The Exeter Advocate, 1892-7-28, Page 81111110RY
heavy cat of g
eing put
111 #00115.1 OtAour lair Street this week,
• bGladeto e and Grindstone d bothdurable and both hard to turn.
is i•ecorruneiided by Physicians as this best.
,Bissett Bros. have Completed putt fog
AD iron roof on Whod Bros, new block,.
Mr, Joseph Peut is having hiss resi-
denee adorned With • a Uew cacti of
Messrs. Cobbledick and Folleod have
had a new coat of paint pint on their'
delivery wagon.
DR, LO1ti'S i1 ORDi SYRUP removes
worms of all hinds in chi}dten or adults.
Chihtiten cry for it.
The excavation of the cellar and
foundation of Mr.. Joseph Cobbledick's
new residence is about completed
The LaCrosse Club are at present'
trying to make arrangements for it
<u• -hill onthe 4th of Au
la h with Parkhill
n tc b
Journals that in atlyoeacy of the
National Policy go the whole hog- are
usually on the still hunt for a slier of
See large posters announcing the
monster excursion to Sarnia and Re-
turn. One of the cheapest rides of the
season. Fare 95e.
"I would like to sound the praise of
Hood's Sarsaparilla over the entire un
iverse," writes Mrs. Longenecker of
Union Deposit, Penn.
You wi11.1 miss a great bargain if
you do not call and Ieave your order
with J. H. Grieve for one of his $16
black Worsted suits. They are away
The members of the Lacrosse Club
ate enjoying themselves eyery even-
ing on the recreation grounds west of
the yillage. Everything appears to bo
in a flourishing condition.
Mr. William Treble has been busy
several, days at the station moving one
of the building's, formerly used. for a
lime house, and fixing it for the pur-
pose of holding coal for Ccbbledick and
1 olland.
Word to Our CaStonierS
IE we were to change ou r edyertise-
M04 as often, as we recei vc new goods
afresh face would be Potted to it week-
ty, Seasonable goods are constantly
incoming and we would be glad to
have our customers and general read -
em call and realize the fact for them-
selves. We would again direct atteut
ion to our Small Ware Counters which
arekept almost invariably full. Ar-
ticles constantly required in every
home are there, and we would strong-
ly urge a call, if at no other time ou
when they ill be found their best
plied we at ours to serve faithfully and
well. For next Saturday afternoon
and evening we specially invite a call
and will fill our Counters for that
time with Special values and as usual
at our Special Prices,
J ■
TITE MART. Exeter.
The !ig hartql SdAra
all at the closest cut prices
during our great alteration
sale. We begin enlarging the
shop in two or three weeks.
Stock MUST be reduced before
the workmen take possession.
Do you want a nice ordered
suis? ,you
you do we would like
to see you.
We can save you money sure.
Great values in Men's and
Boys' ready-made suit. See
them while our great sale is on.
Yes! We are still in the
Grocery racket. Choice, fresh
Less tIzain Actual Cost
We blush to acknowledge
the fact that we are selling -
choicest fresh groceries for less
than regular cost. But not
below what they cost. NO!!!
We buy at Maser prices than
regular house do.
and you will admit that we
are the Cheapest House in
Western Ontario.
AT. 14,.
•og ioj ¢pos 9saq spnnod g
Don't. Lose The Baby.
Every mother knows how critical a
time the second summer is, and how
many little ones die during that period
from Summer Complaint•, Dysentery,
Diarrhea and Cholera Morbus;and how
anxiously she watches day by day, lest
she dread disease snatch away the
loved ones! There is no disease that
comes so suddenly, or is frequently so
quickly fatal, as these Bowel Com-
plaints, and in a large majority of cas
es doctors and medicines seem to he of
no avail. There is, however;; one rem-
edy, which'in forty years of trial has
never been known to fail when taken
according to the printed diiections,and
this is Pr antic Davis' Prsiv EILLrat. It
so safe and. sure that no mother is
instilled in being without it. A bottle
in the house ready for sudden sicl:nusS
will often save a life. You can get tlhc esting *not race: on I riday evcn*ntr he-
:le1v Big Bottle for 25e. twecn Messrs. James and Edwin Biss-
ett, the distance• about 100 yards
'L^ttF3'.Alu ePros . As each contestant wax anxious to win
Mr. John Taylor, a leading cchrnmis- the race was watched by many anx-
stoner and dealer in Liverpool,' ems eyes until the mash,:When Ed:
s passing through the country ander' won lry a few inches ,'Although they
he guidance of Apple King this ion, are both amateurs ' th distance was
onsederi.rrg the outlook for this seas covered in 11 scconds,and itis thought
,11's crop. lie reports big; prospects for with careful traiilinl; the record will
fact res, part 5't,n 1
and hi c z t
Turon, . 1 be lo cousicleiaoly•
`1! that i3 fleeciest. he 5t,7, -s to
hus far. 1> r
;eeure top phiteS irl tho big^l St 11lark ri the tollaeCo of . 1htrtinico was once
,t in the world—that of Greet lariitaiu the favorite with the smoking world,
-is to mane quality the first r'qukite and when olds Father 1Ionnipen cle.
-ir everything We ship Establish a sccnded the Mississippi ahnut 1680
gasses and then keep to it, es you Indians were much Surpilse&to see at
you'd to the.aiorat law, and the dc- European with such an excellent sam-
i ' . r, r '1 •i' ' , • pie' of their native But the
acrid. Will cx�,e�lti,u1 pibsul.lut,5 of 1
supply, at hast for years to come. sinekt.1,5 of the "Myrtle Navy" would
%a Owner 'Warrtest.
Give but a poar account of the once
celebrated \.Cirtiiiico. Their favorite
�L paritsol was left at the butcher: ti i ori ` .o t : 5 it
h7 of. 1)..Da •is a'f'w ,,,, brand is as much sip, or t. t
p c e dors ,trio ray aticl uncured ,leaf
elle right,party Celli eat et, this office, was to the, a
the Tndtaiis ofthnt da v. smoked,
rrovfn; proi erty, and .paying for this
roticc can have the' saltie, One evening east week \Ir. Jamas
'Never too late to menti, 5000 •pairs o'f
,opts mid shoos that need r
I rcafiut
,, to
•1t left atthe loading boot and shoe:
-"ore next door to the ,post, eke. G.;
•'ax•iosrtox Sttle. Magee began kicking, ;tier ting 11111) inn
The undersigned has several first the ribs and "tt7fitetinA' tt�ily svohnds.
i c,
lie was takers to his home ttr tThbortle
the s<lttte evening, and still remains ili.
ath ttncrl•tnin condition, if•Iuetes
Apply tieing m 'ardly and of a serious gat
As an in-
to new subscribers, we offer the. Anvo-
C_iTE and the "Metrical Adviser and
Farm Help" till the 1st of January,
1893, for 40 cents. Send in the names.
Mr. A. Allan, gardner, presented us
with a tomato on Wednesday morning
that measured 16 inches in eircumfe•r
ence and weighed one pound and a.
half. Had the vegetable been allowed
to remain on the vine until ripe it is
believed that it would have gone over
two pounds hi weight.
William Verity, Robert Verity, 'Wm.
Verity, all of Exeter; Hart Massey, of
Toronto, and Edmund W. E[. VanAllen
of Brantford, are asking to be incor-
porated as the Verity Plcw Company,
Limited, with Brantford as the chief
place of business, and a capital stock
of $150,000.—Tree Press.
All members of Plymouth Lodge,
S. O. E. B. S., are requested to meet in
the lodge room Monday evening, Aug.
1st. at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of dis
cussing matters of importance and
initiation of two candidates. Please
remember the date: and be present as
a full attendance is looked for.
Mr. Charles Tom left .this week for
Coderictt where he has purchased a
bankrupt stock of jewelry, intending
to dispose of it by private sale.
To the pure, all things are pure ;but
some of our exchanges are of such 'a
salacious disposition that we .imagine
they have discovered -stunt in wheat.
Tho Presidental election this year;
comes on Tuesday, November 8th, true.
our American cousins are working up
the excitement in first class Yankee
Suuday was`conslde►ed the warmest
day of the year, but towards evening
we were somewhat refreshed by a sho-
wer of rain. The thermometer renis
tered about 90 degrees,
Cheese shipments from. Canada to
the Old Country this year are going to
beat the record. The value of cheese
shipped so far is 82,500,000. Up to
July 16, some 453 000 boxes were ex-
ported, against 362,000 boxes for the
same time last year. Great Britain is
taking all the cheese we can send.
The 'bus which runs to Grand Bend
Park leaves every Tuesday and Satur
day at 7, returing same evening.
All orders left at Christic's livery stab-
le. or at II. Spackman's hardware store
will receive prompt attention. Special
aLrangements can be Made for family
parties. Single fare 50c ; round trip
The Toronto Retail Grocers' Associ
ation has expressed itself in favor of
reducing the limits on garnishees frons.
$25 to 55, and of sellings eggs by
Weight instead of by the• dozen. Ler.
islation will be sought- for these two
purposes. Ll the latter case it is stat
ed that the egg buyers buy by weight,
pick out'the small eggs and sell them
by the dozen to the grocers and then
export the balanbe, which are the fin-
est and the largest.
A tartre crowd witnessed an inter
The merchants of Blyth ha ye lately
got a great many bolled eggs to the
lots bought from neighboring farmers..
It is said that boiling, increases au egg
inweight •ono• gird: Tis reported
b t t
i i
that there have, been cases in this
county where the buyers got boiled
egg's from the store keepers-
Bnrbl;trars gained an entrance by
the heels door of the store occupied by
E. J. Spackman last week and stole 830
in cash. None of the other goods in
the store were molested, which is Blear•
proof that the parties were after mon
ey. With all the careful attention paid
by our night watchman the depredat
ions are committed.
During the past week a considerable.
quantity of fah wheat has been cut,
and if the corning week be as 'fine har-
vest weather the. Bach bone of the
wheat harvest will be broken. As far
as this district is concerned, it is one of
the finest crops that has ever been
harvested. No doubt, owing to the
rank growth of straw; the crop in pla-
ces will be difficult to take off; yet the
yield is most promising The hay has
been saved in excellent condition, and
for weight of crop has never been ex
ceeded in this country.
On Monday we received a call from
Captain Gibson, of Godcrich, formerly
a resident of Usborne, Thames Road,
and his son G. G. Gibson, of St. Louis,
Mo., who was formerly a resident of
this village. Mr. Gibson, Jr., is Presi•
dent of the New York Storage Co., 'and
has been absent from these parts about
23 veers. During his sojourn here he
served an apprenticeship with Mr. S.
Tait at coopering, and no doubt many
friends here will remember him in
that occupation. He is looking well
and appears to be enjoying good
During the past week complaints
have'been made by seyeral parties
who have had occasion to visit the
banks of the river Aux Sauble, west of
the \ illege, that frogs haye been
caught in large numbers of ]ate and
the refuse part thrown in a heap upon
the ground. They say the stench aris
ing therefrom is beyoud enduranee,
being of such a disagreeable odor.
Would it not be as well for those,.
young men who go in search of such
game to bury the .part that is not eat-
en and not leave it to rot in the sun.
What about the health inspector look-
ing after them. See to it and have the
trouble remoyed.
A couple of men who claimed to rep
resent a large wholesale concern in
Toronto similar to the Patrons of In-
dustry stores, successfully swindled a
number of farmers in Nelson tnwnship,
They carried' samples of groceries, dry
goods, etc., and said they were -taking
orders for goods, which would be deliv-
ered. to buyers at wholesale prices.
They succeeded in selling many job
lots, the farmers giving their notes,
ranging in value from 848 to 865, at
four months, in payment. The alleged
wholesitle concern would also' send
along tailors to make up the clothes.
The firm has no existence, and the
victims have been duped into buying
goods worth less than half the value
of their notes. The men secured sev-
eral hundred dollars worth of notes in
the township of Nelson alone.
The successful candidates at the
leaving examinations as confirmed by
the Department of Education are as
CLINTON.—Cunningham, Lizzie, No.
8, Hullett; Jeffry, Anna B., No. 8, Hull
ett; McGreger, \I. A, No. 2, Tucker.
smith; Murray, Annie, No 2, Tucker
smith; Van Bridger, Nellie, No, S, Hui
lett; 1Vhidden, John \V, Bayfield.
WiNcrrrrlM.—Ansley, Fred; Cum-
mings, Bella; Cummings, Lizzie; Cern
,yn, Adam; Linsley, Ncrrna; Deans,
Ella; Hanna, George; Jackson,Winnte;
McTavish, Robert; Stra Hideo, Harvey ;
Watson, Lucinda; Johnston, Etta; alt
of 11'inghau1.
Eain•rr'n —Brooks, `ti'illiam;` Carve,
Minnie; Clarice, WtJm; 1'IeCailum, Elsie;
McFall, Katie; Shepton, E. J ; Trevet-
hick; Lida; all of Exeter.
uicicii•-Cttylsitt, Annie, No. 7 Stan-
ley ;
tan -ley; Gies, John, Juirc:h:
A telephone n
,twas received
here on Friday afternoon that Mrs.
']'houses Powell, formerly a resident of
this place but now of Turn thirty , Tp,
lied (had suddenly. From what can
1,c learned she was attending to her
hots..:liold•dutii3s, prepa.rinr• for Wash
ing, aiid had:just left her husband in
thebe4iroom and goue outside the` kit,
Chen door a few ti`utrittes, and when
next seen by Mr.'Powell slie,was hciirg the house by one of her. soil"s
ShelaeVer i tllfcd r,uU eiently to be abs ;
to.speak, ai.ud only liy,ed a short brae
a£Ger being stricken.; There" daft
arEtes a e
rt r„ rn
vogue again ii' some: localities
and are a drawinco card at church pre-'
Mos,: By paying fiftccn cents a Man
was allowed to hu, a girl, hot he is
first blindfolded. It is pleasant for the
rest of the company to see how mad , a
married man gets when m
on reoving'
the bandage from his eyes he, finds he
has been hugging bis own wife and
fifteen' cents gone for notrjung except
as revenue to the church.
Eer$onal 1lleut wii,
Mrs. Richard. Bissett and two child•
ren, of London, who have been Visiting
here for a couple of weeks, returned on'.
Monday, They were accompanied • by
Miss Edna Creech, who wilt remain
there for • a ehort time• --14r: Robert
Sanders and John T. Westeott and fam=
ilv are rusticating at Grand Bend...—
end,-Mr. John Spackman was in towit on
Monday anti reports a large increase of
visitors at Gran Bend this year. Sev-
coming long distances, Mrs At•
kinson, William,Street, left on Friday
to visit in Alpena, Michigan, expect-
ing to be absent about a month,—Miss
Minnie Crowley' of London, is visiting
in the Village, -Mr. John. Glanville hes
returned to London after visiting here
for a short time.—Mr. Earnest Gidley is
here under the parental roof—Mr. D.
Davis, Butcher, left on Tuesday witha
carload of cattle for Toronto market —
Miss Lille and Ida John are visiting in
Aurora.—Miss Totta Crocker returned
to St. Marys last week. She was •tc-
cornpa:aied by her sister Della. -Miss
Cora Pickard, daughter of Xi..
Robert Pickard, of London, is visiting
here at present.—Mr. D. A. Bowerman,
D. D. S., of Menomonie, Wis.. is here
visiting his father, Mr I. 13owerman.—
Mr. George Baker is here on a short
vacation with parents.—Mr. Richard
Davis, Sr., and Mr. William Drew left
on Saturday for Wingham to attend
the funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas
Powell on Sunday. They returned on
Monday .—Messrs. Frank Wood, George
Hoskin, Frank Oke, in company with
others left Monday morning; for Grand
Bend on a short vacation. --Mr. I. Bow-
erman and wife will leave shortly on a
visit to relatives in the Northwest and
Dakota, where they will remain until
about the fast of October— Mrs. Samuel
Sanders, Allan Myers and Miss Clara
Vosper <•tre at present visiting in To-
ronto, Colborne and Peterborough -Mr.
Ed. Bissett, wife and family were visit-
ing in Kinburn on Sunday.—Mr. Moore
of Wingham,is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Eacrett.—Miss Cave after be-
ing absent on her summer vacation
has returned to her post in A. J. Mc
Tavish's Store.—Judge Doyle, of God
ericit, was in the village on Monday. --
Mr. Harry Parsons Left on Tuesday
for London for a few days of recreat-
ion.—Mrs. E. H. Fish and family re-
turned this week from Grand Bend,
where they have been residing during
the past month.—
Isssery, of 1Yslloi•ne,.vent info the shed, behind to mourn. her lose a ;linsband
situated at the rear of the Central fro -'I and a large family of grown up child
lel to get his horse a.tid buggy, wheat; ton, Who have the sympathy, and. re
he received swore injuries from :tooth sheet °f the ritrgirlrorlroocl. l,h;w rc#•
or animal Which had ..cell unhitched mains wr'•re interred ill the Xi11gl'i l'n
and tied there ttrhen Mr. E. approach cemetery on .Sunday, amidst ono, of the
ed.his own1 ehicle, In the, darkness,ttic lar estftincrail eerteagcs the has eve
been witnessed illthat section. She
was known here to'a, large number of
friends ant] several relatives, who feel
deeply grieved over the sad event, he.
d� l 1
nig held in high esteem by a1l who had
made her aetlrlaintarnce. TT'lle cause is
SttlrpoFetl to .lave been heart disease.
lass farms for sale on easy tel nts,
h.1 • �a .1h J,�.c; '
J. S t,t t , ti,r
t'Or e A e'r.
A number or eavary birds.
this office,
About four o'clock Sunday morning
there was a very severe thunderstorm
accompanied by lightning and raid.
Many of our citizens were aroused
from their beds and huddled in their
houses awaiting the final crack of
doom, while others less timid paraded
the streets at an earlier hour than they
were wont to do on any morning, esp
eeially- on that of the Sabbath. A
house owned by Arthur Cantelon and
occupied by Mr. McNeill was Invaded
by the electric current and havoc
played with pots and pans and it briek
hurled from the chimney of the house
through the window of •the house ad-
joining. The sheds at the Catholic•
chureh werealso somewhat injured; so
was a stable belonging to Mr. Cantelon
and there was minor damage done to
other property.
Quebec, Nov. 9th, 1891.
Diz. L. A. S3riTir & Co :
GJ i'rnr:ita\,—Your Anti Dandruff
should be used by all those who are
troubled with Dandruff and.falling of
the hair. I have used it only a fee
times and it has wrought a wonderf
change. I also am convinced t t
Arti•Dandruff promotes growth of he
hair. lutea i. Hi;iCrrsr, hone. y's
Hotel, Quebec.
” had on Exhibition at `one time a
�j� rRI\tl�`Jl; _ horse covered ed, with tl� sheep skins
which he styled "a mountain goat", and on being asked why
did this he said: "the public liked to be humbugged"
we do notp 1? ro Lose to adopt this plan of
B' O
by exhibiting a mountain goat, but simply to
' to carry out at all times, we are prepared when a mer-
chant tells you he is giving away goods volt can count to a
oral certaintyon the statement being false or when a mer-
chantchan t sells pod an article at or below costyou may depend that
,� y 1
8e will fake It up oil Sallie limll else
before he gets through with you.
There must be some profit or a merchant can't live,biat
Carlin Bros'. Sto.,9k Must Go
and therefore we offer everything at tlae'very smallest margin.
of profit consistent with honest- and fair dealing.
The best discount we can offer is 5 per cent off for cash.
A ; LING ;% ; {: OS.
Butter 13 cts; Eggs 1O- in trade.
FI F:I11
All Kinds of F ENOE WIRES.
ABABASTINE in all Shades.
Full line of Tinware, Cheap,
for Cash at
est m pow
Spackan & Co s.
SA.MWEE,VS'ML f}Clfs' E .CETI!:Tt.
Afiivo Amidst all�l�ow & Bluster
• p' N.
' ° Still takes the lead in the Furn-
iture business. I am too busy to call on' Fcople in 'Iced of
furniture, but please drop in my wareroo111s and see my stock
and I will try and suit you in this line.
Ordered �work neatly done on shortest notice-
Remeher I have also a
ha e - some line of 1 n
Undertaking Goods always on handl.
Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis-
faction' guaranteed every time,
Stand next Molson's Bank. RORT. N. EO E.
i R
It is better than a" ;t others.
will not get but of order,
2. --It is cheaper then any other C1111.
3. -It will last five tunes as long ars any ordinary lamp ?!iler•.
4.--Cacenso it 18 non corrosive, ;as it is zinc and. tiil, ti Lich form 'n 111:tA-
netic action and keep it from corroding:
5. ---It will do the )work in one-fourth of the time.
6. -it will not soil the floor and shelf.
7.-I.t nerd• Slt eats ori. ra;; .•
B. -It gives �otr bertect control of file oil.
fl. -11 is ;111;111-
t r si lhrtt anis safe•
10 ---It .till s.reu thr,n the luu s.
This Can hes been examined by experts sztt I protlottne,ed to be the best
J p .� l
they ever saw.
Handy, Itealthy,le dn1°heap
f .,
7 Y
Wanted r. . m
•1r° lln ,,.t setrl
, sc oil , t • �<h f'i, t5 1
�n'li c ;1l"e' �1r rrtrd rn.ct°ear o l 3 1'hcre cog 5 is 1 , 1
c, t � y i� � �.� .
i1111(le in the Market,