The Exeter Advocate, 1892-6-30, Page 1P411.11.1•11:10•61a11047.
1 Sisba0 rill° flea
Only 03 from now till 41111arl
1St 1803. Glye It a Mal,
.. e.........e...v....e..4
=0:l.`T'•X" 70"..'-'e..f.-..7,t477', ''''•
-.when in need of.-- 'f
Rills, Pend i3i1ls,
eade find EL vele pes-in
all kinds of printing. I
The Moleons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital . $2,000,000.
Rest . .. 1,100,000,
Head office Montreal.
Money advanoed to good. Farmer's on their
OW n notes with one or more endorsers at 7
per eent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful clay from :10 a. m. to 3 p.
ma Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m
A general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager
Q.16x.eber Abrocate,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar por ann.urn if paid in Advance.
tel,30 if not so paid.
.21.a..-s.rertLrel=4; Rate=
No paper diseontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
direetions will be published till forbid. and
charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade
for transclent advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PUNTING turned out in the finest style,
e,ud at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord-
ers. &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders (Fe,- Sweet
Chitral.. Directory.
'PerviTT MEnOttlAll. CFMRCIL.—Itev. H
Fatt. Rector. Sunday Serviees, 11 a. re
n:d 7 p.311. SO/bbaltil Soh ool, 2.30 p.
MgT1101IST CILLTRCII—JaMOS-st , Per. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. YU.
• 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.3 p.m.
MAIN 'STREET -Rev. W. MeDo unit'Pas-
tor. Sunftby Services, 11.00 a.m. awl. 7.00 p.m.
SO, bba eh School r.8Up. tn.
PitESDYTtiltIAN OutInca.-Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11. a. m. and. U,3i p.
• . Sabbath School, 104f, a. m.
Profess/a nal Car dt5.
• H. KINSMAN, .L.D.S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Carling r_tture,
MAIN STREET, EXETEE, extracts teeth
without pain.. Away at 111311SO/I On itit
Friday; Ansa Craig on 2nd. and 1th rneSciay;
and ZOXi011 la$G-Thltr6dOS Ot 80401 111 UOAL1.
riH. I.NGRALL,.DENTIST, llember Royal
. College .OentalSurgeons' sueeessor. to
H. L. Billings. tirlice over Post unice
Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaestheticgiven fur
the painless eXtreetion ot teeth. line Cxold
Fillings aa required.
Medical. '
and Surgeon. °nice and residemee-
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Uodericlt,
Resitlenue-Uoreer AlarOW and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
the College. of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. Aeconeli-
eur. Office, Dashwoml, vitt.
DIL T. A. AMOS, M. D., 0. M Member of
College of Physictians and Surgeons,
tario;.eleen tiate of the Royal College of
Physielans and Surgeons Edinburgh.; licen-
tiate of the l'aeuity of Physieians and Sur-
e. eons, Cemsgo w; of 'Prinity Medieal
College, Toronto. °facto -Dr. Cowen's oid
011, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
t`ltiee-Over eii's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
i. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con -
veyminler, Cemmissioner.: &e. Money to loam
etc e --Fa tisun's Meek, Exeter.
. .
./.14 it -ors, ConveyalltAtTS.
IT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Allot -
ion eer tor the Orfanties of Pertat and
Middlesex, also for the t oWnship of 'Osborne
Sales promptly attended. to and term 5 reason
e,ble.Sales arranged at Post office, Winch Ul4k1
A J, 11.0LTA'SS. late of Manitoba" Lieens-
•Z.1...3 ed. Aue ti eer, I or tb.e couutirs of Bur-
en and. Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attend:al to at reasonable
prices. •
este DOSS.ENDF,R1132',Ilonsall Ontario. Lie-
onsed A.uation (ter for the Conntys of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate Lena
gadget:doe guaranteed,
T HARDY, Litton:led Auctioneer for the
1..1. °Dan In, of Huron. b3ales Cond uoted o o
easonabUs terms. Farm ite.a. Farm Stock a
s pecialty. FtilI arrangemente can be made
• at this office.'
W. FARNCOMB, Provineial Land
SarveyOr and Civil Engineer. Office,
liver 'Post °ewe, Main if treat, Exeter, Ont,
TN A.1 VD MILLER, 'Veterinary Stirgc on,
▪ Graduate of. the Oetario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (Secoessor to Wm. Swed,
V. S 1 Ovar 18 years practice. Office and
residence 0 Lie him:kens t o Rich a rd Pi oka rd s
store, Opposite Skating Bink, Exeter, Wit.
The Western Fire Ashuranee Compa,ny,
of Toronto,
The Phrenix Fire Insurance Co"Y.,
of London, England,
The Allianee Fire Asser. Co'y.,
of Lo ndort, En gland
and The Confederation Ijfe Association,
of Toronto.
Offieln-lfain-strtint, 'Beefier. Ont,
One hundred acres, more or lees, being
L o t 1, con. 6, ToWnsitip of liaborne, COun
o Huron, 0.) acres 'ender g;noil cultivation,
rame t
sable. r w StOrny Drink :Owe, gi_sz,
well drained, ood omit ittd Awe frante barns
two gdoct wons of water on the prerniscs.vor
fnithet nattleulars aywly to
LJL,,roug 'Con at Pn. ,
251-13 St.Thoniesi One
x II +. 1 x II -2.- I x II ÷ 11 x
As my stock is too large it must be reduced and we will sell Our well assorted
stock of
weeds,Worsteds,Serges AND Pantings
at prices that will surprise the people for cheapness. Just thiuk orit
$16.00 Tweed Suit for $12.50, $20.00 Worsted Suit for $17.
A good Tweed Suit for $10.
We have the LARGEST RANGE OF PANTINGS that are kept in Exeter and
are selling away down. In this sale we make a •
SI:=Cl2&1...117.0 OM" 1-M.M.T3
as we have a large stock that must be sold.
Note a few of the prices. --
A fur felt hat (fine) for 75c worth $1.25. $1 fur felt hat
worth $1.50. Fur felt hat for $1.50 worth $2.25.
A nice straw Hat for 45 cents,
We have also a daisy Rubber Coat for 810.60, worth $13.60.
It will pay you to buy your Tweeds from us as we cut them free of eharge.
We can give you an all wool Tweed for 50 ets per yd. Don't miss a bargain but
Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ont
The Brick Cottage situated, on jamas-et.,
composed of six roome, also tWO lots on
which the house is located is offered for sale
'rho proprietor has another residence on
William street, a frame house with seven
rooms, good garden. splendid water. and
many other accom °dation s, which will be
sold or rented OA the parties nifty With. For
further particulars apply to
M it. Is AAU IlaWnEN.
Exeter, Ont•••••=www••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
301 n ores'more or less. being Lot 4, Con. I
townshipof Biddnlph, London Road; situa-
ted 5 miles smith of Exeter, 1 mile from Cen-
tralia, ancl only a sh ort distance from
church soh ool and post office; 50 acres clear
of stumps, 12 /tures hardwood bush and the
balance tartlycleared. There is on the pre-
mises a new bnek house and kitchen; large
frame barn and stable, nearly new; 2 good.
wells; a young orchard bearing fruit, and are
very desirable premises. Term s liberal. For
further particulars apply on the premises, or
to Rolm WAtimn, Centralia P. 0
A grand concert will be given on
the evening of July 1st, 1892, in
Smith's Hall, Centralia. Frederick
Abbott, Canada's elocutionist, will be
present -an& give some of his finest and
most laughable recitations; Miss Rata
Mutch, the charming soloist, of Queen's Iv be a great one. For copies of the
sent her to the House of Proyisience,
where it was foiled she had given
birth to a child. Thewoman admitted
the fact, and stated that she had hid.
den it in a closet at the Morose house.
County Physician Kelly made a post
mortem examination, and found that
the, infant had died from a hemorrhage
caused by neglect. An iequest 011 the
ease will be held on June 28. -The
woman is 'Still iu thu Reuse of Provi-
dence, and is in a serious cienditiou.-
London Free Pres."
The Peizetist for this year's Indus,
trial Fair to be held at T.Orouto, from
the 5th to the 17th September, has
been issued. Many changes have
been made in the various classes, and
about $2,000 added to the amount of
prizes offered last year. Thu Associat
ion have obtained about fifty acres
more ground,- and a new hannile
track will be constructed, and a mons-
ter nep, grand stand capable of seating
over 12,000 people is to be erected in
time for the Fair. Need stables and
cattle pens are also to be erected and
many other improvements Made at a
cost of one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars. This vee.r's Fair will evident -
Ave. iNfethodist church, London, will
give some of her most popular wings.
W. 'I'. Park Will also be„present with
his phonogrnph and will render some
of his choice pieces, including numbers
from the famous bauds and orchestras,
vocal, Cornet, clarionet aed pizado
solos, by the greatest artists in the
the world. Concert to begin at 8,30.
Mr John Spackman, .of Grand. Bend,
was in the village last week making
arrangements for a bus to run from
here three times a week to his popular dollars tins been for years awaiting
slimmer resort at the a 1)0"- a Claimants in the difierene.
t banks of th
place. This 130 doubt will add greatly Dominion. Cf this sum tho amounts
to the convenience. of all pleasure
seekerS who intend residing there this
summer, 'Pis new cottages arc near.
ing completion and the grounds far ex
cell many other resorts for cleanliness
and other accommodations lie also
has a number of boats Me hand which
rimy be used by those fond of boating:
With all these and other attractions it
isbelieved lime the Grand Bend pleas
uro ,grounds is. the -proper place to
spend en outing.
Prize List drop a pest card to Mall. J.
Hill, Manage.r, Toronto.
A blue book has been issued .con-
tainitig a detelled report of the divi-
dends remaining unpaid and amount -
or balances inrespect to which no
,transactions have taken place or upon
-which no integest has been paid for 6
years or upwards, prier to 31st Deem
ber, 1891, in the chartered batiks of
the Dominion of Canada. The report
Allows that a sum amounting.iti the
aggregate to nearly half a minim, Of
• The Rey. A. r,. Russo, is absent this
week attending the funeral of his fath-
er, Geo. iltiogell, Esq , of Charing Cross.
The weary wheels of life. stood still on
Monday, 20th inst.., at the age of SI,
Ile IVES 1)01'11 in Kent County, Entr , 111
the yeer 1811: Caine to Canada iic
18135, and settled eith his wife in the
township, of Raleigh, County of Kent.
Their home in England one of
the lovelieet parts of that lovely land.
and their circumstatmes above the a v
era tee, bist they brayed the rdshi ps
and iteil Of lel-meer lifehere, tiid for
fifty-seven years they have lived and
labored together on the same farm.
Now the revered husband arid father
has gone to his reward, and the deo
wife, a nd inother,now in her 80311 yeae,
will doubtless :eooti follow. He kineele
a family of +Six 80118 alld two (laugh
tors. I '"
'Jessie Smith, youtig women 28
years of age, went to Detroit about
three weeks atto,froto Exeter, and se -
named below are lying in the Molsons
Bank, Exeter, to the credit of the part-
ies named since the dates Oren:
Ob,yrne & Co 8, 7.10 Exeter Sept. fe, '78
Capdy & 00, 0.00 do Nov. 10, '79
Brown J., Jr. 0.25 do Nor. 19, '78
Love, H. 0,79 do Stipt. 29, '79
Sanioe, O. 075 do Seel,. 11, :70
HOPIrrns, H. 0110 do Fen. 20, 79
Woods Robb. 1.10 do jnly 0, '81
Madge; W. . 1.03 do . Mas' 11, 'St
Holland, A, 281 do ,7tine lei, '81
Canfield. W. A. 0.69 do Jan. 311, 'a0
Sell itrr, W. 0,41 do
Charters, W. 0. 1.65 do Sept. 3, '31
The resideuce of Mr. W. II. Verity
was all aglow with merry henets 0 and
voices on Wednesda y • aftereoon frpm
assem Wage gathered toge t her to
wittiess the marriage ceremony of his
d a, tighter, Lizzie., to Me. R. Pick ft r,f.
AbOtIL.i ivo o'clock. the Rev. W. Me -
Donnell performed the duties of unit-
ino• them as one, and shortly after the
wedding foast was partaken of. As
there was no groomsman 01.1)1.410.56mi:1
fOr the occasion, Miss Eva Carling
acted as lady's maid, being neatly at-
tired in *him A large number of
guests were present from different
parts of the Dominion,, several being
near aseociates of the floppy couple,
tuel presents were given of a yery
costly nature and at the sarne time
usefol. The newly wedded pair left
on the evening' teain for Sarnia, where
they will embark upon the boat Mon-
arch, and go up the lakes as far •
Dtiluth on it pleasure trip, going bv
the northern shere and returning by
the Southern, expeeting to be absent
cured employment as ft domessie. Ear. 1.1)oilt two weeks. They 11 iso the best
ly Tueeday morning the told Mile wishes ;lf ft 11014 of relatives and friends'
MoroSe, her employer, that she was i.e.
ry sicla Suspecting what waa the
trouble., Mrs. Moto§s called d tioupe aid
in end atoited this village foe tan nit -
broken future of peate, love .eild 1101.
ATesibie Case orSuirering,
The dreadful suffering, of a man
with Cholera Morbus was Painfully
lustrated in New York a few days ago
when en individual from the rural dir
tricts who had beenhiinself
with all sorts of good but urligestible
things was struck down on Broadway
and had to be carried into a hotel,
where two doctors worked hirn for alt
hour before he was out of danger. A
teaspoonful or two of Perry Davis'
Pain Killer, and a flannel cloth satier-
ated With- the medicine 'and applied
to his 'stomach, would, have relived
.him almost instantly. Get 25e. New
Big BOttle.
Joseph Ruby, of Columbia, Pa., suff-
ered:from birth with scrofula humor,
till he was perfectly cured bY Hood's
Not Toe Poor.
The will of the late Hoe. Alexander
McKenxie shows he did not die as poor
as reported. He was able to leave to
his widow $1,500 per annum, a fine
house ia Toronto and its contents and
ha If of £500 life insurance. The dau-
ghter Mary, wife of Dr. Thompson, gets
the other half of the • Sernia property
and theyest of the estate. 'When Mrs.
MeKenzie dies Mrs. Thompson will re
ceive her mother's share, exceepting
gifts of 81,500 to the superannuation
filed of the Baptist ehurch and $500 to
the home Mission fund of the same
cherch. TheTotento real estate is
worth $9,f305; household goods, $1 205;
life insurance, $2,525; stocks, $26,850:
cash, $14,700; a total ol! 853,585.
The Promised Truss Completed At
'I he new invention (patented 1891)
"Suetorial" and the newest invention
rspateeted 1892) "The Automatic," have
been united into One, and an article
has been produced whic.h has no equal,
and which will he known after this as
the "CsrAs. Cetertin's AUTOMATIC
TRUSS." it will be only sold by phy-
sicians and druggists, or through the
house direct. The pad is held by suct-
ion from slipping about. When the
body expand§ and contracts by motion
of the legs, by coughing or sneezing,
etc., a little pad (half the size of a pig. -
eon's egg) eutere deeper into the cav-
ity of.the very ring, and at thet mom-
eut counteracts in, true proportion
both expansion and contraction, auto
maticallv, which makes it impossible
for the hernia to escape, and must hekal
the rupture in a Nery short tithe, Mr.
Chas, Cletthe will be iu London, Grigg
House, Saturday, July 16th; Stratford,
Mee sion dio use, Saturday, Ju ly 23rd,
where 116' ye ay be consulted ,on Tr ass
es, and al;to on Sikh/if-Malone as Cdr.
stature of the Spine, Club Feet, White
Swelling, Weak Legs, Bow Legs, etc.
None should fail to see him.
The Longest Day. ,
It is qnite important when speaking
of the longest day of the year, to say
what pert of the world we are talking,
about, as will be seen by the following
llst, whieh tells the length Of the long
est day in several places. . How un-
fortunate are the children in Tornea,
Finlaud; where Christmas day is less
than thtee louts in length At Stock-
holm, SWed.em it is eighteen and one
half hour e in length; At Spitzbergen
the longest day is three and a half
Months; at London, England, and Bre-
men, Pruesin, the longest day has six-
teen and one half hours; at Hamburg,
in Germany, arid Dantzig, in Pitissia,
the Imigest day has seventeen hours;
at Waidbury, Norway, the longest
day lasts from May 21 to July 22,With•
out interruption; at St. Petetsburg,
Russia, And Tobolsk, Siberia, the long
est day is nineteen insure, and the
shortest eve bours• at Tornea,Finland,
;June 21 bti 0 gs a day nearly twenty-
two hours long, and Christmas one
than thrse hours in length; at New
Veda the:longest day is about fifteen
hours lung, and at Montreal, it is six•
teen hOure.
Pereonat Mention.
Mr..Theinns Chopes, of Cleveland.
Ohio, has been the guest of Mr, Alfred
Bowie'for the past week. This is his
first visit to these parts and he is great
ly pleased with the country. -Mr. S.
Cornish, wife and daughter, And Miss
Fanny Baerden, left last Week for Eng-
land.---MiSe 11. Blatchford left on Fri•
day for .Eherts, Ont., where she will
visit friends for a few weeks. --Mr. Jno
Prand and wife, of Zurich, have been
visiting in end around the Tillage dui,
trig the pat week. -Mr. Isaatt HancU
ferd,who has been confined in tlmLon-
don hosPitalr for some time has return:
ed, having yecoYered sufficiently to be
around again -Mr. Fox, of Toronto,
• was in the village on Tuesday solielt
ing subscribers for the evening edition
of the Totoeto Empire and succeeded
in sec r i tr r. number of sebscribe
Mr. AlfreeBowie, who is at present
•working' in Seeforth, was home dur-
ing Sunday.Mr. James Whimster, of
Aurora, brother -in law of Mr. Dayid
johnS,As here on a short visit. --Mrs, S.
Tait and datighter, Susie, and Miss
Maud eltriStiE leave this Morning
h r$ci ay) for Tilsotibutpa to be pres•
ea at:the wedding of Mr. D 8. Tait. -
Mr Fred Ferncombe is spendingea few
days 111 tOtV/1 thiS week on business. --
Mr. Thomas Dearing, who undsrwerit
a surgical operation some time ago of
having a toe taketi off each foot, and
who lies suffemd much nein Since ' the
operation was perfermed, is atotind
again. .Mr Dearing, says his trottble
W1t8 eaUsed from wearing too Petro*,
shoes when yoting He will be able to
attend to his datiee on the road in
about it week.
Gun Club Shoot,
• The weekly shoot took place on
Thursday evceints last with the follow-
ing result: -
Goan ?impale Unkn own A,n glee
Woods 0 1 I 1 0 1 0 I,1-7
E.Bissett t 1 1 1 1-10
W. johns 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-3
A J. Snell 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-4'
SILVER MEDAL. (held hy Biseett),
n.IBVirsedtsoit10 1 0 1 1 -7
t Thlk"wn Angie6.
1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1-10
StLinfa Our. (held by Eaorett)
,LBRoalears,131412 birds. Known Angles.
Jas. Bissett class. 10 birds.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 I-10.
Mr. Wm. Coats, of Clinton, and H. E.
Hueston, of Exeter, have been appoint
ed by the County Council to meet in
Kippea on July 6th at 9 o'clock, a. m.,
to arbitrate in the matter of school sec-
tion boundaries between Hay and Stan-
ley townships.
The Gianton Presbyterian church
will hold their animal picnic in Mr,
Wne. Grant's grove, adjoining the
church grounds, on Fidday,. July 1st.
The follOwitig will be present and de-
liver addresses: Revds. E. H. Sawyers,
Westminster;11. F. Gheet, Grantan;
Jas. Little, proof line road; John Kay,
Milvertou; and others. Tea served
from 1 to 8 pm. There will be a tug-
of-war between two noted teems,
swings and other amusements ,Re-
froshmeuts served on the grounds.
Lucan and Grantou choirs will be pre.
Seta. Free 'bus from Granton to the
grounds. Admission 25e., children 15
ACCIDENT.. --On Thursday last, when
Miss Harding, of McGillivray, was
driving a horse and buggy over the
bridge crossing the Sable near Art
Hoke's, the horse became, frightened
and started to back up. In vain Miss
Harding urged the horse forward. The
horse in backing cramped the buggy
against the railinn.t'of the bridge; this
gave way and buggy, driver and
horse fell back' into the river, a fall of
15 feet. Miss Harding, badly fright-
ened, but unhurt, scrambled, out of the
river and presented herself at Mr. Bat-
ce's door with her clothing thoroughly
wet. , Mr. Boice's man went down to
the scene of the aecident and found
that the- only damage done was a bro-
ken dash.
Mr. C. H. Wilson, Sr., and Mrs James
Srophey are very sick at present. -Un-
ion Tent of Maccabees held a. special
meeting in the hall last Monday night.
They have over 70 names on their roll
now. -A large number of the natives
attended the picnic held at Salem. Bos•
ton and Salem Foot -bill teams had a
contest which resulted in each getting
a goal. -Mr. Archie McLachlareof West
Bay City, is visiting. his parents for a
few days -Remember the Garden
Party at Mr. F. then's, July 6th.. A
football match will be played. ou the
'grounds and an excellent programme
is being prepared, consisting of music
and readings. Addresses by Revs..
Carriere; Holmes, of Parkhill aaid
-Kuox, of Sylyae. Ice Cream, Lemon-
ade and strawberries will be sold on
the grounds. Admission to grounda
andP'Supper 15e., children 100. If it
rains it will be held in Mr. F. Ulen's
On Friday afternoon last week while
George, son of Robert Monteith,Thames
Road, was shaving himself to go to a
piceie he turned suddenly ill. At the
timeait occurred he had pestle- finished,
when he dropped oft' the chair and died.
immediately. Medical aid was sum-
moned and after an investigation had
been made death- was fotind to have
taken place, heart trouble being the
cause. He was just in the prime of
life,lueing aged 21 years and 6 months,
ane wee highly respected by all who
had made his acquaintance. The fun-
eral took place on Mouday afternoon,
the rematns beieg interred heni
ter cemetery amidst one of the largest
gatherings that was ever witnessed in
this locality. The grief stricken par-
entp and members of the faintly have
the sympathy of the .entire neighbor.
hood in this, their hours of sorrow and
affliction. •
Mr. John Evans has completed the
brick word of Mr. Hesley Hodseson's
bank barn, and Mr. Patterson has his
men at preseat busily engaged 'at the
frame work. This whee completed is
expeeted to surpass atlything 1:1 the
It is with regret we announce the
death of Edgar Galloway, of Adelaide,
formerly of this place, at the age of 22
years. Deceased was it nephew of Mr,
Joseph Cobbledick, of .Exeter. ---Mr. R.
Rayeroftof Biddulph,is visiting; friends
in Mornington -Mr, P. 14, Neil,of Map
le Aventte Stock Fatal, Biddulph, has
just returned from •Napance witit it
herd of six Jersey cattle coesidered the
best in Middlesex county. Mr. N. ccr.
tainly deservestredit for the enter.
prise displayed by improving the
!stock of ids native township. Bidaira,*
leads the van. Thanks are due to:ozari
men as F. H. N. Ha
e has also e
farm an imported Clvdesdale 1111.31)55 ,l).Stit
that tOrns the beam at 2200 lbs, milli&
he purposes ei-, xhibitino• at the 11Carztft
Fair, Chicago, in 1898.
Liberal Conservative Cam
vention at Hensel.
. A large and enthusiastic roceglasig
the Liberal Conservative Assaf/esti:eat
was held in Hodgin's Hall hem sees
Tuesday last. Prominent merabefse -1St,
the party from all parts of the sitLeas,
were present, amongst whom we 'eines
iced the foliosing -frkssrs D wai
miller, of Kippen; John, Torranceeleres,
of the Associatiou and warden of
County; John Beacom, deputy -meat -4S
Goderich township; HenllyEillsers Age:-
reeve of Stephen; ./..1dermw
an T. B. O
J -
liug, of Exeter; Geo. ae tsoex ALE
P., and E. C. Coleman, Deputy Remits.
of Seaforth. After the disposal of
premilinary business, the questiee a!
selecting a candidate to contest lac
gouth Riding of Huron at the lue..V.3
Proyincial election was discussed seat
able addresses delivered by Messrs. Vats
ranee, Eilber, Weismiller, Jacksonsaa-
ling, and MeDonell. It was wejk'.
mously decided to put it candidate ice
the field at once and the choice af alke
meeting fell upon Mr. D. Weiseseibee
who gracefully accepted the hones= gr.
Weismiller is, undoubtedly a stew
and popular candidate and worthy tes
cross swords with any candidate son -
Reform friends may see fit to plate Is.
the field against him. It certalels
would be a credit to the constitaiteese
to be represented in the Legislatureeesee
a man of Mr. Weismiller's able:ler
Mr. Weismiller, while he is of indeeteuil
int predilection, strongly condemns av
many evils of the Mowat Goverameses,
and in his address, accepting the' :maw:
illation, severely scored that gaveza-
ment from its iniquitous licenee eya-
em, to its taxing deceased pearlier
property. The latter is a new featerse
of tentralizing power and filling trate
its depleted treasury.
The biggest demonstration that Baer, -
field has ellen, for many . a,• year, 5,1*.71
take plave on the_celebration of theteae-
tle of the Boyne, The manifest zeatetif
the Orangemen and Young Beiterss
here, together with the far-reaelestars
popularity of a day at Bayfield, staves;
promise that this 12th will be entassm-
astic in the extreme, Numbers ao
doubt will come with lunclebaskete -See
lounge about the park, or row aieec
the winding course of the river. Alsere
fifteen lodges are expected, whilst; ',ev-
ery effort is being made to proems!: sra
good band,committees have been forme
ed to look after decorations, arelesa
amusements, etc. So that if the vide -
ors are not well treated it will not 514
the fault of the lodges here. -Mr.
Anderson, of London, was in towra lea
week. making arrangements ,for
commodation at one of the hotels for
the summer. He is delighted with tite
beautiful seenery and facilities for et
good time presented, by the environs-
ments of Bayfield. He says manekat
the Forest City are awaiting' his repeal,
Dttv.--In Exeter, on June • 2761i„, 750
wife of Mr. Leuis Day, of a dagra-
ANNING.—In Exeter, on the 27t1i init.:,
William Alining, aged GO years aoia
8 menthe.
Morernress.- In Usborne, on • the V&
inst.'George Monteith, aged '24. etets.
and 6 months.
Nene.-In Exeter, on the 22nd Wets;
Mary E. Armstrong, beloved wife. W.
Mre, Charles Neil, aged 36 yettet
8 months.
WILLIAMS-HIOKS-4t the resideessee
of the bride'mother,_ on the 2as
b3r t h e Rev. W. McDouseek
Charles Williams, to Miss Melle4;
Hicks, all of Exeter.
TA IT--MDDGE.-In Tilsonburg, en sees
80th Inst., at the residence of Mr. ;Is
111 Colboree, Mr. David S. Tait,fersze-
merly of Exeter, to Miss. Bertha, :311
• Mudge, of Tilscnburg.
PicucAnn-Vesarry-In Exeter, on Sfese
296h lest., at the residence of Mr. 'WI,
11. Verity, by the Rev, W. McDessa-
agh, Mr. Robert Pickard, to Mee
Lizzie Veri-y, both of Exeter.
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