HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-11-09, Page 10*rich. S,i nal -Star, Thursday, Nov, 9, 1967 elve dear Ann Landers; The letter frgin the Columbia University iraivate sounded like a page 011C - Of my life, 1, too, accepted the attention of a married ina.n. I said yes to dinner, the theater and the inevitable love- , making that fd11owed, Here I am ._ 12 years older, a little gray now, a little heavier, still single and still having dinner and going to the theater one evening a week_ How is your math, Ann? Here is the score: Spouse Me: Zero Him:1 Daughters Me; Zero Him:2 Sons Me: Zero Him: 2 Years spent building a life with another Me:Zero Him ;24 Total commit>tent to an affair Me: 12 years Him: One dinner a Weekfor 12 years. I' know that love is raising as family, preparingdaily meals, mending, washing, ironing and staying up nights with sick kids. So, Columbia graduate, for all your education you are still a fool. And so am I. — SISTERS UNDER THE SKIN Dear Sister: Thank you for the arithmetic lesson. And now for all you women out there who are playing the same game; simply sub- stitute the figures that apply in your case Yob'll arrive at the same total. Nothing. * *, Dear Ann Landers: You ad. wised "Magic Fingers" (the girl who was massaging men in her apartment. to make a little extra moneyY to finish her W. J. Denomme FLOWE SHO Phone SU - $132 DAY .OR NIGHT ► ~ Agent for 24 -hr. 'FILM DEVELOPING - 1 E,alrs vs. 624 "training" and be a physical therapist. -Such counsel was misleading, if not insulting, to the fine profession of physical therapy. To begin with, the girl's let. ted sounded as 'if she was mss. saging as a cover up for another profession. The oldest one, Physical therapy is a para. medical profession, where, un. der a physician's prescription, disabilities are .treated. Mas. saging is only one of the tech. niques used in physical therapy. A physical •therapist mist attend college ter "our years. Only after the studEnt receives a bachelor of science degree,is he eligible to practice in hos. pitals, clinics' and rehabilita. Goderich The meeting of the Goderich Women's Institute was held in MacKay Hall with about 65 ladies present, including Clin. ton Branch as guests., Mrs. Robert Wilson, presi. dent, presided for a. short bus.. mess rneeting. Mr's. Jack Cook gave the „secretary's report. Mrs. N. McInnis presided at the piano. There will .be a bus leaving Tuesday morning for the Area Convention irn London to beheld at the Carousel Motel. On Nov. ember 17 a bus will go to the Royal Winter Fair. Anyone Dinners tion centers. 1 hope you will Publish this letter and set the record straight. INDIGNANT Dear Indignant: Here is your letter. My thanks and my apologies. • � I Dear Ann Landers: I respect your advice, but sometimes you go off the, deep end on cer. tain subjects, like dogs. When. ever you publish a letter about a woman who treats her poodle like a child you follow up with a rash of angry protests'remInd. ing all dogrlovers that there are hungry children in India. Why don't you wake up and W.I. Hosts wishing to go should contact Mrs. N.. Clairmont or Mrs.Roy Meriam. The roll call was answered by "The most absent.minded thing I hate done." Mrs. Wilson had ' one of the clocks on display which will be presented to Alexandra and Marine General Hospital, God. erich. Gifts were presented ,to the Children's Aid. •• A bake sale realized over $21, Those in charge included Mrs. John Kernighan, Mrs. Olive Straughan, Mrs. Van Armen, Mrs.. Horton Talmay. Plan Variety Concert The October meeting of the Dungannon Women's Institute was held Thursday evening at the Brookside school with St. Helen's Institute as guests. The president, Mrs: Warren Zinn welcomed all visitors and the meeting opened with Opening Ode and repeatingMaryStewart Collect. The roll 'call ""My proudest memory -of a day in' 'school" was answered by 20 members and there were 20.. visitors. The variety concert will be held November 17 at Brookside school. Three ladies will make the tickets. All members are. requested to be out to practice each Wednesday evening at 9. The ladies were asked to save their empty spools 'arid old ny. Ions for the workshop at Huron. view. Mrs. W. Brown was named - delegate to Area Convention at London on November 7 and 8. Musical numbers on violin • and piano by Mrs. Blake Alton arid Mrs. Gordon Finnigan, Dun. gannon, a solo by Mrs. Rice and a humorous talk by Mrs. Carrick, both of St. Helen's,' were greatly appreciated. Mrs. Alvin Kerr -gave -a -god motto on "Trouble can make your life more bright if looked at in the proper light". Mrs. Cecil, Blake gave a wonderful . talk on` her trip 'to Expo and showed some beautiful slides taken while there. The meeting closed with the Queen and Institute grace and Mrs. K.K. Dawson andber com. mittee served lunch. • Suddenly winter has become °the family fun time... thanks to the lively snowmobile called SKIDOO! SKI-DOO shows you a side of winter you've never seen before . . because it goes where no other snowmobile would dare! SKI -D00 has lively new power. -It lets you roam anywhere, over anything ... frorn slickest ice to -deepest snow, as fast as you want to go. SKI -D00 has lively new perform- ance. Its- greater power, unique sus- pension system, improved °track and. lightest weight lets .you climb, race, • jurnp like no other snowmobile cart. It's simple to start, a dream to steer. And it's so light-footed it won't bog down ... even in waist -high snow! - SKI=DOO has lively new looks. From bumper to backrest, SKI -D00 '68 is the sleekest looking, most comfortable snowmobile on any snowfield.' See your SKI -D00 dealer today. He'll -show you all the exciting: models (including ones with electric -start). Each has the features and price tag you want — starting from the lowest in the industry. And with his easy finance plan, you can buy your SKI -D00 now ... and --trailer it to your nearest snowfield this weekend! . Samba r>r-l&ii-iIoo the k:ght- d sncwmobi/e 'Trade Mark, Argyle Marine & Small Engines $8 Britannia Road 0 i rn Goderich, Ontario smell Me coffee, Ann Landers. One thing has nothing to do with another: ' U a lady on Lake ShoreDrive Paz'k Avenue. or Wilshire Boulvard gets pleasure out Ot babying her poodle she should • not be.. made to feel guilty be. cause • there are are hungry children in India. There's no reason. you can't have come passion for the 800 million people in India and still love a pet. So please, Ann, help keep things in perspective. Thank you very much. — IN FAVOR OF FAIR PLAY • Dear In Favor: Me, too. Thank YOU very much. - Minton program Convenor, Mrs: Horton Talmay, presided for the program. Mrs. Harry Dodd presented the motto "It is nice ° to be, Important but it is more Important to be Nice," which had been prepared. by Miss Flora Durnin and Mrs. Talmay. Members of the "Treble_ Singers" sang several very beautiful • selections accom. panted by Mrs. Jessop at the piano. Mrs. H. Dodd expressed the thanks and appreciation of alI present for their lovely music. Mrs. H. Talmay gave a re. view of the book "Six Pence In Her Shoe", by Phyllis Mc. Gulley. Hostesses were Mrs. D. Mc. Millan, Mrs. M. Barr, Mrs. L. Bannister,. Mrs. H. Dodd, Mrs. Mary Clairmont, Mrs. W. Snazel, Mrs. J. Vickers, Mrs. G. Inglis, Mrs. K. Wilkinson, and Mrs. H. Talmay. The. Canadian Association of Broadcasters sent Secretary' of State Judy , LbaMcrsh a brief proposing m are than 20 changes in -the. new Broadcasting Act... The Act seeks to establish the priority of the CBC over private broadcasters by saying that when a conflict arises between the two, the interests of the national service mist pre.yail. The association suggests that the section should be rewarded • to provide that'' in a- conflict he i, public interest should be para. mount. The Act would give the radio commission power to order scheduling of certain types .of programs. The CAB protests that this 'would give the com. mission power to impose on the public its own choice of programs and would lead to excessive regulation and con. trol. The Act would give the com. mission power to revoke or sus. pend licenses issued to -private broadcasters, but not to the CBC. The CAB suggests that this is discriminatio.a and pro. poses that the 'CBC should be on The same. footing as private stations. Last week Miss LaMarsh ap. peared on a TV show and ad. mated the CBC had rotten man. agement. * * * The World Series' Sunday game took top position in the latest Nielsen rating, with the Saturday game in second spot. Ct3S Thursday Nigh". Movies was third, with Andy Griffith-. fourth, and CBS Friday Night -Movies in fifth position. ABC Sunday Night Movies 'wis teed for sixth position with Gomer Pyle. The Lucy Show waseighth with 'Bonanza ninth: -Bewitched and the Saturday Night Movies were tied for tenth spot. winter can be fun this year Jump aboard the•rugged , SNO-HAWK - and see what fait really means. Designed .with man new features for your comfort. Your choice of power plants. See thein today "and enjoy them tomorrow. ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC umniD se .west Si' 5244311 V PING PONG TABLE • %" Lively fl. keboard top .14 SET • Sturdy Interlocking legs PLUS Bentley's 4 -Bat Set - (Inc. net, steel posts, balls) SALE PRICE $19.95 CANADA'S NO.1 CHOICE! ALUMINIUM STO:RM'DOORS i Completely pre -hung • self storing combination •.1.4" thick • heavy gauge kick -plate • wind -chain and closer, all hardware included • stock sizes, Canadian -made for Allont Household pack 4-100 watt and 2-60 watt bulbs . per carton. SALE PRICE Economy - Priced! BURNT, PRINCESSA PINE $1:15.. 1.. BED: WP -8, '/2"; WA -7 & WP -6, 3/8" Panlcore LEVELLERS: Exclusive -Micromatic Levellers CLOTH: Green Cotton CUSHIONS: Fast Action RAIL; ,.,22"With %fetal Trim CORNERS: One Piece Corner Covers And Pockets Of Formulated Polyethylene For Impact Strength. FRAME: Traditional Hardboard Laminated 'To Plywood. • BASE: Sjngle Panel Hinged Legs. BALL RETURNS: Double End ACCESSORIES: 2-48" Cues, Choice Of American Moulded Pool Or Snooker Balls, Triangle And Chalk. ■ 129.9,5 •� IA • • e' 3T16x4x SALE PRICE 1 res 1 zI i rl S 5;9 BED: Vs" Panlcore' LEVELLERS: Exclusive Micromatic CLOTH: Choice Of Green Wool Or Cotton CUSHIONS: Fast Action , RAIL: 2.24" Trimmed With Anodited Alum- inum CORNERS: Extruded Aluminum To Match Rail FRAME: Traditional Hardboard Laminated To Plywood, 6.5/8" Deep. BASE: Double Panelled With Hinged Legs And Leg Levellers. RETURNS: Double End Mall. Returns, COUNTERS: One' Inset At Each End ACCESSORIES: 2.52" Cues, Choice Of Amedican Turned And Machined Pool Or Snooker Balls, 'Triangle' And Chalk. 187.00 We Will Be Giving Away TWO of 'THESE IN OUR CHRISTMAS DRAW 4? e SUMMERSET. • e�s PORTABLE .BASEBOARD HEATERS • Push Button selects 1000 or 1500 watts • t=an -forced • Thermostat Control • Safety -tip -over SALE PRICE4/21.9,, . switch DIVISION 06 GODERICH MANU ACTURI.NC (SALES) LIM ITED