HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-7-7, Page 4TI "getter buo.cate4 `4$4NDZR$ SWET,.p.J.Scaps‘ ErAspAY, July 7th, 1892, natia's Silver Jubilee was goner - .1111,1y observed throughout the Domiii- rsan. Tho majority in Parliament to sup7 ert the government policy has reach- ed 13,0.. Canada as sent the first contribua ion of exhibits to the World's Fair at aCificago. Opium delis run by unprincipled Chinamen have been discovered in "'Toronto. Henry M. Stanley and wife were -mobbed near London, Eng., in an at- lasmpt to address the electors of Lam- beth. The Caron Commissioners on the eye 1 Commision have been gazetted. Will Edgar and Sir Richard stand to the guns, Will it be beleived that the Toronto kalobe had nothing whatever to say about "Canada's Natal Day"? How ..;,are the mighty fallen? Lively times in Ireland just now. 'The Parnallites and Anti's are break - Ana; each other's heads -the best argil - "anent for witholding Home Rule An unworth3., Minister of the gospel ..lof peace hoisted the Stars and Stripes -raver the British flag at Wia.rton, Of aeourse it was pulled down by the citi- zens. The Hon. John Robson, Premier of :British Columbia, a former resident of Perth, Ont, died rather suddenly in London, Eng., while there on public usiness. A. ;large deputation of members from athe House of Commons waited on the government, asking for an increased •a,"tidenanity for members' pay up to 41500 for the session. The Toronto Board of Trade has tretry prudently rejected Mr. Erastus Winsan's application to represent them azt London on the United Empire ,Lelsanabers of Commorce. Lord Randolph. Churchill has been asle.cted by acclamation in support of :tate Government -and 85 constituenc- "in which no opposition will be offer- .oad te unionist candidates. To show the effects of free trade in England, in ten years or so the iron attrade has decreased by half a million -tons, while in protectiye foreign Coun- tries it has more than doubled. .At London, Ont., 15,000 people par- aticipated in the demonstration on Do- minion Day. The proceedings were op - "cried with prayer by the Bishop of Hu- uean. after which the British flag was foisted. 'One firm in Halifax, N. S., has dur :aing the last three months shipped 12,000 barrells of Canadian flour to the West Indies. Such is the way the for- eign market is opening up for our ifzera products. At t$19.e Trade Congress in London, .4.Eng, Sir Charles Tupper's amendment 'tfavering a 5 per cent differential duty 'was supported by 19 Chambers of Com- ; merce and opposed by 2 -although it 'was defeated in the general Congress. Sir Jno Thompson and Lord Hannen •:etre the, Commissioners appointed by t the Imperial government in the raat- of the Behring Sea arbitration. -gutiging from the tounsel engaged on aihe British sides,Canada's interests will he fully protected. That Pontiac, Q., has been redeemed another proof of the people's confid- ence in the present government. Mr. e Bryson., the Conservative Candidate, was elected last week by over 700 of a anajoadty over Mr. Murray, the liberal est.ndidate, who was unseated for grit orruption, Under Lord Salisbury's administra 7ation since 1885, a vast extention has "ebeeta given to British territory in Asia, -,Africa and Australia -a -comprising ov- aferttraO million square miles of areaavith ,Ielose on to twenty million inhabitants is foreign, as well as Colonial policy, lias been a, decided Success, •••••••••••4 According to the latest bulletin is, -atled bythe department of Finance at 'Ottawa, filo egg trade with Great Brit- ,o,An has aaattined large proportions, the Dumber shipped for the six months ending March 30th having reached 1,6..03,901 dozens at 12 1,7. cents, The total imports of agricultural 'produce int e the Mother Country frOin Canada reached tho handsOme sum of 'nearly twenty four and a half million dollars, IMPENDING PAOANISM, Bulletin number 9 of the Depart- , ment of A.grieulture, dealing with the religions of the people of Canada, re- ports an increase in the church nopula tion .of the country of 475,701. But this number practically represents the total increase in population, so that not much significence can be attached thereto. In the United States the cen- sus enumeration was confined to com- municants, and therefore possessed more importance. One fact disclosed by the American returns is that the Roman Catholich Church possesses property worth $118,381,561, and other denominations property worth 8463,- 000,000. In the face of such figures few would be bold enough to suggest a decline in Christianity; yet President Hyde ot Dowdoin college has a most interesting article in the Juno Forum on "Impending Paganism in New England." Some remarkable facts are presented• in this article. Thus, the writer gives this statement as a sum- mary of statistics recently ,gathered by the Maine Bible Society: "The com- bined statistics oE fifteen counties (in Maine, show that of 138 445 families, 07,482 are nut attendants upon. any thurch." This is not th&. moat serious aspect of the question. Ac- cording to Prof. Hyde there is no vi- tality in the iural church system. It is frittered away in an unequal strug; gle to maintain mere denominational- ism, so that as a friend said to Prof. Hyde, of home -missionary work in Minnesota, "the only mission of any man out there was to go up and down the state burning half the churches." The situation is the same in rural New England, as Prof. Hy -de has found out. "Financially, the churches arson the verge of bankruptcy. What mon- ey is raised comes not directly in sub- scriptions and pew-rentals,but through the sewing circle, from fairs and ent- ertainments. The churchls supported practically by a club of women, not by families and men." But excess.ve denominationalism is an.effect rather than a cause. "The real line of divis., ion, between. Christian" odity,"aySays Prdf. Hyde, is not betwetin datioriliezi; tions but between the broad and nar- row.men of all denominations,' Who will say th at this fact With all its dis couraging features is wholly inappli- cable to Canada." In many parts of tie country the same division and !lis- sipation of force is observable, and for years Principe, Grant has protested against the loss of energy caused in this manner in Northwest 'missions. A MERITED CASTIGATION. The House of Commons for the past two weeks has been pushing th:ough the public business at railway speed - the members of goyernment spending from early morning to midnight in holding cabinet meetings, or attending all day sessions of parliament. Sir John Thompson's Criminal 13111 was finally passed,as also the Government's Re -distribution Bill with some few amendments. But Sir Richard Cart. wright could not allow the present par liament to close without bringing in his bill of indictment against the Gov- ernment, charging them upon the au- thority of the Toronto Globe with con- spiracy against the state. and whole'z sale. bribery and corruption. The Car- on charges formed the chief burden of Sir Richard's acta.ck, and he endeavor- ed to fortify his position by quotitig facedmiliee of letters and documents in the case as published by the dlobe. The favorite haekneyed phrase of that scurrilous sheet -"reptile fund" -was repeated ad novuseam by Sir Richard, who displayed a `venom and a fertile use of certain adjectives for veluch the doughty knight has become so diking uished an adept. It seems that Sii Richard had expressed his determinat- ion to haye the leader of the Commons present in his place when his oppon-, ent's arraignment wee made. Sir John Thompson rose iinmediately to reply in the midst of vociferous cheering by the Conservative members, and admin- istered to the Apostle of bine ruin suck a well -merited castigation as Was nev- er perhaps heard before on the floor of the Commons. After expressing hie obligations to the member for South Oxford for the opportunity afforded of replying t� his charges, Sir John Thompson hurled back with ?indignat. ion the base insinuations made by a man who, while ia office, jobbed thc public treasury for purposes of pont': ararlIgaRa 11114111111 "eaaaa Has demonstrated its wonderful power of KILLING EXTERNAL and INTERNAL PAN. No wonder Men that it is found on The Surgeon's Shelf The Mother's Cupboard The Traveler's Valise, The Soldier's KnapsaZIC The Sailor's Chest The Cowboy's Saddle The Farmer's Stable The Pioneer's Cabin The Sportsman's Grip The Cyclist's Bundie 'ASK FOR THE NEW Es BIG 25c BOTTLE 141,414.Cglig[1.122.113Y-SSOMSSWA17.11 calprostration by lending money to the public banks without interest, in order to keep the Liberal party in po Wer. Ile showed in caustic terms how. in every constituency during the bye - elections where Sir Richard had spok- en, he had reduced the strength of his party by 50 per cent and rolled up a sweeping mojorities for the Conserva- tives -that his own party barely toler- ated Sir Richard as one of their lead- ers -that his quarrel with the Judges who sat on election trials, or on Royal Commissions, was virtually the same as that of the convict who quarrelled with the officer who lashed his back -that Sir Richard convenient- lyforgot that, in order to secure an election in a certain county in 1887, he had (as the public records would proye) spent nine times the amount said to have been expended by the Caron charges, and that he could sit cheek by jowl in Parliament with any man .w,hose.election had coat 'the coun'ery: alearly $36,000 -and, finallya•Sir John Thoinpson referred to the damaging evidence taken at the London election trial, 'and, other election trials as well where the most disgraceful bribery had been practiced. Sir John conclud- ed one of the most brilliant and,.crush- ing speeches ever deliveredin Parlia- ment by expressing the belief that ev- ery sensible person would repudiate Sir, Richard s abuse of his own country, espccially of the electors of Ontario, and the ridicule heaped upon their patriotism by this admirer of Ameriean institutions. THE Wel SIIINGTON CONFER ENCE. In the recent message from Presi. dent Harrison to the Senate the follow- ing passage occurs: "Mr. Blaine re ports as one of the results of the con ference an informal engagement to re- peal and abandon the drawback of 18 cents a ton given to wheat -gran - that is carried through to Montreal and shipped therefrom to Europe., It was understood that the Canadian Commissioners, who were all members of the Cabinet, would see to the with- 'drawal of the discrimination.' From the report of the recent conference by Mr. Foster, it will be seen that the Can anian Commissioners declare that this statement does not conform .to thir unders:anding, and the only assurance they had intended to give was that the complaint of the Government of the United States should be taken into consideration by the Canadian Minist- ery on their return from Ottawa." The Canadian delegates had no au- thorith to pledge the Grvernment upon this point. the very language Used by Mr. Blaine makes it apparent that the matter was to be referred to their colleagues. Further we have authority for saying that the recollect ions of the Canadian Ministers is con. firmed by the British Ambassador at Washington, Sir Julian Pauncefote. Thus, the *eight of evidence is decide: - 1y in their favor. The only promises actually made are understood to have been: - 1. rihat Canada would participate in a joint commission for the demarcat- ion of the boundary line between New Brunswiek and Maine passing through Passarnacittoddy }lay, for the prevent- ion of futtire disputes, ' 2, A similar commission to enquire ‘13°,1.‘icia°91°.03)c14!oligaltli".tt)11)017011.43t1; nAlIOTON, as Lb ea milady in a oonaomied form tbo substances actually needed to en- rich the Blookeuriug t.r.k clvisoeonis:isanac \11\714itiazg. 13Loon, or from Irr.erATEn lit:Mona in he Bzoon, and also nyigorate and Bo= u.r. the Bnoon and .'.,1"sa‘11.01i, when broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease, exoesses and indiscre- tioAs. They have a Snorsla Amami on the Snx.mtr., Srevod of both men and women, restoring Lon vioon arit ovLooArrztAisacl ng aani h dull or failing, or Who finds his mental fac. gi ag Mg, should take these Prta,s. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental. 'VERY W. should. tom therm E 'l4 Sifl licy cure all sup- pressions and nr.egularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. YOUNO14EN %.0.yldwtili,eetuhreetsefi'arcmres: sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. Y011110 WORIER ,phoetsiled -1,0,11r,(r),schvoiaji make them regular. For sale byall druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50e, per box), by addressing 27128 DR. liaLl./..4211,S, 90. . C;z4, VallMetaUdet116.1[MINROltrint.tlanlinarokilVnomilelloMaltnitain•trelan. In the -matter of -John G. Smallacom be of ithe Village of Exeter, Merchant Tailor, insolveub, and of R. S. C., Chap. 12,1, and .amending Acts. Notice is hereby given that the above nam- ed Insolvent has made an assignment of all his Estate to Robert G-ibbo 118, Esquire, Sher- iff or the County of Huronpursu4mt to the above Sta. tute,fur the benefit (general) of his creditors. ,Creditors are required to file their claims -with the said Sheriff, duly erifluil and as re- quired by said. Statute. 'A meeting of the creditors of the saia In- solvent is hereby convened for TUESDAY, the 12113 day of July,prox., at the hour 01 11.80 o'clock, a. in, at the office of the said Sheriff in the Court House in the town of Coderich. Dated this 29th day of ,Juno, 1801. LEWIS Ti. DICKSON, Solicitor for Assignee FOR SALE. An upright Pian o (Mason & nisch) -7 oct- ave -almost new. Apply at this office. into and report upon the pollution of international streams. 3 A similar commission to take pre- liminary steps to define the boundary line between Alaska and British Col- umbia .4 Theadoption of reciprocal internat ional Wrecking regulations. No doubt the facts with reference to. this matter will 'come out in Proper time. The absurdity of the President's pretence that the rebate of tolls allow- ed to vessels which carry grain to a Canadian port for transhipment to Montreal is'a breach of WaStinta- ton treaty, is shown by the fact that the commercial clauses of that treaty including article 27, which is alleged to be violated, were long since repeal- ed, and a Congressional Committee, upon which the abbess jurists of the United States acted, has reported that American vessels use the Canadian Canals on sufference. John Aikens Of St.Nla.ry's,Ont. A Great Sufferer from • yspepsia Perfectly Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla The best stomach tonics known to medical science are so happily com- bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it i cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia n its severest forms, when other medicines fail. In many cases Hood's Sarsapa- rilla seems to possess a magical touch, so quick and so gratifying the relief. Read the following from an aged and respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont.: "1 am very glad to give this testinionial as to what HoOd's Sarsaparilla has done for Inc. I suffered very much with dyspepsia. I have been taking medicine For 25 Years and! never had anything do me as mum good as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every Symp.. tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap- peared and I feel that a cannot praise the medicine too highly. I Eat Better, Sleep Better and feet stronw than I Acme far mangi veers.1 have taken six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, bought of Mr. Sanderson, the druggist," Joltzr Anc.uNs. COliDIAL 'ENDOliSEME26.7. Prom Mr. Sanderson, the Druggist. "I know Mr. Aiken to be a strictly honest, straightforvvard man, and take much pleasure In testifying to the truth of the testitnonial he giveS above." F. G. SANDERSON, Drug- gist, Queen Street, at Mary,s, Ontario. H. 0- OR'S Piat.e, the bast attorananor Inns, assist agoatiou,, prevent .eonstipation.. 'IP NISH NEI:WINE TEM GREAT SPANISH RU/11/479Y, easily, quickly and Permanently restores Weaktess, Nervousness and lioost3traia40.4. 11 GoAsm.urpsr. $peeifie for 1,10 and Neuralgia, Hysteria, Dizziness, convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use 1 Tobacco or Alcohol, I.osa 01 Power either Sex, Involuntary Loses caused by over -indulgence. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case or refund the money; so a box, (3 boxesfor $5. Address 17.8. Agents Sean - 11 Atil) A1T84 0810, kip, UV:WWII° Co.. Detroit, Mich. Sold by druggists, xo,or sago 821 taceter by J. W. ltr OW1111110i. 'DEE Et! nal Emil° chug'. A complete stock of Pare and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. ititt IIISpoillos9 Druggist's NOB At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. 00011111 POW6Of the best in the market. C. LUTZ, PROP. London Huron «, Bruce Railway Passenger Tune Table, GOING NON0M. 8+.121. p.m. London,dep't 8.05 4.25. Lucan Cros'g 8.47 5.20. Clandeboye 852 528 Centralia 995 5.45, EXETER 9.16 557. Hensall 9.28 0.09. Kippen 9.34 6.17. Bruoefield 9.42 6.26, Clinton 10.00 6.45. Londesboro' 10.19 7.03. Blyth 10.28 7.12. Belgrave 10.42 7.27. Winaham 11.00 7.45. GOING SOirrli. am. p.m. Wingham 7:05 340. Belgrave 7.21 4.00. Blyth 7.38 4.15. Londesboro' 7.47 4.25. Clinton 8.07 4.45. Brucefield 8.20 5.04 Kippen 8.34 5.12. Hensall 8.41 5.19. EXETER 8.57 5.57 Centralia, 9.09 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Cros'g 9.24 6.02 London a..rr 10 15 64.6 CAL TI(M. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY! IS MARKED . IN BRONZE LETTERS. 1 ONE OTHER GENUINE $759000.00. -All persons who want - CHEAP ()IVEY at 5, 6 and 6L: PER CENT should call -a'.; the - Office of R L COLLIBTS, NE GOODS! Spring & Summer Suits. Having added a stock of FINE WOOLLENS, CLOTHS, WORSTEDS,CASSIMERES, SUITINGS, TROUSER- INGS, &c., &c. I am now prepared to meet the wants of my customers and all others in need of clothes. A complete stock at lowest prices. Particular Attention Given to Orders. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. PALACE IIAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up his parlor and restaurant -will serve - ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Aleo large supply of Confectionery, Bread Buns, Cakes &c. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left With George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their SettSoll. DWOSS, nexxsall. Having purchased the interest of MR, ROBERT BJCHARDSON in the Flour and Feed business I wish to an- nounce to all eastomers that I tinue to supply all kinds -of FLOT.77) 4111) to .thdse in need of such and will bo found in the tand, DREW'S BLOCK OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, with a full line of All Kinds of Seeds. Provisions delivered to all parts of the village with promptitudd. Highest cash price paid for Butter and eggs. JESSE WESTON, Prop. All accounts must be settled with the proprietor as soon as .convenient for. those indebted to the same. . READ AND LEARN. That our Planing Mill, Sash Dar & Blind Fact ory is fitted up with the latest improve ments. We are prepared to do planing and' matching, baud and: sorellsawing, turning mouldin.,, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YARD you will find a large. andwell assorted stock of all kinds of' buildi ugma terials. Pin e amct hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed., See our stock of x x and x x x Pine Shingles manufuctured, by the best makers in Ontario. We also have 0 large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent value. No.1 Pine Lath con - stab tly in Stock We have a large stook of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up 'with mach- inery S.pecuiliy adapted for making all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns, which 'WC can furnish to our customers on short notice. We show something new 121 11110 lino for watering cat- tle in the ffeld or barnyard. Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting in ucli attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used. Call and examine the above named stock, all. of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter Furniture Undertaking HEADQUARTERS. CURTAIN POLES. The only place in town were you have an assort- ment to'choose from. Pol- es cut any length desir- ed. COVERS., , A fine line of covers just arrived, have your furniture re covered and made new in the latest styles. FURNITURE. In furniture we have the largest and best stock in town at the lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety of picture mouldings. S. GIDLEY. Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationery. W. G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros'.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BIS$ETT. Exeter Illusical Ninon EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We cary the most complete stock Q Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &O. The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A GALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN