HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-8-18, Page 5Ile Head Surgeon. Of the Button Medical CorananY is Tow at 1:oronto, Canada, and maY be eonsulteda exthorin peeson or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man, Mon, young, old, gr faiddle-agedawhe fn a themselves nervone *weak and exhausted, who are broken dawn from excees or overwork, reeulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental clepree- Sion, perm atnre old age, loss of vitality, loss of mernory,bad dreams 0:Brant:es of sigh t,pal. pitation of the heart, emiseions, lack of en- ergy. pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples OlIthe faoe or body, Hollinger peouliar sen- sation a bout the serothm, wasting of tho organs, dizziuess, specks before the oyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and else- where, bashfulness aepesits in the urino,lose of wit]. power, tenderness of the soalp and epino, weak and flabby muselos, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness °nearing, loss of yoice, desire for solitude, excitibility of' temper, sunken eyes suirountled with LEADEN' ozactx, looking skin, etc., are ull symptoms of nerv- ous debility that lead•to iusanity and, death unless cured. The spring or vital force hay- ing aost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanent- ly cured. Send your address for 'book an all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which aro faint spells, pnrplo lips, numbness -palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rueli of blood to the bead, dull pain in the beart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bono. eta., ea,n positively he mired, No cure no pay. Seud for book. Ad. - dross M, V. LTJBON, 24 alaed ea ald Ave„ Tor- onto, Canada. Jan 1-1 year Helmitta, a new Jersey viLlage, is alarm- ed by the fact that 26 deaths have taken pLace there within a week from a disease that resembLeS cholera. For Over Fifty rears, Bras. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been. used by millions of motbtrs for their child- ren while teething. If disturbed at Light and broken of your rest by a; sick child suf- fering and crying with pain of Cut -Mpg Teeth send at once and get a bottle' of "Mrs slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little set/furor immediately. Depend upon it, m others,thero is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoia, regulates the Stomach and Boevels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and 'energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Wiaslow's •Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teethingis pleasant to -the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and. nurses in the United States. Price twenty- five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure:and ask for "Mits. WixsLow's SOOTHING SYRUP," The Ridges at the art exhibition in Mun- ich have awarded medals of the first class to Mr. Whisther the English artist, . and Dr. Dwight, of New York. .11.14 Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired • from practice having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the form:Act ,of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consumption, 'Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and ail• throat and Lung Affeetions, also a positive and. -adical core for Nervous Debility and all la a i'VOTIS 00M - plaints, after having tested its woodmani eurative powers in theneands of cases, has lilt his duty to make it known to bis suff- ering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a, desire to relieve human sufferioga I will sena free of charge, to all who desire it. this recipe, in German , French or Eif glish, " with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namiug this -paper. W. A. NOYES,810 POWerS Block, Reeheeter, IV. Y Haary Brother, a 'woodbridge Lad, who Was CaipLOyed in the culinary department of the steamer Macassa, fell fron. the boat yesterday at Hamilton and was drowned. pso tOdtit'M'f CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. WO. 11 '4R0111,..0911011.11001t..11$14::,.., Safe and absolutely pure. Most poWertufVemtlie Regulator known. The only sure, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladies sak druggia• tafor banoe's Star and CirescfMt Tirana. Take no oak other kind, Beware of cheap imitations. as they are danger- o'ns. Oold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on xvcgept a price. AMERICAN PILL CO., For sale in Fogeter J5y glr-11V- larowaisnr• You would not have had that throbbing headache had you taken A Burdock Pill last night, Jr. A. C. Pousett was elected reeve of Sarnia )esterday by accLamation to HO the position vacated by the death of the Late Mr, M, Fleming. THE WORST FOR,M. ansmanewenalsramennammassrmatemmastwootowaseca*.r....alma Edward Pal Iter Deacon had an offer of release from prison on condition that he would leave France forthwith never to re- turn. Mr. Deacon refused to accept the offer. • Oh, What a Cough.! Wilt you heed the warning. Tho signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible 'disease Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. It is announeed that the management of the Northern pacific and Wisconsin Cent- ral raiLways wilL shortly be consolidated, the latter road becoming part of the North- ern Pacific. MT, L. T. Bailey, Elkhorn Man., writes. daughter was sick for eleven months; she WRS RS white as it was possibie for any living person could be; was short, of breath anti had terrible pains and ringing noises in the head on the slightest exertion. Two boxes of Dr. Williams Pink l'iLLe thorough- ly cured her. Unequalled for all diseases ;peculiar to females. All dealers or by mail on receipt of 5oc. a box or six boxes for 2.50, Dr. Williams Med, Co., Drocleville, Ont., or Monistown, 3,.,Tew York, Minister Egan has agreed with Chill upou to convention for the settlement of ar.r., un- atljusteti claims of the United States a- galest Chili by means of a Claim Commit- tee to meet in. Washington. . TUB FOUR CA RDINAT., POINTS. The four cardinal points of health are the SO omach, liver, bowels end bloe.l. 'Wrong actioo in any of' these produce disease, ' PancloCk Blood }litters acts upon the four enrclintiL ±1 11 0 of health at onto ,and the ; time to regulate, htrangthen and pur; ify, thus preserving health tiod removina disease. A deepatch to the I.,ontion Staeclard ,say' 1.1mt adalts, fp children end nun:emus; animals Were recently bitten by a' 'triad wolf at Lodz, Vora nd, and that all ore 110W riv- 1100, Mad a 11 (1 bt1•:011C1 reeottry. A rnan's Wife ',should naafi} s bo the %tune, cape( iaLly o her htiaband, but if she is weak Aral nervous , nn11 1.1SC1 CatteY'S, l'11)11 She cannot:1o, for thLy make her "feel Like a diff1.1 0101 r,orson,” so they all say$anti thtir husbands say ito too. 31 ker W(AA't, of Bevil to, Germany, 11110 pttAt.1 2,,,,incnoco roe vas, and nn accomplice narnod Leipsiger, htve been sec tot odd ,to SO yt.ars,' penal servitude and loss of their doilrhIllt:;' fc;r five years. TIM VRIEND,, NTLIVN,Inn,-.-Last Sitromer our children were very bad wilh summer coo -quaint, and the only remedy that did them any good was Dr, 1.7owler's Estract of 1Vild StraW, berry, Vt'c used ti,veivehottiks during the 010)10 wealher and. Would not he without it at (lye times the cost. JAS. 111),,..1,0y, New .t.t.m.angh, Ont DEAR Sins,—About three years ago 1 was treubLed with dyspepsia in its worst form, neither food. nor medicine would stay on my stomach, and it seemed :impossible to get relief. Finally 1 took one bottle of B,B.B. and one box of Burdock Pinis, and they cured me completely. MRS. S. B. Surrii, Emsdale, Ont, Col. John Cole, formerly of St. lrhomas end late of London, died on Thursday in New York, aged'fig. Ile commanded the St. Thomas Cavalry troop during the Fen. ion raid of x866, A woman who is weak, nervousness and sLeepLe,ss, and who has cold hands and feet. cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness and give strength and rest. J. A. Chrysler,of Simcoe, has been kmind guiLty of obtaining money by false preten- ces from school teachers who answered his advertisement. A PERFECT COOK. A. perfect cook never presents us wfth in- digestible food. There are few perfect cooks and consequentLy indigestion is very prevalent, Yo.i can eat what you like and as much as you want after you use Burdock Blood Bitters, the natural specific for indi- gestion or dyspepsia in any form. The Meteor, Emperor William's yacht, won a match around the Ise of Wight yes- terday by 47 seconds after an exciting finish Queen Mab was secona and lverna third. Fretful, Crying Children should be given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It regulates the system and removes worms. Dozens of fatat, cases of cholera are known to have occured in St. Petersburg, though no official announcement of the -presence of the disease has been made. DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING. GENTLEMEN,—About five years ago I was taken with a very severe attack of euarrheea and vomiting. The pain was almost un- bearable and I thought I could not live till morning, but after I had taken the third close of FowLer's WiLd Strawberry the vomiting ceased, aud after the sixth dose the diarrhoea stooped, and I have not had the least symptom of it since. ALICE HOPKINS, Hamilton, Ont. (Inc of the buildings of the Edison con- centrating works at Ogden, N.J., collapsed yesterday. Four men were killed and le others seriousLy injurd. My friend, look herel yov know how weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills witr., relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a box? James,Dennis was suffocated by natural gas it) a ivelt, near Caledonia, " Ont., on rhursday, A rescuer named Fitzgerald had a narrow escape. 'BABY WAS SICK. DEAR SIRS,—My baby was yery sick with diarilmea; and everything we tried failed. But on trying Dr. Fovmer's :Extract of Wild Strawberry eae found it gave prompt relief and very soon cured him com- pletely. Mils. 'TORN CLARK, Bloomfield, Ont. Coughing leadS eocofla unless stopped by Dr. Wood's Norway Fine Syrup. The best cure for Coughs., Colds and Lung Troubles, warsamurricrAmntneowastmeammarstwa eigmam.e.r.nr." '7%),1 DELICATE — Vil.t.r... ()I ' 31.113I32.2tiltraZCZUNAZISI.I,G11,1361X.. rlirtrECCIAT ,Q.,, ... '' „. AvEt.qMAYS 1 1-1 L7,1- E7 ,--1 jr-1 1••.••1 r CIT.2a. Pil1 4- PURE SWEET LA1TIN3 .i..'C•t/° • 14Il , : Pkk , 1111.3i1 RARE PUNGENT cootero 1%.' 1TJ L , H ri.) rj rt , Ar Iatia,, 21 A STiLL, HOLDS MS..' FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF 1MITATI0N8. tt-I h.1 lf:1 rct,-:r ' FRAC1RANT R News from the Congo country indicatee it geneial rising of Arab slave trailers and natives against the whites, and sOrne6ght- ittg is said to have taken plaee, the Arabs being successiul. usam.de ...„..... The Figaro make,s the important an nouneernent that the difficulty in work 41fr, the long distance telephones und- er water has at length been overcome, and that it will be possible to converse as easily between Paris and New York as between Paris and 'Versailles. 'The discovery by which thss great feat cam be accomplished is the achievement of a Frenchman, M Oillott, the inspector of telegraphs in Paris. mercavason.oemosimrs•mencasmaar...ivaa 1 —SIDND FOR -- ILLUSTRATED 1AT/4.10013-11TE of Ladies Specialties. ADDIZESS: Th8l'arisiaigiiedioa1 1pp1iance Queen-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Yen Hon t.11 is poper. tq'TH •In ; TP1'0 it la • t tt"ti. 0.0 alOeleaaa Vain% thp , YBOtvz1§,'117.ialmvs mai 1 wcir, cm:ying '0gsaTA4\1411.3! vir,howk vs6almfing the sys-, , all the I:tip:mules ana foul humors, tho 000iutiO, 4 ttb tbo Warm tithe COP - ,140 Stomach, ,'",mkmtburo, ipU1iot, '.'';hi Skin, Soro- fifiaD ofitt)114,?rt, 1Ter- voinheilSy 03nOr'41,1)01;111ty an Vnegt) and :many othet,simitat Corankonts tho hoopv infltt unc,5of PallaDOCIC eT.;,001) tV tlaUB t:V .17Y:r:!cr.l. klfJ11,PEo))211,',)v,,, Fanners' Attention. PRICE LIST: Flour, Hensall, strong baker's " Zurich. " " " St. Marys " 2,25 " Pastry 2.00 Shorts 80c per coot; $14,00 per ton. Bran '70c " " 12.00 " " Chop 70c to $1.10 Any quantity in lots of a ton or over can be purchased by calling. Wheat t tken at Market Prices. In the Brick Store OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, lor lixt 50 Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For the next 'THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIG -ANTIC STOCK Bed Room sets in Maple, Oherry, Ash 46 Oak; Sideboards in Maple, CherrY and Oak; together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites,Lounges,Chairs,Tables, and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER TIIESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS NO SIIODDY ELM, and the prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual price Cali Early while the Stock lasts. Remember the Stand—Factory and 'Wareroorns two doors "2'2255 north of Town Hall, Exeter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A CALL Solicited. R. S. Richardson, 'John Richardson, Man. Prop Itg 01:4 eerlalll and sneady onro for Cold in the Head and catarrhin allIta ata SOOTHING, CLEANSING, 1lEA1-161 G. tent Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many stacalled diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as head- ache, partial deafness, losing sense of smoll,foul breath, hawking and spit- ting, nausea, general feeling at de- bility, eta If you ara troubled with any ot these or lcindred symptoms, your have Catarrh, and should lose 110 time in procuring a bottle of ICtsaa Hama. /30 warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, fol. lowed by conenraption and death. ISOSIL BALM is sold by all druggists, or will be ,out, post paid. on receipt of pzioe(60 °outs and $L00)by addromM FULFORD CO,, Brockville, Ont. S ELL 3 1,,Zealn. pt. EXETER ONTARIO Has now In stock WALT. ANDREWS. xvimommummeammumenneormannelamononron EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel , . $0.76 to0.78 Barley . 35 to 87 Oats • ....... • 28 to 28 Peas ...... . .. ....... 55 to 55 Butter .... ... 13 to 13 Eggs .... .... 10 & 10 Potatoes per bus Hay per ton .... ,.. 5.00 to 6.00 Wool . .... 16 to 17 Alltama aWilk a -00=a, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. T. SITELL rymifirennerbranarnalpagensx..rtreaTranwarzusimattemsasunnwerms• kota Zlial4 IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU,WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU :WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. hio. Spackman's Real Estate AgencI Business TranSactonS Strictly con- fdential. Int_ending purchasers will receive the hil1W detyiee rn Seleeting land or town sites, Also agent for Allan Line ahd State Lino Steamships. 9 Office- MainStreet, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN Box 44. ..may.wennazommnoonneem....••*.m000mesem ROBT. N. ROWE 0,04 HOFFMAN'S HAMILESS HEADACHE F'OWDERS aro an honoot medicine for which only honest, obraightforward otat 0 - manta are made. Sao that you get the confine nat. man's. Inaiat on having them. They Our 41.11, Keadaohes. - They are not a Cathartic. WLEIR's WI LA °DRY RAWBE"! 'cupe,s D-C,OL./C OLERA ANDA r1 0 N S ,_int,31AyRsRENH.! EERAy, CHILDREN, DYADLILTS BENARE 4>F IMITATIONS Has been appointed sole agent for the THE GAHANOCUE PT EMTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- -room. A Want in every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see ..eamannsweraganusalow.. 01(1S 0011011&001 COTtIPOUND. Arecent discovery by an *physician. Succeeefeliy used r)onthlo by thomand$ of L4DIES. IS the only perfect lyolife and reliable media - int discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who oar inferior medicines la place of this. Ask for Coort's Coatrou Bra C,OltrOII1111, take no 81L1 SUMO; or inclose , 1 and 4 three -cent Can- ada postage stamps an letter, and we -will send. sealed, by Yet= mail. Full sealed par- ticiedars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond -Lily Comipany,No 3:Fisher Block, 181 WM:a-tweed ave. Den oit, Mich. rO"Sold'in Exomm: at De. ave., ,1 W. Baowxran's and by all druggists every- where. —THE— ENTRAL-- SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, ONTARIO. OITY HOTEL A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Lathes' and Children's Hair ,Cutting. 2.11 as!" srennomonalrene.momMermusscomausnap .u.**.na.........,..........;AsizemenamnstelemulbssarrocaarnrectrratroetweactnammssameemmettarneervitisM LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 per days. J. & J AlcMARTIN,Proprittors. .10.1.6[MIIMIECZE, E. H. Fish's Slaying Parlor open every- day. OHMS GREAT FA11 .EP.P. 75. TO 17Ta, 1892. The eitizenS of !Permit° have 10 1011 5150,001. to the Toreento industrial Fair for ire prOvO- rnerits to be made 011 P grouends for this year's Eahibition, which is to be held from-. the 51h to the 17th Sept. next. A !milt 50 acre. have been added to the present gronnils ant O new race track and new grand, stand tf• seat twelve thousand people is beitaa built and many other improvements aro- beina, made. Consequently this year's Fair prom- ises to be gretttur and better than ever. ,15. large number of Ono special attraction - have been arrange(l for and several new features aro promised. The exhibits in all departmenes will be larger and. better than at any previous Fthir and, will include many tbat have been prepared for the World:a-- Fair next year, Cheap excursions will fo, nsual be run on all railways ancl the attend - mice of visitors will no doubt be as large aa ever. All entries have to he made on Cr be- fore the ifah of August but most of tbt space in all the buildings for the exhibit of manufactures has already been applied for For copies of -the )?rize list and programmes drop a post card to Mai -dill, th.e Manager, at alicEirgua) LIVERY 11,) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HA'WE SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO, Texe=ss Moaaseaxmaaalt Telephone OonnectIon E YItUR OWN If yen 8end us 100 for two subscri]?tions -we will also send you formula for inalt.ing vottr Ottrn Ess, Lemon ' Gniaer, , 'Pep- perinint, etc. Out this out and send *with inoney,or inenti.on this pal?ei.•‘. We hear a great deal in the papers about die PURITY Of Baking Pow- ders, but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your Own, and especially when you can sae 20 cts a pound. by doing SO. u.r...,...,7041,4e-P. 6. . • WN MAKE UR The Puritan Eakin owcie griaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full direction, for making it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit to your neigl hots, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending rts l'A) cent for one year's subscription to our journal, which is the l'cfrA paper fc: tho money 'published 'in the English lang,ttage, and no family cal tffOfd tO. do 'without it. Address V11111)1CA. IMIITIER3 J PO*141111 111e1 Ont.