HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-5, Page 8W!illIt1 111„10I11.0 .111E11
Special—Draw a line from the !..tike
Shore directly east to Kippers ttild thou
by way of Stan and Cromarty to Ful
tarton and Russeldale, then south to
l'irlcton and Woodham then west again
to Clandeboy e and terminating by was.
of McGuire, Mount Carntel,Corbett and
Greenway at Grand Bend you have
the outside Boundary of the field which
aims to cover with its goods and cus
comers. To secure this we have to
keep a large supply and certainly are
not failing in this respect, Our store
is literally crowded with goods and
Holiday Stock ready for seekers of Hol-
iday Gifts. Every desi:reable thing we
Could think of has been placed to meet.
our customers wants and nos- we cor-
dially invite them and their friends to
call and pass a pleasant half hour in
leaking through. We wish to make.
our store worthy. of
Both our Customers and Ou rselYes
and now with little fear ask;, for their
THE MAR T. Exeter.
Tho aor
Now for sheal.lp all. Pape'
We have just passed into stock a
large shipment of Beautiful A.rnerican
that should have been here two Month s
ago, and rather than carry this line
through the season we are going to
sacrifice the whole stock of paper.
Prices are marked away down.
Some lines for just half their former
prices. We are bound to close out the
whole lot. Do you want any paper?
if so, see us soon. You cau buy from us
A Good Paper 3io a Roll.
Same quality as sold by soles by some
dealers for 10e so the Lathes tell us.
Do you know it, we a right IN • the
+e'er B tai n eoe8
We think that our carpet room is just
about the best hi the town, and our
stock of carpets and oil cloths will in:
trest you if you are wanting any-
thing, in these lilies.
Curtains and Curtain Poles
is another special line with us. A beau-
tifulstoek•of Lace Curtains at special
prices. We sell the Ideal Curtain Pole
i:heaper than you buy the common
goods in regular stores.
The Opague Window Blinds
in Plain, Dotted and Fringed iu all
shades at CORRECT PRICES for the
a. h.. Stewart.
Adjourned Vcstry neetiese
The adjourned vestry meeting was
held in the Triyitt Memorial Church on
Tuesday evening when a large num-
ber of, the parishioners' were present,
fond it may be said that this was the
best attendance that has Bathe ed to-
gether for some time. Rev, F. H. Fatt
occupiedthe chair and after opening
with prayer proceeded to dispose of the
businessthey were called together to
discuss-' Mr. R. H. Collins was atppoiut
ed vestry clerk ants the minutes of last
meeting being read were approved.
reports from the different committees
were heard each being very satisfac
tory,especially the envelope committee
who bad so successfully aided the War
dens in :collecting moneys. The same
gentlemen were appointed to assist iu
this ardous task during the year and
in making their next visit to ask each
person to increase the, amount of their
offering. Mr. W. J. Carling was chosen
Rectors Warden in the stead of Mr.
John Spackman who retires from the
office, while Mr. N. Dyer Munson con-
tinues to act as people's ward in which
position he has filled during the past
two years. Messrs Ernest Elliott, Philip.
Rowtcliffe, Geo. Kemps and Samuel
Sweet were chosen sidesmen. .A. vote
of thank was tendered Mr. John Speck
man the retiring church warden, being
rltanifested by a standing vote, for his
services rendered during the past ten
;years. During his term of office the
chun;h had made a marked improve-
ment which could not be blotted out
for many years to come, and it was
the wish of those present that he would
continue to serve in the same capacity
for many years to some and see .the
work still prosper under his supervise
ion. The gentleman in brief speech
th.anleed them for the remarks
which he had just heard and stated if
his seeviees had been of any value.
they had been given cheerfully: Votes'
of thanks were also passed to the La,
dies Guild, Busy Sees, and Envelope
committee, for their untiring efforts in
eonnection with church work, After
general discussion the meeting ad-
,l+ittrncd to meet again in June, With
the benediction by,the ret tor,
(:ricket Meeting.
The adjourned meeting. of the Crick.
et Club will be held at the Town Hall
to morrow evening (Friday) at 8 o'clock
`tot' the purpose of arranging snatches
for the 24th of May, ere. All crie •1.ee
ere ple:lse atter Er, teoxr, Sec's,
Let us see the flags floating ou the
Indian OIl -..for all kinds of pains,
'Catarrh &c,
A very lenge catch of fish was Made
at Grand Bend, ort Monday.
Look: out forties bills for Exeter's
Queen's birthday celebration.
Buffalo Indian Salve for Piles Ulcers
Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises &c.
The program of sports for the 24th
at Exeter excels any we have seen.
Now that the celebration is going on
let us all join hands and make it a sue
Kickapoo Indian WormKiller for the
children, and adults. A sure things.
for worms.
AS AN ATD to internal remedies for skin
diseases, Dr. Low's sulphur,Soap • proves
very valuable:
Why should not our glorious little.
English town' do the grand on the
Queen's Birthday.
The Ladies Aid of James street
church intend bolding a strawberry
festival on June 220, 1692.
Indian Sagwa Nature's Remedy a
splendid spring tonic, also for blood
Liver; Stomach and Kidneys,
The tinsmiths of Cobbledick & Fol
land's are busily engaged putting an
iron roof on the Pickard Block.
There are lots of kickers on our
streets these days. What's wrong
about orgaalzing a football club.
men and all minds agree as to the merits of
Burdock Pills, small and sugar-coated.
The old market property will be sold
by auction on Saturday at the Metro-
politan Hotel, in.parcels to suit purch-
The great reason for the success of
Hood's Sarsaparilla is found in its posi.
tive merit. It cures where other pre.
parations fail.
The celebration eommittee•have to •
ken every trouble to ensure the great-
est possible pleasure to the greatest
possible number.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered in the Trivitt tine
morial church on Sunday by the rector
Rev. F. H. Fatt.
The Ladies Guild of the Triyitt Ale •
morial church will meet at the resi-
dence of Mr. Thomas Trivitt this after
noon (Thursday).
Mr James Dennis has moved into
his new residence on Simcoe street,
while Mr. Ed. Treble now occupies the
premises yacated by him,
The 24th committee are inviting all
to come. with or without money. They
are not anxious to make money to
provide pleasure and enjoyment.
Next week will be announced the
program for the eyening, of the 24th
which will we understand take the
shape of a citizen. Ball and concert.
An advance of. 50 cents in the price
of eoal has been determined on by loc-
al dealers ae a result ofthe great' coal
ring in Pennsylvania forcing prices up.
Mr. Robert N. Rowe is now busily en
gaged filling an order for hall trees
fiom a firm in Berlin, all of which are
of the latest design and good workman
Owing to a cog having been broken
from one of the wheel's of the di-ching
machine in the Hay swamp they have
been satiable to make but very little
Mr. I. Carling purchased from the
Stephen and Usborne Agricultural
Society ou Saturday last the old Eng
lish church premises adjoining the
fair grounds. The sumpai.cl was $150,
On Wednesday while the Rev. P. H.
Fatt was driving oe the London Ro.id
south of the village, his horse stumbled
and fell breaking the shafts and hair.
nem considerstblo. The driver escaped
without any injury.
Mr. John. Evens has received a con-
tract from each of the following gentle
men in the towhship of Biddulph for
the erection of a bank barn, S. IIodg
s`en, F. Flannagan, and Pat Curtain,
and will commence work shortly on
At a meeting of the Young Peoples'
Society Christian Endeavor of the
James st. Methodist church on Tuesday
evening it was decided to change the
name of the society from "Young Pee.
pies' Society Christian Endeavor" to
"Epworth League."
On Friday evening while James
Sweet, J1, was exercising a telt on
the London Road the animal shied,
throwing the rider upon the gravel
road- The injuries received are only
of a slight nature and a speedy recov-
ery is looked for.
While working in the sawmill on
Monday Mr. Robert Rowe received a
hard blow from a piece of wood having.
come in dontaet with the saw and
which was thrown with great force
against his leg. The injury, although
painful, is not dangerous,
Now that the month of May is here
April showers Kaye come with it and
vegetation Inas begun in earliest. Fall
wheat which has been blighted now
looks to be in a thriving and healthy
condition, and the spring grains are
snaking rapid progress in growth,
The shooting .maters held on Thurs..
clay last for the gold and silver medals,
restaffed in favor of Jas. Bissett break-
ing 0 out of the possible 10. Following
is the score: --
T Bassett
o 0 1-4
Tt rEacrett, iol00t0t00-4
.t,Hunter, 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 11, 0-1
V D. Aurdon 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Jas. ItLtisott 0 1 is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-0
Geo. Anderson 1 1 0 0 1 t 0 0-5
While I4aster Thomas Creech, son of
Mr. James Creech, constable of this
place, was • out shooting on Thursday
morristle last, he had the misfortune to
shoot hie dog by the animal jumping
up in front of the gun just es he pulled
the trigger, and received a few of the
eeatteripg dhot i11 the head, We would
a ,
d icerlittle
s sere "sunlit boys to 'be a
more careful in the future.
T nstlaye Corn at Colableclicic. Fol
land's hardware stow.
Indian Cough Cure for till affection
of the: throat and lungs.
Exeter's celebration 9f the 24th of
May this year is sures to be the best.
Exeter has always lead the van in
her celebratious and she will do it this
Cobbledick & Folland's is headquar-
ters for Ensilage Corn. Call before pur
Exeter offers inducements to all
kinds and classes of people for the
Manson the shoe man, gives away
to all purchasers one bottle of shoe -
dressing with. every pail' of ladies $2.25
fine shoes, '.•
The Rev. Mr. Nealey, of Toronto, oc-
c-cupied the pulpit of Casten Presbyter -
church on Sunday last and will. con-
tinue to do so, during the absence of
Rev Mr. Wm. Martin. He is an able
speaker and the congregation are well
pleased with the appointment.
"Little Wonder" is the name of a
pacing horse purchased last week by
Mr. John Snell,from Mr. Wesley Prang -
ley, Strathroy. From what we learn
"Jack" has in "Little Wonder"' a mov-
er, and something that will make their
horse jig to a 2.50 clip to get away
from him.
On Friday evening a number of the
members of our former baseball club
met at the residence of Mr. Joseph'Sen-
ior and after telking hatters oyer: for
some time decided to present the Gun
Club with a Silver cup, this being a
laurel won in Godericli some years age
The cup being won five tines in suc-
cession becomes the property of the
shooter. leis valued. at $15.
Mr. '1 ager, who resides about 0:1
miles west of Dashwood, near a snittll
stream Icnowu by the name of the
eleven mile creek, is about to begin
operations to make tile and brick. The
clay has been tested by experts and
pronounced first class quality. Should
the enterprise prove suecessfal, 1't will
no doubt be a great benefit to the far-
mer's in the surrounding country
The Kickapoo Medicine Co. arrived
here on Wednesday of lase week and
gave a series of free entertainments
in the Opera House during that time.
These entertainments hare been very
successful and have been well attended
They intend remaining for another
week, The acrobatic feats produced.
by Fred Lexington and his brother
Frank. .slave received much applause
and highly appreciated.
nen yearn ago all our fine manufact-
ured tobacco carne from the United
States. But mouth after month and
year alter year the superior quality of
the "Myrtle Navy" brand has been
driving the American article out of the
Canadian market. The "Myrtle Navy"
is now to be found in every village in
the Dominion, and is as familiar to the
smokers upon the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts as CO those of the city in, , teh
it is manufactured.
Mr. L. L. Sage, of Norwich, arrived
herr: on Monday evguing and will as-
sume, the responsibility of head miller,
in the Exeter Grist Mill, Mr. Sage is
a man of long experience having serv-
ed ten years, the earn' period of his
milling life, in grinuieg . under the
stone process, and when the roller pro-
cess was first introduced, twelve years
ago he attained the knowledge i.ieces
sary to run the rollers and has ever
since been engaged in the work. We
wish Mr: Sage every success in his pees
ant undertaking andwelcomehim to
our tewri. 'iS c understand his family
will arrive in about two weeks.
The Kiekapoo Indian Medicine Co.
is:holding-nightly conceets at Drew's
Hall. These entertainments are free
to adults, they are eerttituly enjoyable
for : all. This company is advertising
and introducing the Kickapoo Indian
Remedies, Indian Satevra for Blood, Li-
ver, Stomach and -Kidneys; the Indian
Oil for all Pain Killer,
Cough Cure;
Indian Worm Killer, and Buffalo Salves
This is a great company to. advertise.
'We see a fine Horse and wagon' upon
the streets, used for advertising'. The
people are buying the remedies and
attending the copeerts cell. A matti-
nee on Saturday afternoon at two o'-
clock for ladies and children. Admiss
ion only five cents.
Could not a more desirable spot be
found than the present enc on the
banks of the river 'sn which to store
away rubbish. Look at the large,
number of old tin cans and the quant-
ity of refuse accatnu]ated now to the
above mentioned place, which 'meets`
the eye of all visitors coming from the
north and those travelling in that di-
rection. This is considered by many-
anyto be an eyesore to the village, and
really it is a nuisance which could . be
easily avoided, 11 our city fathers
would see to this they no doubt would
overcome the difficulty and not have
such a beautiful common covered with
trash of this kind. Although the streets
of our village are of considerable
length let us try to keep them looking
as clean as ° possible.
A very serlotis aceident,whieli might
have proved fatal, occurred on Thurs-
day night last at 10 o'clock. It ap-
pears that while Thos. Boyle and Alb-
ert McFalle, of Centralia, were going
home from a concert err Exeter they
met Mr. A. J. Rolling and wife of Exe-
ter, and, it being very dark, neither
parties saw the other, and the horses
ran together and then turned complete
ly around, capsinng both rigs 'and
throwing the occupants out. :Mrs. M-
lles got hes' artn broken above the el
bow, besides other slight rrrjnrses. Mr.
Rollins had his forehead badly crit and
three or four of his upper ribs broken
atnd his neck strained. The ocOupants
of the other rig were Only slightly in-
jured by then hard fall on the ge'avel
road, Mr Rollins' buggy was badly
eimashed. The to hired were then tak
ern home, where their wounds were • at•
tended to by .Dr. Rollins, of Ezetef
number of the AAlasonic fraternity
of this place: intetld visiting frLslsall
lodge to iri gltt.
Rev. it. McCoslr, who is. well and fav-
oi'ably known to many of our readers;
has ,accepted a call to Christ's ehurele
There are sonic very prompt young
men in Fergus." The following letter
received by.one of the ministers:—
"This is to give you 110tis that I and
Miss — is coming to your chut'Lll'
on a Saturday net, to undergo the open
%tion of matrimony at your hands.
Pleas be promp, as the rig hired by the
hour. Mr: —
We'notico in the results of the ` Eas-
terexaminatious of the agricultural
College, Guelph, that the following pee
sons of this neighborhood passed very
successfully: -1st year -J, Atkinson,
Seafortht J: H, Burns, Kirkton; 11 Mee
Mordie Iippen, Second year.—W- IJ.
Harvey, Exeter, who also secured 4th
place in the horror roll.
During ,he past few days several of
our, citizens have received colnmunica
tions from e, gentleman in New pork,
asking them to engage in the "green
goods," or bogus money business. He
offers them'a dollar for 25 cents, 'and
assures them that the Counterfeit arts
cle'cannot be distinguished from. the
genuine, It would be as well •for those
receiving these, circulars, both in and
out of the village, to burn them, as it
is dangerous to hold communications
with such scoundrels.
Some idea of the magnitude of the
Triennial Conclave of Knights Temp-
lairs, to be held at. Denver next August
maybe gleaned from the .following
facts obtained from President Elbert, of
the Chamber of Commerce: "Up to date
09,000 people have , contracted for
rooins; 20,000 more stave engag'od Pull
mitn cars for their aceommoclation, and
over 500.of these ears will stand in the
Yards and°be occupied by the 20,000
attendants,et the Conclave. Stretched
out in line'tlte sleepers would form an
unbroken train seven miles Leg.
We received a letter recently from
Mr. Mark Biasstt, Stockton Cal., dated
April 26th it which he states the fol -
lowin,; $irawberrys hive been on the
market here for fully a month, also
green peas and new potatoes. In two
weeks more we will have cherries and
apricots, and by the 1st of June we
will have ripe peaches, Several
little shocks from earthquakes have
been felt but no damage done
here. I received ,a friendly visit from
Mr. Thos. Ramsey,formerly of Exeter, a
couple of weeks ago. He is enjoying
good health and has a good situation
at apiece called Pasroples, down on
the coast.
Though the changes made in the
election law et the recent session of the
Ontario Leg'ielature are not very radi-
cal, they are important; and in the
right direction. 1Tereafter it will not
be necessary to demand a poli at a
Parliamentary nomination.' Every
voter must vote in the polling' division
in which,he resides, if he has a vote
therein. 'There will be only two forms
of oath• hereafter. The giving of rail
road tickets or passes and the free
transporati'n of voters by railway or
steamboat is macre a corrupt act. Any
one bribing a voter is liable to six
mouths' imprisonment, in addition to
$1200 fine. • The 'act would be much
more efficacious lit putting down brib-
ery if the person accepting a bribe
could be punished equally' With the
John /Likens
Of St.Nlary 's Ont.
.A1 Great Sufferer from
Perfectly Cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The best stomach tonics known to
medical science are so
bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it
cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its
severest forms, when other medicines
fail. In' many cases Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla seems to possess a magical touch,
so quick and so gratifying the relief,
Read the following from an aged and
respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont.:
I am very glad to give this testimonial as
to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me.
I suffered very much with dyspepsia. I have
been taking medicine
For 25 Years
and I never had anything do me as inucn
good as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every symp-
tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap-
peared anis I feel that I cannot praise tiro
medicine too highly. I
Eat Better
Sleep [letter
and feel stronger than I have for many
n/oars. I havo taken six bottles of Hood's
Sarta/m.41kt bought of Mr. Sanderson, the
druggist), Jori± Ax'ai s.
Prom Mr. Sanderson, the Druggist.
"I know Mr: Aikens to be a strictly honest,
straightforward man, and take much pie entre
in testifying to the truth of the testimonial
he gives above,,' F: q. SA1. 0ansox, Drug-
gist, Queen Street, St. Mary's, Ontario.
HobD's hi LL8, the best aftsr•ainnarrrlisr
solo, digestion, oroyentconstipation. '
Parasols, Gloves,
Hosiery, Dress Goods,
Dress Trimmings,
Curtains, Curtain Poles
and Window Shades.
—§—§TS—§_§-§—§_§_§_§_§._§_§_§.= §—§—§—§
Ladies & Gents
fine & coarse shoes.
Never had a better stock
at lower prices than now..
Try our 25c. Tea;
The best in town.
11rads of FENCE I S.
AL ABASTINEin a . Shades.
J ' NS.
Full line Tinware, 0
r Cash at
•'B I .`T ROS.
Amidst all Blow Bluster
R .3'.`T.N.R E
Still takes the lead in the Furn-
itule business. 1 am too busy to call ou pcople in need of
furniture, but please drop iu my wareroonis and see limy stock
and I will trygand suit you 11 this line.
[ ppeb.h'11 n . ai , 7 O w neatly
tly cl on . t v) gyr,t .N t notice.
c ..e
atY .ant ®'amu 4-0,du. u E,t J'Vd.h i ,Yw6u url. .. 'l R, cFm FJ Ia)b .1,. ,fr yteo
Rereinber 1 have also a
handsome line of 7,
1.(tOFtOJJl Goods
always on slants..
Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis-
faction guaranteed every time,
Stand 1Lext Molson's Dank,
Those premises known as the Commercial
Hotel in the town of Clinton, together with
the Stabling and appurtenances. Also those
premises in the village of Exeter known .as
she %men'sHotel 'and the ;brick store ad-
:Jolaing the hotel and used as a general
store' and Post Office. The above property
will be sold on easy terms. For particulars
apply to the proprietor, ,form R•orssri;n, tot
0,blaitlaniLconcession, (1n1l.nr 'Pp., Bon -
.miller 1'. 0.
'West half of lot to,. Concession 8 in the
township of tTsbornean the county of Huron
eTntaining therein 50 acres more or less
There is about 30 acres cleared and the bal-
ance bush, being mixed with black ash and
cedar, .A good wand -mill with a good well
of water and well suited for stook raising.
For further particulars apply to Geo..Hnnt-
er, Ridgetown or to John:Fltiuter, Jr. Exeter
P Ij,.
r‘g. FO
Hardware Merchants,
Lead the Van in Harware,
Tinware, etc.