HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-5, Page 5The dead Surgeon,. Of the T.,ubon•Medioal Company is now at Toronto, Cana,da4 and may be consulted either in person or bylettor on ,all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Mon, young, old, or middle-aged,wllo find themselves nervous weak and exhausted, who are broken down fromexooss or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental dopros- ,sion, permaturo old age,loss of vitality, loss ofmem ory,batl droams,dinlness ofsigh btpol- pitatioi of the heart, emissions, lack of en- ergy-, pain in the t idneys, headache, pilnples On the Noe Or body, itohing or peculiar son- cation about tho sero tum., 'wasting • of the 'organs, diuuinoss, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, Gyp lids, and else- where, bashftilness deposits 11. the urine,loss. of will power, tenderness of the scall, and spine, weak and Rtibby, muscles, desire to sleep, , failure to be rested by sloop, constipa- tion, loss ol'yolee, desire for solitude, axcitebility'of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLE,oily looking slin,otc,, are ail; symptoms ofnorv- ons debility that lead too insanity and death unless cured, The spring or vital force hav- ing lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanent- ly cured. Sencl your address for book on all diseases peculiar to clan,' Books' sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faints ]ells, purple lips, numbness ppalpitation, skip boats, hot flushes, rush of bloodto the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the' second beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, eto., can positively be cured, No cure no pay. ' Sencl for book. Ad- dress WI, V. LUEON, 24 Maud onald .Ave., Tor- onfo, Canada. Jan 1-1 year sowsesswersesswas The regunar session of the diocesan syn \ ,od of the church of Engnand, which had been summoned by the instructions of the Late Lord Bishop WiLLiams to meet in, Quebec next ;June, is to be indefinitely, postponed on account of his Lordship's death. )!.''or Over Fifty Years, MRS. WINSLow's Soorn:vrtu SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their child- ren while teething. • If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf- fering and orying with. pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs 1`'in- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon ft,an others,there is no mistake about. it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" fieiLtlll teething is pleasant 1t to-the taste and is the prescription ,•of one of the oldest and bestfemale phyS1e1L1ns and nurses in the "United States. Price twenty- five cents a bottle Sold by all druggists throughout the world. De sure•and askfor "MRS. x1csLOW'S SOOTUI G SIRUP," maz \ViLLiarn Astor, of New York, died at the HoteL Liverpool, in Paris on Monday night from heart disease.-Hisweal,th is estimat- es at .`l6o,000,000. lir. Astor was the fath- er of the present John Jacob Astor, and grandson of the original, John Jacob. • Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice Laving Karl placed in his hands by an East lndia missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and • adical euro for Nervous Debility and all IA,.rvons Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to snake it known to his suff- ering yellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by.mail by addressing with stamp, naming tilts paper. W. A. NOYES,'S20 Powers Block, Rochester, LV. Y The ferryboat Cincinnati, of the PeunsyL- %mina Railroad Company, ran into the pier of Courtland Strtet, New York, yesterday a,tt, rnoon. I.E.,.gineer John Gray was kiLL- ed, and a number of passengers were injur- ed, including "PLunger" 1VaLton. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE 11LS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes.-ood. Use in time Sold by drugg ate. 00,• 10 ;o� ;; (co CP! The number of Licenses in Owen sound has hitherto been restricted to 12. On Mon day night the Council. passed a by -Law re- moving the restriction, and now the number may 'b''0 up. to 20. Oh, What a Cough! • Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the stare approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt ion, • Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. In Pount Coupee parish, La., on Monday r weaLthy planter named Cotter was shot dead because h- refused to hand over lkoo o a robber. The robber was Lynched. STUBBORN CHILDREN readily take Dr Low's Worm Syrup. It pleases the child and destroys the worms, Ferdinand ti. Esvcr, for many years a trusted clerk of the Corbin Banking Com- pany in New York, is a fugitive and his ac- Counts are . r2,000 short, Gause, the races. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a specific for troubles arising from overwork, mental wor- ry or excesses of any nature. G. A. Pell. cin, Montrral, writes: -I ani more than pleased with the t esuls of the use of your Dr. Wiliianls Pink Pills; I was suffering from a loss of mental • faculties, and they have completely restored inc. ,Sold by all dealers or sent post paid on receipt of so cents a box or srx boxes for$2.So. Address Dr. Williams Med. Co, Brockville. Ont., or ,Morristown, N. Y. • Daniel Adee, formerly a well' known pub . :fisher, ancl the first manufacturer of cast steer its America; diet]at,his home in East yV liamsburg, N. Y., Monday night. TURN TI -IE RASCALS OUT, We' refer to such rascals as 'dy+pepsic, bad blood, biliousness, constipation, sick headache, e•o., infesting the human system. Turn them out and keep them out by using Burdoi.k"Blood J3itters, the natural foe tcidi- sease, which.iltvigolates,toues and strength ens the entire system. Plirniner Tnrner, a big negro, stamped upon and killed 3 -year-old child at Niagara 1.•alls,N. Y•,yesterclay because the little one cried, The brute is held for trial..' AN' f' NTER?RISING I-iOTEL MAN. It is stated that a hotel mat, in Toronto has posted up a notice statin; that all din.. ers who use 13urclock Blood Bitters to tone up their appetite and strength, will be char- ged 20 per cent. extra, We do not know how true this is, hut I1. 1i.13. undoubtedly does the work antl does it quickly and well, s , The h11t1 h ship "C heopand, (,apt. Nelson from N''w Castle, N.13 , for Meolenclo, is postal at Lloyd's as lust, "she had a crew Of 2 persons, Dra LaROE'S COTTON ROOT PILLSI Safe and absolutely pure, Most powerful Female Itegulato known, ' The only safe, slii•e and reliable pill'for sale. ' Ladles ask .druggists for LaBoe's Star and 'Crescent Braid. Taltce n.a ,,* .otherlone]. Beware of cheapimitations, as they are danger- ous. by all reliable druggists. ggis . Postpaid onreoeipt of price. 4PYIERRCAN PILL VO., Detroit, .Mick, For sale in Exeter by .J. W. Browning. 4r, T ,4.:Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have Asthma—i . Use t For sale by'h,11, druggists. 1.35 cents a bottle. Mrs. Jane Clement, an old lady of 89 years, walked to the pollingbooth at Milton oa Monday and gave er aiden vote' for the boot and shoe by-law. Will be found an elcellent remedy for sick headache. Carters Little Liver Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them. A telegram from North Sidney, C. B. says The schooner Nancy ran upon an iceourg near Flint island on Sunday and was wrecked, The crew were saved. NO MORE BOTHER. GrNTLCMEN,—I have used Ilagyards Yel- low 011 for by chilblains and it cured their]. 1have never been bothered with them' since A New York despatch says Nat' Goodwin and his wife have substantially agreed to articles of seperation, which the actor has signed. THE RED COLOR of the blood is caus- edby the iron it contains. Supply the iron when lacking by using Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. The cornerstone of McMahon hall, of the Catholic Juiversity at Washington,was laid yesterday with imposing cetemonies' and in the presence of a vast concourse of people. SEVEN YEAR'S SUFFERING. G1cN'rLEsncs .—t had suffered very much from inflammatory rheumatism, which through wrong treatment !eft ugly running sores on my hands and feet. With these 1 suffered for seven years, during which time I had neither shoe nor stocking on. I cam- menced.using B. B. B. externally and in- ternally, using the pills also, and I can say now that the sores are entirely cured, ,and have been for some time. • I believe the bitters were the means of saving my life. MRs. ANNIE 13058, Crewscn's Corners, Acton P.O., Ont. . At the solicitation of a number ofEast a st Yorkrk refotmels,AId. J. K. Leslie has con. stinted to become the Liberal candidate for the rep:esxntation of that riding in the Do- minion Parliament. A Representative Farmer Speaks. FA R. C. C. The following remarkable facts are fully certified to as being undeniably correct in et cry particular. Mr. Haim is well known in the vicinity, having s:caided hero over fifty years, and is highly respected as a man of the strictest honor, whose word is as good as his bond. As' will bo seen froin his letter, four'' physicians had attended him, and it was only after he had given up hope of euro that ho decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters on the recommendation of a neighbor who had been cured of a similar disease by its use. 1VIr. Hann waitos as follows: Da:ilt SII s,—T .link I have been one of title worst sufferers you have yet heard of, leaving been six years in the hands of four of our best doctors without obtaining permanent relief, but continually growing worse, Wrzti1 almost beyond hope of re- covery, t tried 3 of r Bitters and got relief in a few days. Every organ of my body was deranged, x13 liver onlarged,hardened 1d -torpid, the het •t and digestive organs seriously denai r,orl, a large abscess in my back, follooed. by paralysis of the right leg, in fact the lower half of my body was entirely useless. After. using Burdock Blood Bitters for a few days the abscess ]hire's, discharging fully five quarts of pus in two hours.. I felt as if 7 had received a; shock from a powerful battery. My re. covery after this was steady and the euro p,rmanent, seeing that for the four years c .ncs I have had as good health as ever I had. I still take an occasional bottle, not at 1 need it but.becaue° I wish to keep 1y system in perfect -working order. I can ;thick of no more remarkable .case than what I' have myself passed through, and no words can express my thankfulness for such perfect recovery.�r�,' C. C. Haw, Welland P.O. In this connection the following letter from T. Clumines, Esq., a leading druggist of Welland, Qin., speaks for itself: Me srs T. Milburn & Co., Toronto. Gi NTLsrain,—I have been personalIy acquainted with Mr. C. C.'Haun for the last 20 years, and have always-foundhim a very reliable man. You may place the utmost confidence in anything he says with regard to your medicine. He has on many occasions within the last four years told me that it was marvellous the way, the Burdock Blood Bitters had cured him, and that he now felt as able to do a day's work as he ever felt in his life. " Although • quite well he still takod some B. B. B. occasionally, as he says, to keep him,' in perfect health. Yours truly, T IOMAS CI iEXINOS, Welland, Ont. HALM. The steadily increasing solo of 13. B, 13., the length of time it has been before the i 'people, and the feet that t cures t es to stay ird, attest the sterling Moat of thi mertat oh of medicines, the people's favorite blood pttriherr, tonic and regulator, If you once try Carter's Little ,Liver Pills' for sick headache, biliousenss or cop$tipat. ion, you will never be without them. They are purely vegetable, sniali and easy to take Don't forget this. Rufus t fns Jelikin s,a cies posed pastor, aged ;ti' of lsnoxvslle,'Tenn.,:, was taken from hla house 'Tuesday night by bo Whitecaps: and cowhided so brutally that be is expected to. die. Jenkins had deserted' his wife for an- other woman. fa Milburn's Cod Liver Oil - 'Emuli ion - with` Wild Cherry and 1-lypopitosphites is the surest ane best eurefer coughs,collfs,hoarse ness, bronchitis and asthma, 's 111100 5oc, and Qr per bottle; Mr. Douglas, an employe of the Bell Tele- phone Company it Brantford, was arousedh from slumber on Tuesday nigh t by a tapping at his window. On going to the window a revolver shot was fired at him, but fortunate ly missed. No clue. If sick headache is misery, what are. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it? People who have usedthem speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. A New York herald special from Port Cabello, Venezuela,indicates that the instil• gents have got 31000jliof„the Government troops cut apart from the mein body, and the situation is startling. Gen. Quevedo and his aide-de-camp,Jose Armes,have been, butchered, 1VIilburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophosylhites combines the curative powers of the pectoral remedies mentioned in the most perfect and palatable forms. Price 5oc, and $r per bottle. —SEND PO1— ILLIT .Y. RATE i7 I;ATAL[I EHTE of Ladies Specialties. ADDRESS: me Parisian IJedical Appliance Co•, .19 Queen-st. E., Toronto, Ont. lzrentinn this paper. NOTIC E. Mr. G. A. Hynclman wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that he has secured an agency —FOR— FINE FLAVORED TEAS AND COFFEES —and also— FIRST - CLASS BAKING POWDERS. Orders left at his residence, Albert.st., or at Dr. Hyndaian's Office, Main-st., will receive prompt attention. Cr, A, Ilyntlman, Exeter, Ont. T�IiOII SHOP. Mr. George Smallcombe wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and sur- rounding country that he has opened —out a new— Tailoring and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment in Fan.son's Block. Latest designs of e oods always on hand, and made up in the latest American Styrles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets and Mantle making attended to. J. G. SMALLACOMBE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter. Special Sale ollfilitlif I1RX [ 3I Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For thenext THIRTY DAYS, WILL TWI L OFFERTHE HOLE OF My GIGANTIC STOCK ed OF sai91 Sideb ads - n awe, cherry and © together with a agnificent line in Parlor Su.ites,Lounges,Ch ir Tables, and everything usuallyfound in a first-class furniture e store, Y �' REMEMBER MMBER T IL F ARE ALL FIRST L A - GOODS NO SHODDY ELM, and the prices are from TEN BELOW the usual price Calt Ea•rly while the Stock lasts. Remember the Stand—Factory and Wareroor s two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. ookscottoa11oot COMPOUND. A recout discovery by an old physician. Success/Wig tlo,iii monthly by thousands of LADTES. Is the only perfect ly safe and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior meclieinos in place of this. Ask for COOKS Comely ItooT COMPOUND, tape no substitute; or inclose V. aucl4 three -cent Can- ada postage stamps 11. Tetter, and We will send. sealed, by return niail. Full sealed par- ticulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Fount] Filly Conpany,No 3lisher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Ntich. 1, Sold in EXETER at Do. LUTZ'S, i BROWNINU'sand by all druggists every- where. [�1�q+y-.-ie THE , `Lr" ix �• ui �n ..c 6 o a SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Chidren's Hair Cutting. �■ liaStifgBa A T4{ 7} �r" SNELLe EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock tot= aad linter GOOnS. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous cringe., Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings, French and English Worsted Cloth Ali made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. Aa 3. SELL EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel . Barley Oats Peas Butter Eggs Potatoes per bus Hay per ton .... Wool . Clover Seed Timothy Soecl $0.80 to0.82 . 38 to 40 27 to 29 55 to 57 ... 16 to 16 ,. 10 to 10 . 30 to 35 . , ... . 8.00 to 10.00 1Sto19 .. $7.00 to 8.00 . $l.50 to 2.00 HO FFMA 'S !?ARMLESS HEADACHE Pk;1 ttl O E:i en heneat medicine c or which only haneet at±}aightforward tints•. 14 =cents sre made..See that 774�- yougetthe genaine ]sof- man's. lnaist pn havinrr /, `hem, They Caro ,0L0. • 'eV roadEahea. Tttcy aro not e Cathartic. CITY H TEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per ays J. & J IIeMARTIN, Proprietors. E. H. Fish's Sin ying^ Parlor open every day. Itis certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in units, stages. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. ....stall Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. ?tinny so-called diseases are simply. aymptome of Catarrh,. such as head. ache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell,foul breath, hawking and spit- ting, nausea, general. Peeling of de- bility, eta. I1 you are troubled with any of these or kmaredsymptoms, our have Catarrh, and should lose no time In procuring a bottle of NASAL Beast. Be warned in time, neglected cold inhead results in Catarrh,fol. lowed by consumption and dath. NASAL Beau is sold by, all druggiate or will be sent, post paid, on receipt oil price (be contannd 51.001 by addr esaiag FULFORD & CO,, Brockville, Ont. eF YOM 160 1``'1IT o ' ThAT6 AKRON' IttE 'LONDON ri E MSS' °5'!'T gi rAtt_suPetra All men can't be Apollos of strength and. foi'n1, but all may have robust health and strong nerves and clear minds. Our treat- ml.ent makes such men. The methods are our own exclusively, and where anything is left to build upon,, the VIGOR OF mE3 isnyperm restored. Weakness,,ner'v'ousness. Debility, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the result of over -work, sickness, worry, etc., forever cured. Full strength development, and tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,900 references. Book, explanations and proofs maileid (sealed) free. Address, ERIE MEDICAL. CO BUFFALO, N.Y 3 A- . E OWN. We hear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of' Baking Pow- ders, but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you can save 20 cts a, pound by doing SO. If you send us' $100 for two subscriptions'. we will also send you formula for making your' own Ess. Lemon, y Vanilla, Ginger, Pep permint, etc. Out this out and send with '. money,or mention this', paper. MA ,. t .E aLT IM�h. The Puritan Baking Powder. g. s l . and ' Is uararteed absolutely pure, the formula and frill ' � .y 1. �. for making 1t, so that 'you can. sell it at a nice profit to your neigh- bors, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending ills 50 cents for one years subscription to our journal, whichis the hest paper for the moneypublished in the English lane -nacre and no fhtnily can afford to do without it, Address MEDICAL ADVISER, Bowinanvilfel 0111