HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-12-21, Page 3M S.. A n, n u al. The annual meeting of .the Women's Missionary Sdciety of . Knox Presbyterian Church; was held last Tuesday . afternoon. First .vice.president Mrs. H. Rivers presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. Enwright. She opened the meeting with prayer. The report of the nominating committee was presented by Mrs. R. Bisset and accepted. Officers": for' 19G83"ar tfrs; ,W. Schaefer and Mrs. A. Tay. lor, honorary presidents; Mrs. A. Enright, past president; Mrs. 1t. Rivers, president; Mrs. J. Barnett, first vice.president; Miss F. MacDonald, second viae.president; Mrs. G.G. Mac. Ewan, treasurer; Mrs. J.R. Leitch, recording secretary; Mr1s. L.H. Diggon, correspond. ence secretary. Home - 'helpers secretary, Mrs. J. McNevin; GladTidings, Mrs, J. Pitblado; assistant, Mrs. C. Cutt; library secretary, Mrs. J. White; assistant, Miss E Elder; literature secretary, Mrs. J.R. Leitch; friendship sthd service, Miss L. MacAr►. thur; assistant, Mrs. A.H. Er• skine; press- secretary, Mrs. A. Taylor; life membership, Miss I. Matheson; supply and special fund, Mrs. Wd G. Mac• Ewan; pianist, Mrs. C. Edward. Miss L. MacVicar is the Meet ng telephone convener, assistedby Mrs. . W. Tibbutt, Mrs. F. Mad - Arthur, Mrs. G.W, Schaefer, Mrs, J.f • Thomson, 'Mrs, C. Ruffell, Mrs, W. Bisset and Mrs. G.L. Royal. Social cnittee is 14irs. K.•' Stowe, Mrs. Oite''and Mrs. Wat. son. Nominating committee is Mrs. A. Enwright, Miss, H. MacDonald • and Mrs. Dal "s i r ' ...... Mrs. L.H. DiggonandMiss•L.. MacVicar are auditors. The ..Rev. G.L. Royal con. ducted the installation care, mony and concluded with prayer for the .work of the Society; and for continued in. terest in the future. He con. gratulated Mrs. I. Rivers on her office as president before leaving for another commitment in Toronto. Mrs. Rivers called for re. ports of the year's work from the various secretaries: The recording secretary re. ported a number of interesting meetings through the year, including the Easter meeting at which Mrs. J. Hewstead, Vice. president of the . Council exe. cutive and Miss Hazel Mac. Donald were -the speakers. At the • October Thankoffering meeting, Miss Ida White spoke of her work in India, and in come all pe,, tattbftI, Sing out the praises of this joyful season in voices loud and clear. Have a Merry Christmas. l�Iovember:,,,the group weicQtne4 the Council -president of the Western°division, Muse Loretta McLelland, of Toronto, who brought new information about the work in Canada. TheStudy Book, "The Church Grows in Canada" provided information for six meetings. • The Centennial project Was The Goderihh Signal -Star, Thurs 1n ay, Dec. 21., 1967r „ tithox The treasurer reported an inw to Gia:.d Tidings, and reports of crease in giving over lastyear, each W.M.S. meeting to the and Mrs, G.Q. MacEwan re• 'Signal• tar; as well as a report ported a total of $1,064 for the 0f the' eighty.first anniversay Centennial year,. cif the. Mission Band. Miss Isabel Matheson, life The worship service was con. membership secretary, • re. ducted. by Mrs. Pitblado for the ported the presentation of a Christmas stbry, and Miss life membership. to Mrs.. L. Wat• Matheson !or .the prayer, with son from the W.M.S. for her carols at intervals. Mrs. Rivers a' freewill offering to provide work over a number of year's closed the meeting with prayer, a gift for Nirvala Agerwa.i, a with :the Mission Band. At the after which a social half hour ° • treene tudt t t -i iidYti D"etemin zin rr ; ea3zon ::ATFAV@ key s+mle rx Hospital, India, who is receiving assistance from the memorial trust fund of Knox Presbyterian Church. Corresponding secretary Mrs. L.H. Diggon reported Get Well cards sent to miSmbers in hospital and notes of sympathy to bereaved families. Letters were sent ,to.„ arrange for Speakers from Council, and in.1 vitations sent to various aux. iliaries to join with the Knox group ° to hear the speakers during the year. The 'Welcome and Welfare department has a new name, Friendship and Service. Miss L. MacArthur, secre• tary, reported 323 home visits, and 303 hospital visits. Mrs. J. McNevin reported 52 home helpers. Three passed away during the year. Contribu- tions amounted to $177.05, and 104 calls were made during the year. Mrs. C. Cutt presented the Glad Tidings report. There are 71 subscribers, with four new ones and four previous sub. scribers called -to higher --sen -- vice. Mrs. G. Stokes was ob. liged to discontinue the work for health reasons. Mrs. Cutt will be assisted by Mrs. J. Pitblado next year. Mrs. W.G. MacEwanreported for the supply and general fund from the Blessing boxes. This included the supply allocation to the Presbyterial Measurer, expenses for the social con. vener,travelling expenses for speakers, and all necessary supplies. Library secretary Mrs. J. White still welcomes used Christmas cards and would ap. preciate ribbon's from gift par. cels to send with the cards -to India. Miss Ethel Elder will be her assistant. . Mrs. Everett was unable to be present, but 'reported liter. ature amounting to $29 had been sold during the year. fat EEDY'S' LUCKY DOLLAR CKE OHA JUNIOR "B" STRATFORD — BURTOLS — vs. GODERICH — SIFTOS — FRDAY,.DEC. 22. .-- -.- AT GODERICH ARENA 8:30 P.M. ADULTS $100 STUDENTS 75c CHILDREN 50c — SUPPORT THE SIFTOS — U-N/resen/Vi-N20-iirnk Membership certificate was given to Mrs, R. Bisset for many years of service in the Arthur Circle andtheAfternoon Auxiliary. Press secretary Mrs. A. Tay. lor reported , sending news of the group's Centennial project In Norway The Norwegian Christmas traditionally starts six months before December 24th. The - celebration itself lasts three weeks. The period is known as the Julafred, or the Peace of Christmas. 145 ESSEX STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO NewYecir's Eve Party Sunday December 31, 1967 Music by Garnett Picot and the Concords Dancing 9 to ? Admission$4.00 per person • TICKETS NOW ON SALE Reservations and Information DIAL 524-9371 or 524-9264 dole°Cilrring4tt,aft vsces. laaf��. ERRY I.flIkISTMA$ It's Christmas ... families gather 'round the tree . ; . friends exchange greetings -- and we extend our thanks and best wishes to all. GODERICH RESTAURANT THE EMPLOYEES OF DERICH MANUFACTURING (SALES) LTD. Wish You A Very LL a CHRISTMAS In Stratford ,Win A Prize Bonus Weekly Winning No. 35079E Prize To Be Claimed At Stratford Chamber of Commerce MERRY CHRISTMAS To Our Friends and Customers GODERICH SHOE REPAIR q Closed Dzc. 23rd to Jan. 2nd Extending ° our Old -Fashioned Back row, left to right: Bill Williams/Bill McKee, Bob Snell, Martin Straughan and Elgin Fowler. Front row, left to right, Bob Williams, Deloris Bedard, Don McMillan, Barbara Picot. and Paul Baechler. They, want to thank you most sincerely for your patronage during 1967. They look forward to serving you throughout the year that lies ahead. Good friends, good .times — all the bounty of the Season to you ! THE BEDFORD;HOTL BDFORD-ARMS MOTEL DIVISION 06 GODERICH MANUFACTURING (SAGES) LIMItEIi. ca