HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-10-26, Page 5C •4 11 Centennial •Calling "When the frost is••on the pumpkin, And the fodder's in the shock And you hear the. kyonck and gobble of tie strutting' turkey cock, There ,ts something kind p' hearty .like about\ the atmos. phere, When the heat of summer's over and,. the coolin' ' fall is here. A r. But this pair's sp appetizin' and the landscape thrd' the haze Of a crisp and sunny mor. sin' of the early autumn days Is a picture that no painter has the coloring to mocks _ When the frost is on the pumpkin' And the fodders in the shock! 'Sense me, Mr. James Whit. comb Riley, but that is part of one of my favorite poems .and I think, very "fittin" at the moment. The pumpkins are sure mak. ing a , fine splash of color, but I am sorry to see .the leaves have not made such a • splash this fall - or have I Thinking Of Christmas Parades --1n''.ssed it? So, first thing we know, the snow will be flying and that leads us right up to•theChrist. mas festivities. Recently, with thought of a Christmas parade early in December, I was amazed to hear objections to our Santa Claus effort. I thought the kiddies lined up for their bag of "Goodies"'after,theparade and everyone was happy. Did you ever stand in line for two hours or more holding one • child and trying to keep track of three or four others? Have you seen these young• sters shivering and crusted with snow trying to hold their plane in line, just to ee Santa? And when they did get near,' they get a bag,of candy thrust ' into their •.freezing hands, and pushed right past him• and some of them didn't even see the Santa theywaited so long to see! There a'e quite a few young mothers. wno have had to stand with the children and quite a few who dread the wasted ef. 7c PROBLEM: FLOOR SPACE SHORT SOLUTION SLASH ALL PRICES ON USED APPLIANCES TV from 12.50 REFRIGERATORS from 1 w RANGES from 12.50 WASHERS from 12.50 WHILE THEY LAST All SALES FINAL G ERRY'S AppliLTDances TV . THE SQUARE 524.434 fort of these little ones oho stand so long in the freezing cold. And what about Santa? Don't you think M.f.Ho-ilsa.ello would rather be indoors. and doing a. decent -Job of Santa. ° claus.ing? Funny thing, - I have_ never found myself in that lineup, but .now wish 1 had. I was quite shocked by the stories told by different parents. • It seems there are. still families wno believe in Santa and Christmas and the good things that go with it. Gett. ing a bag of candy after wait. in a couple of hours is mts., sing the point entirely. Most of those little ones wanted to talk -- yes - talk, to Santa, and it seems' a shame that something can't be done about it. We have a nice arena that would seem 'o be the ideal, place for Santa to hold 'Court' and for the whole afternoon, too. Why not give the kids a chance to 'Speak to Santa' in. stead of. giving them the cold candy treatment. • GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 ' HAMILTON STREET COLEMAN VAC PAC WIENERS WHOLE OR HALF FRESH HAMS PORK CHOPS LB. 49a LB, 55c LB. 69a SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS La 69c LEAN HAMBURG 3 L 49a • SAVE 5c - C4JLVERHOUSE CHOICE CREAM CORN 2 g SAVE 45c - AYLMER ASSORTED JAMS or JELLIES Solo Margarine SAVE 10c - 64OZ* E. SLECY SAVE 11c - CHOICE TOMATOES 5 LB., 39c F 0 R 1. 23c 79c 89a e Porters Hill UCW Meets PORTERS HILL, The.. October meeting of the UCW was held at the homy of Mrs. A. Jongejan. The president, Mrs. E. Cox,opened the met. ing .Mrs. Alvin Betties read the Scripture and Mrs. Bill Cox had charge of the Study book on "Naom'". ‘ , The roll call was answered by paying five cents for every Sunday you m'ssed Church in October. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs, Bill Townshend. The treasurer's' report was given by M cs, A. Lockhart. The Holi- day Bells and roll call money were handed in. Meeting closed with the M iz. pat. Benediction,and the hos- tess served a lovely,lunch. The November meetingwillbe at the- home of M.:s. A. Lock - ...hart. Birthday Party At Huronview The October birthday party was held at Huronview onOc:t. ober 18 with the Grand .Bend Institute in charge. M 7s. Nola. Taylor,' president, introduced Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill and Wellwood Gill who enter. tained with their violin mouth. Organ and duet numbers. Mrs. Elgin Webb and Mrs, Will Lave made a special pre. sentation of a plant to Mrs. Maria Philips who is 100 years old this month. Birthday gifts were pesente ed to George Nicholson, Miss Wildfong, Morgan. Dalton, Mrs. Bell, Percy Horne, Bes.. sie Stokes, Mrs. Priddie, - Sarah Carter, Helen McEwan, Charles .Jackson, Mrs. Irwin, Lena Fowler, Mrs. Trick, Mrs. Roberton, Mrs. Philips, Mrs, ,Chapman, Mr, M ilPthce, John Kelly, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. Plant, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. :ayinan, • W illian Andrew and M.rs, Gibson. IT S McARTHUR & REILLY +°)IFR ( OMPLETF HOME of ( ORATING t INIRI FOR Sunworthy WIIpaper Mrs, Walter , thbern; I can see that parade!apout eleven or tweiv! o'clodic in the morning, and it ending at the arena...There could be en• tertainment on the ice, "Small Stuff", Hockey games, and figure skaters, and clowns .on skates and such - and the line up to the auditorium •front, one side going ; ti}ro' to Santa and out the other door to enjoy the entertainment once more. The kids have a of a place to wait for theii turn withSa.nta/ the parents say "Thank YoU" as' they go happily about their shopping and even Santa' Is happy ° ab,out the' whole thing., Any comrn ents from our young parents? I wish you would speak up, perhaps I'm all wrong on this • Arena bit, but if -you are all satisfied . and • your children who have lined up before don't mind, then I'll shush up. Any.. way, I think we are going to have a real good Parade! So once again get busy on some floats and get more people helping you - half the fun is in the making and participatte ing isn't it - Martha KINGSBRIDGE PERSONALS KINGSI3IUII)GI•.' - TheKings- bridge Hov Scouts spe ht the weekend camping near Salt, ford. * Miss Ida Lee Giespan of Hamilton was a weekend vis itor with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Clare and family. • * * * r,,. 'Mrs. , 13ernadine Kenney Of Detroit is spending ;h few days at the farm, • * * * Recent visitors with Mr„ and Mrs, O. Heffernan were Mrs. Margaret Heffernan and friend of Brampton: • * * Mr. and Mrs. A_ntolre Vail Osch visited with M r. and M ^s. •Albert Heffernon irr° Wallace. burg on the weekend, Recent visitors to Expo were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Osch, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ilogarh and Mr. and 'M rs. Eldon Austin. • * *. 1 Several -of the ladies from, `sere are atten( ting; night school in Goderich with."Art" being the favorite course.' District 10 Agricultural Societies Meet LOCHALSH - A meeting of " the District 10 executive of Agricultural .societies for Grey and Bruce Counties was held on M )ctciay evening, at the liome of M I . chid Mrs. Oliver McCharles to nuke plaits for the annual meeting and banquet to be held this year in Lucknow.- * $ * Miss Ilarbara MacKenzie and Jim M.trKenzie w.'rc . in Montreal awl at Expo for the w ,ekend. * * 4 Iii London (luring the past . week were Mr, and Mrs. Ewan MacLean and Mr. :urd M :s. Eldon Bradley. ..... * * * Mr, and Mrs, D,tncan Mau•. Rae of London were callers in the community on Sunday. * * * Recent. visitors watt M and M rs. Henry MacK-errr, i e were Misses Edna Cook of Owen Sound and Viol.a_Cook of Detroit. * * * Several from the -area attended the reception in honor of Mr. and'Mrs, Ronald Brooks on Saturday evening inRipley. noteen DIY Kill 'Y'our Club The. Goderich . ignet t*r, Thy UQN$YBRQ'QK• 4 -.. The Pc. tober meeting et the UCW was held lastW,idnesday after. noon at the home of Mrs, Hilt. Bard .Jefferson with a good attendance. ti Mrs. 'Scam 'Thompson and Mrs., John Hildebrand had charge and read passages of the "Thanksgiving" theme alternately. Mrs. ,EdwardRobinson star. ted the chapter in the study book and Mrs, Hildebrand fin. ished the discussion period which followed. Mrs. Margaret Leddy gave a reading. M.:s. Stuart Cham.• ney read the minutes of the previous ineeting•and gave the financial report.. Mrs. from Armstrong conducted the bus. iness and also gave a read- ing "Nineteen ways to kill your Club". An invitation .to Auburn UCW on October 18' was discussed also the Pres- byterial meeting at Westfield `on October 26. Plans were made to send a quilt to God• erich. Mrs. Thompson closed the meeting with prayer. The hos. tess,assisted by Mrs. Ernest Snowden and Mrs. Margaret Leddy served tea. PERSONALS Mr. and M rs. Edward Itobin. son,, Judy and Janice visited in London on Sunday. * * * Mrs. Wesley Jefferson had Victor Lauriston School News 'On Thursday, Octdber 19, there was volleyball game between the staff :feel Mrs. Shaddick's class, 8 A., They played three seven -minute games: The first and third games were won by the staff; - but 8 A won the second. I wonder if '8 A just let the staff win to make them feel good! • On M. )nday, October 17, Vic. tor Lauriston School played` host to the Grade '7 teachers of this district. At the close of the meeting tea was ser- ved; girls of Gra4ie-8 A as: sisted. The Grade 8 teachers from aur school attended a teachers meeting in Clinton onWednes-.• day, October 25. On Friday, October 27, Mr.. o Crawford's. room is having a bake- sale for the school. We hope to make this sale a suc- cess and the money raised will be given to the Red Cross Association. , The school . band is coming along great this year. The Grade 7 pupils are learning • very quickly, and the Grade 8 pupils are as good as ever, we lupe! a•Ho o tear oar FJl'tday for'tice U+ W i �a dies,r * * * Mrs. Ernest. Snotyden : bad. a Hobo tea on Wednesday for the UCW Ladies; * * * • 'Mr. and M,rs, Willows Monne tain, M.e. and M.'s. Elgin Jos. ling, all of Londesboro,visited Wednesday with M.e. and Kt's. W. Jefferson and family, Little Doreen Jefferson who has been spending a couple qif weekeWith her grandparents rett5irned home W edneiaday. - * * * Mrs. Murray Wilson, and M rs. Margaret Leddy'attended the special UCW meeting at the Auburn United Church on Wed. nesday evening. DUNGANNON - DUNGANNON M r. and Mees, (,rant Sowerby and Bill Blake of Willow':lale , ware weekend guests of Mr, and M es:C'ecil * Blake, * '1 Thomas Park was adrn teed to _W'.ngham and I)istrict Hos- pital on Thursday last as the ,result of a coronary, attack, We hope Mr. Park will soon be will and horse again. * * * M.'. and M,•:4. Arthur Eggle- ston and. sap ;h tiave sold their farms here and last w:'ek. rn w- -ed to their new frome ;:rear Cobden in Eastern Ontario. '4 * * Norman Stevens was a pap tient in Ale,otndra Marine arid General Hospital the first of the week when he had a ' tonsilectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown are spending-- this week in Montreal and Exp,). * * * Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne !vers on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. 'Jim Million, Lou Ann and Daviel of Strat. ford and Mrs. Viola Buchan• nan ofliamilton. ASH,FIELD A$IIFIELD •- • Miss Sadie Johnson was hostess ,for the WM S meeting wnich was open• ed by prayer by Ewan MacLean wno was in charge of the program- M.^s. R. West, M.'s. Henry Mackenzie and M. -s. Donald Simpson gave readings and poems on Thanksgiving and Mrs. E. MacLean on "Means ,of Showing- ache is Thankful." Mrs. R. West gave the offer- >ing• prayer and then took charge of the business. Mrs. MacM.irchy• reproted the quilt for the bale was completed. Eighteen members and four visitors answered. roll call with a verse of thanks and there were two children present, Mrs. Colin MacGregor is a patient in W Ingham Hospital. FIRST BAPTI (Qapllst Conyeffierl of OnlfariO' ,Ind 010, Montreal Strew Nee The Swot* 10:00 .:in.,,_Sunday School, 11:00 e.m,-•Morning Worship. - w 7:00 p.m. --Evening. Service, " • ,. A WRlcorno . To A11 -► 4 , MlihiRters REV, IiENRY :rde. VRIES, Fhero. 514470 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET 10:00 , cm. -OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL (OUR BUSES, WILE CALL AT YOUR DOOR) PHONE: 5247150 11:00 A.M. 7;30 P.M.: Speaker: MR: CHARLES HARE London, Ontario "Come Where You Are Never A Stranger Twice" UNITED HOLINE.SS CHURCH �2 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th 9:50 a.m.-Sunday School, 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service. , 7:00 p.m. -Evangelistic Service. Prayer. Meeting - Wednesday evening, 7:30 o'clock "A Welcome Awaits You" - Pastor: JUSTUS DOWD • PHONE 5249075• THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. SOUTH SUNDAY WEEK DAY 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School. Tues., 8:09 -Prayer Meeting.' • 11:00 and 7:00 -Regular Service. Wed., '8:00 -Home League. Friday, 7:30 - YOUTH GROUP , - ALL ARE WELCOME - Officer in Charge -LT. R. HEWLETT Pollution Control Plant OPEN HOUS,E THE PLANT WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ON - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th, FROM 1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. WALTER R. SHEARDOWN, Committee Chairman 43 NORMAL HAIR CUTICLE �_....., CORTEX..***-).- MEDULLA — - MEDULLA _.. CORTEX �.. CUTICLE _4. NORMAL HAIR 4, 7. 1 o To fully understand the scientific approach to hairdressing, We are giving yfou this mrcro photogr0,h of the interior structure of normal, healthy hair. The dark center area Is the medulla; this has the greatest concentration of acid -balanced proteins, and will only appear. as you see here, when all of the proper nutrients are nourishing the hair root system. Thih is why It is vital to have. a healthy body to produce healthy hair. Lacking this, the same health( inner structure can often be produced by topically applied naturally organic proteins The cortex Iaye'rs. surround the medulla; this is.,the area where color pigmentation is deposited, and the hair gains its elasticity and strength through. the polypeptide chains. Again', we have to provide the hair with the proper nutrients (acid balanced proteins) either through proper diet or topically applied naturally organic proteins to eliminate or correct structural breakdown. The cuticle is the smooth outer edge. It provides the hair with a resistant layer; and whenthe cuticle cells lay smoothly along- the shaft, they provide a Mirror-like surface that denotes a healthy exterior structure without the use of oils or sprays. Vitamin P and Vitamin C have been shown to be remarkably effective in correcting cuticle damage • NOTE:' T "FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BY THOSE WHO CARE" lrn, .- . 1 The vitamins mentioned here ere used in the formula's . used in our salon. This is also important in hairpieces - and vvig care. THE BEAUTY LOUNGE ,S1 VAST ft Bethel .Pentecostal Tabernacle, Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th Guest eaker: REV. L. TALBOT of Hamilton 10:00 11;.M.—Sunday School Class for all ages. 11:00 a.m.-Morniing Worship. 7:30 p.m. -Evangelistic Service. Wesley Memoria Church 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Class. P ' 6:30 p.m. -EVENING FELLOWSHIP 1 T a.m.--Morning Worship. the Free Methodist Church • Rev. Alan Harley, Minister ST.. GEORGE'S CHURCH Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity -October 29th 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion. .10:00 and 11:00 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer -Litany SERMON BY THE RECTOR (Nursery School fcr pre-school children) Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B,A., B.D. Organist - Choirmaster - RONALD _KJNGHAM North THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Street . U n:ited Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1967 10:00 a.m.-Senior School. 11:00 'a,m.-Junior Congregation. 11:00 a.m.-Worship. SERVICE OF BAPTISM - Supervised Nursery 8:00 p.m, -Thursday Senior Choir. ALL SERVICES STANDARD TIME Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D., „Minister Mrs. M. Hetherington, A.T.C.M., Organist 'and Choir Leader - WELCOME - Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV., G. 1.00KHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, birector of Praise Sunday, Octobe% 29th 10:00 a.m.-CHURCH SCAOOL, 11:00 a.m.-DIVINE WORSHIP Sermon: "THE SENSE OR GOD" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) -- REFORMATION SUNDAY — 7:30 p.m. -YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. Every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. -Midweek Christian Fellowship ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE Victoria Street United Church The House sof Friendship . Rev, Leonard Warr 10:00 e.m..,._Sunday School -411 Departments..., 11:00 a.m.--Worship Sgrvice. "SHOULD :.APITA!. PUNISHMENT BE ABOLISHED?" (Children's Church) 1:30 p.m.-- BENMILLER---Worship Service. and Sunday School MRS. J. SNIDE - Victoria Organr t and Choir Leader MISS P. DURST enrrtilhr f lerilat' 0 +t