HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-11-09, Page 5rfrpts ehma t C ling + Mrs, Walter fiatbinir . insmen Have ' Worthwhile Project • here is 4 "0 torment aero. cct,' Which 'will, sl and be ontinued long of Centennial ylntr the °Town and." This is the Kink,:,,, . no project •• and, you have seen d heard the Band in action. 'Way back in Feb.. the band got its "start. few de. dicated people wi r' a lot of talent and deterin : ion to sue« need: }I' ^s they y needed d a ,, ye folded up long ago, This group of about 40 mem.. hers, is made up of booys° and girls and men, from the ages.. of 9 to 701` Isn't that wonder. ful? • GDCI teacher, Charles Kalb, fleisch, has been the back bone of the group, .khowingg there Is music in all of .them - but how to get it outl Most of the young people lhad never. ilayt ' ' a musical, instruinent before, now `they will have something which will give them pleasure the rest of their lives, The group'played• in our Par« RED CROSS - BLOOD CLINIC WED., NOV. 15th Advertisement Published Sly Goderich Elevators Ltd. 0 4% SAVINGS ACCOUNTS No service charge to write cheques 41/2% SPECIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Interest calculated monthly 63%%o GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS , 3, 4, or 5 year certificates • '- RETIREMENT RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Create your own pension with tax-free deposits INVESTMENT FUND, ,Open end, pooled investment of equines. MORTGAGE LOANS Custom-tailored 10 fit nctr income ESTATES TRUSTS AND AGENCIES Knoic led,_T unrl experience for efficiency . SAFETY 'p„EPOSIT VAULT Ease cf iuincl for us little as :5,00 a ye::r MONEY ORDERS AND TRAVELLERS CHEQUES. For' use in (tanada olt ;1hrou:;hout the world Sl •19m[iW bi 'r't•'n:i 2+;; J ° ,o , v• tom— s :., t 1 3?:iJ i rl� l7uc: u.• VICTORIA" AND GREY TRUST I;S'I'ARI.ISI!'I' I) i'484 AT THE STOPLIGHT GODERICH age Ally l rind. again Labour. Pay. . • They havehad a few concerts, 'were in attendanceattheLagion Church Parade and Mayo other engagements _coining up, T. date, (mei; $1,000hasbeen spent, and that hasn't included untf9rme; The Kinettes and Kinsmen hope tobeabletoraise enough money to provide .uni. forms .for them next year, also to add' new members, and: buy more instruments. Let's 'hope December 2 is not too cold' so thatthe trilmpets go flat and others get sque.eky. Good luck to" you Kinettes and Kinsmen with your worthwhile project. To change the subject, some of the=motherof the tiny hockey players are upsetbecause.there is no heat in the- lower • hall of the arena. They say the auditorium is closed to them and they and the children are just freezing. Come on Bill Lumby -- do you want all these mothers to leave . all these little ones for you and your helpers to dress, take care of and deliver?. See what you can do for them, eh? Don't forget the "Country Fair" at Carlow this Saturday. You can stock up on some wonderful hand crafted gifts for your Christmas giving:" See you there — Martha. LETTER TO EDITOR Sir: Having read with great interest "Centennial Calling" I would as a, parent and Mother 'like to give my opinion about having "Santa" indoors. I have had' many years of standing .in the cold and L` do believe Santa and his helpers get very cold .too,. They can't even jump around. When the time comes torgive out the candy Santa is so busy he can't say hello or maybe "Tack Frost" -hasfrozen his speech. If Santa's parade could take the planned route and end up at the arena as all our year round parades do, instead of erecting his throne in the park put it up' in the arena audi•to. rim and let Santa sit for five or six hours, where it is warm. I don't think he would mind. This would eliminate children crossing the slippery streets to get , to the park and the visit for each i-rdividual could take place any 'time during ,the set hours. This would eliininate long line . ups', giving parents more Time fbr shopping The parade certainly sounds wonderful 'and the committees are to he corn mended. I knQW ibis takes ninny hours of plan. Hing and some don't , `•F'n h:tve little ons s of their own. 'I brliege I'm spx-::king for many parents who I wish would write to you too. Maybe they have o, -en selling themselves short too :is '"Martin" said Now i've written MY letter so come on and giv. YOUR opin.., ions, that's why we are ehts :'.n'1 citizens is'nt it? • Mrs. Betty Reid Dear Mal".ht With regard te your 0914Mn' entitled "'' '' ing of Christmas Parade.," Mn' we fist o#,all thank' yoou for *your words of enc usage meet; to groups to -,enter floats 'in the parade. The Kinsmen Club and Labeler. Council did a tremendous job in organizing their respective parades and. celebrations this year and We cannot let them down; with a Mediocre- effort for the Christ• mas Parade. . You . have outlined the ideal situation in your column with regard tO'Santa being inside and the kiddies having an opport. 'unity to talk with him. , How. ever, the ideal °situations : are • not, al' rays Possible.' We must be realistic. ,4 each child were given the opportunity. to talk with Santa, this would involve a minimum of one minute each. Therefore for one hundred children to talk with Santa we are looking at one and one half hours, Last Y r. "DON'T WAIT BUY NOW" 3 BRAND NE 19.7 C E SEDANS year,. two thousand bags of candy were given away, If all two thousand were"given an opporta. unity' to talk with Santa, we . would be involving at least thirty, hours. Last year, the crowd control left much to be desired, mainly because of the lack of proper barricades, etc. (This situation will be much improved this year.) Also, the weather was extremely cold and people were anxious to move. However, with. out the assistance of the velui teer 'firemen and police who gave up their Saturday afternoon to help, control would have been almost impossible. ' h t ar nus, hopP Wp .o upotthe Service:* oft the,te men *Pintthis y,, Plus the ,ser►► ce.. of sty fathers who would like to helps to make saturdaY, December 1, the tl ird success* ful parade Of the year. Yours: truly, Fared Salter. The Truth -About Our Children • In School -Work At the moment, 'interviews are in progress. The parents go for ten minutes interviews with . their child's teacher. That's when they find out the truth about them! On Wednesday, November 1, reports went home with the students of the school. This was . to give the parents an idea' of what their child Is ..doing in sl'icool. It will also give them an idea o! what to discuss with the teacher. On Friday, November 10, our school band will be playing at two Remembrance Day assem. blies., One at our school, and one at Robertson Memorial. The future, great musicians are real. ly coming along with their music. But it all comes from the great teaching of Mr. Cameron and Mrs. Shaddick! At the moment, volleyball games are in progress. 'Some Of the teams are winning with flying colours, but others are not so -fortunate. Miss Nina MacDonald, a 'for- mer student at Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, 'is a recent R.N. graduate of the Archer Memorial Hospital; La. mont, Alberta. . The daughter 'of the late J.E. (Dick) MacDonald plat -laic, cone' tinue her - studies at McGill University,' Montreal. COLD CAPER Among the variations of the Scotch Reel, traditional folk dance "hr Scotland, is' the Reel of Tulloch 774..a routine which originated because of- human misery. According to legend, the belated minister of a Tulloch country church usually found his waiting congregation cavorting to keep warm. Their behavior led to the ,development of the danc,e which made this village famous. E'T YOUR i rso Presbyterian THIS SO 0. ,LOCKHAKT !ROYAI, 5,A4. y it Monk ,goovorso, Olir.litVr apt ' P '"4. SinidaY,tiiivinib.r12th `itl:t{10 p.IN,-H�%RG`r.M as Seemos: !4.F.ARCIO`,OR SNR C RY (NpesIry' anal Junior Cangr.Ra lof) 7:30•= p.m.—Y UN Ga PiEOPLE'S SOCIETY*. • :ird► Novi 11th 1W4 ...ice. -SMI MMRRNce DAX 3IRYICi, .Coe !1b4 The S- ,. Eve W.Anvsday, 1;30 p.tn.--Midweek Christian roolotosOp.. ENTER TO WORSII P OEPAkt 10" SONE' .rarer+ Victoria Street United Church'' The Hem ef Mendell, _ ' Rae. Ii01MNl' ' 10:00 p.m.—Sunday Scheel—All Deparh*SM . - 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. ' ' "One Divine Events to Which the Whole Creation Moves" (Children's Church) 1:30 p.m.--BENMiLLER—Worship Service. and Sunday School MRS..1. SNIDER • MISS P, , DIS • Victoria Organist and, Choir Leader td.nmlilet Pia*, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Conv.ntion of Ontario and Ooebec) Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 e.m:.—Sunday Scheel 11:10 e.w.—M.mla Wersblp—"THISE DIED IN THE MITW 7:10 paw.—Strewing Service—Soloists MRS. R. NEPHEW. — A Welcome .Ta All — Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone '5#407 EADY FO LATER CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET .10:00 a.m.—OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL (OUR BUSES WILL CALt AT YOUR DOOR) PHONE: 1247150' 11:00 A,NI. 7:80 P.M. Speaker: REV. KENNETH KNIGHT Oak Park; Michigan "tem* Where Yee Are Never A Stranger Ywiers" 410 UNITE 1#OUNISS CHURCH Don't Be Caught In The Cold, Wet Weather Like', This 1 1 i ' 1 2 ' Cambria. Street North SUNDAY. NOVIMBU 111111 9:50 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. trays Meting — Wedneedar evening1.-7010- o'klslffets ' "A Welcome Awaits You" Pastor: JUSTUS DOWD . PHONE 524-9075 THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. SOUTH SUNDAY WEEK DAY 10:00' a.m.—Sunday School. ^ Tues., 8:00—Prayer Meeting. 11:00 and 7:00—Regular Service, Wed., 8:00—Home League. Friday, 7:90 — YOUTH GROUP — ALL. ARE WBLCOMB Officer in' gharge—LT. R.' HEWLETT 'All equipped with V48, automatic radios, whitewalls, wheel discs, tinted windshields, rear seat speaker plus all the standard'G.M. options —Iwo Bel Air sedans, one with power steering -- One Biscayne sedan, finished in capri gold. PRICED TO REALLY' SAVE YOU MONEY. UR FULL PRICE 3,2%%.00._ • EXAMPLE — One °only 1967 Biscayne (demo) four -door sedan, equipped with V•8, automatic, radio, heavy 'duty front end, reai suspension, vinyl roof, tinted windshield, whitewalls, discs, clock, deluxe steering wheel, front and rear floor mats. With your $1,277.00 -trade you can buy _this car for only for. *36 months, including interest, sales tax, license, etc. 72.00 PER:MO,TI•iv, ,4 i. SEE US. NOW ON ONE OF THESE NEW 1967 MODELS B'.,IRD"MOTORS (.GODERICH,) LTD. BUT LIKE THIS Bethel Pentecostal. Tabernac Carnet of •Elgin and waterloo Its. RSV. ROBERT CLARK, Peet., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12th 1040 a.m.—Sunday School Class fer'-all 'ages. 11:0" a.m.—Merning Warship. 7188 p.m.—lvangelistis Service. Wesley Memorral C141urch 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP 6:30 a.m.-Evening, Fellowship. nue Prue Methedht Church Rev. Alan Harley, Minister tf e ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH c • The snc.w has already fallen and you have probably been caught . unaware without adequate winter footwear. Ow selection Se Nos. complete and you would ..be wise to buy now. Don't let the lack Of winter footwear or inadequate footwear put y''u on the ash hat. BUY NOWT PR SHOES KINGSTON St y. l 1 1 .00 a m,—Morning Prayer. REMEM3RANCE AND DEDICATIONS The ,Rector at bath services. • THE 25th SUNDAY AFtER TRINITY, OV -M irR 12th $;,80 a.m.—Hely Ceremenioa. 18:0 and 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School. (Nursery School for pre.echoei children) Renter: RSV. S. D. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Organist Cheiranaster — RONALD KIl'IGHAM' THE IiNITM CH11R01 OP CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY, NOVEMBER • 121'i 11:00 ..m.—WORSHIP. 11:0 a.s—Junior Department. 10:11 a...—Seater SCb.el •• Segoireleed Nurser) -- ,>>:)sr►rli,y, ileveasbw 11-►ieM MBRANCE' DAY. 1111.VICS AT CENOTAPH AT 10:43 A.N. Orrin J. 11**01l . * 114nut il, tic 1S.D., . ''N, Vie+. #►.fi.tr,lil.,0011041N1 Mei t1 s1i Doer t cdtll$' , s