The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-11-23, Page 144'd County Council Endorses Assessment C�mmissioner County ,.Council in Wench Tuesday voted to establish a • county" ..assessment . COMMIS. *loner system effectived'anuary 1, 1969. The 1968 Equalization. • Committee was authorised to advertise for a commissioner to be appointed at the divers• • tion of County Council in 1968. The decision . *as reached . after long -debate in commit.. tee and , to Council but finally resulted in a one-sided 31-8 iew...fast..pOWerfUI HOMELITE 11-701 Here's a lightweight saw with new design, more power, faster cutting, and double the fuel and oil'capacity. Cuts through 15" hardwood in 12 seconds . , . fells trees up to 5' in diameter. Includes all the famous Homelite professional features. And the cost is so low. Try it today — then cut -- your way to better profits. So Tight you can balance It on one handl 11111111111111112111111111111111.11.1111111 ARGYLE MARINE i SMALL 11� --- 5244261 . victory for the forces in talavvour. Recorded iiivision was as fol. lows) . For Commissioner; . Alex. ander,. Allan& Boyd, Boyle, Cor. bett, Cudmore, Cuthill, Dalton, Geiger, Hardy, Hendrick, Kerr., Krauter, Lyons, McFadden, Mc. Illwain, McKenzie, Pattison, Procter, Robinson, Smith, Stew. art, Stirling, Such (two), Thiel,. Duff Thompson, Elgin Thompic son, Wont;, ,Worsell(twg);, total, 31 . • • - Against Commissionei: Coo) Dunbar, Flynn, Elmer l Hayter, James Hayter, Noakes, Talbet, Westcott; total, 8, Leroy, Thiel Zurich, in sub. matting the committee report, pointed out that at the present time, the assessors employed by municpalities are able to carry on without a licence. How. ever, should an assessor ter. - urinate his employment with a municpality then his replace. ment must be a licensed party. Very shortly there will be a number of municipalities with. in Huron County faced with the problem of engaging a licensed assessor to carry on the neo,. essary work. In Huron County there are about four qualified assessors who might be avail- able for employment either at the local level or on the county basis. The committee repor• ted that with the establishment of c runty .assessment in practically all counties in Ontario now, these people become very valuable. County Clerk -treasurer J.G. Berry estimated the -cost of the new system at about 3100,000 per .year. . County Assessor A. A. Alex. ander said it was not his idea at all but Huron County was just starting to get into the squeeze. when licensed assessors are re. quired. He estimated that a staff of eleven persons would be _ 'rfeedec " iriciiiding-sevenquify qualified ones and several others in training. GARDEN REFUSE, BRUSH, ETC.:. PICK-UP Friday, December •tst Material on the boulevard by 8:00 o'clock a.m. on Friday,''Decernber 1st, across the :entire Town, will be picked up,. This will be the last pick-up until Spring TOWN OF GODERICH sr • Business Dhectory • Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT sir It. David ft., 5244233 Goderich, OMarI, REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes -- All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES Th. Square Phone 324.1434 "The Store That Service BUUt" R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Squire 524.7141 NS 1 A •xand.r and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building , . Goderlch Dial 524.4142 G. C. WHITE Accredited Pubilc Accountant .0 Elgin Ave. W. 3241797 GoderIch Onto rise A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT- . 53-47 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO . • 524.7142' «BRAVE CONI:UCT" =- As an example of how hard it isto win a George Gross, here is. the recommendation, for the action of an officer. and sapper in Aden, which only rated a "Comanenda, tion for Brave Conduct?", •• moor Emery was in charge of .a Beath Survey Party between: Ros Momi and, Fahr .making a passage in two Geiniel batt, one of the boats broached on a wave crest and .one oat its omcta pants Corporal Palmer, was flung into the sea and badly in. lured by the Gemini's propellor, Major Emery recovered the injured. man, administered morphine.. and put in.toland at Mutayaf. He deccided Cpl. Palmers wounds necessitated imMediate medi.. cal attention, some three . day's travel by land away at base camp. To save time he decided to make the journey by sea taking Cpl. Paskell with him. Without any •knowledge of the prevailing tidal currents and with only a small hand compass to navigate .the notorious reef -strewn eastern end of the "island.' Major Emery and his companion made the dangerous jot bey ,by night passage and • having, collected the Medical Officer began their return journey to Mutayaf. By skilful handling, with .the assistance of Cpl. Paskell, who swain alongside the boat to keep it from overturning, a successful landing was made. The' injured man was subsequently evacuated by helicopter'. * * * ISRAELIS DILEMMA - Israel's victories have eliminated Many • of the points in dispute over the 'past 20 years. What- ever happens now . Syrian guns will not fire down on 'the' Upper Jordan valley; 'Jerusalem will not be divided; the anomaly of the: Gaza strip will probably be eliminated. Wherever, the new frontier between Israel and Jordan is drawn, it will not run within 12 miles of the coast. But Israel itself is no longer the homogeneous state its Zionist leaders .founded. Two and a half million Jews now control territory containing nearly one and a half million Arabs and whatever settlement is made on the West bank, Arabs are likely in future to make up at least a quarter of the population of Israel; a multiracial population in which the minority group is potentially hostile. 0 * * * THE LAST SHANGRI-LA - The Hippies have vegan going to Nepal. in numbers because of the soothing pace of life there. However the authorities don't care for them and are refusing their visas. How has Nepal managed to retain its primitive way of life? Topography and lack of roads have.helped; but Nepal never came tinder colonial . rule. Nowa it is rapidly be. coming a playground for power politics. The countries which have subsidized it in descendingorder are: U.S.A., India, with the Russians and Chinese equal third. Where is 'Britain? She pays 15,000 Gurkha troops - now being cut to 10,000 and.thus supplies 20 percent of Nepal's bard currency. The King would like to have the U.N. use his men as soldiers, but the U.N. is not prepared to pay them. Meanwhile Nepal aspires to become the 'Switzerland' of the Asian sub.continent; the last Shangri. La in the world has goneI • Requpst Reports. The •Clerlka of the WIMP manicipalitlea of the County shouid get in touch with the Construct/Oa "Safely Inspector w : ' ever new construction is c ' tempiated or under way in their municipality, Huron,Coun• ty councillors agreed at the November session in Goderich, Monday after ' Everett Smith, Egmondville, County Safety In. spector, had presented his re- port to. September 49. Ile stated; that •the number of project reports .from the various municipalities *as as folldtlrs: Goderich, two reports, • 15 projects; Blyth,two reports, .three projects; ,, four reports,.' 12 projects; 'Neiman,, one report, idux'purojects; Stew phen, seven, reports; ,l6' pro. jects; Exeter, seven- Y'eports, 33 projects; W in'gham, two. l"e. ports, two projects; . Beaver - Lumber, three reports, three • projects; Hay Township, 18 re. ports, 21 projects. Mr. Smith reported that 326 inspections had been made to date, resulting in 194 with con.. traventions, 129 without contra. ventians and three with • stop. work orders, left at the pro. jects. �. Three fatal accidents took • place in the County .of Huron on construction work; two by drowning (at Bayfield); and one on the road (near Dungannon). * * * COMMANDER' OF THE Q,E.II - Captain William E. War.. wick, has the look of James Robertson Justice, for he is bearded ..Like the pard. At 55 he is younger than any master previcuusly._.„ called to command of the 'Queens'. Born in Birkenhead, he has had 28 years at sea. -He was scheduled to take corp iaiid.,of. #lie sronia-when 'i vf-Gttnard's � -masters "assembly d-ara nindst .. unusual conference at Winchester last December.'They emerged to announce that Captain Warwick had been chosen to take command of the Q4 as she then was. He can now look forward • to nine years as master of Q.E,II. ' : * * * :TOO OLD AT 65. - It used to be 45, but. a. hospital in England recently' posted memo on the staff notice board to the effect that -patients over 65 were not to be resuscitated in the event of cardiac failure. Misunderstanding was obviously invited by such a statement, but it was explained that the physician super. intendent had put into 'words something that could not be for- mulated without distortion. This sounds a pretty lame excuse • for a clumsy attempt to write as a rule, a practice diametrically opposed to the credo of the medical profession i.e. to keep the patient alive as long as humanly possible. With this'mis..., understanding' removed those who have exceeded three` score and five can take on a new lease oflife. • * * * TREASURE TROVE - There are-, all the makings of another :. international incident in the discovery, off the' Scillies in south. west Britain of .6 million pounds sterling worth of guineas, crowns and pieces of eight.' These were captured in the 18th century by, the fleet commanded by Sir Clowdesley 'Shovel). Returning home, loaded to the gills, his flagship, H.M.S. As. sociation and two other ships foundered off the Scilly Isles. Recently an old •map of the period was found which marked "Shovel. Rock". A private team has been given a contract by the British government with sole rights of recovery of the treasure. The scuba divers say: "It's a carpet of silver and gold right across the sea bed." This bullion was captured from French and Portugese sources; It only remains for de Gaulle to say: Nonl to British ownership. SHOP NOW ! LAY AWAY for CI-IRISTMAS Do your shopping at the store that sellsfor kss BEFORE Christmas, not AFTER. Check our prices before buying FOR BEST VALUES SWOP HUTCHINSON - RADIO — TV — APPLIANCES 5247131 308 Huron, Rd. ether* InvllrtnM ... ItwustI$ato UNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUN► LTD.,, ALBERT JO .SHOE Y RearaistitatIvs UNITID 1Nvl$'T 1l? SRRVICBS. LTD. 9EA Stitslost St. 55411M . 1 Shop with cash from an HFC Shoppers Loan Holiday shopping with .cash from an HFC Shopper's Loan can save you money. And you'll avoid big first -of -the -year bills, too. Later, repay .HFC conveniently. Borrow up to 15000 Take up to 60 months to repay Ash about credit life insurance on loans at /ow group rates HOUSEHOLD FINAN GODERICH 35A West Street --Telephone 524.7383 (above the Signal .Star) Ask about our evening hours PORTERS HIL L -- The UCW of c ce CburGh met at the hOrner of Mrs A; Lockhart last Wednesday afternoon for their November meetiiii., In the absence of the presi.. dent,' Mrs. Q. Sturdy conduct. ed the meeting which opened with hymn 164 after -which all repeated hymn 699. A reading entitled "This is the Holy Land" was read by Mrs. T. Sowerby. The study book was taken by Mrs. Jongew jan on the book of "Ruth''.. Secretary's report was given " by . Mrs. Townshend and the treasurer's report by Mrs. "'Sowerby. . • • It was voted to give a done • t• io>[i to the M. and, M Society and the Bible, Society. The visit. ing-committee wasasked to visit 'the shut-ins in the community before Christmas. • The December meeting will be held at Bayfield parsonage on Friday evening December 15 when Mr. Beck will conduct the election of officers. The roll call will be the exchange of a fifty cent gift. Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benedic. tion and the hostess served lunch. Sorry to report Laurie Cox is sick in. Clinton Public Hos. pitaf. We wish him a speedy recovery. • ... WE WILL BE IN GODERICH NEXT WEEK' Photographing children and family portraits in the homes for Christmas Gifts. A few appointment openings still left Fpr yours phone' 482-7006 n d .. k..the,. paper,., Please__ describe .howcan hwa our children photo9rephed in, our home" Ar • THE CHILDREN'S PHOTOGRAPHER JERVIS STUDIO CLINTON The executive of the Sunday': School met at rife .home of Mrs. Lockhart last week when 'Mrs. Sowerby superintendent, opened the ineetingwijhapsalm and prayer. It was decided 'to have the White Gift °service - combined with the church on December 10 with Mise Claire McGowan as guest speaber and • gifts to go to the Children's Aid. A -Christmas party was pial ned 'for Saturday afternoon Dec, ember 9. In •charge of the prow grauh are Lorna Miller, Colleen Lockhart, Mrs. A. Betties and Mrs. W. Riddell. It was decided to have both Christm:ds . and New Year's Sundays as com. bitted ftervices., . Meeting closed ,with prayer and ..in pot ludic lunch was en.• joyed. . PORT AL O RT -- Roy► f'etrte returned hoarse Von' Gen Hospital in Stratford on Sa day. Albert McGee, underwent sures gery in Victoria Hospital, Lon• don, recently, He is in Roost 313, third floor. He is wished a speedy recovery. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cock• field of .Detroit, Mrais. Charlie Crosset and family visitedover the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petrie; . * * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, apd David of London visited with Mrs. Dave Martin and family. • WE'LL GET THAT. Christmas' Cleaning DONE IN A HURRY! Bring your best bibs' tucker here for prompt, expert dry cleaning in time for the holi- days! Call us for free, convenient pick- up and delivery service. There's still time to have your rugs, drap- r w=and - •horine--^ fu:�, .. r_ _._._, . _. a�ies" nishings cleaned for holiday entertaining! Muewater "Cleaners 38 .WEST ST. TEL. 524-6231 from S.PROULE SHOES DRESS DACKS. McHALES CASUALS By • HEWETSON SHOES • GALE • BOSTONIANS • OOMPHIES Allow. him to put his best loot forward this . Christmas in footwear from Sproule Shoes. We have the finest in shoes, casuals and ' a complete line of winter boots in leather, suede and seal skin. At the moment our selection of slippers is as complete as you :will ever find it. We are sure we have something to please. If you want him to be.well pleased come Christmas come in and see us! Choose the item or get a Gift Certificate. SPROULE SHOES KINGSTON 9y'REET (Next to Club GOO 0