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EXTER, ONTARIO, rniulispAy
JULY 28, 1892.
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Peid up Capital .... $2,000,000.
Rest Fund. . 1,100,000,
Head office Montreal.
Money aidvancecl to goocl Farmer's on their
own aotes with one or more endoreers at 7
per cent per annuin.
Exeter Branch.
°pea every lawfel day from 3E0 a. m. to 3 p.
ma Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m
A general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent.
Exeter, Jan. 28, '88, SaleManager
eXttler bvorat el
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
31.50 if not so paid.
.3.6arsertleae.seg Rateme ore „alemelace,-
No paper diseontinuea until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be•publishea till forbid and
chargea accoraingly. Liberal discountmade
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long perioae. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheartes,money ord-
ers. Tee. for advertising, subscriptions, ate. to
be meale pavtble to
hallderS & Sweet
Clutrelt Dareetery.
Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
ancl 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 9,30 a. m. Holy
„Communion, let Sunday of each month at
Morning Service. and. in months of five Sun-
elays,. after Evelling Service of 3rd Sunday of
the month. Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday
ot each month tebenorning service.
Russell, Pa,stor. Sunday Services, 1.0.30 a. in.
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, p. IX •
MAIN STREET -Rev. W. lioDonagai, Pas-
tor. Sandell, Servi0es,1e.00 a. m. axe 7.00 pan.
Sabbath Sc1ioole.30 p, m.
Pastor. Sunday Servieca, 11 a, m. ana 6.30 p.
m• Sabbath School, 9.45
ytC4SIOfl Cards.
H. KINSMAN, L.D.S, :Fa nso n' s Block
two doors north of Carliag Store,
man. warmer, exerrea, extraete teeth
evathout pain. Away at 3:tensa11 on ist
Friday; Ailsa Craig on encl and 4th Tuesday;
and Zurieh on lasi Thuraday of each month.
• College Dental Surgeons successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter., Ont. .A. safe anaesthetic given for
the laiduless extraetion of teeth. Eine Gold
Fillings as required.
. and Surgeon. Ofbee and residenee-
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderieli,
Resiaenee-Corner Andrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.,
Ontaailee, and Surgeons
, S,argneon and. neb-
eur. Office, Dashwood t
1. so •
1-0.1. T. A. AMOS, M. D, O. Member of'
La College of -Physicians and. Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal Colleeeee of
Physiciaa.s and Surgeons :Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Fatality of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical'
elollege, , Toronto, Office -Dr. .Cowen's old
••••••••••••ipecommemi••••••••••••./....FMNI. 1.1•11.1.
./.1b• OR, Conveyaneer, Notary Public.
Office -Over (3'N Etealk, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
11. of Supreme Cot, Notary Public, Con-
veyaneer, Commissioner, Sze. Money to loan
Oface--Fanson's Block, 'Exeter.
.1.24 itors, Conveyancers,
TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed A.unt-
.LL • ioneer for the Counties. of Perth an .3
Miclaleeex, also for the township of TJeborne
-Sales promptly attended. to and terms reason
able•Stelee arranged. at Post office, Winchelsa
J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
ecl untieneer, for the counties of }Par
Aon and. Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Out. Sale Orders by mail er other-
wise promptly attendedto at reasonable
330SSEN1IERRY, Hensall Ontario, Lfe-
Lt. eneecl A.uotioneer for the Conntys of
Heron and Perth. Charges moderate and
aittisfaetion guaranteed.. ,
•••••\ ••••••••••••••••••\ •••••••••••••••••i* 0:•••••••••••••••WereCZenlagusics6,1•S•
T HARDY, Lieetised. Auctioneer for the
Li. OotlTI±y of .14 ttron. Slays Conducted on
reasonable terms. It'ttami timil Farm stee'lc
S peeithlby.,1 uUarrangem 51 ts can be made
at this office.
eatnED, W. FA1I,NOMNE13, Proviecial 'Land
SUrveyor - and Civil Engineer. Oflloo
Uver :Pose Calve, Main :Arcot, Exeter, Cate
'fa ATV]) MILL1OTI, Ve tart n ry Sure:coil ,
Graduate of tbo Ontario Veterietiry
College, 'lane:leo, (Successor to 1Vm. Sweet,
V, ) Over te years peat:tic:a, 011icee and
residence ono block oast et'llieliard Pickerels
store, OppesiteSkatieg Riek, Exeter, 01t,,
Tho V10.4 tOrn Eire Assurance Com p'an
-of lrorent,o
The Plaenix Eire Insurauce Coiy.,
of London, England.
Th e Alliance 1 re A esitr.Co v
of Landoll, England
and The Centeaeration Life Aesoe(1ation,
of Toronto.
.0incee-,Miain-1t1eet, Exeter, Ont.
\ • ASINA6,16ekno.,,,a••••e••••••••101.11,•••••••M••
/.'eOlt SALE.
' npricht. Piino (Ma1len II,1801))r-4
1019-al1n 0,4 new: A Nily t OW, dYiit •
The Council of Stephen contemplate pass-
ing a .11y -law, on Monday, August 1st, for
the purpose of closing and selling the Devi-
ation road locit,ted an lots 5, con 22, and 14
con. 21, owned respectively, by 11. Robinson
and C. Cronyne luty person having any
objection why such By-law should not pas3
may be heard. By order of Council.
C, Paolary
Dittea this 4th clay of July, 1892. Cler'k.
Notice is hereby given that a by-law was
passed. by the re unicipal council of Stephen
on the leth day ofJune, 1892, providing for
the issue of debentures to the amount of
810,590 for the purpose of draieing a certain
portion of the township of Stepheu as per
by-law No. 6 of 1601, said. by-law was reges•
tered in the registry office of Goderieh, in
the eennty of Buren, on the 12tli day of July
Any motion to quash or set aside the same
or any part thereof.must be made within
three months from the date registration
and cannot be inacle thereafter. e:
• ' CnESTatt Paotera,
Dated this 14th day of July, 1892. Cleric
Is the complaint of many poor mortals
who know bet where to find relief.
.Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses just such
elements of strength which you so
earnestly crave, it will build you un,
give you an appetite, strengthen your
stomach end nerves. Try it.
Hood's Pills act especially upon the
liver, rousing it from torpidity to its
natural duties, cure constipation and
assist digestion.
The Royal Templars of Temperance,
°Hills place, held a picnic on the lake
shore at Grand Bend yesterday (Wed.)
It. was largely attended by the members
of the lodge, together with quite a
number of outsiders They report hav-
ing enjoyed themselves although it
was very warm.
Powers -re --4u Turnberry Township, on
the 22nd test., Ann, beloved wife of
Thomas eked 78 years.
Beet, -In Seaforth, on July 25th,Hugh
Bell, aged 69 years.
BENNE:gr.-In Exeter, on the 20th inst,
the wife of Mr. E. A. Bennett, of a
TnentEenick.-In Stephen, on July
26th, the wife of Mr. John Teeve
thick, of a eon.
The hareest is just about over and
by many prOnounceed an extra crop.-
Hay crop was goad- in this part and
grain of every kind will be better this
year than it has for several years. Cher
ries and berries are a thing' of the past
and have been rather scarce, being.
from Wc. to 75e. a pail. -Our popular
tradesman is kept quite busy and. ally.
one, wishing a first class -cert or buggy
itsto their interest to call on
W. Wintzel-Mr. James King had the
misfortune Of hurting his foot by the
Upsetting of a load of hay, James is
still in bed and slowly Oreeovering.-
Misa Lib and Annie King were . home
for a short time: Miss Lib has return.
ed to London again. -Miss L. Lampert
is on a vacation to the parental roof,
looking hale end hearty. -We were
giad to see the smiling face of' Mr. J.
Thomson (teacher) Whogsaye as a fly-
ing visit. ,
GARDEN PARTY. -A garden party
under the auseices Of St. John's church
Vairtutowill be held in Mr. Secord's or-
ehaed on Taiesday, Awe. 2nd. The, 38ed
Battalion Bend of s'esiftrol wiil be in
attendance and will play choice selde
tionsduring the evening. Mr. William
McLeod, of Seaforth and others will
render -songs,: while Mr. A. McKenzie
the Well ki•own 110111 ISI will also dote
tribute towards the evening's enter
tainment. Tea and other refreshineets
will be Seeved during the entire evete
leg. The committee are sparing, no
pains t6 Make this party the best ever
held here. Come oneecome all, anden.
joy yourselves.
Miss Mary Wurm and Miss Lizza
Deichert, after spending some time in
Detroit, returned home, on Tnosdav,-
Mi M. Contine, of Buffalo, NY..
is home on a visit, --Miss Edith Stein-
bach was visitingefrieeds in Exeter for
several days last week -Last week is
a week to be remembered, especially
by some "young temple,' It appears
to some of us by the series of runaways
111e. had !Reit week tha t Snell 00ertranee8
aro (pita amnion theS0 clays. Last
Wednesday c,yeeing after returning
from the A. 0. I'. picnic, a load of
young folks stopped in front of the
Huron Hotel to let .tiome one of the
load get off, aud while, the driver 11%6
issisting the young lady the horses
started and the girls, tInnking the
horses were runnieg away,they caught
tip one line, and of egurse turned the
horses around toe shoet, epsetti lig the
whole "crew" in the middle of the road
The horses were eatight before they
ran any distance. No damage of any
account, but a great many frightened
girlie -Last Thuraday night while the
hostler at Peitrle'S hotel wOS wateeing
1101580 belonging 10 the Deshe eod
ery, it took fright at some boys play-
ing. on the road and tem down the road
and turned a corner, upsettieg a bUg
gy. The horse was caught at the
grist mill. No serious damsge Ca:0SM
by the runaways -Another runaway
occurred last Friday, but it was of no
groat hnportance because the horse
ran away with the "driver's" driver.
You want to buy a curb bit, Dye. -
Miss Maggie Well, who has been em-
ployed in Berlin, returned home last
Saturday. -Mr. Alfred Mealy, of Dun-
dee, is under the parental roof.
Around About Us.
Mr. F. W. Johnston, junior Judge of
Algoma, formerly of Goderieh,has been
promoted to be settler Jeidese,yice Judge
McCrea, deceased.
The Mitchell Sporting Associatimi
have depuled to hold their anettal fall
races on Tuesday, Augest 16t1t.
Charles Hodges the farm laborer
who was undei. inhictment for the mur-
der ef Benjamin Hubbard, a fellow hie
borer at Gearey's Farm, London town-
ship, a year ago, died at Lodge on Sat-
urday. He was out on ben, and as his
health Was shattered, it was known
that he could never. have been brought
to trial.
There appears to be a disease among
the poultry in the vicinity of Blyth.
The young broods are invariably the
victims. The first symptoms appear to
be a drooping of the wings and the
body of the fowl turns blade Several
poultry raisers have found great dill
culty in raising foul this season, some-
times three or 'four dying in one day.
At a meeting of the Royal Arch
Companions, Grand Chapter af Masoesi
in London last week, C. A. Humber, of
Goderich, was elected District Super
ietendent for Enron. And Joseph
Beck, Seaforth,ex-Wardeu of the, coun-
ty of Huron,was elected District Depu-
ty Grand Master for No. 4. and J. A.
Morton, of Wingham, for No. 5.
One by one of the pioneers of Huron
are passilig to their reward. On Mon-
day Mr. Hugh Bell, for the last few
years residing in Seaforth; Succumbed.
The imtnediate cense was an abscess,
He Was aged 69 years and -leaves a
widow and six of a grown -lip famity
to mourn -his demise. Only ewo Of the
'children reside in Hurern John at
Londesboro and Williant at Blyth,
-Bell Bees., recently of Clinton, are pens
of the deceased. The remains were re-
moved to Loedesboro yesterday 'and
the funeral will take place from the
residence of Mr. John Bell to -day to
Blytti at 10 a.m. The late LIngh Bell
was a man of worth and a prominent
figure in the early settlement of this
section. About 50.yeags ago he emi-
grated from Ireland, and filially settlsd
in the township of Hullett. He mar-
ried Miss Fahy about 43 years ago and
seven sons and. two daughters were
born to them, three of whom are dead
He was active in the building of the
Greed Trunk Railway through this
settiou and a prominent figure on t lie
Wiegham gravel road work. Abont
seven years ago he removed to Sea -
forth and spent his declieing. years
there. •
'I he other tnorning es John AVCIT'S
team was hauling hay on tin Hugger
Farm, London -road, Tuckersmith, the
horses, for some reason, became excit-
eceand although close to the fence they
ie sortie way turned around, and in de'
leg so one of them, a valuable young
mare, got on top of a pest, where she
remained suspended. 'Assistance was
at 01300 at hand, but be,fore the animal
could be removed it was ifijured to
such en extent that it had Co he killed.
How the beast got into such a position
it is impossible to say. The mare was
valued at $400, and WAS illSttreti in the
Ontario. Live Stock Insurer= Company,
The tight betweee the Ontario Sale
CoMpany Of Itincardiee A iid the Can-
adaSalt Association, of which the, foe
met 10 t't 111011lber, Came to an abrept
end at 04:00(10 Hall Friday. The 118
sociation was feral -ad ie December lag
?Jr. Charles Hutchinson, County
Crown Attorney, was at Ingersoll last
week attending the sittings of the de -
horning commission. He introduced
ten witnesses who were opposed to the
practice, and announced that he had.
ten others, butchers and drovers, who
were, prepared to teseify to the faet
that frauds in regard to the age met
breed of cattle could be more readily
detected.if the horns were Olken off
He asked the Commission to hold one
more sitting for the purposa of hearing,
this evidence, but the application eels
ref used.
'EN: will of the late J. G, Holmes
was filed for probate, lost week „
Messre 'Holmes & Sae' 111 for the ex cc n
tor, Timms Holmes. -father of the de-
ceased, Although but little over three
years engaged in the practice of law
the deceased had amassed considerable,
wealth which he left to his father,
Th inits Holmes Winghtin to be di
vided equally after his death between
the t NYO siStere of the testator. The
propertyis deSelibda AS f011OWS: Ir0t1SC
hold woods, books end law II braty,$300;
book 6Ch3btS promissory notes,' and one-
half interest in then, $1,800; life inset
ance $1,000; 00(11(111111.. of deposit, $9e
500; cash in hand $25; cash in bank,
81,350; real estate, $1000. Total. $17,-
to fie pries and production, About
two weeks ago the Ontario Company
gave notice of withdritWal fron. the
agreement, allegiogr among. other rea-
sons that the asscatiation Was an illegal
combine The asaociation promptly
obteinee an interim injunction to re
strain the Ontario Company from
',reeking thi agreemeut. Friday the
the association asked that the injunc-
tion shonld be contined. Judgment by
conseut was allowed to go for the
plaintiffs, and the Ontario will therefor
remain a member of the association un
til the agreement eXpirea al the mid of
the year. It was egreed by the coun-
sel the two corporations that the Outer
io Cemetaray cannot apply the Conabines
Bill ter treat, the,points at issue having
been determined in the case of the On -
tern) Salt Company against the Merch-
ants' Salt Compauy.
The Deportment of Agriculture has
been notified that Canada has *Weed
Oise of the.cludeeSt locations for her ex-
hibitain the aogicultural beildlug to
the Werld's F. yr. It measures about
10,000 sqintre jfeo. The Canadian dis
play is to be Ja
'tinged in provincial
groups., and feimeas everywhere are
in vital to aid}011)15 work. Sampess
of from 10 to 20.pounds of grain will
be sullicitmt for the purpotenand should
be aceompanied with the name of the
produeer, the place where grown, the
chateuiter of the soil, date of planting.,
quantity of seed per acre, date of her
vestieg and yield, with the name of
the particular kind Of grain sent.
The samples 10 ill be shown In suitable
glass jars, aud the label will bear the
mimes of the exhibitors. One seetion
of this building will be deaoted to ex.
hibitgef 'honey, which it is intended to
have showu in uniform glass cases.
The ebst of these cases will be defrayed
by the. Dominion Government. There
will be five classes in this branch of
the agricultural display. The Ontario
Governuieut has kindly undettaken to
secure exhibits of honey for the Prov-
ince, and it is expected that a large
displaywill be made,.
Mrs, Frank Mitchell, of. St. Thomas,
is spent:Reg it few weeks with her par.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Le.ary, of the 12t1t
roti.-Mias Oldfield, of Seaforth, is the
gitest of MisaMcLechlan, f Ceomatty.
-Miss Chubb, of Staff,spent Sunday
With: friends hi Exeter. --Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Barr, of Toronto, were, yisiting
relatives near Cromarty last, week. -
Me. J. Cummings; of Mitchell, was the
(attest of the Misses Whyte on . Sunday
last. --The Preabyteriams of Ceomarty
inteed having the Sabbath school pie
Mc sometime in the near future. -Rev.
P. Scott, of Cromarty, is spendmg;
ew weeks with his brother in Paisley.
-On Sunday morning a horse belong-
ing to Mr. John Barr, near Cromarty.
was &o -and dead lathe field. It is sup-
posed to have been killed by lightning
during the night.
The greatest conflagration which
eyeevisited Bay City broke out at two
o'clock on Monday afternoon, the 25th
inat.'ie the lumber manufacturing
estalAisinneut of Miller & Turner, si1.
nated on the west side of Water street;
at the,foot of 29th street. A brisk
south -West wind was blowing at the
time and this fanned the flames into a
,epariteg conflagration, and swept them
across Water street into the settled
district, The east side of Water street,
wherethe fire crossed, was built. up
with stores, hotels and restaurante.
Nearly all were tvooden buildings and„
burned like tinder. The wind inerees-
ed its the flames progressed, and in an
hour the, flames had consumed Miller &
Turner's entire plant, comprising saW
mill, atilt blocks, dry kilns and a Verge
quantity of lumber. The flumes had
also travelled three blocks to the east-
ward, entting a swath two blocks wide
At this point the path of the conflegra
tion broadened, and block after block
was swept over with astonishing rapid.
its-. The scenes which ensue(1 raeggar-
ed dcserf Olen Thousands of mete
W001011 and children rushed About,. ,all
eegaged in removiag furniture and
other household effects beforo the ad
vendee' Mimes. At flee o'clock abeet
thirty blocks had been burned, oyer,
whiie, tiventy more were supplying
fro811 fuel to the devouring elemeet
Saginaw, Filet nail Detroit weee tele
graphed for assistance. Saginaw aud
Flint emit an engine each end a quant
ity of hose. Nattily all West Bay City
equippege was presentaed,
lent „ lesSistance. But 'with
hundeeds of streams playing On the fire
tISO *MOS pursued their tonese,
hougenfter house until at 8
o'clock- Univards of 800 do ellengs had
been destroyed, and the conflagration
was still sweeping toward the eitatern
limits of the Cite. While the, rettjority
ef the buildings burned behniged to'
work lag :pcipplo, many line reSiXidlitiPS
111\7d boen consumed, Twoehurchea,
our hot Is and ebout 40 store§ of all
varieties ate hicluded. ;tonne :struct-'
nece destroyed, :Uri to 0 p,mis iS pos
tively %sown only one death occurred
het of a wanten whose moms, it
O impossible to learn to eight. She
ay sick ln Ond of thd,' 14011.808 , Which
vas destroyed, Milier and Turner,. on
\those premiees the fire staetedi lost
bout $150;000; imostly looted. The
.ritire less will reach a rnillion,
.kela or two a ea fire w s discovered'
I hi the dry kilt: of the veneer and
cheese box material factery at Park-
hill, The two hoses of the, salt well
company were turned onto the fireend
held it under subjection, 'Rho two lire
enarines were also soon at work. The
Inc broke through into the main build
in, but after three quarters of a hour's
hard work it was extinguished. In ad-
dition to the damage to the building
the stock in the dry kila was all either
destroyed or injured. The building
was insured.
y e
The farmers are till very busy now
with their harvesting ---Mr. C. M. Wil
S011 has returned to Aurora, 111, after
spending -a few -days with his parents.
-Sorrow and gloom has cast a shadow
over the community, being the death
of Martha, beloved wife of'Wilson Eag-
leson, whe died on the 12111 inst. She
was highly esteemed by her neighbors
and laved devotedly by her family
Who surviee her to mourn the loss'of a
most affectionate mother. Her funeral
to Greed Bend cemetery was largely
attended. The bereaved family „have
the sympathy of all in their sad be-
reavement.-Mre. J. McKenzie, of Net
ya,da,,has come here for her health,
,spending a few weeks with iter couaiu
Mes.'J. Wilson. -Our village black-
smith is very busy, you can hear the
clang of the hammer from early morn
till late at night. -Mrs. J. Thirteen, Sr.,
is -visiting hee dal:taint-1r, Mts. D, Brop-
Mr. Robert Dawson, of Fellarton, lost
two good 2 yr old 'steers last Week. Up
on missing them he started in search
and feud both dead in the pasture
field. He also found that some fiends
had mixed poison end spread it around
on the grass in several places. This is
very surprising to the .people - Of the
neighborhood for no • persob evei
thought Mr. Dawson had an enemy
We hope the Miscreants will be discov-
ered and punished severely.
Fall Exhibitions.
Manitoba Ex., Winnipeg... July 25-80
Midland Central, Kingston ..Sept. 1-9
Great Eatteen, Sherbrooke, Q116. " 5-9
Industrial; Toronto " 5 17
Exposition, Montreat " 15.23
Western, London .. " .15 24
Lincoln Union, St. Catharines. " 19-21
Ontario & Durham, Whitby " 20 22
Clinton.. . . " 21-28
Centre Bruce, Paialey........ " 22-23
.Horticultural, Mitchell " 27-28
Stephen & Usborne, Exeter, " 26 27
South Perth, St. Marys ...... " 27-28
North Waterloo, Berlin " 27-28
Goderich " 28 80
South Oxford, Tilsonburg " 27-28
South Grey, Darham..... " 27-28
Peel, Brampton " 27-28
Southern, Brantford ..... " 27 29
Northern,' Walkerton " 27 80
North Oxford, Woodstock" 28-29
North Perth, .Stratford " 29-30
Central Canada, Ottawa ..Sept 22,0et 1
Haldimand, Cayuga Oet 4 5
West Durham & DarL Bow.. ". 4-5
North Brant, Paris.
Centre Welling t011, Elora.... " 6-7
Milton. ...... . " 6-7
South Waterloo, Galt.... .... " 6-7
Prov, fat stock show, Guelph Dec.14-15
Mr. John Cookson lost it valuable
Mere on Weduesday night. During
the day he had been eutting wheat for
Mr. Thomas Bissett, of Exeter, and
noticing' stamething wrong in the even-
ing called the veterinary eutgeoes of
Exeter, but they pronounced the . case
hoplese The cause, was overeating
new have -Mr. S. M. Satelers met with
painful accident one day last week.
While erossing a scaffold over th 3 barn
floor, which was &imposed of Wes; one
of them turned and he fell to the floor,
a distance of about twelve feet, strds
it with his face aud one hand. He.for-
tueately escaped without - receiving,
-any more serious injuries than some
cuts itud hruises about his faste,, which
he had immediately washed and treat -
cd, and again resutned his work, and
is now doing well.-Harvestieg is coin
ing in with a rush this yen re -Ca mp-
ing outfits- can biesiien wielding theie
way to the Surrinter resort et Grand
On Monday afternoonof last week, a
N'ainai:/i0 COW belonging to .JitS. Lot,O,
Hoar Lhis phicO he'd the rnisforleme to
fall ieto a well. With the, nesistance
ol half a clozen men end a wind 1188 OW
animal WAS 0 \''ti'lea to(1 from her rzitlicr
'tiflC0(111011l.111)3 position. 11.01 now
111(1110 that all's welt that (eels well,
but 110t 10 11(111 th0 elltt is et the bottoni
of it well.- Chas•Stelek has greatly ina-
prOved the appearance of laa, Yid Clark's
beers by reshinglifig rrhomas
Colenittn has left alie little town and
goue hies farming. on 1. large scale. As
ram is an ex perieliced former he, will
no doebt 111t1:e great progress on his
new farme-Fermers ere riow busy
with the fall whea.t end from ell reporta
it is it splendid c,rop.--On Frido,y.evene
ing a, terrific Omelet storm passed ov
er this neighborhood, but only little
damage iv/18 dene to the crops,
Capt. Paisey can boast of an abued-
ant growth of vegetables this year. His
is not "the, sluggard's gardeu."-The
con,gregation of St. Panl's church con
temw plate building a nechurch in the
nelir future. Though few in nember
yet they are a united people and ap
ereciate their church privileges.-
Miss Frances E. Steele, eldest daughtet
of the Rev. II, D. Steele, has reeeived
an unanimous appointment as lady
teacher in one of the Church of Eire-
huid Missions of the NOrth West Terri
tory, and expects to leaye shortly for'
Lethbridge, N. W. T., via the b. P.
Railway. -Hannah's creftmery at Kirk
ton continues in full bla,st, turning, .off
daily on an average 600 pounds 'of but-
ter of excellent quality. They,. -have
made several shipments to Vancouver
for the British Columbia markeewhich
they supply for it few' mouths in the
year; but their chief market is in Liv-
erpool, Eng, and other British cries
They have realized thio season 19i et&
per lb.-Farrners in this vicinitsr nee
busy trying to save the extra growth
of hay, andhave already begun harv-
esting. The difficulty is to socure
hand; enough fth„or e abundant crop.
On Saturday evening, 15111 hist, a
heavy rain storm, mingled with some
hail, passed over this 'section a little
south of Moorsville, doing considerable
damage. The rest of the week has
been unusallsr tine and suitable for hay
weather atid a large quantity has been
secured in splendid condition. -Mrs.
Windsor, who eloped fromz Clandeboye
some time since, has again returned te
that classic' hamlet, determined to take
her two children at all hazards to her
new home at Sue St. Marie. --Mr. Mull-
en, our Biddelph fruit tree grafter,
pnrposes locating on a ranch of his
own out in the North West in the
course of a few weeks. John wili be
much missed In this locality, as he is a
most jovial fellow
Bay -field.
Campers are spending a delightful
time here and there are many more
who purpose coming at the endof thia
week. -Mr John Ketrin, wife and,fams
ify, have just arrived here from Eng-
land. They are greatly Pleased with
Bayfield's natural scenery, and say it
is the healthiest place they know of. -
Mrs. Thompson and child, of Chicago,
are visiting her mother, Mrs. Co11o:44y.
-Mr. F Edwards has opened. . it stand
in Mr. Jowitt's grove for the accommo-
dation of pleasure seekers. Confect-
ionary of all kinds as well as temper.
ence drinks will be on hand. We hAe.
Faked his delicious lemonade and if it
can be excelled we are not in it. -The
English charch has been repaired and
cleaned up, making a great improve-
ment. -Mies Erwin, who has been
away for some time for herhealth, has
returned, looking. very much improved
-A runaway took place lest week,
which resulted somewhat seriously. to
the occupants OS -well as to the buggy.
Mrs. Kega.n and Mix. Jeffery were driy
ing to church some miles away when
their esilt took fright, throwing them
both Out, Mrs. Kegan being injured
and badly shaken up, while the buggy
was very much demorelized.
A couple of men, spectacle pedlers,
were esinvasseng the village during
the pest week, meeting with cool re-
eeptions.-The neW addition to our
public school es nearing completions -
Mr. and Mrs. R. McIetyre were visitfner
in Stephen township on Sueday.--
Members from here' are' talking of
going on the exceraion to Sarnia on
the 4t11 of August. -R. Bell's saw mill
is now in full operation •,---HarVeStirig
16 flOW 10 full swing and reports of
bountiful crops are predieted,-Me-
Donell Bros. are busy these dayshand-
neg. bin,ler twine and other harvest
tools. ---Our grist mills have been und
ergoing repairs' and imprOyements
during the past week. ---Mr. David Bu-
chanan, son of mt... Wm. Bnehaeart,
of the township Of Hay, who is it grad-
uate of the .Agricultural College , :at
Guelph. has secured a very good posit -
on the editorial staff of tha 0o4c1., ,
ian Live Stock and'Farm Joirtmalaeub-
lished in Toronto,
Tho mooting vf the Moron Modieril
A.:680ciation, hold hero, last week, was
1arge:1y attended by mem-bora of the
medical profession froni all to of the
county, The day was occupied witIi
the presentation and discussion of a
etege number of ieteresting cases 1.11(1
priTII additioti to the eoetribut-
ion to the programme JJ local mem-
bers of the profeasion, an interesting
paper on "Electrolysis ha Practiee;" by
De. C. R.' Dickson, of Toronto, and stiles
ther on "Epilepsy," by Dr. J. Fergeson,
of Toronto, were highly appoctiated
Arrangements were mada for en annn
al picnic for Heston medistal men and
their families at Bayfield during- the
first 'week in August, The graduates
of Toronto Univeraity et the meeithig
decided unanimously to stipport the
candideture of I)rs Wright, Aikene,
McFarlane 1511(1 Cameron at the com.
ing Acction to the Senate of the Pro
ejecta] University.