HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-10-05, Page 12Report Child, Cru�lf • Dear Ann Landears: I am get. ting sick and tired of the way • you hem and haw when people ask you what to do about neigh. bore or relatives who beat -their children. The 9.year.old girl with the black eyes was the last victim you failed to help. Why on earth didn't- you tell the 'neighbors to call the police and have the parents arrested -= or do you feel that a snappy reply is more important than good • advice? Get on the ball, Annie, old girl, or hand over your column to someone who • will come straight to the point and not be SQ washywashy. NO FAN OF _ YOURS Dear No Fat; I have been accused of many things, but this isthe first time a reader has ever cal. led me wishy-washy. Look, Bub, I am heart. ily in favor of calling the police onchild beaters but you'd be shocked if you knew► how many people re. fuse. to signa complaint because they' don't want to get into trouble — and they, say so in their let. ters. Unless the police az. rive in time to witness the brutality, they can do no. thing. For this reason I suggested that the neigh. hors alert the 9.year.old girl's teacher and ask her IVES CONSTRUCTION_ WE ARE YOUR "BERG" ERG" Barr' Dealer • BARN CLEANERS S. . BUNK FEEDERS • COMPLETE LINE OF STABLING Sold and Serviced By DONALD G. IVES R.R. 4. BLYTH- PH.: BRUSSELS 345-W4 0 0 39, 40 aa063aaoOUTU 1bd 0 0 Y a000 NOW IS THE TIME a a a a a a d a a 0 a TO --PLANT ., .,s a DUTCH BULBS r ,r. - a - a 40°Prqb �• * • TULIP: HYACINTH DAFFODIL CROCUS ♦ • • sr. *4hd0J o W. J. DENOMME FLOWER SHOP THE SQUARE a O a' a a a to watch for welts and bruises. Teachers have more courage when it comes to reporting such such matters to authori. ties. Got it straight now? * * * Dear Ann Landers: I would like to answer the mother who threatened to cancel her sub.' scription to the newspaper if you didn't stop printing letters about V..D. unwed, mothers and sex outside of marriage. She said she had two young daugh. tars who would soon be teen. agers and she had to hide some of your "trashy" columns from them. The woman signed her. self "Against Dirt." My mother was also•"Against Dirt." My father left her when I was two years old. She hated men and was .thoroughly con. winced - that there wasn't die decent male in the whole world. I grew 'up lonelyzd insecure and l righteried. When I .was 12 our newspaper began to pub. lish your column. Believe it or not. Ann Landers, every de. cent idea I ever learned about sex came from you. I learned what NOT to do from the letters and answers you printed. I also learned how to answer boys when., they got fresh. I actually memorized some of your sen. tences and they helped me out of many a spot. I am working my way through "college now and I still read your column every day and learn from it. I neVer fully realized what you did for me until "Against Dirt" opened her mouth. Thanks a million — FOREVER GRATEFUL WHY 'PAY MORE? CAR RADIOS $5495 Original in dash custom, push button,, radios with tone control and rear seat speaker control built in. Buy_ your radio from a specialitt for satisfaction. Hutchinson • Radio -- TV — Appliances 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831 ALBERT -- ,MIDD.EL PAINTING DECORATING 524-9686 39tf When did Niagara come into the picture? A medical bill. A clothing bill. A car repair ' bill. They all seemed to come at once. Jack needed money in a hurry. Answer:,A Niagara Loan. Jack talked it over with the manager of the nearest Niagara Office. Besides getting the money, he pot a lot of good advice on budgeting. With a Niagara Loan, Jack was able to pay all his bills at one time. And repay the loan on easy terms to suit his budget. When you need extra money for any good reason, you can expect the same courteous, quick service at any one of 300 Niagara offices. NIAGARA FINANCE 'COMPANY LIMITED Moodier of the Groupof Coni ante" Q� p s 29 KINGSTON ST. non* 5244357 Dear Forever:,.. Even WITH an underhtanding mother, teen years can be very difficult. A mother. who thinks everything Is sinful and dirty can be a permanently crippling in. fluence. I'm happy I helped you. Service -is. the rent we pay Xor our place on earth. * Dear Ann: I was delighted to see the letter- from the wo, man who felt insulted because her sister. n•law invted her to a shower for a dog. • I've been doing a slow burn ever since my cousin invited me to a birthday party for her cat. I went because Mother said I should, but when they brought out a three.layer cake with candles and: asked everyone to .sing "Happy Birthday, De. Chessie". I left. Thanks for letting rne.know I am not alone. HUMANS- FIRST . Dear First: You, are not• alone, but there are more of "them" than "us." You oughta see my maill!ill YOUR PLEASURE IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Gathered around the sign, which delegates to the District 6, Ontario Municipal Electric As. sociation annual meeting first saw at the Mail. land Golf and Country Club are; Ron Carter, Goderich PUC; Dr. J.D. Fleming, president, OMEA, Dundas; D.A. Rolston, manager, PUC; W.J. Mills, chairman, PUC; D.P. Cliff, vice. chairman, Ontario Hydro; G., Whaley, commis. sioner, PUC and J.W. Wood, Goderich. Mr. Mills was re.elected,,to the Board of Directors ''for the district which covers -an area bounded roughly by Goderich, Palmerston, Guelph, Galt, and Stratford — St. Marys. (Photo courtesy J. Boitson, Ontario. Hydro) • . GODERICH' PERSONALS Mrs. Frank Phelan has re.' turned from visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Pope and family in Montreal. Jane and family are planning to visit Goderich Thanksgiving week. end. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hicks, . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewanduske and Danna, all of Detroit, spent several days with Miss' Helen,' '`Fulford and Ben, Colborne Township. * * * Mr. and Mrs. WalterTigert have returned home from a visit to Expo and Montieal. • U: 'Hold NVeeting The. United Church Vioilloh of Knox United Church Welted their l *meeting 'by celebrat,. ing Centennial year with a des. sett luncheon 'at noon held in the Sunday school room of the church, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall took charge of the business period and opened the meeging with prayer. Mrs. M. R, Roberta was in charge of the devotional period and the hymn, was sung with Mrs. James- Jackson as pianist. The scripture. lesson from Romans 6:1--14 verses was read by Mrs. Ruud Koopmans, The. Centennial hymn Was sung by Mrs. a Gordon McClinchey. and Mrs. Norman McClinchey ac.-. companied by Mrs. William J. Craig. A 'reading was given by Mrs... ,Tack Armstrong, the theme being -"Man' end his world and God and His Worlds' The hymn "From Ocean unto Ocean" and the benediction by Mrs. Roberts 'brought the meet. ing to a • close. After the meet. ing the members took a trip to the Huron County Museum at Goderich. I Wingham Memorials Quality--Service---Cemetery Lettering PHONE WINGHAM- COLLECT 357,1910 Or WRITE BOX 158, WINGHAM, ONTARIO 1 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD°' GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th 1967. SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY CHOICE FROZEN PORK Tenderloin lb SUPER -RIGHT BRAND, PIC IIC STYLE PORKSMOKED COOKED SHOULDERS MAPLE LEAF BRAND - SAUSAGE MEAT 165 3a THE PERFECT MATE FOR ANY MEAT Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied ' Reg. tin 27c - SAVE 9c CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 14 -oz tins 4 5 C READY TO SERVE SMOKED COOKED SHANK PORTION lb CANADA GRADE "A'" -EVISCERATED VAC PAC FROZEN TURKEYS_ ALL SIZES • 6 TO 20 LBS- ONE LOW PRICE NO CONFUSION AT A&P I CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, 6 TO 14 LB. AVERAGE - FRESH TURKEYS BUTT PORTION Fresh Produce! CENTRE CUTS OR HAMSTEAKS WHOLE' HAMS 14 to 16 LB g 9c LB59c FULL CUT HALF HAMS AVAILABLE AT - SLIGHTLY HIGHER RETAILS Nose ntra°sli us tr cved. 4 Jane Parker LB Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade McINTOSH APPLES 6 QUART BASKET NONE PRICED HIGHER •AT A&P California, Fresh, Green, No. 1- Grade, Large Original Bunch BROCCOLI- each 3 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT -A&P! Holiday -Quality Grocery Values! Reg. Price each 55c SAVE 6c PUMPKIN- PIE full ai•chpie 49c Jane Parker N•IGH Jane Parker CRACKED BR WHEAT A&P 'Fancy Quality Reg. Price each 39c — SAVE 28o DAR CAKE 31?89C r • Reg. Price loaf 25c -- SAVE 10c 3 24 -oz loaves 6 5 r Reg. Price tin 37c -- SAVE 11c EAD TOMATO JUICE 3 48flo.111.00 Choice Quality - - Reg. PricE'2 tins 43c -- SAVE 4c A&P PUMPKIN 3 9 C A&P Pineapple - Reg. Price tin 37c SAVE 11c GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 3 48#oitinsi.0O Monarch Reg. Price pkg 39c,, SAVE 60 1 -Ib pkg 33c SHORTENING Detergent - Rep.`Price bt k 99c -- SAVE loo 64 -fl -oz plastic btI8 9c Ann Pagi ° 1 Reg. Price jar 35c --" SA'1E 40 SALAD,16410zar DRESSING1 13c Mild & Mellow; -- 3 -lb bag $1.89 -- SAVE 30c ' SAVE 10c ' 8O'CLOCK1-6 . I6bag SAIL LIQUID 1, 1