The Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-19, Page 8tit' For hats fur Picnics and Excu rsioris Clinton Fall Show will be
Business. is brisk in town at press
Buy your Rubber coats at J. H hats for Holiday diversions go to J II ' Sept eetta and 23rd
• Grieves and keep dry. Gri, peves.
The adjourned cricket Rieeting: will
Special—Draw a line from the Lake
Shore directly east to Kippers uid then
hes Way of Statfa and Cromarty to I+ ul-
tarton and Russeldale, then south to
Eirkton and Woodham then west again
to Clandeboye and terminating by way
of Mn,Guire, Mount Cartuel,Corbett and
Greenway at Grand Bend, you have
the outside Boundary of the field which
aims to cover with its goods and cus
tourers, To secure this we have to
_keep a large supply and certainly are
not failing in this respect. Our store
' is literally crowded with goods and
Holiday Stook ready for seekers of Hon
-idny Gifts. Every desireable thing we
couldd, think of has been placed to meet
autennetolners wants and no ,v we cot-
diall:yesinvite them and their friends to
call and pies. a pleasant half hour in
leaking through. We wish to make
our store worthy of
Both our Customers and Ourselves
and now with little fear ask for their
r� t aoro
Wall Paper for Half Price.
Prim of w 1Pap
Big ERflhIt Store,
Since we made the drop in
ow Your Iiite
At dose Cut, yes
Very Close Cut
Mr. R. H. Collins has just completed
adorning his lawn with an 'oyergreerr
AS AN ATD tq internal remedies for skin
diseases, Dr. Low's Srulplrnr Soap proves
very valuable.
Read Geo. Hyndman's change of
"ad," in this issue. Ile is seUiug teas.
and coffees cheap,
As there is scarcely any demand for
potatoes this spring they are selling at
exceptionally low prices,
men and all minds agree as to the merits of
Burdock i'ilis, small and sugar-coated.
"George the Batt a' was in the vill-
age during part of last week. He looks
none the worse of his long absence.
It is not theory but fact—that Hood's
Sarsaparilla makes the weak strong.
A fair trial will convince you of its
Wall Paper for Half Price.
3. As Stewart.
Cheapest place in town fot' millindry
is at Mrs. Spicer's. Prices to suit all
customers, Straw work done in ,the
latest styles,
The Grits accuse Judge, Elliott first
and would try him afterwards, and the
Conservatives excuse him first. and
will not try him at all.
After having gone through the hands
of a number of masons, carpenters and
tinsmiths the Pickard Block presents a
much better appearance. • -
The newly organized Football Club
have been practicing during the past
week and intend playing in one of the
matches here on the 24th of May.
Mr. James Stewart, of Huron street,
has a large quantity of potatoes above
the ground which have six leaves form
ed on them. They are of the Orange
Racer variety,
Parliament, or at least the agricul-
tural portion theroef, ought to be away
from Ottawa and back at the farm—
the farm, the dear old farm—ere the
bloom is on the hay.
A colt belonging to Wm. Bissett re-
ceived a severe cut in the knee frem a
barb wire fence on Monday last. The
anima.' was taken out to pasture and
ran into the fence.
Mr: Frank Knight has purchased the
right to erect tents and provide hot
meals on the Agricultural grounds
during the holding of the sports on the
24th of May, and alt visitors will find.
it to their interest to give him a call.
Ladies appreciate Anti -Dandruff from
the fact that it not only thoroughly re-
moves Dandruff with three. applications
but stops falling of the hair, restores
hair to its original color, and makes it
soft and pliable without leaving any
indication of a dressing being. used—
clear as crystal, clean to use, it is a
valuable toilet preparation.
The dealers say that coal will make
another advance in price on June 1,in
addition to the raise which went into
force on May 11. The advance. is caus-
ed by the great leading coal ring in
the States, which is putting rap the lim-
it without any scruples of conscience
since it got control of all the principal
coal districts in Peun*ylvania.
Of late we have been receiving -a
paper called The Templar, published
by the Royal Templar Publishing
House, Hamilton. It is a live temper
ance sheet, full of information for tein-
perance workers and should receive
the hearty support of all engaged in
temperance 'work. It is published
weekly and we wish it success
beheld at the Commercial House, on.
Thursday' cyeniag at 7.30 p, m. -.
Exeter Salt Well Co, have a large
amount of salt on hand which will be
disposed of at ,3 80 per ton for land.
salt and $5,50 per ton for barrel.
Our merchants throughout the vill-
age have decided to close their places
of business on the 24th in order: thet
they can enjoy the holiday, Farmers,
should bear this in mind and leave
their produce at Borne that day.
A tea and entertainment will be gi-
ven in the Slating Rink: on Thursday
evening June 2nd under the auspices
of the Ladies Guild of the Trivitt. Me
morial Church, Bills will be out in a
few days giving full gartieulars.
Our village council should awaken.
to their duty and see; that the watoting
cart is brought into use and not have
the dust flying in clouds as it was on
Wednesday, being at times almost im-
possible to walk up the street, See to
it at once and ,not wait for the waters
to come from the heavens and lay the
On Tuesday night last some evil dis-
posed person or persons effected an en-
trance to the Exeter Saw Mill and tilled
the boiler furnace full of'wood. The
wood no doubt soon ignited as
coals were left in the furnace, the mill
having beer, running that day, On
going to fire up yesterday morning
Mr, T. Snell noticed the wood missing
and examining the boiler found. it
nearly empty. , •
o i tWWatatett.
A good smart boy Wanted at once to
learn the art of photography, apply to
Joseph Senior, Exeter.
sFeer. Day.
'Arbor Day was observed by the Pub-
lic School here on Friday last, hen th e
teachers and scholars indulged in a
general clean up.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
hoots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post ffice. G.
icIan son.
.IlLor'ies Wanted.
Mr. B. Anbry will he at the (Sommer
Friday, Exeter, on I
std r- May
House, ,
pial >: o
.for the sur os., o
f c as
:.�rh.1g� . 1 p p
ing horses that are sound and in good
:Vox, 0a sen tn.
You can get the Exeter `•A vocate".
Medical Adviser and Farm Help sent
to any person in America. Only' one
price for two papers. Now is your
time to subscribe.
A meeting of the shareholders of the.
Exeter Salt Works Co. Will be held
Monday, June the Eth at 2 o'clock pen.
sharp, at the Town Hely
T. B. CARLING, Sec'y,
Otnrern Notes.
Rev, A. L. Russell will preach in the
Main Street Methodist -church on Sine
day mprning, the Rev, Mr, IV eDonagh
occupying the' pulpit in the James
:street,—The Sacrament of teeLord's
Supper was dispensed in theTi'iv}}tt
Memorial church on ,Sunday evening
by the Rector, Rev, fired hell"ng I'att,
and will be administered hereafter on
the third Sunday in each month hay-
ing five Sundays.
skein vei'sary Sermon.
The member of Plymouth Lodge No.
63, S. 0, i'1. B. S,, will attend d cine ser-
viee in the Main Street Methodist
: m
church on ,Sunday; mornin,, next, at
the hour of eleven o'clock,. a. n. 'heli
delivered b th
a sermon will be 1 e Rev,
All the
brethren °
�sl'h b ad'
A. L. Ruse A io•
quested t0 h.ssemhle in the lodge room
irot later then 10,00 A. nr,,.for the put,
pone of arranging for the par de: "his
ethren cordially in it .d to at
-Cada!' br
Y �'
lend, fay order of the President, Sam.
t1e1 Sweet. Gxloo, 1lei0, Seey,,
The G. T. R. has issued a new notice
regarding baggage. It. says: "Passer
gers are entitled to seat room for one.
Baggage and parcels that cannot be
placed under car seat, or in the passen
gees portion of the parcel bracket,must,
tot be taken into the car: Alt baskets
baggage and parcels that cannot be
stored as above, if taken into the car
will be remcved."
The ventilaiion of the St. Clair tun-
nel•is reported to be so poor that the
company is haying difficulty ininduc-
ing brakemen to operate trains through
it. The tunnel is about 6000 feet in
length and 15 provided` with two Root
blowers at each end, which do not ap.
pear to give satisfaction. Expesi
meats are being made withal gas con.
sumer attached to the Iocornotive.
Monday morning' while
son of David Richard, was engaged
putting the harness on a horse belong-
ing to Mi•. John Hunter, of Usborne,.
the animal bit off a portion of one of
his ears and dropped it on the floor.
The horst was never considered cross,
and the reason assigned for this occur -
mice is unknown" The injured part
has been, properly cared for by medical
held on
Dr, Hvnciman s favorite driving
horse has been stricken with blood pais
inning and is confined to the stable.
Its logs, chest, and underneath the,jew
is badly swollen and the animal is in a
frightful condition.
They Will l Itomain,
Oncof the most enthusiastic meetings
ever held in Exeter took place in the
Town Hall on Monday evening; last:
The Hall was filled to its utmost caps
city with of ratepayers of the
village. The object of the meeting was
to obtain the sentiments of the people
regarding the offer rnacle by Mr. Mas-
sey, President of the Massey -Burris
MVIanufacturin‘e conjunction
with an offer from the' members of the
Verity Plow Works, The•offer made
was that the said Plow Works would be
continued in the Village of Exeter, pro
viaingthepeople would put a'switchfrom
the L. H. & B. Railway to their estab-
lishment. After the meeting was call
ed to order, the Reeve, Mr. Bawden
took the, chair by an unanimous vote
and described the objects of the same,
and called on Mr. Robert Verity, who
in behalf of the Firm explained mat -
tors in a very able and effiicent nrau•
net. He status that the Massey Harris
Co had now taken an interest in the
business to the amount of $50,000 and
that it was the wish of Mr. Massey' to
move this establishment to Woodstock
providing the town wvoiald not, or could
not see their way clear to grant the
request. He said a very liberal offer
awaited them at Woodstock in the
shape of large buildings valued at least
$20,000 which are looated at the C. P.
R. track but said he did not wish to
leave the town as his interests. were
Dere in more ways than one, but if the.
sown could not provide a switch they
would certainly have to leave. He said
it would be necessary to enlarge the
works considerable and employ a large
increasing trade of the Northwest
and other points. On being asked how
many hands they would likely employ,
he stated that, inside of one year they
would likely increase to double the
number of this present Staff, which
would mean in the neighborhood of
eighty and very probably that num-
ber in side of ten _years, would be in-
creased to between three and four hun
dred. At the conclusion of Mr. Verity's
remarks the following gentlemen ex-
pressed their views concerning the mat
ter, and all urged on the ratepayers to
stand hand in hand in this matter and
not let such and institution as this be
removed from our midst for the paltry
amount it would cost to build the
switch:—Dr. Rollins. H.,Dan
Ross, T. B. Carling, Dr, Lutz, Rey. Fred
Halling Fatt, Rev. A. L. Russell, Rev.
W. McDonagh; Henry Huston, L. H.
Diekson and R. H. Collins. It was mov-
ed by H. Huston seed by R. H. Collins
that the following resolution, be wired
to the Board of Directors, on. Tuesday
The entrance and public school leav
ing examination will be held this year
at Goderich, Exeter, Dungannon, Zur-
ich, Clinton, Seaforth, 'Winghani, Brus-
sels and Wroxeter, commencing on
Tuesday, Tune 2Sth. The primary.
junior leaving and pass matriculation
examinations, which will be held at
Goderieh, Clinton and Seaforth, will
commence on Monday, July llth; and
the senior leaving and honor matricu-
lation examinations, at the same pia
ces, will commence on Wednesday, Ju-
ly 20th.
From the beginning of its manufact-
ure until now not a •single. ounce of.
any but pureVirginia leaf of the finest
quality has been used in the "Myrtle
Navy" tobacco. The manufacturers
of it have a settled belief that the pub
lie c Snot be misled on this point, and
th, any tampering with the quality
o e brand would be a monetary loss
them. Thousands of dallarsa year
awed by mixing with an inferior relies
would not repay them for a doubt on
the part of the public as to the quality
of their tobacco.
Friends of Grand Master John Ross
Robertson are working hard to secure
a third term for that gentleman. -=Mr,
Mr. B. S. O'Neil is the possessor of a
horse that can pick locks and open
doors. The animal .on Monday sur'
ceedecl in opening the door which loads
into the proprietor's driving house and
ransacked things in general and was
continuing his depredations when
caught, The animal being of a hieni
blood nature and full of spiritno doubt
has adopted this as a means of passing
away the hours while remaining in the
Again we record the death of a for-
mer resident of our village, he the per-,
son of Mr William Heiman, second
son of the late Wm. Heaman, of Step-
hen township, who passed away on
F1•fday, the hdth'inst, at his residence,
265 Talbot street,, London, For many
he represented the firms of T,
n , n and Samuel
rbett Marsh,. , of London � mu
Trees, of lbronto, boing h
held in hig
esteem by all whe had made his ac-
quaintance, Ile had been ailing for
considerable time with consumption,
and from its effeets passed peacefully
away full of a glorious anticipation of
the resurrection morn, Ile leaves he
hind to monn his loss a ifs and ty
little boys, who will have the sympathy
of many friends and relatives in this
Robertson is a man of ability, and a morning and was carried by an unarn-
Freemason of tireless energy and zeah;1 iausvote of those present. •
"Resolved that whereas an offer has been
made by the president of the Massey .Harris
Manufacturing Co., in conjunction with an
offer from the members of the Verity Plow contirueat the Village of Exeter
the 'Verity Plow Works and to greatly in-
crease their canacity on condition that the
people of Exeter build, or cause to be built, a
switch or spur to connect at the nearest de-
point the said plow works with the
London, Huron &:Bruce Railway, such said
switch or spur to become a part of the system
of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, Be
it thereforeresolvecithat we, the people of
Exeter, do guarantee the construction of
such switch or spur."
After the usual vote of thanks were
tendered by the chairman the meeting
He has put a great deal of hard work
into his official duties. He has earned
the thanks of the craft, and has
made himself very popular. The cus
tom of the Grana Lodge of Canada is
that a grand master who deserves web
of his brethren is honored with a second
term and no more. But as Mr• Robert
son is a man of noble qualities and has
done much for the order his friends are
anxious for him to retain the position
for another terra of one year. We have
not as yet heard whether Mr. Robert-
son accept it or not. It is altogether
probable the present Deputy Grand
Master, John M. Gibson,will be his suc-
cessor if he declines to accept.
The Provincial Treasurer has issued
a circular pointing out some of the
special clauses in the recent amend
silent to the Liquor -License Act. The
fees to be paidfor tfansfers .and re-
movals have been increased, ; Drug
gists are now liable to a fine for not
entering on their books sales of liquor,
and increased penalties are provided
for against those who purchase liquor
for habitual drunkards. All brewers
and distillers must takeout license,
and the fee for the same is x;250. The
following important clauses of the
amendment is particularly referred to:
On the trial of any proceeding, matter,
or question under any Act of the Leg
islature of Ontario, or on the trial of
any such justice of the peace, inay_or,
rn' g',
.ma ISLr to in any matter CO
Police •�
nizable by such justice, mayor, or po-
lice magistrate, the party opposing, or
defending, or the wife or husband of
the person epposing or defending, shall
be competent and compellable to give
evidence therein,
As considerable interest is being .ta-
ken in shooting circles just now in our
midst, another of those weekly shoots
took plica on Thursday evening last
week when Mr. Fred Collins won the
gold inedal also the silyer eup given by
the Baseball Club The scores in each
match were:—
I.Ifandford 1 0 0 Q.-2
E,' Bissett 0 1 1 0 1-3.
J. Wood 0 1 0 1 0-1
.r. Bissett 1 1) 1 1 4-1
G. Anderson 1 0 0 0 0-1
R. Laerett 0 1 1 0 1-0
J. Loadman 0 0 0 1 0-1
P, Collins 1 l 1 1 0 -4
N.D. Hurdon 1 1 1 1 0-4:
The tie being shot off resulted in favor
of. F. Collins. ••
5, Bissett 01 10101110—u; a
S. Wood 1010000011 4; ( ,
J. I31snctt 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0;,. class{ a
I Irp rid"ors o 1' 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1---4; ( a
R Ilaer'ett 1 1 10000 1 001'0-i; I3
G. Anderson 0111.00000000--3; Il
J.Loadrrian 1 1 01 1 00000004; B
A Loaclman 010010000000-2 01088 13
N ILIT•urdon00-1000011000-,; I3
'Iz 0 ltins 1 1 001 11 1 1 000-7; 13
J. osteott 000000000'000-0, 13,
A shoot took place oil Tuesday even -
ing between
t d;en E. Bissett and A. J, Snell
at birds from unknowntraps 25 yards
brise with tile following result.
Bissett ' 16; `. Snell, . 15'
lith toed: , place Afterwards a m 1 p �e•
tween F. Collins and It. J. Barrett for
the sliver eup,whicli F. Collies suc-
ceeded in winning,
Collins �.
I fns 10;
ra„1 est 9,
N, D; Ilurdoti and I. Handford will
shoot a matc11 en ThurSday evening for,',
the lily et medal,
11: 1�
.Iig�r°. 21115o GUsoat,
A stalwart tcamstor in the camioy of the
Glens Falls,is 2.v
Lumber Company, says
that both he and his wife Ihl✓ recommend
„-eIi000's Sarsaparilla. • She
t failed 1,o gain strength after
a severe illness, felt ;etas.
er'ablc, could not sleep, and had no appe-
tite. when she took haood,a Sui-sapamt•fltta
she began to pick up and was soon insight.
Isis own experience was that in the spring
he was alt run down, Bari weakness and alis•
trcee i;n the r, onanelh. Hood's Sarsaparilla
brought him 11a 11 round all
right, ammo B9 U - If'a is now better
and heavier t� '-"s than f or
years past. Thousands, yrs almostltgitriteaao
of People, testify to the `r onIlcrfai value oL
IIood's Sarsaparilla for amt. areal feeling
or weakness Of mind, nerves or body. It is
.,tile helping hand which restores full health
and strength. Mr. JohnJ. Scully, President
of tis C Serimeu's - m
Union, 256 Cather- a
the Sheet, Retrofit,
Michigan, voluntarily writes as follows:
"C. 1. flood Si Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: 1 feel in duty bound to toll
of the benefit I de -
e es rived from Hood's
.:, a
sarsaparilla, I have
been troubled with nervous dyspepsia, was
tired and languid, with no mnibition to
work; my sleep was irregular. SO I began
taking Rood's Sarsaptar
On 1•i11a,' Y rum site very first
itseemed to boust the
thing me. The nervous e1 e just
g Y pep
nowentirely gone, my
appetite is exee]Iett,
I caneat heartily 1' vlthotit distress after-
, x
wards; II eke') well,
trong and can ngow o about
P inY wont without that
tired feeling se frequent before I took
Hoods Sarsaparilla
ihave taken six betties and recomntend it as
tl' � en. IIraLY:
King of 173[G ALAaa .t. J. 0
the 8fi s
H000 3 PILLS euro liver lits, constllaatlon,
hlllousneae, jaunatiee, sick bendacho, inclIgoation.
Parasols, Gloves,
Hosiery, Dress Goods,
Dress Trimmings
Curtains Curtain. Poles
and Window Shades.
Ladies & Gents
fine & coarse shoes.
Never had a better stock
at lower prices than now.
Try our 25e. Tea;
The best in town.
All Kinds of FENCE WIRES.
ALABASTINE in all Shades.
Full line of Tinware, Cheap,
for Cash at
Amidst all Blow 5 Bluster
Still takes the lead in the Furn-
iture business. I am too busy to call on people in- need of
furniture, but please chop in my WSJ 0reolbs and see my stock
and I will try and suit you in this line.
Ordend WOZ111 anti:7 done on shortest nOtiCe.
Remember' i have also
handsome line of Undertaking
Under to kin , Guess always on land.
Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis-
faction guaranteed every time, .
Stand next Molson's Bank, IR O S T . N. R OW E .
Hardware Bilerohaaes,
Lead the Van in Iia;rvvare,
Tinware, etc.