HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-19, Page 11 Subsc ribe for The EXETER ADVOCATE, Only 05 .CT0TO. 110.1K" hilljanuary 1st 1603. exi ye it trial, 'he ADVOCATE OFFICE ettas goo nevolopes-in atet all kinds of printing. VOL. TV. EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY 19 1892. The Molsons Bank. a - • (Charterest by Parliament,1855.) , Paid up Capital... a, .... $2,040,000. Rest Fluid , , :. , ... ,111.ocf,000, seeita office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAlot THOMA.S, Esq., GENERAL M.ANAGER. 11foney adyaneea to gOod Farmer's on their own notes wise one or raore endorsers at 7 per certt per annum. • Exeter Branch. „ 0 every lawful day front )hti a. m. to 3 p• Pen. a.,-saturdays A generalbauking lausthess transacted ' PIP un allawaa for ""n- elvy"orn?-9.1Jel.peo%tt'Ileeote'retal. Savings Bank at 3 per oeat, ' • N. DYER I-IURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. SublIanager Olt aeLE, F -- - --- arsenal. Mention. P , I California. Lucan, Miss Hill is her! ---- • The 33riels.Co Hoge situated. on janies-at.i composed of sie rooms, also tWo lots on whieh the house is located i2 offered for sale Tile proprietor has another residence o,n rWo olirtBse,,n1 sotcr)deo t,,,itiolit•inu‘n 08 1,11.1 oontiasied. wwietitiorrevnend a e many °tun, acoomodations, which. will be sold or rented as the parties iiia,y wish, For fastest. aassiseetrs early ee , „ - atesesaec 13.4wric-Ma, Exeter, °et ........,?.......... at present yisiting • , . brothers11111. She intones re- tuaniag to England shortly. -Miss Eur . IlVaest nbic:i(1end.v i sitine• rela- Ittilivel1sfTleirisp,invrii.aoi on Tuesdays_ , .. at nda morn. lares Jno Brewer left on 1 o • y tufa tor oeaurg, to allat relatives and friends. -Mr. amasses White, Witidsor, iu town last Miss Martha Itaatard left last week for Detroit to remain foe a short time. -A aelnehle ,brood m are belonging to Kestle Bios, died on Wednesday moan . in. -Mr. Samuel Martin is slowly nu , , proa.m,sta from his late atta,c1t. of illness, 1'homas Clark, a resident, ,iof this sectlon, boasts that he can dig 3,) rods ------- Mr. Thomas Keefe has gime to Ne- Melaka on a visit. -A, :Haynes, vv, me Namee and E. j. Collins left for Mani - toba last week -The sports on the 24th . are epoken of as being 201'71etlillig' era a larg•e number of horsets are already entered for the race.-lhe London and LUCall mail stage which for the "-ARM FOR fSALE. one hundred acres, more or less, being Loti, on. 3.'1'011,n:ship o:f Us borne, County of lIuren, 99acre.3 under good cultivation, won drathed, 6_,,00d occhard,ess,,,, from, barn, Tram e stable, Two Storey Brick Dwelling, il& two goo weds ef water on the 'prOITILiOS.F or furt116r Partie'llai."PY1"° lin, sone ConNisn,; 251-18 St. Thomas, Ont. of was part of week. -Mr. Fred W. Farncombe,of Lon- don, was in town on Monday. -Mrs• I, Sntton, wife ofaSheriff Sutton, of Waos , el t011, ie vieiting beg daughter Mrs. (Rey) visa, at see ,Reetoryg_mr. Levi Walper, who has leased the British nt.'s f •th • • tl -11 e on - 0 e . .ea oi , e as in ie vi ag Tuesdav.-Misses Sarah and Susannah t . of ditch 2a ft. deep in one day, and , says lie thinks he can make it run as high as 37, 1 A ]are.e number of cattle a . 6, left these parts during the past week for the•flats eear Grand, Bend, where they, will remain during the summer. "---Itin Thomas Kestle ss busy these . da3ta making preparations for the past fifty years has left London daily at 8 o'clock a. in., has been changed, leay, iug• Lucan at 7.30 a• me and return- in' in, the afternoon, leasing London at 3 p.m. -Mr, M. Blalte is at present . . in Norfolk count nreliastnte a num y p e ber of cattle which will be sold here ., . shortly. -Some farmers in London Queon's Birthday Sweet returned from St. Marys on .. . Tuesday evenings after visiting: rela , erection of a frame house. -Crops are lookitig goo.d in this section. . township are complaining over a piece , of sharp work said to have beenplayed ' them . TT Yf 141T) II iii .ifil D ii TIT I 0 A i —AND— FARMER'S PICMIC ,•----I/C,r------ tives and friends for a nutriber of days, .—Mr. R. B.. Collins and wife yisited Gederich on Tuesday last. The form- er is on business in connection with the bigamy ease tried at arecton rec.. ently -Mr John Robertson of Godes.- telt, a•gent'ior. the Eaeeisioa Life au. surance Company, Toronto, spent NOII • day and Tuesday in town. --Me, N. J. Clarke, London, Hibbert. , (To late for last week. On 'Monday last a very painful ac- cident happened to Mr, John McLaren, of tae 12th con, while busily engaged. r° Haig, the horses betaine frightened throwing Mr. McLaren of the eoller, and draagd•ng ham quite a daitaPee,hla on by a nursery man from Kent county. The latter it is said sold the farmers boxes of Norway Spruce trees, which were supposed to contain about a 100 trees', and for iwhich they expeet- ed to pay $5.00. IA hen they opened the boxes, howeventhey found between 2,000 and 8,000 trees, the size of lead peneils and a bill for $1000. ---ea----. THE (t)eiter Abroccite Li published every ThursdaY Morning, .at the Office; !kt 1ViAIN-STREET, -- EXETEae. By the sA.NDAR,S' PUBLISHING COMPANY. ' y TEAMS OE SUBSoniPTION. One Dollar per fi.,11,n,4m. L' yald, n Advanoe. s Lau •ti no 4 V l'''''''''''' .23,,arsrostiu" S' Irl''''te° C*21 1:11'.'115.C°'7 tic= --- 'No n perVsooritinued until all arrearages are pitIT.Acalvertiseme,laita dtvtiitiltrortbisupeegao 'directions win be publil i,(33 a v T b ral discount made feohrartgraeansaceice-n4rtiluIvl'oer'rytisecienseonrtystinosnerted. fa' i of JOB 1°11g fertQdt Y. oitt iln the finest style, nataevaNG erne and at moderate rates._ 'Clieques',4coneY°ra- antacriptions, et°. to ers, &a. for ad.Tertising, . be made payable to , , , Sa nders &Sweeu Pn°rRIE"Rs church reereetorY• ,_.., ..., treevore alam'alleayeslietirlytTet-s-,Beelv.:2 -,,t atectlebele SChool 2.30 P. m. and 7 13. In• --- -2;t1 ' , Rev. A.. L. METHODIST'OrtIIRCII—Jasmere,iegl,3.0,20 Russ°11' P4'°". Sunaadliool 2.80 p. m. wild 6.30 p. ra'. Sabb0;01.--Q .. 1 . . ea keponagse Pas7 eientseneses-nev. a. ni. aria 9,30 Pln• see. Sunday Sesaieesi 7- s' ' Sabbath seh.00ls.so e. ra-• „, ,„ Ca—Rey. W. Marbin, ERSSBYTEltiAll meet . ila. in. and 6.30 p. Pastor. eundayservices, 1,•,. m as -abate seeeta, 9.15 a., , _...... • , . axds., FX0feSS10fla.1. 1./ . , . mook H.RINSMAN'I'D'S'rein rling Store ea........' two deers 'sextet. o a .r. . A ,C10 luxeuer Dlay 2, t.7 6t 9 • "9 .of formerly of this. , . . Made is renewing acquaintances here. ' ' ' , ',_ • J. G. Eniery left foot ge.t.titsgt °taught betw•een the roller and the frame. and had it not been for St. Marys. , -Mr. on a ousiness trip to Throat% Monteeal, Quebec, Hal- g - . . . . . rr071,(1.6116e 1Stting the tongue of the . 7 A bre broke out at about 6 o clock _ , Monster Trade & Calithumptan Procession ifax and va,eious other points. - roller break he might have had a wore misfortune but as it was he got •off to the stable belonging to Mr. R. Box, adjoininagthe Messrs. Carter, Son & .. , . . At 9 o'clock, a.m,,,thx:ough ilie principal streets. Liberal prizes of $0 and $8 are offer.s.• for best trade 'Si Bayfield... . . , . with a bad shaking up -Messrs Miller, Speare, arid Cook were aisiting• &leads Coae trine the fire extending rapidly to the Royal hotel stables, owned by W ed. outfit; also $5, $2 and for best Calethumpian. , . . The Court of Revision will be held of Cromarty on Sunday' Graham, and. the cabinet shop, OWned Foo tbell at 10,30 a.m. prizes $10 and $5 ,, is now here on the 26th inst.-Fishing'has in full swings Large numbers ltanstttvivicinity Mr. Thos. Stacey, of Glenguinch taken a trip to England-Mr. Jo by Mrs. Johnson, and occupied by C. Wright, on Wellington street. The TUG OF WAR, First pull int m.ecliately after Football Mat- of svisitt• fish aie caught daily. -Eggs are being. bought and sold in town by the pound Joseph Speare has taken a boy to raise , ' from Dr. Barnardo's Home. . . . , three buildings, whie,h were all frame, were totally destroyed. Tho stea,mer tier' VOXXIM1 tfigi°)OfTlrlg:PglalairlititallYY,ligaiallIg,My-: Tuokersmith,Bichlulph or McGillivray. nee- es $9 and SO. and the farmers are doing considerable kickina.-The harbor is being repaired. Stephen. and hand engine did good servicesand . by bard work prevented the . further by a ntrnber of our citizens, Miss Lia spread Of the fire. ,The cau.se of the Following' is the Prize List: • it 2nd 3r '• f I 3 2 •- I ?'oss011 simin,-, Ina e 1 5 Bioyclers,6e (one nule) (best two in three) valuahle sil- he Morgan and. Miss Mao. Knoxhave' 7 . been visiting' in 'Godeiach township dur ,,, ... . ino• the past week ' On Tuesday last two cr three ur chin i from Exeter were on "their way to thariver to catch fish and in cross • g , ing r Penhale s fields a cow happen- fire is unknown. B. Box loses $200, no insurance esW. Graham loses $500, in. sured in London Assurance Company . for $200; Mrs. Johnston, los•s ;$800, in- . ver oup and 53 to winner 2 Farm ere Rase ji, mile $ 2 - I Retired Farmers' race, 200 yds 2 1 5 Fat men's race, 200 yds 2 1 6 Sack Race, 50 yards 2 1 7 100 yard foot race, Champion.. 5 , _ stip of 'Exeter .. _ 6 Iiiirdle-race, 100 ycls,.6 hurdles 2 1 — 9 Eiremens' race 300 yards 2 1 - . E. • a• ' i 2 1 10 „ggin spoon, .o par( s . . , Lady ana Gentleman in rig, 3 2 — 9 I. Leap ancl Gentleman riders $ 2 — 13 Obstacle horserace 8 4 3 lA Best 10 or more drilled soh a 2 I — ol• rs is womon,s race, 25 yard a 2 1 - 16 Bovs, race (under 15 200 yas 1 50 _ 17 Gike race (under 1 ) 76 yds 18 Boys" race Neese ess 100 yes 1 se - 19 200 yd race, open to the world 2 - - A Special prize of $1 will be awarded' , to the farmer or other person bringing the eatest nuinber of people 'to- .town in . one 5rel iole; to take parfin tho procession at 0 o'ciee,k , _ __ es PALS FITRNISN:ED ON TEat G RUTIN D -People clesirio.us,ofspending the whole clay on the greuees ivin be afforded. every atom- modation for so doing. We Want this cele- biation to suit everybody. You may bring along y;our lunch, basket, tea and _coffee IT . be furnished. Hayfor horses will be furnss - ed free. , Admission 25 cts • Children 10 cts.- Crediton, , , Our village schoolmaster left last sveek and Mr. Westman, of Shipk , engaged in his place.' We wish' him much success. Mr. Westman wants a supply for the school which he is lea,v- . . alga -miss Annie King has been very sick t Mr. Ira Boice's hotel She is a • ' recovering under the treatment of Dr. b . . . . ... . Rollins. -Mr. Eh King had a barn rais- mg. on Saturday, 14th inst. , He is .. . , , putting up a. very good bank harn on Ins farm this summen-The fencers ., have been' at Robert Essery's for the, put week puttitig• up the "Russell z lance. " They put up between two , • arid three hundred rods. It has made a oaeat in the . look' of •• •,improvement.t... . t t the farm. Any wantipp, a good fence will do, well to call on D. Cary. ed on: their track, which they at once attacked and stuck a spear into her . . . . lea The ammal, in great pain, ran es• frantically around the field with the spearin her leg, and it was sometime before they could capture her to get it out. Finally they succeeded in getting • It 0114, but a very ugly wound was the result, and from which the blood flow- ' • eel profusely. Such miscreants should be punished to the full extent of the la* as this is not the only act of this kind that they have committed. --Croas are now flourishing under the iisflu- ence of the Warm weather and. recent rains. -Fruit trees aro well ladened . • a • , • Witt!, 'blossom and if., not visited with - -. • I 'b d fross there will undoubtedly,„. e,a goo . crop -Several of the farmers of this t: • seetton have assisted the directors of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society during the past two weeks in sur,ed in Guardian for $100e C. Wright loss $800, insured in Phoenix of Eng• land for 8300, . A lawn social will be held at Mr. Heigh Plckel s, on the 24th of May, un- . der the auspices Of tho Tsadies. Aid sS.0- eiety of Wellburn church: All are kindly invited. -St, Marys Council, No. ; 28, of the Canadian Order , Chosen l Friends met for the first time Monday 1 evening in their new loda.e room over Bank of Montreal, Three candidates werainitsated,-Mr. Joseph Aiken left • last Week for Capetown, South Africa, • Mrs Aiken accompanying him. -The : town assessor havints completed bis a duties and handed in his roll, we gath f 't 'f l' ' • •t" ' I - • ,ere from i the o oewing., par mu ass. Total assessfnent $1,280365. Personal property is rated $88,•400 ,,, Taxable . income $29,000; population 8,062; num ber of doge, 90; cattle. 363; sh.eep,.102; : STILBErr:„VaTtEllieeux:artetosnteeltsli. without' vain. '1 41' v Y2iiaancl 4th Tuesday, Friday. Ailsa Craig, ion a of each month. via u.r' ice onlast lb.urs ay _ a i -e:t , H. INGRAM, D EliTisT, Member ."... " UT eons, successor ,,o „, .4,/,_,_ College ,-•elatal S g ver Fest tg11.-- H. li..Billings• °ffia°e• ae°,thetac given tor Ex6ter, Ont, , less e%AirTafteio-Ultof teotla ..21ale G°1(1 use pain age , pipings as, reqm-, • ....,.;„....-------- Medical. ___... --•••••••+- Lki,,T T n vv 'THIN, IID.IC.,1•1., PPLY,TeCuee_ LI - e.lid. Snrgeall• 'Oe.e,,allai, rtidaerjoh • n • . a Elgin s•ree•si 0 I 3orner Victoria an . 3otitrio. - aaar0B-MAIN ,ST. ran. N. 'A. noLLie.TS. sate Lf Residence-00:trallrfor. 2ku.'ll'ew a'.!'"1- N ;treets, Exeter, , un 'or w p.... MOLAAJGHLIN't IrEanissaeogs Dn'te'e uonei siciao7aanCi •Aocoueli- ge of Pay jI )ntario_.. Physican, Sui•ee 11* Member of -------: OS M B•1 0' ' as T. A. Aa ' ' • • n. and sargacais' D College of Physicut . E ' College of ontario; t ef tile' °Y11' . - neelindistiergeon • Edinburgh; liceunr. PhrieiP'ns aa oulty of PshYsi0kalP aid• cpcal 0 ot tho. la goaw; Vellow of Trinity rilues' a -as" rite Ofaioe-Ds• °°1\ -°"''es 1°1d 1. esesesse, , . tocgal. agassetesstasesesa-sess=a, ,-,-----71.7a co rBARItisTBili SOyClyil'e b La) ---. opg i'veY'leer',X-attearl,Y0eAeio: /ffic*o-Over O'Neil's Bank, lio..c, , mosey to Loan. ast ITOR Notary I. ub le, o L BiaBBISTE'1.° 0 na L. 0 csapremO. .. 111.0/1°s -t° 10;"1 aaa. e , Commission , , or rati 'a, sonssmock,Eket • ' -to'a B ARRISTERS,soLIc- ssELL. 7 - a - . loan 1711.,10',1! - ers Sze, lioney to ID itors, Conveirla° ' ' . - ETA,0,1 MORMIIMOSIMEM.:11 --------_-_____. . seeletioueesaa • --------d--- ----- i 1 eis Licensed guet- einassala, aarinaaa-a ea oe Poeta and • ionear for tee Goun aesil , of vsborne liddlesex.7, also for the tco wo i 1 4 '1 1 t nitSTI.d. tOTMST00,8011 ales IiromptIre•utenciepo5t office, Wincheisa ,b1 e.Salcis arrange& a . .. ...._.., , - - A a. ROLLINS, CL, (.1 f Manitoba, Lieens neer' ttoer "the counties of Hey_ re- aa ea'aat'°---- ' • • i mile soUth s:1'5nd. Middlesex. Residence.. , . '1- -- Sato Orders by moil 01 °t•t-b], pf Exeter, Ont. , , . rtit 0 vise promptly EL ttendea to at rectio ,1i0 08. ,. . - 7 7 Carriages free. Grand Stand 10 cents esctea. West McGillivray, improving the grounds and track in Exeter. hogs, 1153 horse, 283; goats, none . --1Voolfe's "billy" is no more. Steam i boilers in use 11 reported but are ! 17 WM..BAWDEN, Chairma,n; N. D Ps.URDON, Treasurer; Ls H. Mrs. Jas,,,,Itoss, of Lieury is at press , Oellarallae in operation in the town.' Number of ' DICKSON Secretary. ' ent reeeyeriee. after her attack of drop 6 . • M iss 11, aggic 1 a oi wa.s visi nig ' Wh't f A • • at' • bieths during the year 46. deaths 19. ' se -The many can ysay didts fthe aeor va- • •f rien s in en e oy ' d • CI d b e Sunday last ________________nt ....._ - - Farms for sale. tl. cant posi on of county clerk are 'busy , . s .- B•ddul h f was o i p Miss Lizzie McFalls,, Communication. The undersigned has several first ,many class farmsfors . sale on easy term • . . J. SPAORMAN„ Exeter Concert. ' • • • The Phonograph concert given:in the basement of the Jame a -Street church on i c s evening proved_ Ti escley a success, The attendance was large and each relidition was listened to by 11Thrly ea- o'er listeners 'Proceeds ' amounted to lee . , • - about $40, which after deducting the - s ' •11. 1 , b 1 hand eepeeess va. eas e a a auce on of over $20. Althouglia number of se-, lections were of a fast nature they were . . . highly appreciated, but did not meet the at present canvassing. Among the ' • • .. aspirants is our worthy Tn - • • • - s '' Clerk, Wm, Fiasel He would be the right man. in the right" place, as he has had over.a quarter of a century's ex- ' ' al matter and is Perience en 11111.131cip , in every way qualified for the positiou. -Mr. Samuel Gibson of Mucks Corn, . , , - s eta has a field of 20 acres of fall wheat , that cantot be expelled ill the, townsnip It is easy to judoe a geed' farmer be , le • . •• his crops - a •Patterson,br d a . - 1\ 1. R. H. t e a - con teD etOr is busy drawing drawina his matter - 2 , .. id for the Grey bridge between Cara cloc and Lobo townships. ... visiting friends here last week. -Mr. Themes Handford was at the Bend ` , . last week. -Mr. A Knox and family are now away on a vacation. -Mr. i . M C. BlOoniaeld started for Michigan on Thuieclay evening last to ,purehasea farthlsbat to the surprise of the papal° _• . , returned home again next morning, saying' there was no land. for sale. in : Michigan. -Tho new scales were erect , , ' Mondayb M • JohnFo f ed aere ony i i. x. o Lonclon.-Mr. C. W. Smith put ilia . • a ., • Monday ehoeSe factory in ()Relation on last. ' Mr. Smith predicts a large run this summer and says he 18 prepared , (To late for last week.) , Biddulph, May llth, 1892 DEAR Sin•-•Pledse'allow me space • 1 ' I in your valuab e paper, to once more , reply to the Centralia correspondent of the 4th inst. 'Air. Corresponden. as e • you again assume the liberty of cops ,1 tradicting my statements of the, 28rd ' of April, I wish to inform you those ere (., facts, having a 'd ' t t b ' amp e evi ence o es a - , a h" - I' h ' is the same it necessary also Ms to remiud you that any code of laws ' , h produced by yourself for the purpose , of ' rf ,i -ou • own statements hes ' jtis i 3 ,ng t • 1 - , , , nothing' to do with governing the past • . • expectations of the committee who were - in charge, as mbre suitable pieces had been selectad but were in Loudon.. resales% roirrest correspondents. ' • ' Send us news es often and as fully as vou can. Write only on one side of , , , , a h • I • y 9111 papei An W en yowl supp y 1S exhausted ask for 'more. Do not seal , , ,, ,., ehaelopes es they iney bo for•ward.d to the Dead Letter Woodham, .____ The anniversary of the Woodham Sabbath School will be held Sunday 9 ' and Tuesday, 2...,nd and 24th inst. On Sunday 22nd, the Rev*. D. A Moir, a f • • t • of ths circuit aimes pee ca a ,svill preach at 10.80 a. m. and 03Yell p.m. A Sun• day School mass ineetino• salli be held , ., I. to turn out' cheese second to none. It is ' - a decided fact that the. cheese menu • ' ' factured by Mr. Smith is unsurpassable atel takes a high stand lu the market.. It is about time that the by-law was ' • • • cr' r Lino' anitnels run- put into foice, reea c , , nina at large on our stroets, as they are a, pest and a nuisance. The matter , should be looked into and have it dis• continued. - , . 1 competition, the result of ' which was . i settled on April lst by the leading rep. , • i resentatives of the two schools without , any word of dispute, being acknewl- , edged on the one hand and accepted ; • 'n Pryor of No ' on the other, the match i t . .. e. 'Stour statement that, is is sight and ` proper to correct the first letters of a ' word and wrong . to correct the last ' • 1 .. lettere, is not -worthy of toe smallest ,, Office. when only , ,r. . . , carrying a one cent etamp, if sent to us the east 4e to 'et at 2.0 p,. tn., to be addressed by Mr. S. Ford, superintendent of the se ' ' hool and eenway. Gr , ' , • s school boy, Any person can eaelly , . understand that the first two letters of ' , y ..„ A , them out, Send no items but wh a.t you believe to b,e ac s,an no i ems ia . are intended as . personal insults; and nothing in unseal ed envelopes except what is intended ..or t publication, It has happened, thouali ra,rely thtt en indiscreet ost r, • ) ," ' P - office, clerk, bee divulged the names of persons sending conathunications , th •ot ah the mail.If corres ondents 1 1,.„ , .. p , know of this being done at any time , they Sbould inform us of the fact and the Rev, D. A. Moir. ,Colleetions at all services in ail of the S. S. On Queen'e 0 '• ' , . ' • ed. Buthclay, a41.11, clinLei will be solo , • • ' , Er '' weather perInIttusg, so Mi, aifles groye, opposite the sa.wartill, othersviee in the ball and thurcht Grancon Brass- Baird will be in attendence Atiaress• • • -• • . es, may be expected froin Revs. Meese's, Gsssene, Hutton, Moir and ' Hincks. a . Tickets 25c • chili -trees of 80 00) frsse; others ender1.2 years free, • ltIr John Sherritt was elected as del . ,,- • , . .., arratato represent Grand Bend circuit, a , , . g e in ixe ei, at the district ine,e h Id • E t • _ W ctnesday, 1 ay 1 c .- i. Fred U1- e , , M 8 h M • l' I es 'barn last Saturda - ens raises a aree . .. ...3a M. England and J. Luther cheesed. sides - , . VI Es -41.1nd $ men won .the Race. Af.• --r• a , .. . hey had a ver,y interesting ter supper t , gime of football arid a game of ball.- Mr. John Bloomfield and his brother Gordon visited friends here last Satin. - a word bear as eetial a part in the con- • • r • I. b v I a e stituting of a/Vi 01 d as the as tt o 6 ters end will a,dmit that it is juss as t ' ' ' ritehato correct the last a,s the first. t '''This however has nothing to do with I ' '. • ' ' • - • , the word 3-ots would so much like to. o dispute. You are well aware that the d .1 ri•ectl I ' the ti • n win( was co y spe led ist . d broven r tune as it was pronounce , y When after distinction was made by fi giving the meaning of the word given b t Fairy P _. LT BOS;3,E•NioBn,n-Y, Hensel]. Ontario.. LI:: L.'I,. ensecl A.uctioneer fey the cseounnoty:r1 Enron and Perth. merges, moa r t stiefactiosi guaranteed, . . ' L'esosed Auctioneer for the r 'HA.RDY1 • 1, ' , . ... es ' 0 'yty of Huron', Sales Conducted o a %leg' e r rs. Farm and Farm Stock a reestaltyblestetilli iZr'rangeinents can bp made ,t this oleo. . ...-'-''''... P ' viecias Lana. r. EFD W. FARNOOMB, -1°., 0 41- ' ' ncl Civil Engineer. film), s surveyor, a . , , ,ver Post Office, Main street, It 1 rsAntsL estaLtn, Yeteeine,ry Surgeon, ea Graduate of' tho ontitrio._ Voteg\n,car lollege, Toronto, (Successor, to ,Wm .g, Ofi'co and r, g ) oiror IS years iintet10.01 a ,i.A.0.karas esidenifie one blookacitst, of_Rille"L x1( tor, Ont. tore. OppoSitb'Sb 't ng Rik, E e ,•octit at"--""--` . We will see that the matter is brought • ' . - to the attention of the proper °author i ties. ' trict erecter' „ Daii , g. • The annual meetints of the, Exeter district met in 1 4 1.1 sessioni ragaster,o, .11 - • the basement of the James Street Meth church on Tuesday apd Wetlaes- day, all ministers being present except Rev. I\Yr. Barttrop, of Birr, who is in England owing to ill hoolth. The ses. •-' • •t, . , , , sion being opened on Tuesday in . the usual tnenner, the Rev. A. L. Russel!, ., . . . . t 1 district, OlintOD.• , — Reney Shaffer has renewed his lease Of , the Commercial Hotel for a term et' years and has •had the litense renewed end the premises ore underaoing re- " ' - ' - 6 . pairs. -Mr. and Mee. 1VIcalurchie, are visiting fric,nds.in'v.soodstocks-Mr. A. aft Todd hosaaeovered suffi.eieetly froaa his illneee so as to be around again.- Mr, G Glasaow has dispose,d of his .. , 0.611t8 fll rn isli in e• stock to Messrs 'Plum a . . . to . ' . stilt and Gibbings and will leave short- ., , day. ---,Mr. jbhn Brown !Mit a valuable horse last week. -Air. Robert Addison ' - . . , . left hete last week fot 0ouitiidgeaa Mes" ohn is renting friends in Elea- St ' ' ' . , ewe stegter. Charles M. wove, eendeet• er on the,Pennsylvania Ave. 'Driving ,..a. I'ark .. R 1 • a • • A • ra tea I ar Electiie al root in cost) , ' -sent a ritunber of his friends a beautis ful piCttire of himself in his oflicial tsn iaorm and one of the improved ears,- -M • B. A, see sutnpbren and her sou peid there friends here i florin,' visit last Sat- . • , • , - .d s i ' • hoara meet to. sty. -set the aclaeut tiedrespeetfullys • no• of Gr ud Bend eiretat bold here 1 4, a as referrincr os• name 4.., 0personal. , , .... e: w dull -,e' was put 1Y1 place et at', tile 11' re .1 4 . 1 r p y being accepted Without any h ' . ei el f dispute by the highest author- 7 • It ' r d t '• fl. a mueh t ity. suie y does no lc ea m s i credit on yourself in trying to mislead ti th ' 1 l'e mind B settle e u your q e pu )1 .•. own opinion (which 18 j11.23' as narrow a as the coltunn von write in) us being sc an established idea but svhieh is mere- h. ,y an ee,piession o f your , ov ,‘ n sents, b l . me t, n Thanking you for yonr coetin- s( ne, avors, a , 11,01., set i , ii d f M Ed'. • 1 r steals youias ' ' IPA Ill PLAY. NJ ...._ „aseasseoe . \TOTICE. . • • • te then will be The Court of Rovisiwq fel S. I, . t,) ' Town EXall,Orediton,on Ihurstly,y, le pia I.T.. y entreats for gravel. will oe lot o 1 t of Oo un oil C. Pit on T v. ems tiay, By ort et • . stassesseeasnam"''' ,,,, ARREST ELLIOT. Ca • .A.Olf.ri? VOlt I' 're Assurance 0 om panY, lc Wos horn • 1 .1 ' of Toronto. The Plicenik Eire Insurance Coly., ' , of Londoa, England. The Alliance Fire .AsSiar,.Co'y., oe Lo 15011, England: • • tes Teo Confederation Life Assobiatioli, ot Toronto. • -- .... . . . .... ol cnairman of le occupied the chair. with .Rev, Edmund opting as r, secretary, trod Rev. J. E. Holmes, assis- 1 , Th j j y for Dakota e -Mi. os. ackson, a will leave shortly for Enalands A . . - . a drama will be in the town. hall last week Rev. J. E. Holmes salary was • laid iii u .- a . cagy e., d ' f 11 M • 11 • W• 'lecterns is , sa P Around About U$. ri tc tant secretary. Minutes of provinue meeting ,reat and Rev. ' ' 1 approved.'d Schofielil of Elimville, was passed from eeeond to third year on probation. Mr. Robert Miller; of Entwine, was recom• mended to MS receive n t al. The remaihaer . ' d 0 Irisl; or the busi»ees for the day . . , was (sone through pleasataly, ' every 1 , 1 . -. ' • repert s iewines t re isatiociatson to be in retrner..1..".17 at Atvrt.A.44.1,•.• given • 1 i s on Thursday °veiling by local. taionu.) aid as the money IS intended . ' ' ' • forchar- ity a larrre attendance le expeeted.--- a , All stores throughout the town will be cloSed hereafter at 8 . m. -Mr. J. T. P Lee has been out for a ail e ats ' r ' •"v 'after illness of some monthS. Great prepar ations are beiiiro made by the horse.11 • ' •'-' 1 ' . ., eating fraternity for t ie e.ccomodatiOn .sinee, _ I/ _ _ . 1 .. . 1 .... r .. .. ...... on the sick list. He is so a fair tvav , sr ' to recoyerv this week,-Meteirs. Nvalt O • 4 , largo. e and Wm. liver move a stebi for Mr. F Tildes last week, -Mr. Amos Mollard passed through here last Mon /lid • - I ' day on his way to Sonov, M eteessesg ' ' • ' " ' t on. Wni, Menus turned three colts out the a t -• aabout ewes ats o psis tire two a el ' d has not 5eett or heard Of theist go an • ' He has sijent adyoral clayS look- , The Stanley District Seatlet Chapter d, , • • If Goshen Line May ma in Orange hal , . , y • , a . . .• _ • , ti 14th., eveen the followins, °items weie ‘, elected• --Sir Ka Cons • Robt, Nie, P - , Y ; - Sir . „, Kt Coes d, holeen Com in Command;, . . , d s , SII7 KteJanseit Caiw ell, Chap. Isobert a . PolloelaTeeas. J. E. Baffoter aceibe,Wm 0 s, Is a .1 ' A • P McKinley b rneeeg I era d in lana R. y , armee, Hereld John Parks Outer Her t( ._ ' ' ' ' or U0SLS 011 1118 135511 01 J2i5. 4.) for them. • _tee_ A Weetern Assoeiation footbrin match tvas pla3-ed 111 Galt on Saturday last betwean the Huron, of Setsforla and, Gait, asel resulted in favor of Gait by a score of 2 goals to O. The retuen match will be played in Seaforth on t1 21.st inst., and a lively game will nc douobnte boef 7Des, upl.t.wilsows eggmen, 01 Seaforth was presented a short time ago with an egg that weighed over 8 ounces and 111ea81.11ed..8 inches one types by 6, inches the other, This egg was, leid by a hen owned by alr, Wurin, Hay hp and brought to the store of A.17. D. Steinback, of Zuricla John Branch of St Marys, who plead-, ed guilty a short time ago to an at tempt of rape Ives brought up last week before His Honor J eclge Woods for seh- tence. He was seaiteliced to three yeare in the Reformatory with. two years to be added at the optioe of the authoris ties of the institution, should. his con duct warrant it, • It is said that Miss Nora Clench, the celebrated Canadian violinist, is obeli./ to take up her residence in London , England, She lately played before the Countsss of Flanders in Brussels Bel- gium, who was delighted with he,r skill and mastery of the instrument. The critics 10 Brussels speak in waren terms of her talents. NO 258 The following honorary degrees were conferred by the Seuate, in Coburg oa Tuesday and was declared at Wedges clay's convoca.tion:--Honorary D,Ir degree -Rev. Oliver McCutcheon, Pi ee ident, Presideut of the, Methodist Col- lege, Belfast, Ireland; Rev. Thos. Dick- SO/1 Crowthara Principal of tha New Connection Methodist College,,Sheftleld Eng. Honorary LL, D. degree -Hon. G 'W Ross, LL. R, Minister of Educations His Honor Judge Dean, If. A.; Mr. H. Hough, K A; Rey. N Burwish, S. T D hancellor of Victoria University; M,131 G. Bigelow, M A LL B, Q. C., M. P. P.-; Mi . Jas. Mills M. A, President of the Oa ario Agricultural College;.Hon James . Alkens ex Lieut, -Governor of Man- toba; Layell M. A. About six o'clock Sunday morning a ervant girl by the name of McNeil, 01 arnia, who was employed at the resi- eace of John D. Beaty, of the North - est transporation company, left the itchen door unlocked for the milk - an to place the milk inside and the. •etired to her bed, but was soon a- •oused by the , entrance of a man hose face was blackened, ancl who at nee atte,mpted a criminal assault up n he:, bolding an open knife in his , and. .A.fter struggling. for some time he told him that some of the family ould be up in a moment to call her. Ile told her that he had chloroformed. II of the inmates of the house and de - ended wliat money she had, amount ng to about $6, which she gave hina. he miscrearit is supposed to have, een a. tramp, who was seen by some arties near the house just after the •obbery and attempted ceiminal as- aula The man has not been identa- ed. A fire broke °tit inHarriston Sun - ay morning about 2.30 o'clock in the arge furuitnre factory of Dowling & Leighton, destroying the principal art of the machinery and workman. ools, dry lunaber and furniture in ourse of completion. The firemen, eaded by the proprietor, ex Mayor owling, did excellent work and sucs ceded in confining it to one os: two ections of the building, Fortunately he morning was calm, else the loss mulct have been terrible, the factory eing in a central part of the town, It s the largest Isere, employing, a num- er of hands, and turning out a lot of tuff, shippingboth east and west he oss is a serious one both to the firm nd twain so many men being thrown ut of employment,but hopes are ents rtained that the factory will soon be n running; order again, Thera it; 01110 insuranco, but at present the mount is not known. The cause of he lire is not definitely known. ,.The following case of general inter- st was tried at the recent sittings of he Gorrie Division Court: It appears mt Mr. Ferguson purchased a num- er of cattle from Mr. Bell in the month f February last, Me. Bell agreeing to &liver them in Lakelet duriug• the ext week as Mr..Ferausoa Migut di- et. The plantitis attended at the do- ndent's to give the notiee required, ta the defendant was absent and the met stated at the trial that he told rs. Bell to never minclsendieg for her isbancl that the next day would do. his Mrs. Bell and her daugute,rs eon- adicted, stating that the plaintiff said. at the neat day woula not do, conse• ently Mr, Dell was sent for and the ttle delivered, but there was no per - )n in Lakelct to reseive them on be - le of the plaintiff and Mr. Bell •onght the cattle home. The. plantifre n came for the cattle the next morn• g, the defendant being again abseet. rs. Bell refused to delivee them. The aetiff also came for theist on the. Sat. 'day following and Mr. Bell refused deliver them, hence the plantiffsued fendent for the sum of $20 damage, was coetendeci on behalf of the plant fr that as the ownership paeeecl the aiiitiff was entitled to the cattle next iaa 11 was Meseta on behalf ell the fendOnt that as he had filled hie part the coetratt lie 'WAS 11010110M' bound the sante end had a righto refuse deliver thole up. Judgement woo