HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-5, Page 11 6111).9.04bn) fair ' The EXETER ILDIOATE, , .0n1y 03 from now till .Tannary 1st IWO. Cii'V'S it a trial. pa......................F.....a.sa.a..... ! saas.paa.,....w.acoala,kas7 Tile ADYOCATE OFFIG . ix., need .of.-.,- . „sale Bills, , ff,asid BillS, T.Ec.tter., te•ad.3 and 11ilyplo pea.- in i1 , ail' 1.3finis. of printlng,, . p...,,...........,............a.....a.a...0.-,r,".amm** VOL. IV. EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 5 18924 tee seteatteeketts. The IMolsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 18,35.) Paid. up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Pun..... .... 1,100,000, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERS'I'AN THOMAS, Esq,, GENERAL. MANAGER. Money advanced. to good Farmer's on their own notes with one or mere endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open ever, K lawfai day from 10 a. re, to 3 p. m., baturdays 10 a.m. to 1. p. m A general banking business transacted Pour per cent. per annum allowed, for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager THE eXeter Abrorate Is published every . Thursday Morning, at the OiRce, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANN • TiRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. • • One Dollar or 0,13.111.1M if paid in Advance. SI..5 0 if' no t so paid. C. .s3.(5..-nrewt3.1=s, lImatoz No paper diseoatintied until till arrearages are paid. Ail vertisetuents without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged. accordingly. Liberaldisoountinade for transeleat advertisements in,;ertoo., for long periods. Every description of .1 013 PRINTING turned out:in tho finest style, and at moderate :rates. Cheqiics, m ahoy ori- &. for advea:tisina; subscriptions, etc.. to ht makl, nava ble to 1 Sanders Se, SWenet PaorittsTons 1.11i1i1?.e.h.1311.eetory. . TRIVITT ..14.10,161; ?AL 0.(111 11 Fat. Rector. Sunday Sexy -ices, and 7 p. in, Sabbath Se1iool,•0.30 MEnionisT Ouracli--;lasnes-st 0i v, A. L. Russell, PAS tor. Sunday Serv1ee5,11.30.a, sn. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. U. HAIN STIIIIP.T.-11.ev. W. liteDonagli, Pas- tor. So.o...hty Services,•it 00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath Scho01.00.P 1111 PRE C:tranon..—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11. tt. tn. and 6.30 p. in. Sabbath School, 9.15 S.. M. k'Z.`01111:401.0tiltti 4114.. 11. KINS.ti.A..N, `6, ..al,ise,?•.t's Block. t doors north. ot 4...,artIng store, STE Et.T.,..EX tts't setti without pain. Alva.), at 11 , on ist Fritlay;Ailsa Craig on 21.1 caul -tth Tuesday; and. Zurich on last ..Intursday of ettvli utontb. ("A itAla, Dv.,NT WI, Member Roya College DentalSurgeons, ole,ce,,,,or to II. iAg BillUttice Over P0t Utica Out. safo anaesthetie given for / the puintess ext:zi,ction 01 teeth. Eine (7, old Fillings as regit.ireA, . ..... B WHITELY, 11. D., c.m., s else sure -ewe ()Slice and residence. - Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Cloderich, Ontario. A. ItOLI,INS. O1?FI0J.JE-331.21.TX ST. ilesidence--Llorner Andrew and North Streets, .111xeter, Ontario. TR. T. 13. Moll.A.UGHLIN, 11.14ACBER OF the Oollet;,,,re of. Physicians alai Siu.geons Ontario. PhyslCian, brageon. and. Ac.couch- cur. Office, liashwood, Ont. TA. A,. :310S, o..az , Member of Lollege of Physicians and- Surgeons', Ontario; licentiate of.tlie 13,oyitl College of l'hysieians and SM:geons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faeulty of Physicians and Sur- geOns, Glasgow; I'ellow of Trinity Meditatl College, Toronto, Offiee-Dr. Cowen's old stand. .3/ egat •MriaLS20.,..,,,STWITA:FINNVIICIP.1411..[Trrel,P1MIV,ZARSIIIMT.MATV i.) se. oot.,LINS, soLeore, -yes CR, Conveyancer, Notarr 'Office -0 yes 0"N ell's Bank, Exeter, 'Ontario, Money to Loan. of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con - IL DICKSON; Ise.r,,nee'reea, SOLICITOR veyanoer, Commissioner, Sic. Money to loan Oflice--Fa s o s Blook, Exeter. LLIOT, & EL LIOT , BARRIE1,T1.113.S, SOLIC itorsi Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B, ELLIOT. 7. ELLIOT n•srr.tr,e7.1recwarner,r,*earm......, A.n.c.ttioneers. • TT BROWN, Winehelsea. Licensed Atict- ..11... ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Mirldlesex, also foi• the township of USborne Sales promptly 16 ttelided to andlerin s reason able,Sales arranged at Post office, Wineheisa • . A 7, ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- 1-1.med:Atictioneer, for th.e counties of Hur- on and. Middlesex. Residence: 1 In ile9011011 of.Exeter„Ont. Sale orders by 11].a]Lor other- wise. promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. BoseBNI3Enalla Hensall Ontario. Lie - L ensed Auctioneer for the Couritys of Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. LHA.RDY, Licensed Auctioneer for th e a Omni ty of Huron, Sales Conducted on reasonable terms, Farm and Farm Stock a s pecialty. Full arrangements can. be ,xnade at this office. • VRED. W. IPA17,NCOM,13,'Provincial Land ..12 Surveyor and Civil, Engineer. Office, Over Post Offiee, Main street, blaster, Ont. DAIVDdmime-let, VOn eterinary Surgeon, Grauate othe tario Veterinary CollegetToronto, (Successor to Wfsi. Sweet, V, ) Over 18 ;years practice. Office and residence,one block east of RieharclPickards store, Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter Ont FOR SALE, The Brick COttage situated on J'arnes.St., composed of siX reem‘4, •Olso t.WO tOtA On which the lionae is located is offered for sale The proprietor has another reHiclence 011 William street, iv frame house With seven rooms, good garden, splendid water, an00 many otlter accomodations, which Will be sold or rented as tile nettles may Wish. loot farther particulets apply to 11110.1sAA0 D.A.Wnn14. Ithceter, Ont pROPERTY FOR SALE. The &Menne valnablc property etnupris, ing lots oast half 15, Thames ltoad, by ads measurement DA metes. Ort tee is, it snlenditi frame houSe and stable, good well, tt eember or young trees, end misty;,o„tilet neeoinniedations. Also 1910 acres 9s land situated. en Main street, north et Lake ltoecl, e'er tortes end particulars apply to Joust Tuostesolt, NAV P 0, N OTTO& ' The Court of Revision for Stephea will be held ia Town Hall,Creditsn,ea Thursday,the 200h May -con traets for grav,e1 will be , let same day. By order of Oak -tacit, C. PROUTY. HOTEL FOR SALE, The Devon Hotel and propertT, situated' 214 miles south oflOxeter, comprising UKao- res of lancl with frame stable and shed will bp 5014 On. reasonable terius. Possession given at Any thne.e'For further partic,ulars apply to L. Dicksory, barrister, Exeter, or to M.E.ollasnl, prointetor, on the premises. ' FARM FOR SALE'. One hundred acres, more or less, being LoO 1, con. 6, Township of T.Tsborne. County of Huron, 90 acres under good. cultivation, well drained, good orchard,two frame barns tram e stable, Two StOrey 13riek Dwelling., & two good wells of' water op the prernises,For fo.rther partioulars typyly to . Mn. 705050 column. 250-13 St. Thomas, Ont EARNEST ELLIOT. The 'Western Fire Assurance Compeny, of Toronto, The Phomix Piro Insurance Co'y., of Londoo, England.. The Alliance Fire Assur. Co'y.,' of London, En,gland and The Confederation Life Association, of Toronto. Office: -Main -8 treet , Exeter, Ont, ADMIT 37011 Hey \Wanted.. A good stnert hoes wanted at onett, to leare the art of photosttrephy, apply to Joseph Sen esettreis, tee undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy, terms. J, ACKM A N, EXCler aetett. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing' to be left at the leadiner boot and shoe store next door to the post ofnce, G. Manson. For os5 centre. You can get the Exeter "Advocate" - Medical Advisor and -Farm Help sent to any person in America. Only one price for two papers. Now is your time, to subscribe. celebration. At. a mcetiegt held. on Saturday e'r ening it was decided to hold a monster trade proceesior, sports of all kinds, rneing, am" many ether attractioes to make a pleasant time. The reeve, Mr. Ilawden, has zonseitted to fits. nish the eeeessary tnoney aed the COM-, n110100 aro ,b-usy preparing dm pro gramme.. Bills will be One in a few tines freest esite.iiinite Of the :!;'oungt men who are engaged in ths work aed the energetic gentleman at the head of the aliair, every success is :ooked for, Nick Mat Mr. j0SDI)11 3001101? has be,en confined to the house during the past week ow- ing to a severe attack of mumps, but has recovered Sufficient to be amine again. -Mrs. Martin. of Devon, has .re covered sufficient to be out again. -Mr 'William Davis still 'lingers in an un certain 'eondition. At times his recov. ery is thnught doubtful. ----Mr. David Johns -who is in the London hospital, has recovered sufficiently to be allowed to get out of bed which took .pleree on N,Vedliesday. An ExeSesIta 111.143t50st11691ft1e3l t We notice in the. Toronto Ent:pipe' of Saturday a repevt of the Medical tied Dell tistry Examinations held 10. Toronto University recently that one of onr young niti,H. F. Kinsman distinguish- es himself in dentstry and is now entit led to affix that title which he deserv- edly acquired, D. D. S. Much credit reflects on Mr. K. for the very efficient manuer in which he acquitted himself in the above exam., having obtained honors in nine subjects out of the pos sible ten. We wish the young man prosperity and May his career asa practitioner be crowned witli success as Was his examination. Personal Mention, Mr. A. Lammie, of Detroit, spent a few days in 0017 midst:last week -Mr. Cable, who has been engaged for some time wittiMr. John Trebleat harness making, :left on 'Thursday last week for Pauline Hielcs; of Winnipeg, (laughter of Mr. John Hicks formerly of this section, of :county, ar- rived here on Thursday evening.. last week and isvisitthg relatives and friends in and around the vilhge Fred W. Farnconahe, of London, was in the village on Monday -Mi W, p. Weekes and son and Miss Annie Week- es left on Monday for Mount. Bridges, where they will remain, for a few days. Hugh.Spaekman wait in London on Tuesday.a.--Mr. Thomas Newten, a former resident of this place, but who has been. residing of late 117....Wii3ds0r, has secured a situation with A.4. Snell and we intende ,rerneinieg in Or:midst et -Hugh :K. Herndanin has returned from Toronto .where he has been tryitig to pao asi examination before:the Medicel coltneil Boaid, the resit:it Of which ia not yet known, -Miss Atny Heitman, Who hats been visiting here for tome time, left for her horde rn London on Mondaye-Mr. John Duncan and Mr, .Steetly left Exeter on TrieSday for New lent:Arid intend sailing On Thittaday kr England, Where they ,will relti41 Until jitee.---Word has beim received that the eteamship Sarn. la arrived in Liverpool on 'Mendel and 110 deubt filthy Monde Will be glad to heat that it -wee in tbie botit that the aeV,'Mr. Martin sailed-Miy Thobiaft Fitton was 111 Londen obe TiieSdaye- M. Vincent hat eettoted eaten being itigeRt In 1604011 nd T010/1th keveral Weeke; • route ssellsoot Board attni sites May 2nd:--3oard. met at the Town Hall at 8 pin. Absent W. D. Weekes. Items passed. 'Minutes of previous meeting, Per T. Fitton and W Hoskin the secretary to secure definite infer - 'nation re N. E. Boundary of section. - per T. Fitton and IV, Hoskin, that the Fire Protection Com. reconsider places and that tenders remain unopened. - Per Dr. Lutz and W Treble, that W. Treble, Unit W. Hoekins, T. Fitton and the chairman be a committee to. afoot renewal of centre feuce,,necessary re- pairs to line fences and proper working of ea vetroughs and conductors, -Per resolution the secretary to secure infor nivion re grants to advaneed.pupils- per T. Fitton, adjournment. J-GRIGG, Sec'y Chiselhurst. The Epworth League are talking of holdingan entertainment . on the 24th of May, -Rev. Mr. Martiu . will leave shortly for England owing to ill health, ex peeking to be benefitted byes sea voyage. -A eumber of,our citizens will attend the Quarterly Board meeting at Kippeu on Friday. - We uedc'rstand that our football team inteud Visiting -Exeter on the 24th and Mho part in a match: with Edeu club. Should they be nee -cella rnatehed as before a teetod game will be 11 itnessed. There was no preaching Lithe Metho- dist church on Sunday. Around. About The McDonald farm, Cion 111 was sold recently for the sum of1,e.e6 casha.. The hote.I at Bier will be built'short- ly, Messrs. Gibson aud &mien, of Lu- ceatOniive t he contract. • Vtiiair wife of 'William Blair, PoOiaster, Stratford, died suddenly mallearsday last week, only being ill t NV,10 days. The election, expenses • inourred by Mr. Pridham (hiring' the election held in the Electoral District of the Sonth Riding of Perth on March 10th, 1892, amounted to 3069.62. The annual meeting of the Perth Teachers Institute will be held i11 the aesembie hall of the Stratford Colleg- iate lestitute, rlheirsdav a lid Friday May 117± an 01 2Oth si ex 1. Whalen. The me t.ng otrehe Quarterly Beard Our crops are now looking to be in will be hsi 1 m Friday afterneen at 2 a healthy condition owing to the recent Warm shower* of rain. -Mr. .James Brook has errived home after disposing of his stock in Virginia. -Mr. Albert !Allison, of Palmerston, has been here spending a aeaticift.-miss Clara Brock has fully recovered frOin her late attack of illness. -Mr, James Macdon- ald has returned to Bowmanville, after being in our neighborhood for a short time. o'clock.. -Mee. lee Weismiller and do:tigh- ter. LaV16J38Ti Visitillg et New 'Henn burg. Th."1-1,11AtiO.Eso of Conductor Snid, er have 70curecv.%,fOr the camp meeting iewq.nete, weal, the Rey, J. E. Howell, ofclOdesiOleiri charge e c‘sf,. the meetingssesAneomi'am Kyle*, 'alient to retire fi steeisecerritigte busittess 4t,d' eitgafe in farrnhigi titaey Aphool Repo; The monfitlen!eietiont4oe April .for S. 9 NO 2 Flaw 11 iisafollows Names are in ordtraittrierit. Sixth -Horner Busaell,,AltretrMeTagaestrt. Fourth - Kate Chapthati4t.. 0. Ross, F. E. Ross and R Sen. Third --aBeatri3O'ayaeraNellie O'BriernMaud Rnseell. 1.4)..u.ne rilnrd---Nellie Genic!, Jas. Siiiri Second -- Busch en toio Russe F,clgar Ocii,e;ieett Goutd. Second Part-Wi'• • Ts, Beie Jessie MU ieseeeParteellobert G' - Bitten, Jo' ;4l,litte,e0on, ',Rachel Essay. The best t st' Nobie Northcott, Senior teee e'sNorthcott, Henry '64,k4'Ntirthcatt equal, Mil- !eld---Carrie Gould, lug mate! Sr. arti, B 13 C 011111 ; 211(1., Caro O'Beiem ' .Eden - Mt. James Dempsey is recovering from his severe illness and is able to be at his echool again. -Seeding is fin ished and there Etre ood prospects for extra crops iu this section -The price paid for the Easterbrook farms was i$9,000. --Our football boys are going to get down to work AS a match is ex- pected to be kicked in Exeter on the 241h of May, with a Chiselhurst club. - Our schoel inspector has been making 1)1811 here and reports everythiog in gond tondition•-Farmers t.ire beein- • e ning to look forward. to th3 time, of clo. log their slatuto lithor.---Considerable NO 256 ..Samaxsc...6r' Ana. ' Centralia. Miss Flo Hicks, of Exeter is vioitiug. frieeds here. --Miss M. Ila.,milten wa the guest 01 11111 Misses Colwell oe Sun- day -Miss Pauline 1-l1ckse of WiT111,ipeg..; is visitinrs Mrs Thos. Handford this week, ---John Neil had another attack of la grippe this week. -J. C. Abbott, Exeter. spent Sunday in •onr Thos. Willis spent Sunday at Mr. Gil here 2nd eon. et Steplietie-aA few of our sports tat...ended, the medicine ooze - cuts in Exeter last, week, -Pat Mc- Laughlin who has been in Miideigatt all winter is, here .egaiif.-Unston Le- sery, station agen tee& Palmerston, was visiting the home'of his childhood here last week. Conamunication. Centralia, Ma.y 4th, 1892 Mean SIR. .Please allow me space in your val liable paper to once more diaw the at- tention of the people to the dispute ex- istinte in the neielaborbood. a:plying to 01)0(m CorrosP- dent of last weele,s issue eorcertainer tine spelling; ma tell betwien No. 9, of Bid - . muse .1firef,mitS1 OW monthly spell. sickness bits been prevailing in this dulph and No1 of Stephen. .. - irc' Cp '• Seetion but w,ithI seAe. "it..,1.13 resel again try znsl correct the errors made eeh • jr. Brif,'IY.ef'a'ehein'al' its. ...._ . hy the aboVe DOvrespoodent. It ette ureenway. steted oy 111111 that the teachers of the , Line • Btiscb; Jr. te , BPartertie elle enens Englaed -ald wifeof Mon. esto-t mRpeetiansg ns100.0010)',sh100.0010)',led bsY e ea ep*1uapsil I' f 02rieli, I ):1031:a nd41, , , • . . 41111141 tatU' tels8 902i ,gned. Mr. tre near Mr, nfi F. Wuerth , .lioads. Ree,ve e:'on 4i garding expen- ,eurtIAevision to be t i,Mayie.,elra vol contracts le let. '11ee71) to accept Assessinena.e,,o l• The following orders sweee geantAseytiseeseGelsseessess culvert and rakingoakvel $8,501T Follis gra. vel got by .r'llktodgina and G Lewis $13.16; :Nisi. IfeiverenbC $8; John Pedler culvert Tat eidie rotifl (Re j Cherrou keep W. t" 0 iteect1.4"..(34;`,i,„Regtsin num- beriegt vi,rt :sets e,e' ; Oliver gee Bee. M. Wils011 end feud's+ visited Rev, G. senberry einleeet L 10 Es be. Council J. Kerr at Thorndalu last week. ---The meet 2601)-Miy. as a. court of Revision beaeltaful May 8110 PMI'S laSt• Sabbath and. ether bugiles Gravel contracts, was much needect-eIt was telephoned et,. cs pamfry. ck.,rk. on Tuesday morning that the Grand A31 tin6i , , tas's ntee liicks is k Walrond' to 866 to it to, writedM, ses 0.13. • Thursday. same day teen, is visitieg his parents Mr. Rd. eorrected before the 0 • Euglencl.---Mr. John Bloornficed spent leSt Sabbath. with his friends 1.11 Cree,n- way.---Mr, Addison. of Barrie, is visit- ppomte side had. (thence they retained sthe.ir eositiou This, I must say, is absolutely wrongs a.e the teeehers did 100t agreo to 5, 8,1.131 iag at mr, Tees, Bee, wt., are p tensed if n, pupil in a match spellet a word to congratulate Mr R L. Vo ileon en through theft chance is dello, bee ef hay irg passed his second year exa mile they 011 epell part of the word and atiori in the ministeral worle-.-Mrs. 0 th 11 0Orreet thenuelres.it iS all right.' avasa„ tea eeesee' very taste. Now the word given was "brownie' fully decorated with sonie'of her beau 1- 'n'll:Iraoled'nileg:'' tcl0m110Bulic011c11u17Plahrnes;tipisiPalitsel if -al flowers hist Sabbath for the quart - then she took the second ch4ince an& erly meeting sacrame,ntal. service -Mr Brophey started fishing with-11wii'ecy.t,eads llietrsitctIldalg f,whel i,tinstheelstsbaotati linNoll17°,.eao ln the lake last Mondsnot ay. Mr. .. Henry Shank erected a large additior3m u. Iiiuiptyillm s by 411Y oanm s. Some of them to his barnlast Saturclay.-MrIran 'spelled a evord but 'correeted themselves before the word was finish- Mellin is offerieg his 00 acre thrm for sale, Tsetapks. of going to Ia i)Viosliviits-tft- ethd-e 131i cilt cAi nlph cdoilsltlilnt,pctolryatnuentdeiod t'shtaottre ton territory, -Mr. Win. Hum ed friceds here hist Taniday.--Mr, A. Writer of 11115 11'0(.0 is as well Alegualu(s- ed: with the spelling match as they are and I think eviicloni on that part is well grounded; and if the higher manly. principle, however mortifying-, to give credit to whom credit belongs, was given_ tly thc 13t.(10.titp11. corresporidene, to Iete,'1 StVphen pupils it wo0 ld. suit better Olen vise ser.si, it waS fairly 1.4rOt as stated above bee:them. With many thanks to you Mr. Editor I remain • ;Isle, James lissom,' ste-Trewbridge,• has - been engaged as suceessor to 31r. Bow. erman in school suctian No, L Grey, at ' Bend ditth question is stitl unets`eleti. Luoan.. . . Farmers in this vicinity report that the fall 73110101 110.0) clover crops were considerably damaged by the recent frostsst-A cattle buyer from Berlin, Ont., ieurelia.se.d. 21 head of beef cattle from D. Cobblediek,asfariner ti ear Clans deboye, at remunerative •prices. -The town is badly in need of. a fire protect. ion, The old Phamix fire (engine has 'seen its best clays, and Would now be COmpletely useless in case -of a serious: • ( tor last week) aa slary of ,c,e.210, for the lest eight 1.1 1710 1.., 11 01113 vicinity are themfgh months of the current year. scaling iuhl are preparing to put in lys t mienroot erep.-Mr, R. Mcc,hinelny los( Iva. Bice was surrendered 130' bondsmen, and brought before Judge Elliott yesterday on a charge of stcal• ing wheat. Eis trial was fixed for May 28rcl, and he was again bailed for that day Mr. M. McKinnon, of Meaford, has purchased the plant of the Parkhill Gazette from Mr. R. T. White. Mr. Mc - kin 0011 has served. Or1 the editorial staff of the Mea ford Mirror and the best of success and prosperity for the new 30013101 13 looked for. Brussels Fost:-"The firm of Smith Bros. &r, Caloson; of the planing mill and sash am" door factory, have been com- pelled. to assign for the bemelit of their creditors. It was expected, as stated in these columns, that a settlement would be arrived at without closing the d.00re, but it appears that the Mer chants' Bauk, Lemdou, was pressing their claim through the courts, and as the money was not forthcoming. the tirm thought to lot all concerned share alike, an assignment would be neces- sary. F. S. Scott, of Brussels will be the assiguee." Mr. Minhinnick, of the London Hu- mane Society, has recently investigat- ed a case of cruelty to cattle, a. few miles east of the city, which is the worst that has yet come under his not ice, A herd of twenty young cattle in a held showed signs of very improper, attendance, while in the barn he found four others so weak from apparent starvation as not to be able to rise. Two veterinary surgeons were called to examine them, and found that the flesh was fostered and apparently rotting. The animals were covered with sores. It is thought necessary to kill theni. A most disastrous fire visited Blue Tale on Fliday morning of htat week about 3.30 o'clock. The blacksmith shop and carriage shop were both des- troyed by fire. .11 was not supposed to be incendiary, but to heve caught from 01 chimney in the carriage shop. The fire tad only made small headway when it was noticed, and soon a num of willing workers were on hand. No attempt was made to save the carriage shop, but the eontents were 50011 on the road, It was then notieed that the bia.ekstriith shop was in ihaMinent clan ger. It was defended for a short time, but the fire got the best of it, and soon the shop was in flames. The imple- ment shop occupied by Mr John Gard- ner was also though,t to be in &ewer, end a number of hands iset to work to tear it down, aud on it was brought to the ground, The shoe shop oecupied by Mr. 3, F. Morrison was saved from deetructioti by tile Working of tliknien The workers deserve praise for the Wa,y in which they tided at the fire, All the build Inge were owned by Mr, Thies Nixon, The logs is partially toweeed by iusarance, Mt. Nixen interalt re in g. a valuable, ;pain through,.01152088 lasc,. Week; bateleas.purchased' another horse from Mee Gettlherritt of this vicinity The faintil4e5f Mr. Stephen Webb are sick with. reeasels at preseet.-alls,s A. Turnbull, of Brewstee is spending the week at theeresidence, of Me, Geo.Sher. ritt,-Miss Blianeh Baks4ai� has been home spending bor Easter holidays has retairnedato Parkhill to coetieue her studies. -Miss Marian Iffa,yter who has been visitingfriends in Parkhill has re turned home feeling lunch better,e-Mr J. Corbett and fainily haVe:left for Vic - 1011), B. 0, whe,re they intend to reside with hie beether Me. A. Corbett . -e -Mr, J. B, Hodgirls has hired Me, All McInnis fela terse of four mopths. clueing the ern 111Mer; Granton. Dr, Leang has purehased a handsome &neer frone Mr. 3, M. Knott, of Sts pey'ing a handsome price -Mr. James Aftirray and family have re- moved to ,,Watford. All will be greatly 11118861.1 111 this neighborhood.. --Owing to the warm rains which gave us a welcome visit during; the pasetetweek vegetation has begun in earn6st and everythieg is in a prosperous condition --The, Rev. Mr, Ghent preciched to thes OddfellOsifs on Sunday evening, his subject being "Is it right to have a secret." A large number of hearers were present and the discourse being of an inifiressive natare,it was listened to wilh rapt. attention. -S. J. Radcliffe, B.A., and lddy, have returned home after spending a short,vacation among st us.--'Mr..raycraft, Miss Wallis and Miss Harrison have been appointed delegate. to attend the eounty convent ion of the Y. P. S. C. Ea to be hold in London on May 241h. Crediton. Mr. Jas Clarke had a very success. ful barn raising en Saturday last, Apr, 80th, Thi captaine of the opposite Sicl- es were Messrs. Wolfeand Wietzel, It was a,very close race as Mt. Wintzers side won 'by only three rafters, -One of Mr. P. Madge's Windmills may ..be seen at Lori Stable, smith of Orediten; Another may be gems ae John Treviii- thicka. 330112 ate very fine Wiedualls.- Walter Clarke has lately become stgeet for the WoodeBinder, He heel One on exhibition Crediton. We think this is a .very fine binder as it gives setts. . fection ieluireyet put new landlerd, Mr. Ira Heide, Arrived 00 the village oti Monthly' IAA. The hotel Will be fitted tie fitst-clase •terilers-e-Mise Olittk ftoni tendon and Mr. Clarleftom Geemville are the,gueste of Mr. Alex. Clarke Crediton Seutte-We are glad to toe, IVIe Geo. Russell uta itt hi A chotg Atott afttt h6 ate illtiess.-Quarterif meeting was held in tile, Methodist citurelnon Sunday laet,-It Was not 'Well attended 011 hed.citilit of the donflagation taking place, -Mr. Pepper of Toronto, has efigeged the services' of Mester Harry Wilson froM this town as jockey, to ride his jar/This' horses, Harry will rido. them, unless °they turn kmersault withont his conee,nt.e- Three of the leadine• Lucan bot sl Chttned hands on Monday last, some thing- iinpreeeden ted in the history of the village. The Contial, built by Mr, R. McLean 30 years ago and occupied bv. him during that period, goes under the, sueerintendance of Mr, A. McFalls; the Royal passes into he hands of Mr. Edney°, and. the Westerns for. some :.eears ewned end occupied by Mr. John P. 03,in, will be taken charge of by ?dr, 12. Ryder. Mr McLean and Cain are Tetiring from the business and the pro nrietter of tha Royal goes to Parkhill: to assume a Similiar positiona4t is eur rent that Mr. W. D. Stanley, ex -war den of the country, "will be county clerk le the place of the late Mr. Mc- Kenzie. Wingham, Messrs. Vanstonceof Kincardine,haye purchased the VVin ghoul Marble Works from Mr. T. T. Watson and will take possession shertly.-Crossly and Hunt - ale the evangelists, began a series of services here On Sunday night, which are being held under the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians and Congrega- tionalists of this place -Rev. Mr. Mc - Cosh has removed to Chatham to as- sume the charge lately filled by Rev. N. H. Martin. -A number of cases were disposed of at the division court held hers last week. -Workmen are at pres. ent engaged getting the building ready for the new Bank of Hamilton, The members of Maitland Lodge,10,0, F., eelebra,ted their 713rd anniversary on Sunday by attending, divine service in the Congregational Church, when a sermon was delivered by the "teeter W. H. Watson. --The weleorne showers which visited ne during the week eave gi.eatly torrohed the crops and they now look to be in ftehriving condition. -A tomerresident of this place, Mr, Geo. MeKaes of NiVitinuipeg'has been in town for several days arid spea18 in lend praise of his western home where he is engaged in this cattle buslitesit.- The plastereri are now hard At work on the Myer block and the ,building Will itoot. be completed and ready fer oecupatien.-While Mr, Wien Bond was rtiening a tamper maehine at the Un- ion Pottery on Wedteaday last Week he met with the iniSfortuee of bovine. three of his fiugere on the right ball'a mutilated, Yours Respectfully, 0.130, 11,1r. Alex Murdock left last week for 'Flia.mesv idle. where he intends starting a boot and shoe business. --Mr. 11. Cowd bee recovered sufficient's- from his ill- ness so as to be around again.-Owiieg to a breakage vthicla occurred at the salt block the men have been out of employment for some time. --Mr. Jame* White has returned after being on e, visit in the United States.-Mard Me - Pherson has decided to leave for tke Northwest aud is disposing ofbis stock, R. S. Ma geci has succeeded lot passing his examination. -The new saw 0(7011 1)9.6 commenced working an01 is now in excellent running order, -- Mrs. Dent, of Mitchell, has been the guest of Miss 'Hattie Sutherland dur- ing the past week. -Showers of late have made the grass look green- lead vegetation is in a thriving condition. - Mr. Charles Beek was in Exeter last week on business. -M4 William Walsh. visited Exeter on Monday, -Messer. Cook 13ros. are advertising for 5,900 bushels of wheat so as to P -be able, te keep the Roller running. -The Hensall Lodge, 1.0.0 12., intend holding their anuiverary service in the Metho- dist church on Friday evening May Gait when the Rev. Wm. lacDonag•h of Ex- eter will deliver an addreds. It will be an open meeting and the public arein- vited to attend. -Mrs, 3. C. Stoneman has returned after isiting parents in. Lambeth, -The rear end of the old Methodist church bas been undergoing repairs and now presents a much more pleasing appearance. -We were pleat- ed to se a farmer resident in our mei- st. Mr. A. Laramie, who is * at present engaged in the drug husinesi it De- troit. He looker well and says the: bor. der titer agrees with his health, hs re- turned home on Friday. --Mr. R. Me Greger, of Toronto, has been here on a short vacation. -Rev. Mr. Fisher. .ef Flatriboro, eccupied the pulpit of Car- mel Presbyterian church, delivering a very able and impressive sermon -Mr. R. C. Diek, a relatitre of Mrs. Thorne@ Dick, died recently at Vernon, British Columbia, leaving a wife and three children. -The many friend e of Charlie Reynolds, send Mr. Reynolds, of Clin- ton, formerly of this place, will be sorry to learn of the painful accident which befel him on Wednesday of last ereeh. It appears he wag working the buzz planer hi Swaffields& thaeliford's <w- oe factisty and by some means hittfe, two hands caught in the knives and. severed the second arid third fingers en, each hand stsitetteitili. .. - Melre.-Te Hey, ell the 2eitle ialta the, Wife of Peter Munn, otit ton, Asr'o -loStephen, o'i lab itoSttto ,, *Ito of Thos.. A.piey, Of a datightei.: