The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-12-14, Page 19.." • , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\A,S, \\,\,\\\ %,‘ \ \ S% \ • > • areeys In Review J . A . S • APPLIANCE PERVICE MAN delluitt0,11 be is *person WWII is able as 0.resut of train. Ing, t 1311411 an aPPilanee, deo- tellelee wby an aPplialiCe isnot operating properly and -.adjust, repair or rebuild such an ap. pliance. People who repair small ap. glances. such as toasters and bele' are onen termed repair. mem those Who repairlarge aPP11suees such as stoves and *rwashe areltnoWn as -service. men. The WideVread use of elec. frlcal servants throughout the house -hasbecome the rule ra. then than the exception. Appli. 11;* becoming mere. atlir phiptielltad and Geiikplex causing The �d sOle "screwdriver Ater - friction tape tervice. men" to disappear. Becauie of the large number ul appliances going into homes each yea, there is a ,steadily incieasing demand for ebinpe. tent appliance repairmen. camari The Werk 'is•intetreeting and. often challenging especially aftei a houstjfe has desctibed the symptchi of the appliance's illness. Work on appliances is performed„ in the home :or at a shop, Workingconditions are generally good but quite varied. An independent servicernanmay work all hours of the day or night. He generally works alone On a repair job and cosier. able time is spent travelling in, a little light truck. There are some qualifi. cations necessary for success in this field - contrary to many householders' beliefs. Good vi. sion is essential and at least average intelligence should speed up the diagnostic part of the job. Mechanicalappitude, in. eluding manual dexterity, and an interest in mechanical things is genera* considered neces. sary. - Since the serviceman -wOrks alone, a sense of responsibility' aid self reliance are of impor. W. MacDONALD ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Licence ci Llectricians Domestic and Commercial Wiring ELECTRIC HEATING — FREE ESTIMATES — Bus.: 524-7851 2 Ss.: 511-8146 rt The goderich 'Parent.Teachers Association sponsored a hristmas4Pun Fair at Robertson Memorial Public School Friday afternoon which created a carnival atmosphere in the school's auditorium during the•event. Total invglvement. was. the story as pupils from kindergarten age to .grade sixers played games or shipped for tance. After working on appli. ances in a few homes, it would soon be apparent that a plea. sant personality and a high de. gree •of emotional control could come in'handy. Employers do not as a rule make any specific requirements with regard to academic train. ing: Some servicemen are sim. ply hired as helpers and learn on the job. The applicant should have a good- basic training in electrical theory, mechanics and shop . practices in high school. The Ontario Department of Education offer d an excellent course' at the Provincial Instit. ute of Trades and Occupations in Toronto. The admission re. quirements are Grade X. stand. ing in either the 4 or 5 year program. Several Colleges of .15.4trar2tPat-"Praiar • • • 410 LUGGAGE at its loveliest — for CHRISTMAS Treather to this very „lady -like -luggage. • It's light 'If easy to carry. Washable too. Lined and quilted with rich. satin rayon. Shirred pockets and moisture proof toiletry pocket. 6 pieces in set. Fitted Vanity $29.50; Weeked cases $32.50; Deluxe Aeropack—with three -dress hangers— $32.50. . ail are by talk\ Ma3BILME OPEN WIDE and say Merry Christmas This is McBrine "Fanfatt" lug, gage for men. Fibreglass rein- Companion Case $35.00 forced construction is contour- One -suit Jetpack .... $39.50 moulded to stay trim. This smart Two-suiter $45.00 four -piece set available in Cav- Three-suiter $47.50 alry Brown or Slate Grey. „ fayare al MD 11. RINE CHRISTMAS DRAW $50.00 WORTH MERCHANDISE 1 ticket for every dollar purchase or ileceived on account E. HI THE SQUARE ca. ERT & SON I 5?4-8511 . AlfitigEigAgAre40.04MOAMOACIAMAK baked good a and 'other Lida,ts at the inimivous displays arranged attractively along one side of the room. Posing 'here with the snowman who smiled benevolently during the proceedings are, left, Robert Hanna, principal and Marg. Freeman, kindergarten teacher. G DC I Jan Sin10011 What .has r,a blue background, TlYtttene‘w7t0.* 111.3.44 °Y4iceter4 ry1411$11Y1 The meaning of .the "y" is. tWO,fold. It signifies . victory or school teams and -"Vika • • ingaP, It is dedicated to ,the !' • School teams whp in the" past •• have, and in- the future will .bring victory to our school. The students?' council has set •a new goal of raising $750. • for the Children's Aid Society before Christmas. Carol Gra. - ham heads the CominIttee. The idea .this year is that The Ooderich gnaI$tar, Thvrglay, 6ec. 14, 1967 Applied Arts and Sciences (Community C011eges)' offer the same course but Grade X stand. ing is not required if the appli. cant is 19 years of ageor older. The Course consists of Elec. .trical Appliance Theory, Elec. tric Laboratory,L aundry Equip. ment, Cooking Equipment, Re. frigeration, Gas Theory, Draft. ing, Engish, Mathematics, Electric Fundamentals, Mech. anics and Economics. The fes are $106 for the ten month course excluding books, board and lodging. There are four different types of businesses employing ser- vicemen. Appliance dealers, in. dependent appliance service companies, appliance manufact. urers andowners .of rented commercial appliances. Ad. vancement 'is dependent on de- monstrated ability. The wages of appliance ser. vicemen are about $1400 per ' week and some highly skilled men can earn up to $150 per week. One advantage of this job is the fact that in times of econ. omit recessions consumers have appliances repaired rather than replaced. A disadvantage is the fact that new appliances gen. erally call for some type of retraining as they are remodel. led •and refined. The salary scale is rather limited with littlehope for ad. vaneement. There are a number of relat. ed occupations, such as radio and TV servicemen, oil furnace servicemen, refrigeration ser. vicemen and electric motor re. pairmen. Service With A Downbeat A progressive approach to the Christmas themes of love and peace will be made at the "Ves. per Service With a Downbeat" to be presented at North Street United Church thisSunday, Dec. ember 17.at 8 p.m. In charge of the presentation are the girls of the CGIT who will be assisted by *ell -known folk singers Mr. and Mrs. War. ren Robinson and Rob Witmer of Goderich and Ken Scott of Blyth. The up-to-date worship ser. vice, to be held in the church sanctuary, will develop the trad. itional Christmas message and clothe it in modern music of peace and love,'and traditional carol. The special offering is to go to the work of OXFAM of Can. ada, a non-sectarian relief agency that meets human need in 90 countries of the world by helping people, to help them. 'selves. :4,14Xg-04-Ag..14ig By Janey Clancy " On Friday, December 15, e Christmas party will be held for the grade eight students of this School. It is being spon. sored by the Students' Council. There will be games and a bit" of dancing. At the moment, the school is being decorated for Christmas by certain class meenbers. Steve Alien is in charge_ The Christmas assembly will be held on Wednesday, December 20. On Thursday, Decemper, 7, the Victor Lauriston schoOl band played at thee Family Christmas party for the Lions Club. They played several songs, including Christmas carols, and did a great job. - ALBERT MIDDEL PAINTINd `DECORAfl NG 524-9686 39tf ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD - IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire • Restaurant "524-9941" rather than collecting money_ , for teachers' _Otte, theatndOnts. donate the inoney to the CAUSe.„ additiOn each class,' will have to raise a sneeilie aniOUt of money (perhaps $1.0, pqr stu. dent): The money can be raised by •Slire Atioftonsol, tZh .a,thons, popor conilottorcio tow other reasonabie TV, shuleots, throu01 thetr 0•40 torts, Vach . class must miss this. MOPeY1 $9 get Outand Work • HaVe unVLP.S. ' Jamds Richardson & SOnS iI& Serving The Food Dealers of Weston', Ontafrlo PHONE 524-8308, GOINIRICH SUN LIFE a progressive /company in a progressive .industry -GORDON T. WESTLAKE PHONE-565-5333—B:AYFIELD SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA SHOP.' NOW • LAY AWAY for CHRISTMAS Do yourigtopping at the store that sells for less BEFORE Christmas, not AFTER. Chock our prices before buying FOR BEST VALUES "SHOP HUTCHINSON RADIO — TV — APPUANCE$ SOS HuronRd. • • 124-71131 ARE YOU • STUMPED? A # i SPROULE SHOES ''.•°-.00.*441..0-1 )11 vmemimmwl IF SO...• IiI Is the Answer • GIFT 4 CERTIFICATE • SHOES AND SLIPPERS FOR EVERYONE SPROULE SHOES .• KINGSTON STREET 040101WWeatiMPONtt- ,• . • 7V-..'tlt."Va''XI.1"5•''',/P"OMPOrtt-PANIPPICrirrirt.10"rikrritt.ekle)1 , • •04 4). ,•• •