HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-12-07, Page 18• TT, The Goderlch. 4�an&-Star., Thursday, Dec 74.19b 7• � Ann. LandPers laps. Up, Dry Up"Abider Advises Dear Ann Landers; I would like to pass a word of advice to "Still Hurting" because I 'Walked in her moccasins for too many months. When I learned of my hus. band's unfaithfulness, I, too, nearly went put of my mind. I felt betrayed, alone and hope. lessly inadequate. My'eyes were filled with tears 24 hours.a day. I wept so mach it was begs icing to interfere with my vision, Then a wise, understanding clergyman tittered a few sen. tences that changed my life and snapped me back to reality. He said: "Shape up and dry up. Your -husband has said he is sorry. He can't undo what's been done. You can drop tears in the dishwater,_ on the ironing boari and in the vegetable stew. You can drench your pillow at night. Il Won't change a thing. Yesterday is gone and be thank. ful it is, Forget yesterday and make something better out of tomorrow." I took `his advice and I am - A NEW WOMAN Dear Woman: Bravo for you and a 21 gun -salute to the clergyman who gave you the shove you needed. W tLat you did, others can do, ' Thanks for sharing. * *. * Dear Ann Landers: Four days before our wedding (which was planned for May lst) Clyde decided he -wasn't ready for marriage. He asked me to post. pone everything until he "found himself." I was deeply humiliated but went ahead' and told everyone that Clyde was ill. In Aeg'ast he said he had "found himself' so we set the date forOztober 1. This time Clyde really did get sick - a raging fever that lasted for five days, The doctor never did figure out what caused it. Again we postponed the wed- ding. • Last night we talked about setting a date and again' Clyde is unsure. He's no kid, Ann - he's been out of college for five years. My mother says all men get„ cold feet about mar. riage and would get out of it at the last minute if they could. -What do you say? - WTTHER:E D _ORANGE B.JOSSOMI Dear Blossoms: Clyde's trouble is not! in his feet, it's in his head. He sounds immature, unstable and, in my opinion he's a poor risk. Yo1 need him' like Custer needed more Indians, * . Dear Ann Ladders: Can you help 1a poet suckers who enter contests and never hear what happened to our entries? I have spent so mach money on pro. duets I didn't need (not to men, tion the time) that I am ashamed of myself. Some contest forms say they will send a list of the winners if one is requested. So far I. have yet to receive one. In the 10 years'I have been entering contests a have never won so much as an honorable mention. O:ice I entered a slogan con- test and everyone said my slo, gan was great. I didn't win anything. When the first place' slogan was announced in the ^° Fire -Proof Christrnas To help make sure families don't include the worst intruder of all- FIRE- in their Christmas festivities, the Ontario Safety League offers some timely re. minders. A Christmas tree makes the best kindling you could have in your home, so to prevent it ' from igniting, you' must com., pensate by choosing a freshly. cut tree, ,and standing it in water at all times. Place the tree in the coolest place possible, well away from 1.he radiator, TV Set, radio, stove and fireplaces. Most people put their trees up too early anddismantle them too late. Actually, no tree will last more than a week indoors, without drying out and dropping needles, at which point it is an extreme fire hazard. Keep coloured lights turned on for short periods of time and always turn them off before going out or, +going tobed. Check your lights `before using them to make sure there is no damage to cords or sockets, and when buying new ones, make sure they bear the CSA (Canadian Sfsndards,eissociation) stamp of approval. ' Nonflammable decorations of metal, glass or asbestos are far safer than paper or cotton decorations, and of burse candles 'are a hazard anywhere near• the 'tree or near other combustible decorations. If -fuses_ blow; -due-to-the-tn. creased electrical load, re. distribute the load to other cir- cuits, and never repla.ce a 15 amp fuse with a larger size. This 'over -fusing' habit has led to 'many a fire. Keeping an eye on these possible fire hazards will help to keep fire out of your home this Christmas.. paper I was shocked. It wes so similar to my entry that I will think something wasp fish. Please tell me how these out. fits get away swindling people. It's time the public• wr3,s given the facts. - SMALL Fi"HH Dear Fish: Hold the phone, YoaVe .enade some pretty serious acctsations with no evidence to support your statements. The fact that you've never won a prize doesn't moan the con. tests are fraudulent. If you want to inquire about a specific contest, write to Better Business Bureau and they will check it out thoroughly; 1 HrticuIturaIists ,E Cf /9 S si at Mrs. Albert Worsell, 'of 107 Victoria St., North, was elected p'.resident of Goderich Horticul. tural Society at its annual meet. ing in St: George's Parish Hall, Wednesday, November 24. Mrs. F. Overholt, convener of the nominating committee, pre. sented the new slate of officers and directors. Other members tp the ex`cu. tive, and accepted as read, in. eluded: Mb's. E. H; Jessop, first.vice president; Paul Car- roll, second vice president; Miss Mary Howell, past pre. sident; Mrs. Reg. Bell, secre. tary; G.C. White,treasurer. Narhed as directors for one year terms were: Gordon Muir, Dewar Norman, R. M. Menzies, W. R. Dean and Mrs. E. J. Pridham. Serving as directors for two year terms are: Mrs. S. C. Argyle, Mrs. M. L. Hethering• ton, Mrs. W. Moorehead, Mrs, E. Ryan and Mrs. M. Camp. bell. Mss Mary Howell, past pre. sident, chaired the meeting and conducted the business session. Mrs. William Prest was pre- sented with a small replica of the trophy donated by the Bank. of Montreal for the best chry. santhemum at the October show. Several interesting arrange. ments for use at Christmas time were on dislaay and were much enjoyed. The Rev. J. W. Siebert of Stratford was guest speaker for the evening. He graciously core. mented on the arrangements displayed. He then proceeded to dem. onstrate the preparation. and - storage of gladioli and dahlia`s for winter. - The retiring presidentpoke briefly of the year's activities. Treasurer G. C. White gave the finaneial report. The new president, Mrs. Wore. sell, introduced by the • past president, addressed the soc- iety. She spoke warmly of Miss Howell ss untiring efforts of the past year and solicited con. tinued support for 1968. . ' Lunch was served by Mrs. -D. I Normae and Mrs. G. Smith, ,and' a social half hour was en. toyed. ' Door prizes for the evening were won by Mrs. Moorehead, G. C. White and Miss Howell, DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jeffer. son and family attended the 57th wedding anniversary of the lab. ter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willows MountainofLond. esboro, on Saturday evening. Other relatives present were their daughter, Mrs. Elgin (Gladys) Josling; Mr. Josling, Nail, Kenneth, Paul and Betty of Londesboro; Mr. Lloyd Jos. ling Kitchener; Mr . and Mrs. Sandy Thomlinson, Stratford; Mr, William Glover, Detroit, . Michigan; Mrs. Hally Dunceith, Guelph; Mrs. Robert Yumblut Londesboro; Mrs. Cal Straughan, Goderich. Mr. • and Mrs. Stewart Jeffrey Stratford; Mr. John Knox, Wingham, All sat down at a table which was centered with a three -tiered wedding cake while Miss Betty Josling, grandaughter and Miss Debbie Jefferson, great grand.- daughter, rand•daughter, served a delicious luncheon. - Other friends and neighbors called - in during the evening to wish them well. Both enjoy fairly good health. We wish them many more years of health and happiness. * * * Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wing - ham spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Sam-Tliumpsorr; mit'; Thbine sae and family. Paul Josling of Londesboro and Mr. William Glover of Detroit, Michigan, visitedSuri. day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and fam y. • Mrs: Din Jeffer on ands�dni of Clinton visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. CCwyharll es Jefferson. Devaluation of the British pound will eventually lower the prici of British products. Squire Gifts have dropped their prices in time for Christmas giving., • .ROYAL ALBERT OFF ENGLISH CHINA • ROYAL ADDERLEY • AYNSLEY' AND OTHER FAMOUS BRANDS OF ENGLISH CHINA ARE ALL REDUCED CHOOSE FROM OUR WIDE SELECTION OF CUPS AND SAUCERS, COFFEE POTS, TEA POTS, CREAMS AND SUGARS, SWEET DISHES AND OTHER OCCASIONAL PIECES. WE WELCOME YOU TO THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF GIFTS IN HURON COUNTY. JUST BROWSING THROUGH OUR SELECTION WILL PUT YOU IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT AND MAKE THE COMPLETION OF YOUR GIFT LIST A WHOLE LOT EASIER TOO -- Squire Gifts 'HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH -- GODERICH • -,r AelithO;Etiv EVERY .N4 NIGHT'TIL CHRISTMAS �f ..:� .� ..c� �, ..�,,�' .t��,,�',�' yt�' ,.� �► ,may ,/1 �� l� . �. r r r:G`i�l:GW'�iG""w„1:G"`w,'�'Yru.. '� ;'�} er .�r�iAm-m������7�� ro, i e e m a ie g e t r.. lucky ladies who receive them thia Christmas know that you care. '40 SUPS • NEGLIGEES • PANTIES • GOWNS • BED JACKETS HOSIERY For All Occasions SWEATERS Fine .Botany Wool. Hand Framed, Irish Sweaters, Shetland Wool and Orlon Sweaters. GLOVES 3 Choose' from nylon kid'and lined cape. A wonderful selection. TA.BLECLpTHIS • We have all sizes of tablecloths. Linen, Damask, Lined Plastic, Floral Linens and Lace Cloths. TOWELS Bath Towels and Face Cloths in colourful gift boxes. Linen glass towels in a large range of patterns and colours. itANDBAGS EVENING BAGS Lovely imes in Calf, English Morocco and BLANKETS "KENWOOD” All Wool "THERMAL" Light in Weight and' Warm Floral with Satin Binding "VISCOSE AND NYLON!' Btend, .gOourful and Warm Slumber Throws ELECTRIC BLANKETS "Single Tic! Double Control" "IBEX" Flannelette Blankets ALL SIZES "MOTOR RUGS" — All Wool Tartans i"' "BED SPREADS"—A large assortments of plain and attractive patterns to choose from. "WABASSO SHEETS" AND PILLOW CASES See the new 100% cotton no -iron "Marvel Press" Wabasso Sheets "WABASSO" boxeckgift sets—Top sheet and matching pillow cases PILLOW CASES—Hand embroidered and gift boxed We have a wonderful selection of Marine and aarn-, so.nite luggage for every member of the family. Drop in and look them over. We will be happy to initial your selection, free of charge. A small deposit will hold any item until Christmls but we do suggest you shop now. SHAVING KITS These comp in light tan and British tan colors and „they are so ideal for giff giving to the young man. 4.9 EACH FOR THE BATHROOM FLOOR RUGS SEAT COVERS SINGLE -RUGS AND TWO-PIECE SETS LOOPED RUGS CURTAINS -Colorful etching. curtains and show- er curtains give a touch of added as CURLING? SKATING? SKIING? If you are taking part in any winter sP'orts activities, we idggest you get a suit of "Duololid" Thermal insulated shirts and drawers. FREE DRAW A coupon given With ado one dollar purchase or with payment on your account. E. HIBBERT SON