The Exeter Advocate, 1892-6-9, Page 1r Z1.1)Si.br I Tito EXETER 111).VOCATE, ,Ohly 1;5 front1,ov till .1 Mtitumryil 1stisU3. Give it a trial. MAI ta.r.,11.41(1, VOL. IV. warwproar EXETER ONTARIO rrITUISDA.J. JUNE 9 • 1892 it...1.11{11.....t.M?..1.A.N.M............11M4.4.610....aanut,par.....,,gmumanwrgramastaucesesro.umw.ropreballarwortrjAmmor.w.nvelnagavtanmsornmnnazalow..mnam'somonevoar The olsont Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1835.) Paid. up Capital $2,000,000. Rest . 1,100,000, Rosa office lIontroal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., Gaataaeas MANAGDR, Money advanced to gond Farmer's on their owu notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from ITO a. ro. to 3 p. In., Saturdays 10 a. m. to m A general banking business transacted Four or cont. por annum all.owed or mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8 N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. ' SulaManasser e THE Oxieter gLbroor.catle, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. Sy the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIO:.i. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. i31:5,10 if not 60 paid. -*-3...5..Trertizix5.r, Mate.% or .F..,..talica.- tiow). _ No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.. Advertisementswithout specifie direetions will be published till forbid arid charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made for trauscient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRiNTLNG turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to , Sanders & Sweet PROPRIETORS C111.11Z(311. :Directory. TRIYITT MEHURIAL CLCURCIL-ReV. F. H Putt. Rector, Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p. m.rEabbath. School, 2.30 p. im, METHODIST Cnunon--,Taro.es-st , Rey. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. rn. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rev. W. A.EcDontigh, Pas- tor. Sunday Services,11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Sabbath School 2,80 p. M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. -Rev, W. Martin, .... Pastor. Sunday Serviees, n a. ni. and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath Sdhool, 0.45 a.m. PrOfeSSIOnal Cards. I •••••••••••••.•...aximatimealia.caer.amagram.Mmwalegsaptar II. KINSMAN, L.D.s, Fanson's Block • two doors north of Carling Store, , eXtrt1,0 DS teeth MAIN ST REET, EXETER, without pain. Away at liensall on let ( Friday; Aliso. Craig on 2n0. and. 4th. Tuesday; , and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. C11.. INGRAM, DENTIST, lieMber ROVIL1 I ., College Dental Surgeons, successer to i Office H. L. Billings. Oce over Post Office :. Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic. given for 1 the painless extraetion of teeth. Fine Gold Fillings as required.. Ittiedi.eal. .. --.......----- i B WHITELY, Iki.D.,,0.14., PHYSICLusi ei . • and. Sargeon. Othce and. residence- t Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderich, t Ontario, t c ft. ,T. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. o .Residence-Oorrier Andrew and. North b Streets, Exeter, Ontario. n f' 'nu. T. P. MOLA.UGFILIN, MEMBER OF v 3.--F the College of Physicians anCl Surgeons v Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch. f eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. .. -E-NR. T. A. AMOS, M. D,, C. M , Member of 3.-." College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal college of E Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; Boon- , tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- b ' geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical a College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old • stand. , 1.1 ......................... ........... d Legal. e S H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- . 01/, Conveyancer, Notary Public. 11 Office -Over 0'.Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, a Money to Loan. 1 II. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, ti id. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- si veyanurf Commissioner, &e. Money to loan ei Ofhce-Fanson's Block, Exeter. 0 LLIOT & _ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- -12.1 itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B B. v. ELLLOT. .T. ELLIOT ,...... .„, '...'t Auf,:Li011Cer0. ,..............„. HBROWN,. Winch elsea. Licensed Auct:- . former for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, kas o for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended. to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Wincheisa 'D A .J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- riveci Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on anti Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south D. of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. ril BOSSENBERRY,IT.ensa,11 Ontario. Lie- ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. . .........*.......4.............. IIIMI T HARDY,Licensed Auctioneer for the Al. County of Huron. Sales Conducted on th reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a v, 9 pecialty. Full arrangements. can be made at this office. A; . OE .0 ItED. W. FA.RNCOMB, Provincial Land ,.,. , ..L7 Surveyor and Civil Enalueer. Office, sat liver Post Office, than s , street, Exeter Ont. . Ai DIV MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon, j1.1 Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary rt College, Toronto, (SteceSsor to WIII. Sweet,' ,' ' V. S,) Over 18 years practiee. Office arid De residencerone Moak east oatieberdriekthrds ,rre store, Opposite skating 1:tixti,t, Exeter, Ont, sTe, ' nrowdsxlirairreweiewirmemwreammimiimo : .E.A.mitST ErsIefere. ,.... , Je, AGENT POE thl The Western Fire AsSurance Company Mi , . i ,of Toronto. Se] The Plunnix Piro Insurance Co'Y ' . N' of London, England 'T . , 11, 'Ph e Alliance Piro Assur. , 00,y • ' 'of Len d, ilPa don, Englan.„ , , and. The Confederation Life„issociation ''''” ., of Toronto, _...--. , °facet -Main -street, Exeter, Ont. • C ' orri•iiinireiliii,Iiiiiirliar,ialinsicitnii#ioarailinailltaireitargatiatimixiiimatmilr-i tid V ARM FOP, SALE. the ./..' • — . . One. Ivan efred metes, mote or less, being 1 ra6 11 1, con. 0, '.'rowusliip of Usberne, County 4 Dili itron, 00 acres tinder good enitivation, well drained, good, orehatd,two fray" Nulls to 1 tritine stable, Two Storey Driekriwelling,. & hwO goor.1 wells of water on the preraises..Por Pki ratherpartlettlars apyly to. pm • . • Mu, J'oirs Cerarsit. ,,,,y, "S`f,,q,1t mr, lig, lit, i IOU Ei) G 1IEVITS, THE TA X II ± 1 x I a- 1 x II + hx 411' -p As my stock is too large it must be reduced and We will • sell our well assorted stock of TweedsaWOrStedS. ergo- - AND Pantings at prices that will surprise the people for cheapness. Just think of it e $16.00 Tweed Suit I'M' 812.50. $20.00 Worsted Suit for $17. A good Tweed Suit for $10. Dashwood' Ifarpley. Mr'alienry Kellerman left on Tiles - Mr, Jae° aberritt is attending County day' litealor Michigail where Ise „has council at Goclerich thie week, --Chi 110purehased a Geist Mill,' We wish him every euccesa m ists untlertalsiug. His wife will remain here for some weelss after whieh see will ,join her huslasna.- Mr. Henr,y Yagar hied the clay ou a place ef hind i.eParahill tested 00 Sat- uraay foe the purpose of aseertaining hettiex its qualities win'e suitable for maltiaa tile, and was found to be all t'riat was required. -The Isralierian congregation are malsing preparations for the erection of ehecis 'for ,the con- aressation to place their rias in during e, saryice. eouet of the recent heavy rains the eattae easiches have been flooded caus- ing the farmers great anxiety about their property, -The faemers are bus- ily eng.aged a', Mr. T. Hayters new barn winch is nearly completed. -Mrs. Jim Sherritt is visiting. friends i Stale - ley this week also attending camp meet - nig in the same vicieity. '",0:7,:i.C.,..1 '.":7 . . Ti Ailv0ErtTP 0) •I's4 ,,,kvi,-. 1.1. fl.,,,e, of....., „ . , , 4,alo 1:311.4, ,r7a1,41 '30 l. ,....1 1,:..liii..,iop...::.,:-in ,f, ' all JA,i11+15 01.•=atlog, Awar, Nara cadet now but that was not to be considerea too complimentary of the present esees, tem. which the speaker consaleVE:a likki In coecluelina /nate • C0.k...0e114 ,inclrei 11.118:AI:euil(31ti to13 oa df irtehs1511111t30 tteltlue* important trnst committed to that keeping:, sp as to aiScharge aright that; important function of starting the young arignt, ' Mr. S, P. Hall'e. orehea- tra fureished excaljent music. Goderich, June 4th, 1802. ' ronaaaose salssroes.. 'The convention assembled puesuant to adjournmeet, Mr. Ross In the chair., The minutes of the previous sessiox, were read and adopted. The President, then appointed the following as a coat- inittsa to collect material for program for the meeting of next Associatima aleesrs.. Park', Sheppard and aaarch, Tile election of officers was thea pro- ceeded with, Messrs. G. Sheppard, Kitty C. B. Latta and Hagen were appointed scrutineers. 'I'he result of the electiaa was as follows. --President, S. J. Latta.; Vice President, Mb's Isabella Sharman: Sec..Treas , G.. W. liolnian; Ex -Com, Messrs. G. Sheppard, Baird, Boyd and Misses 13Iair (Grand Bend), and Watsort. of Goderich. he auditors report re- ceived aml adopted. Mr. Latta was,oa motion of G. W. Holman, seconded lev G. Sheppard, a.ppointed delegate to Ontario Teachers's Association. Mr. R. Perk, Principal of Goderich Mosier,. School, then showed his method of tea- ching literature for which purpose it class from the Model School was press. en t. "Fine Humble Bee" was tease as the lesson. This proved it very la- terestihg; lesson and brought out much proatable discussion. Further cliscuss ed by Messrs. Baird, Holman, Kiley and Brown. Messrs, Park, Johnston and Aiurch were appointecl it c,omtnittee te collect material for a programme for the next associatthn, Mr. G. W. Hui-, man then introduced a discussion or. "Our Municipal Institutions as taken. with Ord and 4th classe.s." This evoke ed considerable discuosion, in which ..Aiesers, Johnston, Strang, Baird, S. "Latta'a;§aoseep and others took part. lir the abeerlae of*Mr. W. H. Balcer, the secretary introduced a lively discuss- ion on el-Iow far should the subject Politics be, taken in the teaehing Canadian historse" This proved e very- iateresting, subject and. brought _but much discussioa. Mr. II. Strang spoke at some. length and ais addresssbristlea with brilliant ideas cm Cahadiab. Seat- iment and encouraged the teachers..tie le their duty in inculcating a true anal loyal respect' for Canadian institutions. Inspector Tom also spoke strongly on t,his point. The discussion was confine ued by Alessrs. Deigaty, Grant, S. 1, Latta, A. J. Moore and ool thers. Ace- journed, Strang -Tom. Westliuron Teaohers''A.ssociation , Goderich, June 3rd, 1892. The, teachers of West Huron ,anet in convention in the Model Schaal. pursu- ant to the cell of the, Executive Com- mittee at 1 lea.rn, Mr, R. R. Ross, pres- ident of the Association', occupying thci chair. . Devotional exercises were con. ducted by Air, Geo. Baird. The minut- ee of the last session at Clinton were read and adopted. The following: corn- mittess were then" appoint al, visz:-- Audit-Messrs. :las. Dei„traty and S. I Latta. Resolutions -Messrs. George Baird,. G.. M. Kitty, Inspector Tom, and Aliases Vosper and Isabella . Sharman. Inepector Tom then took up "Seat work in .Primary Clasees," and dealt with the work of the school 'room in gimeral. Teachers were strongly urged to have as much black board work as possible, give plenty of problems and have them short, counting' in addition should not be allowed, encourage and use. phone Ile spellina, do not allow [Mails to de- stroy tet books, 'The discussion was continued by several of the teachers Mr. G. M. Keay then read a short eeeay on Grammar; ponaing out several of the, defects in the definitions alit' their -i- ,IfililiWillei appreciation as -2,ontained in the Public . School 0 rammer. Messrs. Delgaty, Mr. G. AV. Holman attended the West IN. H...Tohnston, and Paris, •continued Huron Teachers' Association in Goier- the diseussion. On motion of Inspect- ich lasaweek. He. was elected Sec.- or Tom the Association adjourned to Treas. for the, sixth time by ,acelansat- meet a.gain at 1.30 p in. ion. --RC. Me. Russell is _stiil at confer- AFTERNOON sESsioN. ence 10 5, Phomas, There is not the The A.ssociation re assembled at 1 40 greatest harmony prevailing in the p.m. with 90 teachers in attendanees, northwest ,corner of the tabernaele The minutes of the forenoon session. The eemi-annual meeting' of the The cat's'aersay,. ac. The scourge of were reed and adopted. The Presiden County Loyal Orange Lodge of North knOtted corae 'should be brought into then delivered a very eble and practi- Perth will be held at Listowel on the play and es:dee restored. Music. with- cal address on the Plen,sures and Trou 14th inst. out harmony .grates Dr1 the ears terrib- bles of a teacher's work, which was Mr. Wm. Cla,rke, of Seafortlehasbeen ly.--Every,body is going to Holman's well received -and showed that much awarded the contract foi' carrying' the picnic aud?concert on the 17th inst. A carefulthought had been given to the mails between Seaforth . and Bayfield good. Unease,: expected. The. football subject. Miss II., Charles, B.A.,' was a. ., ., ., for four years. He.eaters on hi duties club heaialessaal aonetha war„pglnt that then introduced and read an able pap - on the first of July: :' 'day arid -do Vighty battle for the foot er on Literature and the method: Of Ronald Currie, proprietor of the Roy. bail prize. Ilierdle races, sack races, teaching' it, taking. "Influence of Beane' al Hotel, Parkhill, has assigned to D. girls' races, boys races, &c. will be hot. ty" by JohnaKeats as •a basis. Miss McLeod, of that town. - 'Die hotel is ly conten.ded. Parents come out with Charles in the course of an admirable mortgaged to the extent $600, and your baskets and show by your pres- address threw out mallY valuable Sheriff's Officer Graham has served the ence that. you appreciate such innocent hints on teaching the subject Pupils papers and seized the furniture for the outings. --Last Satnrday- Mr. Henry should be encouraged to memorize mortgagee. Johns raieed`a larges barn on stilts for pawls, and to give, their own ideas of A very pleasing event took place on the purpose of putting a bank under the meaninas of phrases and words. Tuesday, the 31st inst., at St. Peters it. Shortly. after the wolk was corn- On Motion of Inspector Tom, seconded AFTERNOON SESSION. Church, McGillivray, being the marr- Pleted and most of the hands had gone by Mr. G. Sheppard, Miss Charles was The association assembled at a4a iage of aliss Kiaie Berry, of McGille home; one of the timbers supporting requested tc heed her paper on litera- p.m., The minutes of the forenooa vrav and, Mr. John Creighton, of For• the heavy ,building broke, and the nee to the secretary for publication. session were read and adopted. It wee est. The ceremony was performed by whole fell to the ground with at eiiibie The motion carried unanimously. On moved by R. E. Brown, seconded by our worthy and venerable pastor, Fa_ crash, roof, timbers and siding being motion of G. W. Holman, seconded by T. A. Brown, and resolved, that this FROM FRIEND TO FRIEND ther MeCormick, and the choir, under smashed so that a areae deal of it will Inspector Tom, Mr. Thos. •Betigough be the only institute meeting, held thie oes the story of the excellence of be fit for nothing' but firewood. Luck- ily no one was hurt, although two or was allowed a few minutes to address year. the leadership of Air, James Loughlin, se excellenee of Hood's Sarsaparilla rendered some very appropriate hymns the Assoeiation on the use of the tyPe- Mr. T. A. Brown then took up "Sing- 143 what it hasaecomplished, and this and the wedding march. The bride three men and a team of horses had a writer. Mr. Beneaugh then proceeded ing in Public Schools," and cited var. the strongest advertising which ie was handsomely attired in a very be- narrow eseape. , to explain the acle'vantages that would thus reasons why it shou,d be taught, one on behalf of this medicine. We coming suit of blue satin and cream, CIAO, accrue were tYpewriters used in the By judicious use it could be made a see sdeavor to tell honestly what. Hood's and was assisted by her cousin, Miss schools. The next subject on the pro- power in moral training, it was restful arsaparilla is, and what it will do, but Meffernan, of Seaforta. . gramme "The new drawing books and and an aid in keeping order; it had it 'hut it has done is far more important A dastardly attempt ,was made on how to teach the subject" was intro- wholesome and refining influence. Mr. After a very tedious illness lastin nd fax more potent. Its unequalled g Satardav..June 4thatiossareck the reg- duced by Mr. S. J. Latta, Mr. Latta Brown showed by the manner in which several months; Mr. John McLaren, for ular G.T.Be expreia train Ade here at thought the new books were very good he introduced the subject to his pupils cord of cures is sure to convince merles of Mitchell and Dublin, and fat- 930 p.m,,' which: , whis heavily loaded yet the matter in them was not arran- that he had given the matter much lose who have never tried Hood's Sar her of Mrs. W. Webb, of London, died with passengers for Clinton and Goder- wed. as vsell as it might be. Many of thought and understood voice culture. patella that it is an excellent medi in Toronto on Suuday in his 71st year. ne. ' ich. The scene of this inhuman at. the objects in No 4 book were more By taking the audieisce as a dem The d.eceased was well known and tempt was two miles east of Clinton,on difficult than many of them in No. 6. mueh interest was created. . ersieeTeees. widely respected. Born in the county the Buffalo and Lake .Huron branch of The discussion was further carried on Mr. R R. Ross then gave , a short of Lanark in 1822,he left there in 1S65 the G, T. R. There is at the spot a by- Messrs. Holman, Park, Brown, Del report of the work done at the last :ALL. -At Moant Carmel on June 6111, and removed to Mitchell, 'Where he re- bridge known as the Second Bridge, gaty and Efity. All the speakers con meeting of Ontario Teachers' Associa, the wife of ma John Hall, of a son. sided for a tame. afterwards living in which spans the Bayfield- river, the curred in the opinion th at not suffici- tion. Mr. Ross considereciat a geierr- Rnale.-In Stephen, On the ath thee, Croma.rty for fifteen years. He then bridge being thirty feet- above the wa ent number of marks are allowed for ance that teachers froni rural schools the wife of Frederick Green, of a went te ,Dublitewhere, he was for veais ter at is the same bridge where, loss this subject at the Entrance Examinnt • should'be placed on the. same basis as daughter. head Manager for Joseph Kidd, . leav- 01 13143 was providentially avoided a ion. Mr. F. G. Alien teen proceeded to villages in regard to holidays at East - leg behind 'him, two years ago When few ',years, a.go, when, during the time discuss "School discipline." Mr. Allan er, so that they may ayail themselves he retired to Toronta an enviable rep. of a. flood, the bridge sank considerably advised teachers to discipline their own of the privileges of attending the oop. utation. He is survived by his wife- The place is a very lonely one,no house, school as best suited their individual ario Teachers' Association. and entire family of nine. or help beinse within half a mile, and is schools and interests,.and not attempt . ..e. approached 'by descending • a heayy to copy the methods of others. Teach. arena OF RESOLUTION COMMITTEE. Ciediton. grade, s ' , ' ers might have rare ability to impart MI" PRESIDENT. -We, your` Resolute Mr. T. Palterinan, who was walking' instructions and fail, through lack of ion Committee, beg to ' report as fol - The following is a correct report of from Seafokh to hie home in Clinton, the knowledge of ' discipline. Messrs. lows:- pupils of .S. S. No, 2, Stephen, for the had chosen tile track rather 1 than the Delgaty, Brown, Latta, Inspector Tom,affirm the resolutions month of May, according, to Kaden- inuddY roads. When approechings the Johnston, Holman, Kilty, Park and sent.' toThat uswe yethe West Victoria Assaoi cy, and general good conduct, the first bridge he . heard sounds of felling Strang discussed the subject further. ation asking that Algebra and Estella three nettles of each class. being•seiven stones end the, removal of timbers, ,Mr, Geo, Baird then read a carefully be added to the P. S. leeving, 433004031004- in order of merit. ath," Willie Salter, which era:toed his suspicion. Stooping prepared essay on' Escaminations and lam Sr. ard, 'Emma Sime, .Sophia Brown, down he perceiseed, to his horror, that Reviews, which was well received. ' 2. We recommend that the H. Se. Sarah Flanagan; Jr. 3rd1Linie Lawson, ebseraetionsaaere beimg plaaed on the The hour of adjournment , having at.. History be placed on the list for aublial' Annie Spencer, Josie Flauagan;Sa 2nd bridge, and knowing that the expresi rived, on motion of Mr. Delgaty, secon- schools instead of the public school his - Geo. Lawson, Emma Brown Bella would,ectha be tubbing dowu upon it, ed by Mr. Kitty, the Association ad- tory now authorized. We .ask this Sims; Jr. 20d, Urban Essery, Lizzie he rushed to the top 'of the glade shout journe , to meet at 9 a.m. in the morn- chariae for the following reasons: -(1) Lawson, Herbert Clark; Sr..Pt, II, M. ing and syaving hi s lantern. He sac- inga Lamport, Ruby Esserv, Lizzie Sims; cedded in attracting the attention of EVDNING. 'We believe the, H. S. History is muck better suited to the capabilities of our Sr. Pt, TeJoa Sims,. aX Flanagan, ,C, Engineer Green, and the trafri was In the'eyening a tatesical and liter- pupils than the P. S. History; (2) we Lamport; Intermediate,' Lulu , Essery ;• brought to st standstill. , Conductor ary entertainment, of a high class was are satisfied that this will be a saving Jr. P1, I; Garnet Sims, Garfield ,Lires: Ausebrooke,after learning Palterma,n's given in the Opera House which was to the pupils, as one •,book will tame sonaWilfred Lawson, Averease attend story, gave orders to proceed carefully attended by a large audience. ' ,Presi- serve the ienpil for the' Entratme and ance for the month, 30. --Mr. D. Clark, and found when, nearing. • the bridge Ross occupied the. chaire In additiou Primary Exatnination, thus making who has been 81.011 for , the , Past .three, that powerful obstructions had been to a large array' of musical talentawhose one book take the pla,ce, Of the two now weeks, has gone taieondone where he placed °a 'and fleet it. On examinee efforts . were deservedly appreciated, need. is uncial, the doetora care. -Our ;three ion it was found that heavy beams, recitations by -- were ex- ' ' 8. That a 2,0py of this report be sent village teachers attended the content- about twelve feet Icing, had been care- aellently rendered. Too great praise to the 'Minister of Education. ion in Gaderash oalCriaay and Satin.- fully wedged. Upright between the conot be. given Mise Charles and her Mr. ItedinOnd was absent , attending by Mtge stones, any of which would ience With several wand exurciees,their ' Gate BAIRD, St. day of. last week.;--Our,ministier,, iler sleepers of the bridge, and sup.ported .elass of ghee who delighted the , and. the conference iil St. Thomas on SUB. have caused the lurtne,diate destruet- itatehing and time would put to shatne The above teport w•GI.:sjicaltd. oEliplitir:Y:.T"' day last. -'Mr, J. Ofarile8 harneSS 8140P ion of the train. At intersails of a te* many of those wive .don the red uni- Me, MeGilliendy, of the Signal, '(113* ii,", being, built now. -Mt. John Yoilag eairds Were Mintier obstructions, The fOrBli. lit J. IL FiarOVIC, .NI.P,Pq gave peered at the aesociation (aid niade , a 11138 6130:lad IIP s' b°ardidg house at obstractiens being removed the train eti eaeellent address, tnitdo tip for the statement in regard to sem misunder- Grand Bead, for the summee menthe, proceeded. The affair has caused *Mat part of teininieemices of his early stataling that hut gained currency op. , Anyone wishing a gird boarding.plate great excitement here and intense , in. school days some forty yehre ago wheti the steeete, With 'reference to remathS 0 CENTS—i, . . '' d4181e-'6"rilie11311; to sP"cl 'i Mw 030131h34Ple4481thtlY Pa digention. ' The porpetrators have not, the now almost eXtbiet little old log made by Ma Strang titling tatedieena- the Bend, will do well, to oall on him.- yet beet arrested, , school house formed the hall of leeree sioris In the forenoon, The Mattel' Was ave ettbseribets' we offer the AVVO- Illi. John Wilson, of Crediton South. is Had the teaie been era time the ing tor the barefoot boy. in compoir. sot right and the RAW/0106h AgiOtirilea ' '13 and the `.‘Mi;dical Adviser and'away looking for aferns', lese am chanes are, as tho night was osloudy,, Ing, the system ef education then with mita acted save the Qtten, , ati Betraill the- 1st '0f JaUttaan hull sauseess.-eWe are posdr to say that, that the tramwould have ,been thrown that now; Mr. GitrrOW said there. lvere 3, foe 60 cehte, Send in, the names, Mrs It taker is slowly reeovering. del'vn the embankment, : net $0 rritztly Stittlide in thoso' days zts , 0-13010016 SAT..lior.440.4 , - See...Treat , We have the LARGEST RANGE OF PANTINGS that are kept in Exeter and are selliug away down. 111 this sale IVO make a SI=C;InlaneisseHl=7"'. 0Z9 MI:21.1,19S as we have a large stock that must be sold. Note a few of the prices. - A fur felt hat (fine) for 750 worth $1.25. $1 fur felt hat worth $1.50. Fur felt hat for $1.50 worth $2.25. A nice straw Hat for 45 cents. We have also a daisy Rubber Coat for $10.50, worth $13.50. It will pay you. t.o buy your Tweeds from us as we cut them free ofcharge. We cati give you an all wool Tweed for 50 cts per yd. Don't 131388 01 bargain but GIVE ME A CALL. "'On SALE. J. H. GRIEVE, Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ont. rinsanTnmr.basataarialw.CalaaraaCasziascanaccmirsheaciagWernerserirMietws. An unright Plan o (Mason & Risoh) -7 oct- ve-alruost new. Apply at this office. . OR SALE. The Brick Cottage situated on Jaines-et., omposod of six room", also two lots on vhiedi the house is located is offered for sale he proprietor has another residence on street, 11 1101LSO With seven eomS, good garden,.splemlid water. and any other nocoModation•s, which. :will; be .bld or rented as the parties may. wiSli: Por urther•particulars apsdy to Mit.IsAAo PAW DEN. , Exeter, Ont ARM FOR SALE. 100 acres'more or less. being Lot 4, Con. I ownship of Biddulph, London Road; situ:b- ed 5 miles soufh of Exeter, 1 mile from Oen- villa, and only a SI, ort distance from burch school and post office; 50 acres clear f stumps, 12 acres hardwood -bush and the Mance partly cleared. • Th ere is on the pre- lises a new brick houseful& kitchen; large ame barn andstable nearly new; 2 good ells; a young orchard' bearing fruit, and are ery desirable premises. Terms liberal. For irther particulars apply on the premises, or to R013T WA.LEER, Centralia P. 0 VIMMIERIP•••••••01...4.0111111TONINfiel.PROWOMM••••••1117.1...••••.••••11•10 gliA.910 et:um-alai Ontario, Cal., on the Sth inst , Edward Drew, aged. 23 years and 5 months. tomen..-In Hay, on the 5th inst., the beloved wife of John Decker, aged 35 years and 25 days. Hay. SCHOOL REPORT. -The followin,,e, is May report forS. S. No. 2, Hay mes are in order of Merit. Fifth.- fred McTaggart. Fourth -Kate aptnan, C. C. Ross, F. E. .Ross. Sen. ird,- Maud Russell, Alice, Gould and side Northcott equal, Nellie O'Brien. n, Third. --Nellie Gould, James Shit' y, Nellie Northcott. Sen. Second.-- ckie Northcott, Flora Noithcott,John dd. Second Parr.-Bertie 0'1311e01, sie Munn, Willie Buseh Fleet Part, aehel Es 134 Nelson Sotherby, John ;,kson. The best spellers in the mon y spelling match ata:-Fiftli, Fred 'Taggart. Forth, Kate Chapman. o Third, Mitud Russell. Juti. Third. Ilia Gould, Sen. Seccmd, ,Tohn Todd, 11 Seeond, Edgar 0'13rieh. Second it, Richard Sotheiby. First Part, chel Essay, W, If, jOingSTol,t, Teacher, CCASTONAL DOSES of a good cathar ike Bardock Pills are necessary to keep blood pure and the bay healthy, • eta" , Around About Us. Zuric▪ h, We have this week to chronicle the death eaLydie, beloved wife of Air. Jno Docker, of the Babylon Line, who pas sed 4i 23 Sunday, 5th inst., at tbe age of'85ase ars and 25 daye. We ex- tend oa1 . heartfelt sym pathy for the be- reaved family in this their irretievable D . Weisrniiier Klippen; were visiting friends and rola. tives 301 town on Sueday.-Lieliss Swit- zer, of Hiedleberala is the guest of Mr. E. j. Wisely this week. ---Our School 'eacheas attended the Teachers' Con. vention.held Goderieh last Friday - Ales. Krupp and daugester,of Dashwood, were faeew iubacquitin tepees here last Sundayea-MaWm. F. J =Mice of Listo- wee is visiting at !)1 tiiutS, Airs. 31.e0 bie. 'Ile intends stayiag in this neigh, eorisped for sometime. --Miss Hattie Mit- chell pasted through here laet week. Hattie, looks hale and heesety.-airs. sje MeTa,ggart. of Chiselhurst it ahating at Mr. S. J. 'Latta's.