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Only 3; from now till January
lst 1653. (.liye it a trial.
/Of MeMeleereerneeneelieteffieleieleleillieekeeNtleMO
The Filo!sons Bank. BOAR FOR SERVICE'
(Chartered by .Parltament, 1855.) The nfelersigned will keep for servioe on
Lot 16, Con, 3rd, Stephen, therenglibred
Paid Up Capital . $2,000,000. 13erkahire Boar,
Rest Fund • • • • • • ' • • • ' • ' 1'100000' wTtt IIT%reSg1t; C1191;g11.;111,1111'.g r± oecsst1ry
Hood office Woutreal. ' ' JAS.WZL15, Prop.
Money advonced to good Farmer's on their
own notes with one or more endorsers at 7
Var Seat per annum.
EXOter Bralleh,
Open every lawful day from 110 a. m. to 31 p.
ma baturclays 10 a.m. to 31 p. m
A generalbauking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per trent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager
Cbt.leto; Abfrotatt
, Ia pnblished' every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Ad.vance.
*1,50 if not so. paid.
R.o.een °ea
No paper discontinued until ell avrearages
are paid.. A.ilvertisements without sperafie
directions will be irablislied till. forbid and
charged. accordingly. Liberal discountmade
for transeient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING torned out in the finest style,
arid at moderate rates. Cheriaesorioney ord-
ers. Stc. for advertising, subseriptions, etc, to
be mad.e payable to
Sanders 8c Sweet
c bAurt..b. 120tWeetor8.
TarvirT Clitr1ten.--1%ev. F.
Fatt. B.eetor. Sanday Services, 11 a. re
and/ p.m. Sabbath Sehool, 0.30 a. m. Iloly
Communion, rat Sunday of each month at
Morning Serviee. and ta months of live Sun-
days, e.fter Evening Service of 3r1 Sunday Of
the month. Holy Baptism on 27111 Sunday
of each mouth nmorning service. ,u
Me'ruonisT Odulturr-Jaanes-st ,Bev. A. L.
Rusaell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 11.
artd6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, &BO p. na.
Lau STREET-P,SV. wMCDONagil, Pas-
tor. Sua,iity Servieessli.00 a. m. artd 7.00 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 p, m.
rastor. Sanclay Service.). 11 A. rn. anIt 3.30 p.
Sabbath Stillool, 9.45 a ,
••••••••= ,..fteliefteeleliteleMee....4,2lX0022Leeleeleineee.*Ali
Precifeaslonal Cards.
R. EINSMA.N,L.D.S, Fauson's Nock
two doors north of Corlieg Stere,
NIA 1N 3TIle15e1,3.:Xyr111, extrauts teeth.
•reithont pain. Away at Hensel1 on let
Friday;Ai1a Craig on sna and. itli Tuesday;
and.Zarieh on lash .Ehursdity of eaeh month.
A, DENTIST, liember Buye.1
• College Dental Surgeons suecessor to
11. L. Billing*, Offiee over Post Office
Exeter, Out. 1 sofe anaesthetie given for
„, the painless extractien ol teeth. kine Gold,
• Fillings as required. •
LI • and Surgeon. Offiee and residence
Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Ci•oderleh,
.11 Resicleneo-Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
the College of Physicitbris and Surge -ons
Ontario. Phyandien, Surgeon.,and. Aceonehe
ear. Office, Lasliwood,
DR. T..1. AMOS, M. D" C. M Meml, er of
College of Physicians 11.11d.1.4urgeon6,.
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; neon -
teem: of the .t'aeulty of .Phyaieians and Sur-
qeo Gatirig0 V."; Fellow of Trinity ltedieal
Uollege, Toro ato. Office -Dr. llowen's ' old
14e&tala •
• Olt, Conveyancer, Notary Public..
Office -Over O'Neira Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Lean.
.1.1 • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyanaer, Commissioner, &c. Money to IOan
osice-eans011'S Block, Exeter.
1.2.4 Hors, Conveyancers, &e.
BR ,
OWN Winchelsette Licensed Auct-
• ioneer tor the 0oun.tie5 of' Perth. ;raid
BEidcilesee, also for the township of Lisburne
Sales promptly attende(l to and term sreason
`e,lele.Sales arrangedat Post ofhee,'Winchelsa
A ROLLINS, lobe of Manitoba. Licens-
e:steed Attetioneer, for the 00171161(1(1'of }tw-
e)1 and Middlesex. Residence: 17111)) south
of Exeter, Ont. 6la1e Orders by' moil or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
', Henson Ontario Lie-
E.33°e iiSa AuLebi oln eel. for the 00 un.ty ts of
Huron 511(5 Perth. Cherges moderate' and
eatiefactil,11. gaaranteed.
eereelemee...eee•ero en el ee*Feweemeeeeernieee. eleateeneeeeeelle
T HARDY, Lieensed Auctioneer for the
County of Barron. Sale, Conclaeted 011
reasonable terms. .6`arter owl Farm Stock a
s oecial ty. rite arrang,exnents can -be mode
at this office.
man. 'W. FA IINCOMB, Previnciol Land
11 Surveyor ana Civil lingieeer. Office
uver Post °thee, Main street, Exeter. Ont.
T11.4.1VD MILLER, Veterinary Surg.eo
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
(Jollege, Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet,
V. S) Over 18 yeare m.acticte. Office and
6e01dee6e Ono Wee11 east of Richert.' Pickards
store. Opposito Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
FARI\ 1.1n rsti,i0e.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto.
The Plicenix Fire Insurance Co'y.,
of London, England.
The Alliance Piro Aseur. Co`y,,
of' London, England
and The Confeclexeition Life Association,
of Toronto.
Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
en urge t /Sae° (Mason e.1i ischl eet.
eve -it most new, Appl,y at thieve -lee. elle of the largest known to have oc- to Ow ant
under and by virtue of a Power of Sale
contained in a certain indenture of Mort-
gage made by Wesley EISSLIS1 Mad Emily Bi. -
sett, his wife, to bar her dower, to the V 'motor
widish will be produced at time of sale, de-
fault having been made in the payment
thereof. There willbe sold by Public Auct-
ion at the
SATURDAY the 20th day of August,1892,
At 3 o'clock' in the afternoon, by
L. HARDY, Auctioneer,
Subject to such conditions as shall then
be producod.
• All and singular that certain panel or
tract ofLand and. Premises situate,. lying
and being. Mee Village of 'Exeter, in the.
`County of Huron, containing by adm easure-
merit One Rood, Thirty two and Seven
'Eights Perches. be the same more or less
Being eomposed of the East Ralf of Lot nu-
mber Five on theavest side of William Street.
West of Gidley Street, in tbe said of
This is one of the moat desirable Residences
in the 'village, being a Corner Lot and near-
ly(%) Oae-half an aere in a central location.
Good. House and Barn, Garden, Limn, &e.
Ten per cent Cash on day of sale, balance
in 30 days or as may be agreed.
For further particulars apply to
• Vendors Solieitars, Exeter
Dated 19th Bey of July, )892,
=ea •C)
In the Village of Exeter.
uneer and by virtue of a Power of S'ale con
tail] ed in a certain Indenture of Mortgage
made by Calvin Cartwright.on ti Lacy Cart-
wright, his wife, to bar her dower to the
'Vendor (which will be produced r.tt time of
sale) default having been made in the pay-
ment, thereof. There will be sold by Public
Auction at the
Wednesday the 7th day of September, .f892,
At 3 o'clock in the Afternoon, by
Arli. ARTHUR .T. ROLLINS, Auctioneer,
Subjeot to SUOiLd011aitiOlIS as shall then be
find siegalar that certain parcel or
tract of loud and premises, situate,. lying
and being. in tb e Villa,e,•e of Exeter, m the
County of' Huron, Beiug ccimposed of Lots
nem hers Five (5), Six ((3) and Seven (7). on
the North side of James Street, west of tin.
ion Street, in the said. 'Village of Exeter eon
mining On e-tonth elan acre erreh, bo ; the
aerate r8ore or less as shown on the map or
plan ofth e stimivatie n of Village Lots num -
hers 19 and 21. forming part of' Lot number
sieteee in the first core,ession of the Town-
ehip of trsborue, prepitred by H. C. Dolton,
P. S. L., dated August 1879,1(1,111 registered in
the Registery ()Inv:for the County of Ruron
TileS0 Lots are en the eorner :fames and
Union Streots, directly West of the James
Stred...Mothodist, Church, baying a small
House 1111d Shop thereon.
TEMES OF saT..9:
Ten per, cerat On day of Sale, balance in
30 days.
• For further particulars apply to
Vendors soncitore, Exeter.
Dated I5th August, 1892.
Is needed of the Merit of Hood's Sarni,.
parilla time the hundreds of teeters
contimially eoming in, telling of mar-
vellous cures it liad,':effected after all
other remedies lied failed? Truly,
Hood's Sitrsaparillti possesses peculiar
curative powere tinknotyn to other
medicines. '
• flood's Pills cure Constipation by re.
Storing, the peristaltie action of the
alimeiitary num. They are the best
family cathartie.
Cow 3LOst.
A flinch cone red, with white star on
face, two hind feet white, white spot on
,flaek, and brass knobs on horns. In.
formatiou keeling to heir recovery will
be thankfully received. Joliet Blesterr.
The large grist mill and store house,
situated on the banks of the An Sau•
Isle, were destroyed by fire last week.
The tire when discovered had Teached
the third story and accese to the mill
was entirety cut otT, but some of the
contente of the storehonse was saved,
The fire companies e+re soon on the
seen'e of de,struction died siecceeded in
allaying the flumes ets s:tve the
dwelling and a quantity of wood which
was in the vicinity, working until five
ts'eloelt next morning The five was
eurred in Exeter, the loss -being' -esti
mated at $22,000, which is covered be
ineurance to the anmuet of $16,500-
$7,500 on buildiegs and machiliere
and $9,000 on stock contained in boti
:building:se-in the following companie
Canediaa Millers, $v2,000,: :Iittron and
$2,000 t Wellington Mutual
$2,000t Waterloo Mutual, $2,500;LiVer
Pool, London and Globe, $5,000t- Core
District, $2,500. The' Mill hasi be,en
refitted .and. was about to close down
that night for a week to undergo re
pairs, before beginuing the fall trade
The origin of the fireie still mystere
but it is thought to have origtnate(
from combustion. Mr. Emery state
that it is the intention of the • firm to
'erect another cnse on the sense ground
the old one occupied at as early a date
as possible. The coet of the eatita
brick structure was to the nelethbOr
hood of $25,000.
Pereonal Mention,
Miss Carrie Wilk his, of Semite is the
guest of Miss Susie 'lett at •
Mr. 1. Bowtrman and ivife lett Q1a Tues
day for Maeiteba and Dakota, ititetal
ing to be absent about two meths: -
Mr. Jemes Sweat, Jr, 'ream:fled from
his yitcatiou on Monday, after visiting
Loudon, St. Thomas aid other places. --
Miss L. Shannon, of Walkeron, after
being the guest of Miss E. Dyer for
some time, left on Saturday for Lon-
don to spend it few days with friends
before returning to her home iu Walk -
Creech returned
Mooday eveuhig from Ypsilanti where
he has been visitiug his uncle, Mr,
Thomas Creech Brophy, who
has been visiting her brother, Mr. L. H
Diekson, here for souse titnee returned
to her hem in Moutreal MS Tuesday
Mr. David John., 11.110 daughter weee
visiting in London ou Monday. -Mr.
Richard Bissett, of London, spent Stine
day in town visiting friends and rela
tives.-Master Luther Bissett, son of
Mr john Bissett, of Brantford, is visit
ing relatives here. He intends amain-
ing for tome time. -Mr. W.eeley Vititt,of
Detroit, Meta, see :of Mr. John Veal, of
this place, who has beerevisiting here
for the past two weeks, returned yes
terday.--Bliss Lovina 'Keegor, of Lon
don, visited httr sisters here last week.
-Miss Loteie Delve, of .this place, is ,at
present visiting in London. -Misses
Ida and Ulla John and Miss Della
Croeker have reSurned"after visiting
John Kennedy, of Bidduldh, one of
. tee principals of the,' Doenelly trial,has
been arrested on a charge thet on Mon
, day he threatened and atteinpted to
slOnIdel ilichael cYlifears, [± 19 alleged
$ that while 0',Mears was driviuss a bili.
der liemeocly made a rush ftt him with
, a pitchfork and bad he uot jumped in
au instani: from the machine he would
likely haye been. killed. t
Mr. 8, Dieltsou'of Seaforth, luLS Su,.
cessfulty tried tlie,experiment of put
ting lirreeou one of his farms, plough-
. ing iu 200 bushels to feller aeres. The
• reault was a crop ofProgrese tall wheat
1 with excellent straw, not lodged and
s grain free feoin rust. Another patch
of wheat on' Mr, .1..)ieltadn's farm jilEt
8 adjoining this one and. where the
grotuid wets treatSd u thesame way as
; this exCept that there Was no lime
- sown on. it, is eonsidei•ably rusted and
lodged and the grain is not nearly
such good critility. Mr. Dickson is 80
wcsll Satlgted wt h his experiment that
he intends sowing 1. murn larger
breath in the same way this year.
in Aurora. -Mr. Alex. Dow, who has
been on the sleet tietefor seine time; is
m p ro y n g.--AitteS and Vinceut
were visitiiirev,ett Mr.AN5n. SoUtheott's
this evetik.-10: J. J. rdeltard and fam-
ily, of Seafoetheenete the '.gttests of hie
father Mr. James 'Pickard. --Mrs. John
Sweet and two daughters. Charlotte
'eel Ethel, are visiting relatives and
friends in London. and Si. Thomas -
Rev. F. H. Fatt is at present spendhig,
his holidays with feieeds in, Walkerton
where his wife has been for some time.
-Mr. Lawence, of Detroit, and Miss
HanS011, of Port Huron, who have been.
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Mill,
have returned to their respective homes.
Me N. Dyer Hurdon and family have
returned from the Grand Bend Park
where they have been ehjoying camp
life. -Mr. H. C. Brewer, of Clinton, has.
been here looking after the interests of
the Molsuns' Bank during the past
week -Mies Suet° Tait, Miss Carrie'
'Wilkins, Misses Aanie and Susie
Weekes, have retuned from the camp
ing ground where 'hey have been oc
clawing a tent known by the name of
"U. C. La. Hoo," .3timrne,st View,
Grand Bend Park -Mr. R. Hicks and
family, Jeweller, have returned after
spending a vacation at the lake side,
Grand Bend. --Mr. John Evans left ow
Monday moruing for 'Mitchell with a
number of men to erect a handsom
residence in that town. -Mr. A. J. Me
'ravish returned ou Tuesday morning
from St. Mare s where he has beem on a
few days vacioion.---Mr. T. Anderson,
brother. of Mr George Anderson, gave
the latter a call last week. This is the
first, time they have seen each other in
eight years -Miss Annie Sanders, who
has been visitiug in Rincerdine renam-
ed borne last week accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. N. 111cAvoy.---Mr. Robt.
Sanders left Inee., oil Tuesday for Mow
den, Manitoba, on it shooting ex pull
don. He will remein at the ftbove
place for a few sveekathenco to Elkton,
Dak., and other poilltS.-s-Mr. Mark Par
kinson, son of Thomas Parkinson, of
reroute is home on a vieitt-Mias
Annie Wilco:eel-in, of Port Perry, who
hes been .vieiting her aunt, Mrs. Ames
liodgsoe; lIeborin, for severn 3 days:
has returned home -'-Mrs. Snit One ter,
of Rechester, N. Y, is visiting at Cant.
Andreees.aeMise May Seethe( tie of Lon
don,. is visiting lute brother
Mrs Dickson (nee Jenide Pickaed) Of,
Arkona, is visiting, at Mi. Richard
Pickard's.---Miss R. Spading, who has
been VisitingMrs. Jas. Grieve, return-
ed to Seafoi•th; accomponied by Mrs,
Grieve, -Miss Annie Atkinson, Of Chi,
einnati, Ohio, is telo truest of her etitit,
Mrs. Atkinson,-Mr,mRobert Steinbaelt,
Farmers in this vicinity are about
through with their haryests-Mr. Wm.
Appleman & Co. are again in these
parts with their threshing neechine
and farmers wishing a first-class job
done caneot do better than give them
a cane -School has agaia opened and
ehe teitcher, Miss A, Me Pollock, is
again at her post Of duty, no doubt
feeling much refreshed after her vaca-
tion. -Miss C R. O'Brien. of HieMilton,
is at present in these parts visiting
friends and relatives. -Miss A. Wilson
end Mise E. Vine ,spent Suuday last at
of Zurien, wa.s the guest of Mr, D. Da.
Vi8 011 Sunday.
e -----
Jas. Beatty, John Downs and Geortse
Daw, of Port Lamb on, were placed in
Sarnia jaii on Monday, oh the charge
of ma k1ng and disposing of counterfeit
silver coins Of both Canada and the.
United Suttee. ' Matte- is a promineut
hotelkeeper of .Por± Lambtoo, Downs
is a farmer and Dew a laborer. The
three were arrested at Walaceburg.
Zer some time counterfeit coins of dol-
lars and halves and nickels lia.ve been
Heating about. Port Lambton, Sombre
and other poiets in this county and, for
some weeks before the arrest an officer
had beeu at work in Sande, Port
Lambroti, SO rn br4 and Wallaceburg.
in an interview' with, Beatty in jail
here lie proclaimed hie III nocence,whtle
he acknowledged that he know spur
i0.1.1S Ude WaS ill Circulation.
On Tueeday afternoon last as Mr.
Georg.(,. McIntosle of tile 4t1 concession
of Mc:M.11°p, WEIS engaged on his farm
cutting grata With a team of 'horses
aed binder. a sudden 'clap of thunder
startled -the team when they became
unmanageable and ran away. Mr.
Mcbitoeh stuck to his seat and guided
the 'frightened 'horses towards a fence,
which he thought would stop them. In
this, however, he miscalculated, as She
horses charged,the fence., takhig tue
binder -with them. Here Mr. McIntosh
was thrown off, but fortunately alight
ed clear of the machine,and aside from
several bruisea and a severe shaking
up he was not seriously injured The
horses continued on through Mr. Me
Lepd's field tile adjoining farm ,Rp•
ate linest•tTeit twisted .iogiropia
machinery'and checked their pace,
Main they Wer'e easily .ieciired. The
binder was considerably broken, but
the h.orses were not injured and Mr
McIntosh is congratulating himself on
his own providentiat escape.
The. prelimary exerninatiens of the
exiininal libel suit instituted by s C.
Cameron against W. F. Maclean, M. P..
of the Toronto World, came off at God-
erich Tuesday last week before Horace
Horton, J. P., Jos. Williams, J. P., May-
or Butler and J. W. Williams, J. P. J.
T. Garrow, Q.O., appeared for the pro
sectstion and Nicholas Murphy, Q.C.,for
the defence. There was a series of
animated passages at arms between
the oppoeing counsel, but the
examination of W.. W. Fox, the report-
er who wrote up the objectionable arti
ole. was begun. Mr. Murphy waived
further examination and on the part of
defence admitted the publication. J. A.
Ewan, editor of the Toronto Globe, had
been sum In tilled by the prosecution to
prove pubrication by Mr. Maclean, in
the, World newspaper, and was proper'
ed to do so'bilt his testiumay was not
called for owing to the admission of
pubiication by Mr. 1sIael6an. The
magistrates were unanimous in the
decision to COM Mit Mr. Maclean to
stand his trial at the first competent
court of jurisdiction, which takes place
in the court house Goderieh, on Sept.
Bail was, of course, furnished.
A number of the farmers having
threshed report it good yield-Mts. El1.
ion, of Clare, Mich., is spending it few
days with Mrs. R. English.--Severel
panto have complained to our J. P.
about the foot raee which passed
through her on Smiday willing. Sad
to think that the lew of thie .fair Oen-
aiht of Ours 'Oil elle* such conduct to
ge on utimolestecteeMiss Whittmacksof
etespler'eau) lute been visitiog her
00118311,, like Amelia Brown, has return
sd home -Tho 18th annual Harvest
Home, under the. anspiees of the Lad-
ies' Band of Willing Workers, will be
help in the Boston Methodiet thurch,
Wednesday, Sept. 14th. Further par -
healers will folIpw.--.Mr. Henry Keel-
ing took his departure, last Monday for
One '
Around About Os.
Some hig work in the line of thresh-
ing was done on the farm of William
Routley and son, by Henry Joiiiei mi
Feiday afternoon last, it taking nine
ellen to plaee the straw after it, was de,
livered from the earriers. The wheat
threshed will Average over (20 Pushels
(2T,7',X 2.7tD:=.^.-11-•
-'who 177 eeca
ate nets, Reset Bias, Leeter
..ees an) steeeloposean Aao6
all kiiids 0/printing'.
Ma. and Mrs. J, O'Brien's, 1101 55 Exeter.
--- The cdutractors of the Grand Bend
bytari<in chureh, Lueau, on thea m 17L-
,.., frosvhwe
dt ea0)115learn things svitt he
ee-At the Pees _ Cut 2,1.0 makiugrapid. progress and
inst., by tee Rev. joint Campbell, Me runeing in full blast about 18t, Sept.
esley Thomas HAW kshaw, ofExA drudge will be in course of emission
er, to Miss Aliee, (laughter of Thomp- 81301"9- bY :\l''' Jo" 1\1°11.4,21 of 111
sou IVIurdock, Esqof Lucan
Centre. which will cost in tae neigh-
. ,
borhood of 84,000. ',nigwhen cora
Grand ,end. ,
NO 270.
otirrrits. pleted, will enable the, werkunta to
push the work on with still greater
Towea-10 'Exeter Scuth, on the 12th force than before. Mr.A., W. Robinson,
insb S the wife, ..,,f elezekiali Towle, of one of the contractors, of Montana, is
a 900, expected home in a few days to take
Stepleete on the lelth Pa1tin the woik.
test , thiewife of Jeremiah Heamen,
in .
Dsborne, on, the 10th' sst',
' the wife of Robert Down,of a daugh-
Heamess.---In Exeteaton the 11th inst.,
the wife of John Harness,of a daugh-
ter, '
CeleetenRS.-Iti Stephen, on the 28th
ult., the wife of Thos, Chambers, of a
FINKBINER -At Sharon; Stephen • Tp.)
the wife of M. Fiiiltbinev, of a son:
MeTeesore-In Eeeter, on the 16th
inst., the wife of John Matheson, of a
Public schools re -opened on. Monday.
-Mrs. Chubb, of Stela, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Baird, of Stratford. --Miss
Davis, of Mitchell, is the guest of Mies
Speare, of Cromartve--QUite a number
of our ,young people took in the excur-
sion to the Palls last Saturday. Among
the eumber were the Misses Hutchin-
son and Rolins, of Stala.-Mr. and Mrs.
Young, of Brampton, are visiting their
relatives, Mrs. A.. Vincent and Mrs. S.
Speare, of Cromarty.
Miss Tena Lautensla trer visiting
friends he town. -Miss jansides, tif De-
troitelfich., is the guest of Kr, Charles'
Greb at pee.sent.-Messrs.„44.16elaud
Johnston have secured a .gkeaqsmarry
heeds from Berlin to pull-libefOefiax
e -
The crop this year s'appearto be as
good one. Threshitagele the order of the
day and the shrill whistling of the
threshiug engiue Can daily'be heard in
the neiihborhood.-A slumber of our
Bicycle Club made a trip to Exeter a
week ago Weduesday. They had rath-
er a wet time of it as it trained the
greater part of the dav.-It is'rumoted-
thatee greed copcert willebe held here
in 'aid TOWiii Halt 'fair "higheeelatii,ee
Fax will be one to take part, and no
doubt this concert will.. be one worth
while attending.
Centralia, August 12, '92:
. Will you kindly allow me space
in your valuable paper for the follow-
I. Thomas Boyle, of Centealia,in
the County of Huron, Past Assistant
Post Master, Make oath and say that I
dicl not interfere with a letter. sent
through. the ,Cen tra ha P. O.. to .Holsons'
Bank,Exeter, and Paid letter or its con-
tents teas 10 00 way interfered with by
Inc. Letter referred to ' was received
at Centralia on the evening of the first
and went out On the morning of the
second of August, 1892.
Sworn before me at
Exeter this 8th day CRAS SNELL, J1).
of AuttItSt,A E 1892.
Mr. August Hill has again taken
possessiou of the Commerial Hotel here;
he haying. purchased it from Mr. I.
Bice. The stand is a good one and the
occepant, who is it jovial and whole
eouled fellow, will be found at his post
ready to cater to the wants of hismony
cast omers.-The new brick block Which
has been. recently erected by Mr. Jas.
Clark, is iicaring completion. Mr.
Clark intends °emoting one of the a,p
partments as a harness shop and the
other „ve uuderstand will likely be us
ed as a drug stora IATe congratulate
Mr. Clarke on his eaterprise.-Mrs?Jno.
Mitchell, while visiting at Mr. Jerry
Heaman's on Sunday last met with it
very painful accident hy falhng (limn
cellar. It appears the trop door Wag
open and she, not noticing its walked
hi, bruising one leg very severely and
otherwise injuring' herself.--eMr. John
Banes end wife, of Toronto, and his
brother Jt.ttnes and wife, of Chicago,
al'e visiting Isere. The latter is spend.
ing his hericymoon.-Ma.Cheis Zwiker
who has been visiting' here, returned
to his home hi St. Thomas on Tuesday.
-Verniers in this section have finish
ed hervest and threshing is the order
oaths day.: -Thimble berries are quite
plentiful west Of this place; end people
ere bus y gathering them. -Mr. :11I1tie
shall was the guest of Mr. J. Lampert
last weekeeMiss Maggie Lampert hes
returned from London. --The old bridge
over the elver at this pinee haa beets
pulled down ahd a new one, which will
be much safer than the old ene, is be
ing Brokenshire was the
guest Of Ms. J. Edweedslast Suncley.-
Maxis being' dnievu In from the tiOath
this weekes--Miee.leizeje, Larriport ' has
tetsurned to London. -Mise Kete Zwick
er hag been visiting in Ste 1honi98,74
8chool eominenced Olx Miseday.
,Miss Ida 'Evans left on Thu
leet week far St, Lathe where she ins
tends remainitese,-W. R.Rodgins spent
a few days in Londen last week -Miss
Nellie Deacon is the guest of Miss Ber-
tha Hodg ine.-Mr. A. B. Lee'of Cleve-
land, who represented the Buchanan
Wire Fencing Co, is here disposi,ng of-
the.County Right. --Some of .our ath-
letes are practishag throwine the light-
weight, but they have not brecome too
proticient ,yet 111 thit line, although
Sam informs tie they will uot take a.
back seat from ply team at "Qaoitee" -
Miss Simpson has arrived to take
charge of the intermediate department
of our public schoot-Sliss Comas Car-
roll, of Manitobaeis visiting at Mr. Me-
Pherson'e.-Mr. J. C. Stoneman hasjest
received a fine lot of new goodsseits,
and Mrs. G. D. Arnold have returned
from visiting friends in London aard,
Ailsa Craigs -Mr. and Mrs. John Mau-
arthur, who have been spending the
summerat their summer resont, re-
turned' on Tuesday, lool ing. much re-
newed in health. -J. E. McDoneil, heed
ware merithent, was taken suddenly
and seriously 111 011 Sunday ansi foie a
time nis life was despaired of, but and -
et the effiedent treatment of Dr. Tholit.
son we expect to See him at work in a
short time. --The "kide are at. school
again -Medi -Where is the sealer
football team? Under the shadow of a
tree. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Murdock left on
:Saturday morning for their new hearse
10 Thamesville.-Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Arnold spent Sundayin the Forest
City. -L. Harold is under the weather
at present.-JudgeeToms, Godericie„
Philip Holt, of Cameron. Holt and,
Holmes, Goderich, were here on Satur-
day. also Lawyer Collins, of Exatir,
and John Gill, of the same place, were
leere on business conneeted with the
eetate of Essay vs. Essay. The prop-
erty, Vsi'hich 6.000411±5 of 50 acres, mom
less; is situated .about 'three miles
from the village, and is in first class
condition, has a good barn aud a frame
house. -It was auctioned by Ribes Gill
and was knocked down te David Mack
for the, sum of $2,150. Mr. Mack has
indeed secured a great bargain. -The
flaxpullers are busy. -To visit Mc-
Ewen's cooper shop and seethe rate at
which barrels are beiree turned out ley
his mechanics speaks for the kind of
work done there when they are la sack
demand. We understand Mr.MeEwen
has many large orders to 1111.--4fessrs,
Bellantyne, and Shiffinglaw made a
shipment of hogs this week as well as
a load of cattle. -W. R. Hodgins, who
was at Detroit and Sarnia, returned
Saturday morning -Robert Norris, of. ,
Exeter, was in the Tillage over Sun-
day. -Miss Ida Evans spent Sunday in
the village. -Mrs. Payne, of Michigan,
is visitino, her mother, Mrs. Simon
Stabl.-. -George Brown is' agen4 for
the Brantford Bicycle Co., the best la
Ontario, and has a fine peeumatic tire,
which he can sell cheap. -W. Johnston
has peaches for sale. They are ase
finest of the season, -The onion crop, is
a good 011e and any person wanting
first class "Dutch Setts' would. do well
to correspond with Messrs Arnold
Wren. They have a large quantity
and they are" an excellent sample. -
Dr. Thomson has gone to Galt to visit
his parents, also his sister from Grand
Rapids, who is aiso under the parental
roof for it few weeks.-rhose who take
any part in polities, no matter which,
side, ere watching with more or leas
,anxiety the career of the Hon. Edward
Blake. Every indivilual shall be re-
joiced to see him win new kneels, and
thus increase the standings of the Ca-
nadian race with the Europeen civi-
lized world, who have as yet but fainte
ideas of the manners, customs mad in-
telligence of tee Canadian-AmericaI6
races. -Large utimbers of the Exeter
people are coming to Hensel] for deur,
bran, etc. -There is some, talk of 817751.-
cr a few more new industries Isere,.
Thhere is surely it boom 011,-Mie6
le Welsh is home spending a Oar days
before returning to Strethroy, where
she has been for some time paets-Wter.
G. Gauley, of Clinton, and Dr. Clarke,
of Detroit, were, the gl.le,SGS of Dr. 3.
MeTaggatt, of this place . -A business
mectingeot the Quarterly Board, ist the
Het -wall Soute Circuit of the, Methodism
church, was held in the chttrch here on
Saturday. -Bey. J. 8. Hendersoa preach,
ed an ablehnpressive and logieal ser
mon 01.1 ,gossipping, slandering and
bla.sphermane Such sermons ate tuttehi
needed ktrielf they were preaehed a
little oftener eome good might tesult
there,from --The next district meeting
of the r. 0. 0. F. will be held in. Gactine-
ich.-Migs Gussie Holland, wise WitOifl
the village a ft W (htys attending the
wedding of her friend, Miss A, Hurd
(sell, returned home Friday evening: -
your paper is looked for every Thu&
day rimming by many admirer.