HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-19, Page 7DOMINIC) Ur, Tay/or pre amend the ehart burg & New \roe to change the nat can Railway Co tirst time. Ur. Intuit; aske of the CI overtime ,orude petroleum. gas. Mr. Foster sai yet in a position on this subject. dr. McCarthy for a ret Pppea s to the R Privy Council on before that body those relating to fares and the pr said extortion. Mr. Haggart sa to bringing down only two cases lsr referring to traffi lied been satisfite oases related to highways, Mr. McCarthy missed the disc lainne lines as that e propose, which moved by the in Mills)- He did n the conclusion th Looking at the hi ought to be well sulsetantiel justio the way we were Government resp ing Canadian inte impossible for Ca respeotive of t they did not see presentative, not of, but in conju .representative a ,peared to him a smormous interes interests in the U other power elm authorities at trade was clone w difficulties wrists, the G'overninent begged to move seconded by Mr. opinion of the commercial inter United States of of the political q respiring adjustm and the neighbo tend to the wive. and the promotio between the two sentative appoint the Dominion, s Her Majesty's attached to the s ister at Washina watch, guard, an' Canada." Mr, Casey, mo respondence cone W. Ingram as Co Thomas, Ont, el secured the lilac assistance to his West Elgin. Mr. Ingram wa anent of hisbroth gentleman to mali and to pursue the creditable to hiini OTTAWA, May the chair at 3 o'c Mr. Coetigan an Act to amend Mr. Laurier sal some explanatio simply stated th the /sTorthwest te for the change. removed the res imposed on the regard to the sal Sir John Tho Act of last year lature power •t clauses of the and in accorda, lature had pesse provisions and au On the item ea Mr. Carling, plainecl that M whom 51,500 wa gaged by the G sum was paid: 1 veterinary inspec taken by the Gov Mr. Landerk number of inmet eadie. My. Carling -'l the same as last On the item of Canal. Mr. Mills (Bat traordinary that on. the north sid already had one -to him a waste o considering our h the immense exp put to in other w pursuing a very t Mr. Hag,gart cider' to deepen was decided to b cause it was foun sive to deepen tl a depth of 14 f one. The total deepenino• was 51 the eystellF, inch, was yet to be ex On the item Sir Richard C 'Government tr.e these °meld. Mr. Ilaggart s .ernment Was the reason a larger a was because the at present. - " Mr. Bowell, rc Edgar's motion, miter very fully reflected upon a It had been pair were not of th ShOldd be when that man a MM stake. It was ,General that he meet the charge an investagatiOn vrelate d to any t the Cirown in hiti •who conetrunted The GoVernineh respoffai)ility in /Minister of the ( , amendment whi with the cippror .country: That frOm ,the a ...Tames D. lilclgar. thereon by Hen Clattwright and I in this Mime it tion. of Mt. Edinit nir A. P. Cdrotio; Mentbet of the PI *MVO offenoos withstanding ths cited did nob in nehatgeS against him; 'that the , fol owing 18810 meetings,ve 4j, M N , i PARLIA E 1 Ohntgas and allegatione am indicated be' the titlftemooto of danice D. Edgar and Commente thereon by the members aMretale .as AA, . . a third•in WI, aY TlieY have net visited °dud' e - • ie . a 1••,' ' ' is. .0rOinn couriales. ene the Government at; no, illforrnetion cte to when their ort is to bekriladoe.osti8au, ,4 . hill further to amend the . " ' - • Ittlaed Aevetmd Aet was 1'004 a third thee and naseed., , .. , Mee Tan or htte tonienfiteeelnetvuk‘8.1etilhattll tthee0YeeentAe the Fisherhiee Ant, ei, p!abled, ,thnt at ,011e thne it twAent tell?, httptel0Tetedehiaiderel1plirseheltgye4d.,'elnear. varliolle Ogee Scaeorke Were made. Wlthoat nelsieving the deeired result Mall rnsPeets and the, •series were beeomin ' ' - - g exhausted. .. . g Ps v, . by t e. decrease in _he size :of the obi: ors e se 1 io , , 1 t. auelit, A comp les , n '‘Ms appointed some Snare age and investi- gated whole enieStion. by . I' r1113" t 4 n ° e nt th • ' 0 . e ieduetry wee ishown by the feet that in 189(1 the eateh was 110566.732 penman evalned at -6)4480344° tI.4 Maine th,et° "'I "een sem' "nPrevemen eee4use of tne'reg°' latioa Prohibiting the sale of inlisters of lees than ten inchee n. - ' ' s • ' ' - Mr. Bowers' Said he believed the length, regulation for lobsthrs in Maize was 10. inelres. . - . . , . '1 Mr. Tupper said' he loelived that. the, n ..t, n d n . • d t late. .t, Irm a- - ()eh' raise 0. While 1 wes• tree .that ,the close season had led to an imProvement in Canada he proposed to make a indica chat - i .. . . e en ge In the law anti ll t depend 'Tea 11•?ef:' seasons in '111:tere; The resent size limit in C nada ' ' i ' . •a was Pm aches.. Pbeine lower , than in en ' other portion - Of n. • V P .Arilorica,- It Was true the limit was larger than In. England, eo all ( Sweden; or ere* S tl ci ' 'where in Europe but it was likewise true - ' that the lobster- ja this side of the Atlantic . .• Wes, larger than his European brother. The debate on the Lobster Limaineese bill wee ' continued b M' • - ' ' • eesrs. Burne, White (Shelburne); Forbes, Mecdon aid R. , . . (- mg ", P. E. I.), Bowers and Yee. The motion Was •oarried,' and the House i e n, e went into Comm•ttee of the Whole o the rsiill. It made someprogress and re orted P The House Went into Committee on Mr. .Tunner's bill further to araencl the Fisheries - - . Act, and reported progress. On motion to go into Supply. - Mr. Edgar said he would like to call the atten.tionof the ' House to the prese 'tun- satisfactOry condit'onof the ' hat law. copyrig, n May, I M 1889, an act was passed by the H important• e - House making and aovantaemous• chan es •n the copyright 1 Alth u h g .1. .., sew. ° " more than three years had now elapsed. siuce that statute was assented to, the Ant is not vet in o eration. There -was a provn . . BLOU 0 t 04 BUJ. 11 3 a 1 no come i h td 9 n t t}it 'tshould . t ' • f 1. i • h id into force note a proc emation s ou be issued by tee Governor-in-Couneil. Thabproclamationt ' • - a was no yet. is- stem , e s a u enot een. I the t t t had . disallowed , by the Queen, - therefore it could not be disallowed by the English G taccording t tn, t• ' • overnmen , o our eons 1 u Ione Sir John Thotri sem said he was lad to p g kno the h f the h w from e speeo o e on. gentle- .confirmed. that they ' agreed th• - llataey °Pon Is matter. He had not changed his opinions as ex- reseed. The proclamation was not issued I', cause the original as ns meal st it still e--re o , e n , held good. A clause suspending the law bad to be inserted in the bill of 1889, be- a ques ion upon e rn- cause it was t.which the I LIR po icy pe ' 1 Government had a distinct 1' and ecaui se t was one affecting nternational b i . •Th' G t had t 't ' relations. is overnmeno vem in order that the views of her Majesty's Gov- en= t ' ht b ' '1 1 Th en mig e mac e, mown. e pro- elame,tion had not been issued b s h ecatme her Majesty's Government had not withdrawn h ' ' b* t• t the A t beingt ' t eir. o jest ions o e a put m fere, . 'do • Mr. Davies called attention to a circum- - s mace whichhad come is tl d to knowledge't 1 t h A • Act • d within ie es our. nwas. pe,ese by the Legislature of Prince Edward. Island, ' alterin the constitutionf the P • d g ao e rovince and dein,' away with the resent Houses of ,t,die.• p •": • np m • P d ..b 't t• ' rovincia ar lament an, . su sti. u ing-one House. This was an Act clearly within -the f the Legislature,t th 1..* te nt power o e ye . e ieu na • ovornorreserve i or the. Gr • bad d 't f Governor--tr- General's . approval. The right of - the Lieutenant -Governor to reserve bills had been clearle defined by the Department Of Justice in former cases. He read from Bourioet to the effect that in these matters the Lieutenant -Governor acted upon ad.vice of his Ministers. He quoted also from the opinion forraillated by Sir John Macdonald, as Minister of Juetice in 1873, condemnatory of the Lien- ... tenant -Governor Of Ontenio for holdiug for • , .. the Governor -Generals assent the 'Dianne ' e Incorporation Bill, . that bill being clearly • h' the jurisdictiont the wit in se o • eLegislature. He quoted also the opinion of the present Chief Justice McDonald, of Nova Scotia, •Ministerf Justice' 1 88‘)1. when,o in . m quoting and approving the opiniiin of Sir John Mae- r. .. amp as o, i.general1. doneld. M ' D k d 'f instructions were given to Lieutenant- Governors on this subject, whether special - • • instructione were given to theLieutenant- Governor of Prince Edward Island, nd a-- Whether that officer acted unconstitutionally, in o e y e advice o 'refusingt b.guided thf his Ministers. •by Sir Thompson Salins rue ions S' JohnTh 'd that • t t• t were annex . o the commissions of liens tenant -governors, but he woulLI not like to ea what those instructions on this subieet y • „ , .. ,, were but he was sure they were not in eon- , . . . , filet with the opinion given ley Sir John . Macdonald on this subject. As to special instructions , . , . none were . 14-031. IR is case this , ' himself' - -other member of either by. ea amy the Government. ' With regard to the don- _. . - • - - i t f the It " Id hardly s titutiona i y o - e action e eon _ think the hon. geuelemen was correctly informed on the subject. ' . ' . Mr. Laurier said this was art exceedingly e d if the information of the seueus matter, an . _. , member for Queen's (Mr. Davies) was cor- rect, it was a matter which must engage the . , , attention of the House at an early date. , •Committee Sup- The Honse went into of . ,, ., , • ply, taking up the estimates on canals: ' the 1 S It Canal,430 000 . Ore e 1 em au $ , , AMER nEoESs.(Please e remaining 1 ems under canals were Th ' • 'tthink - , , - agreed to. • - . On a,vote of $152 000 for increased en- • - - '' - oommodetion at 'Halifax, , . Mr. Davies strongly opposed• the reselu- the G t d' 1' t ' 1 ' "I tion as e overnmen i; no exp am or ' . - • d . whet the item was require . - a. that .there • ts Mr. Bohol' suggest°. ail ...ere wen,. , be e, long discuseion on ,he nat,erna,1 manage. • ' ' .not ment of the Intercolormillater on, this item . - should stand. .120 ' h ' ' ' . I ' -r T e Home edjourned at 10. 0 p. m. , . IV Aran" A MEATH listErfdritE —.- 1.4lete 4 4, Great Heal orEOrtetaltlY thatUne Moe', ' *ow,* F91 Frown Lovoo, Ote•matese Rpfress, *wee giadt other Floral , ISSUE NO 20. 1892 r ,enteci. bine to .revive eind sr of the Ottawa. Morrie.- ; Aujimr 0,y cempeny, wen le to the Canadien-Anteri. • - petty. which Wos read a a if it• wee 010, intention at to lower' the duty on teed in the manufacture of ' . , the Government eves not „ . , , to hullo:14e' jt intenttoil . Moved two resolations - - • - ern .,upota. the euhjeot a ellWay Committee of • the be klubjeet of Casesbreuglet generally, and pert/eider:1n, he regulation Of rates Ana pventien of discrimination . , — • id there Was no ObjectiOn the Paean's. There were >tight before the committ. ee ; arrangements and they . . 0 ;orily disposed of. Other tossings of railways' and . . . . said he was sorry to have :manila, 'sernewhet en the i Which -be was about to arose over; a resolution melba' for Bothwell ('Mr. . . ot desiM tee. pared with i House then Arrived at. . , story. of this oeuntty, eve satisfied and feel that • • ' . had been done' to us - in • . ' - lealt with' by the 'Inmerial , ;oting the miestions affect- rests. . Although it was - lade. to work treatiee ir , se ImPerial Conernmene; why the could not have a in any. Berne independent , , .otion with the Imperial Washington. This ap- practical step. . We nate ts at Washington, larger tilted States than with any ,pthig only -the Imperial ,oudein. Nearly half our ith the United States, and env arose between us and . of that country. .• He . the following resolution, Weldon : , "That in the OUSe, ill' -view of the vast este existing between the . .. kineriaa and Canada, and .estionS, from time to time ' • • ent between,the Dominion , ring Repablia, it would ecement of -those intereste i of a better understandiug ',tient- • - , . ries were a rept:-orx• . , ed by the Governinent of . .Into ibjeet to the approyal of • • ' Imperial admeers, and aff of Her Majesty's Min, ;on, specially,. charged to 1 t the interests of represen e - e - 'ing for eS return of all cor- ;ming the appointinent of [lector of Customs at St. timed that he had only . . . s by rendering particular, brother, 'the member for only defendedthe appoint- er. It illbecame the hon. :e the charges he had done, tactics which were dis- ;elf. • , • 3. -The Speaker took , .the lock. . Loved the second reading of the „Inland Revenue Act .d. the House would expect , i of this Measure. It was et the bill was to apply, to rritory; and give no reason It would appear that it frictions which ,have been Torthweet territories with ; of liquor., . - . ipsonmointed out that the gave the Northwest Legis- , repeal the prohibitory 'orthwest Territories Act, ice therewith that Legis, an Act repealing the said bitituting a license system. ;tie quarantine, 515,000, •eplying to Mr. Lister, ex- t McEachern V. S to ; paid last year, wee en- r ove rn me nt; and that this 'or his - Services aii• chief . tor. All his time was not . . 'eminent. ' . , is asked what was the is in the lazaretto. at Tra- • , :there are 2n inmates, about year. • • 400,000 for the Soulanges ' - . hwell) said it did seem ex- - • this canal should be built - - e of the - river when we on., the south. It eeemed ' publicm ney especially ' • ° ' igh rate of • taxation en.d enditure the country .was 143'0. He thoughtwewere ' . •• , ' Lnwise course. .. . - , mid years ago it was cm-. he canals. 'The reason it u'ld th can1 s be '1 -e new ° n'' If?' -- .d it would be more expen- ,e cane]. on. the smith side te :et than to build. the new money expendedin cane ' ' 1 l7,415,000,, mid to coinplete ..dindthe &mit canal there e ' 'ended $15 000 000. • - ' ' - of $74,000 for ' the Trent • . . ' '. er wrige . e 6 ' 1 taskedwhat th ent to, do in future about r - • , - - - - aid the policy of. the Gov- ' 'b .I ' Th 'fInni,...° as 1 a waYe.woase. e 410ilot WOS not aiiKe'x for , .revenue would not' iustif ' - " ' ' • ' the debate oet Mr. sseening . . _ n . Said he. did not intend to . , - ittto this questicip ' which member �f theGoVertunent. - * ' ' • ited out that the charges ' at definite character they , i .d .a man s reputation, ,an .ster f the 'C ' s' t ' ° Crown* was a Stated by the Postmaster- ' - • ' - - ' ' was . prepared not, only: to iiiit,..-waF; aintioue to have * t' h' d ' ' f ., m o is, eon net so far as it ratisaetion ea a Minister of ' connection with the parties ., . • . tue railways in question. : did not desire to shirk any , s ' - volving tim character of a 4 H ' Id He would Ineve an erown. 0 e )h would, he thought, Meet re',1 Of the llouse and. of the - • • . , : -toresaid statements made by and Conntiiiiitit And argninent ,ix,,Ad : min..;sr •Roiare 'sf,r, Edgar MAI their ,,Pliteen pears that ItInaj' the. Wen- 1)yr tuch itteteinetinte eharge , ineiriben Of the Inetienand a I- C . t il 1 Cann it Witii yy mane O , • . _ .. . ,nd ' dereliction 61 'de ,ee net- ,t, 641a athulimnt6 '44,11." l'C''' teaded to be mono in tee statement Intiasin2 etloy,l'814 tiiiimetiusdieiverierhoonQOateboefe tlscie itleakros St. debit itailtean Co. reeeived by way ef bonne frein the D01141'1194 subsidies emounting in tne aggPegAte to uPwardS Of 51,00,000, *Mph subs satins were vo:ed by Parlianteet upon recent- mendetionref Ministers ot the Omen.. (2) That dueinntlie whole -of the said neried Sir A, P. illiCiaerottzrads mind sun is pilule)* 9 ..of tto dooarerl. - '•nf 1on--° - -. _Meaty! el vy oftil ices or Canadae aneetinieless108.82a. tarTitheart .coterini.,?, iteuse cif Connuone the said noriod., eed while the Queen() et Lake paSttaJ041 elitaealleNeYaYesw'tlehesinate°enestterine°11014 olt•I;1. A P Caron knowingly aided and par- ticipated in diverting the sag - subs) - ' f • ni • • • • • - s) e dies lo the PiliPosti rot which th y were emitted by receiving f ,or electien PurPosos Yrom the railevey companr, or .construction cempaziy, or One of thera, or from II.J. Been*. manager • Pt direCtor of the Ficiid railway °s . L01 n ib sX )1( 1.0* ineYs : laabr ga e out sumostio;nfoinneeytisayraolusbtdofb.tplenstalt'ne credit of the seine, ,and also dineen the said Period, did further knowienler so aid and Per- ticipate by obtaining from, the said conmemee, or One of thin payments out of the said. sub- sidiee,'andOnt of the moneys raised by the saki companies or elle of them or on the credit Of e. ee ,',neney for oe'etion ptillierp806,311Mageo aidinthe election Of the said of. A .k, 0 * a t . . ato and other members tif tie House, and supporter s of the Government of Which he was a menibet. (I) That after smite of, the last mentioned payments. were so ob- tsjsted and mass silo sane en Anp. Caron, in consideratieu thereof, eitrruptIn aided , and ,assisted. the Said 'compenn to obtain further ,stibSidies from the Dominion ,Parliament. (5) That ' since' he 't October,' '85 the Temis.' erlrohuattan Railwayt 6th . recelened ' various subsidies from the Donainiop, amountiog , in , all to about $9-4200,• -and than Sir A. p.• ',°P-ri'°n: khcrwisRlY al ed and PartiolPated ill diverting the said subsidies frorn thopurpose for which they were mooted by receiving teem the said. company large sums of money out of the sa id au- beidles or out of the moneys raised. on the credit Of the sarae, and. also by obtain- ii g inlet t f •cim the said company or out of • 1 pi en s iy • the niOneys' inieed by namnents of the same to aid in his eledtiori as a member of. the House of Commons and in the election of other per- ems as nieMbers of the House. (6) ,That, aeter some of the last-mentioned. payments -were to Obtained and meths, the said Sir A. P. Caren, in considetation thereof, corruptly aided and assisted the said company to obtain further and .other subsidies from Parliarneet ' (7) That •the said . Sir A. P. Caron mis- appropriated public moneys for the pun - one.of corrupting the elect ra,to of -Canada fe wit : a ' portien of the °moneys Toted as subsidies as before stated. (8) That the ' Crown, having been advised to appropriateb6hlieshalT,P'i 'large Slime of ptiblic money for the purposes to Wit ; of tae said subsidies: such -moneys or a portion of them were diverted from the ma- poses for which they were so appropriated and0 ple.ced in the hands of thcosaid Sir .4. P. Caron for the purpose of corrupting the electors of a certain portion of Canada. (9) That the said Sir A. P. Cetron•had an understanding that the said subsidies, or some of, them, so voted or with one or more of the railway recommended, . . . . ., y con -mantes participating in the said appropria- don or with some person or persons interested in the said appropriations, that ' the moneys so a I • i • i n appropri tec by Parbame it or a pcn t on ot it should go to him. (10) That the said Sir A. P. Owen entered into a corrupt con- spiracy With the said comnanies or one ormore ' of them. 'That in I he opinion of this House it is expedient that an inquiry be made, so as the ru li or felsit of the age ations last mere t, t , y a]legations , tioned, and. numbered. one to ten, being .the allegations and charges included. in the original statement of Mr. Edgar and those made in the course of , debate theteon, and that for that purpose this House deems it proper and con- vement that the evidence relating to such alle- gations and charges should be made by. one or more commissioners, to be appointed under chap. 114 of the Revised Statutes of Canada. and having all the force mentioned therein, and tbat such evidence should lte laid before the House when completed. , The proposal to refer the charges to a " commission named by the Government wee greeted with lotid Oppoeition laughter. Sir Richard Cartwright said one thing . . . . was very clear, and that was the pitiable position to which the Ministry were re- - duced on this present occasion, because it was quite plain that they intended to re- fuse any investigation until they were compelled to do so by preesure from within the partyorfrein opinion expressed through- out the country. If the Minister 'of Jim-atELLTA tioe's name would not live for anything else,' it would live like that of -a former judge, s -who deemed it proper that an accused per. son might be allowed to substitute an' entirely' new set of charges from those originally preferred, and that the accused should select their own judges It will be tidings of comfort and joy to that much abused set of persons, the criminal classes. In the 'Pacific Scanclid, when the charges were made against Sir John Macdonald,, although he refused a cornmittee, he did not attempt to vary or alter the charges made. When did the Government propose that this cornmiseion should Sit 9_ They would have no 'right to call the members of this House before s . 7 cOmmission appointed by themselves, when. ever they 'chose. The members of this House were responsible to this Efouee alone. • He could not believe the peotne Of Canada hal sunk so low as to tolerate an intetfer- ence with the prerogatives of the people. , , For his part he would Taus° to ' appear • before snch a commission and answer for anything he had• said from his seat in Par- 1' t H moved this amendment to the 'amen . e , . amendment: Tat all the words'of the amendment be left t ' d th followingdd d t the original crin at e a e o e motion: That this House refuses to allow the investtgation into the - charges preferred by J. D Edgar, a 'metieber of this Howie in his place . D. e . S' AdolpheP Caron,ted in the House, against Sir P. also a member thereof, to be removed. from the control of Parliament and. to he cortm-iitted to one or More commissioners, to be appoieted the ' ' ' d t• f 'd 8' • Adol b upon e recommon a ion o said n p e P. Caron and his colleagues. That this House views with repugnance ' the proposition to permit the person accused to vary ani alter the , f ' • • ' • charges pre erred against him, instead thereofg - n • 'd • b to 811 statute a new set of charges lawn up y himself and his colleagues, and that such a de- mond, no less than the prepoSal- thot'the said charges should likewise be investigated by per- sot s -to be appointed by himself and his colleagueS, is entirely unprecedented and op- posed .to pa,rlia,meietax7 • law and nsage, as settled by the Parliament on the Mother.Ceurn try, is a violation of the privileges of the mem- bers of ,this Houseeand is designed to elude and defeat the ends of metice. ' ' ' Mr. Edgar taaid,that he was hardly • pre. . . • • • - t pared to hear the , resolution moved by he - • . . . . . - inister of Militia to-ciay. He thought ' • ' h - that the charges might have been referred to a Renal Commission,although it would - ' • - have been objectionable. The Ministry - . • . ' e a aid to face a ri unal made u two were fr t 13 n - to ono of their followers. A very imp.ortant clause• of the ch s d that .• charge was suppre se , in ' ' 11 dV nd 1 h C which it was a ege that Sir .. o p, e aron was a member of the eonstruetion Company . . . . f the Lake St John Railway. Another ° • ' -- • - ' - clue, to the effect that during the period ''' r 91. oken of Sir Adolnhe eetron received lenge -P - - , . • - e ' me of money out of the subsidies or from UU - Y ' - ' , i - the Men beneficially affected by the earae • • • . • :* ,- ,- . i was also left out. Did the Government ' • - • , • .. . expect tbat he would come before a coinerne. - . ' • • n nosier of their own appointment ? 1 e hoped h w Id notbe 1 t t 0 reeneet an a mem- e • en - ° 80 " - ' her of this House as to submit to sueh a , d' that ' ' Preece mg as - . 1 ' g The dtvitdon bells rang, short er after o'clock this (Thiirsclay) inOrning; and Mr. B II' din t carried b a vot6 °WC, S aineri en was , y - of 105 to 63. • , 'my -"'. - - '. ' Mr. Desvdney Ind on the table the coffee- gondence . respecting the northeastern ,- ,• . • .. .cl '- , Is ' and a ounclry.of the Province of , ue,ec euteinaty report of the Geological Survey . .. Mr. - 'Fe t ' ' I . t - .ivi ch6.,rlt'n,' , 8 el:0 ..r°1)-YOY S P...., . . ? tend tne MOMPera Of tho t-coyal uominismon appointed th inV.estigatothe effeets of the lintior tinfrfie upon ell interests affected by ,,,,....• dy ',,/ A '''' L. ! ' i - 4...: -0 in in nement, eneuer- etitnoril ot a veins OA ibis House of the 24th of , lino, 1801, are Sir Joseph .Ilickson, Montreal ; , Mr; E, k''. of kt iros nto . 4 'tl, 6 m Ti, , id 13 0 k. Or )' • r° t " -g 0 ena , r 0 ville • Mr, .G.. A. Chgault 'Renville and .., ye, ..„ e. e. , ..... „ , I. . . e, 1tev., Dr., N1,0.1 -1000i ffrederieton, N. 13. nir iloseph Ilitikson Wait chairman The eom• . , Ino %%rennin , pi • p ' aYo in .aris tlsaelly begin et 8 o'clock and miter didsh until. about Midnight. The orchestra never playa between the acto eo •, SavorifeS. ' begin 44 neen na your Sweet peen to rine pr,oniefOr nom. 0 kind of a Suppert for them,. ' Do 'not put your house -plants out berore NOTV zr 4,1vorrismsnura kirtrelPd/ly1"mg e3411:io'Lr hi' °rooter a a - ° tghatetrieo.tonenetienadanieredinuernitlagtothreamt-tairnisioi.n tnetiot, It1s a matter of some formality to get ivo.t,,,,),11F4'10)nocihet, t13411i.neattretb4ste•gu 0041 do ooassdoinu free Anterioa-throw down a few silver car • wheel, with an ugly goddess. of libetteS on One ado and a lentil,' ' ncreeniing Arnetiean really Warni. iire4theicoin'e,s.. A. cold night ntedr he'Rett e'l'eng• awl' °hill ecene of the ontIersco. wtt• of e It neer° denote km' els;" . , For Producing rich .effeete on t.he lawn fete ..ishosto,. ,4.14,, nrors, strskso, than the rich -lie. or, neater oll plant. It is easily grown fret° the seed ' - ' Perhaps the' bet " general ' purpose " S s, ss s ,,,„, Ab tIN INS.' Idlyk OF-HOM. ALEX.XA(- menpterate AS ' jo,'°14- zie,l'nt"wel• Beenenkielates i • cr ry, 44 ' 914 , . , OSS, Entelnorenevdo. itlegeondorteio' M. etekenn,nzne4f4ttOtinay 0,41,1111, out , s , __ ..... s.s.,...,- ; we,. ......„,... e.e. . . ...•-•,,,... 39 cents' . $acun' agencoYI;It°,11peeeitieer Toronto, Oat, ' CEIgle on the other, ann ent,er the theatre ' ' , and take your seat. • If sem me, h a good piaoc, yoa ,maat. go to the theatre from fou to ten days in. ad- 'vanes if the Play. is a popular ,oro,, politely teknoff.yout hat to the ugly and cross old f.enlale in the bon -office end. humbly ask for clematis Is eacknunn with large vtolet. blue flowere. , '1 , /he soariet.itowerizooaa je a very pretty Plant' to train IV abelut the WbedOtte , ' The herbaceous some are ineiconn the most beautiful of Our hardy plants- a roets hw-PiukfleWere' ; S. alba, White. ' ' .' , falIPERIM neenner t Zi 0 rENCII, ift..; ,• eet,e enione nee ;nes AUL' J) ...,• ' . e :447e t'Titiit17.:' II. e 1,4 poornatoptclan. v s i suessinss,amssessssissmiassus Wit S . nee enetteene ine tanintesnerteet •,• gr . . • ,,. ..TRALNAN'aurck. co_ _ No. 71 Bell street Hattie:tore, and. . . , . , the, seat you wish. When sheltie ,finished , discussing the latest styles f R ' with rom, lama wi her aseiStanti she Will gruffly 'exclanitt . ,,$ Comment !,', . - , * * . . - You must not reply, as a'friend of mine • •. , did When tho hydtangea is corning MO blown give liquid' manure , Whe ' making its _ .. xiLADIES' annual growth geze plenty of water. • Fut ' out ou a Anaemia tn. summer. . .. " , ., . Do not acatter your roses abotat, Flout . . '1,ersorated parchmerit Stamp- - . nig Patterns et- ,half prime. Price Thet free. - Mrs: S Chichestet - , , Augusto, Mich. , who WOO not well up in French, "Come • n 's - 0• on Youiself, mut flan . your polite sentence .0,11 over again. Then you • get a written ticket and have ' to pay two cents for 'a . . , . .. : revenue stamp. to on st. them by theinsolvessand group them. Never • 44* f ' Natal the enent 0 animal laWn by Ecatter- ing shrubs all over it. Keep them pear the edges, in groups, .'and the effect Will be . h - V' facto L d' .' H Mac More Sa m a zee one, ,.. . . * te 11 T0RMAGENG De otive Stories. 10 Cone • irtelidaivrtIsiTtriteLl and.MG a.°Pulair 8°11W4 ' • . tne t Toronto One BROS.36 : 31,°Call tree ' ' put On the evening of the performance you ry.-- Journals ' A 0.ENTS WANTED. FOR "HEROES or purchaee a programme at the door. and walk' - . ' • • up to the desk where three, Frenchmen trt ' , ' ' ' full dress Preside. . ' 4 • n These ' judges act- as ticket-takerS• One of them examines the green or red d • , ocument, that you procured, With, tee much trouble, ibis - to see that not a forgery, and , n Makes Ile . en and Blood. ' • Witert the spitcm is all run down and there seems to be, no hope of meteetneg nourishment for the body leg the ordinary ., , process of food aupply and digestion, when , • ! the ,body is oinking fast then is the * tio Unknown Seas and Savage Land"; J. We /nuere latest and. best book ;,' four grand double -page molored plates; 'three hundred beautiful historical en& .vings ; thruung ad_ . . t: _ . venture ; accurate his re ' more' ueteresting t4Eill r011Mnee,•explordtion and discovery ; green new book; sells at sight . send for =mars Address Wend P br hi ' CI G 1 b 0 ' e u is ng oe ue p , , nt. that the date eto., is al right, and 'hen ' ' I *1, t t ' n in - -' ' pasees 1 on o one o is assoeiete judges in t • . • • his supreme court es united French red, taPet• Who looks it over and - tears of one corner- • • • . ‘i - . and cries in a loud voice Deux pesonnes ' ., ' • • a gouch,, or words to that effect. Then you. are ready to witness the finest acting in- • the world. • ' ' time , to use M ler's Emulsion of ' id ' • . - " • • ' pure Norwegian Cad Liver Oil. ' ' d h • ' - • 'ft alwaYe works Wen era, ecauee et is a Fesh and blood maker. and,contains all the . constituentsfor nourishment found in wheat - ' in feet Mille' Emulsion is a perfect "staff of life" and has saved and cured.thotteande: • -• ' ' - - • • • ' 6 Pack,,..0f0ards FREE. ' ' ' one back May L C..U. II:ime eariack Escort; one Peon Flirtation-. one pack Bfeld, to the Light ; one pack Our §ofa Suet Holds Two. 0126 - sample book full of Novelties' all, mum if- yon send. 5o. silver for postage. "A W Pandn' r W. ..1. ..r. b,N.r., Yarmouth, N. S. . ... . .. . ' in big bottles, 50c. and $L 00, at all drug • ' , - ' -Air and Sunshine for the Hair. stores. • • AGENTS WANTED -FOR THE REVISED - edition.of the "Practioalllome Physician" ' • Women have been ridiculed by men on account 'cif the absurd little .bormets they *ear, and the gentle creatures home patiently endured the criticisin neneuse they knew the bonnets were becoming. But now it appears that the wealth of Not tope caught. -,Twas a Sabbath school picnic. Two maidens of uncertainage were struggling in the water. • - • - "Merciful heavens 1" cried the Timber. ce Will revised to 1892 ; over therteen handren pagen,- reading matter ; thirty' colored plates, two life -like Manikins; -written by seven . of the , and 13rebertldfa'srailmoystmrsAnicoauisi!)ohoyksic/ansp,4 for circulars ' and terms. "Address°, World Publishing Company, Guelph, Ont. ,' , leveler hair which the crownless bonnet eeveals is really the result in many Cases . . • . of the very lightness and inefficiency of protection theetiny covering provides. Air end sunshine are really the best 'promoters • of growth and beauty. of coloring in the . hair, and, says a • women writer, - if men Would Wear a crownless or perforated hat , . . . . • . instead'of shutting the hair. up in an UR- ventilated tunnel every time they go lute no one save them? , Is there no swinainer among as?" " Is there a j'ustice • of the, peace in the crowd?" , asked Tattered Stuyvesant, the tramp, emerging from the bushes: , "1 hold that office," anewered a gentle- , man "Bat will " • •-- . "Wail, then ladies!" shouted Tattered Stityvesant to the struggling maidens, "hold up e'er hands an' lee ' the jestice . swear' ye that I don't have to marry either AGENTS.WRITE. TO US , For particulars and terms. If you Want to make menet-, isow is your time. If you aro handling any line that does not bring you in big money, ;Iron it and engage with us and . Success Is sure. . WILLI&Ter BRICOS, ` ' Toronto,. Ont. the air there would be fewer bald pates ill the front rows. . Revenge is sweet. -New n. , , z OWL of ye, an' I'll plunge in. I'm heroic, but not foolhardy. This is leap year I" n A GLINTS WANTED -FOR "STORY' OP .a.. the Bible "-told in simple language for the young; every mother wants it; the best of all books the Bible for , . - The favorable impression produced on the first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remed.y, Syrup of Figs, a few years ago as been more an con rme y e h b * than fi d b ' thpleas- .ant experience of all who have used it, and Rules mats -acted. "Mrs. Small," said the stir boarder to his I ndl d ' "I thought on didn't allow 1411' "parlor." Y ' enr engin the . - . `. I don't," replied Mrs. Small with ,energy. " Who's doing it, I'd like to ' ' ' on children ; translated severallanguages, and used -by missionaries In China, Sapan,I.ndis.a.ndAfricaas the simplest and best method of teaching Bible facts to natives ; over one hundred dollars has been made by e lady canvasser in a -single Week selling- tlais. book.; terms liberal. •Addrese World Publishing co., Guelph, Ont. the success of the proprietors and Menu- facturers,_the California Fig Syrup Company. know?" ‘ • • • • 6 Well, if you have tunemou might step m d ' t •th h I " an remonstra e en t e ainp. . . A . Manitoba Farm lin& FOr Sale e, • . Bags. . , Oatmeal , An authority tells how to make the oat- mea ags w lc ,, use in ie a, ', , mve a 1 b h' h d • tl b th ' ve vety so tness an win ness to e shun 1 f d te ' the ' .Take five pounds of oatmeal ground fine, a - Castile' d d t half pound of pure soap re uce o d d fpowdered. Rol' powder, an a pound o Ism orris root.Cu d f -thin " . t a yard o cheese cloths` m cs ags a ou our equaeo, sewing b b tf inches• the an ing care: no them 'machined tale' ' t to A. Good Cook. •. She. -Darling, please tell the grocer to g ' ts of nice fresh e on es. send me up two quer p g He ----You cnn't get sponges at the grocer's, - ' n . ducky, but I'll stop at the druggist s for them. What kind you want? She -I want the kind need for making sponge cake, an d tell him they must be treahstables • ' —...1 , . , . BRANDON DISTRICT -10, 18 W, St. of Sec.' P. ' • in3ies from Brandon. 57 per acre. - 9, 19 NV, S Wile, in nines . S W ' Brandon, ndx00.- ,. 12, 18 W, 18 Ler Sec let miles nortte of nhater, 81,2,00. n e is D , , 11 22 W se S 21 "41' r. Pr ISI-Iliel•- ,' t ''-' 00 , a , splendid fa,rni. ln 22 w, Ne 29; log lictuse, 2. and 75 acres cultivated, aem on leave any untied threads where a break may 1 t the te ts - ' M' the e e con n ooze out. ix e soap, o teneal and orris' root thoroughly, and fill 1.4- ' ' - - . .the bags loosely. •new up the openings in each and lay them aivay to use as required. They used .510 a sponge,no warm Th ;I dipped • k 'I t latherand A. Prospective one Maid. . , N York Er raid • Sh ' I truly New. e . . e- am, ,Mr. Foster, kit I am waiting for _the. •• - • I - ideal man. . He -I trust you have Patience' to ;wait. n 'II b 1 t• • e Nei e a long time coming. ' per acre -a bargains . „„. DISTRICT -4 27 W We See 6 all :treble - ' ' - ' lana. so -per acre. ' -, s s. - ' „„ ,s, CARMEN LiISTRICT-0, 0 vt , -EA' 4.14 on Ronne River, 'seine good- wood. en per acre. 6 miles from Carmen. 6,n W, We 15, 56 per acre, and Ni. of Sec 5, 56 per acre. water, making a iic , ye ve y a wonderfully softening the skin, while the par s a• as ine ra . orris im t I t* d f grance ' • - EThe 'young woman who marries a dis- sipated young.inan with the idea of reform- , , ing hint is liab to have her hands 'full as WINNIPEG DrsTnIcT-I have several very ' • • valuable improned farms at low prices and on easy .terms, elect Probably in March mere than any other month in the year are the ravages of cold in e well as her husband. . ' several thousand acre of the very beg wild lands in Manitoba, on very easy terms to settlers. the head and catarrh most severely felt. Do not neglect either for an instant, but apply Nasal Balm, a time -tried, never -failing cure. . , Easy to use, pleiteant ,atiel agreeable. Try • `'s s ss,' t e .itellIES .SCOTT. Real' Estate Agent.. ininstilpeg. it. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, post •d n receipt 'of price --50c. and $1 a pm , o bottle. Fulford & Co., Brockville, Ont. . -„;. '..r.; ' • ,., ,.= SOOTHING. CLEANSING. 4. . MICHIGAN LANDS FOR SALE. , nild Ile Take the Mat? Oh d 0 -T. ./, c'' , whato youthink? ar elm has eceived a letter from the managing editor • for." ee the paper he writes. 11 h d the editor 1 Doessuch " We w at. does • e say • - re r SI ' . • • the ' taff 9 D Lot offer Jim a position on e s . Does he compliment him on 'his composition, t ' d e as: corres ond- pnne us, ton OM COM' a p ent ? I! " . • " No iodeed." The note simply reads,: HEALING. • 1 Instant Relief, Permanent r 7 1 itt . Cure, . ar Ore .mposss ..e. Many so-ealled itisemcs are • • n simply symntems Of Catarrh, ' ' as headache, loving sense st smell Soul breath haWking - spitting,'- 'i f I' - and genera ee .ng of debility, etc.. If yon are e ee troubled with any of teem or, n' kindred symptoms, you hoiee oatarrb, and should /oxe no tithe estoonning e. bottle of 11"'m BAL724 Be warnea in ,— . 12,009 Of good Farming Lands,titleperteo. Acres on Michigan Central, Detroit & A pens. amines:mu Lake Railroads, at prices ranging from '52 to 55 per acre. These lands aro close to enterprising new towns. churches, scbools., etc., and will.be sold. on num'. avorable terms. Apply to R. M. PIERCE, West Bay City, . Or to ' ..T. W. CURTiS, yVhittemore;r1dieli Please mention this paper wieeil writing. '1 • h*to goodness you would write whatr W15 - - 'd f , you have to say on one si e o the paper. the point, isn't it." To . time, nee lected cold in head „, mite in Catarrh. folle-ed eonsrunntion and dwell. Sold toyed' druggiets, or sent. Ab I ILLUSTRATED .PAMnieLETS and ree MAPS relative to The Next c uriestty. . • ' h is the next electrical The telautograp _ , marvel which will be put upon the market. • . P f G th With this -instrument Frof. ray, e '0 dis ute' for ublic inventor, proposes t p P . . favor. With the telephone. The machine • poet paid, on receipt of price ., (50 cents and Silbyaddroising D - ' FU LF OR & CO. Breese:lie. Oat. .. . , , ' 29 e e ..1., , if ..- a Virginia,' • . The Coming Great Agricultural, Wool -Grow ing and. Iron -Producing District of the United States will be sent FREE on application to TRAFFIC DEPT.. N. st W. It. 11., Roanoke, Virginia. will send over the wires and reproduce in . . • . . • fue-sontle written messages or pen symbols .1 do of .. any ' kind and will many -more' seemingly imposeible things. Th process of telautcerraphy is secured by -e d " ' s .... has been seven. patents, an a, " T aE ,ARDISTRONG " SPEEDER." Acitt,61-ts-sintlito r r- 1•111%.13$4 AI. . FOR SALE CIIvAP FARMS IN VIRGINIA i ' " T. imber lands and granite quarries. Mild climate. Good markets. Catalogue free. Cor - respondence solicited. 'I'llE VIRGINIA IMMI- ORATION -LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO. .c9m.1)ii'-,,, i f th organized to Introduce it in It pnr s o e linekkaillimennernett .----41 - -----nrenilln PETERSBURG, VA. , world. - ' • len eitiknZpmen,„...„, NeillIF nanixffielnWei Now in stock, a fine line of all TR EES! Sprigglinn nettle GILB1N , , -Friend (at a French , play) -Why did _ you applaud s o vigorously when that Comedian maths ', his spee.cla before the curtain ? • • ?I'' *API. '.•••911110.• , _ WEIGHT, ,ABOUT 200 POUNDS. HAND . combined general purpose Buggyand t o les c • Speeding Waggon on the market. Very durable and stylish; turns short; ride ' • . - t k i kinds of nursery -s oc , ,ncluding Roses, Shrub, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Best possible grade, and true to name. Sales - men wanted at once. Write for terms, quick. Tents. W. BOWMAN, Peterborough, Ont. "The Roebester Star Nurseries:, mention this paper when writing.) Spriggins' (aonfidently)--Se folks would perfect. • I understand French: ' What did he t e - - say. ' n . . d tn • tl: f h's Friend -He Fintl 0 rendAID er te i part must be taken by an understudy, as ,. - h' d ' ' ' ' . his Mot, er was Tog. Ask for particulars. , ,_ .T. R. ARMSTRONG, • . • Manufacturing Co„ (Limited.) Guelph, Canada. (Please mention this paper when -writing.) s -D -rnate i 11.1-leSTinirtnEi''' - r . ' cAutt-9G‘' g • P.ET R 1-E..ss c. . . FREE -1---. ' , - .-i--- e , . , Rheumatic Repellant. ' Ii;•!,T , AT.41 Tile IIImitalta -11IirtiRg, Coq dip p Pkg. l'Sl. „ Q,.. .A. • ; neD Pen 1IleCollont's ' ' ' . . , ' ' mvx • u: ., y , ffi• ted •th Rhe matunn should d h ' _ lose tune an expe se in ,.experimenting, but at once obtain an d ' takethie greatest ears remedy, used suecetisfu,ly, nearly Y 0 , , I . d f in Canada and the in t musan s, 0 eases . • . - United States: • ' Inoaelmont en ( NIktstvottito ' 2 ' Oo 00o , PAID UP CAPITAL, $1_ ,O. 1 , , leant medley anp.v here in the IJ lined states, .Y- ein'tek or Ai evico withontsecurity. ifyou . . . . , need nione applyto LocatAgents orwrite , n ' n te frEtIRV L., H4(/PT, President, . . DerTE CITY, MONTANA- - s . . - ' ' A specific monney ineatalno fin. Indica to restore 00 regelate the. rsensot; ' dirodueing -five, liealtny and painleas laipeaatge. No, athed or Vitas OA -aP" ptotimbi, Nov used bynver 80,000 ladles., once wee, VillliB0 agent. inneerette these otgana Buy of yons, drugeltin ,. Earth -worm 00. - • , . Th • b tt specificf r •he inat'sin ere is no e er so s u i , . than. earth -worm oil. It is commonly. ' d b taking two or tlitee dozen of the Ina, e Y' ' - ' largest earth -worms that can be &and, ,and. PltWiPg them in a tin or iron etip °vet" the ti 1 . ' few moments the "' worms will re, , n ah dissolve into a fine oil, which hither' strained. , b 1) ttl. a' t• ha I il- d t and may e o , e , ig y °or co . , an se - 'a a cool for use. away 1It ehOidd be . y place. .. - . - .•.s. e]nployecl es a limn -lent, and tho ,stinest ilieunlatio • joints, well rubbed ' with thiEi : . , u 'c Will recover their former natneall bri ant, . , , 'flexibility, ' A. tieing Example. , • ,,_,,,--- .• -,,- Issss ' Agents IP:rented Eeerywnere . only' those with e12 statuto amain , fdee of Intel. Avoid substitutes. Sewed . 5 C.V.u.kiirglitinnireele 13tamPnntidittiE , . • -. weAtti..-aye She (nespaningiy) my !amity , w '' i . ' etionomical, and I am a Inneg examp e. ''SEPARATORS, DE LAVAL CREAM nannies -2e „ , vamorr. sena lic: (sympathetio)s-Indeed I HOW so ? e e b on Christrime Dey and- " he --t, was pen , , • birthday and Christman preeenta aye . • • • ' . d. .. •, (Hand and Steain ,Power.) e , , F ' ' ft 1 E t t sides 8 aint," an„ x mo , • Cheese and Butter Calor, , . . , A niteridernal nleitineivotntanury , , •-• . . . ' ADAMS' NERVE FOOD IIIBLET het% always combnie , , " gab000k mirk I -Caters, TsOlt anNeryous nysnein „ , , The Yonne Of litilttenee. . , • . - , ` Sallie Ann-HoW ie it you'so can go on i %I- the grass an we can . • Maud Alice- Cantle eur merge has p l ' ' k With tho policernan.-Pice . . Rai ru Utensils Ete - -- - / ' Wholesale Agent for Canada, • • -am nee en,. nee nee, neer x x, c): x%; ' - ..s. -. ' - Produce Cenimiesion eaerehann . • Pleas,0 Mentien thisV , 838±. Peter Street ' Comnlaints and . -'• eta, frornwhittevet mune engem. &ad by aI • l Druggistt i a 100 paekage tor sample) 'bOXVilb ' t ' t ' '' 1 t ' 'ttadroSs on , , .1, 19 del,1 11,,os Pal< , 0 OV, ., ,loCOtpr 0 price, ( in ocean) by actaressinn- n• -es " - ' - - AtiAM..., SONS Ong ..,/ is% 73.Jervis St TONONTO, ONT. • s e. , Ger, mog rehtvey oirecters tire expen, menting 7 th rails made of paper, which -- - - - 1 ' n ' are said to beet superior to steel 'Mils as ,paper carwheels erste thosieMadd of iton. , . .., . . , , , Sallie Green --Belle 13e0yen doesn't edmire . , . . the , , . ..* hereof 'before mirror as otten as she ' - , Used tn.- , Minme Tborsi-4 gilefid her new e . nenne,„ nu Fite stopped free oV or. itainnot -tyle• reeetWhenWritin f • Montreal,' P- ..., . g. . . ,. tare -at el Iteetorer. NO Fits eft& find '` ''' . ' ° Martellausniuree. Ttelitleeandne.60 dnY_ su et trimanatie free tende eates. Send to Dr. Kline 031 At h. St Philadelphia, .1de. • , 0 ., , , •, , .s • n. • t ee • n le-- - i nom, nounurna s iansy 14 Pennyroyal riti$ Mee emanate mie v• i to 1 ?Innen nill en the Iir k ,.ornynnselatemist.o., ct e't ' ' 'iik - E4'. '0' Mu] 11y mon Itainerly for Catarrh is Ben, 'Eaten in Ute; Sind Cheapest., .. 010 „ , . . , , . . . tnall bo to "Make a -et ia,easer for the s ,,y ,,, . ,' the rub come wnen clean breant of it,. bub , S ' ' g rahl 1410efituthOim ,'ettlitiO Wri4rOillv rte. EFFEnT . le lenity tiimEo,Thoui:oftwogtottirirroipaa,Spl , wail.. mann( 1;. soya br irtuttlittotep id, eelcure.Y1 bdttlitti niltedn.,, art 0.-, b ' Lai' tall liteenft 'a fOr,SR ' Tilt PHARMACaAl, i•litilf._..._. ...t. ., 0.11 Yik' — .. . _... . ... ' lees imereeelets ot tent by' inaln en. v. Tenmeltlise. Warrein ra. gaged by the G sum was paid: 1 veterinary inspec taken by the Gov Mr. Landerk number of inmet eadie. My. Carling -'l the same as last On the item of Canal. Mr. Mills (Bat traordinary that on. the north sid already had one -to him a waste o considering our h the immense exp put to in other w pursuing a very t Mr. Hag,gart cider' to deepen was decided to b cause it was foun sive to deepen tl a depth of 14 f one. The total deepenino• was 51 the eystellF, inch, was yet to be ex On the item Sir Richard C 'Government tr.e these °meld. Mr. Ilaggart s .ernment Was the reason a larger a was because the at present. - " Mr. Bowell, rc Edgar's motion, miter very fully reflected upon a It had been pair were not of th ShOldd be when that man a MM stake. It was ,General that he meet the charge an investagatiOn vrelate d to any t the Cirown in hiti •who conetrunted The GoVernineh respoffai)ility in /Minister of the ( , amendment whi with the cippror .country: That frOm ,the a ...Tames D. lilclgar. thereon by Hen Clattwright and I in this Mime it tion. of Mt. Edinit nir A. P. Cdrotio; Mentbet of the PI *MVO offenoos withstanding ths cited did nob in nehatgeS against him; 'that the , fol owing 18810 meetings,ve 4j,