The Exeter Advocate, 1892-6-30, Page 8111UII1PI filllly�N111HGfDIET
" l�pe0ial—Draw a liuc floes the Lake
,oro directlymeet to 1 ipporl'and then
way fiaand Cromarty y� of Sia i at Ci s
lerton,and Russetdale, thensouth to
Kirleten and Woodlham then west again
to Clandeboye and terminating by way
of McGuire, Blount Oarmel,Corbett and
Greenway at Grand Bend yon have
the outside 1oundary of the field which
aims to, cover with its goods natl ens
tomers. To secure this we have to
keep a large supply and certainly are
not failing in this respeet. Our store
is literally crowded with goods and
Holiday Stock ready= for seekers of Hol-
iday Gifts. Every desireable thing we
eould think of has been placed to meet
our customerswants and no v we cor-
dially invite them and their friends to
call and pass a pleasant half hour in
looking through. We wish to make
our store worthy of
.Both our Customer's and Ourselves
and now with little fear ask for their
THE MART. wa OtOr.
Th ig 6�ahrupt SlAro
all at the closest cut prices
during our great alteration
sale. We' begin enlarging the
shop in two or three weeks.
Stock MUST be reduced before
the workmen take possession.
Do you want a nice ordered
sub? If you do we would like
to see you.
We can save you money sure.
Great values in Men's and
Boys' ready-made suit. See
them while our great sale is on.
22 pounds best Grauuhtecl Sugar for 81.00.
Ye.s! We are still in the
Grocery raehket• Choice, fresh
Less than Actual Cost
We blush to acknowledge
the fact that we are selling
choicest fresh groceries for less
than regular cost. But not
below what they cost. NO!!!
We buy at closer prices than
regular house do.
and you will admit that we
are the Cheapest Rouse in
Western Ontario.
2 pounds best Soda for Ge.
J. A. Stewart,.
Forte. -.ate•
A number of canary birds. Apply
at this office.
17earnIs to °gale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J. SPAoi>xAN, Eeter
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shares that need repairing; to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post otlice. 0.
cortnCiil P1•0 ,'ding s.
Conned met 28th June, 1502 All
present except\fr. Carlin,;. The mut•
antes of the last meeting. were reed and
confirmed, D. A Ito,ss --II Speck ino n
--that the Thieve, lfr. Christie and the
Road Committee be npnoi iccl to exaln-
iue gravel pits and decide, where to
c (t it from.—Carried, The council
edjourne(1 until Wednesday, dnesdal, July Gil(,
at 8 o'clock p M. M. EACILETT, Clerk,
or.Ta, Red t)e000re.
• The following we take from the
Iiamilton Eneetca.loi, concerning a fur
frier I;sefeefte:-At Christ Church ca
thornet I.Friday rnornirig, T;ishnp Main
• ikon ordained ?'Ir. RFI• Archer deacon.
Mr. Archer was formerly rnenaiger of
the \'folsons Bank, Exeter, and will be
stationed' at Stanford and Nigara
i''a1Is South as curate.
rv1lteetal..7E'asouie Sermon.
The members of Lel)a:tlon Forest
r.,odge, No. 1t11), fitly selected the Sittl.
•lav preceding Si• John's Day, for their
church service. A large curlier of
1 rethern assembled at the Masonic
hall at about 245, and after a proeess-
inn was termed under the direction of
rhe worthy st,c:rto.ary, Bro. \I. Idaacrett,
loft the hall at about 8 o'elock and pro
t'eeded to the Tri. vitt Memorial church,.
were :Bro. F.1I, Katt delivered a very
Appropriate and i0811 u •tive sermon,;
'akin„ for his text iit. Jinni, chap„,
ar d part of the 85th ,r r rsey: "Welk
.chile ye hav(s the light lest darkness
come Ltl ryon." The following visit,
ink blast hero were in at tondaulee: ---
Right Wor. 1?rn, Robertson,' T)Istriet
Deputy Grand Mester, 'Middlesex ' disa
i l
Y: et, a nd 13r('r. ('} Knl,,ig
ht,of llclertn,r,
'Woe Master McKay, Bre T%Ills, 1 re,.
tr_ t
's t Ire h s' a rl I3 r. I t el
nr rnft o �.
"hum, I3 1
1 i 't
ins, of %r)rieh Lodge, The collgrcgalt
i�1n Willed not in trains,_ numbers and'
thi3 church rias nearly full,
The Falcon Band, of London, will
furnish music at the Centralia Festival
.30 voices aided by full l3and will
resider Canada's National Hymns at
the Centralia Festival.
To morrow will be the one hundredth
anniversary of the founding of Upper
Canada—noir Ontaro.
Don't miss the Falcon Concert Com-
pany, of London, in'crew's Opera
House on FLiday evening.
The various departments of the D.xe-
ter Public School close this week for
the summer vacation.
Jttne promises to be warm and wet
to the end. There is little danger that
rt'elis trill drrr up this summer,
Reserved Seats can bo secured" at
Lutz's drug; store for the Falcon Con-
cert Company to morrow evening.
The Exeter Cricket Club intend
playing a game with the Asylum
sant of London, on the1 tofJuly 'r
team,o , s in
the city.
Brick are being delivered on the
premises of Mr. 'Wm. Snell; �Irillflim
St., for the erection of his new resi-
Remember Grieve the tailor is hay-
ing a 30 day sale and is selling goods
at prices that will suit the people. Call
and see for yourself.
The case tried at Goderich recently,
Levett vs. Martine, an action on a con
tract for the purchase of a quantity of
oats. Judgement was reserved.
The 12th of July will be celebrated
this year at Bayfield Bic preparations
are being made to accommodate the
many' visitors that are expected.
A game of football was played on
the old race course on Saturday even-
ing' between Eden and Exeter, result-
ing in four straight goals for the: visit•
ing team.
A Montreal weather prophet offers
the following fore,tst for July:—"A hot
sultry July. Great storms (tornadoes)
copious rains, damaging lightning. A
whole summer in itself.
Mr. Thomas Hartnel occupied the
pulpit in the. James St. Methodist
church on Sunday morning' last, and
the Rev, John Russell, of Elimville, in
the evening.
The Exeter firemen have received
an invitation to be present at a demon-
stration in Strathroy on July 4th, but
they have not decided whether they
will attend or not.
Dear England—Take back the wen
ther you are giving. as. . \1'ha,t's the
use of hiring learned men to snake pro-
babilities when the climate is making
weather so persistently moist
Are you going anywhere this sum•
mer by ocean, lake or rail? If you aro
it shill be toyour interest to call on
Capt. George Kemp, Towa Hall, Exet•
cr. Special rates to the Northwest.
Mr. Ardagh Staulake, who left here
some time ago for Manitoba, we are
sorry to learn, met with a painful ac-
cident by- dislocating;• his ankle. He is
confined to the house and likely to lie
for some time to come.
Thr. first exhibit to be taken into the
‘S•orld's Fair at Chicago was entered
at the Custom on Friday last, and con-
sisted of thirtee;i enormous kgs. con-
taining 1.15,:35,1 feet of lumber, which
had been cut in the wilds of Canada.
VtThile Mr. William Baker:, earthier,
was passing this office yesterday he
tossed in a stalk of 'rhubarb which
measured 28 inches in length and
weighed nearly a pound. .EIe also
showed us the feat, which was an enor-
mous size.
Exeter Court, I. 0. F., will attend
divine service in Caren Presbyterian
church on Sunday morning at eleven
o'clock, wh .ii a sermon will be deliver
ed by the Rev. Win. Martin. All the
momber's are requested to meet in the
lodge room at 10:30.
No -rnoker who has ever used the,
Myrtle Navy tobacco for, say a month,
ever relinquishes it for any other
brand. Its flavor is rich and full, and
it never burns the tongue or parches
the palate it is, in fact, the If.e plus
ultra of smokui o' tobacco.
For the accotumorlatioe of Exeter
people wishing to attend the Centralia
Festival on Dominion Day. Mr. Essery
wil'run a 1a.rgc buss, leaving Exeter
Town Jfal1 at 1 p. m. and c„ 3t) p.m , re-
hiring from Centralia, at 0:30, and also
It 10 p. nt.: in the event of malty Wish-
r nh
ills to remain for the evening concert.
Fore for round. trio 23e
The Public School Leaving and En•
trance examinations l:ege11 here on
Tuesday, there 11et1'1( over ninety
scholars writing on the. di.ferent sub-
jects. Owing to these examinations
taking place the scholars 1rt the, .Priv-
cipaal's room were given a holiday, but
school will not close until Thursday
Twat Handford, who has been an
inmate of 81. Joseph's hospital London,
for some: time past returned home on
Saturday last. lirl lIe there h hail
he inor'c�.d frons his leg a large absoc,ss,
from 'whi li•ii had been suffering ••for
Although somewhat reduced
In flesh, he will, no donit, sooi) be :able
to attend to his duties again, 1 -lo
speaks very. highly of the manner in
r h e he was :treated and tt,d 'L d caroti for
while there.
For th(t past•ear I have ln'c'n trou
bled to a very greet extent with Datnil
ritt'f, a Iso a d1111rness of color iia my' hair
cr ,..,
nod' tha•ott h .Ire. '1 vi •P -. f
c ., t , ci e of a filen
(who slhnke from experience); 1' tri"
n I' Anti r u ltt i)airdruft". which Upon A (., tpot to
a:pl�)lieattiatt of loss than a, bottle oft ur
rrindlm }t not 1
findt a.d on
i� } or.
oltghly c leatrlale,d bat a'' vast ixnpr vo
f:�nt iii the dolor and growth, 1 1 tve!•
nd do recotnmend it as highly b .o
' ra
) r;+rl 10 rha, pl•tifessihmeintl public; a•e.'f-
r,ally as an .agreeable and rrekome
nn '1+: tam
a l .11n the>, lI,put ,f
c wlet esforth
for public favor, lotus, etc., Val a' 1.-)
rJt tYt ,
Advertising it, ' 1
A tk
,� Agit,* .l . xt
Daniels Co." Seasorn 1800 DI,:
Rev, A. L Russell,: 13. D,; Rev. John
kloltnes and others will speak at Oen
traiia, July 1st.
We understand that a post office is.
to be established at I)eyon'slhortly,with
Itir, Kelland as postmaster.
000AStON'AL DOSE$ of ;t good cattier
tic like Burdock Pills We necessary to keep.
the blood pure and the body healthy.
The municipal qualification for vot-
ers, in towns of 3,000 and ' under,, has
been reduced to W0(4'411414 townships
to X100.
Mx, J. Sheers and his famous Shad
owgraphs;promises to be a ,;rand:: feat-
ure,at Drew's Opera House on Friday
You will Miss ,a great bargain if
you do not will and leve your order
with J. H. Grieve for one of his $10
black Worsted suits, They are away
down, •
Oar thanks are due Mr. A. Allan for
several boles of • Strawberries which
Were given to us last week. Such
favors are thankfully received no mat
ter how small.
Mr. Park,. of London, will bring: the
Edison Phonograph to Centralia for
Dominion Day.
The concert to be given in Drew's
Opera House on Friday evening will
conclude with a laughable farce entit-
led "Unjust Justice" Which will be giv-
en by the company.
50 -As an in-
to new subscribers, we offer the Anvo-
CATE and the "Medical Adviser and
Farm Help" till the 1st of January,
1895, for 50 cents. Send in the names.
During the week several of our citi-
zens have been busy haring, but the
haryest will not be in full swing until
next week. It is said that it will be
one of the heaviest hay crops ever har-
vested in this section of country.
The Concert Company consists of
eighteen `1.8) different members and is
one of the best on the road. Come and
hear them on the evening of the lst.
The fight for the featherweight
championship of the world between
George Dixon (colored), of Boston, and
Fred Johnston,of England,took place at
Covey Island Monday night, and was
won by the former, who knocked his
opponent out in the fourteenth round.
J. W. Grant has taken charge of the
dining loom recently erected at Grand
Bend by Mr. Spackman. Partici; wish-
ing meals or board by the week can
make satisfactory arrangements with
hint The hest accommodation provid-
ed. He will run the Parkhill restaur-
ant as usual.—Parkhill Gazette.
"Canada's Face Slapped" is the head,
ing over the message delivered by the
Republican party's errand boy at
Washington. Pshaw, that don't count.
Canada has been having her face slap
ped and her pockets picked by the
same fair hands right along. And
still this nation is doing business at
the old stand.
The late heavy rains'have knocked
down the fall wheat through this
district, and ithere there is a heavy
rank growtih the crop to ilai`ivith the
ground. The straw is weal: and sap-
py, and in many cases it is doubtful if
lodged wheat will gain strength
enough to stand erect a_•aain, which of
course will militate against the cereal
ripening properly.
It is expected that a wedding. will
take place to -day at the residence of
Mr. D. M. Colborne; Tilsonbure,, when
Mr David S. Ta:it.former iv of this place,
is to be united in wedlock to Miss
Bertha E. \fudge, of that town. We
join with many friends and old aassoei
ate in wishing himself and wife a fa
ture of unbroken happiness.
An interesting; event took place at
the residence of Mrs Hicks, M111street,
vesterdai• (Wed.) I.he occasion being.
the inarr'iage of her eldest daughter,
Melinda, to Mr. Charles Williams, The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
V. McDonnell. Tho groom was sup-
ported by his brother, John W., while
the bride was assisted by her sister.
Emma. The well wishes of the Anvo-
(1ATE are extended to the happy coup -
The strawberry festival give:011(101'
the auspices of the f.ndics' 11111 of the
.T.Imes street llcthndist church on Fri•
de evening was largely attended
This was the first of the s,., -con and ti ,1d
large quantity of cream anid berries
was dispensed with. Neither pains nor
exl1onsc, 11ad been ;pared, hen(e the re-
sult of the receipts amounting to near.
ly S70. Great praise is duo the com-
mittee who had Chari c for their en
dearorsitt making it such a grand
On Tuesday last while a number of
Biddulphcse:s were driving home. all
apparently inebriated, one of the party
who had on a heavy load of shingles
a 1
and lath, h S
and whose, eyesight nlnst
Imre surely failed hint drove into the,
ditch when in front of MMlr. T; I;. Carl-
in,'; residence., upsetting the load and
the material going in every direction..
A. nnmbet 01 onlookers set to work and
helped„the load on again, and sent.
them oh their Way re,joicinn. No
damage was done with the exception
of a broken rack.
Everything points favorably to an
exceptionally good day's sport here to.
;or w (Itrid iv). 'T he committee have
'itpared no pains itt preparing the track
and making till accessary arrange-
menti, to makt the openingday one of
credit to themselves and to the satis•
faction of ell. A iar+ge number of ent-
ries ies have been made from all parts
and some Closely' contested rices may
he expreted. The football match be,
twee!) Eden and 13rucefi(ltl will be one
of tlto most exciting and closest con-
tested f.en.m rvhic}r ldmrrei's have had
atm opportttrrity of witnessing in many
years, Tito biotic rase Will 1196 prove
interesting. The affair throughout rttl
doubt will p1010• a grand diesels and
no lover of turf sports should miss it.
Songs, s choruses, 0s' e l
other sel0ctiois-will be gileiby
Concert Companv in the hall on Friday
evening. Admission 25ets,, Reserved
Seats i15ets•
A large number of adults' and: Child:
ren from this village went on the Sun-
day school excursion to Goderieh on
Thursday last week. ,All report hav-
ing; hada good 'tame, •
A petition was circulated on Satur-
day* and lar, ely signed.: by the 'bust,
ness men to have, •civic holidaty, pro.
elaimed for Thursday, 4th August. It
was presented to the reeve,buthis will`
concerning it we.have not yet heard.
Owingto the rains on Monday the
strawberry festival whieli was held on
the lawn of Mr. Robert Verity was not
very largely attended: although tents
and other necessaries had been provid
ea. In order to'dispose 'of the berries
and cream they had on hand' a social
1 ri in
V� the basement of the, Main
Street Methodist church on Tucsda,y
evening being liberally patronized A
programme was ;iYen which added
greatly to the eyening's pleasure and
all returned home better pleased than
on the previous evening.
After an illness of loi g duration
there passed away to a'happ, resting
Place, on the .92nd inst., the beloved
wife of Mr. Charles Neil. She had
been a sufferer foi' many months,lheuce
her demise did not come unexpected,
The attendance of a large circle of; rel-
atives and friends at the residence on
Friday last plainly showed the esteem
in which she was held, many following
the remains to their •last resting place
in Christ Church cemetery, McGilli
vray, where they Were interred. She
leaves behind to mourn her loss a hus-
band and daughter, who have the
sympathy of many friends throughout
the village in their hours of Eori'ow
and affliction.
Vestry lteeetiin .
A vestry meeting was held on Mon-
day evening in the Trivitt Memorial
church with the Rev. F. H. Fact in the
chair, and lir. R. I3. Collins acting' as
vestry clerk The meeting was open-
ed with,1prayer About eight o'clock.
Minutes of last meeting were reaad and
adopted atter a few slight changes
were made. •The building committee
reported that they had succeeded in
curtailing the plans for the erection of
the ree.ory. and school house within a
fraction of the limit specified and ev-
erything was about ready for the sign-
ing of the different contracts. Provid•
ing they could not dispose of the old
rectory and grounds they were empow•
eyed to borrow eight hundred dollars
and proceed with their work. Rey. \:Ir
Fatt and R. 1i. Collins, who were dele-
gated at the last resting to interview
the Executive of the Synod of Huron
and ascertain if it were possible for tate
congregation to 01131111 $1,000 if the
$6.000 with which Mr. Trivia had a'n-
dowed the church. he having given
his concent to do so, reported they had
succeeded in obtaining' the; required
surn. After several other committees
had reported and ether business trans-
acted the meeting was brought to it
close by the Rev. Mr. Fatt pronouncing
the benediction..
may A 8ai8'z, TES EY MUZZY
A young laity and gentleman are in love
with comb other. lint wilt not marry because
the lady's uiother', brother's (rather -in -taw
is the young roan's father. what relatisur-
ionshie exi.ets between the young lady o.rul
To the first person sending the correct
answer to the above preldem the publishers
o5T111( LADIES' PICTORIAL WI r icer tivill
sive tiet'enty five dollars in cash; for the see-
ond(:err: c answer Fifty Dollars in cash; for
the third correr•t artstver an elegant Gold.
Watch; for tate fourth correct answer a first-
cla s boy's or girl's S tfe_ty Bicycle; for the
fifth a 1!rcnah Afrisie 33or: for the, sixth i1
pair of genuine Diamond Earin , in soli,l
^'obi setting; to the sea ca al a first -dm, .Ko-
dak Clain era, with a complete outfit for va-
in.: sante: to the ciglrtli •a complete Lawn
'Penttisrhrkilt for the tuneth an elega.u1
pair n1'Pea rl Opera Glasses; ho the tenth a
Sill: Dress Pattern (in any color desired).
Everyone answering the atheve puzzle
Intuit enclose with the same Thirty Cents in
silver (or ton thrye. cen1 stain Ds) for once
mouth, trial subscription (five copies) to
'rit11 LA1, 1E4' PICTORIAL AVEDICXY, Canada's
Hiah-Class Illustrated Ne•a'epaper. The ertvel (011
which, contains correct answer bearing ear -
1 iestpo,tmArk. will r,ladve fir tiut✓e,tho1,tl
anee 4trwtly in u1,1rt t reecivcael.
All answeri Inuit he 10.)+1:,;1 ow or hef'ere
0.01 11th. Names and a hlressos of prize
Win ncr,will he lm'Ilishr„l in our .journal.
Adires, LAP ins' .fhcreilTAT. W'aiit:r,r (.11)
Toronto, Ont.
Jo Spackman y & Co i
SAi2t,'t'l1LL'S 1;LOCTt, ES:,ITrER,
hbl on Exhibition at on(In
horse covered with sheep, skins
which he styled "a mountain coat", and on being asked why
he did this he said• "the public liked to be humbugged" how
we do not propose to adopt this plan of
a mountain goat,but sim pl T to
exhibiting � a ;Y
r ",7 mer-
we are prepared to carry out at all times, when a mer
• giving o„ a
chant tells you he is �,i� 111 away goods you can count to a
moral certaintyon the statement being false or when a mer-
chant ,
ch nt sellsyou an article � t or low costoyoudepend that
a � a be may Blaen l
Ile will Rake ri up oa Saluting else
before he gets through with you.
There must be some profit or a merchant can't live,l ut
Carling Bros'. Stock. Must Go
and therefore we offer everything at the very smallest Margin
of profit consistent with honest and fair dealing.
P110 best discount we can offer is 5 per cent off for cash. rw t
Butter 13 cti; Eggs 10i.n, trade.
Al .Kids o : E CE WIRES.
LABe a STINE in all Shades.
Full line of Tinware,
for Cash at
e rnia.s, all Blow 8 Bluster
R0.11 . N. O�tr' t.
1 L e Still tales the lead in the Fur n-
ital.c business. I am too busy to call on Teeple in need of
furnitill'e, but please diol) in my ivft,il'ercorns and see my stock .
and...I will..
try mid suit you in this line.
Mendwoak neatly pons on slimtq wt notice. o is .
Remember i have also a
handsome line o; _T
y rs ^p''i (� gff71 r"C (1' "! p� lei t . }� a ..ways s an hand.
Any (?a11s in this line, -will be promptly attended to and Eatls-
faccioil guaranteed every til�ne, ^-r
St''un?d. next Afo1son's Bank. '0BT ■ N. ROV E.
R�'i, •1 frill �' 1"i
1 �kr'r
6 g,!
a .ai eP e k' .L.t ;a�. ;�+ rrpd a^r• r
a Y . r�t.'•.7 E Ant
",,--pr a.r y,til. i. ��('` i.-. ,hl .i.t
� �. t
t~;� y
aaN ,J.�.crzA it,L ..ra �.wt. F.i
C117171.F4 471
rnr.t3gffig, A1971.
eiera se"' ifs17..7T,717 Iff.7
Li':aa'+1°tlo ' a
largo -stock
�'RIC�S �tIC�Hl'.