HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-19, Page 4etrr 24bl:tor:at e ANDEISS es” $W4-,EIT, Props, THURSDAY, Mu 19th1892, CANADA'S P R 0 OR E SS. Despite the continual wailing's of cer- tain politimans oyes' the last census, and the alleged exodus to the United States -which ia the absence of any better argument answers the putpose of a parte- 017,y -the recent published bulletins of the cesn'ius are most en. encouraging, as shesVing the sena. pro- • grees that Canada has made since Con federation, We glean for the benefit of our readere the more salient points touching the great strides which we kave made as a young nation in the growth and expansion of manufactur" es The tsme was when there was 'cnone so poor as do ae reverence" -but all that is chaeged since the first par- liament of a United Canada. Accord' in' to the Census report, now publish- ed, the total number of industrial es- labliahments in the Dominion. in 1801 was 75,765--shewing an increase in The last ten years, when the National Policy got a fair foothold in. the count. Ty, 25,842, or over 50 per cent. The total number of hands employed, in - eluding a large proportiou of women and girls, was 376,496 -as against 254,935 ten years before. Althongh the number of hands employed shows a lesser proportion of female operatives than in Scotland -where the conditions of life are similar to our own country . -yet the marked increase of females, boys ahd girls employed in factories is A token of gratifying progress. Uutil recently the avenues for female em. ployment were very limited -confined mostly to domestic work or to teach- ing. But the inceease of factories and itudustrial establishments, and the en- ouragement given to female employs snent, as well to boys and girls, is a proof of the wisdom of the National Policy. Better wages and the employ- ment of an increased population are euro signs of increased prosperity. The, •Tensus reveals a marked increase in the number of establishments and op• seratives in the newer provinces of the Dominion. The Maritime, Provinces and British Columbia stand highest •in eaoportion to population as manufact- uring centres -British Columbia rank- gng first, and New Brunswick second Du the list. As to amount of capital employed, tlae total value of machinery end tool in the Dominion foots up the landsome sum of ever eighty million dollars; giving to Ottani() first place, Quebec second, New Brunswick third, Nova Scotia fourth, and British Colum. "Soda fifth in point of extent and Indus- erial establishments. To sure up, we 'have the gratifying return that during The last ten years the per centage of 'increase both in industrial establish. =tents and capital invested and hands employed, is far ahead (say from 50 to 7.00 per cent.) of what they were before ahe National Policy was inaugurated. :Facts speak louder than words -and lihe published returns showri by the bulletins taken from the last Census are a much safer and more reliable Wet of the prosperity of Canada than all the loud -mouthed pretensions of isappointed politictans. .73EPIREVG'S SEA AR.BET/?AT/0111 The America,n, press are pretty well agreed that the United States Govern- ment will come out at the small end of ;the horn in the Behring Sea arbitration TI11.18 The Los Angeles Time says:-- 4The way in which the Canadian. seal ers are piling up their claims for dam- es against the United States for the restriction of their privileges to poach .% a caution. It has only been equalled in recent years by the claims iwhich American sailors filed against Chili. When avarice is given full playjo sail %%rough the blue empyrean of fancy St is apt to float very high, The Ca- aadian poachers are only beginning to ItElI their opinions, If the modus vi - Tenth is Tenewed with England on the terms recom mended by Lord Salisiniry there will be a season ahead in which the Canadians may menu. faeture all the claims they choose. Maim/making, in fae,t, will become a leading Cattedian incluetry." If Cat- edian sealers can manufacture claim evith the faeulity of Americans who re, fnjured by the Alabama they deserVe infinite credit. We should •ne to indulge the hope that Britain nil aucceed befoie the commissien irttIstgli iesnit is at leaet doubtful aen were her carse IS unimpeachable. etever the ealtSO 11Tay be, England e nstiaUy isd as n lansb to the slaugh when her rights nro submitted to aibitratioo. 1747/e1711 FOUNDRY:. The Veeity Ponudry and Plow Workstablielied here • some thirty years ago by W. H. Verity, Esq., first in a snsall aud unpretentiaus Way, ein cloying, however, at all times the con fidence of the community, and the pat- reaage of our wealthy and prosperous farming classes, have, nyder the able management end never ceasine.'-'indus. try of their founder assisted by the steady application to business of his energetie wid ;mien respected sons, be- come so important St factor izithe 'life of our village, that when it wsits an pounced, last week, there was a possi- bility of i,heir emnoval to Woodstock, our citizens were naturally thrown in- to the gravest anxietys and alarm. For soroe time the works have enjoyed a lucrative bueioess in the manufacture of plows for the Northwest trade, and onty a few years ago, because of the increasing demand of this trade, the works and plent were enlarged Very materially, Making the capacity of tbe foundry 'about two fold and necessitat- ing the employment of about twice the number of men, At this time our council recognizing the yalue and de- sirability of the industry and :anxious to promote the same, exempted the works and plant froni taxes for a tern): of years, This exemption Was aenothe ingeompered to the benefits which ac- crued.to our village, and every right thinking citizen knew it, and thoSe of us whe understood the offer which had beam Made some time acre to Mr. Verity Of many thotisands of deniers to inbve to another, point; but which he had re, fused; knew only too well, how Exeter Might congratulate heeself on hergood fortune; :It seems, however, we were too fortunate, to 'such, An extent ,had our works develistied, so superior was theta manufacture that they soon attracted the. eyes 'of the commercial world, and last week an opportunity was soffered the Messrs, Verity of extending stall. further the 'Ohm of 'their operations. This 'offer was fromthe Messrs. Massey and other manufacturing inageates of Toronto,and the inducements were. So greet that .the Messrs, Verity .very-sen- sibty aceented•Withis. Then the ques- tion arose and new the question of the hour isSaGassiEteter retain, the works, 'which will be enlarged to the extent of $100.000." We understand that it is the wish of some of these: interested in the new scheme, to.remove'.the Plant to Wood- stock, but the Messrs. Verity Very nat- urally incline to Exeter and wish to re main here, though as they.. say their intereetswould possibly bead ventag ed by moving to Woodstock.. •Eireaet induaement to keep the Works here has been. held out to the.newCenepany,asid: at a mass meetitig of the ratepayers reported elsewhere, it was unanimous- ly resolved to de every thing in the po- wer of the Corporation . to retain :the works.: • So far all that is aeked.by the Conipany is a switch from the: Grand Trunk to their 'works, and we are all anxious, and, *Wipes to give them this. We want the, Works here and we wailt the Messrs. Fealty here. The %works Will be, beyond any question, :e been. to the town .and the .Veritys are citi- zens we db 'not wisk to part with. Rev, 0. H. Bridgeman, formerly of Hensall, who has been absent on leave for two years, returned yesterday from England, and has been appointed. by the Bishop of Huron to the charge of the Parish of Millbank and parts adja- cent. The cricket match which was to have taken place in London has been cancelled. Mr. Earnest Elliott lost a yaluable colt on Tuesday .night last, which was valued very highly.- THE WONDERFUL SUCCESS Of Hood's Sarsaparilld, as a blood puri- fier entitles it to your confidence. No other preparation has such a record of cures of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, or other Blood diseases. To try it 18 to knoiv its merit. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. For a general family cathartic we confidently recommend Hood's Pills. They should be in every home medi- cine chest. Mr. Ed Brown and Mr. Dyer of °red iron paid anis town a flying visit last Sunclay,—Mr. Henry. Morrish, of Godo rich was the guest of Rob Steinbach one day last week, -Last Wednesday Georgie the second eldeSt son of Mr, And Diel met with rather a painful ac- cident, It seems he and his little bro tiler were playing together when the youngest playfully struck ay him with a stick which he had in his hand and aecidently hit him in the eye. On ex- amine ion of the eye it was found that a splinter of the stick had penetrated the pupil of the eye and consequent ly destroying the eight of one eye. -Last Friday what haye been a serious fire broke out of the engiae room of the grist mill. The fire was first noticed by Mr. C. Eilber who on seeing the flames issuing from the roof immediat ely gaythe alarm and in a short time the flames were extinguished without having done any serious damage. It is supposed the fire originated by a spark escaping from the furnace and igniting in the roof.-Edison's phon- ograph•was on exhibition here last Week, and next Thursday (to -night) a grand phouograph concert is to bel held in the town. A good time is anticipa- ed, come one, come all, -The adver Wang wa,gon of the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co, was in town last week distributing advertising pamphlets. It is rumored that they intend coming to MoGillivray Council. • -- Town I-Iall, McGillivray, 2nd May, 1852 Council met pursuant to adjournment; all Present. Minntes of previous Mooting read, approyed of and signed G. T. Toniason-T Prest-that 3 D Drnmmond be and: 1,o is here appointed to oversee the (hiving of piles for the black,bridgo,-Carried. Cs II ,l'ohnston-- D Drummond -that the reeve and clerk be and they are hereby instracted to take pros oeedings under the ditches and. water courses sot., to havo the water removed offthe road allowance between lots 10 and 11 an the 128h con.-Oarried. 3D Drummond -a w john - son -that the several gravel contracts be and they are hereby accepted and. commiSs- loners for the overseeing of the laying on of gravel as hereafter set forth be and they are hereby appointedand likewise the accept- anee of contracts for hauling sand for con- crete pipes and for hauling cement, Div. 1, Soot, lst to and eon.,Con tractor,Louis Mount Cords of gravel' 8; Amount per cord, 51.80; Cemmissioners, ;Tames Doyle.. Divs2,2iicl to 4th; COD,: Wixt T McDonald; 1.5; $1.16; Thomas Ellwood. DIV. 3, 4th to 10th. eon;Wm T Mo. Donald; 15;-$1:20;George Lee. Ihynt, 10th to 12th; George Sellars; 20; $1.1.5s Bo bert Hardy. Div. 5, 12th den to tod of SnittliSS Hill; Geo. Sollars: e5; 51.75; Samuel Gibson. Div. 0, Top of Smith's hill to' 8th con.; .Win Hedges; 15; 52; john T. „Sallow Div. 7,16th to 18t7t con,; Frank Kelly; 20; 51,15; Daniel Erskine.Div. 8, 18th to lest con.; Sandford Balstwisa; 20; 1; ATI di.e1V PeXt011, DiV. 9, 2Ist to mill: P. Kelly; 20;51.70; Sohn Scott: Div. 10, Morey to 7 th eons Frank Kelly: 60; $2,10: John Long. Div. 11, 7 th eon to boundary; ..9re,nk Kelly; 25;$9,95; Anson 8Tiohol. Div.12, teth to 7th con.; Samos McItam; 15; $2.10; Isaac 'Tones. Liv.13th, black bridge . to boundary; Hugh Botrisfan; 20; $1.10; Tames McEsfen Div. 14, Hauling sand fio Pa,terson's;PatrielcBuchley; -5; 51.70: iohu Paterson. -Hauling GO or snore peaks cement from Ailsa Craig to Paterson's at 12 oentS per cask.---Carriecl. D Druin- mond-T Prest--that this council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, on Tuesday the 13rd clay of May, 2, t• 9 o'clock axes -Carried. Council met pursuan t to adjournment at theTown Hall, MeG•illisr:ty, 3i.el bray, 1883. All the members present. Cr T Johnson -IS Morstanthattliehridge on tha main gravel road over the river Sa able, known as Slack's bridge, be rebuilt; tollave a queentrues blaek bridge under construction, and the Reeve is hereby eommission ed to procure alans and specifications for the same and such other bridges 00 100 feet and -over within this munieipality in a dilipated cella-51,ton, roatirin:s to be rebuilt VI: be submitted to the county counon a.t their nrst eeting for approval, according to statutes of Ontario, Tie 53, chap. 59, see. 30.-0arried. 3 D Drum- mond -T Prest--that by law Nor t of 1892, di- viding the township into road divisions and appointing pathniststers as read a first and seednd time be now read a thirct time and passed. -Carried. T Prest-E Morgan -that the Court of Revision be held in the Town Hall, on Monday the 30th day of May, 1092, at two o'clock p.n.-Carried. G.T 3 ohnsron-3 D Drummond -that this council agre,e to pay 40 cents per cord. for good gravel at pit, owner to remove surface earth to be ke k.)t clean and in good. order to have no claim tor damages or other:expenses, Owner failing to keep pit in good order, conncil to keep it in repair at owner's expense. -Carried. J D Drummond -T•Prest-that by-law No. 2 00 1892 appoint,- i__„sne Wm Northgrave, Sautes Cunningham, Wm G Hardy, 3 ames SiMpson, Jarne9 Doyle, 'George Mitchell. John Hotson, Thomas Meadcl, and Hugh Grahain Feneeviewers to act in conjunction with William O'Neil and Henry Bandwin,-Carried. E Morgan -3 D Crummond-that the herejnafter named in- clividuals be paid the following amounts as set forth:-Bryant•Brothers account for scar let fever cards Si; W Dixon overseeing re- pairing of Sebee bridge $1; A Grieve blinding bridge at Moray $27; .1' Zang overseeing build- ing of bridge at INIoray 58; A Goodman right of way when buslaing bridge at Moray 52; H Paxron putting ±11 eoncrete eulvert on centre road$2; A Laurie one sheep killed and one wounded. by. clogs $6; A McDonald solicitors account $7; ,T Patterson repairing scraper $10 Gr Carter repairing culvert at Carter's on the 2n5 concession 2.00;' R McEwen plank for bridge 8t1i concession E C R „sac.; S IrcRam planking culvert on 8th concession 100; 5 Armstrongrenairing Wilson's bridge 70. con 100 102,00; N Lowe patting in concrete esti- vert Lowe's side road 4.50; 0 Itecicof neracling on Parkhill road 45.00; D Coulter blacksmith eaceount.---Carried. ,JI) Drummond -T Prest -that this council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall on Monday the 30th clay of May at ten o'clock a. m.-Oarnted' • WM. FRASER, Tp. Clerk ea esarei-easesteasescaseMaa. 41 , ae: Sse sea ss 71 • .c.7..)1),N...:.„v • es .aS • IP you are cam of the bsieirt one.s end can r- a 1 C.o. ...„1..e. -s: rolius yen may receive 0 reword wstany sich slit Try Yon times • •-• r i r y•,11. 1 •• •,:o:n. '.Cho nror»Seter of SIME LADIES' :PICTOIZirse.L 0%Intilks:0 - . it -mit -rinse 'ErtsvistrnS Plano or to t . s ; s• see e no rom S tho first correct s :nis1/1ea:1 Ear Rinsgs for the n nin ',en .7 t a Commercial College for . .. . „, s , 1 s' •-•.: :1 .of tho uo.at une,e correct son:- sa ) f;•.• c„,,i1 of the next live correct sole.- ) no 1.1±1 of 1110 4.1410 ten. . a cheque for l's.t.: no Issninsr.ed iiss ' solution of the abovo rebus, a relsord 4,1 a second correct solistion, a Cortsolete ).`ts.re the third correct sosstion :• a alid El oicl ... , tions, a Silk Deess.pstiorn (t5 yards in Hone, an ISr elegant l)ittinonst aeols (son '• Every One Sending a solution 1:1,110± 1"), '0:' :, 'If; scum ton t1'1) cent stampS for So cents in silver)1,,, one. inc., th,k, ir!MI f,,113r'Z',;) J (.0"`ItT) to T11111 LADIES' PI01. ,V, -,,,L,..., ,/, -, , I . agac.tt 8 tit ,,, -t. •.., :..., t :71 n' . et/ :12'.110,70,7'); el,. The envelope „_,, , , , , . Which contoins correct sal:dims bearins:- fii..,...± Inii..t 0,.74i: u1:1 rocc;:o first reward, and the bal- ance in order as received.. Vol: the correct 51) 4411041 sr:eel-AA last in 0:7:: ••• i S '• '•":'-t Stiletss 1s Pesos, 0 valeod at 8140 for the next to tho Meto. 41I4. ern:: 011rds ei es: 1 n strel. raw Illannsee for the third; fourth and fi'Ilt irons the last- will be awordsd' sof r.1 0•01•11: Waten. • to the sixth Seventh, sogniiii, n nth and t3ntb, r; r„),...1 o' 03 rev rdecl either o Silk Drese pattern OS yards in any color) or a 5111:7.t. i ... ..,, ssOn, Mg ,.1.1,4. 1712000. , If there Should he as mamy tio ono la,-(• 4orfor1f4711 0100 :4 to this rebus each will be re-nrcled witlea vnlo:•Ine ,•Sn. of 1 ope reeeiving leading seweed • will be pelfiish ad in prominent news/minim :See. EXtra premiume isil be offered to nil whe ore sn:'sess o ,•••:lint: itt Inc:seat:ig the sthderip- thin list of thls popular illustrated weeltiy. r•f!' 1107: ihis nrem rebus: is 10 :11- traet attoiltion to and introdure tme snestsSei, 110 bo elnesati with WiteSt.epottrer afrairq., You.S.1tn es..::•ilv assert. in an 1.0 our reliabiiitynbyinoniringihrototh any nommercial egentyl Persson* iiiinzissniniesssSe, nenneesselteci, sr, plying tho wards. All Solutions intist he mailed on or boa': j 7l'•)7. A diross Lgkill4rl'ESP `TfPIP47q..iiV9VAArail ' Cut tho tilgrN 5diP6,•1•1:1,7„.17474t • „ siesessesessemeessessessesesessoreesseersereseseresesseeseessewesseerersessereeseseseseem SPANISH NERVINE Tam orixAT SPANISH' ER,IAZDT, easily, quialtly and Permanently restores WealwiesS, NOrYouSOOSS and .706tbrattliood. A OVARANTRUA specific for lats and Neurelgia, Hysteria, Dizziness, convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o f Tobacco or Alcohol, Loss of Power in either Sex, Involuntary Lossos caused by ovcfsdllWe 0esr9otee sixeoeestos7roa;y 041ir *5±410 theroneyrboL6boiesfovs5,Addrew0.4Ae.1tspn /AMAX AnD AFWUR 11541. lob Sifetliolate Co., DOrolt, Mich. Sold. by dro04t., Ear Sale 111 Exeter by 3. W. ADA. OWn 4.1.0ccsar....x....nummoNtraumetawniemaxamo4gProw"--,-m•-• DEATH*. Ihseaktax.-In London, on the 13th inst., 265 Talbot street, William H. Hearnan, aged 38 years. ese^'-",•••• DIRTINitli. Gaavne-In McGillivray, on the 15th iust., the wife of Joseph Glavin, of a SO n . FATT,-At the Rectory, Exeter, on May 12th, tee wife of Rev. Fred Helloing Feta of a son. MARTIN. -In Exeter, on the 18t11 inst., the wife of Mr, Samuel Martin, of a daughter. Cooxsose.-In Stephen on 1.3th inst the • wife of John Cookson of a daugh- Ler. ji0TI6E TO CREDITORS. 43. In the Matter of the Estate of Lawrence Bennett, Yeoman; Deceased. Notice is herebygiven pursuant to °hasp - ter 110 of' The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all persons having olainss againat the Estate of Isavrrenoe Bennett, late of the Tewnslitp ef Usberne lis the Coma ty of ,F1. ur- On, yeoman, d.eeetteed, who died on or about the '3th day of Mareln A. D. 1888, are required to deliver or sencl by post prepaid to tho nu - dorsi gned,S alio t o rs for A.nia. Ilennett,thelAcl- rninistratrix of theB•eal and PersonalEstalib 00 ±14.5 said deceased, on or before The 15th day of Jane, 1892, statonlorvb in writing containing their nestles, addresses and, clescrintiens with fill' particulars of their cla,ims duly verified 17y Statutory Declaration and, tho no,thre of the Security (it' any) held by them. And that af- ter the maid las t mentioned date the said ad- ministratrix will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said Deceased's Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard, only to those claims of which notice shall have been received as above requirecl,said the said A dr:stills tratrix will not be liable fax the said A.ssets or any part thereof so distributed, to 5113'personor persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the ..time such diStribution. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for Admitietratrix, . Exeter, Ont. Dated this 14th day of May, 1002. ALACE A 11 FiRY The Undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up his, parlor and restaurant --Will serve ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns Cakes Sze. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All ordees' left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. D; W, FOSS, $7 59000.00s —All'persons Who went - CHEAP 0 EY at 5, 6 and 6W PER CENT should call -at the - Office, of R. 1-1. COLLINS Dmiu Rol Ea'a Ay IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF 'YOU WANT TO Borrow ofiLend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. be. Spaekmall'a • Real Nate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: -JOHN SPACEMAN, Box 44 Business Change. • Having purchased the interest of MR, ROBERT RICHARDSON in the Flour and Feed business I wish to an- nounce to all customers that I will eon- . tinue to supply all kinds of FLOUR AND FEED to thoae in need of such and will be found in the tand, DIREW5S BLOCK OPPOSITE TOWN I -TALL, with a hull lino of •.611 lands of Seedm. Provisions delivered to all Parts of the village with promptitude. Highest cash price paid for Butter and eggs. ESSE VIESTCOTT, Prop, All accounts must be settled vvith the proprietor as soon as convenient for those indebted to: the same. • Has been appointed sole agent for the --- THE GANANOORE DRY EARTH CLOSET: Cheap, ompact and a splen- did 'arrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold supplied at sniall cost. Call at once and see it. •R. IT: Inv RUGTORL A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. PatoRtiillogiortos,Spoitgos, llitiggisrs Suglios At right and reasonablefirices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts • Carefully Prepared. ERR'S kigit1011 POYMOI the best in the market. C. LUTZ. PROP. London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Mahe Table, CIOINGNO,RTII. GOING SOITTII. Loiadon,dep't 8.05 4.25. Win gham 7705 840. Lucan gros'g 8.47 5.20. Belgre,ve 7.24 4.00, Clandeboye 8.57 528. Blyth 7.38 415, Centralia 9.05 545. Lonclesboro' 7.17 4,25. EXETER 9.16 5.57. Clinton 8.07 4.45. HenSall 9.28 6,09. Britoefield 8.26 5.04 Kipper:. 9.34 6:17. Kippen 8.34 5.12, Brucefield 9.421.26 Hensel]. 8.41 5.19 Clinton 10.00 6.45. EXETER 8.57 5.33. Londesboro' 10.19 7.03, Centralia 9.09 5.45 Blyth 1.0.28 7.12. Clandeboye 9.18, 5.56 Belgrave 10.42 7.27. Liman Cros'g 9.24 6.02 Wincham 11.00 7.45. London a,rr 10 15 84.5 CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE, .,NAVY IS MA IN BRONZE LETTERS. 11011E OTHER GEHINE 75•00 PAIRS Lace ClltiH.11 TO BE SOLD AT Spring & Summer Suits. Having edded a stock of FINE WOOLLENS, CLOTHS, WORSTEDS, CASSIMERES, SWINGS, TROUSER - IIs, 1 sun now preattred to meet the wants of my customers and all others in need of clothes. -A complete stock at lowest prices. Particular Attention Given to Orders. Over F. J. Kilight's Grocer Store. BERT, KNIGHT. READ AND LEARN. That our Planing Min, Sash Door & BIinfL Factory is fitted up with the latest improve ments. We are prenara. 'WU° plaoing and , snatching, hand arid soronsenving, turnings, moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach 1110 work on sh,oriest notice. In our LIMBER 'YARD ;you will find a large and well assorted Stock of all kinds of , blinding materials. Pine and hen:look lum- ber dressed and not armed. See our stook of' x x and x x x Pine Shingles mannfuetured by the best in akers in Ontario. We also have a large stook of A 1 Cedar Sbingles wbioh are excellent value. No. 1 Pine lath 0011- sta n tly in Stack We have a largo stock of barn sash, which we can furish with o -without glass. We are att'nr ed np with aph- inery speoutlly adapted for making all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns, which wo can furnish to our customers on short notice. We show something new in 1.1110 11115 for watering cat- tle the ffelci or barnyard, Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting rn eels attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used.. Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold, at lowest pikes ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter Furniture Undertaking FIE ADQ14ARrMRS. CURTAIN POLES. The only *place in town were you have an assort- ment to choose from. Pol..' es cut any lengtis desir- ed. COVERS. A fine line of covers just arrived, have ymir furriture re covesed and made new in the latest • Styles. FURNITURE. In furniture we have the largest and best stock in town .at the lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety of picture mouldings. S. GIDLEY. Odd -Fellows Block, Opposite „T Grigg's Stationery. W. G. Bissett 's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.'llardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. • W. G. BISSETT. EX6101 0111SICall4StfRellt FIVIPORIUM. A LARGE STOCIt OF • ALL APER TO CIHOOSE FROM AT E. (1, Spackman & Cols, SAMWELL'IS BLOCK, EXBTER. PERKIES &1±TER, PROPS. We'cary the most complete stock of Musical insteuments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS' ALSO , &EWING MACHINES, BIOYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &O The above instruments • always on hand. Tel= tO gait Purohasers. • GIVE US .k CALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN.