DEAR Sias,—My baby as yery sick with diarrhoea, and everything we tried failed. But on trying Dr. Powher's Extract of W1d Strawberry v:e found it gave prempt relief and very soon cured him com- pletely. MRS. JOHN CLARK, Bloom field, Ont. A farm hand named Moss was run away with, by a spirited horse at Virgil, Ont., the other day and draggd about a miLe, both arms and legs being broken, and his head and back terribLy scraped. He leaves netitet'in London, .ng., and had no rei,a- tires in Canada. if you once tty Carter's Little Liver PiLls for 3.ielc, headache, biLiousness or constipat- non, you will never be without them. They are portly vegetable, small and easy to take, Doe't forget this. Oh, What a Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Coniumpt• in, Ask yourselves if you can afford forthe sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and de nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your ough. It never fails. Macdonald and Hill, accomplices of Bid - Wel ln the great bank forgeries of x873, Inert tereased on condition that they leave England. THE FOUR CARDINAL POINTS. The four cardinal points of health are the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Wrong action in any of these produce disease. 33urclock Blood Bitters acts upon the four cardinal, points of health at one and the sane; time, to regulate, strengthen and pur. ify, thus preserving health and removing disease. )atnes McKee, a sewing machine agent, was killed at a railroad crossing near Allan. liaLe yestelday by the morning mail train from 'foronto. Mr. E. T. Bailey, Elkhorn Man., wi•ites'. ---My daughter was sick for eleven months; she was as white as it was possib.e for any living person could be; was short of breath and had terrible pains and ringing noises in the head On the slightest exertion. Two boxes of Dr. Williams Pink Pir..Ls thorough- ly cured her. Unequalled for all diseases pe.culiar to females. All dealers or by mail on receipt of Soc. a box or six boxes for $2.5o.. Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brockville, Ont., ,er Morristown, New York. The tinned Typothetae of America eon. chided its sixth annual meeting yesterday. C'Teuso.eoelation will convene next year in hie.ag Dr. LaROE'S COTTON ROOT Mai Safe asd absolutely pure. Most powerful Feraale Regulator known. The only safe, sure and reliable pia for Pais. Ladies ask druggists for LiiRpoe's Star and Crescent Brand. Take no ether kind. Bemire of cheap imitations, as they are danger- ous. Sold by all reliable druggistsrostpaidonrempt of price. AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, Mau For sale lit Exeter by J. W.381;owlIbig. ThetChancellor of Montreal Diocese has published an article in La Semaine Religie- use, commenting on the Manitoba school question. THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. OnsTr,invms,—Last summer our childree were very bad with summer complaint, and the only remedy that did them any good was Dr. Fowler's Extract of 'Wild Straw- berry. • We used twelve bottLes during the warm weather and would not be without it at five times the cost. Jas, HEamtv, New Edinburgh, Ont. The steamship Umbria, which reached Queenstown from New York yesterday,made the trip in five days, twenty-two hours and forty-five minutes. Coughing leads to coffin unless stopped by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The best cure for Coughs, Colds and Lung Troubles. .1, A. Bostwick, a millionaire Standard Oil man, while trying to rescue some blood blood hot ses front a burping stable of his at Mamnutroneck, N,Y„ on Tuesday evening burst a blood vessel and bled to death. DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING. GENTLEMEN,—About Eve years ago I was taken with a very severe attack of diarrhcea and vomiting. The pain was almost un- bearable and I thought I could not live till ntorning, but after I had taken the third close of FowLer's WiLd Strawberry the vomiting ceased, and after tbe sixth dose the diarrhoea stooped, and I have not had the !east symptom of it since. MES. ALICE florerns, Hamilton, Ont. Full returns from Chicoutimi show the eLectl on of Mr. 13ei.ley, the straight Gov- ernment canaidate, by a majority of 3/ OV. er Mr. Savard, Independent Conservative. If:sick headache is misery what are Cart- er's Little Liver PiLls if they will positively cure it? People who have used them speak frankLy of their worth. They are smaLl and easy to take. La Rethuse, a French warship. carrying -Admiral Abel de Liberau, commander of the Atzantic squadron, arrived at Quebec yesterday. A PERFECT COOK. A perfect cook never presents us with in- digestible food. There are few perfect cooks and consequentLy indigestion i's very prevalent. Yoi can eat whet you like and as much as you want after you use Burdock Blood Bitters, the natural specific for indi- gestion or dyspepsia in any form. William E unbar, an ex -mayor of Halifax' aged So and weaLthy, was yesterday mar- ried to So, Cotter Jennings, aged 25, of Victoria, B.C. Fretful. Crying Children should be given Dr. Low's Worm Syt up. It regulates the system and removes worms. iLat e advices from Honduras corroborate the report of the death of President Bogran at the hands of the rebels, near Puerto Cor tez. Wir.A. be found an excellent remedy for sick headache. Carter's LittLe Liver Pills. 1 housancls of Letters 'from peopLe who have used them prove tets fact. Try them. A cabLeomm announces that the trouble between the Sultan ot Morocco and the nghera tribesmen has been settled. You would not have had that throbbing headache had you taken a Burdock Fill last night.. param, PE 14 SARSAPARILLA CUP.ES ALL Taints of the moo. POSI.111•1,17.1.,..,,••••• BLOOD PURIFIE,.% ••?.. • , terxreriamsP,Neturrammenarraormrsersanexcess C R TA I N ILA. ICS —SEND 0011— ILLIT 3 TRATE Il GATALD BITE of Ladies Specialties. ADDEESS:• The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Mention t1iS paper. • . . 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver a nd liabwels, unlocks the Secretio ns,Purifiesthe 'Blood and removes all im- purities from a 'Pimple to the wo rst Scrofulous Sore. MP .. , , D ,. CUR.. <— DYSPEPSIA., BILIOUSNESS'. CON st !RATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DiZZINES S. DROPSY RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES BJTTE• Nancy ITanks trotted a mile yesterday in Chicago in sof, and wrested the title of queen of the turf from,hlaud S. TI -IE WORST FORM. DEAR Suis, --About three years ago 1 was troubred with dyspepsia in its worst form, neither food nor medicine would stay on my stomach, and it seemed :impossible to "et relief Finally I took one bottle of 13.13.B. and one box of Burdock nt.'s, and they cured me completely. Mas 5, i4.Srrrn, Prnsdale, Ont. Buth Rudolf, of Windsor, NS., has just died in the house in which she. wae born, married and lived for gr years, 3 CENTS As an in- ° ""."ducernent to nevv subscribers we offer the ADVO - °Anal and the "Medical Adviser and Farm Help" till the lst of January 1893, for BO cents. Send in the names • A cow belongin2 to Mr. Thompson, of Guelph, died. For two weeks she had been very sick aud lost in flesh. The peculiar circumstances of the cow's death caused the owner to make an inyestigation, which showed, on the animal being opened, that the stomach roatained a snake over three feet long. The snake was dead nhen the cow was opened. It is supposed that :the cow swallowed the snake while dring wat- er. ABB NOT a Per- gative Medi- cine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, ToNIO and limoos- ST1MOTOrt,as they supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from POOR and WAT- nY 33Loon, or from VITIATED Hoztous in the BLOOM, and also invigorate and Bum) ire the BLoon and Srseencr, -when broken down by overwork, rnental worry,disease, excesses and indiscre- tio.rs. They have a &mom° Aonox on the SEXUAL SESTENE Of both men and women, restoring i,osT 'neon and correctirig all IRREGULARITIES and BtiPPRESMONS. EVERY MAN ,Niviiii:Bilth.tsrulePwg..:9:; his physical powers tagging, should take loose They -will 'restore his lost energies, both physical and mental. EVERY WOMAN phoeu;vivalbsez: pressions and iry.egularities, which inevitably entail sickness -when neglected. 11i3euyl dv lit e theseure YOUNG MENthe rt sults of youthful bad habits, mild strengthen the system. YOUNG WOMEN Theseu d mat make them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50e. per box), by addressing THE DR. WILLIAMS' _WIRD. CO. CL An IS iLLI SIJOGill SR10 F1111111111111 !Or MO 1101(1 50 DAIS, Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIGANTIC STOOK 011— Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, Ash & Oak; Sideboards in Maple, Cherry and Oak: together -with a agnificent line in Parlor Suites,Lounges,Chairs,Tables, and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS, NO SHODDY ELM, arid the prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual price Z,Zairi St - EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock tottun Call Early while the Stock lasts. Remember the Stand—Factory and Wareroorns two doors north of Town Hail, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. $0.70 to 0.75 Barley . 35 to 40 Oats • • . • .. ... 28 to 30 Peas 58 to 60 Butter . ... . 13 to 13 Eggs • .. . .. 10 & 10 Potatoes per bus ... 15 to 15 Hay per ton .... . . ,. 5.00 to 6.00 Wool . 16 to 17 13tullmlt1i Ay IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU.WANT TO Buy or Sell ToNIn Property IF YOU WANT TO • Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Ilfake Callat Mr. Jno. Spackinan's , Real Estate Agency, Business TranactIons strictly con- fidential. Jntendiimg purchaserswill receive the best adyice in selecting. and or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, • Box 44. HOFFMA'S HARN MLESS HEADACHE POWDERS care ' ALL HEADACHE. 27aoy are not aaver- ti,sed to cure every- thing,butsitnegy head- aches. Try them, it trill cost but 25 aerate firr a box and they a -o harndess. Thef ars not a Cathartic. WLER's laT. OF ILD 411kRAWBERR CU RE S "i\ coLic c HOLERA CHOLERA— MORBUS DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY COMFPLAINTS CHILDREN0ADULTS Price 3.5c Ts BEWARE 0 IMITATIONS sizmri^z4.4V121L:.4 ,z -g; IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trolls erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth AU made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. J. SNELL ROBT. N. ROWE Has been appointed sole agent for the THE DANARMME DRY EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold s:Lipplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old ph ys icia n. Successfully used montift by thoustunds of LADIES. Is the only perfeet ly safe and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for COOK'S 001107 ROOT COMPOUND, take no substitute; or inclose 81 and 4 three -cent Can- ada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed par- ticulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond...Lily Compariy,No 3 Fisher Block,131 Woodward ave. Detroit, Mich. M'Sold in EXETER at Du. 'LUTZ'S, W. BROWNING' s and by all druggists every- where. ()ENTRAL--- SHAVING LJ ---PARLOR. EXETER, -= ONTARIO. A Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Lathes' and Children's Hair Cutting. HastingS. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. i. per day. J. & J MoMARTIN,Proprietors. E. H. Fish's Shaying Parlor open every day. Farmers' Attention. PRICE LIST: Flour, Hensall, strong 'baker's $2.25 " Zurich, " 44 225 " Zurich straight Roller 1.90 " Pastry 2.60 Shorts 80c per cvt; $14.00 per ton. Bran 70e " " 12.00 " " Chop 70c to SLID Any quantity in lots of a ton or over can be purchased by calling. Wheat t aken at Market Prices. In the Brick Store OPPCSITE Tr•WITEALS Satisfaction Guaranteed. A CALL Solicited. R. S. Richardson, John Richardson, Man. Prov -CHRISTIE'S \ COMMEROLAO LIVERY First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEPT AT THE HAITI SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Term.m Reo.ner.uniolr Teleohone Connection MAKE YOUR OWN We hear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of Baking Pow- ders, but as a mattetof fact if you want it .absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you. can save 20 cts a pound by doing so, MAKE YOUR OWN HUNG POWDER. If you send us $100 for two subscriptions we will also send you formula for making your own Ess. Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- permint, eth. Cut this out and send with money,or mention this paper. • The Puritan Baking Powder. • fIs guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directions or making' it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit to your neigh- bors, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending vs 50 cents for one year's subscription to our journal, which is the best paper for the money published in the English language, and no family ean afford to do without it. Address MEDICAL ADVISER, Bowmallfile 011t.