HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-26, Page 4THE (gut= Atm 014, -coli,,, sivaDzas $77E.T, Props. THURSDAY, May 280., 18921 C4N4D4'S-;1112TER4LWEALTH it n- rn an. e ly Me extent of Canada's )niner (eiltl. le not Aso generally known as eught to be, Bat, ever since the ope .; up (4' our esrent North Weste rritory hy means of the Caeadi eltie railway, the fact that there illianital)le amount of wino vealtlf bete,een tee Atlantic aud Pa fie oeeans is beginning to be slow ant eurely appreeiated. Iu round nut eere, the following; .1.re the figures gi en in the latest statistical returns the Valve of enr mineral resonrces,y for 1889, $15,000,000; for 1890, $1 000,000; for 1891, $0,000,000. Yalu ble as theme figures axe, they afford on Iy falut approximation to the yet u developed, mineral resources of Cana --awaiting the application of *pt end skilled science for their full del, epment. We have not only all t pre8leus metal, aud other minerals great economic value -gold, silver,co per, nickel, iron, phosphate, petroleum &c., -but we have an inexhaustible mount of coal in the extreme eastern end. western limits of this Dominion, so necessary for smelting purposes and the ordinary purposes of fuel and loco motive power. What has made Eng- land and Wales the great manufactur- ing power of the world, but the im- mense deposits of coal and iron found within the borders of the 'United King Awn? In Canada, we have many min_ era's of great commercial value not found. in the old country. Not to speak V our gold and silver mines, there is the recent discovery of nickel in Sud- bury, and other regions along the line V the Canada Pacific Railway-, which bids fair to rival the rich diamond mines of Golconda. Already we have heard of small fortunes 'being made by tspesulation in nickel claims -and this is but the beginning of the end. Thee wealthy companies are now actively employed in mining operations at Sud- bury, where smelting furnaces a,re go- iaig in full blast with the most encour- aging. results. Reports from other ells. tricts are equally encouraging. In the article of coal, so necessary for develop a.nd utilizingthe yield of precious metals and other useful materials, the szuntal value of coal has risen oyer four million dollars in 1886 to within a fraction of six and a half million doll- ars in 1890; and so soon as the St Lawrence ea.nals are d,eepened-an undertaking which is now engaging the attention of Government -coal can e conveyed from Nova Scotia to all parts of Ontario, in quantities suffici- eient to supply all our wants without importing from the United States., We know, too, from recent explorations made in the North West territory and 13ritish Columbia, that all the zoal needed for fuel and smelting purposes fa obtainable within the limits of our Western PrOVIDCCS. There is undoubt edly a great future in store for this Da minion, when one considers the varied astent of mineral as well as agricul- tural resources within.our reach; and with the facilities now being affored of transit by land and water, as well as Lahe inducements offe,red by govern- ment and by the C. P. Railway to in - Sending immigrants, there is little dOubt but that the rec.ent emigration I-,toom fro'n other countries will contin- 'rat to swell our population in the West and add immensely to the material wealth of Canada. n- v - as te; 9,- P- AN HISTORIC RETROSPECT. The first of July next being the ewenty fifth anniversary of the birth of the Dominion as at present constituted /I may be opportune to glance back- ward to the origin of confederation efin&to recall the names of those who Ent entertained the idea, By reference to history we Team that in 1688 Fran- Nieholson, then GoVernor of Massa- eleusetts, etrongly advocated the con- federation of the then existing British Aeseerican provinces for the purpose of d/efence. That was a century before the revolt and subsequent independ- once of the United States, bttt •-it con tains. the germ of the idea which wan oensumeneted long afterwards in the 'Anion of Canada and the maritime pro. v'inees, In 1814 Chief Justice Sewell, ox.ebec., arlare$36a a letter to the 'bate' of Kent in which he Advocated a federal unieit of'Britieh North Atnerida bet this did not become a practical reueation Until recommended in' the etiebtated report of Lord Durham in lassa. And yet even these were not the first to sUggeet euch a scheme, for ite 1873 Robert Morse, Lieut. -Colonel zd,Chic Eegiteer of rt)ttiOir Atherka under the orders and instrtietiene a iti$ Excellency, Sir Guy Carlton, General and 00111111find4r-ia-ehlef Her Majesty'e fori:es in North America, in a report containing general de. eeription of the province of NAVA Scot- ia, wrotes as fellows: -"In the course of this report my mind has boon strong ly impressed with the idea of uniting these 10\ 111005 with Cannata, to the advantage of both countries, and that by establishing. the same laws, induc- ing a constant lutercourse and mutual interest, a groat country may yet be raised no in America,tu faciliate which it imly be found proper to establish a at of general government and pro- tection. As nothingcan save these re. mains (meaning all that remains to Great Britain of nor former possessions in Caeada) but a good and wise gov- eminent, so employing an able man to preside over the is seems to be the most probable if not the only means of carrying, this project into effect. A men of integrity and ability, with a comprehensfve understanding to dis- cover the resources and interests of the several parts, and unite Arid apply there for the good of the whole to some great and useful end: These provin- ces are not only capable of supplying the wants of our West India islands but by proper encouragement, wise regulations and a good government may be made a formidable rival to the United States. It is a great country and from the description given possess es as many natural advantages as any in America, -in respect of the fisheries infinitely superior., It wants inhabe tants and these may be drawn from the American states. Persons who have not forgotten the excellence of our constitution and ,TOVernment, ho are tired of the anarchy of their own, may easily be drawn away. Nor is it altogether beyond hope that the revolt- ed provinces, having constantly before their eyes written in the most indeli. ble characters, the happinews arising from systematic government, may be disposed, after fruitless efforts of their own, to return to that connection wherein they found, and perhaps wherein only they can find true liberty and union." LORD SALISBURG'S LATEST. The present Premier of England has On different occasions giyen expression to views on Commercial affairs in Brit - am which are very different from the fiscal policy of the/est fifty years. So far back as 1884, Lord Salisbury ven- tured to assert that England had no motive by which to "prevail upon For- eign porters to lower their tariffs or op- en their marketsto British industries"; and that the present "one sided policy of free trade is unfortunate", because "it puts us in the position of not gain- ing an issue for the industry of our Otirn Community, and for the exporta_ tion of the goods we prod.uce". No wonder that "those industries languish and imployment is becoming scarcer, wages smaller, and the distress of the population greater," In two years from giving expreesion to such trade views, Lord Salisbury became Premier of England -a position Whiela /10 has fil- led with credit to himself and. advant- age to the nation. Latterly, he has followed up consistently those same views, which owing to considerations of Imperial unity and expansion of trade have Come to influence a large portion of British sentiment --more e2. pecially as that is voiced by the Lrnited Empire Trade League, It is only the other day, however, and in the near prospect of a general election in Brit. ai.ne-which bids fair to be one of the .1•111•12.1.3 1 most important ever held -that the Premier of England, has boldly taken the hull by the horns and giyen forth his pronunciamento to this effect, viz: thet the fuenre prosperity of the eount ry is bound up in the question of free trade, In a speech delivered. at East- ings, Lord Salisbury gaye forth seine very impol tant. utterances -in the eourse of which he nsed tho ,followiug language; "Fifty years ago every-bod,y believed free trade had conquered the world; and prophecied that C\ em na- tion would follow the example of, Eug- land. But despite the prophecies of free trade advocates, foreigij nations are advocating pretection and exclud• ing us from their markets. We live ku an age of war tariffs, While natioes are doing everything to obtain commercial fayor from each other, Great Britain has stripped herself of the armor and weapons with whieh the battle is to be fought.," And then the Premier makes the statement that although the Sri - tern of trade in England "may be noble,yet it is not business There' is no doubt that the rapid deorease of British teade, the crippled state of her manufactures, the increasing growth of Colonial trade and commerce, the ef- fects of McKinleyism in discriminating against British products, not -to speak . of a growing sentiment of loyalty to British institutions among the Colonies, 'have all contributed to,draw forth. the above expressions 'from England's prime minister. The recent action of Canadian Parliament has also had an important influence in shaping t policy which has for its object a closer union in sentiment and in preferential trade as between the Colonies and the Moth- erland. MIN,IMMIONIMMIRMISIBM03.1 _ANOTHER CONSERVATIVE The bye -elections have proved a reg ular stunner to the Opposition. East York is now to be added to the. roll of constituencies captured from the Grits by the force of political opinion. 'Untie last week East York was an og-thned. reserye of Liberalism, represented lets terly by the ex -Premier, the late Hon: Alex, Mackenzie -whose loyal utteran- ces of attachment to British:connection, no doubt, wont far to secure his seen. tinuance of the seat. Now, however, that the choice of a representative has been divested of all side issues, -and the electorate has to prefer between the National Polieer and U. R., alias C. V., alias A.nnescation,-the peoplesof East York have given an umrdstake- able proof of patriotisxn by returning Mr. W. P. Maclean, the Liberal -Conser- vative candidate, by the handeome ma- jority of 240 over his opponent. Thus another victory has been scored for the Government on the side 02 the National Policy and the "manifest destiny" of true Canadian and British program. GENEROSITY. The people of this town do not take very long to discover an improvement in their interest. Nearly every one has found out that the proprietors of Perry Davis' Pain Killer have just is- sued a new big bottle of that old, relia- ble medicine. This bottle contains twice the quantity- that the old bottle held, and it is to be sold at the old pop- ular 25c. price. Naturally, the users of this old, favorite medicine (and who does not use it?) are jubilant over the change, and praise its proprietors very strongly for their generous action. Have you seen the big bottle? If not be sure to call at the drug stoics for one without delay. With it in the house you have a vertiable medicine chest at hand, and all for the trifling sum of a quarter. Allgt-US/rS Azov( .1/1.Mik ”VrAl NO PRIZES FOR ST ID PEOPLE. who 1 rta.4 "us ' \AI out ' TF you are one of ilia bright ones and can r,a 1 the above rebus! von May receive a reward . which will psv vou itiatay times ro,...r for your trouble. The proprietor of THE .JL Lji'DXji3' pxv.tortx.AL WEEKLY offets either a lust -class Ujiright Plano or a cheque for Thrce Eittntlred Dollars to tpan on yeon who sert s the first correct solution of the above mints, a roWard of a nt, r of t-Totase Diamond Ear Rings for the second correct solation, a complete lansiatess titlacation at a Commercial College for the third co .1...ect soiation t said oad wwteA,.. Lr(...tch of the next three correct sole - tions, a Silk lOrres pattern (t5 yards in any color) for each of the next five correct solu- tions, an elegant Diaxiiiind Drooeh (solid iold) for each of the next ten. • Every one sending a solution mast eneoSe with the same ten three cent stampa (or 2o cents in silv_er) for one Month's trial subscripiion (five copies) to THE LADIES' Pit - EKLIZ", Canada's high-clas$, neluspli3er. 1.The envelope viTh°11elliLl-LWIIcontains correct solution bearing -first Postmark will receive first reward, and the bal- ance in order AS received. For the correct Sohnirn received last is offered a S'w'ift Safet y bicycle valued at$nto for the next to the last will be given a pair of genuine Dlasnond Ear Rings, for the third: fourth and fifth frotn the last will be awarded an elegant solid Gold Watch; to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth Mid tenth from the last each be avitirdect Miler Silk, Dress pattern (A yards in any color) or a SWISS Nrtt9Its BOX, playiag sik pieces. if there aliould he as many as one hundred persons sending correct solutions to this rebel, eaeh wIR beiewarded with a valuable Prize. Names of those receiving leading rewards will be published in prominent newspapers throughout Canada. Extra nrerniume will be offered to st1 who are 'willing to assist in increasing the subscrip- tion list of this poptlar illustrated weekly. The object in offering this prize rebus is to at- tract attention to_and introduce our publication, ft should not 1,}6 olitesed *Ith eatelt-penny afralts. You can easily ascertain AS to our reliability by ingniting tlirtnigh any commercial Stoney,. Perfect impartiality is guaranteed infitting the re., wards. Alt soigne= must be mailed on or before June 1st, 189LAddreis LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKILT, (33) TORONTO, CANADA. fse II YO 3.14Ygt 4404 914tt JUST OUT I NAVE YOU SEEN Ire THE BIG BOTTLE 1A1 N -K I LLER 001113LE THE QUANTITY OF OLD SIZE. SPANISH NERVINE TRZ Gli„nht.T $RANISYX R74311X137,(, easily, quickly and Permanently restores Weakaess, Nervousness and Lost Manhood. Gesibiwriceo speeitic for 'Its and Neuralgia, Systeria, Dizziness, Carivisions, Nervous Frostratien caused by the use a1 Tobacco or ,kleohol, Loss of Power in either Sex, Involentary Losses caused by over -indulgence. We guarantee sir bores to care an, case or reflood the money, $x a box. 6 boxes for $s. Address V. S. Agents Span - es, vs's. ion iseeaseine co.. Detroit, rdiob. Sold by druggists, lb'er sale in Exeter by AV. Drowning. If /pt. .t2.1151. afar Amelil41111.-'.„111t ftz2.32 =mem_ weIRTINSIE, 41,1154,2 Old Popular 25o. Price. NEE TO NEM M. Age In the matter of the Estate of Lawrence Bennett, Yeoman, Deceased, Notice is hereby, given pursnant to Chap- ter 110 of The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Lawrence Bennett, late of the Township of Usborne in the County of Hur- on, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about She 5th day of Ranh, A. D.1888, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid to the an- clersignod,Soliei tors for Ann 13ennett,thelAd- min tetra trix of theReal and Personal Esta te of the said deceased, on or before The 15th day ofJame 1892, a statement, in writing containing their names, addresses and descriptions with full particulars of their claims duly verified lty Statutory Declaration and the nature of the Security (if any) held by them. And that af- ter the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministra trix will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said Deceased's Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only ;to these claims of which notice shall have been received as above required,and the said Aare inistratrix will not be liable for the said Assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been X ecoived at the time of Such distribution. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for Administratrix,_ Exeter, Ont. Dated this 145h day of May,1892. •111=61•1111111.11 03.1.11=glIZIMIISS011.1.41121•••=W1121•111 S,pring & Summer Suits. Haying added a ate* of Ft WOOLLENS, CLOTHS, WORSTED% CASSIMERES5 MMUS, TROUSER - MOS, 010.3 &O. I am now preeared to meet the wants of my CliStoille1.8 and all others in need of clothes. A'complete stock at lowest prices. Particular Attention Given to Orders, Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT. KNIGHT. PALACE BAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie parlor and'', restaurant -will serve --- ICE CREAM during the Summer Season, Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Cakes Svc. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sander e promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds it their season. D, W, FOSS, $75,000 00. -All persons who want -- CHEAP MONEY at 51, 6 and 64, PERCINT shottld call the - Q• of Ai L901,44IN$ Has been appointed sole agent for the - THE OAKAIBOUE DRY EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen, - did arrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it n.r.Lowe. TEL DETIO A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. PatoMillogicigs,Spages, Druggist's Supplies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Recdpts Carefully Prepared. WIR0.119S 00111.11011 PERI' the best in the market. C. LUTZ PROP. London Huron c% BruceRallway PasSenger Time Table, Goma-Nonni. Goesesourn. Stan. pan. a.m. p.m. London,dep't 8.05 9.25. Wirigham 7705 310. LucanCros'g 8.97 5.20 Belgrave 7.24 4.00, Clandeboye 8,52 5 28 Blyth 8 4 Centralia, 9.05 5.45 Londeshoro' 77..187 4.158: EXETER 9,16 5.57. Clinton 8.07 4.95, liensall 9.28 6.09 Brucefield 8.26 5.04 ltippen 9.34 6.17. Kippen 8.34 5.12, Brucefield 9.42 6.26. Hensall 8.41 5.19 Clinton 10.00 6.15. EXETER 8,57 5.35 Londesboro' 10.19 7.03, Centralia, 9.09 5.46 Biyth 10.28 7.12. Chindeboye 9.18 5.56 Belgrave 10.42 7.27. Lucan Cros'g 9.24 6.02 Winaham 11.00 7.45. London are 10 15 64,5 01031:09416OrMaalcOncssmaramunommareso, CAL- T Iemei EACH PLUG -OF THE MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED 0 IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE 500 PAIIIS Lace Curtain TO BE SOLD AT Half Pric A LARGE STOCK OF AMERICAN • WALL PAPER TO CHOOSE FROM AT E. J. Spackman & Co's. SAMWELL'S BLOOK) =MU, BRSMOSS Change ITavint.,0' purchased the interest of MR, ROBER'1' RICILARDSON 111 the Flour and. Peed business I wish to an-, nounee to all customers that I will con- tinue to supply all kinds of ' ,PLOT711 AND FE2D to those in need of such and will bo found in the stand, DREW'S BLOCK OP.POSITE TOWN HALL, with a full line of .&11Einds of FieorIL Provisions delivered to all parts of the village with promptitude. Highest cash price paid for Butter and eggs, JESSE WESTCOTT, Prop. All amounts must be settled with the proprietor as soon as convenient for those indebted to the same. 00.41•0,00.1.10.....•••••s.a.••••••••••••.•/..1•114.1•••••••••••wovrom, READ AND LEARN. That oar Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve ments. We are prepared to de planing and matching, band and scrollsawing, turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER 'YARD you will find a large and well assorted stock °lull kinds of building materials. Pine ancj hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock of x x and, x x x Pine Shingles manufactured by the best makers in Ontario. lire also have a large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent value. No. 1 Pine Lath eon - stall tly in Stock We have a large stock of barn sash which we can furnish with or without gl'ass. We are fitted up *with mach- inery specially adapted formaking all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns. which we can furnish to our customers on ehort notice. We show , something new in, this line for watering cat- tle in the field or barnyard. Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention'and. giving entire satisfaction whenever itsed. Call and eXam ine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter Furniture Undertaking HE ADQUARTRS. AMINO, CURTAIN POLES. The only place in towu. were you have an assort- ment to choose from. Pol- es cut any length desir- ed.. COVERS. A fine line of covers just arrived, have your furniture re covered and made new in the latest • styles. FURNITURE: In furniture we have the largest and beet stock in, town at the - lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety of picture mduldine's. S. GIDLEY. Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationery: RIMI161,10.112111111113.... ,1111611141•MIILIMI.......111M G. Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at I3issett Bjo Haodw'u.o Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G-. BISSETT. EXOtar 1111181001 IfISM11116.11i ErvipoRruivi. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Mtusital instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS, °VIOLINS, AL SEWING M AFCHRAIM I N EIS, CEYMLATS, A & The above instrttments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL, eaRYTHINO AWAY DQWN,