HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-10-26, Page 4• p The e'rl h SI ut For S, V e nab -$ter, 'hlursda Oct, 26; 1967 S FOR SALE oc p p Cows tke year reveal MRS. CHARLES. HOUGHTON HOLMESVILLE — Pkoi> 412.7434 - ,- No Delivery r 40if CUT flowers, mums, variety of colors. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St., phone 524.-8852. . 411f DEN row boat, two paddles, $10.00. Phone 526.7594 43 PIANO, Ennis, in good condition. Phone 524?504- 42-3 RUBBER undermining. Keeps rugs, mats from slipping; to be cleared at 25 cents, yard. STORE damaged three-quarter box spring; priced for quick sale. SMALL selection of desk lamps, uses 100 watt bulbs, stands 23 inches high; takes 3 -way light bulb; $6.95. SCATTER mats,, 27 x 4 ft. Clearing $5.95. TWO only, used 3/3 beds, white metal. USED Bissell carpet sweepers. USED Bissell rug cleaner, in good condition. DAMAGED single box springs. Priced for quick sale, ONE only, Queen size Beautyrest box spring and mattress by Simmons, slightly store soiled. Priced for quick sale; also one rebuilt Beauty - rest single mattress. ONE bedroom syite, brand new with dresser, chest and bed. Special price of only $129.00. . LIVING room group, consisting of 2 - piece chesterfield suite, 3 tables, 2 lamps; regular value $335.00. The entire group priced at $256.00. ODD chrome chairs, just a few;, half price. TWO piece in good ONE only, set of Samsonite luggage, condition. round coffee tables, glass top; sealing ha'f pi c' - SWIVEL, wood b r stoop, in good condition. .LODGE FURNITURE 33 West Street—Goderich MASTER FEEDS - . PIG FEED CHICKEN FEED DAIRY CONCENTRATE BRAN OYSTER SHELLS • RABBIT PELLETS BIRD FEEDERS WILD BIRD SEED FALL BULBS For Fall Planting • IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS DAFFODILS — HYACINTHS GARDEN LILIES — NARCISSI TULIP (12 Varieties) — SNOWDROPS GARDEN SUPPLIES PEAT MOSS — VERMICULITE BONEMEAL - FLOWER POTS POTTING SOIL GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FALL CLOTHING and FOQTWEAR SALT PROTECT SHRUBS, TREES against rabbits, deer and mice USE STA -OFF, BUNNY BAR & SCOOT DAVE GOWER'S DISCOUNT HOUSE • 75 Hamilton St ,,. Goderich 43 1. Aiilelt: dor $a>s. SIXTEEN little pigs, Phone, Lloyd Lounsbury, 5247080. 4 43x ANTIQUES —O n4jerbrHd porch,in ex- cellsnt condition with railing; 1850 Indian head gold piece,. 2% dollar. Phone 565.2142. 43.5x TWO fax tirrier pups; one large Norge oil burner, 200 -gal. oil tank. Apply Herb. MacAdam. R.R. 2, Clinton. 43x HEINTZMAN piano, real good condi- dition. Priced for sale. Phone 529- 7378. 43x 80 SUZUKI, good condition, $175. Phone 524-9627...43 65000 BTU duo therm oil space heater with blower, 3 years old, pipes in- cluded;'Quebec food and coal heater, 4 years old. Phone Tom Duizer, 523- 4359.. 43x TR;PPERS' SUPPLIES—I will be u•e', etre. for Fall -Winter season. Call o• w ite E me, T i k, R ? 3, C'inton, 482 3221 t' 1 LADY'S winter coat, petite size. Phone 524-9449. 43 USED KtLVINATOR frig and Beach de- luxe stove, 24"; good condition, rea- sonable. `Phone 524-6587. 43 • ONE Beatty piston S.W. pump; one Beatty sump pump; both completely reconditioned, better than new. Apply Box .144 Signal -Star. 43-4 SUPER K D pole aerial with rotor, 350.00; heat lamp, transformer and accessories, 325.00. Phone 524-6280. 43x DAVENPORT, converts into double bed and matching chair, like new, very reasonable. 30A West St., Goderich, upstairs. 43 REPOSSESSED Singer Zig Zag sewing machine. Does buttonholes and decor. Can be had $54.00 cash or 38.00 monthly. Write Box 145, Signal -Star. 43-4 BELL- and Howell Monaural two -track tape recorder, like new. Also fur jacket, brownseal with mink collar, size 14, good condition. Phone 524- 8524. 43 FRESH apple 'cider; also apples, North, 'ern Sptes, Delicious, etc. Be sure to bring own containers...Beliview Fruit Farm, Goderich. Phone 524-8011. . 43 1,500 BUSHELS of Herta bar;ev, suite able for seed. Phone 524-9100 or 524 6240. L 42 3' SMALLEY mixed mills and hammer, mills, Robert E. Irvin, Dungannon, phone. 529-7911. ,42tf H"G,EN'C supplies (rubber good:t mai ed po-to: 1 a i-' p'ain, sealed • en, ve'noe wi'h D'i-e list. Sir samples, 2rr; 21 •amp'es $1.00 'Mail 0 'lar . T'3 N ♦:.R 't'. t+....; -n rt t '+f EAVESTROiJGHING and metal flash- ing, material' and labor, for free estimate "call Morrison Bros. at Mucdie's Hardware, Lucknow, phone 528=''2906. 16tf ELECTROLUX (Canada) Limited sales and service. Free delivery. Alvin S. Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., phone 524- 6514. ltf 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale 1963 VOLKSWAGEN station- wagon, 1500, new motor, good tires; one Philco TV. Phone 524-8508, after five •p m 43x 1959 MONARCH; '58 Dodge; '57 Mercury; best offer. Phone • 524-6404, after five' p.m. 43x 1963 VOLKSWAGEN station wagon, 1500, new motor, good. -tires; one Philco TV. Phone 524-8508, after five p.m. ' 43x GOOD selection of used cars In A•1 condition, .fully reconditioned and guaranteed, trade-ins accepted and terms available. Rouse Auto Electric, West St. 410 Al S'ED•C AR BARGAINS 1966 PONTIAC Fordor, six -cylinder, automatic, one owner, low mileage. Lic. H14043. 1965 FORD Custom tudor, six -cylinder, radio, ,two-tone. Like new. Buy and Save. Lic. E73676. 1964 DODGE 2 -door. Model 330. Lk. E87954. Priced To Sell. 1 064 FORD 1/2 -ton Express, custom cab, radio, two-tone. Lic. V21688. 1963 CHEV. II Station Wagon, automatic, radio. Lie. 95300. r • 1.962 AUSTIN Westminster, Fordor, model 99, overdrive. Lic. 649611. STILL -A FEW GOOD BUYS IN 1967 Goderich Motors Ltd. 3. Real Estate lror -Solo - THREE -bedroom, brick veneer home, in west end of town; immediate oo- cupsncy..locat.d,,, for sc +ools, and has recreailk*. room, with bulk in TV. Asking price $14,500. PiETRk $. NtecEWAN Rasher 44 North St. note 524335 • 43-4 FRANCES RAE . Agent for 5. I!, Moans 43 .N .not. _st. — bone 524.1337 FOR SALE . 150 acres, East Wawanosh, stream, gravel pit, 144,000 trees. LOT 117 x 130, V.I.A. Survey. Lot on Nelson Street, approximately 60 x 100. HAROLD W. SHORE Reel Estate', Broker--Mort$a$es General Insistence PROPERTIES FOR SALE Four-Bedroom—Red Brick Located. two blocks from the Square, this femiry size, horns has four bedrooms, living room ,dining room and contemporary kitchen, a- piece bathroom, gas-fire3 forced air furnace. Good terms available witn only 51,950 down. 35 Hamilton St, DIaI 3247272 RUTH VAN DER MEER 53 Montreal St, — Goderich 5247875 MODERN house at Port Albert, 3 bed- rooms, 3 -piece bath, wall furnace; 38,000. 4 -BEDROOM house .at Port Albert, drilled well, 2 -piece bath, $5,000. Will hold first mortgage with luit- .a-ble down payment. 7 -ROOM frame home near Auburn, '3 -piece bath, oil furnoce, garage; $6,000, terms. BRICK school 'house, West Wawanosh, drilled well. 25 ACRES. on paved road, close to, Port Albert, 7 -room house, barn,' drilled well. Close to lake And vil- lage. Price 49,.000. Open to offers. 100 ACRES,. 8 -room ' frame house, drilled well, barn 36 x 60, hen- house 12 x 36. Full price $16,000. 150 acres, near Dungannon, -frame house, born, $ilio, hog born, 320,000. 150 ACRES,. 6 miles from Goderich, frame house, 3 -piece bath, drilled well, large 'barn, new silo; 326,500. 200 ACRES, , Ashfield township, fully. modernized k house,. TWO barns; 342,000. 200•.ACRES, 7 -room frame house, oil furnace, 4 -piece bath, barn 36 x 56, silo 12 x 37. Price 340,000. GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION with large amount , of highway front age: Large business building. now.' used as antique store. Com- pletely modernized brick workshop. Barn; 57 acres of land; $15,000. 7 -UNIT motel with 2-roorri apartment, snack bar, living quarters. Would take house or income property ' in trade. CARS AND TRUCIS '.f 1 ' FORD - FALCON - FAIRLANE- -. GALAXIS -» T4iED ' SOUIH ST. - OPFN iVENIND1 000ERiCH emoomorroisivomew alrrwWw+nru , GENERAL STORE with post office end library; . 3 apartments; brick build- ing; 315,000 plus stock. COLD STORAGE and retail meat store in village. Price $13,500. Representing WILFRED McINTEE AND CO., • LIMITED W. J. HUGHES Real Estate General Insurance ;Office 5248100 — Res. 5248491 38 EAST STREET 4 -BEDROOM, 56 Stanley St. 4 -BEDROOM, • 222 Elgin Ave. W. 4 -BEDROOM, 122 Trafalgar St. t' Modern 3 -bedroom, 245 Warren St. Mcfdern 3 -bedroom, 65 Blake St. West. LARGE home in Kinburn on 4 acres. al l Estate tor So le • Baron's Stone Mansion Yes, it's fit for a king, this fantastically i n t e resting stone mansion which is one Of the most magi ifi_. cent landmarks in Huron County. There are . 14 moms in all. Stone , work is in 'excellent condition, so is the roof. Full price is only $5,500. Save Money By Commuting Only $11,000 for this 50 - acre farm, 6 miles from Goderich, 4 bedrooms, brick, farm horrte; 20' x 301 ., barn with room for ponies or aofew cattle; 45 acres of workable. Land; s p ri n g creek provides water for pasturing cattle. Worth your while to take a leak. Goderich Home l0 -acre Tots, close to Goderich, $1,200. - 3 -bedroom; modern, 300 Huron Rd. 0 -bedroom, modern, 336 Regent Rd. 3 -bedroom, modern, , 181 Bennett St. E. 4 -bedroom, 118 Elizabeth St. 3 -bedroom • modern, 285 Lakeside Drive. 4 -bedroom, t,odern, 260 Tilt St, 4 -bedroom, modern, 64 Maitland Rd. N. DUPLEX, 115 Quebec St. APARTMENT building In Saltford, • 3 -bedroom, brick, Dungannon. '3 -bedroom, 53 Essex Et,� Red brick, 91 East St. Duplex, 139 Britdnnia Rd. West. 3 -bedroom, 3 miles south of Goderich. 2 -bedroom, 164 Essex St. 3-bedrom brick with beauty salon, 64 Church St. 3 -bedroom, ipiit level, 246 Hindu St. FAIMS FOR SALE • 225 ACRES, Lots 33 and 34, Con. 18, Hullett Township. Also Farms and Cottage' Per • Hale. S'.lee Parse sill L. H. PenVee&' • 183 Cateerah St. - 524AI07 Sita Mk* 114 Essex fit. 32448480 LISTINGS AND INOUI*WE INVITED This fine home is'd-ivided into 2 apartments.. Full price is only $9,000. Close fib both schools, and shop- ping. Ideal for the people who want to live in one apartment and rent the other, which will pay the expenses .of the property. Furnace and .good vege- table garden. Bring your cheque book along with you when you have a Zook, because you will want to'buy. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE PROPERTIES CONTACT Jack Cummings Pho.o G'dlrich 524-8951 , Representing DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS '`Rural Ontario Speciclisti" ALEgANDER AND CHAPMAN FOR SALE THIS IS NIFTY IF YOU ARE THRIFTY It isn't every day (or even every year) that you can find a GOOD. house at a LOW Brice. This one' is unusual in both respects.,.i:`xamine its features and you will exclaim et its bargain price. The lot is 90 x 180, the house is a one -storey frame containing two spacious bedrooms; bath, large living room and kitchen. A completely closed -in porch has just been added, it could easily make into a family room. Taxes are only $150. Price $10,000. FOR A .SONG? You can't buy ' much for a song anymore. Not much•'house,. anyway. But some houses do offer fine values. We are "singing the praises" of this one. Location is in Dungannon and the house is a two-storey masonry construction. Listen to this, modern ,kitchen and bath, large living room, good heating system, five bedrooms, all this located on an acre and a half of land. Price $6,000. FOR RENT . Four-bedroom house in 'excellent condition with all modern conveni- ences. Heat provided. Listings and enqui: ies are invited. Expert evaluations on any local pro- perty. Numerous other listings; one is guaranteed to suit your needs and be within your budget,. BRUNO LAPAINE Phone- 524-8957 J. 1. RAPSON-8559 - Salesman for Oodertch • Phone 524.9662 ALEXANDER i CHAPMAN 5. To Rent ROOM with or witttotTt • board. Phone 524-8737. . • - 360 FURNISHED, heated, comfortable apart- ment. No pets^ qr children. Phone 524-6515. , • 39tf Classified Rtes 5, PER WORD (Min'mum $1 00) 25c if paid within 30 days of insertion Semi -[display Classified $1.40 par inch Marriage -- $1.00 Engagement — $1.25, Dea*h Notie:e -- $1.00 Deadline for taking Classified Ads is 1 P.M. TUESDAY THE SIGNAL -STAR DIAL 524.1311 5. To Rent THREE-BEDROOM house, oil heated, modern conveniences, one mile north of Clinton. Phone 482-9186. 43 THREEibedroofn house, near schools. Available November 1st. Phone 524- 9079. 43 THREE or Four -Bedroom House to rent or ,sell. Desirable. Near Schools and Stores. Available Nov. 1. Phone 524-7586. 43x The Goderich Housing Authority invites applications for the rental of houses under its administration, particularly for units renting in a range ' from $68 to $80 per month. Maximum gross family income for eligibility range up to 35,760.60 per year. Applications available at Signal - Star office, '37 West Street.—J. H. Aitken, Sect. -Mgr. 43 $1.00 PER DAY rents you an electric rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease, etc. Service Electric, phone 524-8581. 43tf KENT house, furnished rooms with living room, TV find kitchen privileges,. 310 weekly. ,Phone 8433. 12tf OFFICE or store space, approskimately 2..0 square feet; West . St. ' location. 574.8845. 39tf SMALL apartment, ground floor, and he ted. Phone 524-9650, after 6' p.m. 41 tf 8. 1-'I4 Wanted LADY h',usekeeper and companion re- nui•ed fn• elderly. !ad, in nnod he-!th, lo live in Goderich until about Nov. 30 Good wages paid. Reply stating age and salary expected to Box 140, Signal -Star Publication. ' 40tf LOCAL MAN REQUIRED 1 need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000 ye..rly for•fne ric�r,t person. Full -dr part-time. Age 21 to 70. Can you make short .-uto trips? We hope you will start soon aid stay wish " us a long time. Contact -Now! Charlie Lee, Wingham, phone 337.1383.• 42-45 MAN to represent International or- ganization. Must be aggressive, and willing to/ work a couple of nights a week. Good starting salary, all bene- fits, with transportation supplied. No experience needed. .Phone 524.8431 for' appointment.' Apply Singer Com- pany of Canada,' 40 West Street, Goderich:- 42-3 HEATED apartment, upstairs, two bed- rooms. Phone 524.8344; after five, r24.8170. 410 " TWO large, bright, single room* one extra Targe, business men or,twomen.' Breakfast if desired. Write, to Box 143 Signal -Star. . 42 HOUSE -3 laedroomr;.:,orge *float*, gas heat. Availablei Nov. 1. Phone 524-„ 9501. 431f ADULT SCHOOL CROSSING, GUARDS GODERICH PUBLIC' SCHOOLS 10. Wanted (General) HOMES wanted for Rer$lstt kittens, 24, Phone n 5 -7924 tetter sem .m or 524-9467 dudng day. h 431f COMPLETE household effects or small Iota wanted'.,, Cell C, & E. Fur. nitwit. 7231. 42tf WANTED—Model "A" Ford or other early model car in restorable condi- tion. Please reply stating style, condi- tion and price required; where and when the car can be seen, etc. Box 142, Signal -Star.- 42-43 CASH in on ,buried rtreesuni. We buy old gold and . estate jewellery. N. T. ' Ormendy Jewellery, •94 The Square, Goderich. , ,1.0tf Wrirten pplications will be received for Crossing Guards up to November 10th, 1967. For the .present, it is expected hours will be from 11:30 a.m, to 12:10 p.m. Locations wi'I be settled at the next Board meeting. Applicants should give full particulars, hourly or weekly wage expected, age, address, phone number. S. H. Blake, Secretary, Goderich Public School ,B6ard, 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. 42-3 TYPIST—If you are a good typist and would like evening work, we would like to hear from fou. This would be in our office, not in your own home. Contact R. G. Shrier, Signal -Star. MEN WANTED—Good opening. SeII Rawleigh products. Year round, steady work. ,Good profits. Write Rawleigh, Dept. J—'216-137, 4005 Richelieu St., 5t. Henry, Montreal. 43 WANTED—Home 'for two small pups. Owner moving. Phone 524-9041. 43x '11. Employment Wanted PART-TIME cleaning. Phone 4827160. 43 WILL do typing in my own home. 43x Phone 24.9861. 13. Auction Sale Of household effects and carpentry tools, in 'the Town of Goderich, 202 Shore Crescent; . on Saturday, October 28, at 1:00 p.m, Two-piece, chesterfield suite, tele- vision, rugs, hi-fi radio combination, bookcases, number small tables, occa- sional chairs, tri -light Tamp; 2 matching table lamps, drapes, pictures, smoking stand, 3 radios, record "player, dining table, 6 lairs, buffet, desk, clocks, walnut en tables, bedroom suites, beds, dressers, springs, mattresses, 2 towel poles, cedar chest, 15 -ft. Moffat frig. (like new), Clare Jewel gas .stove (like new), spice rack, dishes, cooking utensils, linens, frig., dryer, washing machine, lrbning board, step chair, step ladder, utility table, 2 vacuum cleaners, floor polisher, ping pong table, desk and closet combina- tion, room divider, oak table, small bop, case, set ' tray' tables, games, child's tenda table, 2 small chairs, guns, 303 rifle, .22 rifle, 12 -gauge single shot gun, air rifles, carpentry tools, pipe fitting tools, work bench, vise, 50 -ft. heavy extension cord, 100 -ft. heavy extension cord; electric lawn mower, 2 lawn chairs, patio. table; garden hose, winter clothing•, (children's, ladies', men's), --jackets, lady's muskrat jacket, size 1.2. Terms: Cash. Proprietor; William Woodward. Auctioneer, Harold • Jackson. • �.- Clerk, Mel Graham. In case of rain, sale will -be held under cover at 59 Hamilton treet. Proprietor moving to U-.S.A. EXPERIENCED -tinsmith, immediate em- ttiloyment, oil and gas furnace installa- tion;. " Excellent opportunity for the right applicant. Unlimited advance- ment Write-. or call, United Heating, 52 Williams St. W„ Waterloo, Ontario, telephone 743-7842. • 43 FULL or part -rime housekeeper, no experience necessary. Apply G: Ball, R.R. 5, Goderich. Telephone 524-7279, after 4:30 p.m. 43x 42-3 14, Service: A ollab*e HAROLD'S DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 324.7 GODERICH 42-3-4 FULLER BRUSH representative. Phone 524-7466. 43 RELIABLE man desires odd jobs, paint- ing, repair work, cleaning, etc,. Call • Dick, 524-8054. ' - 4311 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of antiques and household effects at the Andrew Residence, 100 Brock -St., Goderich,- on Saturday, November 4, at 1 p.m. General Electric refrigerator; McClary gas stove; automatic washing machine and clothes dryer;: ^g1 TV; , ci•l,rOt' ,, set; .Sunbeam mixmaster; dining.•rootn suite; china cabinet; corner china cabinet; bookcase; studio couch; chesterfield suite;' round wicker table; wicker chairs; rocking chairs; beds; dressers; large antique chest of draw- ers; brass bed; ..wardrobe; lamps; oil lamp; clocks; bedding; picture frames; dishes; early Canadian glass, etc., etc. Also selling, ' subject to a reserve bid (if not sold prior_ to sale time), the seven -room insul brick house, two ' unporches, aluminum doors and win- dows; gas furnace; lot approximately 100' x 100'. Terms of- the house to be made known the day of the sale. ' Terms on chattels: Cash. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer ,43-44 10. Wonted (Grneral) WANTED ,to buy—One hundred bales of second cut hay. Phone 482-7177.. 43 AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and miscellaneous items;' on the premises at Dunlop, 2 miles north ' of Goderich, on Highway 21. The undersigned auctioneer received in- structions to sell by public auction on Saturday, November 4th, at 1:30 p.m. Coldspot large sire refrigerator, like new; kitchen table and chairs; 2 antique pine cupboards; bureau; kit- chen cabinet; chesterfield and chair; buffer -2- pine chest of drawers; wickerrocker; centre and end tables; drop leaf. table; occasionol chairs; electric lamps; 3 antique coal oil lamps; mantel clock; square oak table; hall mirror and stand; be'dsteads;'. springs and mattress; dresser's; com- modes; linen cupboard; wash stand; wardrobe; mirror; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner; 2 electric heaters; antique clock; assortment tomfortdrs; linen; bedding; piilowf; new quilts; wool blankets; drapes; towels; glass- ware; silverware; antique dishes; kit- chen utensils; "electric cooker; toaster; copper boilerrstep• ladders; bird stand; 2 ° lanterns; carpenter and garden tools; wheel barrow; work bench; galvanized tubs; 2 lawn mowers; vice, etc., etc. Terms: Cash. Alvin Wolper,' Auctioneer. • Mrs. Gertrude Gliddon, Proprietress, 43b 14. Services Available FOR HEDGE Trimming end . •rri" tiandscaping jobs, phnnd 524-6488 BRICKWORK, fi•",'aye•, s+^new +ilea plaiterino, ,chimneys, stucco and con- crete repairing. Ray S"ui•", ' ' 311, Seaforth, pknnl. x2'•1412 .f ,1 1 YOUNG MAN INTERESTED IN APPRENTICESHIP IN AUTO' MECHANICS • If you are interested. in a future in' auto me- chanics we invite you to come in and see us. W.J. MILLS MOTOR SALES KINGSTON St,, GODERICH .or a WILL sew drapes at home. 524-6447. 43 AUCTION SERVICE ALLAN MacINTYRE Experienced — licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, "Ont. 36.43 SEE us for expert "Rust -Proofing" for your car and custom service to e1,1 make'. Rouse Auto Electric, West Street, '524-9311. if DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable- Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524.8391 E. and 0. Construction, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 565-2734. Sand end gravel, backhoe, grading, septic tank and tile fields. 28tf Cemetery Memorials And Inscriptions Floyd M. Lodge Dial 5247345 65 Montreal St. — Goderich 18tf FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, - 162 Mary St., phone 524-9089. 32ti ACE Radio TV Service. fr+:`K Wit: )x,. 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, 0••• Phone 524-7771 10 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED HARVEY DALE S.aforth — 527-1406 Clinton - 482-9206 30-43, SKELTON'S APPLIANCES ' Inglis — Moffat Beatty Sales and Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Phone 524-7871 — 15. Neter To Credipito ALL persons hiving claim* .against the Estate 0 JOHN GLIDDCiN, Retired Termer, late of tht Village of Holmee- vitle, in the County of Huron, who died on or about. the, 26th day of September, 1967, ars required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of November, 1967, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 5th day of October, 1967. W. M. PREST, Q.C., Barrister, etc., 56A' East Street, Goderich, Ontario. - Sd licitor for the Estate. 41.2-3i ALL persons having claims against the Estate of MABEL McLEAN, Widow, late of the Village of Saltford, in, the County of Huron, who died on or about the 18th day of September, 1967, "are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 4th day of November, 1967, as after that date the assets of the est.te will be . distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 5th day of October, 1967. W. M. PREST, Q.C., Barrister, etc., 56A East Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor for ,the EstSte. 41-2-3 IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES EMMERSON YOUNG. All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased, who died on June 17,' 1967, are re- quired to file full particulars with the undersigned on or before November 17, 1967. t Dated at Kitchener, October 19, 1967. SUTHERLAND & HAGARTY, 251 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario, Solidtors for the Executors. 43-4-5 16. Public Notice NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor Licence Act Licensing District No. 2 TAKE NOTICE that Roy -Breckenridge of the Town of Goderich, in 'he County of Huron, will make applica- 41tf tion at a Speelal Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of 'Ontario to be held at the 15. Notice To Creditors ALL persons having claims against the Estate of HILDA ETHEL JOWETT, Widow, late of the Village of Bayfield; - in the County of Huron, who died on or about ' the 4th day of October, .f:?67,..•-err rngylfod to »fileq"III#; Aatne with 'full° particulars With tale ''rider= signed by the 11th day of November, 1967, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 11th day of October, 1967: , 'HAYS & HAYS, Solicitors for the Estate, 33 Montreal Street,. Goderich, Ontario. 42-3-4 ".ALL, persons having claims against the Estate of FLORENCE CATHERINE TOMS, Housewife, late of the- Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 28th day of September, 1967, are required to file the same. with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of November, 1967, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at Qoderich, Ontario, this 5th day of October, 1967. W -M. PREST, Q.C., Barrister, etc., 56A East Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. 41-2-3 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS , OF TAXES, COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. TO WIT: NOTICE IS HEREBY• GIVEN that the list of lands to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of Huron has, been prepared and was published in "The Ontario Gazette"'upon the 2nd day of September, 1967. - Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears may be secuPed in the County Treasurer's .office. In default of 'payment of taxes as shown on such list on or before Wednesday, ..December 6th, 1967, et the hour of ten o'clock in the morn- ing, I shall at the said time In the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, pro- ceed to sell b, �-Public Auction the said lands to ' p y such arrears to- gether with the charges thereon. iJOTiCE IS KREBY FURTHER GIVEN 'that if any 5f, the said lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Wednesday, adjourned, 13th, 1967, et same hour end place. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Triasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 19. Lost Anti Found 36-48 HIGH SCHOOL student 'lost glasses, vicinity Square or Maitland bridge. Reward. Phone 524.9354. 43 CANADIAN LEGION HALL, 48 ONTARIO STREET NORTH, in the CITY OF KITCHENER •in the COUNTY OF WATERLOO on Tuesday the fourteenth day of November, 1967, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, E.S.T. in ,the forenoon tor the i$suatice;.R✓�ef, a, `, fi� »z� `414101I0 ✓((yyUM 1[a ;1 sale and consumption of liquor meals, For the . following premises: known as Harbourlite Inn, situate at Muni- cipal Number 145 Essex Street, in the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron; and being' situate and com- posed of Lots 120, 121,- 145, 146 and 147 in Hutchinson's Survey for the said Town of Goderich. Any person who is resident in the licensing district may object _to the. application, and the grounds of ,ob- jection in writing shall be filed with MR. R. B, TROTT, Q.C., the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address ' is 251 KING STREET WEST, SUITE 402, KITCHENER, ONTARIO, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. Dated at Exeter this 16th day of October, 1967. ROY BRECKENRIDGE 145 Esstsx Street, Goderich, Ontario C. V. Laughton; Q.C., Exeter, Ontario. • • Solicitor for Applicant. 42-3 A. I ir` hs SELLAR—At Saskatoon City Hospital, Saskatoon, Sade,, on October 4, 1967, to 'Mr, -arid,. Mrs. Alex Sellar, 'Saskatoon, a son, 'James Alexander. 43x ALLISON -At Alexandra hospital, Gode- rich, on October 20,- 1967, to Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Allison, Goderich, a son, Scott 'Charles. BAECHLER — At Alexandra hospital, Goderich, on October 22, 1967, to k Mrs end—Mss. Robert ••Baechjerr Goderich, a daughter, Ann Louise. DUNN—At Alexandra hospital, Gode- rich;' on October 20, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunn, Goderich, a son, Robert Keith. ROBINSON—At Alexandra hospital, Goderich; on October 22, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs: James Robinson, Gode- rich, a Bon, J,emes Tbdd. SNYDER—At Alexandra hospital, Gode- rich, on October 20, 196'; to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Snyder, dintoti, e daughter, Catherine Marce. C. Briefs b=der Shell- furnace oil end tt,. ei' from Edward Fue!", tank-t•usk- dealer for all S'eII Oil Co. p• --lusts, .one 524-8386 D. In MemDriam, GLEDHILL—In loving memory of Clyde\ Gledhill, who died one year ago, October 24, 1966. ' The Gl 111 Family. 43x continued on page 6