The Exeter Advocate, 1892-8-4, Page 5The 1'Iea,ct Sur 'eon" of the Z ubon Medical i1o11111a11,y is Dhow Toronto, Ca,lttycl14,.an1 may he oonsultod either in poison or by letter olt all ohronio, diseases peoulhar to matt, Mon, young, old, or ullddle-ta^'od,who find themselves nervous weak and exile, miter'. who aro broken downs from exceas or overwork, t'esultin;in. many Of the following symptoms: Mental delves- sip n, Permit tura oldtlgo, lossof aitality,'loss of menor,w,bad droams,di,nness ofsi�'lit,paal- pitation;of'the heart, omissions, lack of en - orgy. pain in the kidneys, lloaclaobe,Pinlplos on the floe or bo1Ly, itching or poculuar sen- sation about the Sorotli rn, waaStiu^' of the organs, dizziness, spool's before the oyes, twitching of the nlatsoles, eye lids, and else- where, baS11fulnesa deposits in the uuiuc,zoss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sloop, eonSti pta- bion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, caosiro for solitude, excitihiLit of romper, sunken eyes surrounded with L' nAnny czl1CtE., oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms ofnerv- a.e, .ou ( iii that t 1 b t tli a load insanity 1 i t 1 t0 and death. 11 Yi r I• unless cured. Tho spring or vital f'orae llav- inglost its tension OVei'V fnnotlon wanes consequence. Those who through abuse committed 111 ignorance may be permanent- ly cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books soot free Sealed, Heart disease, the symptosis of which aro faint strolls, purple lips, numbness palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the Heart •with beats strong, rapid and irregular, tbo second beat quicker than filo first, pain about the breast bone, oto., can positively be cured No clue no pay. Send for book. Ad- dress 11,'P, LIMON, 24 Mood enalrl Ave., Tor- onto, Canada, Jath 1-1 year, 'limormtvamer mnnmv+n, uct ecu.&.. inw,encou...Ua....w�.r The U. S. cruisers have stopped the eap- turing of sea otters in Behring sea, and the natives are thus deprived of the means of Liv eli11OOd. Eii'og Over rnfty Wears, Mas. WINSLOW'S Sooruiau Syaui' has been used' bymillions of mothers for their ehil(1- ' ren while teething. It clisturbocl at night and broken of your rest by a sick child snt'- forin g and crying with pale of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Airs Wilh- slo}v's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- . ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer mediatoly. Depend upon it, Iuothers,tbere is no mistake about it. It cares Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- ..flalnteation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Z'Vin low's Seel:h- . lug Syrup" for children teeth in is pleasant to the taste and is thio prescription of one of the oldest an(l best female Physicians and • nurses in the sited States. Price twenty- - five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists • throug,h�out the world. )3o sureband ask for "Mats. iVINSLow's SooTn.Iyo Sriur," ▪ The city of Ovideo, in Spain, was visited by an unprecedented hailstorm yesterday. Great damage was done in the surrounding country. (loxnsiiunptiion Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having Marl placed in his hands by an East. liidhamissionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and verula- • nentcure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrll, Asthma, and all throat and Lung .Affections, also a positive. and-adical cure for Ner-vo us Debility and :ill ;Nervous Com- P1a111 is after 11.avii1'' tested its wonderful c - ivo power:; in thousands of oases, has f�llis duty tomake it linen n to 1110 snif- e �g fellows. Actuated by this motive and adosireto relieve humau suffering, .i will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, itt Germain, .P++reneh or Englis'b, with fi .t1 directions for preoariug and using. Sent -'Try uteri by addressing tvtth stamp, namiug 'this paper. W. A. NOPim, 820 Power Mock, ftucllc tel , 1 r • Texas fever, which hills affected cattle within 36 hours, has appealed in Harrison, .Hew Jersey, and It cows have died from 'the disease. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best. Easiest to T -se, and Cheapest. vilvvasmuairC niC a. tiff !.' 6t:s113: Sold by druggists or seat by mail, 1100. E. T. Tia el ne Warren, Pa. • Ali r. Adam Conklin. a farmer near - Unte- gret•e, Ont., droppc d dead on a load of hay which ire alS driving to life ball) yesterday moinln�. ?.cart disease, Ole, 'What l a Cough! t�'ilt'ou heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible. disease Consumpt• ion, Ask yotirselt es 1f you can afford for the sake of saying 50e., to run the risk: and do nothing for it. We know • from experience that Shilolt's Cure will Flirt your cough. It never fails. ▪ ArnoLcl Retcl was struck by aightwng'and instantly killed while going from the barn to the house yesterday oil the 3th 'concess- i on of Dawn township. 1T IS THE BEST, DEAR Sirs, ---I have used your B. B. B. for lt.past five or six years and find it the besInure for sour stomach and biliousness. I have also iised Burdock fills and recom- mend then highly. AmKetnA FoaruNE, Huntingdon, Que. Private lams, who was strung up by the thumbs, by Cot. Streator for shouting in fay- r of the assailant of Mr. Frick, has taken 'tion against Gen. Snowden, Core Streat- r and Col. Hawkins for l$Io,000. if you are .nervous or dyspeptic tray, Cart- er's Little Nerve Pills. .Dyspepsiamales you nervous, and nervousness makes yOu dyspeptic; either renders you miserable, and these little piLls cure both. The O'tI vilLe schooner I{ate capsized in the Day of Quinte yesterday, and Mrs. Papa t_ cook, and a saiLor named • Solomon, of Onto, were drowned. SUDDENLY PROSTRATED. GENT1rEMEN,—I was suddenly prostrated bile at work with a severe attach of Choi- ra morbus, We setit at onto fot' a doctor ut he seemed unable to help. An evacua- ion iibOut every (forty minutes Was fasts vearing me out, when we sent for a bottle of Wild Strawberry, which saved my life. Mics. J. N. VAN NATTna, Mount Brydges, Ont A combine in fut has been formed to be known 118 the George C. Treadwell Comp- any, With a ca.pittti, of'°i 10,000 000. Coughing leads to coffin unless stopped y Dr, Wood's Norway Pint Syrup. The best cure ' for : Coughs, Oolds and Lung There were 95 sunstrokes and prostrat-. -ions in New York yesterday,'yhile td deaths tools plate in PhiladeLphin front the heat, Mr, L Z'. Bailey, Elkhorn, Nan., writes: — t1y daughter was sick for eleven lttontht; she was as white as it was pos.ib.c for any living person could be; teas short of breath and had -terrible pains and ringing rtOises in the head on the slightest exertion TWO bo,tes of Dr, Williams Pink 1'it,Ls thorough- ly cured ben. Unequalled for all diseases peculiar to females. All dealer$ or by traii. on receipt of Doe, a box or six boxes for $m5o, Dr. Williams Med, Ce4, Brod vr11e, Milt,, or Mortist6Wtt, Now iorl. LaROE'S COTTON ROOT PILLSI,. Safe ,s11d absolutely pure. Most powerful Female Iieguxlatox known. The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale,L take ask druggists for LaRoe's Star and Crescent Brand, TaJe no other Beware of oheap imitations, as they are danger. one. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. AMERICAN PILL. C0., "Detroit, Mich. For sale tin Lixeter by 4. W. ntOWslin°", .,.n The great race between Axtel and A.Lleit- The American ship North American;Ce.p- ton the celebrated trotting stallions, is said taro, C""'314"'which saiuc.d fi•0n5 Yokoha- to be 'off owing to Aktel being, Out of ma June „4 fol New York, has beta wreoked condition. on the Japanese coast. No lives were Lost, STICK TO 1 I -T Ji RIGIIT. FARM FOR SALE. • Right: actions spring ft'om right principles In cases of diarrha:a, dysentery, cramps, colic, summer. complaint,: cholera morbus, etc.,. the right reinedy is FowLer's Extract of. Wild ;otrawberry°,--ata unfit' Ling. • cure- made on the principle that nature's remedies are best. Neyer travel without it. A shortage of $14.,523 has been discover- ed.an the accounts of Prank C. Foster, cash ler of the Buffalo Ice Company. Foster is in JaiL. • All cases of weak or lame back, backache m rheumatism. will find relief by wearing 0110 of Caters Smart Heed and Beiz.adouna Backache Plasters, Price 250, try then. The men in the transporation department of the Edgar. Thomson Steer, works atl3rad- dock, Fa., have struck for,higher wages. A CLOSE CALL, After suffering for three weeks from chol- era infantunl, so that I was not expected to live, and, at the time, would even had been glad had death called toe, so great was my suft.ring, a friend recommended Er, Fowl- er's Extract of Wild Strawberry, winch acted Like magic on my system. But for this medicine I would not be alive now. ,fol -1N W. BRADSHAW, 393 St, Paul St, Montreal, P.Q. The steamer City of Owen Sound, which has been sunk near Clapperton island fot' five -or six years, has been raised. You would not have httd that throbbing headache had you taken a Burdock Pill last night. Charles Page, a Philadelphia banker, was shot and killed by a customer named Robt• IKennedy at hisbanking house yesterday. Kennedy afterwards killed himself. A sure and- pleasart tonic and • itivigorn t- ing appetizer—MiLburn's Aromatic Quin- ine Wine. The county of Oxford wild spend nearly $8,000 for furnishing for the splendid new court house in Woodstock LINES FROM LYONS. Drava Sias,—For several years my sister suffered from liver complaint. As doctors gave her no help we tried 33.5.13., which cured her completely. 1 can recommend it to oil. Miss hlAun GRAHAM, Lyons, Ont. The greater part of the town of Sarpsborg on the Glommen river, near Frederickstadt, Norway, has been destroyed by fire. The 'Collage is estimated at 500,000 kroner, Palpitation or the heart, nervousness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain iu th•t back, and other fortns of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made especially for the blood, nerves and compL Kion. • At Bei Levine yesterday Alfred Wheeler was charged with,criminal assault on Edna Brown, a child under lr ','ears orti- The testimony showed that the offence was of a most brutal nature. The prisoner was tom tutted for trial. STRONGER EVERY DAY. GHN'.rl..nal y.—I have been ill for a long time with lame back end weak kidneys, and at tines eonld not get up without help. I tried B. B. B. and with to o bottles ant al- most well. I lincl my bank is'stronger ev- ery vcry day. Airs. L. TnompsoN, Oakville, Ont. ms.nn • .' Y•K i'Y*.�`wA�-'NIF.,K°A 1 �'^ re a Ft k.. .t. =5"..5-: a zt,v Nr.,,«iY. ^: a.v. immiuza,2 ....1010 t • DR r A S 1 i•.r 4 L.i 1 l a fzri o fl Vi ylg7 JJj ' '! J'1 ts;F Yi.i .a, /I ,i'1 L alWl 3 9 d1Ye;r w - ':.i.et ro,-:' C,rr'J'Hi+°:.G.-<Y`ArY.�'.Y.3(. ,ii, it 'W1su' U P i tnr-n•�•c U. El TEL:' —SEND FOR— ILLUS TRATE 1] L ATALO U-TTE of Ladies Specialties. A1DD1iESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., .19 Queen -St. E., Toronto, Ont. tllefitioh this paper. - ,0 I0.',A .•. )i)Z '1 f�)i'' i [gq��wv;,. "r k�/it .'. Yiit f: ' ?' 't4 1} t Y `, ae 1`f, 11 t :i l'u l f; ° .. 411— '4 ,. 'regulates the Stomach, Liver and 'Bowels, unlocks theSecretions,Purifiesthe Stood and removes all iM- purities from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. I�UW _YVC1' J l _Iy ted , 1 SY, . CUME.S DYSPEPSIA. BILiCSUSNESSr, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, HEART SIJRN. SOUR STOMACH diZ2INESS. DROPSY RHEUMATI SM, SKIN DISEASES fX 0"A, •,, ,i aq ,S'.' i 1,6, l; -Fd , U Y ak Yw�, w t fin 'i 1 I� r Ill t: �. � � Si,„ oA N'= Moores, more or less; being Lot 4, •Colt. 1 township o1)31i1(14lplt, London Read; sltuca• tool 5 guiles south of blxotcr,1 mile fro ai'Cen- tralia, tend only a short distance from 'unroll school and post officio; 5o acres ulcer of stumps, 12 taere5 hardwood bltsll aattil the balance partly cleared, There is on the pre- mises a now briek braise and itt ebeu; large frame barn and stable, nearly . now 2 good wells; a young orchard be aging frillt,'uoctaro very do ioable premises, Term sliberol. For further particulars apply on thei;ttmisos,or to front IVAT,xrn; Conti liial'. C v.? RIL auk Mr. John Richardson wishes to inform the inhabitants of :Exeter a11c1 sui•roundialg country that he has opened out a First -Class .Flour anct Feed Store in the Brick Store OPPOSITE TOWN 1IA LL, where ho will keep constantly on Hand n full Supply of Goneral Pro 4•ision4, Satisfaction Guaranteed. A GALL Solicited. R. S. Richardson, Johan Richardson, Man, Prop '&T ,, 31•?1 A. RENOT aPur- gatiVo ldsdi- ohto. They are a BLOOD LTIILDEIo, ...Toxic; and brooy- dh',srnuctort, as they supply in a condensed forte the substauees actually needed to on - mob the Blood, curing •Pall diseases coming from Poole and Wor- ^nl' BLOOD, Or from VIJ.'IATED HuMons in trio BLOOD, and also invigorate and BUILD TJr tho BLoon and Sraoitue, when broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease, . excesses and indiscro- ,tfo.is. They havo a jj, Srzerr a 4(TION on tthe nl.o. L SvsTrn of both men and worsen, ..,restoring LOST V1001 5 Wand correcting all IItIMGUy�,ft(� l St'PPItllSS10NS, and � Y a'jgLdd1 Who dull or fails his ingal , pr his physical powers logging, should take those PILLS. They will restore his lost enerzies, both physical and mental. Si r9 RtF,'aiff asls"? tl, They n should take them. a 9 �ere all sup- pressions and irk egularities, wh.; a-1 inevitable' entail sickness wilco 1u•�lected, r u F+°� r4 t should talo those Prinz. plum i'i Driftlt tial They will euro the re- sults of youthful bad habits, aucl strengthen the system. Y WOMEN . -houid take them. OUB O ME.: These PILLS will make them regular.' For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing THE DT. TV1%TIA.ZIES' Fv cr . �l r �, c� WieiN JJ O: W 4 h p�cia] Sale 01F111'11111111C dor ilcx1 k� Now is the time to secure furniture at pri e never heard'of before in Exeter, For the iaext'.�r�zrzY DAYS, I��rzzz orrEr,..���E WHOLE OF MY GGAr, ----0 --, Bed IRtori sets t. a le Cherry, Ash & ► aSideboards in Oak; together Frith a 0 5 Magnificent line in Parlor Maple,Cherry .�I� a Suites,Lou.nges,Chairs,Tables, and everything usuallyfound ina first-class lssfu furniture store.. REMEMBER, THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS,] O SHODDY` EL and the prices are trona 9 TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual ri fall Early while the Stock lass, Remember the Stand—Factory and Wareroorns -two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. $0.76 to0,7S Barley . 85 to 37 Oats ..... , , .. 28 to 28 Peas ..... 55 to 55 Butter ....• ......... 13 to 18 Eggs .... 10 & 10 Potatoes per bus .... 15 to 15. Hay per ton . , .. . , 5.00 to 6.00 Wool 16 to 17 Il l''_'14t �+c IF YOU -WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU.W AN T TO - • Buy or Bel! Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections 731ake Call at Mr; Jn o. Spacunian's Real Estate Agency. hnsitless Transactions stl'ictly con- fidential. lntclntiing purchasers will receive the hest aclyice in selecting land or town sites. Also ti crit for Allan Lino and State Lino Steamships, Office— pain Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: — JOHN SI' ACKMAN, Box 44. '�O- � .Ado 1 r.-• Li 1 /p� y care Y a1i.t w1J EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock 94M VIIID141 IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : Wrest of England Suitings and Trolls erings, Scotch Tweed Suiting's and Tr'ouses Ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made 111) 131 the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. lSNEL L aSnit Has been appointed sole agent -for the ' E .GA >,>, SUE 01117 EARTH H CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did a1'ranp;ement for a bed- room...A want 111 every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. F9Ur'i'IS;AN°S c HARMLESS SS 1EAD'ACIE \>ti 4- ,PILL FIEADDAC1-IL. ThcJ are ?lot arluer- ,�i • ±isnsL to core every- -4A a tlthig,butsrntl tyheait- ttohee. To',z thou, it wilt cost blit 25 cents for a b0a3 cel.(1 they a'•a harmless. ihei aro nota Cathartic. Mit a A fJ°' � �� �r{IivroR� -.7.101 Eicept 7'�3 �.�:1i Mit°;i �, � b ,, Ai aN t i,?, � "1{ • a !°'^ a ls ;P I:��) a,Ya ,G•.. 9 q '1 a s., f:,trn:,t,t. 1 CxOMPLS" 1N Bus S f „ ,r r � � tj..l�✓4,� rya, t� a r, -f�: • ; t ' t %�cY,r,L2 ' ,, .,.)::::-:...:0.,;,:::14,...,,i:',.., ,"a r , All'. V. ,.. s., . ouktillottalloot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an j old physician: Sitemsttfully /recd monthly 74 thousands of ,Jr � LADIES, Is the only perfeOt - ly safe and reliable medic- • Ins discovered, Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for COOK'S Co'rTos. ROOT COMPOUND, 1,oloc 'nu 4u7,tttfa,o; or inclose so. and 4 three -cent Can- ada postage stamps in letter, and we will send sealed, by return mail. Full sealed par- ticulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. • . m )s. Address Pond ell kali eonlpauy,No e Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Dela oit, Molt. td sold in T� xu' r'.n at Da. Lt. •r z's, 3 1V 13aowNING'S and by all druggists et ery- tyhai•a. ---THE— E T JALoe.. S VING • —PARLOR., 3NETEIt, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. CITY II TEL LONDON, ONTARIO. J. & J Mci!IARTIN, Proprietors. E. H. Fish's Fhavitlg Parlor open every • day. Exeter roller M rr r >' s. ARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.80 TO 0.82 per bush Our Selling. Prices. Flour, .a Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, strong' bakers', $2 50 per 100 best family, 2,25 " °t low grade, 1.75 to °t 70 as ht s0 11 1) 100 to is 1.00 to 1.20 " Chop stone running every day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter Milling Co _ r _ [ rie0AL) ft1) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT - AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OF AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. serrrt..s - REa �csie blr A, ° 'G�rs timer . Telei hone Cor.nect4on E YOUR OWN We Lear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of .Taking Pow- ders, but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your own; and especially when you can save 20 cts a pound by doing so. If you send us $100 for two subscriptions 'we will also send you formula for making fo your own Ess. Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- permint, etc Cut this out and send with i' oney,or° mention this paper. I) MAKE YOUR OWN The Puritan Baking Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full direction for making it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit to your neigh. bors, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending us 50 cent for one year's subscription to our journals which is the Best paper foi the moneylpublished in the English language, and no f tinily car aff'or'd ;'to do without it. Address MDTCAL ADVISER, Eoin8xwllic, Ont..