HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-5, Page 4rD'1r '•i?' ' ' irt, i t'!4'!?'•M•''4r k 'SANDERS^z BNV'EET, Props. iIay 5th, 1892, R:f DIST I?113 U EOY BILL This needful ulcasurowasintrodueecl tweek by. ;.iithe' House of awotiltaloits last 1y0e Ser John Thomson in a luminous :peels; from which we learn that the 'ygerrymartdoe" policy pursued by Mr. Mowat, in regai'cl to Ontario, finds no jlig.Va in the re -arrangement of the Do- mignion constituencies. As little change eta possible has been attempted by the Cabinet --only in so far as equalizing this representation according to popu ;Action was necessary. This speaks maid' for the fairness and honesty of the Government pollee-. Of conrso,thie past regard for the rights and interests •a f the people, on the part of the Cabi- net, was very disappointing to the Op- position --who are ever on the watch to formulate charges of unfairness or injustice ou the presentAdministration Speaking generally, the put uow before Parliament does not interfere with the ae'tiisting arrangement of counties or electoral districts; although, in some causes, two small constituencies are put 'into one, and in other cases the repre- ;rentation of existing electoral districts fa wither increased or diminished. In Mite Maritime Provinces owing to the .smallness of some electoral districts, the nitanber of representatives is reduced. Nova Scotia and P. E. Island, for ex - sample, have each one member less; -wile Nen Plunawicle has two less Then before. In Ontario, the principal ^,hfitrg+•es are that Toronto owing to its ,great increase gets 'four tneinbers eviti!e 1licitiaal Haar tiy0 of a represent - alien. Algoma also ets another mem lae.r, and to _'feet this a re-arran e- geent has heen n head e in the Niagara 7.4.,LiLS111.e. In Quebec province, sevara1 small constituencies have been joined, and the representation more equalized, In accordance with population. Mani• lobe, owing; to its increase, gots two lure members; while British Columbia s to have an additional member for the Westminster district. Altogether the Bill seems fair enough; and is only intended to harmonize the representat ion with the population of last census. AN ThrTERESTI i'G DEBATE. A ripple on the surface of the writers was again occasioned by a motion sttb- :ssr tted last week by Mr. McNeill. M.P. 3R3 the subject of preferential dnties— tothe effect that the Imperial Govern- rnene be requested to repeal the favor- ed nation clause in the treaty with elg nm and Germany, and arrange for :ia system of preferential duties as between •Great Britain and Canada In an eloquent speech, the mover point s4I out the vast possessions, the ' inex- lnuetible resources, and boundless wealth of the British possessions— »rlrrning that the must important and -valuable resources, mineral and Abri-' cilt:tiraf, the wealth of land and sea, were all within the domain of our vast Imperial realm. What is really want atrl to make Britain the greatest Empire that world has ever yet witnessed, is a ;t;ieeer• union of the vast outlying. colo - nice with the Mother Country, and—as 'closely connected therewith—a system of preferential duties which ''sill give 3nl3tnal adva:ntag•es between the Moth- erland oth- e l ,nd and her Colonies over all other :nations. That England now stands in need of sono check against foreign competition within her borders, and against foreign restriction of her ex met trade, cannot admit of a doubt- .lu feet, the trade question is one of the .vital questions that affect England's f0ture prosperity. She is now fairly laaaadi.cappcd by the high protective elegem in force both in European coun- tries and in the United States. It is rtstiinated that the British colonies .racde with England to the extent of 'triglety-five million pounds sterling, as against some one hundred and fifty opo Inds sterling taken by foreign coun- tries, And one'would naturally. sup - peg )- 1. pr,sg tlutt if a mutual system of prefer x<u tial duties could be brought r bout, by which the principle of discrinminat- :lon within the Empire as against fore gat countries' could be established, -- there would be a positive gain every way.. Certainly, it would prove a boon to Caneda, •-grow that it has come to. a understood than England -offers a better market for our prodltt:ts than &leo eeigiaboring Republic. Thie, y'sa, does not meet with the approval e.f the Grit p;arty.in the Elonte of Com- rinonse,—who, true to their instinct , op. gxrssd )kir, :tieNeill''s motion end brought -las 1111 tltinendrncut in favor of lower el aloe on British goods without our :receiving g a quid Fro qub. Among the 'Wang able speeehes given by anet?ibera 4 nL.0 Government1G t Side, perhaps the ihiost notable was that ,of the Ilene lir• l ostel•,'MiuiiGer of Finance, who.. ;aye one o£ the a .lest addresses he has ever V ivon on the flour of the Haase. He f considered the present question as 00e e removed far above party palities. Tt was significent, however, that if leacl. ing members of the Or position, had httle to say --and left the debate in the hands of the smaller fry of the party. Mr. Foster repudiated altogether the idea that Canada was tied and bound. by restrictions of trade; and that while. it might be deeirablo to obtain freer trade relations with theT'nited States, and still better to obtain a preferential' system of duties with the Mother Conn try. yet Canada's future did notdepend on either one o1' the other. He adduced statistics to show. that Canada stood better to -day with the West Indies, the,. Spanish Antilles, South America, and with Great Britain herself, in regard to trade prospects than she had ever done before. Our markets were being extended and developed. As a proof of this, the trade returns showed an in crease of our exports during the last nine months of nearly $.12,000,000. We, might not be able to succeed in carry- ing: out Mr. McNeill's motion for awhile—but conie it would, sooner or later, when this glorious Empire would be drawn together in bonds of com- merce as wide as the area oyer `vhich the flag of Britain now floats! The adoption of this resolution submitted to the House would show to the Mother Country that this Dominion was will ing at least to hold out her hand to the Mother Country in the matter cf preferential trade between the parent and her children. Mr.MeNeill'smotion was adopted by a vote of 107 to G3 --a strictly party vote. THE LICIT OBSER VATOBY. Any one who goes to California would do well to visit the celebrated Lick Observatory, on the top of Mount Eiauiilton. There are many national institutions in the United States,found- ea by the generous liberality of its cit• izens; but none are more worthy of notice or admiration than the one foun ded by a California miner, named James Lick,whose body r'eposesbeneath the greatest telescopic arrangement in the known world, Mount Hamilton is 4090 feet and upwards above the level of the Pacific ocean, distant but a few;. miles from San Francisco; and upon this lofty attitude, through the liberal endowment of $700,000 as the savings of a Californian miner, the greatest facilities are afforded for taking views of the celestial firmament and of record ing the nighty wonders of the heayen- ly orbs. Tho colossal telescope erected on the loftiest peak of Mount Hamilton far exceeds in size and in magnifying power Lord Rosse's celebrated tele- scope. Its diameter is three feet, its length over 56 feet, and its weight several tons. Itis so nicely balanced that the observer can by turning a little wheel point to any part of the heavens, with as Hauch ease as one can use an opera glass. Under its great optical power you can peer through the distant azure, and view not only the sun, moon. and planets of our own solar system—but also the fixed stars, constellations, and •nebulae—with as much interest and wonder as if looking through an eye glass on some distant object in our own planet, On turning the mouth of the huge telescope, for example, in the directton of Orion— whiclh even to the naked eye on a clear night is an object of great beauty— you can discern the famous nebula of Orion, with its fleecy and mysterious shape containing clusters of stars shin- ing on the distant back -ground of the nebula like so many diamonds resting on silvery cloth, 1Ve• seem here to be brought to the very outskirts of creat ion; indeed some have gone so far as to assert that the nebula of Orion may be the primary germ•substance out of which new worlds are formed, grad- ually shaping and developing; itself into stars and planets and s,}stoms can able of proditcivg organic life. If, again, you turn the huge telescope of Lick Observatory towards Sirius whose light requires about twenty Of our years to travel to this earth—you behold a white glistening diamond in the dim vista of darkness, incredibly clear, burning, and brilliant, And so of other planetary orbs and eonstellat ions••-iwhbscl light ox eximentul u on fi p by mottern scictze may have left some of the s6,1's twe.rity or sixty years be, fore. Satoh. is the profound distance of 'worlds in the infinite depth beyond the roach of the largest etelegeopel But what appears most wonderfut • is the splendid anal:ement itt the Lich Ob servator'y for ;tpeetruiii analysis; by which and eau obtain a spectre scopic view of the starry abres at ftwoiieei' . able distances front our earth, end tis• Certain the chemical matter colvposin T11PsM+1,"'M+,Hia. geese-...: s -se ee see MV+aY•.•�M!MM! those mysterious worlds., withtlie ply; steal constitution of stairs and comets and nebulae, their several ntotious,taiid rate of velocity. Their lnotion, how- ever, is so slow relatively to this earth that no perceptible change in their po' eition would be visible in 10,000 years The constellations of Orion, and Plei- ades, and Arcturns, and the Great Bear, are visible to the dwellers on this a iit lett Hell intheposition 1 1 i u tat® p sal relation to our earth as they were in Job's day, And throughout the vast extent of that "blue pacific of infinity,' such are the wondrous myriads of plan. ets and worlds and systems brought into view by the largest telescope that one feels constrained to cry out with the legendary traveller throug'h space. "End there is noue !" ' Ceit inly, the most wonderful advances ' haye boon made in astronomical science of late years; but who knows what untold dis- coveries are yet to be revealed through the farther progress of science and the greater facilities that may yet be aff- orded for obtaining clearer and fuller views of the starry worlds. Stanley. The Council Met at Varna,April23rd at the, call of the Reeve i.Meinhers all present. Minutes of eerevioes fmeeting read and signed. • The account of Mrs. Hays, $27.50 for keeping Thos. Mahon, was ordered to he . paid. The Tee -0- urer's bonds were laid beforethe colli- til and accepted. The petition of P. Mc- Intosh and others requesting that the bylaw imposing a tax on doge be re scinded was 'laid over for further con- sideration. The claim of school section No. 13, for nonresident school tax was granted. Ori motian by Mr. Clarke and John Kitchen it was resolved that no action be taken at present in the petitions from the ratepayers of Union School sections Nos 1 and 9, Hay and Stanley. The council then adjourned to meet again on Wednesday Meg 25th next at ten o'clock; a. m., as•<t'bourt of Revision and for general business. G. L. STEWAR'r, Clerk A. Audette, proprietor House of Cern- mons barber shop, Ottawa; says —A number of my- customers are using Anti•Dandruif, and it gives the best 01 satisfaa:ction and I consider it a success for the purposes advertised. A PRIZE PICTURE PUZZLE. The above picture contains four � p faces,the man and his three daughters. 'Anyone can find the man's face, Int it is not so easy to distinguish the face:, of the three voting laths. • . The proprictuas of bur'l's Prize Pills will give an elegant Gold '`ltttoli,to the first person whooan make o u t the tlireechnt;hters'faces ; t t:he:sec cnrf will be given t pair of genuine Di ttt oi E Enr Y" to s to the tun Lnhand- sstne silk Iireer I ai.te rn r6.ya ricin any color; to the />u,Uca Coin SilYer Watch. enol` many other prizes in 'order of Inuit. Every competitor must cut out the above puzzle picture, diene: i h the thuggirls' faces by marking cross with lead t cern on each, and enclose saute with ten thivel.reitt Canadian st tw,s for one bon of FOR 1 S(RIZ1.11T1,S arid n seal toTrlE rem W li 3i1 root VO h e -'o Onto, The .pram whose en\elope is postmarked ,first rt will be int ud d the first prize, and the 'hers fit order of merit, rn To Il:e person send- ing the /rant cnv'ec I answer will be given an h1 .-net fs nlei .,.t,t it , t•f finewcrlanenshipand rrst-elpss t1ei 1 ec nr l ru the vex! 7n the last a of• gentrin,' <i)i<aa,ond En.r-Turin:s; to ! ,• .e.r a 6 to the last. n 'handsome Sill; Dress I •tatern Tri yartk in • tiny • colon to the thin'' 1., the laet t1 Coin h lver tb .'Lout, and many other Prizes In -order r,r mivtt ronnrhig from the user, WTI `.'ta7;:.rrc*tv1' 3,WvrA"Y 100 5 A'nTA.BLhi 'y"0E .14RIMS (should there ire so urtuIy sen un ;lin ur rect. answer:,). No charge is made for boxing and .''aching of pre- m;utus The names of the leading prize winners will be published ht coni tion with our advertise- ment in leading nt" n v p alru4, n vt annul I. \tra ileeuiiulns will iregiven to dos wlio'n.0 willing to :,ist lit itrtroducin, bur medicine, Nothing is charged. for the prertrinnts in any way, they are tl':eolutr ly. ,, v,m .sway to. introduce anti advertise l'or'ds Prize NIS, itch etre p irely vegetable ami ria gently ,etprinnptly tin the fire, Iculney'aud Bowels dsp'Ihtrh Headaelip Fevers jand Colds, cleansing the 01>11) thornnglrly and cure habitual • constipation,- they .u'e'nu,. t' -coated, iso not • lei ipe, ,very small, easy 1o'alto, one pill a • dose, and ncpurely vegetable I'erfcct digestion follows their use. As to the reliability:of our corn - piny, 'we'refer you to any leading wholesale drug- • ansa or business house iu .'oroolo.. All,pretniuuis. ` 'l will be awarded •Strictly in order of merit 'and with'. perfect satisfaction faction to the ptt.hLr,' fills are sent,by ural tins' paid. When yotr aunt:cr this picture • ' - In arle, kindly 1 1teation-.01110 newspaper you, saw ,t in, Address THE FORD'. PILL COMPANY, Wel- ., Unglue St., Toronto, Can., Exeter Roller �llls. MARKET REPORTS. erbuh WHEAT 0.80 TO 0e82 ,p sl Our Selling Prices. Flour, Stroh„ bakers', $2 50 per 100 e< hest family, 2,25 t< ;« lbw grade, Bran., 1Vliddlings, Screenings, Chop, << 115 <t r< 70�<1 a r OV « <f 100 " 1.00 to 1.,20 <. (0 Chop stone running eue,ry day,, TERMS CASE. The Exeter Milli)i Co 000•00000,100001400100. 0,0,00 SPANISH'.RleZT'. %%CR GRRA'e BIP.1,NISE Seln rTD7i, easlY,. quickly apd permanently restores Weakness, Nervousness and lr,odt p'I,anuood. A QUARAN,Tksn specific dor Fits and Neuralgia, Iiy'steria, Aizzigess, Convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o A Tokacco.or. t , n Alcohol, Loss of Power in either Sett, Involuntary Losses caused by tuff over-indut ettoe, We guarantee six boxes to cure any case or refund the money. $r a box, G boxes or fig. Address U.S. Agents .span- nErOnn ♦q0 Anna usu. fah Medicine Co,. ,Detroit, Micbs Sold by druggists. J3'or daft ie Jtxoter h" p W- Brown ias;';', SATISFACTION Is guaranteed to every one who takes Hood s Sarsaparilla fairly and accord- to directions. This is the only prepar- ation of which "100 Doses One Do11ar" can truly be stud,, yn't>Have you seen Hood's Rainy Day and Balloon Puzzle? For partic- ulars apply to C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Rood's Pills euro liver ills, jaundice, biliousness, sick headache, constipation SALE OF valuable 11111ago Prejrtij There will be sold At The IVIetropolitan Hotel, in the Village of Exeter, on Saturday, 7th day of May, 1892, at 3 O'CLOCK in the Afternoon, by Mr. L. Hardy, Auctioneer (Subject to such Conditions as shall then be produced) the fill lowing Village Lots, vizi Lots number 13, 141 and 15 on the west sido:of Main street and Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30 on the North side of Wellington street, as shown on the plan of the sub -division of Part of Lot Number 23, in the 1st Concession of the Township of Step- hen prepared by H. C. Boulton, P. L. S. and dated 1876 These Lots have been heretofore occupied as the "Exeter Public Market" and are favor ably situated for Business or Private Resid- ences. The Lots will be offered in such form as shall be considered best to suit purchasers. TERMS OF SALE:—Ton per cent. cash at time of Sale and balance in 30 days. For further particulars apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Vendors Solicitors, Daterl April 26th, '02. Exeter. m 500AI�ay i# TO BE SOLD AT alf rite A LARGE STOCK OF Obi AMER!CAN i PE TO CHOOSE FROM AT E. I, Spackman & Co's• SAMWEI•,L'S BLOCK; EXETER. Emiltal4 Igmy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO Bay or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or:Lend Money IF YOU WANT c, Collections i'Make. Call at Mr. jun, Spacknlan's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly Con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the beat adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont, Addiess:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 usiness Change. V Having purchased the interest of. IIIA, R1BERT RICHARDSON in the Flour and Feed business I wish to an- nounce to a]l,custoiners that I will con- t�,le,to insupply all kinds of ' FLOUR AITW PEED to those in need of such and will b found in the stand, DREW'S BLOCK OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, with a full line of All rinds of Seeds. Provisions delivered to all parts of "the village with promptitudea Highest, prp cash ice aicl for - 'Butter 1 acid eggs a TT JESSE � y�>js��o l Prop, All accounts] must be settled with the proprietor as soon as Conveiileiit for those indebted, to the same. HRISTIE3S. LIVERY■ l First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LOFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 1^oxra.= a vemoion.o.lcie Teloobone Cotirtection .1T.RSlIi�.aL.!l•$w.n...u�..,,v�y, :.tl.li'NY.AM.h'�•AY, •••• menw�:..wrrn.. $75,000.00. —All persons who wants - CHEAP MO EY at 5j, 6 and 6',, PER CENT should call —at the— OffLoe of R. E. COL ,INS TH 9�dD� CD. 490 bin. DAVID NEWELL (Stratford P. O.) has been appointed Local Inspector for the Can- ada,Companyon the place of Mr. J•no Spack- mati resigned. Parties Navin g Canada Company business to transact will find MR. NEWELL at HA'Vii'KSIAW'S MOTEL EXETER, The first Thursday of each month; com- mencing February 4th, 1891.. ROBT, It ME Has been appointed sole agent for the THE OARAONE DRY EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room. A want inevery house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. • as '. Rowe. C�111:1A1 BGG TQL A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. Patopktfliggiol-os,Spoos Deni5t'S SllJJJI!S At right and reasonabie prices.. Pre tri... tions a13d Family Receipts Carefully Prepared.. Wiltars Goligitioa the best in the market. C. LUTTZ, PROP. London Huron & Bruce Railway Jyasseneer Tiule Table, GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH.. am. p.m London,dep't8 Oo 4.25. Wingham 7705. 840" Lucan Cros'g 8,47 5,20. Belggrave 7.24 4.00. Clandebo,ye 862 528. Blyth 7.38 4.15, Centralia 900 545. Londosboro' 7;47 J4.25. EXETER 916 5.57. Clinton 8.07 4:15, Hensel). 9.258 6.09, Brucofield 8.26 5.04 Tsippen;, 9,34 6,17. Nippon 8.84 5.12, Brucofield 9.42 6.26. Hensall 8.41 5.19 Clinton 10.00 6,45. EXETER 8.57 5.33 Londosboro' 10.19 7.03. Centralia 9.09 5.45 'hlyth Clandeboye 0.18 5.56 Ilelgrave 10.42 7,27. Liman Cros'g9.24 0,02 Wingham 11,00 7.45. London a.rr 10 15 (11.5 CAtTION. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY! l6 IS;MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS; ma- ....ownersw,www, , E A • N Vfi And it also pays to got your Clothing made by a first-class tailor. When in need of such call on X II ÷i1 x II ÷ 11 X 11 -1- II X R BET. :IGT, x II II x II 1 X 11 s II x Who ho is prepared to give you a neat fit and the latest style. The best and cheapest spot in town for ordered clothing. Farmers will find it to their advantage to give me a Call. Over '. J. Knight's Grocer Store. READ AND LEARN. That our Planing 81111, Sash Door 4 Blind Factory is fitted up with the latost•improve ments- We are prepared to do planing and matching, band and scrollsawing• turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YARD you will find a . large and well assortecl.stock of 'till kinds of building inaterials. Pine and hemlock lu o- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock of x x and x x x Pine Shingles m anufuctnred • by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a Marge stock of A. 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent yalue. No. Pine Lath con- stall tly in Stock Wo have alarge stock of barn sash •which we cat' furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up with mach- inery s recially adapted for inalcin.g ttll kinds of Tams anti Cisterns, which we eon furnislr • to our customers on short notice. •We show somefhingnew in this lino fur watering cat- tle in Um field or barnyard. Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting notch attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used. Call and examine the above naiued stock, all of )vhich will be sold at lowest prices _ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter Furnitne 6 Undertaking � E ADQUAR'TERS. CURTAIN POLES. The only place in town were you have an assort- ment to choose from. Pol- es cut any length desir- ed. COVERS. A fine line of covers ,just arrived, have your furniture re.coveied and made new in the ]hest styles. FURNITLTRE. In furniture we have the largest and best stock in town at the lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety- of picture mouldings. • S. IDLE ATO Odd -Fellows Block Opposite J Grigg's Stationery. e m W. G. Bissett' s Livery. :First Class Horse' and :drags. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMVIME CIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. EX0101 illi!! s E1,PORUM. & MARTIN, 9 'PROPS. We cart' the most complete :stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, ALSO - SEWING MACHINES, EIOYLES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &cs Tho above instruments always • on ilanti 'Tennis s o suit Purchasers. (JIVE. US A. CAL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN.