HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-26, Page 5TIie }lead Surgen. Ck the I,nbou Medical Company is now aa Toronto, Canada, ansa may be consulted either in person or by letter on till ehrooic diseases poot'tliar to man,, ,Alen, young; old, aaiexhausted, ttihlaseelovea l<oarbrkeuw free), excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms! Mental depres- sion, permatua'e old age, loss ofvitality, loss ofmem or,y,nod dreams,clininess of sigh t,pal-. pitatiol} of the heart, emissions, lake of en- ergv. pain la the kidneys, headaclie,,pfniples on the face or body; itching or peculiar son- sationaboutthe scrotum, wilSting of the oryians,. dizziness, - specks before the eyes, twitching of the musolos, eye lids, and else- where bashfulness deposits in the uriuo,loss of will power, tendernoss of the scalp and. sleep' failure todbe rested?bytsleep, constipa- tion,desire dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, oxoitibiliby of temper, :sunken eyes surromaclea'with LEADEN ai3t0I8', oily looking skin etc., aro all symptoms ofnerv- ous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force hav- ing lost its ,tensionevery function wanes in consequence. , Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may bo permanent- ly lv cured. ,Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free Sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness palpitation, skip beats, hat flushes, rush of blood to the bead, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irrogular, tato second beat quicker than the first, vain about the breast bone, eta, can positively be cured. No ewe no pity. Send for book. Ad- dress M, V. LUBON, 24Mood :onald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada. Tan i-1 year Dr. Cyrus W. Teed, the "Messiah" his home and its occupants at Chicago, had to be protected from the violence of a mob of citizens by a strong body of police Wednes- day, For Over Fifty Years, MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions ofmothers for their ohilil- ren while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf- fering and, crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "lairs Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children' Teeth- ing. It. will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers,there is no mistake about it. It euros Diarrhoea, regulates the•Stomach ando Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, ancl gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs."Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one:. of dere oldest and best female ; physicians and nurses in the United States. Ilrioe twenty- five cents a bottle.. Sold' by all druggists throughout the world. 130 sureland: ask for "MRs, WINSLOW'S' SOOTHING 'SYRUP,' The Durham miners have voted to con- tinue their strike. The strike has bee* on since March ra, and is causing an immense amount of suffering. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary. .the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and peruaa nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all Aroat and Lung Affections, also a positive and -orifice/ cure for Nervous Debility and n,11 Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of' cases, has !colt it his duty to make it known to: his suff= ring fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, .I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe,irrgerman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming /this paper. fir. A. NOYES, 820 Potters Bloch, Rochester, N. Y The North river bridge bill (for a second bridge across the North river) has been de- feated in the United States Senate Commit- tee on Commerce. ommit-teeonCommerce. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the nest, Easiest to Use. and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, 50c. F. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. The Lords of the Privy Council have: de- clined to interfere in Deeming's case, and the culprit will hang on Monday according to,p rogramme. Oh, What a Cough! Will .you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk anddo nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough.; It Dever fails. Mr. Greelock shipped .five carloads of cattle from St. ,Tacobs on Saturday, and Mr J. Groff shipped one load for the British. market. CURE FOR CHAPPED HANDS. DEAR ,.SIRS, --I, think it is a privilege to recommend Hagyard's•Yellow Oh- as a sure cure for chapped hands, swellings, sore r0roat, etc. I recom:nend it to all.. MRS. GEO.' WARD, Josephine, Ont. The Governors' Council -at Boston has voted in favor of granting a pardon to Jas. Dunlop, the Northamptou bank robber. To get relief from indigestion, biLious- ness, constipation or torpid Liver•without disturbing the stomach or purging the bow- els, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liv- er Pills, they will please you. Yesterday at Chicago a great cycling event was inaugurated,namely, a relay, race of trial to New York—x,000 miles the wheelmen carrying a despatch from Gen Miles in the Windy City to Gen. Howard in Gotham. OFFENSIVE SORE CURED. DEAR Slrs,—I take pleasure in testifying to the great healing qualities of your medi- cines. I had the misfortune to injure my leg, and throtigh cold and neglect it broke out in a running sore, my leg became in- flamed and very painful, and the discharge was very offensive, various remedies failed to help me when I had the good fortune to try your B. B. 13. and Burdcek Healing.. Ointment. Before I had finished the second bottle the discharge had stopped, and in two weeks more my leg was as well as ever; I feel justified in recomn.cnding it to the public as a cure if only ;given a fair trial. Gro. LAURIE, Portage la Prairie, Man. Warden Durston, of Auburn prison, is re- ported to have said that the • electrocution of Wife Murderer Tice yesterday morning! was "a gland success." The murderer is said to have "died Like a man and a Christ- ian," Mr• Hugh Caldwell, •Clydesdale, Ont., Writes.—My daughter was, troubled with fe- male weakness, and for more than a year was under the care of doctors and taking medicine without getting, relief. I then got ,Or. Williams Pink Pills for her and they have completely cured her, Sold by deal- ers or sent on receipt of price—tioc. a box or six boxes for $2.50. Address Dr; Will- iams Med Co., Brockville, Ont„ or Morris- town, Ni. rain Dr, LaROE COTTON ROOT PJLiS:1 Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful Female, Regulator known, The only safe, sure and reliable p111 for sale. Ladies ask druggists for LaRue's Star and Crescent Brand. 'Take no other kind. Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger. ono. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. AMERICAN;PILL CO., Detroit, Mick. Nor sale in 7I xotex by ill,'tV. IfEX'oimiin .. Dr, T, A. Slocurn's oXYGENI%ED E1XULs1CN of PURE COD LIVER . , OIL, If you . have a Cough—Use it. For sale by all druggists. 35 cents a bottle. The Pike Manufacturing Company, "of Boston, whonesale dealers in plumbers' supplies, with works at Pell City, A!a.,have assigned. Liabilities unknown, e "having used Burdock Blood Bitters for general CIebility,lweakness. and lack of ap- petite, 1 £ouod it a safe cure. 1`IENRY IOWARv,13rownsville, Ont. The Order of Railroad Telegraphers is now said to number 26,00.0 members, with a protection fund of $SO,000 and ' a general fund of '140,600. It is proposed to make the order include all telegraphers. They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take one of Carter's. Little Liver Pills after eating• it will relieve dys- pepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. W. H. Kerr, of the Post, has been elected reeve of the town of Brussels to fill the Vac- ancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. M. McIntosh. I-Iis opponent was Mr. George Baeker, grocer, STUBBORN CHILDREN readily take Dr Low's Worm Syrup. It pleases the child and destroys the *worms, The C.P.R. steamship Empress cf India left Yokohoma on Tuesday morning for Vancouver with 125 first-class overland pas. sengers and 93 overland steerage passeng- ers. A VOICE FROM SCOTLAND. DEAR SIRS , --I can highly recommend Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cured :.my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with since childhood. She is now 42 years old. :MRS. M. FAIRCHILD, Scotland, Ont. Sioux county, Iowa, is inundated and It persons are known to have been drowned. The river sweeps through the streets in a torrent, and maty buildings have been de- stroyed. That tried, languid feeling and dull head- ache is very disagreeable, Take two of Car ter's Little Liver Pills before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. The flood situation at St. Louis grows more serious. ' It is estimated :that 400 aeres of fertile lands are under water and fully 15,000 families have Left their homes. WORTH $Io A BOTTLE. DEAR Stas.—I have used Brrdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia and have found it to be thebest medicine I ever 'used. 1 could not eat without suffering from a terrible burning pain in the pit of my stomach. I used six bottles of B. B. B. andam glad I did so or I should have been in my grave to.day, it completely cured me. I take a bottle every spring and would not be with- out if it cost $ro a bottle. DAVID PEDLEY, Morley, Alb. A. striped bass 4 it. r in: long, 37 inches around the body and weighing 7r pounds, was caught in a net in the Hudson river at, Kingston, N. Y., on Tuesday last. TI -IE RED COLOR of the blood is caus- ed by the iron it contains. Supply the iron when lacking by using Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Magistrate Nobne, of Strathroy, fined Jno Fitzpatrick $20 and costs for seLLing Liquor. during prohibition hours, also $so and costs for permitting drunkeness and disorperLy conduct on his premises during prohibition hours, and Ed. Jarvis was fined $2 and coses for obtaining -Liquor in Fitzpatrick's hotel during prohibition` hours. Tired, Lat.guid people who lack energy and appetite should take Burdock Blood Bit- ters, the best tonic strengther and purifier extant, Mrs. Margrove, known the world over as Mrs, Tom Thumb, is in trouble at Ogden, Utah, her wardrobe, jewellery and theatri- cal effacts'havin been seized on an overdue note given in part payment for a museum at Denver. ro SAFE THE GREAT ]LIA]3LE jw ii BLOOD puRIFIER <I�\\1„z,///��',.�'. w� i,t , y6� ,Y1 ,' , BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA CURES ALL A kilts ¢ta the Blood.. CERTAIN ator oat Agiiiiy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Varm fir YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow row oriLend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. he. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential.. Intending purchasers will receive the best adylce in selecting kind or town sites.a Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships.. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACEMAN, Box 44 Altls VDT a Pur. gatixe Medt. cine,.- They ate a BLOOD BUILDER, ToNio and Mews +STIttroroR,as they supply in a condensed forth the substances actually needed to en - the Blood, outing all diseases coming from Poort and WAT- any BLoon, or from Vrata P Ilrrxtons in the 13zroop, and also invigorate and Bo/LP. 05' the 13Loon and SYSTLbt, wh0n broken down by overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses and indisore- tiois. They have a S oxi'Io AOTION on the SEXUAL SYSTEM of both men and women, restoring Lose VIGOR and. correcting all InBEGuLAaITn!a and SVP1aRL'SSIONS. hoe finds hi W s mental fere• Ulties dull or EVERY ��� Paulin ox his physical powers flagging, should take these PILns. They will restore his lost energies, botb physical and mental, EVERY WOMAN. sh ey oi1ake them. oar They; euro all sup- pressious and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. YOUNGMEN should take theseP.rms, ® MEN They wall cure the re- sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the system. YOUNGYOUNGW®hIL should take them, y tlsau Those. Puma will make them regular, For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50o. per box), by addressing THE DB.' WILLI_t1F1S'"1ti7CD, CO. 33rockvitte. On#, Exeter Roller �illry MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.80 TO 0,82 per bush Our Selling 'rices. Flour, strong bakers', $2.50 per 100 " best family, 2.25 ” 1.75 " " " ' low grade, Bran,, 70 " Middlings, 80 " Screenings, 100 tt Chop, 1.00 to 1.20 '' r, Chop stone running every day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter Milling Co it 4' it 16 —SEND FOR— ILLUSTRATED GATALJ I] -UE of Ladies Specialties, ADDRESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen -et. E., Toronto; Ont., Mention this paper. CEPOL T�ILOB SHOP. Dir. George Srallcombe wishes; to inform the citizens of Exeter and sun roun'lin,, country that lie has opened —out a new— . Tailoring and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishlnentin Fanson's Block. Latest designs of Goods always on hand,. and made up in the latest American Styles at Right Prices. A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies. Jackets and Mantle making attended to. J. G. SI1ALLACOMBE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter. S�cci�l Slh of F11,111111111 dor 1.11G llGi1511 rages is Now iul .s the time to sec -e furniture at p never heard of before in Exeter, For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MYI ` GA. .TC NT , STOCK G —op ed ifloOrtt1 sets in f a Ie Cherry, s d, Oak; Sideboards a l e Cherry ' togetherwith � o �e �4' a'�f�CI ���9 if,Tables, line Parlor �.�.� � e���. �e �l�r T l and everything ...evei thing usually found ound in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALLFIRST CLASS GOODS NO SHODDY ELM, L1, a>sza the prices are from TES to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual Priee Cali Early while the Stock Iasts. Remember the Stand -Factory and, Warerooms twr .doors north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. o ADRE vd' SI' S♦ BURDOCK BLOO' BITTERS /: THE GUIDING STAR TO HEALTH. A POSITIVE CURE FOFe DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, BAD BLOOD, RHEUMATISM, 6 HEADACHE, FOUL RUMORS, JAUNDICE, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the STOMACH ,• LIVE , BOWELS AND BLOOD. B.B.B. acts on all the organs of the body to produce regular action,. to strengthen, purify and tone, and to remove all impure accumulations of morbid`inatter from a Common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore Thousands of reliable men and women testify to its good effects in the above diseases. Is it not worth at least a trial in your case? Price $i per bottle, 6 for $5, or less than rc."a dose, CITY H TEL LONDON, ONTARIO. ” 1 per dayµ J. & J MIiMARTIN,Proprietors. E. Fish's Shaving Parlor open every day. C„OT`. ING • Li. SNELfairs. st.. EXETER - ONTARIO. Has now in stock Au1n and Winter IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trona erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser. Ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. ,A. J. S TELL OOSLOItEll1 1EI COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of LADIES. Is the onlyperfect ly safe: and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask. for COOK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, take no substitute; or inclose $"t and three -cent Can- ada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full coaled par- ticulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company,No 3Fisher Blook,131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. a3rSold in EXETER at DR. LUTZ'S, J W. BaOwNIN'G's and by all druggists every- where. ENTRAL--- SHAV'ING ---PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladles' and Chldrell's Hair Gutting. A. Eastings , HOFFMAid'Sy HARMLESS MLESS HEADACHE POWDERS cure A23 0 are notlawes used to cure every- thisrq,but simply/ hemd- nehes. 2'ry them, 3'd wc•ilt cost but SS yenta for s box and they a e harmless. They are not a Cathartic- -EXETER MARKETS. Wheatper bushel........ $0.S0 to0.S1 Barley...... 33 to 40 Oats . .. 25 to 23 Peas .... .......... . 56 to 57 Butter . 16 to 113 Eggs .. ... 6k & 'Ok Potatoes per bus .. 30 to 35 Hay per ton —8.00 to 10.00. Wool.. .... .18 to 19 Clover Seed $7.00 to 8.00 Timothy Seed$1,50 to 2.00 CHRITIE3S ciiiiiiilERCIA0 NEEP l First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'farms; = Rsactoss.o.10.o Telephone Connection MAKE•e., YOUR OWN • If you send us $100 for two subscriptions we will also send you formula for making your own Ess, Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- permint, etc. Cut this out and send with money,or mention this paper, We hear a great deal ill the papers about the PURITY of Baking -Pow; ders, but as a matter of fact if you, want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you can save 20 cts a pound by doing so. IN MAKE YO R N The Puritan. Baking Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directions: for making it, so that you can sell it ata nice profit , to your neigh- bors, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending us 50 cent,- for one year's subscription to our journal, which is the best paper four the money published in the English language, and no family can afford to do without it, Address MEDICAL ADVISER, Bowmanvula, Out1 ?j�