HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-10-05, Page 13• • • • • • • 1' I • Sports Sceri By Sandy Maalkoallki Guess who won the '$500 prize awarded the _holder of the 500th and final ticket,drawn at Saturday night's Booster CubStag Night rattle? We'll give liQt; a hint. That person wEtsettnable to attend because of the ,,no women allOwed' rule, Which applies to this annual men only unofficial Jurifor,43 hockey season Opener: But what's the use l They ,(the ladies) can beat us at Our own game - raffling 9f tickets., Oh 'yes. It was Margaret Evans, of Goderich. She is team , coach Jack. Evans sister. It was more than a little embarassing for Jack gVaM3, also a member of the Booster Club. As -it happened, he was working with the„cOmMittee in charge of the ticket draw Saturday night. Jack was takiag thelast turn at the microphone, when,',much to his astonishment, he saw his sister's name on the final and lucky $500 ticket drawn. , Jadk was not even aware she held one. (Come td think of it, Marg, you, should be able to afford the purchase of a season'S pass to this years' Junior B games at, the Goderich Memorial Arena.) •••• At Saturday night's affair, Barry Kinahan was the holder of the second last ticket drawn. Barry, who is a selt-confessed winner. take -all gambler, stated he .would not have entered into a deal to halve 'the pay-off money, even if the other. ticket holder had been present. Regardless of whether you came home a winner or.not, 'the evening was enjoyable and attracted a good -•turitout. There was plenty of choice food which included cold turkey, dressing; cold cuts, nippy old cheddar land a wide array df pickles and relishes. The names of 20 other $25 Ray -o# tickets appear elsewhere in the Signal -Star. , The festivities over, officials of the Goderich Booster Club settleil down to business th following day. Sunday afternoon at 12( a.m. Coach Jack. Evans held the first of two Sunday tryout 'practices for Junior B prospects. Close to 40 attended the first practice which lasted, for one -and a .half hours. The early tryout drew hockey players from this town and surrounding .ones. Kincardine, Wingham, 1,,incknow, Seaforth and Clinton were all represented by aspiringJunior B Hockey players. For the second practice held at 5 p.m.tabout 20 prospects were invited to return. Among them were a couple of hockey players from the University of Western Ontario. More practices were scheduled for the rest of this week, at 7 p.m. each night. Jt is expected there will be a couple of pre -season exhibition games, before the local team enters the regularly scheduled league games. Dates and names have yet to be announced. * * * * * It was 'Youth Day' at Tiger Stadium Saturday, when the management of this American League ball club allow free entry to baseball fans under the age of 16. About 13 members of Goderich's ,'67 Bantam baseball team watched Detroit Tigers play a crucial double-header with the California Angels. Goderich citizens, Harry Worsell, Richard Worsell, KenCrawford and Mr. Paquette took carloads. In case you hadn't heard, Detroit won the opener of Saturday's doubleheader with The Angels, 5-0. The Goderich spectators stayed until the third inningof the nightcap. Obviously they couldn't bear to watch their hosts being defeated., Detroit lost the night game 8-6. Detroit was forced. to win. both games of Sunday's double-header WI -The largels,ttrrorftr to remain in a play-off position for the American league penant. As a result of their Sunday action against .the California team, in which they repeated Saturday's record of winning one and losing one, they are now out of the running. Boston .Braves emerged 'the victors -of the American League. - • It was a tough series for the Detroit Tigers to lose. They were right up, in the top four teams during the home stretch of the American League penant race. * * * * * Here's a word or two about another, more local ball game series now in progress. The two finalists of the Central Huron Softball League have now played three games of their best of seven finals. Dungannon won the last game with Blyth last week, which now puts the series at 2-1 ii favour of Blyth. A• fourth game was scheduled for Monday night at Blyth. * * * * * Goderich Uniteds are not the,ailing- failing soccer team that they were reputed to be in a recent sports column. Although it is true they are ailing - they have been plagued with injuries during the past couple of weeks - they still gamely compete with other, more experienced teams in the London and District Soccer League's second division. A week ago, Saturday, they tied the Dutch B team 2-2. Last Saturday The Uniteds journeyed to St. Thomas. There they entered the game four imen short, and still put up a stiff battle against the Kickers: When the contest was over, ' the St. Thomas squad was , ahead 3-2. Uniteds need feel no disgrace about this, contest in which they were forced to play part of it without their goalie, who was injured. The Uniteds play their next and final game with the Maltese Falcons at Agricultural Park; ' Saturday, October '7, at 4 p.m. Let's have a good crowd out to support The Uniteds for their last game of the season. They are ending their regular season schedule in fifth place, amongst a 12 -team league,which they just entered for the first time. FORTIETH ANNUAL HURON COUNTY PLOWING MATCH Under the Auspices of HURON PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION Monday, October 9 1967 To be held on the Farm of DAN HALLAHAN Lot 40,Con. 5, East Wawanosh Twp. 1 mile west of No. 4 Highway on the Westfield Road Simon tiallahan, Presideut: Russell T. Bolton, Sec.-Treag: L. JCardiff, Assistant Sec. • • G.L.T. TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR 1967-68 PROGRAMME THREE PLAYS ADULTS $4.00 STUDENTS $2.00 Join the crowd and enjoy good local enter- tainniOnt at MacKay Hall. First Play "On Monday Next" NOVEMBER..23 - 24 - 25 PLEASE CALL 5244714 GODERICH LITTLE THEATRE' 39 -• 40 WinOhani Nigh School Squad dtie..60.(1 Vikings 9- 8 high school ball squad edged thaAGDC1 •Seaior Vikings 9 • 8 last Frt. day, here. Lee McGuire, was the hero Of, Wingliant'a football tealn When he gave his scheol the Winning point slate in the fourth quarter. Ile made a safe. ty touch within the Ooderich end zone. A wet fieldmade playing conditions difficult for both teams. In the second quarter, Doug made a 90.yard run up •the middle for Wingharn's first 'touchdown. Bob Armstrong •kicked •a. single for Wingham in the third. First points for Goderich were obtained by, Doug Keene who ran 20 yards for a touch. down in the first quarter. kat, Pirie passed' to Warren Watt for a two-point COnverSiOn. GDCI Viking tuniors kept their high School's football re, putation salvaged by downing Exeter's South Huron team 144 in a later game, Friday after. noon, Goderich 'Juniors scored ell their points in the fourth quarter. Jim McAstocker was the big gun for the Juniors. He scored the first touchdown on a 30 yard Pass trent Dave R oyal. Later, 'he made- a three yard run for another touchdown. Bruce Fisher scored a tWo point convert on a. pass from, Royal. Exeter's point came on a single kicked in the first quarter. FALL CLIEARANCE ON DISCONTINUED LINES • B ill( TV • COLOR TV, • STEREO WITH AM -FM HUTCHINSON RADIO — TV — APPLIANCES ' 300 HURON RD. • 524-7831 STOCKER FEEDER SALE HENSALL. SALES ARENA SAT., OCT: 7th, 1:00 800 HEAD CONSISTING. OF CALVES, COWS, HEIFERS AND STEERS FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT VICTOR HARGREAVES JACK MORRISSEY , 482.7511 2346200 AUCTIONEER: HECTOR MCNEIL ' 39-40 Act now for money help. See HFC If you have an impOrtarit money heed—for' paying bills, getting a better car, buying things for the home or family, meeting an emergency—don't hesitate. Call Household now. Borrow up to $5000 Take up to 60 months to repay Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates , HOUSEHOLD FINNIC GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383' (above the Signal Star) Ask about our evening.hours CHAIN SAW new light lightweight . extr low price for casual users -. PIONEER 43 CHAIN SAWS, tkRGYLE MARINE :11(4eSsMALL 811 ITANN1A RD. E. TEL.: 524-9201 tokAa 9 • tkr GDC Ti Vikings, the, local high school's senior • football team, are holding daily workouts after classes. during the early weeks Of September. Brushing up on their tackling technique, using a dummy, was one important aspect of their training. which :MCI football- coach, Wayne • The Kinsmen Club's ball team emerged the victors of this year's Goderich Industrial League, after defeating the DRMCO team in a finals series, 4 games tol. Shown herereceivitm the Kinsmen trophy, emblematic of softball -supremacy in Uoderich, are two members of the '• ' The hunting 4000104 for eltiop toil game birds in thtst part of Ontario, the ,Southern Dis blot, -opened September 30 and• will continue 'IllitliPOOOP*Or c. TO lOggilY hunt ducks '444' geese, a resident or vfsitor • must Purchase a :Cahadtt-Ifilpi' ratory 04140 Bird Minting Pere mit.'These Permits ggq be -00 tamed at your nearest Peet. Office for $.& ,• " Other *Iowa or migratozy g*itietbirda.thattne,r•hele hunted include woodcock, coots, ralltnsules '**d*Wilsoyes; 0.3111Pe. • . Resident ininterqs are realm,- ded that provincial- gtOtlieeng.04, • issued in March for the wood. chuck (groundhog) season, ex,, : Wed September 20: 0.0 enses currently being issued at Worsell Brothers Hardware Store, the Square, entitle the holder to, legally hunt small game common to this area until , • • next February. Horner, put 'his players through, early this week. Here, a member of the GDCI•Vikingsquad displays the tackling form which must have contributed greatly to their - 32-0 win over a Stratford Central, 411,egiate team, whom they played last week. (Staff Photo) championship Kinstnen bill club. From left they are: Harry Kerr, manager; Keith Good, captain; Kinsmen past-preSident, Doug Cruick. shank, presenting the trophy, and Bill Kirkey, president 'of the Goderich Industrial Softball League. (Staff Photo) BLYTH WINS Blyth' edged Dungannon 2 . 1 in a- Central Huron Softball finals game, played Monday night at Blyth's community park, under the' lights. • Blyth now • leads thisbest-of. seven playoff series , three • games to one. • For Dungannon, it was Do. herty on the mound; McKenzie was catching. Daer was the pit. cherfor Blyth. IT S McARTHUR & REILLY YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE FOR READY MADE CUSTOM MADE DRAPES I • Keep`A Good Man Working For Huron —And For Ontario Progress has a price tag As Treasurer of Ontario, Charlie MacNaughton bears the ,responsibility to continue this Province's sound financial management. Here are his comments: "All of us are proud of the progress Ontario has made .under the positive programs of the Robarts Government. We are proud, too, that Huron riding is sharing in these achievements." "But we must remember that thee is a price tai a -s/1 sociated .with progress and we must keep our taxes. at a sensible level. "It's time to put the lid on taxes, to keep the,m in check, to maintain a realistic level which reflects the income of -our people". This is the respons.ible view of a senior member of the Robarts Government - a man who champions the com, mon sense outlook of th'e people of Huron. , rr. I • Re-elect ....... • IlliacNALIGIITON X A strong voice for Huron on the Robarts team OCT. 17 —YOUR DATE WITH PROGRESS - • 1 You are invited to hear The Hon. James C. Auld The Hon. Charles MacNaughton Treasurer of Ontario Minister of Tourism & Information Friday,.Oct. 13, 8:30 p.m. Harbourlite Inn, Gothaiich Published by the Huron Progressive Conservative Association • I r