HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-12-14, Page 9WALKBURN--C4UB The December meeting of the wallterburn Club was held at the home of Mrs, joe flunking with a•good attendanee. The meeting was opened by singing 10, Canada' followed by pryer by Mrs. Rey,Daer. The president, MrsiTedlInn. • king took charge of the meet. , Ing and the mlnutes were aco. • cepted as read by the secretary Mrs. Elliott Lapp. Roll call was answered-breachlnember- ' paying one cent. per Well for *band measurement. • The President reported that the Variety night was , a sue. cess. On motion of MI'S. George Sclmeider and Mrs. Lorne Hun. king it was decided to pur. chase a giftior 'the new daugh. ter of Mr. •and Mrs. Walter Cunningham Mrs. Tom Cull. Dingham and Mrs. Garth Mo. Clinchey were appointed topur. chase the gift. NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT CLOUD "9" ROOM HOTEL CLINTON ANNOUNCES - SING -A -LONG ENTERTAINMENT Featuring: CHARLIE FARR at The piano MIN YOU'LL ENJOY OUR SMORGASBORD SUNDAYS 5 - 7 P.M. Reservations PH.: 482-3421 *, ..WAC-W-Z-47SZ-?.9AK-AX--W'AMWA.40Z-ZZ-f4Z.00Z,'f_fx,-:'4''--,W.;fZe:Z.:17Z',fZ':-f';:Z:Z ...--4: 5:IZ -:'-'7Z .:'-%: •".4',-t-: ,7. •:.' ',4:ZZ ...-‘, ',U Ag. JO ':4'4 :•144'... -4 -14M -r410444!` 41 ... 4 • , • .9 tietr,L • The pOclOrtai..$.1d414tor' It 'was decided to send adona. tionof $10 to the Huron County Children's Md SOciety, A Christmas party was plan. Red which will by held at the home 01.1%rs. Torii Cumangilani. Everyone will bring sandwiches cookies and Christmas cake, The program Is to—be in charge of Mrs. Stanley Baltand - Mrs. Ted thinking. The lunch Committee will be Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Elliott Lam. A Dutch auction Was held on a runner with Mrs. Worthy Young, the winner. Mrs. Garth McClinchey conducted aCluist. mas Scramble conteSt. Mrs. John Hallam was the winner. Mrs. Roy Daer read an inter. esting true story entitled "Christmas in Kindergarten." The meeting was closed and lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Worthy Young and MTs. Lorne Hunking. PERSONALS Earl Plowman of Mono 'Mills visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips, * * * Peter McDonald and Allan Craig of Guelph spent theweek. Kid at their homes here. * * * Murray R ell inson of Goderich spent the weekend with his par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rol. linson.. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ron Livermore of Corrie spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don. aid Haines and Edward. * * * Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt were Ken Haggitt of -Milton and Mr. and Mrs. George Haggitt and family of Zurich. * * * Ice conditions caused exten- sive damage to a small panel van truck operated by Andy Kuperus a Goderich contractor early Monday morning when it left the road, leaving the front ,end of the truck in the mill. race. The driver jumped to safety when the truck left the road. He was on his way to Gerritus Klaas' where he is building another turkey barn. When the wrecker arrived from Bannister's garage in God. erich, the windshield wipers were still in operation: God. erich detachment, OPP inves. tigaged • David A. Rolston; ' manager of the Goderich Public utilities Commission, turned amateur detective and won top award in a Canada -wide streetlighting mystery contest sponsored by Can- adian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. First prize was an expense -paid air trip around the world: M.F. and Mrs: good news and tickets from Westinghouse Ca,meanaro, left, at a reception in their York Hotel, Toronto. Rolston received the vice-president J. A, honour at the Royal WM. STILES FURNITURE A URN DO YOUR CERIU. M 7) SHOPPING • AT 7 TOPE ON THE HIGHWAY WM. STILES FURNITURE AUBURN Phone collect for daytime or evening appointment 526.7222 Holiday Shopping? Buy with Shopper's Loan cash With an II FC. Shopper's Loan you can buy . whatever you need to get ready for the holidays. Then, repay H.Duseho4d conyemently. See HFC, no‘V! Borrow up to $5000 Take up to 60 months to repay Ask abot I credit life insurance on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLD F[NANC GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above the $ignal Star) I Nu, 11'011.11g /tont 7 daufaikr 'rook °bast sow *WS, :4 • N In a recent article Sporting the -christmas meow the ,Thirga, ',LeWitt ,Miftsgen Circle o• f Broderick Baptist St. Tholna8 the' Pt Thomas inellt10:43 that a tat w4e presented to Miss • Lewitt, for whoa the Circlels named. • Thirza Lewitt!s #ther James • E, LOWitti a farmer manager of the GOcierich Knitting Coln., pany, . was largely responsible for the •organization of First Baptist Church here.- • He and bis wife, son and */. ganIt4 tn4 44;14 cute* fitnolY J.ft 00401104 10074 Mios 'ioovritt n.ow rfoithms. 4,71mer.. Bridge- Score • There were six, Wks 'InPtV at the Goderic1CDuAtcate Bridge Club Iliee*YeAght. Van* ners and their scores were 111 follows: Dr. nom* w. Oak*. 50.1/2; Poe. Ron McDonald and Mrs. Aob .Sbrier, 48.1/2; Ron McDonald and Bcb Sproule, 4541 Mrs. lyan Papemnick and Miss R. Robinson, 43.1,/2, • Gift Suggestions A GOOD HABIT The gift of a savings passbook, with that vital first deposit, will encourage the habit of thrift. A FIRM FOUNDATION The Gift of an accumulative Guaranteed Investment CertifiCate will provide a firm foundation for a future investment program, • $100.00 with interest at 63/4% COM- ' pounded half -yearly will .amount to $1391:36 in just 5 years. ' • VICTORIA AND GREV • TRUST* • THERE'S A LIFETIME OF BETTER LIVING AHEAD WHEN YOU • ELECTRIC•BLANKET,--an ideal gift for anyone, who can't break the sleeping habit. - • • ELECTRIeERYPAN-a perfect gift for newly mar- rieds and older -marrieds alike. •-FLAMELESS ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER -make everyday a drying day. ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLATOR -a gift for any occasion for any woman. IVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY TOP YOUR SHOPPING LIST WITH • ELECTRICAL GIFTS • FLOOR POLISHER • VACUUM CLEANERS • MASSAGER • HAIR DRYER • WASHER • DR YEP • REFRIGERATOr, • LAWN LAN1 ERN • SUN LAMPS • IRONS • AIR CONDITIONER • BLENDER GOD A• - • HEATING PADS • ELECTRIC RAZOR • BOTTLE WARMER • ENGINE WARMER • ELECTRIC TOOLS • FRY PAN • ELECTRIC KETTLE • CLOCKS • FREEZER • TAPE RECOR6ERS • COFFEE MAKER Let this Christmas start your family on the path to better living.• see the host of electrical gift suggestions at your local dealer's and give better . . . live better • . . ELECTRICALLY. Choose an electrical gift. From claiens of time -and - labour -saving electric - appliances you're sure to find the gifts that will 'truly please. SEE YOUR LOCAL APPLIANCE. DEALER ICH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square 524.8434 SERVICE ELECTRIC • (GODERICH) LTD. 30 Victoria St. N. 524.8581 SHOP AT TtIESE APPLIANCE DEALERS FOR YOU R ELECTRIC CHRISTMAS GIFTS BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE The Square RIVETTS The Square 524.8131 HUICHINSONS RADIO and TELEVISION 308 Huron Road 524-7831 The Square 524-9241 ,,el-VrNalrotr-Vr*rrik-aV*I•40r*APPM-Prl:Mt'nfn-N-VrPet.et-MtAV-rzaWro0r*tot*k-Mt';'MrodtcWAUkrArg-2tthrrirr .". e TV — STEREO — SMALL APPLIANCES Sales and Service 524.9432 FOR SMALL APPLIANCE GIFTS SHORE Gifts and Appliances CANADIAN TIRE CORP. North Street • , ASSOCIATE' STORE •