HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-11-09, Page 3Elizabeth Stieler, laugh. ter ofMr; afdMrs. Paul Stieter, f• or) erIy of 'Detroit, was Mao - Ned to William Wolter in Det. Droit recently. The bridets°tnothe' is the form mer Miriam Johnston who lived in ,G9derich for several years. z woo. T. 0, Galey of Port Dover, is visiting her , stater Mrs. A. L. Cole, Elgin Avenue. 4,1 * Mr,* and Mrs, Robert Quaid of Detroit, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs Q. M. White,, of i$irila, ingharn, Michigan, M. andMrs. Victor Fafrail, of Meadsvitle, Pennsylvania, Mrs,. prank C ook and Pain of Port Colborne, were 'Weekend visitors with Mr, a4. d Mrs, Jack Cook. Memorials Wingham �emoria s Quality -Service -Cemetery ° . tiering PHONE WINGHAM COLLECT 3511910 Or WRITE BOX 1s1I, WINGHAM, ONTARIO LAST CHANCE GODERICH LITTLE THEATRE IS NEARLY SOLD OUT OF SEASON TICKETS IF YOU HAVE .OVERLOOKED BUYING YOURS (Only $4.00) — PLEASE -PHONE 524-7345 'or 524-8714 00. Our First Comedy "ON MONDAY NEXT" Win Be Playing at MacKay Hall November 23, 24, 25 RESERVE SEATS WILL BE AVAILABLE STARTING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th PARK THEATRE GODERICH On The Square First With The Finest FIRST RUN FILMS lig AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT Entertainment Is Our Business ',HUBS:, 'FRU.; SAT. CRACKING LIKE A WHIP FRAM HERETO rEXCITEMENTI KIRK ROBERT November 941 0-1 1 n RICE -.ROBINSON 'Rackets .Q4 ,P and W,?nite . The "groom'd mother diose Wir�9��r�i ate#�a�ks faD+�N 1/�ng myna .ani ferns I decorated a spun; coitus bred„sheaatb.. 'Rupert Street, 'Presbyterian a fell length coat- to thatch Chiurch! Zdmonton, Alberta, on in Drown ane Lurquotse va tern Saturday Qctober 14, at 000 brown accessories and orchid Jean, daughtfor the er of Mr, and Mrs. corsage. Glen W. Robinson and Allan John son of Mr. and Mr"s ,John Rice all of Edmonton. Rev. Ralph MacDonald per. formed the double -ring cere�- mony' and thewedding music was played by the church orgal.nist Mrs. Tait. u The bride a former resident of Goderich was given, in mar.. riageby her father. She wore a. floor: length gown of white peas-de-el'egence with empire waist line and rose motiff ap- plique on skirt, also border. ing a short train and her man. Ulla styled veil. She carried a, bouquet of six' cinnamon ° orchids, white stephanotis and ivy. Maid of honour was M iss Judy Lathom and Mrs. Joan Mock. ford was bridesmaid. They were gowned alike in sleeveless, • floor -length dresses with em. pare waist line and carried crescent bouquets of rose and white feathered carnations and Assisting the groom ivere his brother David Rice and Law. rence Mockford. The guests were ushered by Edward Robinson brother of the bride and Donald Forrest. The reception was held in the Coral,.Room of the Riviera Hotel. The bridal party receiv. ed their guests, assisted by the ° bride's'mother who chose a beige silk sheath dress and full length matching coat, with green and black accessories and yet. low orchid corsage. DUNGANNON A number from here attend. ed the Warden's Banquet •in Goderich November 1 as guests of -Warden and Mrs. Donald Mckenzie. • On Monday, October 30, the UCW gave a bridal shower in honour of Miss Sharon Smythe. * * * Wilbur Brown, has been in Kitchener Waterloo Hospital this past week, where he under. went surgery Friday morning. His many friends wish him speedy recovery. * *. * Mrs. Brown has made sev. eral trips to Kitchener -Water. loo; where she has: stayed with` Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster. On the weekend, whe was ac. companied by Mrs. Lorne Ivers, who, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Congram. .� *. During the wedding dinner Ernest Latham, uncle of the, groom, acted as master of keret. monies and the toast to the bride was.proposed by Kenneth Riddell; a friend of the family. After dinner dancing was en. joyeduntil midnight•to•the`xnusic of the Bohemians. For travelling to Jasper, Banff and 'southwestern United States the bride donned,a wool worsted suit in emerald green with tan accessories and orchid corsage. Prior to the wedding they. were honored at several par. ties and showers held in Ed. monton. and Calgt ry. The bridal, party Were en. tertained at a dinner _given by the groonci's parents after the rehearsal. The young couple will re. side in Edmonton. Bridge Scores There were eight tables 'of play* at the Goderich Duplicate Bridge Club Tuesday night. Win. ners and their, scores were as follows: Mr. O. Hazelgrove and Mrs.- J. Wilson, 136; Mrs. Bob Sproule and Mrs. A, Glabraith, 130; Judge and ,Mrs. R. S. Hetherington, 124; Dr. and Mrs. W, Oakes; 118 1/2. , Goderich ' District' C IQllor giaters seinier tootball teen;, the Vikings, 'More elimLnated froth Huron—Perth conference foot- p1ayo s 1'j es�da. ► afternoon when M ' Mtis took- lvtngha . targe the "sudden death sen0 drawl, match 7-1, ' Mustangs' ° Paul Jphnston gave Winghain a Cr -0 lead early in the first period When he gal. loped 85 yards for the only touchdown of . the game, The clubs exchanged singles for the other scoring. The match, :held at Goderich. Imill' FRINGo at LEGION • HALL SATURDAY, , •NOVEMBER 11 ate= p.m. • 15 GAMES --$1.00 The prize for each regular. game will be $12.00 4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined JACKPOT OF $95.00 IN 59 CALLS Sponsored by Branch 109 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ' No One Under 16 Permitted Tp Play v►ae played on .a 84.01-,GoVer$d aloopy field de P$ayn diftiOgt far both sidee, . Wnngham wi nota^ meetSotttb ' 1t rex' 1'440100.. Of PIeter tn" a sudden. death Th all Match slat., ed .for Tnesday, November 14, ire e , for the Huron -Perth th inteb-collegiate football champs., ieaship. ^ TM 0Del Viking Juniors were scheduled to play Listowel, on - Wednesday, November $, atLls: toureI, in a 'final for the junior championshiii of the league. h Under the Industrial Standard Act on Remlembra ice Day. SANDY'S BARBER SHOP CLOSED SAT., NOV. 11 ALL DAY TIGER DUNLOP INN MY. 21-2 MILES NORTH OF GODERICH -ROAST- DUCK- - DINNER "-_ 4.7P.M. • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 and 19 Make Reservations • PHONE 5248601 MRS. G. KNITTING CATERERS 'FOR BANQUETS, WEDDINGS, ETC. ✓ 7 111410,,Cso!t r • TO PAY Now Much MoNy CAII ” WE SAVE FOR You? If you make time payments to three or four stores and creditors, probably we can cut your monthly expenses right now.:, Let us add up your current payments — and see how many 'dollars LESS a .credit union loan would cost, instead. Sop in today. GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 ST.. DAVID ST. 524-7931 -PiTMC,,),*-7,qzre DOUGLAS NITexUM waiu�eK - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J.. C. Durnin, on the birth of their daughter October 26 in London. * * * PANAYISION' • COLOR by Deluxe SHOW TIMES: 7.30 and 9.30 p.m` SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER L1 . . ‘!�'�""EgfAINMEN'r TJX T IAGICAi,.., MORE MUsir1 CHILDHOOD N� - THERE JUST I"' PRODUCTION Pr encs• ,44 ROSSANO BR ZI • PAUL'TRIPP. in fiseliesTArgaS arALMOST WaR r EASTMAMCOIORN 11aLeA.e Original Soundtrack ^ Available on RCA CAMOEN Records 3 Also Starring' LYDIA BRAllI • ALBERTO RABAG1IATI • MIRCHA AUER •.SONNY FOX Directed to/ROSSANO BRAZII BoolayricsandOriginal Sols by Music Orchestrations & Music Produced by Stoq by PAUL TRIPP • RAY CARTER • Directed•by BRUNO NICOIAI • BARRY B. YEMEN • A CHILDHOOD PRODUCTIONS Release Miss Karen Dawson recently received her R.N. degree tr,om Galt Hospital. She spent the *weekend at home with her par. ents,. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Daw• son, of Dungannon. • Reservations PH.: 482-3421 PARK HOUSE Available For BANQUETS, WEDDING RECEPTIONS or SPECIAL DINNERS , Banquet Licence may (beobtainedo for premise 168 West St. 524-9942 .... when they were hit hard, the eyes looked at you and said : "I'm not afraid for myself, Mac. But my wife' and kids! . What'll happen to them 1 Who'll o'11 look after them ?" Cartoon --Plus SERIAL "Copt. Kidd"—Admission 50c MON., TUES. -WED., THURS. • November 13-14-15-16 CORNERED! ...An innocent girl is first prize in the dirtiest game/ever ::" played! AN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE �'° LO t ABASE - You can't buy a better tiro than Autopar Or *firestone. You can't get • better deal than this. Approximately four hundred miles of free motoring that's wharwe are offering (20 miles et '20 miles to the gallon for the sake of easy figuring). And well give you up to a year to pay—no money down -with your BP Credit Card. Or you can ask for !niter* " ! For thousands o1 widows end war orphans there are pensions. But no pension or .oilo•wrance can hope to provide for life's emergencies. Most of us have some form of insurance against sickness, accidents and hospital bills. But where would your wife turn for help if she wore a widow or if you were disabled P The Canadian Legion's Poppy Trust Fund is the answer for thousands -of war widows, orphans and disabled veterans. It - is o comrade's enduring - answer to • the eyes that talked ! +r k .' lr • AN ; Pit Plz 4' 1,'C .N •.1 01r r4iIc 1I1IILL1tII•ETJIIIiE IISSFtL AuM1tIA NCO SHOW TIMES: 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. GODERICH' PuBuc UTILITIES COMMISSION.. t 5 r• k,, ,, • O 4• Nt