HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-12-21, Page 11•"":: • !It': ,";°.:;,54,:?s,,r,,11,11,,:717 • • •-••••- s • cotennial Caning TQ continue the irrhank You" notes I want, to put my own in first! Thank you wonderful people for your anticipation, par*ip. ation-ancl co operation!! There, that covers a great area, 0:10esn'i it? Also, thank you for all your kind words, letters and cards and other things that have Ipade me want to carry on. . • I had no klea I would ever become eo involved when ! said, "I (It's just about as bad • " pleasantly surprised when they saw -those taking Part, that it made them realize they should do their bit too, and so it goes; one enceuraOs the other, Old Hone Week had so Many things haii)ening that they over. lapped in spots. . The main l'easoA ,jfor.,1ji1swas that there was not eiiouij g Munica.tion. The ' right -hand dichi't know what the left hand • , • was doing! This can happen very easily, and W is regretable, really take e a lot of talking attended .• • and -pushing to get people to Then, the Kinsmen, who had "Anticipate". and look forward fought for the carnival on The to coming events. Then, to get Square, were badly let down, them to "Participate", you and at the last minute had to know how I coaxed, wheedled have just a small group °Irides and almost threatened, to con. for the children, wince you, to participate. ,The Drumhead Service in the Then, "Co.operatioU''.? well, Courthouse Park was beautiful look back at the parades, the , and certainly well attended. Caravan visit, and so many Our minor Soccer League events which made me real made a good start thisyear, and proud of you. That's co. 1 know they will dobigger things operation! next year. We -have talked about how herds,. Art Mart was big and color. some people worked and I wish Ad, again and hundreds .enjoyed browsing beneath those beauti. ful trees. Catherine McKinnon and the "Travellers" .was an outstand: Ing show, „which a great many of you were sorry you missed! The same thing, happened with the Army Reserve Travel T eam a top -rate show that was also Poorly attended. I did feelbadly about this,. but I say again - "You can't win them all!" - In September the Steamship "South America" was here in time for its guests to see the grand parade sponsored by the Goderichi and District Labour Council. That wa.s.another won. derful three-12ys: Thanks• -a -lot; fellows, it won't bearly as tough next y'earl • Things quieted down after the first of September and with ba Zn a s and banquets, C en. tennial balls, and fairs, the spirit of Centennial '67 is slowing down. One outstanding contribution to •• Centennial Yeas was the Sheaffer Pen Awards- 20 of them! This consisted of train fare to and from Expo'67 with sleep. er, passport for a week at Expo and a beautiful pen to have as a reminder, in the years to come, of an exciting wonderful Centennial Year. There were many other special centennial projects which the many industries took upon themselves. The DRMCO Centennial, Scholarship is one which will carry on for many years to come. Some companies did not get around to do any. thing- couldn'Vcare less! This is really too bad, as people have become Centennial I had time and space toname all those who worked behind the scenes, these very, very important people who are the backbone of any successful event. Sometime, perhaps, we will hear about them. but for now you will just have to give them a quiet, " thank you," until we can think of something a little more rewarding. July started off with the big. gest and best parade we have ever seen in Goderich. accord. Ing to Mel (and,older.timers than me!) So many people were CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Transistor Radio and Record Player Combination $36.00 Philips Tape Recorder—$169.95 Five Tube Radios—$16.95 up Transistor Radios—$13.95 up Plus reduced pi -ices on car radio and electrical appliancos, etc. Hutchinson Radio.TV — Appliances 08 Huron Rd. 5247031 .0>fix• -** 4t-,%4K-!irtE**.'tsA4k )( 3*0.1 .A*1( CIMISTIVIAS CHEER • May your holiday be as cheerizil and happy as a child's Christmas Eve dreams. SCHAEFER'S INTERIORS 411.111111•1111111•1. holiday wishes and sincere thanks for one and all. • . • By Martha pathburn Conscious (or brainwashed) and have taken notice O. what has been contributed in this great year, There is still time to de • something, even 1,1 it is just get hurts, to the icer r heart fund, the .the ital, Children's•Aid Society or to maw of the many worthy causes Which stare us in the. lace every day. Your Centennial Committee hopes you know that th: really tried to make Cerate 411%,9,opegehAe tozeme I , yvi.tr"b-e-seeing a Het of the committee and its sub com, mittees and I'm sure when you think back you will realize they have • done a tremendous job. and thank them! • Martha Mrs.Cu nd a ri Wins Quilt The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held at the home or Mrs. Con Baechler. The president opened the meeting with prayer. Following the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, the corres. pondence and the treasurer's report the members voted to send donations to the -senior retarded, mission project and diocesan education hind. The social action convenor is to look after the sick and shut. ins at Christmas. .Mrs. Lou Cundari won- the draw for the quilt at theChrist. mas tea. After the close of the meet. ing a few article's left over -tram ---wreny-tore-at -aft-tee were auctioned off. A delicious lunch,. was ser. ved featuring Christmas goodies. The Go.derich $ignal,,Stdr, Thvr,500Y, Dec, .21 100 11, . „ . . . . HOLMESVILi .colOnuks carat, Daly Bap. , , , . to favoured With a 0911e of ' =COOP nelectiena. The IllOntbly, meeting ot the . g:-Ye.ot Mrs. Cirt01, MrS. Mid» Pr; A. 07. .MoVatt showed , liolmesville UCW was held don, Mrs. Jervis; suppfy and ' Wetwes Qt the. ChriatMaa 400 Tuesday, Picember 10, . with, Welfare, Mrs, W. Denderi Mrs. and the charanjer parts Were Mrs, carman Tiouttitockivirs, $. Farquhar,. Mrs. Muriel.grigg *ken behind:111e Scene by Jelin Jim Lobb in charge of the,pro, Ws, F. CantelOn; con Ginn, Leellardlotkl),NanoY Ginn ram. • • . friendship and •visiting secre. and Lucille Bond : arxat tiw " The worship took the ford of tary, .Mrs, D,. Oliciden; Flowers Santa Claus ived a Canadian, friendship c.am = and and Os, Kis. -4). Make, Mrs., close Of the program and -dia. candle lighting se,rvice, Those 11. WiIllams, Mrs.W. Yeo, Mrs, tributed candy and gifts in his taking part were Mrs.K. Hari. D. Neiman, nominating „corn. usual jovial manner. . ris, Mrs. D. Gliddon, Mrs. Q.' mittee, Mrs, L. Jervis, Mrs, . _ , . 4H HOMEMAKING CLUB Blake, Mrs. G. Ginn, Mrs. E. . Harold 'Yeo, Mrs- • E Potter. Grigg and Mrs.13. Walter. ' buying committee, Mrs, K„, Har. . The • new homemaking club Mowatt ashojoinred , ris Mrs. H. Yeo, WO, R, •• 'project for_the New Year will sliDdle'.s 4of, Pjal. mented on Qie scenery, 'build. ' Mifler; representative • to • be ''The Club GirlEntertains". . manee, Mrs. R. Miller; auditors Anyone willing to give of her ingsFandEcustomelherecorfftdtrequ.?Nins:T-E7.,:POtter7aird/Oref,R;-,Pot. met in this.. places assootated-w}thjeWattett-ot..texwar.4vDcr4=-za:.-.0am-,, .F.4.,,..m.imeirli...is.aske‘te-agektula(Sgr,ruzaz=„ and life of Jesus. Mrs. Edward Grigg pretided for the business session. The roll call was answered with a Christmas thought. It was mow ed to aim for a, $400 Self De. terminationoffering for 1968. The UCW officers for 1968 are: president, Mrs. Edward' Grigg; vice-president, Mrk. D. ',Glidden; treasurer, Mrs. Les Jervis; recording secretary, Mrs. Muriel Grigg; pianist,' Mrs. Lobb; assistant pianist, Mrs. W. Norman; program com. mittee, Mrs. L. .Bond, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, Mrs. W. Porter, Mrs. W. Norman. . Social committee, Mrs. C. • Tebbutt, Mrs. 13. Walter, Mrs. Ben Whitely, Mrs. H. Cudmore; finance, Mrs. G. Ginn, Mrs. PARK HOUSE Available For BANQUETS, ,WEDDING RECEPTIONS or SPECIAL DINNERS Aancivatrigicessitio beobtained for prei-nise 168 West St. 524-9942 WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ' MacKinnon • Electric Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. W. Norman Mrs. L. Bond 'and Kiss Florence Saun. ders. * * * The Sunday $chDel held its Christmas program on, Satur. day evening December 16 with superintendent Jim Lobb as chairman. The first, number was a wel- come recitation by Patricia Harris followed by a carol by the children. Glenda. and Linda Blake con« tributed a piano duet and mak.' lene Yeo and Wendy Miller sang „ Eldon Yeo or Mrs. Frank Yeo. ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Spacialty ALSO.TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.• / Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight • The Esquire Restaurant "1249941" rewers toerich T• ueiitay, Wedpegay, Thursday - and 'Friday December 19, 20,21 and 22 10 A.M.TO 9 iob N to, DECEMBER 21ST AND 22ND •10 A.M. TO 6 P.M SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23RD CLOSED DECEMBER 26TH AND 26TH AS WELL AS JANUARY 1ST • Brewers Retail Operated by Brewers Warehousing Co:Ltd, . • 4• 0,:trAalt#, •• 4144.44; '" • AF.,,rilersAt A most bountiful holiday is our wish for You; cherished friendships . happy laughter of happy children, and the good will of all men. Have the merriest of all Christmases! 57 -ms gte3r"445 5r4s0A/ NEM, WO PM'sRoemer °AI ?NAMPA:War *oft. • WE MaitiemilSeft Alt Die AMA& A:WE PEOPLE 1/Mo se PA riecmtadoir "AMBLED DS lb AMIN 4 Coovreowtinve #A1 Qazuroi temp AND 7We 451P1Alr of61001) itmta. 7W47. ~max& IN MA woe Sys/mess Aelt.OrPodvis W#PS W4tr TAKE 71,403 itifomfgrAer Th SOV 66 MANK yoQ" AAIP 1.051l Yeti A VERY /TERRY isrmiLs 1-; tarry Aldham MEN'S SHOP GODEI%ICH es-,AecirdeEINY ace ShAlarrifiMi 7aRW iii•MiVAirreneol Neer,/ &IMAM LARRY 440#14/4. ,/^ *•"•• n • Q • _41 '