The Exeter Advocate, 1892-6-2, Page 1ISubscribe for
ist 18Q3. WV4 it a trial!
Only 35 from now tu
ill Janary'
The Masons Bank.
(Chartered. by nastiamentoess.)
Paid up Capital $2,000,000.
Rest Fund-. . . 1,100,000,
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmer's on their
own notes With Ono Or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum..
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful clay from. IS a. in. to.3 p,
m., Saturdays AO m. to 1 p. m
4 general banking business transacted
Four Per cent. per annum allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 3
Per &Intl
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub•Manager
egieter Abfrocatel
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Mee,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
eV1.50 if not so paid,
No paper discontinued. -until all arrearages
are paid. -kelvertisements without specific
directions will be ?mblishecl till forbid. and
charged according y. Liberal diseount made
for transolant advertisements inserted for
long Periods. Every description of SOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheoues,money ord-
ers, 80. for advertising, subseriptions, ete. to
be !nada payable to
Sanders & Sweet
Church Directory.
Fatt. Rector. Sunday Services,
and 7 p.311. Sabbath Sehool, 2.30 m m.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday SaryiCee, 1040Lb. m.
and 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
MAIN STREET -Rev. W. MoDonagh, Pas-
tor. Sund.tiy Services,11..00 a.m. and 7.00 pan.
Se, bbatb. Scho012.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m, and 9.30 p.
M. Sabbath Sch.001, 945 11.M.
" Professional Cards.
H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, 'Ranson' s Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
dIA IN STREET, EX ETElti extraets teeth
without pain. Away at 11en8011 on let
Friday; Aliso, Cd. raig on 2nthud Atli Tuesday;
liana Zurieh on last Thursday of eaelt mouth.
H. ING1RA.M, DENTIST, Member Royal
C• College Dental Surgeons successor to
11. L. Billings. Office over ' i?ost Otliee
Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetie given for
the painless extraction of teeth. 1'in9'oi±-
10,3 required. .
B W.RITELY, M. D., C.11., PItYSICI.A.11
t; • and Surgeon. Office and residence-
C,orner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
J_JItesidence-Cornor Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
▪ • the College of Physicians and Su.rgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoueh-
our. Office, .Uashwood, Offt.
DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D., 0. M , Member of
College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal of
P hysicians and Surgeons :Edinburgh; lieen-
tiate of the Faeuity of PhysiCians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Follow at Trinity Medical
College, Toronto. °glee -Dr. • Cowen's old
The BriekCottage eituated on jairieS-sb,,
composed of six,' room4, 'also two lots'�i
whieh the hansel$ loeated ,is offered fOr salk
The proprietor has another .residenee on"
William street, n framehouse withseven
rooms, geed garde% splendid, water, and
'many ether accomeclations, Which will be
sold or rented as the parties may Irish. For
Anther particulars apply to '
Exeter, Ont.
• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public..
Ofilee-Over O'Neil's Bank, .Exteter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
▪ of Sn..prerne Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyanaer, 1,ommissioner, Sfe. Money tp loan
Oftiee--Fan s on' s Block, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, Sze, Money to loan
at(0 per <Ant.
TTBROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt-
. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of 'Osborne
Sales promptly attended. to and terms reason
411 0,b1e.Sales arranged at Post offiee,Wincheisa
• A j. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
Xi.ved Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
"L" BOSSENBERRY,Hensall Ontariotic
XI. wised Auctioneer for the County. of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfacbien guaranteed.
HARDY, -Licensed Auctieneer for tbe
L• CORE ty of Huron. Sales Conclueted on
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a
. s peeialty. Full airangereents can be rnade
at this office,
100 acres'more or less. being Lot Con. 1
townshipof Biddaiph, London Read; 8 Ltutt-
tea 5 rriiles south of Exeter, 1 mile from Cen-
tralia, ancl only a elnort distance from
church school and 'post office; 51 cieras clear
of sturnps,12 aores hardwood bush arid the
balance partly.cleared. There is on the pre-
mises a new brickliuse and. kitchen; largo
frame barn Klld abable, -nearly now; 2 good
wells; a young orehard bearing &nit, and are
very desirable premises. Terms liberal. For
further particulars apply on the premises, or
to BORT WALKER, Centralia, P. O.
Sick List.
Mr. Geo. Cuchnore is confined to the
house with, a se-vere attack of erysipe-
las in the head. -Miss Ettie Essery
has been ill for a few daye during the
past week, but has recoveredsuffreient-
ly to attend to personal duties.
Batt Drinking Water-
TraVellers suffer greatly from the
different kinds of water they are corn
pelted to drink,as nethiug is se likely
to bring on an attack of Diarrhea as
change of drinking water. Perry Da-
vis' Pain Killer is the only safe, quick
and sure cure for Diarrhea. Cramps.
and Cholera Morbus, and the valise of
every traveller should contaiu a bottle
of the mixture, which he call, procure
a!: -any reputable ding store. 25e. for
a large bottle.
rED. FARNCOMB, 'Provincial Land
Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Office,
Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
I)AIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (Successor to Win. Sweet,
V. S ) Over 18 years practice. Offee and
residence one block east of Richard Pieleards
store, Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
Aoincr FOR
The Western Fire Aswarance Company,
of Toronto,
!NM Plicenix Fire Insurance Coy.,
of London, Eugland,
The Alliance! Fire Assur. co'y.,
of LOrid011, Ell gland.
and The Confederation Life Association,
of Toronto,
Officei-Main street 1 Exeter, Ont.
111 A T1,21 FOR SALE.
One hundred ;terns, more or loss, being
Jo 1, eon. 0, township of Usberne, Count
of Huron, 03 aeros under good cultivatiOn,
well dr a in ed , go co orchard .tw o fram co barns
fiemo stable 'Neo Storey Brick. Dw apt!
two georl wejts of water 00 the premises.For
further partieular$ apyly to
,TOitx 0011X7Pil,
251-38 St. Thom tis, Ont..
Around About Us.,
The corner stone for the new Sileom
Methodist Church or. the 51h concession
of London Township will be laid. by
Mrs. Du. Eccles of London, on Wed-
nesday, June 15, at 2 o'clock.
The Local Option By-law was voted
on at Wyoming Mondey, and carried.
by the narrow majority of three votes.
Eighty-five votes iveed polled for the
by-law and 82 against, it. There were
spoiled ballots.
Recently twp Montreal lovers gnarl -
led. and in the course of the dispute the
youngumn called his former friend a
"plug," alluding to the fact that she
had once worked in 01 tobacco factory.
The young girl has in consequence ta-
ken an aution for $50 damages and the
COurewill have 'xi decide whether this
apPellation Ocinstitates n. verbal inhere.
Judge Street haS given decision in
the London betting case of Treblecoels:
GuStin infavor of the phiiiitiff, who
rec.° y ers :his. $500 71 itli interest end
eosts. The circumstances were siinilar
.other cases in Which like judge-.
ments have been giVen.
Harry Gerbeitt„ of Wingeham,, tbe al.
leged forger, who has been in Toronto
jail over a year, went hack " to Texas
Wednesday afternoon last cek in
(0harge of . Detective Lucas Of that
state, Inspeetor Stark • accOmpanied
them as far :as Port Huron, As stated
some titne ago, Garbutt abandoned the
appeal at Oegoede Hall and Will now
stand his- trial in Texas,
John French, a prisoner iti the Strat-
ford jail, inade Itis *ape on Mor lay
morning. He had been sent down from
Mitchell and was serving a sentence Of
five months for wife beating. He had
put in about two months out of the
five. He is deseribed as follows:, -Ile
is about 5 feet 2 bales in height, of
light build hair and eyes very dark,
.small dark moustache, straight nose,
features fairly regular. When .last
seen he had on jail pants mid vest,.6he
side of each light gray, well worn, old
dog skin cap, and coarse, old. shoes. -He
claimed to be 85 years of age"but look
ed Younger. Sapposed to have head-
ed for Downie, and when last seen lint
ped in his kwalk. J'ailer Nichol has
offered $25 reward for his capture.
His Lordship Justice Street has giv-
en Judgement in the action, Fairbbank
vs. Fraser, tui.ed nuSartiia reeently, It
was it suit by John H. Fairbank, with
carried on busitiess under the name of
Vanghn & Fairbank, Parolee, as a
private banker, against John -Fraser,
assionee, for the benefit of creditors of
Sons for it declaration of the plantiff's
right to receive a Certain sum of 81,850
from the latter, and for payment of it.
M. J oodward w
& Co. were on refiners
and manufacturers of paraffine wax at
Petrolia and were customers of the
plaintiff. The plantiff discounted tot
$550 each taking a security for each
adVatice an instrument, Judgement
deelaring that as between the plantiff
and the defendant Fraser the lattt3r is
entitled to the $1,650, and plaintiff's
'claim dismissed with costs. Lash Q. C.
for plaintiff. W. R. Meredith, Q, C.,
and Weir (Sarnia) for .defendants.
.A, terribl ;:,,letindee storm passed ov-
er this tow,. .etw,een 5 and 6 o'clock
pert. On the c2.1'.ktli ult. Mr. leog,er Med-
ley, one.ofit1 oldest and most respect
ed eitize0 e, was struck by light
ning and ieetantly killed on his own
farm, Ile 'Ayes a wife and large fain
ily to mom .1 his unexpected death'.
Mr. Sarene ,insmore had a line horse -
killed by Pa.'• tiling in his stable, and
Mr. W. ch, ,rds lost a cow from the
same cause: while grazing on Trout
Creek flatee The Roman Catholic eon -
gregation f SI Mary's hay e decided
upon erecting, a handsome edifice on
that pcy
art Rtheir property to the south
of tlte prefOnt structure. Plans and
specificatiolPior the new building are
in course preparation by Ieessrs.
Post & Hohnes, architects, of Toronto.
11 18 expecte-rthat the of
the foundatl a will be completed this
year, '
.. The Pat 'i: '1'q Ot inclustty of the Town-
ship ef St('.,,, I e held ,a Mess meeting at
Ceeaiton ft- to purpose of organiling
wTownalilz,,,;,,,,ssOciatibn Every Asso
ciation-int'e: Township wao largely
,„ I., re being upwards of one
hundred M.:ill !a.1.3 present The Chair
was pee* 1,.( ''.y Mr, ' A. T. Been, of
,Ditaliwood. V -Iter giying appropriate
eddresSes.thi following officers were
duly eleetc-President, A. T. Bean ;
Vice FreSident, S. 8 rol: en shire ; Sec,-
:TreeiS., 8.'See4ere, Jr.; Executive Conn
nithee, A. !;:‘ ;ire:min S. Brokeilshire, S.
Sanders, JeA'After the officers were
elcted ,seivrli- live questions were
brbuieht AA discussed 'With great
M. J. Woodward & Co. and Warden ec, viveCity rbY: entl of Stephen's brightest
intelects."''-' member came full of
amt itiodf ier the interests of,the
4,.!.1: 4i5rder is now in good
working ,and will undoubtedly
enjoy the 1
f4 • .(6? of the labour more
The North Middlesex Reform Associ
ation met at Ailsa Oral°.con Wednes.
day afternoon, the 25thins;, and eleet•
ed the following officers for the emu
ing year: -President, Wm. Fraser, of
McGillivray; lst Vice,President, Wm.
Dawson, of Sylvan; 2nd Vice•President
George Sam well, of Exeter; Secretary,
Owen, Ailsa Craig; Treasurer, Dr.
Gunn, Ailsa Craig. A resolution of
condolence with Mrs. Mackenzie,widow
of the late Hon. A. Mackenzie, was
moved by Mr. John Waters, M P.P., and
unanimous)" passed.
The Stationing Committee of the Lon
dot Conference met in the First Meth°.
dist Church, St. Thomas, Monday after-
noon. The following are stationed in
the Exeter district: -Exeter (Main sI.),
W. MeDonagh.--:-Exeter (James street).
A. L. Russell, M. A, B. D. -Parkhill,
John Holmes.--Elimyille. John Ressell,
E. Honeywell -Centralia, S. J. Allen. -
Crediton, G. Baker -Bier, R. Redmond
Bryanston -G. H. Thompson ,-Melrose,
P. W. Jones, J. M Collins, superannua-
ted -Sylvan, S. Knott. -Grand Bend,
J. E. Holmes.
It remained for a Canadian, Mr. H
Bunker, of Barrie, to invent what is ac
knowledged by all railroad men as the
perfect Coupler, Its workingparts are
sininlieity itself. Each coupler has a,
horizontal belt with an arrow head
slightly twieted so that When the ca,rs
jam together the head strikes crosswise
in a sloe in the other coupler. The
twist in the head forces the bolt to turn
allowing it to entee the slot, its own
weight turns it back and the cars are
COnpled. The coupler also has the ord-
inaey _drawhed, allowing it ,to .he at7
taehed- to any "foreign" car, that is,one
not 'rigged with: "this coupler.: The
coupler now goes by the name.of "The
Alehouse" after a Chicago gentleman
by that name, Who bought out the pa.
tent, and is engaged in perfecting the
design,so as to put it upon the market.
The tests at Toronto Junction Satur-
day; were yery'seVere;:yet" the coupler
steed the.strain every time. The ar-
rangenient locked when a car at 12
miles ati hour bumped against another
on the, sharpest *ye on the
track. This Wes a curve on which' all
the other copiers eefuee to act and ov,
er whieh it loeomotiye passes with
great difficitity. Two ears fitted with
the Althouse were placed in the middle
of a .long, heavily -loaded train; the lo-
comotive IV 18 started with a full head
of steam. At the first trial the coupler,
.drawhead and all, was pulled nearly
off' the ear, tt the next the pin
in the car nextahead gave Way, but
the etteegth, and utility of ihe . invent-
ion were clearly proven, The cars fit.
ted with the new, coupler will be sent
to Montreal, where the tests will be re-
peated before 'the presidents of the two
Setren,-In Exeter North, on the 23rd
' inst., the wife of Christopher Smith,
of a son.
John Latikie, hotelkepper, was ar-
reghd: me Wednesday lest- week ley'l5e,
teetive Allen, of London, o11 a eharge
of assaulting Thomas Magee, a liquor
dealer. • The assault took place on
March 14th, and the olcl man was in
bed for a month afterward, so it is said
He has been sent for trial by Squire S.
B. Smith, of London, and gave bail to
appear at the proper court. -The titian
cial distriet eresetingeof the Methodtst
church, St. Marys citetriet, will be • held
here next Autumn.
(Too late forlasb week.)
Mr, C. Taylor and. Miss M.' Bailey
spent the 24A,visiting friends in Mit-
chell. -Miss A. Wilson and Miss M.
O'Brien epent last Saturday and Sun-
day visiting. friends in the vicinity .of
Parkhill. -=The fishermen have •nearly
all got their Pond nets in the water
and very good fishing is reported so
far. -Miss KeGilmore, of Forest, is at
present visiting her sister Mrs. Robert
Taylor. -The' fishing tug 'Wm. H. Sei
balet,.of Goderich, made her first trip
to.Grand Bend ea Tuesday of • last
The ice cream parlor of Mr. D. Foss
has been open during the past warm
weather. -Miss • Anthony, of Exeter,
who has been engaged with Mrs. D.
Spicer as milliner, was the guest of
Mr, and Mrs, James Coxworth on Tues-
day. -Mr. Simon Hunter has returned
frdm Iowa, where he has been on it
short yacation.-Miss'Susan Sweet, of
Exeter, has heen visiting friends in
the village for a few days during the
past -week. -Rev. Mr. Brown Sermon
accompanied by his wife and family,
left on Monday' for Marquette, Mich..
where he will act as aesietant rector.
During his stay in our midst he made
many friends', who feel keenly the, loss
Of so valuable a citizen. May their
future be one of joyful prosperity • is
the wish of all.
fully than h&to1oie.
Zurich. •
ill need Of•-•
Sale Bills, Hand Bills, Leiter
AD*, Reads i4 Exo,oloi)es-infaot
all kin ah ef printing.
. • .
NO 269
Sodom, -
Last Monday morning a certain yes-
ident of this town went in search of
some cows but being rather longer
gone than was thought neeessary, and
as the river Bauble, which he weuld
likely have to cross, was rather deep
owing to recent rains, the family be.
eame uneasy and one of them went in
search orthe missing party. After
considerable time spent in the search,
he was discovered, and together they
wended their way homeward with the
cows, but the river had to be crossed
on one of Nature's bridges. By some
means they lost their footing and, both
fell in. .They finally got home not
much the Worse for their mishap 1110Fta
than a thorough wettiug.
Mrs. Dew,-rks Derstien, of Michigan, is
renewing acquaintances in town 4,t
present, -014 tailor; Wm. Hoffman,
through the increase of his trade, has
seethed anotlice- hand in the person of
Miss Mills,eMr. Charles Feltz, of Dash-
wood, paid.ene village a f1 ing visit
on Sunclay, We ere heeing a' spell of
vety warm 7,yeather..whieh'is a great
contrast to 1±e Oold 'wetweather- of
seine 11ltae7,Lapt. week While cutt-
irqe Wood." -f.k the, ,'97.)redgei" 'in the
swamp, Mr. f;I: Randle met with. rather
a painful aecident, having accidently
cut his -foot with the axe. We hope
that be scion be able to get around
Sunday an English ser
vice WO held here be the town hall uu
der the.auspiees of the Ancient Order
of Foresters, and was largely attended.
A nuinber 6f brethern from Clinton
and Se-afoi4la, attended. The Rev. Hen-
derson, of Hensall, presided, who very
Ably delivered bus sermon, and was
A brick ,dotage Owned by John
Thompson waS totally destroyed by
fire at 8:-.60 3i.m. Sunday, together with
Contents.' ,The occupants being away
from henie at the time of the flee it is
-a mystery how it originated: Build:
ing ineneed in the Citieens' for. $500,
whnhNVill not near cover the losss.-
An aceigent loccurred:here on Monday
undiir •thui followings circumstanees.
Severaeyeere ago Joseph Dietrich, .of
South Eastlione, loaded. a 'pistol and
pieced:it. Oreehe top of the cupboard,.
'where it was entirely .forgotten. Mrs.
Dietrich .110 placed it en a table in the
rpom, note knowing it was loaded.
Detring her temporary absence her 7 -
year Old soreentered the tooth and see-
ing the pistol took it from the table
and- went entside. Tho hued 'than, no,
tieing the bey .with the pistol went • to
take it from him, when in the effort , it
was diSelia,re,ed, the content:a peeping,
into the abdomen of the little 5 -year-old
boy who:Wae•standing close by. The
ball 'pasSe1t downward into the thigh;
froth which. it wag extracted by the
doder; but the boy only liyed a sheet
Green -way.
Mr. R. McClinchey bought a fine
ycnng horse off Mr. P. Gooding. -Mr.
Eagleson -raised a large barn
on the farm he bought from MI A Mc
Laehlan,-Mr. C. H. Wilson has two
geese that have laid,forty-six eggs this
season auld still they lay,-Misees Rus.
sell and Wiggins and Mr. Westman,
teacher of Crediton Public School were
visiting at Mr. A. M. Wilson's last Sat-
neday.---The Annual Sabbath Sehool
Picnic of Grand Bend eireuit is to be
held Wednesday, June 15, on the shore
of river Aux Sauble, near Lake Huron
-Miss Ada Mollard, of Grand Bend is
assisting' Miss Tilly Brophey in the
dress making' establishment at the Bos
ton Mouse. -Mr. Brown.has a In-
cubator for hatching eggs. He set 100
eggs and they have alt been hatched
and another lot are expected shortly.
teat that if yon an, -Mrs. W. J. Wil-
son spent last Tuesday visiting her old
school mate Mee, S. A. Ca rriere.---1.'he
Iiatites' Band of Willing' Workete gold
abOlit $20 Worth at Grand Bend 24th
and had a very enjoyable time, -Mr.
W. tilenS has passed with high hon.
Grand Bend.
The.crops in this section have made
a rapid geowth'and an abundant crop
of hay is looked for, -7 -Me. and .Mrs. Jno'
Spackman, Of -Exeter, have arrived in
our midst and are making preparat-
ions for the accommodation of tourists
during the silt -mien It is the intent-
ion of the gentleman to erect several
inore cottages and also a dining ,hall
which can he used by picnicers., The
grounds are.undergoing an overhaul-
ing and every possible effort is being
put forth to try and please all who vis
it the resort. All parties who are all
ticipating a few weeks holidays could
not do better than spend .thorn here on
the banks of Lake Huron. -Our foot.
ball club are getting dow, to work
and are I:practicing nearly every even-
ing. They succeeded in defeating the
Boston club a short time ago by • three
straight goals.
Aneive.rsary services in cohnection
with St. Andrew's church, Ba,vfield,will
be held on Sunday and Monday, June
5th and Gth. Serinons will be preach -
ed on Sunday by Rev. A. McLean, of
Blyth. On Monday evening the tea
meeting will be held in the towu ,hall,
when the following Rev. gentlemen
are expected to be 'present and deliver
addresses, viz, Revs. A. McLean, Blyth;
J. A..Anderson, B. A, Goderith; J. A.
MeDoneld, Varna; A. Henderson, M. A.
Atwooh; and F. G: Newton, Bayfield.
unioUchoir from Goderich will furn.
ish excellent inusic.-The lisherinee
are busy these days looking alter the
large niember of tish which are caught
it 1)eing:a11114st 1191 to
alsil°8a of Iri?oltiOng9.6.,kill1L%-..1°t nehil7n0i! 'oe-1.nfetei.o. bat
the otiantity.-...''1ft, tri:Towlie Sr ;has
Mr. Wm. Ball, our poplar undertak-
er, has made the purchase of a new
hearse, which eost $1,000. It is very
handsomely finished and Mr. Ball is to
be congratulated OR his purchase.--M
Wm Wilk 11, house carpenter and.
framer, is so very busy at present, that
he is oblig,ed to keep a staff of five men..
employed, which speaks much for him
as a workman. Will is a wholesouled
fellow and from what we learn the
many contracts he has dispensed with
in the past have given utmost satisfac-
tion. He has seethed the following
contracts recently: -A kitchen for Mr.
Fred Elsie; Hearse shed for Wm. Ball;
repairing bank barn for Mr. iVm Snell
which will be raised shortly; and.
shingling, barn for 'Mr. Jos. Martennie.
Mr Fred 'Elcey is erecting. an addit-
ion to his dwelling -Mr. C. Lindifielk
has moved into the house of Mr. Ro-
esso, lately occupied by Misses Rainey
and Harris; dressmakers. Misses Rain
ey ai,d Harris have moved to the up-
per ritorey of Messrs. Fritz and Staubue
shoe shop. -Mr. W. Zimmer has placed
0 new woven wire fence in the front of
his lot. -Mr. W. Ball has purchased it
new hearse valued at $1000. -Mr. Re
esse and wife visited his brother-in-law
near Mitchell last week. -Some of the
boys were rather unfortunat on the
24th of May by brietking the axle ois
'the Parkhill and Dashwood stage. --Mr.
Michael Rum 'viz; se,cured an apprent-
iee.---Mrs, McCollum has returned from
London. -Miss Mitehell paid her oiE
friends a flying 'sit on Monday.-Mre
;Ind Mrs. R Cook are visiting hien&
in Sebringville.--Mrs. Tait, of Parkhil
is the guest of Mr. Charlie Lindifield --
Misses Hang and Millen left for Lon-
don on Monday. --The Dashwood jockey
club came out iu full force on the 24th,
by exercising their horses, Keller-
man got the first purse -The one mile
foot race between Mr. Fe, Litt' and L.
Staubus was rather a tough run. •Ma.
Frank won the race. -Chir enterprir.
ing shoe dealer, Mr. 0. Fritz, dram
quite an little:talon in our village,
throwing- shoulder stone and jumping.
Usbo,rne• Council,
The council met on the 28th May as
a court:of revision ou' the assessment
roll of 1892. All the members were
present and duly sworn. On motion of
J Halls; seconded by J Shier the Awe,
was appobated chairman. .1a. John.
Shute. appealed against his dog asses-
purcuased thelarin oil the Goderich
road belonging to Mr James McLeod. --
0n the24th ult., in the rectory, Rev. G.
Newton officiated at the marriage of
Mr. Wm. Mose, of Brussels, fortnerly
engaged in 'Thomas Cameron's harness
shop; and a young lady of the same
town. After the interesting ceremony
the newly wedded couple proceeded to
visit Mr. Uose's frieuds Goderich
township.-Creps are looking excellent
in this section of country.-Pienicers
are'beginning to arriye and preparat-
ions are being made to accommodate
it large number of pleasure' seekers
dUring the coming.summer. •
Stephen Council.
26th May, 1892.
Reeve appointed chairman. Mem-
bers duly sworn. Cases of appeal: -
D. O'Brien, complaint too high, no re
duetions; R. Cobleigh, do, ruled $100
reduction; F. W. Baker, do, ruled $L00
reduction. L Hill, do, no reduction; J.
Madden. do, no reduction ; Jas. Clarke,
do, withdrawn; R. O'Rouke, has no dog
ruled dog oft; Angus McCormick, com-
plaint too high, $60 off; R. Polack, has
no dog, clog off; Wm. Geiser, do, do; J.
Eiwards, has only one dog, do; Wm.
Finkbiner, has no dog, do; R. Kilpat-
rick, do, do. Changes also made in his
other assessments. Council took up
general business. J. Sherritt-R.
Hicks -that H. Eilbet and. F. Waerth
see to road repairs near S. Brokenshier.
1' Wuerth-R J Sherritt
and ree#e see to repairs lst side road--
Resole'ied that by law be drafted to
close road known as Cronin and Bob
inson road. The following, gravel con-
tratts were Id. Div. 1, cords 12, price
$2.60, contractor J Lawson, Com. J.
Hee man ; Div 2,20, $2,55,W Anderson,
W Baker; Div 3, 20, $2,55, H Essery,
Winer; Div 4, 20, $3, J. Finkbiner, F
Eilber; Div 5, 20, $4.05, J Lawson,
Eilber; Div 6, 25, $405, It Barry,A Me
Cormiek: 1:)ier 7, 30, $3.75, 111 O'Rouke,
P McKenzie; DINT'S, 20, 83.20, 5 Morris -
son, M Hoffman; Div 9, 15, $3,70; P Mc-
Gregor, J Ford; Div 10, 15, $3, G
J B. Hocights; Div, 25, 03.05, H
Essery, W Winer; 41h S R 2, 30, $1.55,
W Ford, rr Shapton; 4th S R 3, 30, $1. -
GO, J Smith, J G Wine; S R 4, 6, J
Martine to get it done:" Fairfield, 25,
$1.50, II Essery, W Nairn; Fairfield, 5,
do; Ford S R, 10, $2.50, W Anderson,
J Ford. Resolved that the following'
Orders be granted. Mrs Newcombe $3;
M Wilson $60; J Regan culverts 12th
ecin $9; S Morrisson culvert lst S R $2;
MOultin relief $5; j Chevron keep of W
EagleSon $8: 8 trokenshire 2 culverts
Exeter S $5; A King diteh across 6,
7 con $2; 11 Itestle culverts 9th 0O11 $4;
Wm Elliott culvert at :Fairfield $2; J
Ityan $9: W HuXtable drain across
road, $3,50; A Dearing eulvert Brcl. side
road $5; Ryan balance of salary as-
sessing$20, Council to meet again lst
ing evidence it was moved by J. Shier,
seconded by T. Cameron, that whereas
by 53 vie, chap 62 see 1 sub sec 1 eith-
er the owner, possessor or harbourer of
a dog is liable to pay the tax imposed.
thereon, therefore resolved that the ap-
peal of Mr. Shute be dim -limed. This
being the only appeal the roll was care
fully examined and a few minor cor.
rections were made by the assessor
ter which it was moved by J Halle,
seconded by W Kydd that the assess-
ment roll for 1892 as revised be con-
firmed. and the court of revision closed.
--Carried. The council met after the
conrt of recision had closed. The min-
utes of previous ineetine• were read,
and adopted. J Halls -W Kydd-that
the assessment roll for 1892 be adopted
and an order drawn on the Treasurer
for the assessor's salary. --Carried.
Shier -T Cameron --that the reeve be
authorized to expend $50 in gra,vel-
ling on the London Road, south of Ex-
eter and our share of expenditure on
the boundaries of surrounding muniei-
paiities..---Carried. T Cameron-ing.
seconder --that a special grant of 820
be given toward gradinr, and gravel-
ling on side road between lots 25 anst
26, con. 8 and, that the reeve and the
mover be a conmettee to expend. the
same. 'The folf5vina• orders were
granted, Clarke grading
Glenn's side road $9 :John Hunter, Jr,
culvert $2.50; C C Switzer repairing
Fish Creek bridge $1.75; Wm Bray
cutting hill between lots 25 and 26
con 7 $7.50; Wm Miners salary as as-
sessor $50; M Routly grading. and cud. -
vert $23. On motion of W Kydd, sec-
onded by T Cameron the council ad-
journed to meet Saturday, July 2, at
11 a.m. G. W. Hensfax,
BRAUND.-In Crediton, on the 28th
inst., the wife of D. E Braund, of a
CLARKE.--KERSLAE11.-in Exeter 'on
Olittt011- the 26th ult.; by the ROT. A. L. 'Rue -
sell, B. D., Mr. Thomas Clarke, of Co -
Mr. A.11. Manning and, wife arrived bourg, to Mrs. Pricilla, Kerslake, of
home from Florida on ,Friday evening,
Et eter,
looking none the worse for their ab- Mtni,En.---Winrns,--In Detroit, on the
sence from us save a slight tanning of tth lst nese, by the Rev. Mr. Plantz, of
the skin. -At last regular meeting the Tabernacle M. E. Church, Mr.
Be t Miller of Detroit for e I t
oPthe Collegiate Board it was de,cicled r . e , , m r y o
that a fee of $1 be levied on candidates St. Thornas,to Miss Georesiana,second
for entrance examinations. -The pros- daughter of Mr George 'Willis, now'
peers for fruit WCY0 never better in this of Detroit but formerly of Exeter.
section than they are this year. There
is very great profnsion of blossom, and AFTER 'THE GRIP
should no blight elver, there will be a And after typhoid fever, diphtheria,
large crop of everything. --Mr. Joseph pneumonia, or other prostrating' clisea-
Rattenbury is about stocking' a fish ses, Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what is
pond on the Glow farm on the London needed to restore the strength and vigs
road -Mr. W. East' hae bought the or so much desired, and to otpel alil
house ad lot On 1110 corner of Queen poisoe from the Mood. It has had won
and Priecess streets, at present oecu- derful success in many such case.
pied by Mr. Atitterson; the considerat- :Hood's Pills act especially upon the
the purchaser of the Moore property, naturel duties, atm constipatiOn and
liver, rousing it front torpidity to its
ion is $500, Mr, John Gibbings was
ors at the Military College, London. Mondey 111 July. 0, ntotyry,. assist clioestiert,
sold by auction it few days ago