HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-26, Page 811111,10111fgli Witill T. 11 11, r Specials-sDraw a line from the Leke Shore directly east to Klippen and then by Way of Staffa and. Oromarty to VW - futon anci Busselciale, then south. to Kirkton, andWoodham then west again to. Clandeboye and terminating by way of MeGuire, Mount Carinel,Oorbett and Greenway at Grand Bend you heve the outside Boundary of the field which Ti -IE MART '41.1-1.S to Over with its goods and -ells tomers. To setsare this 11rt), have to keep a !arrassupply and eertainly are net ftiiiiniin this respect: Our store is literally crowded . with 'goods and Holiday Stock ready for seekers of Hol- iday Gifts.. Every desireable thing we . eould think of has •beeu pleeed to meet our 'customers wants and, no sr. We cor- dially invite them and. their friends to oalI and pas a Pleasanthalf hour in looking through. We wish to make our store worthy.of Roth our Customers and Ourselves and now with little fear ask for their verdiet, • ' . . alt1G-Cr, THE MART. Entotew. Thg Blairalt to 2..E=Rj Wall Paper for Half Price. .$21 7.4 1310 DROP IN THE MN of V1.111 Pop AT THE Big Eatlialgt Shiro, AND BIG SALES Since we made the drop in Peices. . I WALLPAPER 74 At Close Cut, yes .- +. a Very Close Cut 4, PRICES. Pect g 1 OK FOR ilorphis. OW YOlif JIiO FOR Buy your BUM:Kw eoats at J. 1-1 Grieves and keep dry, White and Yellow corn for farmers use at Cobblediels and Tolland's. Mr. B, Anbry shipped 18 horSes frem Laicals yesterday (Wednesday) to Mont real. Fier hats for Pienice and Excnrsions hats for Holiday diversions, ko to J. II. Grieves, Farmers eall and get your ensilage corn at Cobbledick end Tolland's hard- ware store, AS AN MD to internal remedies for skin' diseases, Dr. Low's 6tilphar Soap prov0 very val nable. Messrs. Bawden and Howard tia*e completed the stonework of the Metho- dist church at Ilderton. t Will Tolland is having a commodio- us stable and driving' house erecteeen premises, Andrew stret.t. •, The district meeting of the Rowel( Tempters of Temperance will be held' in Hensall on Julie 21st. "MANY MEN, MANY MINDS," but all men ancl all rainds agree as to the merits of Burdock Pills, small and sugar-coated. The prostration after the .(slip is en- tirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It really does make the weak strong. Grover, the youg son of Mr. George Bissett, fell down a flight of stairs on Saturday night last and dislocated his arm. All repairing in the tinware depart- ment neatly executed by the workmen of Cobbledick and Folland'e. Try us and be convinced. The ladies succeeded in obtaining the sum of $18 from visitors to tee bells in the tower of the Trieitt Meteor 41. ial church on Tuesday. cc, ree -e-ee lese_ led 1-d to et, Feee, ce Wall Paper for Half Price., a% 4i. Stewart. LOCAL JOTTINGS. • • Personal Mention. Ms S Millie Baker left on 'Thursday last for Petrolia, Where she will remain for some time.—Miss Florence Hicks and her sister Pauline left for their home. in Snowflake, Man, lait week.— Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Restler, of Cleveland are the "muests of Mr. and Mrs. Jamei Down.—Mr. Ed. Harwood, of Toronto,is here on a short vacation.—Mr, Welling • ton Clarke, of London, is at present vile iting relatives and friends in town this week.—Mr. Albert Snell, of St. Thomas, spent the 24th here visiting his mother. —Mr. Edward Sanders and Mr. John Atkinson, of Clinton, visited • friends andrelatiyes here on the 24th.—Mr. George Hoskin, of St. 'Thomas, is visit. • lag under the parental roof.—Mr. Al - hart McCallum, of London, spent the 24th. in town visiting,—Mr. Thomas Jr,, of Brucefield, was in town spending the 24th.—Mr. R J. Brown, and wife are visiting frieuds in town,' Miss Mills, of Vassar, Mich is the guest of Miss Bertha Willis, Exeter North.4 Mrs. Baxter, of Caledonia, accompanied by her sister, Miss Lepard, ofStratford;: are the guests of Mrs. John Whitlock.— Mists Maude Jackell left on Wednesday morning for Sarnia where she intends remaining for a short time.—Mrs. ILL. Billings, of Brantforcles visiting frieeds in town.—Mr. H. B. Abbott, Dentist, is the guest of B. S. O'Neil.—Mr. • Charles Knight, who has been visiting his par- ents, returned to St. Thomas on Wed- nesday. --Miss Martha Kew, of St. • Marys, who has been visiting relatives • Imre during the past week, returned home on Wednesday.—Mr. Ernest Scott OffLoad,on'was visiting at Mr. James Sweeteon Tuesday and Wednesday.— Misses Jennie and Bell Ferguson and Miss A. Buskert, of London, are ,guests of the Misaea Gould.—Mss M. Muir was the guest of Mrs. M. White for a few days this week ---Mr. W. J. Clarke, of London, formerly of here, and who has hcen visiting friends in Clinton, Sea - forth and here, left for his home yes- terday (Wed,).—Mrs, C. R. Johns, of Winnipeg, Mans was the in" -nest of Mrs la. Johns on Saturday andSunday- leeantee. • Never'too late to mend. 5000 pairs of hoots and shoes that need repairing to tee left at the leading boot mid shoe 'tore next door to the post office. G. )4anoon, Exeter Salt Well Co. have a large =bunt of salt on hand which will be disposed of at SS 00 per ton for land salt and $5.00 per ton for barrel. Last week a man called Lin,9;ard, of Centralia, and known to many here, was in the village and gaye a number of our villagers a call, especially the millinery- establishments. Ere the Grits can free the country from bad government they raust first redeem their own party from sin and error. And there is work enough in that contract to keep them busy until the next election. Word was received a few days ago that the building and contents of the drug store oceupied and, managed by Theodore Sweet, a former resident of this village, has been destroyed by fire. It has an insurance of $800. Our Brewster correspondent gave us aecall on Saturday last. He says fish ing in the lake excells anything they have had for years. There has been more caught so far this season than all last season combined. 50 CENTS ---As an in- ducement to new:subscribers, we offer the ADVO- caTE:and the "Medical Adviser and Farm Help" till the 1st of January, 1893, for 50 cents. Send in the names. A farmer in Usborne wishes to in- form the party in Exeter, who hauled a load of rubbish and dumped it in a fence corner near his farm, not to re- peat the act again as he does not wish to have a rubbish resort in front of his farm. Mr. B Aubry purchased from Mr. R. B. Ross, of Rodgerville, last week, his 4 -year old hoese. paying the sum of $225 for the animal. This is one of the best horses that has left this sect- ion for some time, style and speed con- sidered: Since the football game of Tuesday considerable discussion has arisen about football and a match is 'poked for between the team that took part in the tournament and several grey hait ed men of the village. Dont be bluffed boys but make them come out and play. The dehoroing commission met at Tilsonburg last week and took consid- erable evidence, which was all in favor of the practice of dehorning, not a sing le word being spoken against it. The commission visited the farm of Mr. E. Yorks where they saw the operation performed. • On Friday last a young son of Mr. John Newcombe received a very pain- ful wound from being kicked in the head by a horse, which fractured the skull. It appears a number of young boys were teasing the animal With sticks when this young lad got to close resulting as above.• , What is -the matter with our street lamps? ' On Tuesday night, it being dark, was perfictly ridiculous to •be. hold, not a lamp lit oed our main street crowded with people from the surround ing country and Own would naturally ',arrive at the conclusion that the town Welt, dead and fit for burial. • Ladies appreciate Anti -Dandruff from the fact that it not only thoroughly re - Moes Dalldrer with three applications but 'tops falling of the hair, restores hair to its original color, and mstkes i soft and pliable without leaving an indication of a dressing being Used— clear as crystal, cle,an to use, it ie •a Valuable toilet preparation. Mr. Wm. Pridham, South Perth's re- presentative in the Commons, was one of the 22 who voted in Parliament the other day in fa,yor Mr. Daltoe 'McCar thy's bill to make a elean sweep of the deal langnage and aeporate school sys- tems in the Northweet. There were 152 against him but UtePritihern disregard ing the odds voted in accordance with his conviction . The Ladies nild of the Trivia Me- morial church iniend holdiog a grend concert and tea in the Roller Rink oti Thursday evening, June 2nd, 1892, in aid of the extinction of the debt on the ehtirch organ. A eunflower concert and a calisthenic drill by the ,yeting ladies of the public school Will be tones �f the features for the eventeg. Tea served ftome'6 to 8 Frola JaHHary 1 Up to date 19,22 Aesording to the Alraanee de Gotha immigrants heve gone into Manitobt and the North-west territories. Tor the same period last year the number was Jose than 8,000, Mr. Thomas Dearing -underwent a painful seirgieal operatioa on. Monday last by having a portien of each foot cut off, owing to a very severe afflict ion. He is progressing nicely under the. circumstance. A few- days ago Mie James Tom Went into the 'Olson Bank to deposit some money, which, on being counted, fell short of the sum he had when he left home. Diligent search was made, but their lebors Were not rewarded until Thursday last, 1.111011 Mr. N. D. Hurdon, manager of the bank, went to the woodbox and discovered that which Was missing.. Mr. T. now remembers of sitting on the woodbox for a short time and no doubt pulled it out while drawing his hand out of his pooket. Few people have any idea of the care with which tobacce bas to be at- tended after it is grown. It will im- bibe odors of almost any kind if placed near the source of them, A pig. sty,for instEnce, near the place where the planter stores his crops will impart a disagreeable flavor, which no care aft- erwards Will divest it of. Among the many precautions taken to obtain a faultless leaf for this "Myrtle Navy", brand, is to ascertain carefully, the methods which every farmer adopts with, kis crops in the sections of Virgin io where the "Myrtle Navy" leaf is grown. Mr. Wm. Matheson has added a bea- ver and the head of a mouotain sheep to his collection of old relicts. The beayer is a splendid Specimen and measures three and- a half feet in length. It was caught by the' chief of Chippewa Indians north of Lake Su- perior, and was bought from him by Mr. Harry Wilson, of Peninsula Harbor, who preeented it to Mr. Mathe son. This beaver was trapped about a year ago, but gnawed its foot off and escaped. The head of the Rocky Moun- tain sheey—sometitnes known as the 'Big Horn'-is,also a fine specimen The beaver and the Rocky Mountain sheep are, like the buffalo, nearly extinct.— Lucan Record. .1.1 the last session of the Ontario Legislature an amendment was made to the Landlord and Tenant Act,which is not generally known. By ,the new enactment any tenant falling into ar- rears for rent, with the exception of the first month's liability, leaves him- self open to be seized, and no goods or chattels which he may possess, et re ex- einpt from this •seizure. Everything goes. Before this amendment the nec- essary articles, such as a stove, six chairs, personal clothing, etc., could not be seized foe rent, but now all that is changed and the man who falls behind is open to have seized and sold every article of personal property which he may be possessed. of. A system has been adopted by mer- chants who giye credit in the Americ- an cities, whieh, we think, would be very suitable here and would save a greet amount of book-keeping and dis- putes about accounts. Books of tickets representing sums from 5c. up,are giv- en to customers, just as bread tickets are supplied here. For instance, a cus tomer goes to hie grocer and asks for a 10 book of tickets. He is charged with $10 worth of tickets and when he makes'a purchase, he hands out tickets to the amount of the bill and these are put in the till and represent SO mueh cash. Once each month or two months, a note is given or cash paid for the tickets sold, and no sale of ticket books amounts to less than $5, so a great sav- ing in book-keeping is effected. • One day last week Dr. T. A. Amos performed a successful operation upon the person of Mr. James McIllharghy. of McGillivray. For some time the young man had been in considerable pain in ene of his knees, the cause of which could not be ascertained Upon investigation and after an incision had been made above the knee a piece of cartlege about 1i inches in length and of an inch in width was found,which could be moved in different places around the joint of the knee. After a for 1892, Europe numbers at preeent forty' eovereigus, Of these the longest en the throne la Queen Victoria, whose reign has lasted fifty-four years. Aft her comes the Duke Ernest of Saxs-Co- burg who has reigned forty seven years; the Prince of Waldeck, forty-six years, end the Emperor Francis Joseph Of Austeia,, forty-three years. An event of paramemt importance to Christain Endeavors. in the Province and of special interest to the local so. cieties is the fourth annual Provincial conyention, which will be held in Octo- ber next in Loudon. Already the lo cal union in the city has appointed a convention committee with full power to make all arrangement for the enter- tainment of the GOO or 800 delegates that are expected. A match took place on Thursday evening last among the members of the Exeter 11111 Club, which resulted in James Bissett winning the gold medal F. W. Collins retaining the sit - ver cup, and L Handford silver med- al.• Following are the eceres:-- Goan 3111OAL. 1. Handford • 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 00-0; 10 0 Q 1 1 0 1 1 0-6; 1 0 1 0 1,1 1 1 0 1-7; 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 o i 1-7; 01• t 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-13; 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 11-7; 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 7 1-7: 0 01 1 0 1 1 1 N. D. Eurdon J. sineaetolrlte t P. Collings E. Basett G. A.r: dors on .T.Loadman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0. TIE, JVBitiSett • 1 11 1-4; TJnknowu Angles E, Bissett 1 1 1 0-3; B. Eaorett •0 IV. X E-0; Celli:as 0 x x G. Anderson. 0 xuxyx.i.TRO. $ our. F. Collins G. Anderson' 100011010000-4; 01111010t11x-8: Known angles. • $:ILYEE MEDAL. IlitillrfroudfOrd L 1 1 0 1 11 0 0-6 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0-6. Unk1101V11 angles. sick List. Mr. John Hawkshaw is on the sick list, suffering from an acute attack of lumbago. Boy Wanted. A good smart boy wanted at once to learu the art of photography, apply to Joseph Senior, Exeter. Farina tor Sale. The undersigned has several first class, farms for sale on easy terms. J. SpacimAss, Exeter Corn.IinEgrybodv at c t the hardware stdre of Cobble an be supplied by cal - dick and Folland where a large supply is constantly kept on hand. Attend. Service. The members of Plymouth Lodge, No. 63, S. 0. E. B.'S., attended service in the Main Methodist church on Sun- day morning last, when a sermon of an impressiye nature was delivered by the Rev. A. L. Russell, pastor of James Street Methodist church. After their return to the lodge room a vote of thanks was passed by the lodge to the Rev. gentlemanifor the trouble he had taken n preparing the address Election Notes. At the election in North Perth on Thursday last to fill the vacancy creat- ed in the Dominion Parliament by the unseating of Mr. Grieve (Reform); he was again elected to represent the con stitnency by a majority of '87.. The emiservative workers all did well and fought the battle in great earnestness for„the party and now look upon the result otan off political season. Of course it is rather disappointing to hear of him being, again returne47, but the narty is desperately in need of vot es. The changes in the vote are slight all round, indicating no marked alter- ation in public opinion anywhere. little trouble this •was removed, the Dep. n___ . Sheriff Wheeler wound properly treated, and the pat, LP ient is slowly improving. He says he Does Not Care to Live often remembers of feeling this lump and that the pain would be the most If He Cannot Have 0 D 3S severe when iewould disappear, it had ( often been treated for rheumatism, but all with no relief. Much credit is due the Dr., who found the cause, than re- moved it and relieved the gentleman of his pain. Richard Walitell, ef breGilliyrav, township, who has spent the last six weeks in jail charmed with bigamy, was ried before His Honor, Judge To s Wednesday last week. Richard been married in 1849 to one Sus a nah Cook, who ip still living, and on arch 19, 1889, had a second ceremony rformed by Rev. Mr. Clement, at that me Methodist minister at Exeter'to Ann Cobleigh, of MeGillivray. The certificates of both marriages and oth- er conclusive evidence were adduced. It was hown, however, that the pris- oner and his wife had not lived happily together, and that some five years she left hint and went to Michigan. In Feb., 1889, Waistell went to Michigan to induce Sueinnah to come beck to hie bed and board, which she refused to do, He then made overtnres to Ann Cobleigh, and was married to her on the 19th of March following. His Hon or found the prisoner gttilty., and und- er the cireumstatiees set forth allowed him to go on suspended sentences under a bond of $500 to appear for sentence within fiye days when called for. NOtice. A meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter SaltWorks Co. will be held Monday, June the 6th at 2 o'elock p.tn. sharp, at the Town Ball. T. B. Ceneine, Sec'y. Sarsaparilla It would be difficult to find a man better known in the vicinity of Burling- ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler of Winooski Falls, the efficient Deputy Sheriff of Burlington county. He says: "C. 1. HOod & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 14Dear Sirs: If Hood's Sarsaparilla cost 810.00 a Bottle I should still keep using it, as I have for the past ten years. With me the question as to whether life is worth living depends upon whether I can get Hood's Sarsaparilla. I don't think I could live without it now, certainly I should not wish to, and suffer as I used to, For over ten years I suffered ,the horrors of the damned with Sciatic Rheumatism for if ever a man suffers with anything in this worldsit is with that awful dis- ease. It seems to me as if all other physical suffering were compressed ,into that one. I took about everything man ever tried for it but never got a dollar's worth of help until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla / have taken it now pretty regulatly for ten years and have no more pain and can get around all right. I have advised agood many to try Hood's Ser.- ,• R D. 'WHEELER, Deputy Sheriff, Winooski Falls, Vt. Hood's Pills Cure • Liver ills for Parasols, Gloves, • Hosiery, Dress Goods, Dress Tritninings, Curtains, Curtain. Poles and Window Shades: e c1, for • Ladies & Gents fine & coarse shoes. Never had a better stock at lower prices than now. • Try our 25c. Tea; •The best in town. CA GARI )EN AND FIE All Kinds of FENCE LAWN MO ER ALA ASTINE in all DAISY CHURN Full line of Tinware, for Cash at ISSETT WIRES. 5. Shades. 5. Cheap, BROS Amidst all Blow 84 Bluster ROBE N. ROWE Still takes the lead in the Furn- iture business. I am too busy to call on people in need of furniture, but please drop in my warerooms and see my stock and I will try and suit you in this line. • Ordered work neatly done on shortest notice. Remember I have also a hand• some line of •. •Undertaking Goods always on hand. Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed every time, Stand next Molson's Bank. ROBT. N. ROWE. GEO. A. TEAS 11111DMANI FOR THE BEST AND Exeter COFFEES - COBBLEDICK FoLLAQD, Hardware Merchants, Lead the Van Ha,rware, Tinware, etc. EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY. • PRICES RIGHT. GIVE US A CALL. COBBLEDICK AND FOLLAND. s