The Exeter Advocate, 1892-7-7, Page 8Special—Dra v a line from the Pike
Shore directly east to Kippeu field then
by way a Stara and Cromarty to Fill-
larton and Russeldale, then south to
Kirkton and Woodham then west again
to Ciandeboye aud term inatieg by way
of McGuire, Mouut Carmel,Cerbett and
Greenway at Grattd Bend you have
the outside Boundary of the field whith
eims to cover with its goods and cue
tomers. To secure this we have to
keep a large supply and certainly are
not fading in this respeet. Our store
is literally crowded svith goods and
Holiday Stock ready for seekers °Viral-
iday Gifts. Every desireable thing we
could think of has been placed to meet
our customers wants and no.V we cor-
dially invite them and their friends to
call and pass a pleasant half hour in
looking through. We wish to make
our store worthy of
Both our Customers and Ourselves
and now with little fear ask for their
• Blq liARgAINS
Thi Big Buil* Zion
all at the elosest cut prices
during our great alteration
sale. 'We begin enlarging the
shop in two or three weeks.
Stock MUST bereduced before
the workmen take possession,
Do you want4a nice ordered
sui.`,? If you do we would like
to see you.
We can save you money sure.
Great values in Men's and
Boysready-made suit. See
them while our great sale is on,
6 Yes! We are still in the
Grocery racket. Choice, fresh
oe groceries
Less than Actual Cost
Remember for only $1, worth $1.40.
We blush to acknowledge
tbe feet that we are selling
choicest fresh groceriesfor less
than regular cost. But not
below ;hat they cost. NO!!!
We buy at claser prices than
regular house do.
and you will admit that 'We
are the Cheapest House in
Western Ontario.
Hate at half priee at J. IL Grienels,
NATIONAL TiLLK the sugar cOrited,
ailed htit thorough, and artethe best tettiln-
aeh and Liver Pills in use. '
'Hood's Sarsaparilla absolutely cures
all diseases Caused by iMpttre blood
and it builds up, thewhele system,
destroy the children. Fmemares Worm
Powders deetroy and expel all kinds of
Credit is often too eheap and ever-
buVing far too common.' Dont' t be
guilty ease ene, anddon' abuse the
efr. David Spieer• has been busily
engaged during the past' few days
adorning his residence ou Main street
with a coat of paint. '
Several stalks of teat were taken
from a field belongirese to Mr. Richard
Davis a few days ago that measured
5 ft, 6 ieches in height.
It is expected that an interesting
game of teethed will be played here
before lobes ,between 13rucefield and
Eden for a Purse of $50.
You will miss a great bargain if
you do .not call and leave your order
with J. II. Grieve for one of his $16
black Worsted suits. They are away
Are you goino.esanywhere this sum-
mer by ocean, lake or rail? .11 you are
it will be toyour interest to call on
Capt, George Kemp, Towe Hall, Exet-
er. Special rates to the Northwest.
A procla.znation has been issued by
the reeve eskIng the citizens of Exeter
to observe the 4th of August as Civic
Holiday. Don't forget the grand ex-
cursion on that date. See particular&
The mayor of Mount Forest imposed
a fine of $5 and costs on one • James
Brush recently for refusing to cut and
burn black knot after having been
notified by the InSpector. What about
several of our citizens?
It wont be for hick of heavy and
oft repeated showers that the crops
will suffer this spring as it manages ,o
rain almost every day of late. It the
wet weather does not soon cease it will
play havoc with the`fall wheat.
40 CENTS...As an in-
to new subscribers, we offer the ADVO-
CATE and the "Medical Adviser and
Farm Help" till the 1st of January,
1893, for 40 cents. Send in the names.
Mr. Davy, Exeter North, has accept-
ed the offer made to • him some time
ago to take charge of the Exeter bur-
ial grounds. The change will , take
place about*the 20th inst., and it is be
lieved that the trustees have selected a
man who is thoroughly capable Of un-
dertaking the work assigned to him.
j A Stewart.
Personal Mention. .
Miss Maggie Sheere, who has been
visiting friends and relatives here re-
turned to her home in London on Mon-
day.—Miss Clara Vosper, who has been
visiting in St. Marys, returned on Mon-
day.—Miss A. Murdock, of Lucan, who
has been visiting her sister 'etre. R. J.
isacrett, returned home on Monday.—
Mr. James Creech, Jr., and wife,of New
Dundee, have returned here and in
tend remaining for some time. it is not
their intentiou to return to New Dun-
dee.—Mr. Frank Friend and' two
daughters, of London, formerly of this
place, was in town on July 1st. Mr
Friend left in the evening and his two
daughters will remain for a few (Jaye.
—Miss Emma Hicks, of London, has re-
turned after visiting friends and rela-
tives here for a couple weeks.—Mr.
Henry Baker and Miss. Dida, Randall,
who have, been yisiting the former's
parentsneturned to Howard City,Mich.,
.vesterday, (Wed )—Mr. H. Kinsman
end sisters. who have been yisiting in
Toronto for some time, have returned
home. — Mr. Emery- , who has
been on an extended trip to the Mari
time provinces and elsewhere, has re
turned home. Also his wife has i.e.
turned home after a few weeks' visit
under the parental roof,---111iSS g. Cave
left on Tuesday to visit her paining in
• Bay City, Mich , for a conple of weeks.
—Miss Lottie Brawn, of Rochester, N.
V., is visiting her grandmother, .Mrs.
Brawn.—Miss E. Ilyndman is visiting
•• -friends in Barrie. --Miss McTavish, who.
wits ealled away to Ripley July lard's)
aceouni of the very neer' illne,ss
' her broth'
er caused by blood poisoning,
has re,turned hotme—Miss N. Martintie
visiting frieuds in Mount Forest -
Mr. E: Henbane wife and family,:.'
St. Marys, were the guests of Mr. E. I;
Fish,this week.---Lity Hardy,who has
Men a pupil of the Toronto Conserve`te,
ory sfmusio or some month, paesed
very creditable examihatiott recentliee
Cooke*. , » ,
A game of cricket was played eff't.,0
ASO m Nitride between LontIA
Remember Grieve the tailor is hay-
ing, a 30 day sale and is selling goods
at prices that will suit the people. Call
and see for youreelf.
. Bro. Dr, MeDarmaid, a G, M., in
stalled. the following officers for the en.
statig term of Exeter Lodge No. 07,
Independent Order of Odd 'Fellows:—
Bro. J, Rendle, J. P, 0.; D, Davis, N.G.;
A, Hastings V, G,; A. Hoskin, S,; A,.
Enke, P. S;'11. Lambrook, Treasurer.:
3. Herm W.; George Jewell, COW; R.
Richardson, I. O. G.; T. Prior, R.S.N.G, ;
W. Atkinson, L. S. N. G.; H. Bucking-
ham, R. S. V, G.; D.
P, Knight, L. S. S.; J. Jewell, S. S. S ;
I3raund, Chap. Bro. S, A. Popplestone,
P. G., will be the reprentative to the
Grand Lodge to be held, at Windsor in
The "looking backward" drill is the
very latest feature in socials'. The
,girls wear their dresses reversed from
the usual way, wear masks on the
back of their heads and have their hair
combed .down over their faces. But it
is supposed they wear their shoes in
the same old ste le:
All camping. parties and others who
intend visiting the pleasure grounds
at Grand Bend this summer will find it
of inteeeettvall at E. Christies liyery
stables.' '-'71rts:the intention of .the . pro.
rietorto run a bus.froin here to the
above; ermined place .on Tuesdays,
Thursday's and Sat urdays of each week
--eeturning on the same days.. Ord-
ers left at the stable will be promptly
attended to. •
Taking experience as the test there
can be no question about the superior
quality of the "Myrtle Navy" :tobacco.
From the first year of its manufacture
the demand ter it has steadily grown.
Even in the years which were marked
by our business depression, there was
no pause in ehe of the sale • of
it. In the dull years.of 1867-77 and
'78. the sales of it were vastly greater
than in the prosperous year of 1873.
At a meeting held on Monday for
the formation of a Lacrosse Club the
following officers were elected:—Dr.
Rollins, Pres. • H. Speck -mate Vice -Pres;
J. Senior, 2nd Vice President: R 5,
O'Neil, Treas.; J. Grieve, SecretarysS
Cominitte, J Senior, S. A. Popplestone,
Snell, J. If. Grieve, A. Spicer. .A.
meeting will be held to-morrow,Fridav
evening, in the Ts. wn flail. All who
wish to become members will kindly
attend. e ••et's given in Drew's Opera
House ottesFrula.y evenhig was not
largely attended, still this did not stop
the perforniers from givin g one of the
hest eoncerts that has been heard here
for Acnne time. The songs and other
renditions given by each performer
brought forth loud applause from these
coegtegatedi The Falcon Guitar Club
'deserve great credit for the" .perform-
enceliven and should they, return at
some future date no doubt,theY will be
greeted with asnuch larger 'Muse,
August. . e
For the past year .1 havebeen
led to a very great'extent with
ruff, also a -dullness of color in
and through, the .adviest.: of a
(who spoke front experience)
your Anti -Dandruff, .which u
a.pplication of less than a bottle
y hair
, your
liquid I find my head not ouly thor-
oughly cleansed but a vast imp ve-
ment in the color and growth. I e
and do recommend it as highly bene-
ficial to the profession and public gen-
erally as an agreeable and sveleome
innovation in the. remedies put forth
for public favor. Yours, etc., Wm. P.
WOLFE, Advertising Agt., "Frank
Daniels Co," Season 1890-91.
For Sale.
A number of canary birds.
at this office.
Parasol Lost.
In the village on Monday
lost. Fieder will confer a
leaving same at this office.
Farms for Sale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J. SpACFMAN, Exeter
a parasol
favor by
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing. to
be left at the leading boot and. shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
Sick List.
Mr. John Hawkshant is again on the
sick list and confined to his bed.—Mr.
David Johns is on a fair way to recov-
ery, having improved considerably
during the past week.
Prepare for Sommer Diseases.
If you have Cramps, if Toy have
Colic, if you have Diarrhea, or if you
have any summer eompiaint,—and you
are more than likely to suffer in that
way before the soft crab season is over
—buy a bottle of Perry Davis' Pain
Kilter, and secure instaneous relief
after one or two doses., In treating
several attacks of Cholera, bathe the
bowels with the Pain Killer. Twenty
drops of Mr. Davis' wonderful medicine
will cure a thild of the worst case of
Colic. .A. bottle of the Pain Killer can
be bought at any reputable drug store.
Price 25c., New Big Bottle.
*tA geodly representation of the 1. 0,
0, P: attended divine worshifi at ,, the
Presbyterian chueele, , teat ' Sabbethi
This -Was the atintial sarvice postponed
fieb: Veysi before. weather
syns-most turfeeterable, the rain pills-
1)4.°40"nily,.,trem rly mos , until
evetiiinees.. ,Msescy,theeefore who intend-
"edlelialte 'Part We, t6 "pyortnted from
doing,so, The Rev, W.; ,Martin ofticiat.
edi.4114 peettche,d" a ve.iy elOqUent •ser
mornlalitees for his text 1st chap. gen-
el Epietie to James. The Rev. gen.
Osman enoke hi a, very zorrimeodetory
way Of the Order and its principles,and
neged the brethere to continue their
AO took oacasion acr:
;Weigh the lieethern flint in their de-
vlbtiOn f Order sold their teeter's,
41 duties they be not forgetful of their
ittiefeish, their herring and their religien
,Rangslr, M. Eaeeett, deserves'
1:114401 ontc14 for the tielditsely manner
Aeylurn CeC,, and Exeter 0. 0 fon Fri, whieh Setarshelled the brethern
day lestethe former making a SCOre. ;tp 1014 titan !, .Ata meeting'
9a, first inttingS and 62 the NneOiRt ; 'tint .0f,the heather's afteelleterseeelee 4 vote
latter09 the first ;led 82 the second. ,of.thanke Wag peseel te lite -tendered to
Thee; a eletery for theeksylute CIO) by fbel,Rey. Vartin tor the able diecettree'
rtins, reltidqed by hint to thebrettlern,
OlNanEllitIll.—In Stephen, on Juno
l3Oth, Michael li'inkbeiner, aged G7
years, 10 months and 13 days.
Mrreuenste—In Stephen, eon 3. on Juir
1st, the wife of James Mitehell,of
Kers,—At Shipka, on June 26th, the
wife of Geo. Keys, of a son,
QUANen —In Biddulph, on the 29th
inst., the wife of Richard Qatince,
of a son.
Fire broke out shortly after 2 o'clock
on Tuesday morning. in Joshua
Warde,s harness shop, and before it
could be got under subjeetion Warcle's
shop, together with Jones and Mc-
Quade's butcher shop, Stewart's restaur
ant and the office by Lawyer Best
were badly gutted. The loss is un-
known. This is the second fire that
has broken out in this block of frame
buildings, and incendiarism is sus•
We have this week to record the
death of one of our oldest settlers in
the person of Michael Finkbeiner, who
passed from this transitory life to the
life beyond on Thursday, June 30th,
aged 67 years, 10 months and 6 days.
Deceased had been ailingabout two
months previous to his death from
heart trouble, which filially resulted
fatally. 'He leaves to mourn his loss
a beloved wife, four sons and two
daughters, all of whom are living in
Stephen township. His remains were
interred in tho Crediton cemetery on
Saturday, July 2nd. The bereaved
have our sympathy.'
Public School Board Minutes,
July 4th. Board met in the Town
Hall, absent W. Treble and W. D.
Weekes. Items passed:—Minutes of
previous meeting --per T. Fitton and
W. Hoskin, Miss Spicer to be paid pep
rata with the salary paid, to the De-
partment supplied—per pr. Lutz and
W. Hoskin, plans and tender of R.
Dennis'London, for fire escapes to be
accepted (cost $220) --per Dr. Lutz and
T. Fitton, the following accounts T.
Hartnoll, labour etc., $11.65; E. Follick,
eundries, $2.98;—per T. Fitton and W.
Hoskin. the council to be, requested to
levy the sum of $2500 for school pur-
poses for 1893—per T. Fitton a.djourn-
snifter/1:o. w• Escape. J. Gluons See)'•
Mr, John Snell narrowly escaped be-
ing killed on Friday morning last. He
drove to the fair ground and was
speedinghis pacing horse, "Little
Wonder," preparatory to the races in
the afternoon, when the horse stepped
into a hole or a soft placein the track
and felt, the sudden •stoppage landed
Mr. Snell.clear over the horse on his
head and shoulder. Mr. Snell rose to
.his feet but was so badly hurt that » he
had. to be conveyed to his home, and
medical aid summoned. while the horse
jumped up and paced ons if nothing.
had happened, until captured. Mr.
Snell is now in a very critical coedit
ion, suffering much intense pain, and
it is greatly feared that, if he gets
around again, he will be more or less
a cripple.
Excisemen to Sarnia.
A monster excursion under the aus
pices of the Masonic; Lodge and Court
1.0.0'F., Exeter, has been arranged for
on the L. IL & B., taking in all inter
mediate stations from Wiegharn to
Hyde Park, on Thursday,, August 4th,
1892, to Sarnia and return. The com-
mittee, who have charge, are sparing
no pains to make It the most eejoyable
affair the' has over beelt held of its
kind. Boats will be waiting at the,
dock to convey passengers down the
beautiful river and everything for the
convenience of exeurtionists will be
provided. On of theegreatest attract-
ions of the day will be the witnessing
of that great Subterfitnaan luting*,
called the St. Clair 'runnel, which is a
grind sight and worthy of seeing.
The committe,e has procured the best
possible rates, being only 95te from this
station, and other etatiens in » accord
ance, which is within the reach of all,
Any person desirious of remaining ev-
er until the following, day may dO, ece
withottt extra Charge: The 4th of
August hes been proclaimed Exeter
Civic Holiday, which Will give all citi-
zens a chance ef being present. Isere*
bills will be mit in a few days
full myth:Wars.
Fit,bEtto,--SnUttrit —Ott Lon4lon toad,
(near liensall) an the 6th inst., by
the 'ReAN J. S. lientlet'Slnil Mr.» John
Elder to »Misa Mary A., Smillie.
This Township can boast of possess
ing one of the finest picnic and camp
grouhds in Ontario situated just- thir-
teen miles west of Exeter, with its cool
shady groves, its picturesque scenery
and rippling rirers so inviting to the
pleasure seeker. Your correspondent
having had occasion to visit this beau-
tiful resort recently, and noticing the
many advantages that this recreation
ground provides, will give a minute
description of how the time is spent by
the various visitors. Along side this
ground lies the blue cristal waters of
Lake Huron with its fleet of pleasure
boats with throngs of people in holiday
array and beaming with glee,drinking
in the various pleasures which this
place affords. Some, could be seen with
bamboo poles hauling out the speckled
beauties, while others seemed to enjoy
being tossed bv the heaving' waves;
others again could be seen darting rap
idly to and fro on the several swings
which were provided. Some were con-
tent to sit on seats which nature had
etrewn along the beach and eng,asse in
warns hand shakes and 'cosey ' cats;
other e again of more studious natures
found a comfortable nook and whiled
away the hours pondering over the
Works of Gerome K. Gerome on "MV
Idle Honrs" and the life, character and
occupation of "Cupid" gp vividly pro-
trayed. Ay, such a raaknifleent galery
of human Pictures which afforded siich
a grand'intellectna.I treat of staidying
nature. A. short stroll northward. and
we are in view of Mr. Spackman's lit-
tle village of cottages with the sur-
roundings clean, tidy and healthful,
which cannot fail to impart pleasure.
In fact one cannot visit Canada's Fay•
'orite,Senimer Resort without being re
paid with pleasure and profit. --Mr. W.
Dearing has ieshing,led' his barn.—
People are hesitating about starting
haying as the weatherehas beep so un
pramisines—Material has been laid
down at "the Crediton bridge for the,
erection of a new one across the Sauble
at that place.—We, heye still in our
Midst somo useful members of the fai r
sex, who after having completed their
househo'd duties could he setht regular-
ly in the field cutting thrstles.
had on Exhibition at one time a
horse covered with sheep skins
which he styled 'a mountain goat", and on being asked why
he did this he said: "the public liked to be humbugged" Now
we do not propose to adopt this plan of
nby exhibiting a mountain goat, but simply to
5a Ts
estill TO\VN.
E.». Spackman & Co's.
which we are, prepared te carry out at all times, when a mer-
chant tells you he is giving away goods you can count to a
moral certainty on the statement being false, or when a mer-
chant sells you an article at or below costyou may depend that
lie Will alto it ilf) oaSaiRotttiqg else
before he gets through with you.
There must be some profit.or a merchant can't live,but
Carling 13ros'. Stock Must Go
and therefore we offer everything at the very smallest margin
of profit consistent With honest and fair dealing.
The best discount we can offer is 5 per cent off for cash,
Butter 13 cts; Eggs 10.1 in trade.
FIELD 1111111,11).
All Kinds of FENCE WIRES.
ALABASTINE in all Shades.
Full line of Tinware, Cheap,
for Cash at
EAD 111111S1 ARmiodsBt aTilloBN1o.wR860Bluslr
3 Still takes the lead in the Furn-
iture business. 1 am too busy to call on people in need of
furniture, but please drop in my wareroOms and see my stock ,
and 1 will -try and suit you in this line.
Ordered work neatly done on shorteet notice.
Remember I have also a
handsome line of
Undertaking Goods0
_ways on hand.
Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis-
faction guaranteed every time,
Stand .next MOlson's Bank,
Exeter, COFFEES.
Dr. Garlalig's •Sookitarg to FEL
it is better than all others.
1.—It will not get out of order.
2,—It it cheaper than any other Cain
3.—It will last five tittles as long as any ordinary lamp filler.
4. ---Because it is non corrosive, as it is zinc arid tin, which form a meg-
tietic, action and keep it from corroding.
5.—It will do the work in one-fourth of the. time.
6.—It will not soil the floor and shelf,
never sweats oil,
gives you perfect control of the oil.
9.—It is tilwavS twat anti safe.
10 --It will strengthen the lungS.
• , This Can line been examined by experts and pronounced to be the best
they ever sau.
•ittata. lIttalthy, Stelialcie and. Ohetp.
'they are vented in every house Where coal oil is used, The fastest selling -
article in the mai ket,