The Exeter Advocate, 1892-6-2, Page 4=ter V,tuoratt. sAiNT;Dz. zs SWPeET, Props. TRITBSDAY, ami.e 2nd, 3.892 TRE AD 1rOCA TE'S ANNIVER- SARY/ Piet yeara ago the ADY0OATIS made Ste heat hppearence els .a. Oeuridian .Yeurtal, and altheugh its early period WM fraught with straggles and disap- pintmeats, as is the easehvith allven- tares, it has long sine Ku:mounted time obstaclee and has left the danger -aselek of possible beam buried in ob- livion, and we now dream *hopefully of eeming yoars of usefulnees and pros , eserity and are admonished to believe that owr patrane will in future, as in the past, give ns their w1ling and Marty sapport. It is quite evident :re -one the rapid increase of our &mile - tie; and our patronage otherwise keeping pace with it, that our etvarse has been approved of by the public. To -day we occupy one of the "beet positions among the provincial weekly paper's, and notwithstanding the depression in trade throughout the 3and, we cat point with Fide to great- er ineprovements and mere perfect .facs Sides for turning out work in our office than any of our confreres. As in the ast, so in the time to come the ADVO CATE Will be found in the front rank. We have advocated the great Censer- aeryatiye cause, believing that to be The best adapted policy for our cc:unsay, 2.11t1 We are confident that it will al. ways remain Conservative as long as the policy of that party is, hi our opin- Sem calculated to promote the welfare of our fair Dominion. In concluding this retrospect we hope that our 'friends who have kindly and liberally support- ed us in the past will continue to do so, and we sincerely promise in return fall value for your money and general eatisfaction. Yours Respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. DOMINION DAY! A movement has been inaugurated in Toronto for observing the 25th An- alyersary of Confederation. The pro- 'eriety of such a step. commends itself le the good sense of all intelligent sons ef Canada, in order to keep alive the national senthnent, and as being a fit and proper time to take stock of the progress Made during•the first quarter era century of our national existence. We all know- with what zeal Out cane - ens of the neighboring republic observe every fourth of July to commemorate tem day of their independence. Why then should not we in Canada, who leave relatively made greater progress than did the United States in the same period of time, set up our ensign and display OUT banners to commemorate an event which without the din of arms or smoke of battle inaugurated tliTir national existence? The celebra- tion in Toronto. we doubt not, will be worthy of the occasion; and it is to be loped that for the nonce all sectional- ism—political and religious—will be begotten in the one universal desire of 'ehe bornmunity to make a celebration that will do honor • to Canada. Why should not every city, •townand vi.17 Sage of our widely extended Domiraon •anite in following Toronto's example? —lee that our first quarter of e centueys existence as a distinct nationality may be duly observed from ocean to ocean. THE EXHIBIT AT CHICAGO Manufacturers in England are refus- ing to send goods to Chicago for exhi- Tention at the Columbian fair. Why, ehey ask, should they be at the ex - Tense of exhibiting their wares in a eountry which refuses to buy from illaem? The. McKinley tariff is an act eommercial war, and they see no gmr1 results likely to come from turn. beg their other cheek'to the people who leave smitten them. They are not dis- posed to pay money to build up the teado.of a country Which has become their riyal, and -whicti builds a trade 'Seerriex against them. Above all, they nOt want to send samples of their goods to be pirated by the people who cannot under any circumstances be thesr customers. We cannot say how general this feeling is in Great Britain Ceentinly it is entertained by a large eletrober, and the probability is that the Beitiele exhibit at Chicago will be, net - eller large nor valuable, It saay be said that the McKinley earirstrikes at Canada as well as at 411:teat Britain, and that the reasons whielt prompt British manufactures to eefuse to exhibit )1110111cl have a like 'Met on Caeadians, But the cases of the two countries are tot similar It 2. truesthe MeKinley bill svaa.airned at Stfeneole. as enueli as at Great Britain; if it httrts Ile lese it is because the , authors of thathostile mashies failed in their ealculatioas and walind eat° in the mother country , for the ', prod acts which the tariff excludes trent the re- Sthe it will be distiactly hi the latere.et of Canada to exhibit her products at Chicago, To a large ex. tent Canada and the United States are rivals. The Dominion eat show better Wheat, barley, flour, cheese, bread, oats and many other articles that the Units ed.States (San show. Thousands of tho. foreigeors who will go to Chicago will go with an eye to basinese. Thev will there learn that they can buy statY better quality in Canada then in the Visited States, while the prices will be as low, and. possibly a little lower. By all meats let Canada make the best exhibit at the Celumbi- au exhibition he possibly can make. It is a matter of business, P.W.....f/449.16,11210,1Mirni* THE WORLD'S EXPOSITION ! —.1898. --- Active preparations are being made for the coming World's Exposition to be held in Chicago next year. We are glad to observe that satisfactory ar- rangemeuts are -la progress for giying to Canada increased accomodation for our exhibits, as compared with the space allotted to ns at the Centennial Exhibition heltlin Philadelphia. Now that as a ycung nation we shall have attained our twenty-fifth year on the• first day of July, it stands us in hand to embrace the present opportunity of showing to the world the vast extent and variety of our mineral, agricultur- al, industrial, and artistieal resources. We can scarcely hope to vie with, far less to rival,our neighbors to the South of us iu manufactures or inert. But in our natural resources, and in the products of Canada both by land and sea, the forest and the mine, there 13 little doubt that we can make as cred- itable an exhibit as any.couutry in the world. It is satisfactory to know that this Province of Ontario, as well as the Dominion in general, is to be well and ably represented by Commissioners ap- pointed by the federal and provincial governments respectively, both of which have made arrangements for conveying free of charge for transit all articles for. exhibition, Including the cost of placing the exhibits. So that our people,more especially the farming community,haveevery encouragement to make the best possible showing at the great International Fair. There are numbers of articles in which it is to. our advantage that other nations should be made acquainted: with the resources and capabilities of Canada, with a view to the deVelopenient and farther entension of our present grow- ing trade with other countries. In horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, dairy pro- duce, fruit, grain and other farm pro- ducts—as well as in our mines and minerals, fisherieseimber, &c.,—we are persuaded that a most creditable ex- hibit can be presented from this Dom- inion, one that will proye the very best adyertisement of our illiniitableresour- ces. It only needs that our people make a decided effort in displaying Canada's natural and industrial re- sources—and the result will prove ben- eficial to ourselves and a surprise to other natiens. The Exposition at Chic age will open on the first of May, 1893. and continue open until the end of Oc- tober. All entries from Canada Must be made by 31.st of 'July, 1892. TITLES CONFERRED. It has been customary for the reigu. ing monarch of Great Britain on hie or her na,telda,y to confer honors on some of their loyal subjects, and in certain cases to extend to state prisonersthe royal;pardon. On the occasion of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, attaining her 73rd year, sow,' al titles of distinction be bestowed as marks of the interest felt by our Sovereign in the welfare of her subjects. Canada was not forgot- ten in this distribution of royal favors on the 24th of May last; when the news was flashed across the Atlantic cable and communicated through the press on the following morning, that four Canaclians of distinetion had titles of honor conferred upon them by Her Majesty the Queen. These were the Premier of the Dominion, the Prelnier of Ontario, the Chief Justice of Quebec province, and Dr. Dawson of the Geo- logical Survey staff. So that by virtue of Her Majesty's appointment we have the following names and titles: Sir John Abbott, K.C.M.G.; Sir Oliver Mowat, K.C.111.G.; Sir Alex. Lacoste K.C.M.G.; Dr, G. M. Dawson, C.M.G, It was befitting that the Premier of the Dominion should be thus honored by Itis Soyereign—as, all thing's being eq- ual, Sir John Abbott Sheald not hold a position interim in tank to that of any member of the Cabinet. The peopriety of such Mr honor will be patent to eve erybody—both from the position held by the Penne Minister of' thie Dominion, and on the ground of his own persona and political merits,. It was to, he pooted also that the Preeder of Ontario who has inieci tli4t office for so many years with marked ability,should be hoimred by Her Majesty, not ouly be- cause Sir Oliver Mowat was the chief political fig -ore in the largest and most iteportant Province of the, Dominion, bat above all because of his oatspoken expreseimie of loyalty and attachment to the throne of Beitaiusseaud that at a time when ceetain leading men of his own political stripe were hob-nobbing with Washington, and kluging: (leen in the estimatimhof their folibwers the prestige of British institutions, The Toronto Globe, with that per- verse admiration for everything Amer can for which it has lately been chat:- acterized, has thrown cold water over the title conferred on Sir Oliver Mowat and has even spoken sneeringly And sarcastically of the honor bestowed, re - Minding its readers that the Fehediee Of Egypt and "a quondam Irish esibell, (Sir Charles Gavan Duffy) weee simil- arly honored by Her Majesty, Theep- pointmeat has evidently been a sore cut to the peer old Globe, inasnaten 0.8 it robs the readers and supporters of the poor satiefaeltion of belieying that Mowat (Sir Oliver, we beg his par- don) would never again offend Isis party by publishing' anti -annexation epistles to damp their ardent epirits. As tattle other hotoraecenfeeked on Canadians,on Her Majesty's natal day, eyeey one will admit the propriety of Quebec being honored in the person of its highest judicial functionary, and also the School of Science receiving re- cognition in the person of one of its distinguished pupils whose report on the Behring Seal Fishery question will form a part of Canadiau history, It is quite evident from the recent action of Her Majesty in bestowing the above titles, on the advice' no doubt • of His Excellency, the Governor,(3eneral, that Canada is beginning to receive its due recognition at the hands of the Imper- ial authorities. B.ay Council. Council -met pursuant to adjourn- ment in the town hall on. Saturday, May 21; all the members present. Kens. ficish—Schnells—that the following chancre be made in the.asseesment roll; joheDunsart, dog struck off; Lot.24, L. R. E., two dogs struck off; Central part let 9, Con. 15, assess to Henry Keenger; Ed. Marshall; struck off; Hen. Yager, one dog btruck off; E e lot le, con. 6, reduced $100.—Caeried. VoetISL er—Kalbfieish—Thet a 110We:toad divi- sion ÷,o be kinesyn as 15.A, ind consist- ing of 11, 12; 13, 14 atichlii'in• eon, V litiformed with Alex. Muna as path. inaster,—Carried Kalbfleish—Schnell —.That oileequest of Messrs. Gies and Schwalm the clerk be 'instructed to notify all perties effected by the Little. Marsh. Drait tuat the -matter of clean- ing out said drain will be taken up at next meeting of the council. Lots af- SPANISH NERVINE TR* .911g4'r spAxxsu R141dADT, eaSilY,, quickly axtd' eerreecieetty restores weeeeess, NOFYOUSUESS and Ifost Nantiood, A GoAgaiT4ED.SPeCiii0 for Ititp and Nearalgia, Hysteria, Dizzioess, Oonvisions, ,lierveas Prostration caused by the use o 1 Tobacco or Alcohol, Loss of Power ie either §Pa, Involuntary Losses' caused by ' over -indulgence. We guarantee six boxes to core any case or refinid num= 410) Arzim usu. the xtnuandlY014.1loi avobos:D. 0enterroea.fomr $igh. ddress Uso.lSd,bAygderungisStap,- ' For time ;in Exeter by .7. 'W. li8rowtaisit.7. totstomoomitillim tretenIng the Moto: At night is always a trouble, and it is often an entirely unnecessary . trouble if Perry- Davis!' 117 114 KILLE Is Kept in the house. A few drops of this old remedy in a little sweet- ened water or milk, brings prompt relief: Sok/ everywhere. r" 1 -lave you seen the New •BIG BOTTLE Olcl Price 25'Cent feeted are 22 to 28 inelusive in con. 10 and 16 and 19 on North Boundary.— C'arried. Turnbull—Voelker—that the reeve and treasurer be instructed to borrow on the credit of the municipal- ity the sum of $2,000 to meet current expenses.—Carried, Turnbull—Veal- ker—that the following be appointed Road Commissioners: North Boundary, H. Gies and Charles Troyer; Seuth Boundary, Henry Yager and Daniel Shaeffer; Centre Road, Div. 1, R. Car lisle; Div, 2, G. Parker; Div. 3, H. Wurm; Div. 4, Nelson Massee -Carried. The:following accounts were ordered to be paid,—J. Bilderbrand eare of Catray $12; M. Wainer culvert Sauble line $1; J. Carte, culverts $7; C.H.olbein calvert Bronson line $5; Dr. Thompson attendance on Margaret McVeigh $30; Kasper Weber repairing hole in Centro road 75c.; Sam Latta part eatery $e0; R. Hicks contractor H. S. D. $274,00. Council then adjoareed to meet again on June 25 at 10 a.m. S. J. LATTA, Clerk. Great dissatisfaction exists among the Church of England people at Pe- trolia over the remoyal of Rev. R. Mc - Cosh, reetor of that parish,to the perish of Chathanaehrithout the ,congregation hevingebetni consented in any way. The preceeding has tended to do the church here much harm aud. is likely to result in a division of the congrega- tion, as some of them openly oxpress their intention of applying to have branch ef. .the Reformed Episcopal Church established here. It is stated that negotiations are already on foot with that object in view. gar...neanwtosowevetnreKsemonewfwuresomelormsocva• ..,aammanammio William, A. Lehr of 'Kendallville, Ltd., says Hood's Hood's Sarsaparilla is King of edicines And His Cure WA !most a ' iwacie "C. I. Hood .6; Co., Lowell, Mass. 'Gentlemen: When I was 14 years of age I was confined to my bed for several limns byttu attack of rheumatism, and when I had partially recovered I 010 not have the use of My legs, so that I had to go on crutches. About a year later, Scrofula, in the form of White &we-11111gs, appeared on various parts of my body, and for eleven years I Was an invalid, being cod - tinted to my bed six years. 'In that ti3113 ten or eleven of these sores appeared and broke, cauSing me great pain and suffering. Several Mines pieces of bone worked out of the sores. Physicians ditinot help tie and Decame Discouraged want to Chicago to visit a Sister, as it Was thottght a change of air and Scene might do mo good. But I was confined to My bed , Most of the time. 1 was so impressed with the success of Pood's Sarsaparilla in meg similar to mine that I decided to try it So a bottle was bought, and to my greitt gratification the soros soon decreased and I began to feel better. This strengthened my faith in the medicine, and Ina short time I Was Up and Out of Doors To make a long story short, I continued to , take Hood's Sarsaparilla for a year, when bad become so fully released from the chains di dISease that I took a position+ with the Mint ar, Walling Mfg. Co,,and since that time haVe not lost a single day on aecouttb of SieknesS. I always feel well, aln in good spirit% and have a geed appetite. T endorse, Hood's Sarsaparilia for it bee been a great blessing to nie, end to my friends myreeovery seems almost mirac- talons.. I think }Media SerSeparllice Is the king' of0.11 tedielneas 'Metes sea. ratan; No 9IsTorth Railroad St., Hondelltalle, Ind. Hodd's kilts care Billoueneits. SIECIamiallacoloallislanentistammarcte SP11.11g SUIE111.81' Suits. 10[11111.1.111,1•MMIMISMUME151.110 Having added a stock of FINE WOOLLENS, CLOTHS, WORSTEDS, OASSIMERES, TINOS, TROUSER- gle,, Bo, I am now preeared to meet the wants of my- customers and all otherin need of clothes. A complete, stock at lowest prices. 'articular Attention Given to Orders. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store, BERT. KNIGHT. wrommrsTr.elwardl.samitarnM.D....rusoLrearimmdrimemannallor. PALACE BAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie parlor and restaurant , —will Serve— . ICE CREAM during the Summer Season, Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread Buns, Cakes Ste. , Visits gxeter every Wednesday and 8aturday afternoon, All orders left with George, Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oystere and fruits of all kinds in their season, 13, W. ros, Hensall. Has been appointed sole agent for the — THE GANAHOONE DRY EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. na, IT. Rowe. Counkenrweav Trill DflUTTOfl A complete stock of PUN and Reliable Mos ALWAYS KEPT. Palmit Sow turnist's Suggs 11 t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. W!iiit' Ifitllu1Polifif the best ill the market, C. LTITZ. PROP. London Huron c% Bruce Railway raSeenger Time Table, GOING NORT31. a.m.p.m. London,dep't 8.05 9.05. LueanCros'g 8.47 5.20. Clandeboye 850 518, Centralia, 9.05 5.45. EXETE:R 9.16 5.57, Hensall 9.28 6.09 Hippen 9.84 6.17 ciiriin:natnofinel.e. 160..4020 60:2465: Londesboro' 10.19 7.08. Blyth 10.28 7.12. lielgrave 10.42 7.27. Winghana 1100 7.45, Goma Soutar. 4 Winghara 7.111.15118110.. Belgrave 7.24 4.00. Blyth 7.88 4.15, Londesboro' 7.47 4.25. Clinton 8.07 4.95. Brueefield 8,26 5.04 Hippen 8.84 5.12. Hensall 8.41 5.19 EXETER 8.57 5.88' Centralia 9.09 5.15 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Cros'g 9.04 6.02 London aar tO 15 64.5 Cat TION. EACII PLUG- OF THE •MYRTLE BKNAVY IS MA 0 IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE $75,000.00. —All Del:eons who want— CHEAP EY at 51e, 6 and 61, PER CENT should call —at the— Office of R. 1-x. comdrin 140••••••••• moo*. flOTICE TO OBEMTORS. In the matter of the Estate of Lawrence Bennett, Yeoman, Deceased. NOtie,S is hereby, given pursuant to Chap- ter he of The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all persons having claims against, the Estate of Lawrence Bennett, Into of the Township of Usborno in the Couriky.of Hur- on, yeoman, deceased, who died on Or itbout the itis day of littreh, A. IL 1888, are required to deliver or sonS. b.v post prepait to the na- clersigned,Soliciters far Ann Ttenn ett,th etAcl- ministrittrix of then eal and Par8onal Es ta te of the said (Incased, on or before The 15th day of June 1892 a statement in -writing eontaiting their names., addresses and descriptions with full partiettlars of their claims duly verified hy Statutory Declaration and the nature of the Security (if any) held by them, .Ancl that af. ter the said last mentioned date the said ad - m inis trittrik will 'proceed to distribute the as- sets of the Matt Deceased's Eatate aM611,?` the parties entitled thereto, having rega,th only to those elaims of WhiCh 11061C8 '..81.1:111, have been reeeiv ad as above required ,and the said Arlin in is tra trix will not h.0 liable for the said Assets or any part thereof so distributed,„to any petgon or persons of whose Claims notice A:all net have been received at the time of Stich distrilattiom ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Selicitors fOr Adminiattatrig, ter, On t. Dated this gbh aay oi ethyl 1892. Exe '010,0,t4 A.100 Having' purchased the interest of S' '- MR, ROBERT RICHARDSON in the Floilr and Ihied business 1 wish to an- nounce to all customers that 1: will con- tinue to supply all kinds of rozioun AND 19:MED to those in need of such and will be found in the stand,* DREW'S BLOCK OPPOSIT.E TOWN HALL, with a full line of .6.11 Rands of Sob. , Provisions delivered to all parts of the village with promptitude. Highest cash price paid for. Butter and eggs. JESSE WESTCOTT Prop • All accounts must be settled with the proprietor as soon as convenient for those indebted to the same. READ AND LEARN. An That oar Planing Mill, Sash Door ss Emit ory is fitted tip with the latest improve - =exits. We are prepareni to do planing and m a tching, band and scrollsa wing , turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YARD you will find a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of buildieg materials. Pine and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See mar stook ofan x and x x x Pine Shingles manufnetured by the 'best makers in Ontario. Wo also have O large stook of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent vahie. No 1 Pin Lath con- stantly in Stook We have a, large stook of barn, sash which we can furnish with or without glass. We aro fitted up with mach- inery specially adapted form -taking all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns. whicb we can furnish to our customers on short notice. We show something new in this line for watering cat- tle in the freld or barnyard. Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting mueb attention, and. giving entire satisfaction whenever ustd. Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter mentirrarasamrtanraciwilremwmaLauomneceisahipteMILWIAIROM•04M/tImaWie, Funittre Undertaking HE MDQUARTERS. CURTAIN POLES' The only place, in town were you have at Assort- ment to choose from. Pol- es cut any length desir- ed. COVERS. A fine line. of covers just arrived, Mee your furniture re coveted and mode new in the latest styles. FURNITURE. In furniture we have the largest and best stock in town at the lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety of 'picture mouldings. S. GIDIREY. Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite 3 Grigg% Stationery. V..” G. Bissett's Livery, First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attentior. 14,e TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSET11. Eet111116181 illair111116111 EMPORIUM PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS We cary the most atenplete stook of Musical instruments in the county.. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEIVING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &a. The above itistruitionte, always on . bend. Terms to alit Purohuers. GIVE US A OALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN